Bornoporichoy Partnership Agreement Draft - NEW

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This DEED of partnership is made on this 24th February, Two Thousand and


Sri. Amal Kumar Banik, S/o- Sukhendu Bikash Banik,  by Faith Hindu, by
Occupation- Business, being PAN ALJPB9522A residing at
Gobindapur,Dakhshin Gobindapur, P.O - , P.S - South 24 th
Parganas, Kolkata – 700145, FIRST PARTY (which expression shall unless 
otherwise repugnant to the context be deemed to mean and  include her
heirs, executors, successors, legal representatives,  administrators and
assigns) of the FIRST PART.


Sri. Milan Mondal, S/o- _______________, by Faith Hindu, by

Occupation- Business, being PAN AVLPM4570F, residing at - Kumar Sha
Singha Naiya Para, VTC – Kumar Sha Chak, P.O- Tengrakhali, P.S. -
Canning -1, Dist.- South 24th Parganas, PIN - 743329 hereinafter called the
party of the SECOND PARTY (which  expression shall unless otherwise
repugnant to the context be  deemed to mean and include her heirs,
executors, successors,  legal representatives, administrators and assigns)


Smt. Sharmistha Roy, D/o- Sri Subhendu Roy, by Faith Hindu, by

Occupation- Business, being PAN – CGHPR2568B, residing at Bhagar
More, Jagadishpur, Sonarpur, P.O- , P.S- ______________ South 24 th
Parganas, Kolkata- 700145, hereinafter called the party of the THIRD
PARTY (which expression shall unless otherwise repugnant to the context
be deemed to mean and include her heirs, executors, successors, legal
representatives, administrators and assigns) of the THIRD PART

All of them herein after called and referred to as the PARTNER which
expression shall include and mean their respective representatives’
nominees, heirs and agents etc. 

WHEREAS the first party herein carries on a business of Film Production

House under the name and style of “BORNOPORICHOY FILMS” at 3/6/1

Azadgarh (Regent Park) Kolkata 700040, on monthly tenancy basis

under the landlord of the said premises with good reputation.

AND WHEREAS with a view to expand the said business, the

first party herein propose the second and third party to engage in his said
business as a partner and to start the said business on partnership
business and the second and third party herein accepted such proposal
and agreed to engage themself in such business and all the parties herein
have negotiated  between themselves regarding the terms and conditions
on which the  partnership can be made and agreed to execute this Deed
of  Partnership under the following terms and conditions.


1. That subject to the conditions contained herein, the parties shall constitute
contained herein, all of three parties herein shall constitute and become
the partners of the partnership business and shall equal ratio on
Partnership basis under the name and style of “BORNOPORICHOY FILMS”
or any other name as and when all the parties herein shall mutually decide.

2. That the said business of the firm shall be carried on by the three partners
herein in the shop room measuring about _____ sq. Ft.  more or less on
the ground floor of the premises No. 3/6/1 Azadgarh (Regent Park)
Kolkata 700040, or any other place or places as and when the partners
herein shall from time to time mutually decide. 

3. That the Partnership shall be at Will of the partners of the  said partnership
business and the initial capital of the said  partnership business shall be the
sum of Rs.1,00000/- (Rupees  One Lakh Only) only which shall be
contributed both the  partners in the following ratio :- 

a. FIRST PARTNER: Sri. Amal Kumar Banik

b. SECOND PARTNER: Sri. Milan Mondal

C.THIRD PARTNER: Smt. Sharmistha Roy


Each partner shall contribute their respective capital as noted above

soon after execution of this Partnership Deed and profit and losses of
the said partnership business shall be borne and distributed both the
partners in equal share i.e., in the following manners: 

a. FIRST PARTNER Rs. 33.33 % 

b. SECOND PARTNER Rs. 33.33% 
c. THIRD PARTNER: Rs. 33.33%

4. That if any further additional capital is required for the purpose of the
Partnership business, that shall be contributed by any of the partners as
and when required and the said partner shall be entitled to interest on
capital @12% per annum for such additional amount by such manner as
may be mutually agreed upon otherwise shall be collected from the market
by way of loan. 

5. That it is agreed by and between the partners hereto that all the partners
herein shall actively devote their times and attention in the conduct of the
affairs of the partnership business, as the situation would demand for the
greatest interest of the partnership business.

6. Books of Account of the partnership firm shall be maintained by the

partners and the same shall be kept at the principal place of business of the
said firm and each of the partners shall be entitled at all material times to
inspect the books of accounts and other documents and paper of the said firm
and to take copies or extracts therefore from time to time. 

7. That Accounting year of the said Partnership business shall be the financial
year commencing from 1st of April to 31st day of March in the following year
and thereafter in all the succeeding year during the continuance of the
partnership firm. 

8. That the partners herein shall open Bank Account in the name of the said
partnership business with any Nationalized Bank, Private Bank or any financial
institution as the partners herein mutual decide and the said Bank account or
accounts shall be operated by the partners herein jointly and they shall
put their respective signatures over all the papers and documents as and when
the same shall be required to do so and all moneys of the
said partnership business shall be paid or deposited in to the said bank or
banks to the credit of the said partnership business Account or Accounts and/
or shall be withdrawn any amount by putting their joint signature (any two)
over the

withdrawn form and shall issue their joint signature over the withdrawal form
and shall issue cheque by putting their joint signature in the name of the said
partnership firm. 

9. That either of the partners shall not have any right and authority to start or
engage them in any other similar types of business in any part of this country
and both the parties herein shall maintain the interest of the partnership
business at all times.

10. That both the partners herein shall punctually pay their respective separate
debts and shall completely indemnify the other partner from and against
private debts and engagements and all actions and expenses on account
thereof and shall pay all moneys, cheques or any other amount received by
any one of them on behalf of the partnership firm in the Account/Accounts
of the Partnership firm and shall be just and faithful to each other’s. 

11. That none of the partners shall without the consent of the others partner,
take any decision or make any agreement or contract with any other person
or persons or firm, organization, institution, authority in any manner for the
said partnership business.
12. That any person may be admitted into partnership as new partner of the
said business as may be mutually agreed upon by the partners hereto as per
their mutual decision.

13. That in the event of any partner desiring to retire from the said partnership
for any reason whatsoever, he/she/they shall give
three months’ prior notice in writing to the other partner intimating
his/her/their desire and the retiring partner shall be paid off or made over
her share in the goodwill, capital and assets of the said Partnership and the
share of the profit as on the date of retirement and after making over all her
claims and dues against the said firm as notified, he/she shall be deemed to
be free from the said partnership and remaining partner shall carry on the

14. That during the continuance of the said partnership, if any  of the partners
demises in the event the any one legal heir of the  deceased partner shall be
entitled to become partner of the said  firm and the said legal heir of the
deceased partner shall abide  by all the rules and regulations of this
partnership firm as  embodied in this instrument and shall be entitled to the
ratio of  profit and loss of the said firm as the deceased partner is entitled  to
obtain is/her share of profit and loss of the business on the  other hand legal
heir or representative of the deceased partner shall be made over the share
of the deceased partner said on the  date of death after proper calculation
and ascertaining the profit  and loss unto that date, to the legal heirs of the
said deceased  partner. 

15. That in case of dissolution of the said partnership for any reason
whatsoever, the assets of the said partnership shall forthwith be realized
and after payment of all debts, if any balance amount of the partnership
shall be divided amongst the partners in proportionate to the ratio of share
and in case of loss, the partners shall continue to bear the said loss in profit
sharing ratio as mentioned above. 

16.That each of the partners shall have the right and authority to represent
the partnership firm before any Court of Law, Revenue Department,
Government or Semi-Government Offices, Municipal Corporation, Post
Office, Public or Private Bodies, Company, Firm Society and Treasury etc.
whatsoever as per resolution of the said partnership firm.

17. That all differences and disputes either during the continuance of the
Partnership between the partners hereof and/or them hereof and/or their
heirs and/or representatives of any deceased partner in regard to any of the
matters or things whatsoever  relating to the said partnership firm and/or to
the construction  or distribution of share of profit and loss or any clause
herein  contained and/or any account, valuation and/or division to be  made
hereunder and/or any act, deed and/or rights, duties and/or liabilities of any
person under these presents shall be  mutually settled as per proper
discussion between the partners  herein and failing of which the matter shall
be referred to  arbitrator to be appointed by the partners as per their
mutual  discussion and the decision of the sole arbitrator shall be treated  as
final and both the partners herein shall abide by the same for  greatest
interest of partnership business.

18. That the partners herein shall carry on the said partnership business after
obtaining or renewing proper trade license, and other consent or permission
from the competent authority for the greatest interest of the partnership

19. That the partners herein shall abide by all the conditions of this instrument
sincerely and without causing any breach of conditions in any manner. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribe their respective
hands hereunto in this Deed of Partnership this the day, month and year first
above written.

First Part
Second Part
2) __________________

Third Part

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