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Different Forms of Art


Art is a form of expression of one’s emotions, feelings,

thought, needs, and desires. It often conveys what words fail to express. It is
something that makes meaning beyond languages. It can also include a story
or a lesson.
All art forms have the main characteristic of being pleasing to the
senses. They all tell a story, whatever art form it is. Art also conveys a message to
the audience that may be indirect but very profound.



Visual Arts

 The visual arts are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in
 These are the arts that meet the eye and evoke an emotion through an
expression of skill and imagination.
 These arts appeals primarily to the visual sense and typically exists in
permanent form.

Literary Arts

 The Literary Arts pertain to any written work.

 Literature is one form of art that displays the beauty of words and stories.
 Literary art is actually a writing or story that comes from the expression of
human feelings that have beauty values.

The Performing Arts

 art forms that require bodily movement

Visual Arts in The Philippines

Some works of art are considered visual in nature. In order to understand and
appreciate thenature of visual art, it is important to distinguish the different forms
of visual art. Mainly, there are three types of visual arts categorized according to
their materials and approaches used.
1. Two-Dimensional Expression - It is mainly flat because it only has length and
width as its dimensions. There are several techniques that utilize this, namely:

a. Alla Prima - also known as wet-on-wet or when you paint over a layer of
wet paint.
b. Encaustic - also known as hot wax painting or when you add pigment to
beeswax and use it to paint
c. Fresco - a mural painting technique that involves painting over fresh

d. Water Color - when pigments are suspended in a water-based solution

e. Mosaic - when small pieces are assembled together (such as glass, stone,
seeds, etc) to form an image.

f. Stained Glass - when an artwork is made with coloured glass

g. Tapestry - textile art woven on a vertical loom

h. Drawing - using a writing material (pen, pencil, marker, etc) to mark a

two-dimensional canvas such as paper and form an image
i. Photography - creating images with light

2.Three-Dimensional Expression - Apart from length and width, three

dimensionalobjects also has volume. There are several techniques under this category, namely:

a. Molding - reshaping a three-dimensional object such as marble or plaster to create a

new form

b. Carving - scraping off parts of a material (often wood) to create a new form

c. Etching - using a strong acid on a surface to create a design

d. Installing - a site-specific artwork designed to transform and include space in its


3. Multi-Dimensional Expression - Multi-dimensional expression uses length,

width,mass, time and space as its dimensions and it uses various techniques. The techniques are
as follows:

a. Lashed construction

b. Truss Construction

c. Post and lintel construction

d. Cantilever

e. Arches

Literary Arts

The Function of Literary Arts

The function of literary art is as follows:

– Conveying Moral Messages

In a literary work tucked a moral message in some parts such as the beginning, middle or
end of the work. There are moral messages that are delivered directly and some are
clandestinely. The aim is that the reader or connoisseur of the literary work has a view or
will act and act as an invitation from the creator of the literary work.

– Conveying Criticism
There are also literary works that are intentionally made to convey criticism related to
social, economic, political criticism and so forth. This has the aim so that connoisseurs of
literature have an awareness of these criticisms and follow up.

– Making a Sense of Nationalism Revive

Literature builds a sense of nationalism through suggestions that are aroused from the
audience, and that suggestion is reinforced by instilling the values and spirit of nationalism
and also nationalism.

– Cultural preservation
Literature is one of the means to preserve culture, that is the culture that originated from
the oral and then enshrined with writing.

– Education facility
Indirectly, someone who enjoys literature also learns the values, norms and teachings of
noble mind and character.

Forms of Literary Arts

1. Prose
In the simplest terms, prose is everyday writing. It covers all the different types
of writing you read daily, from blogs to articles to novels. Prose might be a fictional novel
taking you away to a far-off planet, or it could be a non-fictional news article covering the
latest natural disaster. It can also be a verbal story.

Within prose, the writing structure includes sentences, paragraphs, and chapters.
Additional qualities woven within the text include theme, mood, point-of-view, plot,
setting, etc.

2. Poetry
While prose is writing, poetry adds artistic style to writing. Poetry is all about
vivid imagery and rhythm. It works to make you feel something or drive a point home.
Poetry writers select their structure, rhyme scheme, pattern, and words with the purpose of
arousing emotion.

Rather than sentences and paragraphs, poetry uses lines, stanzas, verses, meter,
stress, patterns, and rhythm. It offers an artistic way to present emotions and events.

Name: ________________________________Grade & Section:________________________

Contact Number:_____________________ Address:_______________________________
Subject Teacher: _______________________

Activity 1: The story behind…

Direction: Look at the painting below, at first glance how will you interpet it? Afterwards, search
the story behind that painting and sum it up in 5 sentences only. Write your answer on the blanks

*My interpretation!
*The story behind the painting!

Activity 2: Free-Verse Poetry

Direction: In connection with literary art, show the beauty of literature by writing your own free-
verse poem (Filipino) regarding Valentine’s day with a minimum of 20 lines. Below is the
Criteria for Scoring:


Originality - 25%

Creativity -30%

Relevance to the theme -20%

Impact to the reader -30%

Activity 3:Carving
Direction: Scrape a Perla soap off to form anything under the sun. Below is an example of it.

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