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SPE 136967

Evaluation of Compressibility Factor Correlations for Niger Delta Gas

Olajide Olateju Festus, SPE, and Sunday Sunday Ikiensikimama, SPE, Institute of Petroleum studies, University of
Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Copyright 2010, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 34th Annual SPE International Conference and Exhibition held in Tinapa – Calabar, Nigeria, 31 July–7 August 2010.

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a source of clean and more environmentally friendly

Abstract source of power. There is therefore need to be able to
This paper presents evaluation of compressibility factor estimate the existing gas reserves and develop methods of
correlations for the Niger Delta gas reservoirs. The recovering the gas from the reservoirs as well as the
correlations were evaluated using three principal capacity to design surface facilities to handle the gas.
methods. First, the use of statistical analysis - mean
relative error, mean absolute error, standard deviation of The compressibility factor is a dimensionless quantity
the mean relative error and absolute error as well as the more commonly called gas deviation factor, represented as
coefficient of correlation were computed. Secondly, these z-factor and is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of
statistical parameters were combined into a single n-moles of gas at a given temperature and pressure to the
parameter called rank using the Multiple Statistical ideal volume of the same number of moles at that
Optimization Model (MULSOM). Finally, performance temperature and pressure (Ahmed1). The (real) gas
plots of the experimental and estimated values of the deviation factor, or gas compressibility factor, (z) has been
compressibility factors were made to serve as a introduced into the gas law to incorporate the deviation
confirmation of the results of the statistical and ranking from ideal gas behaviour. In dealing with gases at low
methods. The database consists of 513 data points pressure and temperature, the ideal gas relationship is a
obtained from Niger Delta gas reservoirs. The Z-factors convenient and generally a satisfactory tool. At higher
evaluated are in the ranges of reduced temperature and pressures and temperatures, the use of the ideal gas
pressure of 0.5796≤Tr≤1.758 and 0.410≤Pr≤8.985 equation of state may lead to errors. The deviation of gases
respectively. The Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows correction for from the ideal gas behaviour at high temperature and
the presence of CO2 and N2 was used. The best correlation pressure depends on the composition of the gas. The
for the Niger Delta natural gas is Brill and Beggs. It has a deviation from the ideal gas behaviour can be explained as
rank of 2.82, a percentage absolute error (Ea) of 3.234 the result of the inherent assumption made in the
and the best performance plot. Brill and Beggs is derivation of the ideal gas law. The standard is to obtained
recommended to be used in situations where laboratory the gas compressibility factor (z-factor) from the
PVT data of natural gas compressibility factor is not laboratory Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT)
available for the Niger Delta gas reservoirs as well as measurements using reservoir samples2. The laboratory
other regions of the world where the gas composition is analyses are sometimes expensive and time consuming,
similar to that of the Niger Delta . therefore, estimation of gas compressibility factor at
different conditions of pressures and temperatures are
Introduction made using different empirical correlations and equations
of state (Ahmed1).
The Natural gas compressibility factor is an important
reservoir fluid property used in reservoir engineering Many equations of state have been developed in the
computations either directly or indirectly in material attempt to correlate the PVT variables for real gases with
balance calculations, well test analysis, gas reserve experimental data. Broadly speaking, estimating
estimates, gas flow in lines and in numerical reservoir techniques for the gas compressibility factor can be
simulations. In recent years, the world has turned to gas as categorized into empirical correlation, corresponding state,
2 SPE 136967

and equation of state methods, with each method showing The lower the value of the more equally distributed are
a varying degree of success with different concentrations the errors between positive and negative values.
of acid gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
sulphide) (Kumar and Lawal3). However, z-factor Average Absolute Percentage Relative Error (AAPRE)
correlations are easier and faster with adequate accuracy
compared to equations of state (Ahmed1). Therefore, the The average absolute percentage relative error is defined
purpose of this paper is to evaluate the most widely used as:
natural gas compressibility factor correlations for the
Niger Delta natural gas reservoirs using Niger Delta
Natural gas databank. The data used was obtained from ∑ | | (3)
conventional PVT reports that derived the various fluid
properties through depletion process from different oil , indicates the relative absolute deviation in percent
fields in the Niger Delta. The Pressure-Volume- from the experimental values. The lower the error the
temperature (PVT) data used in this evaluation were better the correlation.
validated using two methods: The material balance
technique and the profile expected from Pressure versus
compressibility factor chart based on theory (see Figure 1). Standard Deviation
This evaluation used 513 data points. Table 1 shows the
correlations evaluated, not only in the range of input data The standard deviation of the data is a reflection of the
defined by each author but in the PVT data range for this dispersion of the data around the mean. It is expressed as
study as presented in Table 2. the square root of the variance.

∑ [(E − (( X − X ) / ( X )exp )i )]
Method of Choosing the Best Correlation S = n −1
i est
i =1
The eight correlations investigated were subjected to three (4)
different method of analysis using the quality checked and
quality controlled experimental data. The three methods the lower the value of the standard deviation, the smaller
used are: Statistical error analysis, Ranking the degree of dispersion of the data.
(Ikiensikimama et al. 4) and Graphical analysis (Cross
Correlation Coefficient

Statistical Error Analysis The correlation coefficient ‘R’ represents the degree of
success in reducing the standard deviation by regression
Average % relative error, average absolute percentage analysis. On the other hand, the coefficient of
error, standard deviation of percentage relative error, determination is simply the square of the correlation
standard deviation of percentage absolute error and coefficient and defined by:
correlation coefficient were computed for all the eight
different correlations. The statistical parameters are
defined as follows:
[ ] [( X ) ]
n n
R = 1 - ∑ (X )exp - (X )ext 2i / ∑ (5)
exp -X
Average Percentage relative error (APRE) i =1 i =1 i

∑ [( X ) ]
The average percentage relative error is defined as: where, X = exp (6)
n i =1 i

∑ (1)
The correlation coefficient lies between 0 and 1. A value
Ei is of 1 indicates a perfect correlation whereas a value of 0
the relative deviation in percent of an estimated value from implies no correlation at all among the given independent
a measured value and is defined by : variables. The larger the value of R, the greater is the
⎡ (X )exp - (X )est ⎤ reduction in sum of square errors, and the stronger is the
Ei = ⎢ x 100 i = 1, 2, ... n
( X )exp ⎥⎥⎦
relationship between the independent and dependent
⎢⎣ variables. The values of these statistical parameters
(2) computed are shown in Table 3 for all the eight
correlations evaluated.
Where Xexp and Xest represent the experimental and
estimated values respectively. is an indication of the
relative deviation in percent from the experimental values.
SPE 136957 3

Method of Ranking results might be misleading; in cases where statistical

results rank a correlation high while the cross plot clearly
There is always a difficulty in knowing which of the predicted negative values. Figures 2 to 9 show the cross
statistical parameter to rely on when making a choice of plots of the correlations evaluated.
the best correlation. Hence, the need for a new screening
technique that combines all the statistical parameters into a Results and Discussion
single parameter called Rank. This new technique is called
Multiple Statistical Optimization Model (MULSOM) The results of the evaluation of the eight of the most
using the Rank as a single criterion. According to widely used compressibility factor correlations as applied
Ikiensikimama et al4, the use of multiple combinations of to natural gas are presented. The correlations used for the
statistical parameters in selecting the best correlation can evaluation for the Niger Delta compressibility factor data
be modelled as a constraint optimization problem with the are: Burnett 5, Hall and Yarborough6, Gopal7, Papay8,
objective function formulated as: Papp9, Dranchuk and Abuo-Kassem10, Brill and Beggs14,
Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson11 (see Table 1). For all these
Min Z i = ∑ S i , j q i , j (7) correlations, the Carry-Kaboyashi-Burrows12 correction for
j =1
the presence of impurities was used.
subject to
Statistical Error Analysis
i =1
i, j =1 (8)
Table 3 presents the result obtained for the statistical
with analysis method. It shows that Brill and Beggs13
0 ≤ Si , j ≤ 1 (9) correlation has the lowest value of absolute percentage
relative error while Gopal7 has the highest value. From the
statistical method Brill and Beggs correlation is the best.
Where is the strength of the statistical parameter j of This agrees with Al-Marhoun’s14 assertion that the best
correlation i and qi,j the statistical parameter j correlation should have the least absolute percentage
corresponding to correlation i. j = Er , Ea…..R1, where R1 = relative error.
1 – R and Zi is the Rank (Rk) of the desired correlation
and i is the number of correlations for a particular fluid Method of Ranking

Various strengths were attached to the different statistical The second method of choosing the best correlation
parameters mentioned in the previous section except the combined all the statistical parameter into a single
root mean square error. Sensitivity analysis was done parameter called Rank for all the different correlations
using the optimization model (Equations 7 - 9) on evaluated. Equation 9 was used for the ranking. The
randomly attached strengths for these parameters. It was correlation with the lowest rank was selected as the best
observed that the ranking of the correlations was most correlation for this fluid property. Brill and Beggs13
sensitive to Ea followed by correlation coefficient (R), Sa & obtained the lowest value and the highest value of rank
Sr and least affected by Er. A total of about 45,000 trials was obtained by Gopal7. Hence, because the best
were made using random variable technique with correlation should have the lowest rank (Ikiensikimama et
performance plots. The final acceptable parameter al 4) Brill and Beggs13 is also considered the best by this
strengths so obtained for the quantitative screening are 0.4 method. This result is as presented in Table 4.
for % AAPRE (Ea), 0.2 for correlation coefficient (R),
0.15 for % SDA (Sa), 0.15 for % SDR (Sr), and 0.1 for % Graphical Analysis (Use of Cross Plots)
APRE (Er). Ranking of correlations was therefore made
after the correlations had been evaluated against the Cross plots are plots of experimental values of
available database. The correlation with the lowest rank compressibility factor against those estimated by the
was awarded the best correlation for the compressibility correlations are shown in Figures 2 to 9. The plot agrees
factor. Table 4 shows the values of Rank obtained for the with the conclusion drawn from the statistical analysis and
eight correlations evaluated in this study. the Rank of the correlations. Brill and Beggs13 gave the
best cross plot.
Graphical Analysis (Use of Cross Plots)
For graphical analysis, cross plots were used. The cross
In this work, eight correlations for computing the natural
plot is a graph of the predicted versus measured properties
gas compressibility factor were evaluated. Due to the
with a 45o reference line to readily ascertain the
presence of impurities in the gas the Carry-kaboyashi-
correlation’s fitness and accuracy. A perfect correlation
Burrows12 correction for the presence of impurities was
would plot as a straight line with a slope of 45o. The visual
used to correct for the presence of CO2 and N2 in the
examination of these cross plots would give a basis for a
natural gas streams that were used for the analysis. Three
compromise where necessary; especially where statistical
4 SPE 136967

methods were used in choosing the best correlation for the 7. Gopal, V. N., “Gas Z-factor Equations developed for
Niger Delta natural gas. They are: the statistical approach, computer”, The Oil and Gas Journal, 1977; pp 58-60.
the rank method and the use of cross plots. From these
methods, the Brill and Beggs13 correlation was found to be 8. Papay, J., “A Termelestechnologiai Parameterek VoltoZasa
the best correlation. It has the lowest rank of 2.82, the a GaJlelepK Muvelese Soran”, OGIL MUSZ, Tud, KUZL,
lowest percentage absolute error of 3.234 and the best Budapest, 1968; pp 267-273.
cross plot. It is noteworthy to state that there was no
correction made for hydrogen sulphide because Niger 9. Papp Istuan, “Uj modsZer foldgazok elteresi tenyeZojenek
Delta natural gas is sweet. sZamitasara,” Kodaj es Foldgaz 12 (112) evfolyam 11.
Szam, 1979; pp 345-37.

Acknowledgments 10. Dranchuk, P. M and Abu-Kassem, J. H., ” Calculation of

Z-factors for Natural Gases Using Equation-of-State”,
The authors gratefully acknowledge the management of Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 1975; pp 34-
Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria 36.
Limited for providing the data, support and permission to
publish this work. 11. Dranchuk, P. M, Purvis, R. A and Robinson, D. B.,
“Computer Calculations of Natural Gas compressibility
References factors Using the Standing and Katz Correction”, Inst. of
Petroleum Technical Series, 1974; No. IP 74-008.
1. Ahmed, T., Reservoir Engineering Hand
Book, 3rd Edition, Elsevier Inc, Oxford, 2006, P37. 12. Carr, N., Kobayashi, R., and Burrows, D., “Viscosity of
Hydrocarbon Gases under Pressure”, Trans, AIME, Vol.
2. Standing, M. B., “A Pressure Volume Temperature 201, 1954; pp 270-275.
Correlation for Mixture of California Oils and Gases,”
Drill. & Prod. Prac. API, Dallas; 1947, 275-87. 13. Brill, J. and Beggs, H., “Two-phase flow in Pipes”, Tusla,
OK; The University of Tusla, 1978.
3. Kumar, N and Lawal, A. S., “A component Based EOS for
the Compressibility Factor of Natural and Sour gases”, 14. Al-marhoun, M. A.,” The coefficient of Isothermal
Centre for Petrophysical and Reservoir Studies, Texas Compressibility of Black Oils”, SPE 81432, Paper to be
Tech, Lubbock, TX, USA; 2009. presented at the SPE 13th Middle East Oil Show &
Conference to be held in Bahrain, 2003.
4. Ikiensikimama, S. S, Egbe, T, and Okon, E. U., “New
Screening Technique for PVT Corrections as applied to the
Niger Delta Crude”, Refereed Proceedings, SPE Paper
119710. 32nd Annual International Conference of the SPE
Nigerian Council, 4-6th August 2008, Abuja, Nigeria.

5. Burnett, R. R., “Calculator gives Compressibility factors”,

The Oil and Gas Journal, 1979; pp 70-74.

6. Hall, K. R and Yarborough, L. J., “A new equation-of-State

for Z-factor Calculations” Oil and Gas Journal, 1973; pp
SPE 136957 5

Table 1: List of the correlations evaluated

Brill and Beggs(13)
Hall and Yarborough(6)
Danchuk and Abu-Kaseem (10)
Dranchuk et al (11)
Papay (8)

Table 2: Data Range for the Study

Parameter Minimum Maximum Mean

Reservoir Temperature 600 715 649

Average Molecular 16.77 33.35 20.92
weight (g/gmol)
Reservoir pressure, Pr 130 5953 2501.08

0.579 1.152 0.7224

Gas gravity

1.372 1.877 1.652

Reduced Temperature

0.196 8.985 3.688

Reduced Pressure

0.716 1.282 0.893

Experimental Z-factor
6 SPE 136967

Table 3: Statistical parameters for all the eight correlations evaluated


Papay(8) 30.04 30.65 10.762 10.705 0.0000

Gopal(7) -43.32 87.92 91.55 72.38 0.0000

Burnett (5) -2.562 4.6217 5.7402 4.2573 0.3583

Papp(9) 4.625 6.2352 7.424 6.1312 0.9455

Hall and Yarborough(6) -2.681 8.032 9.4614 5.664 0.0000

Dranchuk and Abu-Kaseem(10) -6.921 10.504 11.015 7.667 0.0000

Dranchuk et al (11) -27.56 24.413 25.195 24.413 0.0000

Brill and Beggs(13) 0.7659 3.2341 5.106 4.0234 0.5778

Table 4: The Ranks obtained for the Correlations evaluated


Brill and Beggs(13) 2.824

Burnett(5) 3.2204

Papp(9) 5.1898

Hall and Yarborough(6) 5.41351

Danchuk and Abu-Kaseem (10) 6.512

Dranchuk et al (11) 14.6504

Papay (8) 18.68414

Gopal (7) 55.6255

SPE 136957 7

0.96 0.98

0.94 0.96
0.92 0.94
0.88 0.88
0.86 0.86
0.84 0.84
0.82 0.82
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000


Figure 1a: QA/QC plots showing good data for Figure 1b: QA/QC plot showing good data for
Depletion experiment at 650oR Depletion experiment at 622oR


0.98 0.98

0.96 0.96
0.94 0.94
0.92 0.92
0.90 0.90
0.88 0.88
0.86 0.86
0.84 0.84
0.82 0.82
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 2000 4000 6000


Figure 1c: QA/QC plot showing bad data for Figure 1d: QA/QC plot showing bad data for
Depletion experiment at 623R depletion experiment at 656R

Figures 1a-1d are Quality Assurance and quality control plots used to validate the 513 data points used in the statistical
analysis. Figures 1a and 1b shows the profile that a good data should follow; i.e. it should be parabolic. While figures 1c and
1d illustrates a bad data as it deviates from the parabolic profile because of the errors in the data.
8 SPE 136967

Burnett (5) Brill and Beggs (13)
1.10 1.20

1.00 1.10

0.80 0.80
0.70 0.70
0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20
Measured Measured

Figure 2: Cross plot for the Burnett (5) Figure 3: Cross plot for the Brill and Beggs (13)

Hall and Yarborough (6) Dranchuk‐Purvis‐Robinson(11)


0.80 1.50
0.70 1.10
0.60 0.70
0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.70 1.05 1.40 1.75 2.10
Measured Measured
Figure 4: Cross plot for Hall and Yarborough (6) Figure 5: Cross Plot for Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson (11)
SPE 136957 9

Gopal (7) Papay (8)

3.50 1.25
3.00 1.10
2.50 0.95


0.50 0.50
0.00 0.35
0.00 0.70 1.40 2.10 2.80 3.50 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.80 0.95 1.10 1.25
Measured Measured

Figure 6: Cross Plot for Gopal (7) Figure 7: Cross Plot for the Papay (8)

Papp (9) Dranchuk and Abu‐Kassem (10)
1.10 1.20


0.90 0.90
0.70 0.60
0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20
Measured Measured

Figure 8 : Cross Plot for the Papp (9) Figure 9: Dranchuk and Abu-Kassem (10)

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