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1.Democracy died after a period of _______(cease) wars, imperial expansion
abroad,and the rise of demagoguery at home.
incessant/ceaseless: triền miên, không dứt
2. The consequences of _______ (compel) gambling are comparable to those of
anyother addictive disease and are not simply those of financial loss.
compulsive: có tính ép buộc
3. The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and ______ (habit).
rehabilitation: sự phục hồi
4. The first ______ (conceive) is that legal study at university is exclusively for
students who intend becoming solicitors or advocates.
misconception: sự hiểu sai
5. Too late, she remembered the ______ (settle) effect such comments would have
on Johnny.
unsettling: đáng lo
6. Some economists are now predicting the danger of ______ (run) inflation.
runaway: xảy ra rất nhanh
7. The ______ (narrate) in this book plays second fiddle to the excellent
narrative: câu chuyện
8. They were now faced with seemingly________(mount) technical problems.
insurmountable: không thể vượt qua
9. When you come down on him too hard, you may only intensify his own ______
self-criticism: tự phê bình

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


10. Your speech should not have been ______ (lace) with these facts beside the
interlaced: trộn lẫn
11. Their views lie outside the ______ (stream) of current medical opinion.
mainstream: xu hướng
12. The teachers are fair and avoid ______ (favour) and scapegoating.
favouritism: sự thiên vị
13. She has become _______(mesh) in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.
enmeshed: vướng vào
14. Do not set your goals too high or else you will always be failing and there is
nothing more _______ (moral)
demoralising: làm nản lòng
15. The demise of the industry has caused _______(tell) misery to thousands of
hard-working tradesmen.
untold: đáng kể
16. Attracting the banks are the _______ (surge) economy and reforms that have
openedup industries to foreign capital.
resurgent: hồi sinh
17. The ordinary reader is impressed by the tone and manner of publication, and
the words chosen to ______ (head) a story.headline: đặt tiêu đề
18. At all events, it was this group of the ______ (possess) that gave the first
successful impetus to the Revolution.
dispossessed: nghèo
19. _______(prey) pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of
smaller businesses.
predatory pricing: chính sách hạ giá để tiêu diệt đối thủ
20. He is a ________(voice) critic of the president's stance on abortion.

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


vociferous: mạnh mẽ
21. She made several _______ (par) remarks about the manager she dislikes.
disparaging: làm mất danh dự
22. As women we tend to be ______ (face) and make light of what we have
self-effacing: khiêm tốn
23. GEW lamp dimming promise uptime at least 1500 hours, raised productivity
and reduces ______ (time).
downtime: thời gian chết của máy móc
24. Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a________(keep)?
keepsake: vật lưu niệm
25. Mania usually alternates with depression, to form a ______ (pole) disorder.
bipolar (disorder): bệnh trầm cảm
26. This was too we a ______ (hole) for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance
tax is called a voluntary tax.
loophole: kẽ hở
27. The teacher said that he found it difficult to cope with a class of ______
disaffected: bất bình
28. He is ______ (fail) polite and tries desperately to understand other people's
unfailingly: luôn luôn
29. The court ______ (turn) that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had
withheld crucial evidence.
overturned: lật đổ
30. Some of these statements are misleading and some downright ______ (amend).
mendacious: sai sự thật

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


31. The state ______ (fast) refused to settle this matter at any time.steadfastly: kiên
32. What is illustrated by these photographs is as much the culture of
shamelessness asthe reigning admiration for ______ (apology) brutality.
unapologetic: không biết hối lỗi
33. The judge found that in her case there were________(mitigate) circumstances.
mitigating: làm dịu bớt
34. He impressed his audience by the ______ (profound) of his knowledge.
profundity: sự uyên thâm
35. The causes of social _______(stress) include inadequate housing.
distress: cảnh khốn cùng
36. He was in the _______ (envy) position of having to choose between
imprisonmentor exile.
unenviable: không mong muốn
37. He was ______ (capacity) by old age and sickness.
incapacitated: suy yếu
38. The bank is ______ (solve) and will be unable to live up to its obligations.
insolvent: vỡ nợ
39. Natalie considered herself very ______ (virtue) because she neither drank nor
virtuous: có đạo đức tốt
40. Their refusal to ______ (tail) spending plans and to increase the burden on poll
tax payers is expected.
curtail: cắt giảm
41. Rather than a benevolent "socialist" super power China, whose population is
made up over 90% Han Chinese, will ______ (stride) the world as a racially
homogeneous, and communalistic "Middle Kingdom”.

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


bestride: bắc ngang qua

42. Broadly speaking, on-line shopping experiences can be categorized into two
distinct dimensions: ______ (use) and hedonic value.
utilitarian: thực dụng
43. It encouraged experimenters to propose ______ (beat) or novel approaches to
offbeat: khác thường
44. It's a bustling ______ (eat) where the fishy fare is served in cones of butcher's
eatery: quán ăn
45. Several spoke out against the harshly ______ (right) tone of the original
self-righteous: tự cho là đúng
46. Elections are essential for the ______ (sustain) of parliamentary democracy.
sustenance: sự tồn tại
47. ______ (similar) is consequently difficult, particularly as the minority groups
experience considerable hostility.
Assimilation: sự đồng hóa
48. Growth and ______ (mature) of vascular plants are often controlled by
light,usually in conjunction with temperature.
maturation: sự lớn lên
49. The practice of meditation and ______ (temple) is life-long, reflecting this
daily process of repentance and change at heart.
contemplation: sự suy ngẫm
50. The new policy only serves to ______ (accent) the inadequacy of provision for
the homeless.
accentuate: nhấn mạnh

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


51. Pressure was applied with cool precision: women had discovered that to
______ (step) male dominance was to avoid destructive rage.
sidestep: tránh
52. I found your book absolutely ______ (thrall)!
enthralling: làm say mê
53. Listen to both sides and you will be ______ (light), heed only one side and you
will be ______ (night).
enlighted – benighted: làm sáng tỏ-nông cạn
54. Bertha, exaggerating the seriousness of the affair, thought it ______ (charlatan)
to undertake a post without knowledge and without capacity.
charlatanry: lừa đảo, giả dối
55. I write this down ______ (verb), for much the same reason I took notes in
verbatim: đúng nguyên văn
56. She came to the party wearing a(n) ______ (land) costume and blond wig.
outlandish: nổi bật
57. Opposition leaders said they would try to stage nationwide protests, but
previous opposition rallies have met only ______ (warm) support.
lukewarm: lãnh đạm, thờ ơ
58. She gave me some friendly advice without a trace of ______ (descend).
condescension: sự hạ mình
59. It's that ______ (patron) tone of hers that I can't bear.
patronizing: ra vẻ bề trên
60. And then, to the audience's ______ (mystic), the band suddenly stopped
mystification: sự bối rối

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


61. The ______ (conspire) of the assissination of the president was brought to
light intime.
conspiracy: âm mưu
62. The report is critical of attempts by________(official) to deal with the problem
of homelessness.
officialdom: giới viên chức
63. The system of counties was essential to Frankish government, and a count
could wield considerable power, particularly in ______ (far) regions.
far-flung: xa xôi
64. Jaubert had been a reasonable man to work for, had never asked her to do
anything illegal or ______ (taste)distasteful: không vừa ý
65. Darwin's theory of evolution was a(n) ______ (shed) dividing the old way of
thinking from the new.
watershed: bước ngoặt
66. I can find just enough re-run of quality programmes to prevent myself from
falling into utter despair and pining for the good old days of ______
(year).yesteryear: trước đây
67. If he resigned it would be ______ (amount) to admitting that he was
guilty.tantamount: tương đương với
68. For twenty-five years he ______ (pain) amassed evidence to support his
painstakingly: chịu khó
69. He felt out of place, a(n) ______ (conform) in a society where conformity was
highly prized.
nonconformist: người không theo khuôn phép
70. She unveiled the picture with a(n) ______ (ceremony) gesture.
ceremonious: trịnh trọng

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


71. Travellers may be ______ (inquire) about the world, but they also travel to
make discoveries about themselves.
inquisitive: tò mò
72. Both Hathor and her potential victims became ______ (exceed) drunk and
merry,so she failed at her task.
exceedingly: dư
73. Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its ______ (front) tactics
andits implacable opposition to abortion under all circumstances
confrontational: đương đầu
74. A(n) ______ (face) approach to sustainable construction is required for use by
policy - makers, practitioners and civil society.
multi-faceted: nhiều phương diện
75. Wage control is the ______ (corner) of the government's economic policy.
cornerstone: cơ sở
76. She's ______ (fail) cheerful no matter what the circumstances.
unfailingly: luôn luôn
77. Instead of just ______ (moan) your fate, why not do something to change it?
bemoaning: than phiền
78. For users, they are still expensive ______ (add) features and come with their
ownset of integration problems.
add-on: thêm vào
79. Foreign observers also accused the authorities of widespread ______ (practice).
malpractice: hành vi bất chính
80. ______ (type) images of women are used to legitimise male dominance.
Stereotypical: rập khuôn
81. It will ______ (legal) sex - far from helping girls resist pressure, it will help
boys bully girls into sex.

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


legitimate: hợp pháp hóa

82. Mongolia, although poor, has considerable ______ (tap) resources of oil
untapped: chưa khai thác
83. Towards the end of the ______ (infant) period the child is becoming more
infantile: còn trẻ con
84. It would be ______ (ingenuity) on our part to pretend ignorance of our book's
impact, both in sales and controversy.
disingenuous: gian xảo
85. I think I must have known _______(conscience) that something was going on
between them.
subconsiously: tiềm thức
86. If evolution has_______ (wire) into us a belief that there are objective moral
obligations, then we will believe that there are.
hard-wired: ăn sâu vào
87. You want clothes that are stylish as well as practical, versatile, ______ (task)
and low maintenance.
multitasking: nhiều công việc
88. His failures ______ (line) the difference between theatre and film direction.
underline: nhấn mạnh
89. In other words, subcultural cleavage has attenuated and cultural ______
(homogeneous) has extended from structural orientation into policy orientation.
homogeneity: tính đồng nhất
90. As the inspector and others came in, she regarded them ______
(disdain),seemingly unconcerned about her capture.
disdainfully: miệt thị

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


91. The concert hall itself reminds one ______ (play) of reproduction art deco and
is also acoustically first-class and adaptable.
playfully: khôi hài
92. She didn't want to confront the ______ (escape) fact that she would have to sell
inescapable: không thể tránh khỏi
93. He made a fortune buying ______ (run) houses and fixing them up to sell
run-down: đổ nát
94. Business schools, who currently dominate entrepreneurship teaching and
research, ______ (compartment) knowledge into functional boxes.
compartmentalise: phân chia
95. Idealism was deeply________ (credit) by the failure to prevent the outbreak of
the Second World War.
discredited: làm mất uy tín
96. We will reform principal local councils into a(n) ______ (unit) system based
on natural communities and the wishes of local people.
unitary: thống nhất
97. Since ______ (regulate), banks are permitted to set their own interest rates.
deregulation: sự bãi bỏ qui định
98. These years witnessed the _______(integrate) and destruction of the English
disintegration: sự tan rã
99. This was really a(n) ________(whim) thought, and I reproved myself often for
thesimplicity of it.
whimsical: kì dị
100. There seems to be a(n )_______ (satisfy) demand for more powerful

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~


insatiable: không thỏa mãn được

~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~

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