BB Dead Lift

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Barbell Deadlift


Utility: Basic

Mechanics: Compound

Force: Pull

Preparation Muscles

With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp Target (See Comments)
bar with a shoulder width or slightly wider over
hand or mixed grip. • Erector Spinae

Execution Synergists

Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full • Gluteus Maximus

extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if • Adductor Magnus
rounded. Return and repeat. • Quadriceps
• Soleus

Comments Dynamic Stabilizers

Target muscle is exercised isometrically. • Hamstrings

Throughout lift keep hips low, shoulders high, arms • Gastrocnemius
and back straight. Knees should point same
direction as feet throughout movement. Keep bar Stabilizers
close to body to improve mechanical leverage.
Also see Deadlift under Gluteus Maximus and • Trapezius, Middle

Deadlift Strength Standards. • Trapezius, Upper

• Levator Scapulae
• Rhomboids

Antagonist Stabilizers

• Rectus Abdominis
• Obliques

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