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‘Course outine (ut: Aesgnment 9 Wook 6 ‘ext rarserots rovewwd@rolinacin ‘About the Course Ask a. Assignment 0 ‘Te aue dete forsunmiting th assignment hs oseae sper ourrecores you have not submits ths essgnment 1) Which ofthe following are function of the financial syste? provides a paren system forthe exchange of goods and services roves financial capital or long-term capital formation ofthe government help a redution of sjmametic formation and moral hazard problems allo the shove seven Arar: 2 state whether the following statemest i tue oF fle: “Till effects of non are accounted for most by woanicipte inflation! 1. Tne, by Flee ‘Accept Answers: 8) Which ofthe following is used to denote nartowe money? a MI BMD eM a Mt 3 ‘Accented Aree: © Changes ia ovement expendiuce ad wxation designed to influence the paver aad the level of econorsic activities i called FisalPotiey| Monetary Policy Expansionay ‘Contractionasy anew ‘opie Anewors 8) Which of the following ss NOT an example of economic shock 2 Interest cae ots & TaxCu ©) Natural Disster None ofthe above scot ton: ©) The following are the scores obtained ie clan of 11 students 30,40, 80,90, 7,80, 40, 60,100, 40, 70 The modal score i: a0 > 40 <0 490 scsi hoes: 1) State whether te following statements tr or flse "The relationship betwen Financial cetor development and economic prowth widirectinal” 8 Tm b. False ‘copie Anewors ©) Which the Central Bak of tna a SBI SEL RR 8. None ofthe above ‘econo Anewor 8 State whether the following statement is toe o ale Secondary ma Jot consul to upp of aoal epi Tne bales ‘copie Anewors 50) State wheter the following uve o fli. Te he exchange rte £1 = USSLTH3 7353, $1.7353 the offerte of sting a Toe bs Fake ‘conte Anewor 11) Which ofthe following i a characteristic of x pefetly ompltve mask? 14 Fiems can exit and emer the amet fealy ‘There ave few sellers the meet, b © Firmsare price sters 4. Allofthes: to, america Soar ‘Aecenteg Aree: "2 Which the prfered meanuse of conl toxdency when the data sat i skewed or you ate desig with ordinal da? &Asithmeic mean 8 Median © Harmonie mean @ None ofthe above to, america Soar ‘Aecenteg Aree: °9)_ Whats the objective of fixed exchange rates? a. To prevent exchange aes fom changing 1 To prevent msllocason of economic sesources ‘© To imine the economic fenton tha result fom shor-rn,selEeversing frees A To preventthe affects of one country's inflationary polices fom epeeading © oer counties ‘Aesop Anewors 4 Stock masketperfosmaace sa sndicator of business cycle coincidence blag lending 8 stock marti ot affected by busines eyele to, anor isincore. Accepts Anewer: "9) Which of tie oowing banks equie mocting pets ia eapect of sectoral deployment of credit, regional distibtion of branches and resional cred- deposit ratios? 2. Prion Sector hans be Pullie Scetor banks © Foreign tanks 4 Allof te above to, anor isincore. scores owes: 18) State whether the following statements tue o false: ta situation of uncertainty, the ejecue probably dstsbution of values i not kaowa’ 1 Tne b Fate to, anor isicore. Aeceptes Anewer: 17) State whether the following statement is true or fle: “The foceign exchaage market isnot a physical plac: iti am informal, electronically inked nator of bis bala, Tarim exchange bakers ad deals whose funtion i to being Dusers tnd sellers tpetier 4 Toe b, False ‘Accent Anewets: @ is the capital that is incested in businesses tht are new or exist only a ‘itil or ary stage, bu hve high growth potential ita Public Offerine >. Venture Capial © Ansel 4 Wering Capita to, anor isicore. secre mw: 8) Which ofthe following i Mow concept | National ineoene come Seeings 4. Allofthe above to, anor isicare. secre mms: 20) Mumba interbank bid and offer ate alu daily by State Bank of India Reserve Bank of india National Sock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchan ‘econo Anewor Due on 2020-01-27, 23:59 IST. 1 point 1 point + pom ome 1 point + pom ‘ome 1 oin 1 point 10m ‘ome 1 point 1 point 1 point ‘ome + point 1 point

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