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Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Questions

Heat or Heating means the net or ______ transfer of ________ from a 1. In heating, where is energy always transferred from and to?
_______ temperature to a _______ temperature. There are ___ types of
heat transfer.
2. A hot object is placed in contact with a cold object, energy transfer
Conduction is where energy is transferred through a material due to
takes place. When does the net transfer of energy stop happening?
_______ between the atoms inside it. Particles at a high _______ have a
______ amount of energy so they move (or in the case of solids _______)
very ______. These particles then ______ with their ______ moving
neighbours (which are at a lower temperature). Energy is transferred from 3. Which states of matter could conduction take place in?
the _____ particle to the ______ particle, which makes it ______ ___. They
can then _____ with their neighbours which spreads the ______ out
further. The part that started off at a high temperature has _____ energy, 4. In which state of matter will Conduction be most effective? Justify
so its temperature _______. The parts that started off at a cold temperature your answer.
have ______ energy, so its temperature _______. Eventually, the energy is
distributed ______, and the temperature is _____ everywhere.
5. Suggest why convection does not happen in solids.
Conduction works best in metals because, as well as atoms (or more
accurately ______ charged metal ____) they also have ____ electrons to
_______ and transfer _______. We call these sorts of materials good
________ of heat (things that are bad at transferring energy are called 6. Standing on a rug feels warmer than standing on a stone floor
good ________ of heat). because the rug traps a layer of air so energy is transferred away
from your foot slower. What does this tell you about air compared to
Convection is where energy is transferred through fluids (_____ or ____). stone?
Part of the fluid is at a high ______, so its particles have lots of ______.
This makes them move _______ which forces the particles to _______
______. As the gaps between the particles have become ______, the 7. In a fire, smoke and dangerous gases form and the temperature is
same ____ of particles are now in a larger ________ which means that the very high. Explain why it is a good idea to crawl along the floor
_______ of the high temperature fluid has ________. The colder fluid when escaping a fire.
around it is _____ dense. This means that the hot, ____ dense, fluid _____
and it carries ______ with it. Then the cold, _____ dense, fluid _____ to
replace it, this cold fluid is then heated and gains _______, so the process
8. Challenge: Radiators, ironically, primarily heat a room using
repeats. This repetition is called a convection ________.
convection but they do emit heat by radiation too. Suggest why
Radiation is where energy is transferred by ____________ ______, making a radiator thin and flat works better than making it a square
especially _______ ____. The _________ the temperature of the object the shape of the same volume.
more ______ is emitted like this.

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