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Correlation of speed-power

predictions by model tests

Speed-power prediction plays an essential role in ship
design. At MARIN the unique combination of model-scale
and full-scale services are present, generating a wealth of
high quality validation material to provide our customers
with reliable power predictions.

D espite the increasing role of

­numerical methods, speed-power
prediction by model tests is still
the most reliable way of assessing the
powering characteristics of a ship in calm
ship type. For these full-scale results
(which includes several series of sister
ships) the corresponding model test data
is also available.

water. This prediction process should be Large ship-powering database Over

well validated by comparing extrapolated time, the amount of correlation material
power measured on a model in the towing steadily grows because owners and builders
tank, with full-scale values measured see the importance of providing the model
­during the ship trials. basin with feedback. Furthermore, the
The MARIN ship-powering database contains MARIN Trials & Monitoring department
geometric descriptions of thousands of ­generates a lot of accurate and valuable
ships, together with the results of the open data, where internal procedures make sure
water, resistance and propulsion tests. all full-scale data is linked to the right
When full-scale speed trial results are ­model-scale data if available. The speed
­obtained these are also added to the files. ­trials are conducted, measured and ana-
This database was used to develop the lysed according to the standards of the Sea
well-known Holtrop-Mennen method and Trial Analysis (STA) Joint Industry Project.
can conveniently be used for correlation In calm water model testing extrapolation
Michiel Verhulst studies. Figure 1 shows the number of methods are required to predict the speed-trials included in the database per ­full-scale power and rotation rate from the

2005 2005
report no.

Vortex Induced Joint Venture
18 Vibrations & Motions SSSRI China
u / Vs
Speed Trials per ship type 0.75
model ship 0

Figure 1: Number of speed trials per ship type in the MARIN database Figure 2: PARNASSOS calculation of the axial velocity model and full-scale in a plane near the propeller

measured model values. These methods was found, contrary to the assumptions in beforehand. Moreover, it strongly depends
­account for various scale effects between current extrapolation methods. PARNASSOS on the scale factor, making the power
model and full-scale. William Froude was can be used to determine form factors by ­prediction progressively more uncertain for
the first to develop a scientific approach to means of flow calculations on a double smaller models in this case.
this problem of extrapolation. Surprisingly, model ignoring free-surface effects on both
the assumption of the mutual independence model and full-scale. This was validated Future Extrapolation JIP Although the
of the wave and viscous resistance com­ last year by comparing form factors derived uncertainty in the extrapolation is (usually)
ponents as adopted by William Froude from model measurements with those only a modest contributor to the total
has worked wonderfully for more than a ­calculated with PARNASSOS. ­uncertainty, it is important to have a trans-
century. Figure 2 shows the model and full-scale parent and physics-based method. Such a
PARNASSOS calculated axial velocities in a method preferably makes use of the form
PARNASSOS Only recently, the interaction plane just in front of the propeller of a high- factor concept in combination with a good
of components has been recognised as a block tanker, with a scale factor of around friction line. Especially when testing new
possible refinement in the extrapolation of 30. The dark-blue region at the hull above concepts, or ships with deviating dimen-
model experiments. Raven et al. (Marine the propeller indicates separated flow with sions or speed, modern extrapolation
CFD 2008) showed that the numerical tool (almost) zero or negative speed. This is only ­methods should give more reliable predic-
PARNASSOS, which is used extensively for present in the model calculation and not at tions. Initiatives for an Extrapolation JIP are
viscous hull flow computations, can also full-scale. The example suggests the use of underway which aims to introduce and
be used to study scale effects on various large ship models, as MARIN does as stand- evaluate modern extrapolation methods
­resistance components. An interesting vis- ard, because the scale effect induced by the in combination with CFD tools such as
cous scale effect on the wave resistance flow separation is uncertain and not known ­PARNASSOS.

2006 2006

Model testing for winning Research on sinking

ABN-AMRO Volvo Ocean yacht MS Estonia report 19

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