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1. This theory proposes that animals and humans are born with a biological clock.

Human life expectancy is 110 to 120 years. -nonstochastic theory

2. A lipoprotein by product of oxidation
, which Interferes with the diffusion and transport of
essential metabolites causing biologic aging. – lipofuscin
3. The theory argues that aging is a result of strong bonds between proteins that
leads to disruption of DNA synthesis causing tissue and organ failure. incorrect
placement of amino acids in protein synthesis leading to a disastrous
breakdown.- connective tissue theory
4. This theory believes that in the absence of achieving the sense of having lived
well, the older adult is at risk for having preoccupied with feelings of regret or
despair. –
5. This theory states that older adults were said to be happy when social contacts
diminish and responsibilities were assumed by a younger generation.- dis
engagement theory
6. This theory suggests that personality is well develop by the time we reach old age
and tends to remain consistent throughout our life.- continuity theory

7. The gerontologic nurse at the long-term care facilities modifies the residents'
environment making sure the light is well lit during the day and no cluttered rugs
or furniture apply what theory of aging in the care of older people. – person
environment fit- theory
8. The person is able to move from focus on outward achievement to one of self-
acceptance and awareness that both the accomplishment and challenges to a
lifetime can be found within oneself.-jung personality theory
9. The person sees oneself as a part of a greater whole rather than as an individual
requiring special attention.
10. According to Peck"s theory, the task of later maturity is disengagement which
allows the older adult to embrace grandparenting.- -false- havighurst theory

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