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Neutral response:

Print & Cut along dotted line


These enclosed documents were inadvertently received, and opened by mistake. These
enclosed document(s), which appear to
be____________________________________________________, are not
understandable, acknowledgeable  or recognizable under the penalty of False
Personation must be returned.

The enclosure herein contains the aforementioned and misdirected documents; as there
is not enough knowledge or information disclosed to form a responsive answer, said
documents are being returned forthwith.


Singular response

print & cut along dotted line


I inadvertently received the enclosed document(s) which appear to be

I do not know what this is all about. I do not understand or recognize these

I do not have enough knowledge or information to form a responsive answer.

So I am returning these document(s),


Immediately Place documents to be returned in a new envelope.  Immediately

Address new envelope with document sender's address, also use this address as the
return address. DO NOT use YOUR name or address on this envelope, Do not use any
headings or signature on your response. The object is to return the presentment in the
most neutral, non-committal manner possible Immediately. Do not rebut the issue or
address anything in their documents. You simply return unwanted presentments. This
is simply a misdirected posting being returned to the sender.

Human Rights / NO-TAX ACADEMY

address used without prejudice to rights
c/o 1624 Savannah Road
Lewes,  Non-Domestic is in Delaware real land - Emer-ica
(not fiction military zone "DE")
no Military fiction zone # used

Courtesy copy may also be sent  (anonymously) to the court clerk

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