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Medical Terminology
Assignment 1.3

Provide the medical terms given the meanings below.

1. Enlargement of the liver Hepatomegaly

2. Pain in the ear otalgia
3. Holding back blood from an organ (depriving it of blood supply) ischemia
4. Abnormal condition of white blood cells (slight increase in normal cells to
fight infection) leukocytosis
5. Abnormal condition of the lung (inflammation and accumulation of material
often caused by bacterial infection) pneumonia
6. Tumor (malignant) of bone marrow myeloma
7. Inflammation of the tube leading from the throat to the stomach esophagitis
8. Disease of heart muscle cardiomyopathy
9. Collection or mass of blood hematoma
10. Tumor (cancerous) of glandular tissue adenocarcinoma

Select from the following terms to complete the sentences below.

Angiography Colocolostomy Mammogram

Angioplasty Colostomy Oophorectomy
Bronchoscopy Hysterectomy Phlebotomy
Chemotherapy Laryngoscopy Thoracentesis

11. Surgical repair of a blood vessel using a catheter, balloon and stent is
12. Treatment using chemsicals to destroy malignant cells is chemotheraphy.
13. X-ray record of the breast is a/an mammogram.
14. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest is thoracentesis.
15. A new opening of the large intestine to the outside of the body is a/an
16. A new internal connection (anastomosis) between two parts of the large
intestine is a/an colocolostomy.
17. Removal of the uterus is a/an hysterectomy.
18. Process of recording x-ray images of blood vessels after injection of contrast
is angiography.
19. Visual examination of the voice box is laryngoscopy.
20. Incision of a vein to withdraw blood is .phlebotomy.


Match the procedure from Column I with an abnormal condition (diagnosis) it

is associated with in Column II.

21. Angioplasty H A. uterine adenocarcinoma

22. Mammoplasty F B. ligament tear of the patella (kneecap)
23. Cholecystectomy I C. ovarian cyst
24.Tonsillectomy J D. blockage of the windpipe
25. Dialysis E E. renal failure
26. Hysterectomy A F. absence of a breast (post-mastectomy)
27. Thoracentesis G G. pleural effusion (collection of fluid)
28. Oophorectomy C H. coronary atherosclerosis
29.Tracheostomy D I. gallbladder calculi (stones)
30.Arthroscopy B J. pharyngeal lymph node enlargement

Match the sign/symptom from Column I with an organ or tissue in Column II.

31.Colitis E A. uterus
32.Phlebitis G B. ear
33.Menorrhagia A C. bone marrow
34. Myocardial ischemia D D. coronary arteries
35.otalgia B E. large bowel
36.uremia H F. membrane surrounding spinal cord or brain
37.meningitis F G. vein
38.leukemia C H. kidney

Distinguish between the following terms. You may need to look some up
outside of the resources provided:

Septicemia and bacteremia

 Bacteremia is a bacterial invasion of the blood without symptoms.
Septicemia however, is a more serious bacteremia that moves rapidly and
may be life threatening.

Leukocytosis and leukemia

 Leukocytosis is a slight increase in normal white blood cells (WBC)- is the
body’s response to bacterial infection. Leukemia is a malignant condition
marked by dramatic increase in cancerous white blood cells.

Cardiomyopathy and myocardial infarction (MI)


 Cardiomyopathy is chronic (ongoing) disease of heart muscle with

inflammation and weakness. A myocardial infarction is an acute condition
involving an area of heart muscle that has died as a result of ischemia. An MI
is a heart attact.

Menorrhea and menorrhagia

 Menorrhea is the normal discharge of blood and tissue from the lining of the
uterus. Menorrhagia is abnormally heavy of long menstrual periods. Chronic
menorrhagia can result in anemia. Menorrhagia is a common complication
of uterine myomas (fibroids)

Hematuria and uremia

 Hematuria is a blood in the uterine, whereas uremia is high levels of urea in
the blood

Distinguish between the following terms (cont’d)

Radiotherapy and radiology

 Radiation therapy is directed by a radiation oncologist, a medical doctor
specializing in treating cancer using radiation to kill tumor cells. Radiology
is the specialty of a radiologist, is also a medical doctor, who primarily
diagnoses condition using x-ray, magnetic wave, and ultrasound techniques.

-tomy and –stomy

 -tomy indicates a temporary incision, as oppose to –stomy, which is a

permanent or semi-permanent opening.

Underline the boldface term that best completes the meaning of the sentences
in the following medical vignettes.

After a routine breast self-examination, Nora felt a small lump in her breast. She
consulted her doctor, who scheduled a diagnostic (mammoplasty, mastectomy,
mammogram). The examination showed a stellate (star-shaped) mass, and a
(biopsy, necropsy, laparoscopy) revealed an infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Nora
decided to have her breast removed (hysterectomy, mastectomy,
salpingectomy), although her physician gave her the option of having lumpectomy
followed by (cryotherapy, thoracotomy, radiotherapy).

Sylvia had irregular bleeding in between her periods. She was 50 years old and
beginning menopause. On pelvic exam, Dr. Hawk felt a large, lobulated uterus.
Biopsy revealed a large fibroid, which is a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of muscle
tissue (myeloma, myoma, hematoma). The doctor discussed three surgical

options: removal of the fibroid, blockage of blood flow to the fibroid (embolization),
or a total abdominal (gastrectomy, hysterectomy, cholecystectomy).

Sam was experiencing cramps, diarrhea, and low-grade fever. He was diagnosed
with ulcerative (colitis, meningitis, laryngitis) and had sever bouts of (uremia,
menorrhagia, septicemia) caused by inflammation and rupture of the bowel wall.

Bill felt chest pain every time he climbed a flight of stairs. He went to his doctor, who
did a coronary (myelogram, angiogram, dialysis), which revealed
(adenocarcinoma, nephrosis, atherosclerosis) in one of his coronary arteries.
The doctor recommended (angioplasty, thoracentesis, amniocentesis). This
would prevent further (myosarcoma, ischemia, leukocytosis) and help Bill avoid
a (peritoneal, vascular, myocardial) infarction, or heart attack, in the future.

Principal diagnosis

Physician notes:
A 45-year-old obsess woman presents complaining of menorrhagia with cramping
pelvic pain, dizziness when standing, and rapid heart rate. Manual physical
examination demonstrates multiple enlarged masses in her uterus. Blood workup
reveals low RBCs [red blood cells] and hematocrit [% of RBC in a volume of blood],
normal WBCs and platelets, and slightly elevated blood sugar level. U/S [ultrasound] of
the abdomen and pelvis shows multiple fibroids [leiomyomas] of the uterine wall.
Patient is admitted to the hospital with recommendation for hysterectomy. During the
course of admission she peaks to the resident dietitian about a compulsive eating
disorder and agrees to undergo therapy at the hospital’s weight loss clinic.

Using the information presented in these notes, select the principal diagnosis from
the following:
A. Pelvic pain – female
B. Obesity
C. Anemia
D. Menorrhagia
E. Fibroid uterus
Answer: E. Fibroid Uterus

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