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ODE & MVC important LAQs

1. Define an exact differential equation and give the condition for exactness

2. Solve (1- ) +xy = x

3. An object whose temperature is 750C cools in an atmosphere of constant temperature 250C, at the
rate of k being the excess temperature of the body over that of the temperature. If
after 10min , the temperature of the object falls to 65 0C , find its temperature after 20 min. Also find
the time required to cool down to 550C.

4. Solve x2y dx – ( x3+ y3 ) dy = 0

5. If 30% of a radioactive substance disappears in 10days,how long will it take for 90% of it to
6. (a) Solve p3 +2 x p2− y 2 p 2−2 x y 2 p=0where p = ,
(b) Solve where p = dx

2 e
7. Solve ( D −3 D+2) y= x
1+ e
8. Solve (D2-2D+1)y=x2e3x-sin2x+3
9. Solve (D3 - 3D2 + 4D - 2)y = ex + cosx + x3

10. Solve ( x 2 D 2−6 xD +6)y = x-3logx

1.Apply the method of variation of parameters to solve + y = cosecx

Apply the method of variation of parameters to solve (D2+4)y=sec2x

13. Change the order of integration in and hence evaluate the double integral.

14. Change the order of Integration and evaluate

5. Evaluate the integral by changing to polar co-ordinates


16. Evaluate where R is the region bounded by x-axis and x=2a and the curve x 2=4ay.
17. Find the directional derivative of xyz2+xz at (1, 1 ,1) in a direction of the normal to the surface
3xy2+y= z at (0,1,1).

18. Find constants a,b,c so that the vector A = ( x  2 y  az )i  (bx  3 y  z ) j  (4 x  cy  2 z ) k is

Irrotational. Also find  such that A = .

19. Find the unit normal vector to the surface 𝑥 2 𝑦 + 2𝑥𝑧 − 4 = 0 at the point (2, −2,3)

20 Find directional derivative of f(x,y,z) = xy2+ yz3 at the point (2,-1,1) in the direction of vector
𝑖̅ +2𝑗̅ +2𝑘̅
  ( x  z )dydz  ( y  z )dzdx  ( x  y)dxdy
21. Apply divergence theorem to evaluate s

S is the surface of the sphere

x +y +z =4
2 2 2

22. Apply Green’s theorem to evaluate

the boundary of the area enclosed by the x-axis and upper half of the circle

23. Verify Green’s theorem in plane for

where C is the region bounded by y= and y=

F   x 2  y 2  i  2 xy j
24. Verify Stoke’s theorem for over the box
bounded by the planes x=0,x=a,y=0,y=b.

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