At Which Are Converted Into Products in A .: Rate of Reaction

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Speed at which reactants are converted into

products in a chemical reaction.

Fast reaction;
- time taken is short

So, the reactants is quickly converted to the


Thus, the rate of reaction is high/higher.

Slow reaction;
- time taken is long

So, the reactants is slowly converted to the


Thus, the rate of reaction is low/lower.

Eg: CD Excellent

What is the relation between rates of reaction with


When the time taken is short, the rate of reaction

is higher,
When the time taken is longer, the rate of
reaction is lower,

Rate of reaction is directly proportional with

Rate of reaction is inversely proportional with

Exercise: pg 3 Learning Task 1.1 Classification

Measuring the rate of reaction
Rate of reaction Changes in selected quantity
= ________________________________________

Time taken

Suitable changes;
• volume of gas liberated
• precipitate formation
• change in mass during the reaction
• colour changes
• temperature changes
• pressure changes

Mg + 2HCl  MgCl2 + H2

CaCO3 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Other observable changes?

Average rate of reaction :
The average value of the rate of reaction within a
specified period of time.

Average rate Changes in selected quantity

of reaction = ____________________________________________
balas Time taken

Reaction with high rate of reaction,
completed in short time.

Reaction with low rate of reaction,

completed in longer time.

Pg4 refer
Rate of reaction at given/Instantaneous time :
The actual rate of reaction at that instant.
(a.k.a : Instantaneous rate of reaction)
rate of reaction
=Gradient of the curve at that instant

Table 1.1 pg 5

Example 1.1 pg 5 (HW-note)

i. The average rate of reaction in the first 90
seconds from graph plotted?
The formula

Average rate Total volume of gas liberated

of reaction = ____________________________________________
balas Time taken

= 31.8 cm3
90 s

= 0.35 cm3 s-1

ii. The rate of reaction at 90 seconds?
(Instantaneous rate of reaction)

rate of reaction = Gradient of the curve at 90 seconds
at 90 seconds

Solutions: - Plot a graph

- Draw a tangent
- Find the gradient

The rate of reaction at 90 seconds

= gradient at 90 seconds

= Length of DF
Length of EF

= 0.14 cm3s-1

Learning Task 1.2 pg 8 (HW-exercice)

Effective Practise (A) pg 8 (1-3) (HW-exercise)

Effective Practise (B) pg 19 (no. 2)

Review Questions pg 29 (subjective questions) no.1

1. more than half pages
2. all axis must be labeled (titles & unit)

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