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Management Support System

Interim Report
Integrated System for Lak derana Hotel chain Management

Name: Mohamed Fawmy Faiz Muradh

Kamalshanth Selvarajah

Mohommed Fazly Babanoor Cader

Chandrakumaran Subhiran

Bisrul Hafi Muhammed Minhaj

ID Number: E024350





Date: Monday, 08 November 2021

First Supervisor:

Second Supervisor:
Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Module: FC6P01 Deadline: Wednesday 17th December 2014 at 3.00pm
Module Leader: Dr Richard Walters Student ID: Your ID Number Goes

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Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

The document is described that the solution is a new self-contained software product
which will be produced by the project team in order to overcome the problems that
have occurred due to the current manual system. The newly introduced system will
provide and easy access to the system and it will contain user friendly functions with
attractive interfaces. The system will give better options for the problem of handling
large scale of physical file system, for the errors occurring in calculations and all the
other required tasks that has been specified by the client, The final outcome of this
project will increase the efficiency of almost all the tasks done at the hotel in a much
convenient manner.

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Table of Contents
Declaration ......................................................................................................... 1

Abstract .............................................................................................................. 2

Table of Contents ............................................................................................... 3

1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Scope of the Project.............................................................................. 5

2 Organizational Chart ....................................................................................... 7

2.1 Financial ................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Reservation .............................................................................................. 8

2.3 Room Service Manager............................................................................ 8

2.4 HR ............................................................................................................ 9

2.5 Food & Beverage ..................................................................................... 9

3 Current Position Analysis ............................................................................. 11

3.1 Company Vision .................................................................................... 11

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

3.2 Company Mission .................................................................................. 11

3.3 SWOT Analysis ..................................................................................... 12

SWOT .......................................................................................................... 12

SWOT Analysis Example ............................................................................ 12

4 Requirements Specification and design ........................................................ 14

4.1 Functional Requirements ....................................................................... 14

4.2 Non-Functional Requirements ............................................................... 16

4.3 Database Design & Implementation ...................................................... 16

5 Outline Management Decisions and rationale .............................................. 17

5.1 As an owner: - ........................................................................................ 17

6 Database tables – MySQL Queries ............................................................... 18

6.1 Mock UI Frames for main functions ...................................................... 21

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

1. Introduction
This is the Lak Derana hotel chain management system document. It includes the
development milestones of the completion of the hotel management system. As
mentioned above, the current manual system used by the hotel has resulted in a
decrease in the growth of the hotel's success and efficiency. The iterative
waterfall method will be used as the software development life cycle. Encoding
was handled using an object-oriented approach. The above-mentioned
methodologies will make the project workload light and facilitate development.
The system has been evaluated by several people with respect to the user levels
of the developed system. The results of the evaluation helped to continue with the
maintenance of the project. The fully functional Lak Derana hotel management
system will fulfill the main objectives and all the events of the hotel.

1.1 Purpose
The document will provide a detailed description of the hotel management
system requirements. This document will allow a complete understanding of
what to expect from the newly introduced system to be built. A clear
understanding of the system and its functionalities will help to develop the
appropriate software for the end user and will be used for the development of the
future stage of the project. This document will serve as the basis for the project.
From this document, the hotel management system can be designed, built and
finally tested. This document will be used by the development team of the system
that builds the HMS and the end users of the hotel. The project team will use this
document to fully understand the expectations of the hotel management system to
build the appropriate software. Hotel end users can use this document as a
"TEST" to see if the construction team will build the system to their expectations.
If this does not meet their expectations, end users can specify why it is not
suitable for them and the team will modify the document to meet the end user

1.2 Scope of the Project

The introducing software, hotel management system which is going to be
implemented for Lak Derana will automate the major operations of the hotel
chain. The guest/customer details will be handled by the receptionist and all the
guest/customer details will be based on the inquiries. Reservation Module is to
keep track in room and check availability. Payment handling module will be
handled by the recipient, all the charges will be uploaded to the system by the
recipient and the accountant will be able to view the details of the payments.
Attendance and payroll module will be based on finger prints. A person from HR
has access to the module to update attendance. Salary calculation, deductions will
be calculated based on the rules and regulations provided by the management.
Bar module will keep track in all inventories of the bar and this module will
facilitated to keep tracks on daily earnings from the bar and expenditures as well.

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

The owner and the manager have access to the reporting module to see the daily
and monthly generated income and expenditure reports. The reservation manager
of the hotel has the access to view the report of daily reservations of the hotel
chain. As mentioned earlier HR manager or a person from HR will have the
access to attendance report and payroll details. Restrictions will be based on the
user type defined on user table. The objectives of the automated hotel
management system are to simplify the day to day processes of the hotel. The
system will be able to handle many services to take care of all customers in a
quick manner. As a solution to the large amount of file handling happening at the
hotel, this solution will be used to overcome those drawbacks. Safety, easiness of
using and most importantly the efficiently of information retrieval are some
benefits the development team going to present with this system. The system
should be user appropriate, easy to use, provide easy recovery of errors and have
an overall end user high subjective satisfaction.

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

2 Organizational Chart
Every organization, whether large or small, needs an organizational structure to carry
out its day-to-day operations. It is used to help divide tasks, specify work for each
department, and delegate authority within and between departments. Effective job
specifications will increase productivity and work efficiency. Each hotel organizes the
workforce in different ways.

It is basically segmented into five divisions: Financial, Reservation, Room Service

and Maintenance, HR and Food & Beverages as the following organizational chart.
Mr. Ajantha Perera
Staff ID –

Mr. Jagath Bandara

Staff ID - 002

Mrs. Nimali Fernando

Asst. Manager/ System
Staff ID - 003

Mrs. Chandra Mr. Piyath Perera

Mr. Malith Hewawasam Mr. Chamika Banadara Ms. Piumi Hansamali
Athukorala Food & Beverage
Financial Manager Reservation Manager Room Service Manager
HR Manager Manager
Staff ID - 004 Staff ID – Staff ID - 006
Staff ID - 007 Staff ID - 008

Name Name Name Name Name

Accountant Recipient Room Service – Staff HR - Staff Bar - Staff

Figure 1 - User Developed, Organizational Chart

2.1 Financial
The financial department’s role is to record financial transactions, prepare and
interpret financial statements and deal with cost accounting and cost control. Some of
the operations handled under financial manager is as below,

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Staff ID - 004
Mr. Malith Hewawasam

Capital Management Purchase Accounting Sales Accounting Inventory Accounting

Figure 2 - User Developed, Responsibilities of Financial Department

2.2 Reservation
The front office (room management) department handles customer service including
front desk service, reservation, telephone and housekeeping service. A hotel’s front
office is where guests are greeted when they arrive, where they get registered and
assigned to a room, and where they checkout. It’s almost the most important
department as it often offers contact with customers.

Reservation Manager
Staff ID - 005
Mr. Chamika Bandara

Customer registration Room Reservation Room Availability

Figure 3 - User Developed, Responsibilities of Reservation Department

2.3 Room Service Manager

Room service managers are responsible for organizing and directing employees in
their hotel’s room service department. They are also responsible for monitoring
expenses via budgeting and taking inventory, as well as rostering employees.

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Room Service Manager

Staff ID - 006
Ms. Piumi Hansamali

Complain Handling - Room

Rostering Employees Maintain Rooms Quality Accommodate special requests

Figure 4 - User Developed, Responsibilities of Room Service Department

2.4 HR
The human resource department is given the responsibility to handle employee
recruitment, arrange staff training, make promotion and disciplinary decisions, and
check staff attendance.

HR Manager
Staff ID –
Mrs. Chandra Athukorala

Recruitment Compensation and Benefits Employee Relations Training & Development Workforce Safety

Figure 5 - User Developed, Responsibilities of HR Department

2.5 Food & Beverage

The food and beverage department are responsible for all of the dining rooms, bars,
clean up services etc. Basically, divide Food and Beverage department into two parts:
Kitchen and restaurant. This department is responsible for food preparation provide
dining room operation, purchase requests for bar and kitchen.

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Food & Beverage

Staff ID –
Mr. Piyath Perera

Food Preparation Provide Dining Room Make Purchase requests

Figure 6 - User Developed, Responsibilities of Food & Beverage Department

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

3 Current Position Analysis

Currently this hotel chain is following a manual process for handling inquiry and
billing system. Customer management is also performing on a manual process and it
is ineffective. When considering about the financial department, they are having a
hard time to handle accounts and room service has no proper way to track records. As
a plus point, this hotel chain has a tremendous staff. With the help of them now this
hotel chain is growing daily, so they are in need to computerize the entire manual

Since we live in a world of high-tech solutions in every sphere – from finances to

agriculture Currently. More and more hoteliers tend to look status of their hotels
online, they should be prepared to cope with this type of activity. In addition, the
solution which we are trying to propose is not only for customer interactions but for
improving the workflow in general. The solution help to monitor internal processes
and provide high-quality services.

In Order to overcome from this manual process and improve relevant areas to provide
a higher service for customers we should go for a recognized strategic planning
technique. SWOT analysis is a technique for evaluating the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of a company. SWOT analysis is a simple tool that can help
you analyze what a company is doing best right now and devise a successful strategy
for the future. SQOT can also reveal areas of the business that are holding the
organization back or that competitors could exploit if it is not protected. (Tools, 2021)

SWOT analysis can be used to distinguish yourself from competitors and gain a
competitive advantage over them by assessing your company’s strengths and market
position. Also, by understanding company’s weaknesses, you can manage and
eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you by surprise.

3.1 Company Vision

“A vision is a vivid mental picture of what you want your business to be at some point
in the future, based on your goals and aspirations. Having a vision will give your
business a clear direction and keep it from going in the wrong direction.”
(Government, 2021)

Company Vision - Offer genuine and sincere hospitality, which will fetch a unique
experience in the hearts and minds of each guest.

3.2 Company Mission

“A mission statement is a concise explanation of the organization's reason for
existence. It describes the organization's purpose and its overall intention. The
mission statement supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and
direction to employees, customers, vendors and other stakeholders.” (SHRM, 2021)

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Company Mission - The mission of our hotel is to provide unique accommodation and
services to our guests. Our hotel focuses on individual business and leisure trips as
well as tours related to group meetings. We pay close attention to the high-quality
standards in our rooms and catering areas. We give our employers a fair return on
investment and recognize that this cannot be done without well-trained, motivated and
enthusiastic employees.

3.3 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and strategic management technique that is
used to assist a person or organization in identifying strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats in commercial competitiveness or project planning. It's also
known as scenario evaluation or situational analysis.

SWOT Analysis Example

SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By
identifying these elements around a particular business decision, you can make a more
informed choice that uses resources wisely and leads to better outcomes.

Strength Weaknesses

Refers to the tangible and intangible Refers to aspects that prevent your hotel
benefits available to your hotel. This from growing or performing optimally.
could include your excellent personnel, Understanding your internal
your brand's reputation, or the location of vulnerabilities necessitates some critical
your hotel. self-evaluation: flaws may include budget
constraints, a lack of in-room technology,
poor internet reviews, a lack of particular
facilities, or an outdated website.

Opportunities Threats

Refers to actions you could take to Refers to anything that poses a risk to
increase reservations, improve visitor your hotel. Airbnb, for some hotels, is
pleasure, or increase revenues. Look at

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

market trends and guest reviews for considered a threat.

suggestions on how to open up new
revenue sources or reach new markets.

SWOT Analysis for Lak Derana Hotel chain

Strength Opportunities

• Provides safe Abode away from • Huge Scope for Technology

• Millennials the new key target

• Contributes to the local economy segment for hotels

• It is a Mammoth of an Employee

Weakness Threats

• High Hotel Rates- Huge setup • Pandemics

• Changing travel patterns

• Unfavourable Tax Rates

• Seasonality of the Hotel Business

and dependence on Tourism

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

4 Requirements Specification and design

4.1 Functional Requirements

Function Add customer

Input ID, Contact Number, Name, Email, Gender, Address

Output Customer added successfully/ Customer updated Successfully

Workflow Validate the given details and record the information in to the database

Function Make reservation

Input ID, Total Childs, Total Adults, Check-in Date, Check-out Date

Output Reservation Made Successfully

Workflow Validate the given details and record the information in to the database

Function Search Rooms

Input Date Period, Room Type

Output Display available rooms within provided date range

Workflow Validate the given details and check for the available rooms in a given
time period and return its availability.

Function Add payments

Input ID, Total, payment details

Output Payment Successful

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Workflow Validate the given details, record payment details, Notify Room
service manager and make available the room

Function Issue Bill

Input Bill No

Output Hard copy of the bill

Workflow Validate whether payment has been received and print the bill

Function Set Rates

Input Date Range, Room Type, Rate

Output Rate updated successfully

Workflow Validate the given details and record the information in to the database

Function Add Attendance

Input Member ID, Date, Status

Output Attendance marked successfully

Workflow Validate the given details and record the information in to the database

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Safety Requirements – There are several user levels in the system. Access to the
various subsystems will be protected by a user log in screen that requires a user name
and password. This gives different views and accessible functions of user levels
through the system. Maintaining backups ensure the system database security. System
can be restoring in any case of emergency.

Security Requirements – recipient, managers, accountant and owner will be able to

log in to the system. Recipient will have access to the reservation module. Managers
will have access to the management modules as well as reservation module. Owner
has the maximum privilege to all the modules. Access to the various modules will be
protected by a user log in screen that requires a username and a password.

Other requirements – when the system is completely developed and submitted to the
client, few sessions will be required to make the users of the system understand about
the functionality of it and some time to adapt to the system. After those sessions, it’s
required that a member from the development team should spend sometime in the
system background for an agreed time period. That time period will be used in
identifying new bugs that could not be reached in the earlier phases of the
development process. Stakeholders should have a valid email accounts in order to
receive reservation email notifications through system.

4.3 Database Design & Implementation

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

5 Outline Management Decisions and rationale

5.1 As an owner: -
System should be Mobile & Tablet Optimised – When the manager, housekeeping
team and other staff members need to check details on a booking quickly they
shouldn’t have to rush back to the office. Any System must not only be accessible by,
but also optimized for use on mobile phones and tablets. It should be able to check
performance even on a holiday. Also, Housekeeping staff can update the status of the
room, based on that Room Service Manager can mark the room as available so
reservation manager can reserve the room quickly and always room status is up to

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

6 Database tables – MySQL Queries





Address VARCHAR(100),
Availability BOOLEAN,
Phone VARCHAR(40),
Type VARCHAR(40),
HotelId INT,







Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, BasicSalary DECIMAL(13,2),

Address VARCHAR(100), OverTime DECIMAL(13,2),

Phone VARCHAR(40), Allowance DECIMAL(13,2),

PRIMARY KEY (Id) Leaves DECIMAL(13,2),

); Deduction DECIMAL(13,2),

FinalAmount DECIMAL(13,2),


Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.


FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeId)

REFERENCES Employees(Id)


CREATE TABLE Employees ( CREATE TABLE Attendances (



Name VARCHAR(100), Entered DATETIME,

Department VARCHAR(100), Exited DATETIME,

Role VARCHAR(100), HRId INT,

Email VARCHAR(100), EmployeeId INT,


HotelId INT, FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeId)

REFERENCES Employees(Id)


CREATE TABLE Payments ( CREATE TABLE Reservations (



DateCheckedIn DATETIME, AdultsCount INT,

DateCheckedOut DATETIME, ChildrenCount INT,

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

ReservationFee DECIMAL(13,2), CustomerId INT,

HotelFee DECIMAL(13,2), RoomId INT,


Due DECIMAL(13,2), FOREIGN KEY (CustomerId)

REFERENCES Customers(Id)
Completed BOOLEAN,
CustomerId INT, REFERENCES Rooms(Id)

RoomId INT, );


FOREIGN KEY (CustomerId)

REFERENCES Customers(Id)







Amount DECIMAL(13,2),

From VARCHAR(100),

Type VARCHAR(40),

RecordedBy INT,


FOREIGN KEY (RecordedBy)

REFERENCES Employees(Id)

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.


6.1 Mock UI Frames for main functions

Figure 7 - User Developed, Login Dashboard

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Figure 8 - User Developed, Dashboard of the system

Integrated System for Lak Derana Hotel Chain Management.

Figure 9 - User Developed, Reporting Module


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