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A Mini Project report on

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree


Submitted By
Mr. ALDRIN J THOMAS (R1912203)

Under The Guidance Of

Assistant Professor

For the Academic Year 2021-2022

This is to certify that the Project work entitled “CARGO SHIPPING MANAGEMENT” is a

bonafide work carried out by Mr. ALDRIN J THOMAS,

Mr. MONISH KUMAR SINGH, Mr. PARAMESWARAN bearing Register No: R1912203,

R1912231, R1912236, in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Computer Applications
under BENGALURU North University, BENGALURU, during the year 2021-2022. It is
certified that all corrections/suggestions given for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in
the report. This Project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in
respect of project work prescribed for the said degree.

Project guide Head of the Department Principal



Name Signature

Examiners: 1.

We hereby declare that the project work entitled “CARGO SHIPPING MANAGEMENT”
submitted to the BENGALURU North University, during the academic year 2021-2022 is a
record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Ms.SRUTHI.R, Assistant
professor, Department of Computer Science, Christ College of Science and Management,
Malur and this project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Applications. The results embodied in this project
work have not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or

Mr. ALDRIN J THOMAS (R1912203)


An Endeavour can be successful only when it is packed with the proper guidance and blessing.
We hereby take pleasure in acknowledgement all those who have enabled me to complete this

We have great pleasure in expressing our deep sense of gratitude to, and I consider myself proud
to be a part of Christ College of Science and Management, the institution that stood by my way in
the entire Endeavour.

We take this opportunity to express our thanks to our Principal Rev Fr Jince George CMI, Christ
College of science of Management, Malur for permitting to carry out project work in college as
per curriculum.

We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Asst Prof. S. Athilakshmi, Head of
the Department, Department of Computer Science for providing necessary facilities and
guidance for the project. We extend my sincere thanks to the project guide Mrs. S.Athilakshmi,
Asst.Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science, Christ College of Science and
Management, for her constant encouragement and support throughout our course, especially for
the useful suggestions given during the course of the project period.




The MAP-go is Software based on Tracking the packages which needs to be delivered to
the customer.
The Aim of this Project is that the user can Track the package and Get the estimated
delivery time.
The Admin will use the shipping Agents to make sure that the packages are Delivered on
The details of the customer will be provided to the Shipping Agents.
Ch. No Contents PageNo
1 Introduction……………………………………………………… 1

1.1 Problem and Motivation …………………………………. 1

1.2 Purpose……………………………………………. 1
1.3 Objectives of the project…………………………... 1
1.4 Scope of the project……………………………….. 1

2 Literature Survey………………………………………………... 3
2.1 Introduction………………………………………………….. 3
3 Software Requirements Specification……………..…………….. 4
3.1 Introduction………………………………………………….. 4
3.1.1 Software Requirements……………………………………. 4
3.1.2 Hardware Requirements………………………………..…. 4
4 System Requirements...………………………………………….. 5
4.1 Functional Requirements..…………………………………... 5
4.2 Non-Functional Requirements..……………………………... 5
5 Feasibility Study…………………….…………………………... 6
6 System Analysis…………………………………………………. 8
6.1 Description System…….……………………………………. 8
6.1.1 Existing System………………………….………………… 8
6.1.2 Proposed System…………………………………………... 8
7 Fingerprint image pre-processing……………………………….. 9
8 Extraction of Minutiae and Removal of false Minutiae………… 10
9 System Design…..……………………………………….……… 11
9.1 Architecture...……………………………………………….. 11
9.2 Module Design..…………………………………………….. 12
9.3 Database Design…………………………………………….. 12
10 System Descripition……………………………………………... 14
10.1 Modules…………………………………………………….. 14
10.1.1 Collection of Data Fingerprint……………………………. 14
10.1.2 Multiple Matching Fingerprint…………………………… 15
11 RANSAC Algorithm……………………………...……………... 16
12 Fingerprint Matching……………………………………………. 18
13 Detailed Design……………………………….…………………. 19
13.1 DFD(Data Flow Diagram)………………….………………. 19
14 Implementation…………………………………….…………….. 21
15 Snapshots……………………………………………..………….. 36
16 Conclusion………………………………………...……………… 40

17 Future Enhancement………….…………………………………... 41

Problem and Motivation

The project CARGO SHIPPING MANAGEMENT provides a platform for Admin

to provide a Track of the order which is placed by the customer. But there is no
specified way/software for the admin to track the orders.

To overcome these problems, We have developed a better system which is Web

based; it is fully responsive where a user can use in different computer systems. In
this system, the user can track the orders placed and the estimated time of receiving
the order.

The main characteristics of my developed system is that it is web based, fully responsive
and flexible. It can be accessed from any computer no matter where you are..

Objectives of the Project

 Both admin and the user can login successfully by username and password
 It stores all the information regarding the user and the records of order which is
 It doesnt require any extra hardware device.
 Provide complete functional reports to management of the company.

Scope of the Project

 The project focuses mainly on providing a user friendly interface to its clients/users to
seamlessly monitor and manage the delivery of their products/goods.
 There are Three main parts to it:-
Delivery partner
Final consumer
 ADMIN:- The one who gets the order from the consumer.
 DELIVERY:- The one who delivers Package to the customer.
 CONSUMER:- The one who receives product from Shipping Agent.

Each product improvement requires the overview interaction. The review cycle is expected to
get the prerequisites for the program. The study additionally comprises of concentrating on the
current framework and furthermore learning about the apparatus required for the improvement
of the program. A legitimate comprehension of instruments is a lot of fundamental. Following
is a concentrate of the data of material gathered during writing overview.


The cargo management system is an application that will help in maintaining the cargo
trading either through ship or airline or locally. This application can be used by the
company to know about the cargo quantity that is managed within its warehouse. This
application can drastically reduce the pen paper work as it can be automated.
It can also help in storing the information in a more easy way. The data can be stored
easily through this application. The user interface will be simple and user friendly.
This will be one of the interesting applications that one can implement in real time world.

 Features:

Easily Accessible: Being a web-based application, it can be accessed

from anywhere with internet. It is not necessary to visit the cargo office to
inquire about the services and features.
 Secured: The whole system and database is fully password protected.
Only the admin and authorized users can access the data and information
in the system.
 Flexibility: The software has been designed in such a way that new
features and modules can be incorporated in the system as per
 Reliable and Efficient: As this application works through computer and
internet, it has higher working efficiency and reliability.
Proposed System
 The Shipment of the packages will be Tracked and the Customer will be able
to Access the Locations of the Package when it is in progress.
 The Estimated Time and Date for the Package to be delivered is provided by
the Admin.
 Consumer can return the package if there is any kind of damage or un-
satisfaction with it. The shipping agent receives the package from the
consumer and Returns it to the Admin.

The necessities particular is delivered at the finish of the Task . The capacity and execution
apportioned to programming as a feature of framework designing are refined by laying out a total
data depiction, a sign of execution necessities and plan limitations, suitable approval standards,
and different information appropriate to prerequisites. SRS comprises the understanding among
clients and engineers with respect to the substance of the product item that will be created. SRS
ought to precisely and totally address the framework prerequisites as it makes an immense
commitment to the general undertaking plan. The product being created might be a piece of the
generally bigger framework or might be a finished independent situation by its own doing.
Assuming the product is a framework part, the SRS should express the connection points
between the framework and programming segment.
Purpose – The main purpose, to make this software is to overcome of problems of
data base handling, maintain attendance, generate reports and so on

Intended Audience – This SRS is targeted for the managers of mentioned center,
the clients, to get and overall description and advantage of the proposed system over
the existing manual system

Product vision and scope –The proposed system is being developed by keeping in
mind the requirements/need of client to automate its existing system for record
keeping, report generation and management level information system. Keeping in
mind the needs, the system has been developed as per guidelines laid by client’s
center. The system is capable enough to handle attendance records, report generation
and storing other related information.
System Requirements

The System Requirements Specification (SRS) document describes all data, functional and
behavioral requirements of the software under production or development.
A system requirement is one of the main steps involved in the development process. It follows after a
resource analysis phase that is the task to determine what a particular software product does. The focus in
this stage is one of the users of the system and not the system solutions. The result of the requirement
specification document states the intention of the software, properties and constraints of the desired

Software Requirements:

JavaScript Framework(jQuery)

JQuery is JavaScript library intended to make simple the client-side scripting of

HTML. It is the most popular JavaScript framework, which is free and open-
source software licensed under the MIT License [16].

Several of the largest companies, including,

 Google


 Microsoft and

 Netflix are using the jQuery [17].

Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality.
The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than five seconds.
The log in information shall be verified within five seconds.
Queries shall return results within five seconds.

Hardware and Software requirements of CARGO SHIPPING


System : Intel i3 core

 Monitor : 14’ Color Monitor

 Mouse : Optical Mouse

 Architecture : x64 bit

Operating system : Windows 7/8/10

 Front end : CSS,JS

 Data Base : SQL Server 2014

 Back end : PHP , XAMPP

Functional & Non Functional Requirements

In Framework designing and necessities designing, a non-utilitarian prerequisite (NFR) is a
prerequisite that indicates standards that can be utilized to pass judgment on the activity of a
framework, rather than explicit practices. They are appeared differently in relation to useful
prerequisites that characterize explicit conduct or capacities.Availability:
Multiple users should be able to use the system simultaneously and data should
be available for each.
There should option to promote a batch and there should be options to print
generated reports.

Users should only be able to login using their credentials and they cannot escalate
the privileges given to them.
There should be constraints to avoid duplication of data.

Functional Requirements:
Useful prerequisites for a framework depict the usefulness or administrations that the framework
is relied upon to give. Practical prerequisites characterize the major moves that should make
place in application in tolerating and in handling the info and creating the normal result. These
rely upon the kind of framework being created and the normal clients of the framework and the
client prerequisites for the framework being worked on.
Useful prerequisites catch the expected conduct of the framework. This conduct might be
communicated as administrations, errands or capacities the framework is expected to perform.
• Make Reg Subtleties
• Make responsibility
• Add representative
• Add project
• Add participation
• Produce Report
• visit box
• Alter Information
The users of this project are

• Admin
• User/Employee
Feasibility Study
After doing the system study and analyzing all the existing or required functionalities of the
system, the next task is to do the feasibility study of the project. All projects are feasible- given
unlimited resources and infinite time.
Feasibility study includes consideration of all the possible ways to provide a solution to the
given problem. The proposed solution should satisfy all the user requirements and should be
flexible enough so that the future changes can be easily done based on the future upcoming
Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are:

Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is concerned with the availability of hardware and software required for the
development of the system, to see compatibility and maturity of the technology proposed to be
used and to see the availability of the required technical manpower to develop the system.After
the study we came to conclusion that we proceed further with the tools and development
environment chosen by us. This was important in our case as we were working on two various
phases of the department that will need to be integrated in future to make an extended system.

Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is all about problems that may arise during operations. There are two
aspects related with this issue:
What is the probability that the solution developed may not be put to use or may not work?
What is the inclination of the management and end users towards the solution? Though, there is
very least possibility of management being averse to the solution, there is a significant
probability that the end users may not be interested in using the solution due to lack of training,
insight etc.

Economic feasibility
It is the measure of cost effectiveness of the project. The economic feasibility is nothing but
judging whether the possible benefit of solving the problems is worthwhile of not.At the
feasibility study level, it is impossible to estimate the cost because member’s requirements and
alternative solutions have not been identified at this stage. However, when the specific
requirements and solutions have been identified, the analyst weighs the cost and benefits of all
solutions, this is called “cost benefit analysis”.


Computer programming is the examination, plan, valuable, check and the executives of
specialized or social substances. Framework examination is a course of social event and
deciphering realities, diagnosing issues and the data regarding the Worker streamlining
Framework to suggested enhancements for the framework. It is a critical thinking action that
requires serious correspondence between the framework clients and framework engineers.
Framework investigation or study is a significant period of any framework improvement process.
The framework is considered to the moment's detail and examined. The framework examiner
assumes the part of the investigative specialist and abides profound into the working of the
current framework. The framework is considered to be an entire and the contribution to the
framework are distinguished. The results from the associations are followed to the different
cycles. Framework examination is worried about becoming mindful of the issue, distinguishing
the pertinent and decisional factors, investigating and incorporating the different factors and
deciding an ideal or possibly an agreeable arrangement or program of activity
The end is a comprehension of how the framework capacities. This framework is known as the
current frameworkThe planner currently works as an issue solver and attempts to figure out the
troubles that the undertaking faces. The arrangements are given as recommendations. The
proposition is then weighted with the current framework systematically and the best one is
chosen. The proposition is introduced to the client for an underwriting by the client. The
proposition is audited on client demand and reasonable changes are made. This is circle that
closures when the client is happy with proposition. Primer review is the most common way of
social affair and deciphering realities, involving the data for additional investigations on the
framework. Fundamental review is critical thinking action that requires serious correspondence
between the framework uses and framework engineers. It does different plausibility studies. In
these investigations, an unpleasant figure of the framework exercises can be gotten, from which
the choice with regards to the techniques to be followed for powerful framework study and
examination can be taken.
Proposed System

In the proposed system staff/admin has authority to fill attendance, to view

attendance and if any student is absent the staff just want to tick the name of the
student and reports can be generated.


• User friendly interface

• Fast access to database

• Less error

• More Storage Capacity and System Description


Admin has full control over the system, and is responsible for maintaining the
system, adding and deleting account, adding employees.

Employee can login to their accounts and can perform operations.

Chapter No Contents Page No

1.1 Aim
1.2 Objective

Literature survey
2. 2.1 Introduction

3. Software Requirements
3.1 Introduction

4. Software Requirements
4.1 Functional Requirements
4.2 Non-Functional

5. Feasibility Study

6. System Analysis
6.2 Existing System
6.3 Proposed System

9. System Design
9.1 Architecture
9.2 Module Design
10. Modules

11. Implementation

12. Snapshots

13. Conclusion

14. Future Enhancement

15. References
Web References

System design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for a
system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application of
systems theory to product development. There is some overlap with the disciplines of
systems analysis, systems architecture and systems engineering

The purpose of this document is to provide an architectural design for the employee
Management System. The design will show the presentation tier, the middle tier consisting
of classes, sequence diagrams, and the data tier consisting of the database design diagram.

In this phase, a logical system is built which fulfils the given requirements. Design phase
of software development deals with transforming the customer’s requirements into a
logically working system. Normally, design is performed in the following two steps:

 Primary Design Phase: In this phase, the system is designed at block level.
The blocks are created on the basis of analysis done in the problem
identification phase. Different blocks are created for different functions
emphasis is put on minimizing the information flow between blocks. Thus,
all activities which require more interaction are kept in one block.
 Secondary Design Phase: In the secondary phase the detailed design of
every block is performed.
The general tasks involved in the design process are the following:

• Design various blocks for overall system processes.

• Design smaller, compact and workable modules in each block.
• Design various database structures
• Specify details of programs to achieve desired functionality
• Design the form of inputs, and outputs of the system
Architectural Design:

Three-level (layer) is a client-server engineering where the UI, business process (business
rules)/center end layer and information stockpiling and information access are created and kept
up with as free modules or most frequently on discrete stages.



Presentation Layer(PL)

Show layer is a UI. Client/User cooperate with any application through show layer.
Business layer(BL)/Middle End
Business rationale is a rationale for a specific issue to tackle it. it is additionally called
Information connect layer(DL)

Autonomous application to move information to one another through information interface layer.

Logical Design

The sensible plan of a framework relates to a theoretical portrayal of the information streams, data
sources and results of the framework. This is frequently led by means of demonstrating, utilizing
an over-conceptual (and now and then graphical) model of the real framework. With regards to
frameworks, plans are incorporated. Consistent plan incorporates element relationship outlines
(ER graphs).User Interface Design.
User Interface Design

The reasonable arrangement of a structure connects with a hypothetical depiction of the data
streams, information sources and aftereffects of the system. This is every now and again drove
through illustrating, using an over-theoretical (and occasionally graphical) model of the genuine
structure. With respect to systems, plans are joined. Steady arrangement consolidates component
relationship diagrams (ER graphs).User Interface Design.

Output Design

Yield configuration by and large alludes to the outcomes and data that are created by the
framework for some end-clients; yield is the fundamental justification behind fostering the
framework and the premise on which they assess the handiness of the application.
Code Design
The code configuration should be to such an extent that with less measure of coding we can
accomplish more outcomes. The speed of the framework will be more assuming the coding is less.
Regardless of whether the information in the framework is usable and coherent by the framework
is relying upon the coding. In this task, the coding is being done with the end goal that appropriate
approvals are made to get the ideal information. No mistake inputs are acknowledged. What's
more, care is taken with the end goal that the information uprightness and referential respectability
isn't disregarded in the data set. What's more, coding is planned with the end goal that
simultaneousness evasion of getting to the information base, restricted client admittance to the
table is made great.

Definite plan begins after the framework configuration stage is finished and the framework
configuration has been ensured through the survey. The objective of this stage is to foster the inside
rationale of every one of the modules distinguished during framework plan.
In the framework plan, the attention is on recognizing the modules, though during point by point
plan the emphasis is on planning the rationale for the modules. As such, in framework plan
consideration is on which parts are required, while in point by point plan how the parts can be
carried out in the product is the issue.
The plan movement is frequently partitioned into two separate stage framework plan and point by
point plan. Framework configuration is additionally called high level plan. At the principal level
spotlight is on concluding which modules are required for the framework, the determinations of
these modules and how the modules ought to be interconnected. This is called framework plan or
high level plan. In the second level the inside plan of the modules or how the determinations of
the module can be fulfilled is chosen. This plan level is regularly called nitty gritty plan or rationale
Use Case Diagrams

Use case outline is a chart of entertainers, a bunch of utilization cases encased by a framework
limit, correspondence relationship between the entertainer and the utilization case. The utilization
case outline portrays how a framework associates with outside entertainers; each utilization case
addresses a piece of usefulness that a framework gives to its clients. A utilization case is known
as a circle containing the name of the utilization case and an entertainer is displayed as a stick
figure with the name of the entertainer underneath the figure.
The utilization cases are utilized during the investigation period of an undertaking to distinguish
and segment framework usefulness. They separate the framework into entertainers and use case.
Entertainers address jobs that are played by client of the framework. Those clients can be people,
different PCs, bits of equipment, or considerably other programming frameworks.


Entity is a “thing” in the real world with
an independent existence. It is an
elementary basic building block of storing
1 Entity
information about business process.
A relationship is a named connection or
association between entities or used to
relate to two or more entities with some

2 Relationships common attributes or meaningful

interaction between the objects.
Attributes are the properties of the entities
and the relationships are the description of
the entity. Attributes are elementary
3 Attributes
pieces of information attached to an
An entity type usually has an attribute
whose values are distinct for each
individual entity in the collection. Such an
4 Key Attributes
attribute is called key attribute.

ER Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram depicts the various relationships among entities, considering
each objective as entity. Entity relationships are described by their dependence on each
other, as well as the extent of the relationship between the data stores. It depicts the
relationship between data objects. The ER diagram is a notation that is used to conduct the
data modeling activity. The Symbols used in this E-R Diagram are

Data Flow Diagram

DFD is a simple graphical formalism it is also bubble chart. It used to represent a system in
term of input data to the system and the output data is generated by this system. DFD is
important for modeling tools used for model the system components. It shows the
information moves through the system and it modified by a series of transformation and it
applied as to data moves from input to output.

DFD level 0

The below diagram shows DFD level 0. The User or Admin interacts with the system to get
some output such as attendance details.

Execution is the most common way of changing over a new or a reconsidered framework plan
into a functional one. The goal is to put the new or modified framework that has been tried into
activity while holding expenses, dangers, and individual bothering to the base. A basic part of the
execution cycle is to guarantee that there will be no disturbing the working of the association.
The best technique for acquiring control while embedding any new framework is utilize all
around arranged test for testing every new program. Before creation documents are utilized to
test live information, text records should be made on the old framework, replicated over to the
new framework, and utilized for the underlying trial of each program.
One more variable to be considered in the execution stage is the procurement of the equipment
and programming. When the product is created for the framework and testing is completed, it is
then the most common way of making the recently planned framework completely functional
and reliable in execution. Execution is the most pivotal stage in accomplishing a fruitful
framework and giving the client's certainty that the new framework is functional and viable.
Execution of an altered application to supplant a current one. This sort of discussion is generally
simple to deal with, give there are no significant changes in the framework.

System Implementation

There are three significant kinds of execution however coming up next are proposed for the task.

Parallel Conversion type of Implementation

In this sort of execution, both the current framework and the proposed framework run in equal.
This occurs until the client gets the total certainty on the proposed framework and consequently
cuts of the current framework.

In this work, the web based CARGO SHIPPING MANAGEMENT system is developed using Net beans
8.0.2 backend with MySQL workbench and WebSwing (converting desktop application to web
application) for designing which is fully meeting the system’s goals. This system overcome many
limitations incorporated in attendance, this system saves a great amount of time and reduces errors which
may occur during assigining works and attendance calculation. The system we have developed is fully
responsive which can be used in different operating systems. Some other benefits are, Automated and
web-based for easy accessibility .It is a dynamic and flexible system .It excludes paperwork and the
possibility of making mistakes while using paper for taking attendance .It is very user friendly and handy
.The records of current and previous can be available in prompt and an immediate. The system can be
upgraded to include more users and to give specific privileges to each to check for the attendance
percentage and so on.
[1] Project Report on Attendance Management System, available at:
[2] S. K. Jain, U. Joshi, and B. K. Sharma, “Attendance Management System,” Masters Project Report,
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.
[3] [ACADAMIA] Attendance Management System, available at:
[4] G.Satyanarayana Reddy,Rallabandi Srinivasu,Srikanth Reddy Rikkula,Vuda Sreenivasa Rao,”
Management Information System To Help Managers For Providing Decision Making In An
Organization”, International Journal of Reviews in Computing, ISSN: 2076-3328, EISSN: 2076-3336
[5] INSPEC Accession Number:10792151 Conference Location: Singapore DOI:10.1109/IACSIT-
SC.2009.130 link:
rue&queryText=attendance%20system. Publisher:IEE
[6] S.R.Bharamagoudar, Geeta R.B., S.G.Totad, ”Web Based Student Information Management
System”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,Vol.
2, Issue 6, June 2013
[7] Using real time computer vision algorithms in automatic attendance management systems by V
Shehu, A Dika - (ITI), 2010 32nd International Conference on, 2010
[8] [Tech Terms] WAMP, available at:
[9] Apache_HTTP_Server, available at:
[10]MySQL, available at:
[11]PHP, available at:
[12]Bringing MySQL to the web, available at:
[13][W3C] HTML & CSS, available at:
[14]AJAX, Available at:
[15]Bootstrap_ (front-end framework), available at:
[16]JQuery, available at:
[17]JavaScript Libraries, available at:
[18]What are Website Templates? Available at:

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