Sr. Manager, EVP, Director of Sales

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Nicholas S.

P.O. Box 2171, Palm Desert, CA 92261
Personal phone: (760) 807-0477
Career Objective: My career objective is to find a position that presents the ch
allenges that will inspire and expose my ability to reach the goals set by my em
ployer and their stakeholders. An important aspect of my employment search is to
work in a team oriented environment, though I can perform on an individual basi
s as well. Additionally, my objective is to work for a company that can offer ad
vancement in light of my performance and achievements. And, finally, I'd like to
become recognized as an asset to my employer based on my contributions.
I believe that my experience, education, training, and work ethics will be a pos
itive addition to any business looking for a model employee.
Resume Objective
The objective of this resume is for it to stand out and accurately represent the
value of my experience, education, and abilities in an extremely competitive jo
b market. Below is a succinct overview of my skills, education and career. A chr
onological resume is available upon request.
Sales Professional- 25 years in sales and Sales Management- Set sales records; S
alesperson of the month on a consistent basis; Multiple Salesperson of the Year
awards- Countless awards and achievements; "largest sale ever" in gross dollars,
"most units sold" etc.; Always in the top percentile of performers- Managed fro
m 5-25 salespeople; sales trainer; Trained and developed highly successful, loya
l and happy employees.
Business Development Manager- Developed highly-effective sales strategies and tr
aining methods for sales department's increased productivity. Under personal dir
ection strategically produced record setting sales; highest ever monthly product
ion in units sold.
Director of Sales & Marketing- Successfully created and implemented sales & mark
eting plan for one of the largest gypsum mining operations in the United States.
Currently producing and delivering approximately $1 million in product sold mon
thly. Negotiated for, and raised in excess of $1.5 million in start-up capital.
Took company value to $1.67 billion (appraised value) over a 3 year period. Proj
ect development and project management specialist.
Finance Manager- Experienced in contracts and finance. Company liaison to the ba
nking industry. Successfully negotiated and delivered in excess of 3000 complete
d contract packages, all contracts successfully financed and funded.
* G.E.- General Education: 10/1976 Pacific Union College
* A.S.- Administration of Justice: 06/1984 Moorpark College
* B.S.- Business Management: 12/2005 Colorado Technical University
* MBA- Global Management: 11/2010 Ashford University
Thirty years of diversified workplace experience; proven sales professional; cri
tical thinking skills; customer service expert; communication expert; exceptiona
l managerial skills; skilled strategist; expert negotiator; sales trainer; motiv
ational leader; work calmly and controlled under pressure; natural workplace dip
lomat; skilled listener and people person; excellent business acumen; skilled cu
stomer relations expert; start-up expert; experienced in change management, risk
management and personnel management; loyal and ethical employee.

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