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COMMUNICATION GOALS} 1 Talk about politics 2} piscuss controversial issues poly, a + propose solutions to global probley, ut 4 Debate the pros and cons of sue, a SoM el see how you did, Choose the correc term foreach defnien Then ok at the answers @ Leadortake parti series of actions intends itis an eletin fora government poston “fleampaign vote @ dsystemof government in which every cizen ine “Bt potes county an Vote telet its government offs Cl amonarery —thredemocracy © A group of peopl who govem a country or state yf agovernment —["] aconstitution © tre arco scence of government orgoveming aconstitution @dsetorbesc laws and principles that a countryis governed by, which cannot easly © dsystem in which countrys ruled by 3 be changed byte potical partyin poner kingor ures “i aconstiuton CJ ademocncy —@ Thadeatrtip if] amonarchy © covemment bya ruler who hes complete power © noccasion when peopl vote to choose 1 ademacracy a dictatorship someone fran oficial poston i agoveinment —f.anelecion @dcounryrutdby a kingra queen whose power isinedy canton @ show, by marking a paper or using CO adictstoship 2.2 constitutional monly ‘amachine, etc, which person you ‘want in a government position C govern Aovoe Seer ene nena ere var pe ereeiate Cea eee re nee [A 502 VOCABULARY « Politcl terminology Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. agovernment politics constitution anelection vote campaign ademocracy _amonarchy _adictatorship a constitutional monarchy 1B PAIRWORK How much do you know about world politics? On the Ea ie Hy fersth Weel aovertinent\ Tien Compare hae Re cia site he nae of er clasmates. ENGLISH Fn TODAY'S WORLD ern gta sai PHOTO STORY Read and listen toy ¢ ‘conversation about discussing polities. hl: What a coincidence! eas just ‘inking about calling you. Ws been “gyi Ut bet working ta Carlo: OK. Who are you planning to TV station is exciting... Hey, ‘vote fr inthe election? ese days 10 ask about politics herein the US. anyone that question. Some people — bet rere saat Paul No worties. Actually, I havent ‘made up my mind. I'm leaning toward Clancy, though. think he’s better than the other guy. D PARAPHRASE Restate each of the following sentences from the Photo Story in your own words. meee etn oer tome Pn Sp ao 1 "tes, down ang cal “No worries” Qoall wotty - O Ee Selene ete || 1 Me Rg TATTe penonar 6 rman EN coe "ler Cancer exp On Wr THIKAND EXPLAIN Answer the questions, based on youruiderstanng the PRM Story. 1 Why does Paul say “What a coincidence!” when he sees Carlo? Because Me's Letting eabor\, rina 2 What does Paul mean when he says, "Busy, busy. The office has been cnzy7S wave a fed of work 10 do 3 Why does Carlo ask whether Paul minds fhe asks him a political question? Bae Mae Find ib foo gach 4 Why does Paul warn Carlg not to ask some people about Fenny their political opinions? Ws Corti ening \) nd Clune P SPEAKING Discussion topics to talk about politics? Do you think politics isa good topic for discussion with “just anybody"? Oris politics always “alittle too personal”? Explain. 2 Review the types of government from page 98. Do you think every country should have the same form of government? Why don tall countries have the same form of government? In your opinion, is there a “pest” form of government? Explain. Pore ete POSE 5 ae, GRAMMAR Non-count nouns that represent abstract ideas omar is ie ge Nouns that represent abstract ideas are always non-cout 0 Sime, ego Education is an important issue. Corea tienc tin ot NOT: The education san important isue. path i sea A NOT. Educaonerean impart sue. Matin poles { News about politics is always interesting. investment poverty | | NOT: News about the politics is always interesting. = — NOT Nave about pote re ava teresting EAMES» 1 \ - Oia | row nd tsa | A GRAMMAR PRACTICE Choose the eprect form of the nouns and verbs 1 Our (adyiG / advices) to you | are) to avoid discussing politics 2 (Powptly |The poverty) (ys | were) the topic ofthe international crt 3 somcandansnare pono eho a eaucations/Si | 4 Making (pga the peace) takes alot of yt | orks) and a ong time. s 5 Good nev's are) hard to find inthe newspaper these days. ; B_ GRAMMAR PRACTICE Correct the errors. is information Here's some political informations about the election. The good news.are that both candidates have programs for the education. Thi chee candidate, Bill Slate, says financial helps for the schools aE a question ofthe justice eee as affected the quality of the schools, and students from. schools in poor areas don’t have success. Joanna Clark, the conservative candidate, disagrees. She believes erprogress has been made by investing in.h€ teacher education. Her advices are to keep the old policy. “Creating better schools takes 46 time and patience,” she says aol VOCABULARY A continuum of political and social beliefs ‘A 3608) Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. radical adj. supporting complete politcal or social change —a radical n. liberal adj, supporting changes in political, social, or religious syste differen beliefs, ideas, etc., of other people —a liberal n. 2 stems that respect the cifierent moderate ad having opinions or balis, especially about poi | ‘most people consider reasonable or sensible -a moderatern, Mat ave not extreme and that conservative adj. preferring to continue to do thin | than risking changes —a conservative n, reactionary ag) strongly opposed to political or social change ~a reactionary n \gs as they have been done in the past rather 1B PSSO5 LISTEN TO INFER AND ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to n each conver ci “ ‘complete the chart, Listen again, if necessary, to check your versation. Then, with a partnet, ‘work or settle any disagreements. EMBeFaoderate conse Fuca Tvative “reaetonaEm> 2 She's 3 He's 4 She's 5 He's @0000 100 UNS CONVERSATION MODEL 4. 88 Read and listen toa conversation about politic x: Do you mind if ask you a political question? fi: No problem. What would you tke to know? ‘A: Well, are you a liberal ora conservative? 8: + Atul Pm neler ike tom, | find based onthe issues "M8 UP my Jp feos etenaid 2 B: | guess you could say that, 4 iryou don’t want to answer. .. - 8: Nooffense, but feta litte uncomfor taking about that: hope you donors ‘x: Absolutely not. It’s a good thing | asked. PSG? RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. | ‘Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner =i PRONUNCIATION Stress to emphasize meaning 88 Listen to the different intonations of the same sentence. Then listen. again and repeat. 1 Are you a conservative? (normal stress~no special meaning) 2 Are you a conSERVative? (Vm surprised thatyou would have sucha bli) 3 Are YOU a conservative? ('m surprised thatyou, among all people, would bea conservative) 4 ARE you a conservative? (thnk you might be a conservative, and like to be sure) PAIR WORK Practice varying the stress in this statement: “Would you say you're an independent Discuss the different meanings. COCO ti abou povics ‘What advice would you like to give the president / prime minister / king / queen? \What do you think about the president / prime ministor/ king / queen? ‘What do you think about our governments policies? Are you lderal oF conservative? Who are you voting for in the election? == 5 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model to bring up a topic that might be controversial. Partner B can answer or decline to discuss the question. Then change roles ‘A: Do you mind if | ask you a political question? B: No problem, What would you like to know? OWT STOP AL Well, ne ? ‘Ask other political questions. Bs Actually, sn + — cuss another political subject. © CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss P aes CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A i Read and listen to a polite conversation about a controversial issue, ‘A: How do you feel about capital punishment? 8B: Fm in favor of it. believe if you kill someone, ‘you deserve to be killed. What about you? | ‘A: Actually, 'm against the death penalty. | think is wrong to take a life, no matter what. \ 8B: Well, quess we'll have o agree to disagree! |B eau ram AND avTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. 12 Agreement mee | agree with you on that one © DISCUSSION Are youin favor of aptal_ pus ea ee |oatagee roe unishment? Expiain. Fal! | have to alsagroe with you 1 couldn't Rave said better mya Penihepen et Goyou nam rotsue ages, | Te xaty wat te ita | dar gre. en | Nocfene bt tusteavtag®, | mm ‘Eq VOCABULARY Some controversial issues A. ISI Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. ‘censorship of books and movies, ‘compulsory military service lowering the driving age raising the voting age prohibiting smoking indoors 102 UNIT Semel pst LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Lister {5 people's opinions about controversial issues, ‘Complete the chart with each issue they discus, the Vocabulary. wy discuss, © iStl) LISTEN TO INFER Now listen again and check For or Against in the chart, according to what the use Person says. a1 vteg. x aq O40 aXTgwe ox Ww gai + Awa 5 Goamsreme of leaks Vand ywovi KINN GRAMMAR Verbs followed by objects and infntives ‘Verb fotoned by an object before an infinitive: certain verbs canbe followed by infinitive, buts Se couage ronied wee | ard by a Gbjact before af ones en ae SeRee Tepetly orn ‘The newspaper reminded al eighteen year ols to vote ay peas. a ‘We urged them {0 wre letters again! the death cot. pai Pes de a | | Tee ane , prc agent woe a ptt el eel as See ia cate GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement or question with an object and an infinitive. 1 The newspaper advised .....2ll-vaters.te.register..... early for the next election. 2 Didyouremind SP oe voter regjitation cars? aa acon 3 We persuaded corfu S>,4o" ccs «urea aman ca Slants bo Stullvery night othuthedeybeloretewa. | ery 5 canieweconvince Neg se \4u"$, fe {048 taxes on property? iguaiin Syes GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Write two Sentences using verbs that canbe followed directly by an infinite and saavuntences with ves that must have an objet before an infinitive. Discuss controversial issues politely CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model, giving 2 reason for your point of vew. Use the Vocabulary and expressions of ‘greement and Disagreement from page 102. Then change roles and issues. costae? TRAE lst _ ‘Actually, | think co Timi foro. fink believe Tee ws wong DONTSTOP! tere no mater wt -skyaur pres oon ct rospand one ae CHANGE PARTNERS. Discuss another issue,

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