Diabetes Russel Henry

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Add a lType 1
Diabetes is the fourth(4th) most
diabetes is
common Noncommunicable
thought to be
Diseases (NCD).Diabetes is
caused by an
chronic health condition that
affects how your body
reaction (the
turns food into energy. There are
body attacks
three types of
itself by mistake)
diabetes: Type 1, type 2 and
that stops your
gestation diabetes.
body from
GESTATION DIABETES insulin.ittle bit of
body text
Gestation Diabetes develops in
pregnant women who have never TYPE 2
had diabetes.If you have gestational
diabetes, your baby can be at higher Type 2 diabetes
risk of health problems causes your body
not to use insulin
well and can’t
keep your blood
sugar at normal
#CUCHowMuchCanYouDrink levels.
Drink Water as Your
HOW MUCH Primary Beverage
CAN YOU Water is by far the most important
DRINK ?? beverage you can drink. Sugary
beverages like soda and juice have
This challenge
been linked to an increased risk of
requires you to
type 2 diabetes.
see how fast you
can drink a
bottle/glass of
Eat healthy.
This is crucial when you have
water and
diabetes, because what you eat
everyday the
affects your blood sugar. Limit
amount of bottle
foods that are high in sugar and fat.
water you drink
Remember that carbohydrates turn
will increase by
into sugar, so watch your carb
one. Are you up
to the challenge.
If you're insulin resistant, exercise
actually makes your insulin more
effective.Exercise can also help
people with type 2 diabetes avoid
long-term complications, especially
heart problems.

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