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1. The clinical manifestations of inflammation are.

A) pain and swelling;
B) itching and redness;
C) fever, pain, swelling, redness, and dysfunction;
D) swelling, hyperemia, decreased skin sensitivity and physical activity.
2. Damage is called
A exudation;
B alteration;
C necrosis;
D necrobiosis.
3. exudation occurs as a consequence of
A release of products of their vital activity by microbes;
B disturbance of blood circulation in the inflammation zone;
C exit of cytoplasmic fluid outside cells;
D decrease of protein content in plasma due to its increased decomposition during inflammation.
4. An exudate is
A proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous;
B hematogenous and lymphogenous;
C serous, fibrinous, purulent;
D liquid, viscous, heterogeneous.
5. Proliferation is
A increase in the content of unoxidized products of metabolism in the inflammatory zone;
B withdrawal from the depot of form elements in the blood;
C overgrowth of connective tissue in the inflammation zone;
D impregnation of inflamed tissues with blood plasma.
6. Productive inflammation includes:
A Diphtheritic
B round-pigmented
C Granulomatous
D catarrhal
E serous
7. A granuloma is:
A An accumulation of neutrophilic leukocytes
B Presence of mucus in exudate
C Limited productive inflammatory reaction
D Presence of fibrinous film
E Alterative reaction
8 Granulomatous inflammation can occur in:
A measles
B typhoid fever
C dysentery
D diphtheria
E Poliomyelitis
9. Granulomatous inflammation is a type of inflammation:
A Alterative
B serous
C purulent
D catarrhal
E Productive
10. The phases of inflammation are ...
A. Proliferation
B. Exudation
C. transudation
D. organization


Case 5.

On the section of a deceased 61-year-old man, a round-shaped nidus, 4.5 cm in diameter, containing
a thick, viscous, green fluid was found in the right lobe of the liver. The cavity wall was up to 3 mm thick,
whitish in color, its borders were clear. The inner surface of the cavity is uneven, grayish-red in color.
1) Diagnose the pathological process.
2) Give its definition.
3) Describe the structure of the wall.
4) Describe the composition of the cavity contents.

Case 4.
A 38-year-old woman has blisters with turbid liquid content and acute hyperemia of the surrounding
tissues on her face as a result of a burn.
1) Determine the nature of the general pathological process.
2) Classify it.
3) Name the fluid within the bladder and its composition.
4) Describe the outcome of the process.

Case 3.
During laparotomy, a 17-year-old patient was found to have a thickened worm-like appendix with a
dull peritoneum covered with dirty green
green films. A green viscous fluid was found in the lumen of the removed appendix.
1) State the disease.
2) Identify the form of the pathological process.
3) Specify the variant of the process according to the duration of the disease.

Case 2
A 16-year-old boy had a sharply painful skin area in the occipital region of his head with tissue
tension and difficulty in moving his neck. On examination, the skin is swollen, sharply hyperemic, and there
is a yellowish area in the center in the form of a depressed rod.
1) State the general pathological process.
2) Classify it according to the nature of the tissue reaction.
3) List the possible outcomes of the process.

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