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Thomas Thompson, has been District. was Tuesday, October 11. His senate President Dr. David sonable.

** J
chosen < Mercy hurst'ft new Thompson's immediate job as office is located on the first floor Palmer, he was selected He was also cited for his
director of the cooperative cooperative education director of Egan Hall *| knowledge in Cooperative
education program, which is still Also Interviewing Thompson Education and his •. open-
will be to work with various His first month will be spent was Dr. Shane. College Dean Dr.
In the planning stages. { agencies in the college com- meeting members of the com- minded ness concerning the
Thompson has had extensive Jerry Trimble* Assistant Dean tentative state of cooperative Ed
background in secondary and munity to design the specifics of munity and in conferences^with Ed Gallagher, i and on-campus
the Mercyhurst program. an advisory board for the purpose coordinator Dr. Marvin Cam- The Cooperative Education
higher. education levels. of designing a proposal for the program is designed for students
Previously he was a regional burn, -f ;
This proposal will then be program. * *£ to hold paying jobs in their major
coordinator for Cooperative presented to the College Senate Those people who Interviewed fields while attending school
Education at Penn State, and also and President Dr. Marion L. After being interviewed by Thompson described him with Under this plan, the student
served as district education Shane for approval. | •$* members of MSG,*the Senate, such adjectives as "warm, rotates between terms in school
coordinator for the Beaver School Thompson's first day on the job divisional chairpersons, and friendly, flexible and per- and periods on the job.


Trio Vies For Nod

In Friday Election
On Friday, October 14, Mercy- qualities which will enable her to
hurst Student Government will deal with students as well as
hold elections for the office of administrators. t I
vice-president from 10 to3 p.m. in Ms. Alexander feels she knows
Zurn lobby.. J 4 what students want at Mercy-
Three candidates, Steve hurst because she's in contact
Prisma, JoAnn Alexander and with them on a daily basis, d|
Michael (Jonsey) Jones, will be Perspective students as well as
running for the open position. freshmen tell me what they want
Sieve Frisina, a sophomore in a school. We must know what
accounting major and Egan the students are looking for."*
.Scholar, hopes to familiarize the The last candidate. Michael
student bodv with both academic "Jonsey** Jones, a senior law
policies and activities^ enforcement major, feels that not
Said Frisina, "I hope to develop only should the officers bring the
optimum communications bet- government to the student, but
ween students,/ student govern- also the representatives.
ment and administration. "Students must f see their
He also feels that he's a good government at work. I feel we
organizer. "My term in office can achieve this by using the
would progress because of this Merciad as a vehicle of com-
and the student body will munication between the students
recognize my ability." and the government.'*
As far as f SAC (Student Jones feels that since he's been
Activities Committees) goes, on campus longer t han the other
Frisina believes that the position 'wo candidates, he: is more
of vice-president *will be very familiar with how the ?
majority of
prominent in this area. the students think and feel on
"In order to get things done, campus. £
there's alot of red tape, we must "I know how a good number of
be persistent, take action in students feel on pressing issues
bridging the gap and we must which have occurred on this
fake the initiative to get things campus." 3 v 95 s |
done,** he said. Jones realized that the vice-
if One thing Frisina stressed was president position will play an
thai "the student body should get important >; part on the SAC
out and vote/' committee.
The second candidate, JoAnn *'SAC was brought up during
Alexander, a sophomore law last year's election, but to this
enforcement major and Egan date f have neither seen or heard
Scholar, sees the position as a anything about it." *(
chance to inform the students As far as the co-op goes, he
about i he power and purpose of feels that the program has its
student government. advantages as well as disad-
* There is a lack off com- vantages. *
munication here between the "The co-op program can be
government and the* students. beneficial to some students, but
Freshmen especially, don't will it benefit, all the students?
realize the power• which this For instance, what about the law
government possesses.'* enforcement majors? Are police
Ms. Alexander^ feels \ one departments willing to take the
of the important issues is the chance hiring students in these
Cooperative Education program. areas without the proper training
f'J "No one knows of the co-op. and qualifications?" W
Student government is form- Jones is hesitant about me
ulating opinions now on the co- program and feels an overall
op and unless there's some evaluation is necessary;
feedback from students, the *Tm certain that this program
government will have toCmake has many beneficial aspects, but
this decision on their own. said an indepth study and evaluation
Ms. Alexander. \ f / j by all members of the MerJ
^ She also feels that working in (Continued on Page S)
admissions 4 has given her

Wednesday, October 5, bet- morning when the maintenance and John Pratt. Sydow also-noted that there What tests were taken by the
ween 2 and 8am., the game room crew came on duty. Whether it was a student or not isn't much of this particular type Erie police is not known. £
in the basement of McAuley Hall Four pinball machines were no one knows. of damage done by the students. "Once city police get a case,**
was vandalized. Thieves made damaged,?with glass broken In noted Sydow, "It's theirs. What
off with an estimated $200in coins three of them. A cigarette " If another door had been ajar, After security had in- tests they took, I have no idea."
and cigarettes. machine also was broken into. it could have been someone from vestigated, the Erie police were Although the students have not
outside the campus," Sydow said, then called in around 8:33 a.m. A been found guilty, the game room
!? Apparently no one had heard Security Chief Will Sydow was "This is a personal guess, but I patrol car responded to the call has been cleared of all machines,
anything during the night and the called immediately, along with don't think it was a student. The and upon seeing the damage, sent and it may be awhile before more
damage was discovered that security officers Sgt. Bob Bedlow students seem pretty nice here." for the detectives. are installed. 'M >l
letters To The Editor
VI W p O I n t S ) Editorial Reaction
Let me begin by saying that this is Hot meant to be a per-
sonal attack upon either JoAnn Alexander or the author of
the editorial in question. I will take issue only with the
editorial itself, as there is plenty to take issue with.
PAGE 2 THEMERCIAD OCTOBER 1A 1977 I was greatly confused and disturbed by the "File Now"
editorial published in last week's Merciad. At best, it was
pointless and rambling; at worst, it was a cheap partisan
trick. I t
the Staff Editorial I a m still not clear about what the purpose of the
editorial was. What seemed to begin as a plea for student
itor involvement ended up sounding Mike a shouting en-
dorsement of the only candidate in the race for vice
Endorsement Policy president of-the Mercyhurst Student Government.
As a student newspaper,-funded by the entire student
body, The Merciad has no right to endorse candidates in
student government elections. This principle is grounded
Last week's editorial concerning the special election for
vice president of the Mercyhurst Student Government in long-standing custom and fundamental fairness.
("File Now," October 7) struck quite a few raw nerves. Despite this principle, the editorial in The Merciad went
Particularly upset were several members and former ahead and delivered the strongest non-endorsement en- -
members of MSG, who felt that the final/our paragraphs dorsement I've seen in three years at this school (and that
Do you plan to vote for a vice president? Today is elec- includes a lot of partisan writing).
tion day and by God we're going to find someone qualified mounted to an endorsement of Jo Ann Alexander, who at If we are kind and assume that the editorial was an in-
y for that position. | the time was the only registered candidate. nocent attempt to get students involved in the election, I
I All three candidates have had "zero" as far as ex- We won't argue the connotations of that section, but we would say that it failed at its purpose. By "endorsing" one
g perience goes in student government. What do they have will contest any statement that The Merciad, or any candidate, the editorial effectively discouraged any
going for them? college newspaper, cannot endorse candidates for student would-be candidates from choosing to run. When the edge
Willingness to devote both their time and effort in government offices. | X» v has been given away by the college paper, who's going to
| making a better student government. Let's take for exam- As a general rule, we admit college papers in pur fight it? ;,
ple Steve Frisina. ^ ; | position—funded by all students through tuition—do not
endorse candidates. Most don't, but lots do. It has been the I won't go deeply into other inaccuracies in the editorial!
Mr. Frisina has expressed a desire to be part of that beyond taking exception with the suggestion that the three
elite class, M.S.G. To do this, he must give up his spot on policy of The Merciad in the past not to.
Well, we're changing thai policy. We feel we are not present student government officers were elected on a ^
. t h e Mercy hurst tennis team after just making it. Frisina "ticket." t t J/v '$\ §y I
says he's willing to give 100 per cent to the M.S.G. clan. violating any journalistic principles by doing so. {*.£ v
We were, told we cannot back the candidacy of one As one of the persons responsible for the creation of the
Next, there's Jo Ann Alexander. Jo Ann has told me that student government election system (for better or worse),
she is really anxious to be involved. This is admirable and student over another because we are financially sup-
ported by all. .; 1 / r I can state as a fact that there are no such things as
like Steve, she wishes to serve the government to her tickets, that the idea of tickets was turned down when the%J
fullest extent. Extend that argument for moment. Students are not election system was being designed; and that George
\'n Finally, Michael Jones, known to most of us as "Jon- billed directly in their tuition for the newspaper; our Venuto, Joe NeCastro and Gerard NeCastro were elected j
sey." Mike plans on giving up soccer, a sport he enjoys, budget is allocated by the administration, which can independently and as individual persons, running for in-
just to be involved in the M.S.G. swirl. choose to give The Merciad, one dollar or one million dividual jobs.
Yes, M.SJG., the big wheel of the Mercy hurst daily cir- dollars or anything in between. $ ^ The freedom of the editorial page is not a freedom to be
cus. People are actually overwhelmed these days with Are we therefore prevented from editorializing for or abused or used foolishly. "File Now" is a witness to such
these three capital letters. Jf • against administration policies? foolishness and I hope I will witness no more of it in the
Though I'd hardly compare M.S.G. with the U.S.S.R., On more practical grounds, there remains the fact that remainder of the year. Jrf lr% \
U.S., or the F.B.I., they certainly do have some power. we try to give all candidates a fair shake and more. Sincerely, 1
How much? That my friends is a mystery to me. J We run a news story identifying all candidates and allow Patrick Weschler
Serving as a representative, secretary and vice them to state their reasons and credentials for running for
president, I can't say that I saw much power, but it is office. We run their pictures. We open a special section of
there, we Just never used it. the paper for letters in which the candidates can further
% The position of vice president is an important one and
jvl'm sure no one individual wants the responsibility of
picking a vice president, v jL
The fact remains through, that all of us here at the 'Hur-
explain their positions and qualifications.
Since all Mercyhurst students are funding The Merciad,
we feel we are being paid to do a professional job: To ob-
jectively present all candidates and viewpoints, and then
Ac Policies Input
The Academic Policies Committee of the Mercyhurst
st, has a responsibility in picking a competent person for to choose the;
best of them, as we see it, on the editorial
page.f ? f 1 & * -t * > College Senate would like to take this opportunity to invite
this position. If you'feel strongly about student politics, all members of the college community to each and any of ..
then I urge you to get out and vote. Use the power of the this year's meetings. * ;
vote to your advantage. \ * |
There is of course that minority who will totally bypass
the election booth in Zurn Lobby. This minority has little
concern with politics and there's little I can say to them
Work-Study Visions
Change. ' I /
We feel it is vital to gain everyone's input with regard to
any issue brought before the committee to get a more ac-
curate picture of what is right for Mercyhurst.
The Academic Policies Committee has the authority to
except, don't complain!! I The word too.often strikes fe$r in the minds of many: study and recommend policy affecting every member of
Remember too that all of us are represented by a hand- "Why now, what's wrong with things the way they are? the community: general ^graduation requirements,
ful of individuals who call themselves M.S.G. 8 | It'll never work!" academic standards, existing academic regulations and
We put them there last spring and the position of vice programs, both credit and non-credit. | ^
president is once again on our shoulders. Both the officers The protest goes on until the advocate of the new breaks
['.and the representatives are there to serve us and they can down or, at best, compromises and everyone is again con- Academic Policies also has responsibility for approving
fident and secure. changes in the basic structure of the academic calendar,
[j do it one of two ways, good or bad. if changes in the grading structure, exceptions to academic
In the end though, whoever wins has been placed there How many times have we seen the circle here at Mer-
cyhurst? Even the most liberal among us wince at regulations and periodic evaluations of" all learning
by us and will serve to May of 1978.) * '• ;t programs, including renewal of majors and guidelines for
In reply to the editorial submitted to us by Mr. Patrick changes that might deviate from the path of 51 years of
tradition, of "class." establishing new majors. • ^
Weschler, I have this to say. If I recall correctly Mer- The committee will also hear all academic appeals and
cyhurst is not the first college to go ahead and endorse a Mr. Norman Barber has proposed a new plan for the rule on them. J \'^ [
candidate. In fact, if you go down to Perry Square you'll work-study program and it looks like he is going to have a Presently the major issue with which the committee is
find a small, but established campus known as Gannon big fight putting it through. ? ' „ _ , , dealing is the proposed Coopera tive Educa tion program.
College. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it wasn't that long Barber wants to take away some of the false confidence If passed, Cooperative Education will give Mercyhurst
ago when Gannon went ahead and endorsed candidates in and security of an assigned job. He wants to eliminate the a new look. ^£ ^ v;
their student government elections. assurance to supervisors, of so many good, reliable If anyone would like to find out more about the program
We are not here to oopy the Gannon Knight (Gannon's workers (always less than requested). % y or voice an opinion on it, please at tend the next meeting of
school newspaper), but this was something we felt very And what is he offering? Job hunting, qualifications, the Academic Policies Committee. It will be held Thur-
strongly about as a staff. j JL and (gasp) maybe even interviews. 1 sday, November 3, starting at l;p.m. in the Richards
All of us are entitled to our opinions and you, Mr. There are visions of. 1000 students running to the Room. \
Weschler, are entitled to yours. We have a new policy here traditionally "easy" work-study jobs—those for which Gerard NeCastro
at the Merciad. What is it? As of the October 7 issue of the you are paid $2 an hour to do your homework. Student Representative, >
Merciad, we will not- think once, twice or three times But there are other visions. Of a student accepted for a Academic Policies Committee
about endorsing any candidate whom we feel can and will job he really wanted and tried to get. Of a student working (The Academic Policies Committee is; recognized as
do the job sufficiently to serve this student body. * * at a job where he is learning something he can use in the possibly the most influential governing body at Mer-
It is always in the best interest of the student body to do future, y # . cyhurst College. The Merciad urges community at-
such a thing, but in this case there were no other can- It is time to drop some of the securities of the work- tendance at all committee meetings.) £| 5v I
didates. You feel that this is a tampering of the student study program. It is time to exercise some job hunting and
government system and also that we are abusing our hiring techniques. _ *u * # w
power. Well to that 1 can only say one thing and that's that Maybe the only assurances we have are that it has
we are here to serve the students and we believe we're worked before, and confidence in our own desire to land a
doing our job. * job we want. But often we're not offered even that much.
Open The Center
the 4 >. Briefly Noted
^ *

Upon coming to Mercyhurst College the first priority of

merci The election for vice president of MSG also bears on

another issue of considerable importance to Mercyhurst
students. That is the recently formed Student Activities
a student may be chugging more beer than anyone else in
the school. All comedy aside, the first priority should be
academics. The second ^priority for many students is
physical fitness. ;:§ £1
Physical fitness may be achieved through varsity spor-
Editor r . . Chris Van Wagenen Committee. ?" ts, intramural sports, or just physical activity in general;
News Editor Gary Wesman k SAC was formed so that student government could the last of which may be achieved through the use of the
Feature Editor ........... Darlene Keith delegate the planning and execution of student activities Campus Center. The Campus Center is therefore the focal
Sports Editor W " Terry Kelly to a select group and move on to other concerns. point of this editorial. &
Graphics and Layout: Melissa McMurray, Darlene Keith, t Hopefully, SAC will become an extremely important We realize that the Campus Center has strengthened
Gary Wesman and Terry Kelly. ' *gj and largely self-reliant organization. But that will depend our needs for a recreational facility which we did not have
Typists JoAnn Alexander and Jocelyn Piccuta* upon the amount of interest and effort its members put in- m previous years; but will the students ever be permitted
Writers and Creators: John Bruno, Vicki Martin ago, Bob to it. to use this facility at reasonable and convenient times?
Derda Jr., Mark Cipriani, Chris Tomczak, Mary Mahon, It is encouraging to note that five commuters have Here are a (few of the grievances held by many con-
Amy Chiimadia, Denise Moles, Sue Fuss, Maryann already volunteered to work on the committee. MSG par- cerning the Campus Center: J
Ferraro, Richard Birmingham, w Lisa Manendo, Judy ticularly wanted the "day hops" to assume a greater role Varisty sports may only be using part of the center, yet
in campus activities. the entire center is off limits to students. Example: The
Anania. * i The new vice president will sit in on all SAC meetings, gym and weight room a r e two separate facilities, yet
Photographers Sue Carlson and Randy Mink as will Activities Director Jan Gatti. when one is in use both are off limits.
Business Manager % Lisa Manendo The vice presidential election will be held all day Friday is an active day for many students because of
Faculty Consultant.,-. .. . <. 1.... William Shelley Friday, October 14, in the Zurn Hall lobby. All students the upcoming weekend and many students seek
Art Miter. ., • . . /»• ,Y. Patrick Dunn are eligible to vote. Please do. "
(Continued on Page 3)


utside ine Bukowski

"Oh, Calcutta!", the con-
opener 7 to 3 and the series in six
troversial and successful
Broadway play that has been
entertaining and worrying some
From fDraper, jUtah, comes a
audiences since its inception in story about the growing interest A self-awareness workshop,
1969, played at* the Warner in polygamy in the'western U.S. intended basically for freshmen,
theatre for one performance on According to what was gathered will be conducted by Mr. Gary
October*; 11. Erie city officials from organized? polygamous Bukowski, director of the Career
attempted to ban the production groups, the figures range from 20 Planning office. It will be held on
from taking place, but the district to 30,000 strong, members-wise. October 11 and 12 at 3 p.m. in the
court refused 4o hear "their ap- A Mr. Ervil LeBaron, who Montgomery room of the LRC.
peal. heads the Church of the Lamb of
The play is making a national God, a polygamous sect, is The first of these areas is
tour despite attempts by middle believed by the law to be basically general, but important
America Jto stop it before the responsible for the murder or for the student. Each pupil should
curtain is raised. For example. disappearance of about nine have a clear understanding of
Cleveland Mayor Ralph Perk and persons. themselves in such aspects as
members of his anti-pornography LeBaron stated that he has aptitude, abilities, interests,
campaign |threatened to arrest been "anointed to run the world" resources, limitations, ambitions
the play's cast and members of and that it is his right to execute and their causes.
the aucuence if the event were to anyone who disagrees with him.
take place in their city. The second area deals with a
LeBaron is still at large. knowledge of the requirements
Basically, "Calcutta" centers
around a series of skits involving President Carter signed into and conditions of success, ad-
love and sex relationships, with a law a bill which could result in vantages and disadvantages,
heavy emphasis on satire. The the loss of eligibility in veterans compensations, opportunities
play does offer a few simulated benefits for some 16,000 vets of and prospects in different lines of
sex scenes, some with nudity and the Vietnam era; whose work. H
some clothed. I \ t discharges were upgraded. ' The last area deals with {the
Critics ihave called the play The new law requires a?case- After the long trek across campus, and the long dumb up the true reasoning of the two areas
"trash", but some have found by-case evaluation to determine many flights of steps in the LRC, some of us are too tiredtostand. mentioned a b o v e This will
artistic and "redeeming social" eligibility. Carter considered

enable the student to become

value in it. Along with the song
and dance routines, the play does
offer a critically acclaimed
vetoing the bill, but decided that
it would help most vets in the long
Learning Continuum better aware of what he must do
in order to achieve his goal. This
will also enable the student to
: | ^f|
The play should enjoy
moderate success as long as the
Remember Mark Rudd and the
Weather Underground? No, they
Unites Young And Old prepare himself for employers
who establish their requirements
air conditioning isn't left on.^^j weren't a successful Rock group A new program is organizing here to develop more work, it is and restrictions. $£~1
of the late sixties, they were an 8
that unites the children, young used to utilize all the resources The benefits of this workshop
"Calcutta had stiff competition organized group of people who adults and older citizens of the available within the institutions." are numerous, but the primary
for those in town who preferred to headed antiwar protests of that Mercyhurst community. goal is to familiarize the student
stay at home and watch same era.E I The Lifelong Learning Con- She acts as intermediary
television. The opening game of between those interested in with the availability ) of em-
•/ Rudd iand his "Weathermen" tinuum, -established in 1974, ployment in their respective
the 1977 World Series were responsible for organizing unites the Mercy Center of the taking advantage of the Con-
on the same evening, pitting the student riots ; and antiwar Arts, Mercy Montessori School, tinuum and those institutions field, and to test their initial \

National League pennant win- demonstrations, including the St. Luke School, Mercyhurst with the resources to help. ,'. interest.
ning Los Angeles Dodgers student takeover of] Columbia Prep, Mercyhurst College "and A simple example involves Some of the questions that will
against the perennial American University and the violent the Mercy Center on Aging.i 3j Prep's (.need of a substitute be £ discussed a t the workshop
League champion New ?York Chicago "Days of Rage" protest Many of the goals involve long theology teacher because of*a are: What is your philosophy on
Yankees. ,- i in 1969. | I range planning, but some have faculty illness. One of the life? Do you want a particular job
At press time, the game was wRudd quietly turned himself in been;* incorporated into the theology professors of the college just for money? Will you be
hours from getting underway. a couple of weeks ago in New educational system this was contacted and is now offering willing to further your education
However, the Dodgers and their York after being "on the lam" for academic year. services to Prep.
in the career if the need arises?
starting pitcher Don Sutton were nearly eight years. <> A One example shows St. Luke's Numerous other programs are Enrollment is limited to 20
odds on favorites to defeat the According to sources, the eighth grade taking freshmen in the developmental stage-and
Yanks and their starter Don algebra and English at Mercy- will soon be instituted into the pupils per session. You can
Weather Underground received register at the Career Planning
Gullet in game one. The Dodgers support from Cuba and North hurst Prep, while Prep students lifelong learning process. >
are also favored to win the series. Vietnam 1during the antiwar take advantage of courses of- The Continuum desires to Center, 204 Old Main. If these
This reporter, although no movements heyday. ? However, fered at the college. • | create programs that will allow meetings go well and additional
Jimmy the Green, but Johnny the no support was drummed up Maryf Andres, administrative all groups and age levels to ones are required, then the
Italian, concurs with those odds from the U.S.S.R., China or East assistant to the Continuum, share, communicate and con- Career Planning Center will not
and predicts L.A. to win the European communists. £ remarks. "The Continuum isn't tribute to lifelong learning. hestitate to sponsor more.

Inquiring Reporter Asks:

Upcoming Election?


Paul Laurito
I haven't thought about the
t n e v * Marilyn Coyle 41 •T: John Woodruff election too much, although 1
"I know only one candidate * "I'm going to voteK but I plan to vote. I take the elec-
verv well and I will probably don't know who for,*yet. I'll tions seriously, it's just that I
vote for that person. The can- decide on what the candidates haven't had time to look into
didate hasn't had very much say and what their issues are - Don Lydon
this one yet. I'll ask around for
experience but I feel this per- and if I know them, how well I "I will vote, and I've other people's opinions and try
son will be able to handle it think they'll handle it." narrowed my choice to two of to work out my own before I
the candidates. I didn't know vote."
Chris Bittorf there was going to be an elec-
"I'm not going to vote tion until I saw the posters
because I don't know the can- hung around campus. No one
didates personally. The con- really cares about the erec-
fusion over the filing deadline tion. No one says alot about it,
and who was going to run tur- let's put it that way. I don't
ned people off. That's part of know the qualifications or
the reason I'm not going to even what the vice president's
vote." job does."


More changes are in store for are cooperating. J
Jobs [KX


One example is the night shift

the Mercy hurst work-study and In the future Barber sees at' the Baldwin j and McAuley MM

student-aid programs according another change in the program. desks. &

to newly appointed Director of Instead of putting in preferences "I'm anxious to see it (the new
Financial Aid,; Mr. Norman L. and being assigned to a job, the program) work," said E. William M»
Barber. W KX mm
student will consult a job list and Kennedy, director off student XM MM
Some changes have already apply directly to the supervisor.; services. "But it may be hard to
taken place in the form of new get people to work the 12 to 6 shift Rxxx?
time sheets and work-study "We'll leave it up to* the at Baldwin and McAuley. We
certification cards. The new time students and the supervisors," may have to increase the hourly
sheets require the student to said Barber. "When you pay to make some jobs < more

supply* their name, social graduate from college no one is attractive." { :

' j.y«
security number, position, and going to take you by the hand and Barber, who worked with a
the period of work. say, 'Come on let's go find a similar program at the
In addition each student must job!'" University of Wisconsin, is
secure a certification' card When all the students arrive in confident that the I program can
containing specimen signatures the fall a list of job vacancies will work at Mercyhurst.t *•
of both supervisor and student for be posted. Any student who has "I'm optimistic because I know fXJOOfXJOOQOOOOOGMJ • • • •

comparison to time sheets. not found a job within a week will it can work." ' jfe
"A time sheet is, important," be assigned to a remaining job by
said Barber. "No one can sign the financial aid office.
your time sheet but you.** He
feels that it is important for
"It's not fair to assign a person
to a job that they don't want,"
Don't Fret
students to realize the
regulations put on employers for
accurate information concerning
Barber told The Merciad.
The popularity of some jobs Get Help
over others may prove to be a $ ByJuneGabor
payroll. problem, but Barber feels that Have you ever felt you needed
Barber said that the new the possible rush will be lessened help with your courses but were
system has not put any extra by supervisors who will hire afraid to ask? Well, you aren't
strain on paperwork and that more-' experienced and depen- alone. I think we've felt that way
most students and supervisors dable people first. at one time or the other.
I know I have, but this year I
Strange Happenings decided to get help. I found the
extra help I needed through
PACE tutorial program. In Grandma's day, nothing was
Occur In Sesler 122
What comes to mind when you
Just walking into the tutoring
office was difficult to do. First of wasted. She knew the value of
hear the following -words:
One night with Halloween masks
covering their faces they were
all, I was afraid my instructor
would find out and look un-
conservation and recycling.*We need
baseball, law-enforcement, seen stalking the campus favorably on me. S3 these practices now more than ever.
males, sophomores, pin-ball, growling and frightening in- Secondly, r though my tutor
chew, field house, maul, APBA nocent girls. would look downr on me. I kept Our booklet is packed with ideas about
baseball, mania, beer, an Arab, a
Polock, a German, and a Swede?
The next question received an thinking "What if the tutor is how to reduce waste. For a free copy,
interesting reply. "What is the someone I know." My fears,
craziest thing that has happened however, were quickly dispelled just clip out I
Give up? in your apartment recently?" as soon as I walked through the the coupon.
These descriptive words Apartment 122 reflects, "Oh door. 1 f£
describe Sesler apartment 122. yeah, when one of us (who will I learned that tutoring is kept
The home-sweet-home of Gordy remain nameless) pushed a confidential if the student desires
Karstedt, Rick Konkoleski, Craig
Nicholson and Rick Shaheen.r
When asked how they arrange
certain girl out the window!"
This curious reporter is unable to
confirm all the circumstances
it to be. Also that instructors
often recommend that their
students take advantage'of the
the cooking and clean-up duties
the guys of Sesler 122 chuckled.
"We try to have a system, but it
surrounding the second .floor fall,
but it appears that no one was
hurt or injured!
tutoring service.
You can't imagine how relieved
I was. And to top that off, I found
doesn't work too good," laughs
Shaheen. "We usually decide by
tossing a coin!" >
A general opinion of apartment
122 was their growing fear of
invasion by the freshmen. "They
out that the tutors) are not only
willing to help you whenever you
need them, but they are really
" The guys were very willing to Yes. I am interested in learning how I can reduce waste. Please send your
eat our food, they take our beds, nice. 5 I> free booklet, 'The Case for Materials Conservation," to:
relate the following em- but we do have a good time!" I've never regretted getting
barrassing story of a freshman admits a concerned party. help, but do regret that I waited NAME ' :
.'& *
friend. "After telling ghost It seems like a hectic and crazy so long. So, if any of you are
stories i about the college, a life living in Sesler 122. But when thinking the way I used to—forget ADDRESS
frightened freshman decided to asked if they liked the apartment, it. Get help. Don't risk the chance
sleep on the floor," they explain. CITY
the general comment was, "Hell, of failing. Take advantage of not
"But through the night he got yeah!" T only tutoring, but reading, STATE ZIP
really scared so he came running So that ends the short and writing and mathematics, labs as
into the bedroom to be with us! happy |story of "Tilman," well. K > MAIL TO Environmental Action Foundation; 724 Dupont Circle Building.
i These guys do have a "Knuckles," "Nickles" and You have nothing to lose and Washington. D C 20036 is
reputation for scaring . people. "Shaboob." everything to gain.
m<g VEASOM * CAUeo HAT \*J6 Kle*D & SOflnWM-
posstbiuries o? PtoHOTtNt- "TOfcAMAtS &CbVU6&6
ATTOlttifrOfft TUe^WAGTOtlMWirieH AriWS
TlNft PjrtftlANCtAU
MEermfr # • •

vmjfuot it, mitt ft. SUA MA



flOT ft At SltefrCSTIO
uovie\/efc,l c w r see VIMKE VA, co**v>ruinK-
POfclbttfTV <* WNNIH6- OFrr... irwobAbiv
ITUAT viouto fluworre rue Vtoill*MT pRonorsTKtr
K tiUL-Mfr* C6WHF01P VMl£9*t*S! FEMALe $AtesLf iTHetf
OCTOBER 14.1977

By Gary Wesman
Some inside maneuvering
cleared the way for Dave Mar- One objection was ?that the next January. The college and MSG each have appoint other students to com-
ies to be named temporary college cannot appoint a person The latter will pay $3,500 pledged $1,500. A total of 400 mittees of SAC's own design.
assistant activities director on to a salaried position without through next June, and' $7,000 subscriptions must be sold for £ All SAC decisions wm be
Monday, October 5, but could not going through proper annually. Praeterita to break even; if it subject to MSG approval, but
land him a fulltime position at the procedures-—writing a Job Glib does not, MSG will pay the several members repeated
college. description, interviewing can- Although he was not mentioned deficit.
didates, following Affirmative earlier statements that they want
The appointment of Maries, by name until acceptance of the The- college currently is SAC to prove capable enough to
Action guidelines, etc. proposal „ was/ all but certain, reviewing three bids for become nearly self-reliant.
who has worked in,the Student
Union without pay as a business And since some of the proposed Maries was the obvious subject. publisher. \ Another idea, one not met
intern since September, 1976, had $5,000 was intended to be a <
| £ MSG members giggled and —the cheerleaders. President favorably, was to staff SAC
been held up nearly a month over reward, or back pay, for earlier exchanged knowing smiles as George Venuto reported that the through a general student body
hiring and iinancial aid work, MSG would not approve Kennedy '%* outlined the cheerleading squad will be election.
guidelines. such a large sum if it could not be qualifications for • a t job budgeted entirely '.through the
sure Maries would get the job. Five commuter
description which he said "might athletic department, starting volunteered to work on SAC, students have
A way of sidestepping the Some members objected to fit only one or two people in the next year, and that this year's Venuto reported. All students,
problems for the time being was including any "back pay," saying whole world." *
devised at the October 5 meeting budget differences will be picked including MSG representatives,
that doing so would be un- When the pantomine ended, up by the college. are eligible.

of the Mercy hurst Student professional. I ' though, Kennedy emphasized

Government. —advisors.* Kennedy was
Aid Attempts that other qualified candidates unanimously reelected as ad-
MSG, acting on the advice of
Student Services Director E.
The problem became Jmore
tangled with attempts to fund the
undoubtedly will appear on the ministrative advisor; the group
scene before January 1.
Count and
William Kennedy, voted to open decided to invite faculty advisor
the temporary position through
assistant directorship through
financial aid. •*
The college cannot show candidates Dr. Frank Hagan and
favoritism in hiring, he said, "no Robert Zapf to the next meeting
the end of the year. It calls for matter how much we happen to before choosing between them.
Maries to work 30-40 hours per
week, the same as his present
Kennedy found that a special
category of college-sponsored be rooting for an individual we Results were not known at
schedule, at $2.50 an hour. jobs, under which Maries would know and have in mind." presstime. J, 109ErfeSt. * . . . . ; . A .734-5640
have qualified, was discontinued Maries seems to be satisfied —SAC. Venuto and Jan Gatti 9 W. Main St.. jfoli".. NORTH EAST ^
It is not yet certain that Maries last spring in anticipation of the with the arrangement, although proposed a Student Activities k,. & ..,,,,. 725-4792
will be able to keep the job after state audit of Mercy hurst grants. he cannot afford to be quite so Committee composed of four WEST i i
(Oakwood Plaza)
December 31 Money for student aide jobs glib about it. I officers screened by the 2609 Ookwood . •.v. .. •h-ji-i- ?fil 864-7513
The college will hire a fulltime, was returned to the general "I think Dave got discouraged executive council and approved 2808 State St........,-^ IN TOWN * ,
salaried assistant activities financial aid budget, Kennedy at times," said Ms. Gatti, "but by a vote of MSQ. . . . . . . A . . . 452-3606
EAST * «
director next January. Although said, when possible student I'll say this: He did a lot of work The SAC officers, under the Lawrence Pork
the position reportedly will be abuses iof the program were for the amount he got paid. proposed plan, would be free to 4202Maln . . . . . » _ . , £ ; . . . . . . . . 8 9 9 3 1 3 5
designed with someone of discovered. "Dave was begrudged
Maries' credentials in mind, The first three weeks of fall anything he did, because he got
Maries himself probably will be term passed as Kennedy and (course) credit for it," she PHONE BUSINESS 3024 Pine Avenue
one course short of his graduation MSG, both engaged in other large continued. "Overall, he worked 456-2508 Erie, Pa. ? 6504
requirement at that time. projects, looked for a solution. out pretty well; you could always
Activities Director Jan Gatti Meanwhile, Maries continued to count on him in a pinch."
will draw up a job description at a put in his regular shift in the Splitting the two positions will %. C. Mreahron ewelershrs. Jnc.
later date. Maries told The Union, this time without pay or save MSG about $400 over the
Merciad he will apply. ' a course credit. 1977-78 academic year. The 8
Prior Commitment "I understand the reasons it administration also has agreed to Diamond Free Ear Piercing
The interim job was created for (the appointment) got held up," help bear out the cost. From now with the purchase of 14 KT. Gold
the purpose of giving it to Maries Maries said.. "It came down to on, MSG will get half the revenue EARRINGS
as partial! payment for a com- the changing of the governments. brought in by the' Union game
mitment made last spring.
Maries was then completing
the first year of his internship
Nobody wants to get charged
with that kind of commitment;
they had to look at it awhile."
machines, a figure expected to be
about $2,500 yearly.
\ Other Business
Specializing in Double Piercing
working 30-40 hours a week in the £fig
"To be kept in limbo so long, Other items dealt with at the
Union for which he got six though . . . Sure, it's hard." October 5 MSG meeting in-
credits. It was finally agreed that cluded :
MSG originally wanted to Maries would get the temporary —the yearbook. Praeterita will
appoint him fulltime \ assistant^ job and that the college would indeed be published this year,
and tentatively allocated $5,000 in hire a salaried assistant director and distributed next fall.
budget discussions held during
the first meeting of fall term.
Payment was to begin, in
January, 1978, and run through
June. |^i
The money was not approved,
r V.P. Election Set (Continued from Page 1)

Ice Cream hurst community is essential.

With all three candidates in the
running, Friday sees more than
at stake here, something that
MSG representatives and officers
are scared about and that's that a
Social Set just a victory. There's something qualified individual is elected.

For Oct. 20
For those who like their bingo a
la mode or their ice cream by the
truckload, the Student Union will
Mercyhurst College Night
Every Wednesday
hold the first annual Mercy hurst
Ice Cream Social Thursday
evening, October 20, in the Back
Porch Cafe. J
Special events will include
Open The Center,
- (Continued from Page 2)
from 5 p.m. -11 p.m.
* at m *

bingo games from 8-11 p.m. and
an ice cream eating contest that
will cap the evening.
•For spectators, there will be ice
cream on sale in nine flavors:
chocolate, chocolate chip,
recreation after a week of study. So why is the Campus
Center closed? $ 1^
A commuter who may spend most of his da v on campus
Pastpiale's Pizza
chocolate mint, chocolate marsh- has no chance to use the center because of the limited for flit beer and
mallow, vanilla, cherry vanilla, hours. j , , - .
strawberry, pistachio and peanut Many times when the Campus Center is open, no one is pizza lovers!
butter. on duty a nd access is nearly impossible. ]
Cones will cost 25 cents, sun- During the weekends, library and center hours coincide,
daes 55 cents and banana splits 75 forcing the student to choose one or the other. Example:
cents. Saturday, library hours are 12-5 p.m. Student center hours
It will cost $1.25 to enter the ice are 12-4 p.m. : * J J-\ Largo Pizza
cream eating contest, which will The Campus Center is open only 34.5 hours a week. This ono item
begin at 11. First prize will be a is equivalent to one and a half days per week, or less than pitohor of boor.
$25 gift certificate for the win- five hours per day (mostly at night). Remember, this is
ner's choice of clothes, food, or five hours a day for 1500 students. * 'i ^ (You save •! .50 on price of a pitcher)
records Since problems are not solved by criticisms alone we
Prizes also will be awarded in suggest the following: ^. ' *
the bingo competition. There is Since the Campus Center is presently staffed from 9-4 Large Pizza
no charge to enter. p.m., why not open it from 9-4 p.m. to students and faculty
- Signs and posters announcing aiike? Considering that work study plays a big part in ono Horn
the Ice Cream Social should-be staffing the Campus Center, why not have students Pitohor of Pop
posted by the end of the week. working from 7-11 p.m. nightly? ,
Sign-up sheets will be available Exceptions to these hours may be Sunday because of (You save M .50)
in the Student Union office. religious convictions. t
"Everyone is excited about The purpose of this article is not to downgrade* the Cam- 1.1

working on this," said Activities pus Center. The hard work and effort put into the center is
Director Jan Gatti. "It should be greatly appreciated. Yet the students and faculty must be
made aware of the problems concerning the Mercyhurst
38th and Pine 864-8427
a lot of fun, and the prizes are community. *v* fil . ._ . . . _.
good ones. It's definitely a first. All suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Please
Workers for the Ice Cream direct them to: P.O.S.O.M. Box 53, McAuley Hall, or Proof of age is required
Social are members of the union Room 306 McAuley. I
staff and volunteers Amy Names Withheld
McNicholas, Sue Date and Donna
DeBar tolo.


Bulletin Board
Our attention was drawn to a letter dropped into the suggestion box
at the LRC sometime last week. It asked, Does The Mereiad run free
student ads? Could it hurt (if we did)? and Does The Mereiad accept
freelance student journalism? ^ k ':-
The answers are no the first question and yes to the second and
third. ]
Sorry, but we run only paid ads and, boy, would it hurt to run free
ones. At last glance our budget was in its terminal stages and the
thought of giving away freebies a pa lis us, fra nkly.
On the other hand, The Mereiad does carry a small-notice service
that very few people are aware of or choose to use.
For 25 cents a line we will run notices, birthday or holiday greetings,
marriage proposals and other nonsense. The items are printed in
agate (small type) and placed in a box somewhere in the issue (but not
on the front page or editorial page). %
V.P. Picks Address Students
The messages we get usually run four lines or fewer, and the whole
thing costs maybe a buck. f
As for freelance students journalism: We not only accept it, we en-
tourage it. If there is a story we missed or did not cover thoroughly
enough, feel free to contribute. *
The only restrictions we place on unsolicited copy are the same as
Alexander: "Involve All Students
those we impose on staff stories. 'We reserve the right to edit and
rewrite into standard journalism form, and we will hold off publication ^ I, JoAnn Alexander, am run- currently involved with are responsibilities would take much
until all statements and claims made in a story are confirmed. » ning for the position of vice Blueprint III and the $50,000 time. These points would be
All material must be signed and submitted by Monday for president of Mercyhurst Student federal grant I to design a better understood bv those who
publication the same week. & Government. I am a sophomore Cooperative Education program. attend the cafeteria* tonight
law enforcement
But if you have talent for writing and reporting and wish to remain a an Egan Scholar. major and also Perhaps you may be wondering (Thursday) during dinner hour to
freelance journalist, we suggest you do not stop by The Mereiad office The position of vice president is what Blueprint III and the listen to the speeches given by
Cooperative Education program each of the candidates. j
in person. We will coerce you Into working fulltime; we kidnap, if one of major responsibility which are all about. If so, this reflects a Needless to say, your job is an
necessary | will require much time and ef^ possible problem which has important one in deciding who is
fort. This is due to the fact that existed between the Mercyhurst most capable of functioning in the
Other notices and correspondence received in the past week: one of the primary duties of the Student Government and the office of vice president of student
The education division announced that any student who plans to vice president is to handle all student body for quite some time. government.
student teach during either winter or spring term, 1978, must submit issues and problems which the Whether one blames it on a Although I do not make the
an application form by Saturday, October 29. I ., president cannot because of "lack of icommunication" or a usual campaign promises, I will
y matters of-, higher priority or
Applications are available in the office of James Infantino and in the simple lack of time. general apathy on the part of the say that, if elected, I shall devote
student body, the fact is many one hunder per cent of my time to
office of the education division secretary on third floor, Old Main. Contrary to t what many students are unaware of the see that the Mercyhurst Student
members of the 'Hurst com- major issues affecting their Government performs the duty it
The next scheduled concert in the Back Porch Cafe will feature munity may -think, student education which are dealt with by was meant to — serving the
singer-pianist Michael Lewis on Tuesday, October 18. Lewis played government does not exist for the MSG. J 'Hurst community through the
one of the best-received of last year's Coffeehouse concerts. sole purpose of initiating student Involvement of all students mutual input and output of ideas
Lined up for the next two weeks are "Bottom Dollar" on October 25 activities. Although they do play must be stressed this year in a nd opinions of both student body
and Bob Franke on November jfc a major role in the organization order that thei Mercyhurst and its elected' government of-
of such happenings,
The Sunday movie, to be shown at 2:30,7:30 and 9:30 p.m., October ment members concentrate on a the govern- Student Government may ficials and representatives.
exercise its power and authority Thank you very much for your
9, is The Bingo Long Traveling All Stars. \ | J variety of different areas which to »voiced the opinions of' the time and, please, remember to
• A special event, an ice cream social, is scheduled for Thursday, Oc- effect each* member of the students at large. * •>; vote! -^
tober 20, starting a 18 p. m. (see story on page 5). student body. h To go into the other numerous Sincerely,
Included in the event are bingo contests with prizes and an ace Two t major issues *MSG is aspects of* the^ government's JoAnn Alexander
cream eating contest.
The political science department has begun elections for student
representative to its Student-Faculty Policies Committee, v - |
i The committee makes all basic policy decisions affecting the depar- a
Frisina: Majority Left In Dark
» »

tment and its programs. It is composed of three faculty and three

students, all with equal voting power. The department's represen-
tative to the Mercy hurst Student Government is automatically a mem-
ber. .-J £ i As of this writing there are now my belief that the past problemsparaphrased in the letter which I
Nomination forms are due in Dr. Michael Erisman's office on Thur- three candidates imthe running of MSG have been those of distributed throughout the
sday, October 13. k ,&L for the office of vice president of communication, or the lack of it.
student body. Letters containing
the t Mercyhurst £ Student The majority of the student bodythe minutes of the student
The College Senate made its final selections for standing committee Government. My name is Steve has been left in the dark with government meetings are just
ill-: itions at its Thursday, October 6, meeting. The following persons
Frisina, I reside at McAuley Hall regard to activities and academic
one of my ideas. More of my
and I am a sophomore.
were chosen to serve on the listed committees for the next two is accounting and I also par- My major policies. If I ,am .-elected on ideas* and thoughts will be
academic years. The first name in each group is the ex-officio mem- ticipate * in the. Egan Scholar Friday the communication gap presented at the cafeteria-on
will come to an end. \ October 13 at 6 p.m. I hope to see
ber. * I * program. everyone there, as well as at the
Academic Policies—Dr. Jerry Trimble; Thomas Biilingsley, Dr. The basis of my platform The above paragraph should polls. '&>. j!
Vincent Ward, Dr. Vivetta Petronio, Linda McGinley and r
Gerard consists of one word, and that not sound new to anyone who has Sincerely,
VeCastro. * word is COMMUNICATION. It is heard of me since it was Steve Frisina
Admissions and Financial Aid—Karen Schultz; David DeSante, Dr.
Jeffrey Sternlieb, David Thomas, Lisa Wells and Joceyln Piccuto.
Athletics—-Michael Cusack; Len Cyterski, Sr. M. Matthew, Cyprian
Cooney, Paula Pizzat and Jim Jacobs.
Long Range Planning—Dr. Jerry Trimble; Judith Wieczorek, Sr.
Joseph Mary, Linda Lochner, JoAnn Alexander and Christine Park.
LRC—Joanne Cooper; Susan Longo, Judy Zewe, Susan Kemenyffy,
Jones: 'Open Forum' Debate
Stephen Joyce and Robert Radziszewski. My name is Michael Jones. I These activities should also be program is to be implemented
Campus Life—E. William Kennedy; Phillip Paulucci, Robert am a senior law enforcement well organized and will be within the curriculum. I suggest
Sheeny, Ja net Price, Reggie O'Connor and Melissa McMurray. ': major and I am running for the publicized so that the students that some kind of open forum be
Christian Life—Sr. Elizabeth! Lintsen; Dr. Jack Williams, Sr. office of vice-president. will be aware of them. presented to the faculty and
Michele, Diana Bohl, Lori Chylak and Walter Green. The office of vice-president is a There is also another important students explaining the pros and
very important one. This
Budget and Finance—George Kidd; Dennis Andres, Tyrone Moore, vice-president will be required to year the decision facing the Mercyhurst cons of this program.
Peter Libra, Linda Ravenstahl and Jane Craig. community this year. It is also important to realize
attend the meetings of the S.A.C. that student government exists
Administrative Operations—Dr. Marion L. Shane; John Sliwa, Lin- (Student Activities Committee) The college has received a for the students* However, if the
da Tatsch, Andrew Roth, Katie McCaffrey and Melissa McMurray. This committee is in the process federal grant to start a government representatives and
Affirmative Action—Marilynn Jewell; Beatrice Weissman, Robert of organization and has yet to be Cooperative Education program. executives do not get the input
Prat her, Phillip Goldstein, Jeff Abel and Betsy Ford. implemented. It is important that This program could be one of the from the students, then govern-
this committee design different finest programs ever initiated ment will be a failure.
activities for all students. It will here at Mercyhurst. But will
Dean's List Dinner be up to this committee and also
the students of the college to keep
everyone benefit from this
-Let's ^make Mercyhurst a
better community — becone
involved., ?
Will Honor Scholars
The annual Dean's List Dinner, Dr. Jerry M. Trimble, dean of
Mercyhurst from becoming a
suitcase college.
Careful consideration and
evaluation is essential if this
Michael P. Jones!

honoring Mercyhurst College the college and vice president ;of

students who achieved a grade- academic services, and Edward
point average oft 3.5 or better J. Galagher Jr., assistant dean of
during the 1976-77 academic year,
will be held November 2, in the
banquet room of the Holiday Inn
South. i
the college, will present a book to
all students being honored.
A certificate will also be
L.E. Dept. Gets Fed. Grant
presented to those students being Federal funding has been and other materials are made per month. With the additional
The event is open, free of named to the Dean's List for the received to enlarge the existing available to all law enforcement funding, at least 35 requests can
charge, to the 184 recipients of second time. » audio visual and reference personnel with special emphasis be handled. iv C
the award. The students should An open-bar social period will material inventory - for the law on supplying smaller depart- It is hoped that with additional
promptly return their reser- begin at 6:80. Students going to enforcement department. ments with structured in-service funds the center will expand as a
vation cards for the event. the bar will be required to show The $6,839 grant will make it programs. * : ±JL permanent part of Mercyhurst's
Andrew Roth, assistant possible to continue serving as Currently the centers has ex- law enforcement program. It will
professor of English and com- proof of age. reference center for the 14 perienced an increasing demand help-keep professional law of-
munications, will be the guest k*The Holiday Inn South is counties of the Justice r Com- trom small local departments for ficers in touch with ad-
speaker. Roth's address will located at the intersection of 1-90 mission's northwest region, J; loan of materials and has been vancements and changes in their
follow a buffet-style dinner and 97, south of the State Street £ Through this program, films able to supply 20 requests field.
scheduled for 7 p.m. exit.
OCTOBER 14.1977
Andres Both Set Designer
And McAuley Hall Director
wnen you go to see the up- the sets which are his specialty.
coming play Summer and Smoke, ; Concerning his duties there, he
Lighting designer, technical confessed, "I have to play
observe the various stage director, assistant technical politician, diplomat, daddy,
designs. You'll probably be director, technical assistant and counselor and mother. It's like I
amazed at how much can be done production supervisor were some have 144 children."
with cardboard and other of the titles he held while he was a "We feel that it is a home away
materials, not to mention a few graduate teaching assistant at from home and that the kids
splashes of paint. • Syracuse University. r * should treat it as such. If they
But to Dennis Andres, the new Also under his belt are such don't crush cigarette butts out on
chairperson of the theater positions as set designer and their floor at home, then they
department, it isn't "a few stage manager of the Erie Civic don't do it here." !
splashes of paint" or other Theater, technical director for According to Andres, the hall
materials thrown together. It is a the Erie Festival of the Arts, and housed ^ wild parties • and dope
carefully sketched plan, which technical director for the Hart- about four years ago. The first
results in realistic sets. ford Ballet Company. director was Dan O'Connor who
Besides being the chairperson But Andres' Jobs do not end settled it down, then when the
of the department, Andres is here. Besides being totally in- Andres came here two years ago,
lighting designer, scenic volved in the theater department, it settled down even more, f
designer, production manager, he isAalso involved in McAuley «"I think part of the reason that
and overseer of costumes. Hall. That is, he and his wife I can handle most of the problems
He will work closely with the Mary Catherine are the director is because I have some ex-
directors of the upcoming plays and assistant director of perience with young people. I
with the students, and of course, McAuley Hall. nave worked with prisoners in the
Erie County Prison and also
ECO II worked with addicts in Spanish
•"My wife nasi a degree in
Goodbye Electric, sociology and social work, so that
doesn't hurt either."
Andres wasn't new to Mer-
cyhurst two years ago though. He
Hello Self-Feeder By Sue F
attended Mercyhurst part-time
back In 1968 which makes an
interesting story in itself.
But ask Dennis Andres about it
I walked into the library the Feeder No. 4 Pencil Sharpener." sometime. He'll tell you. I'll give
other day and noticed that a Apparently there must be some you u} clue though. It has W
landmark of sorts was missing. people who are unaccustomed to something to do with his spouse.
The tan and white box with a manual sharpeners. Where the It makes interesting listening. Dennis Andres
hole in one end, which elec- electric model only required the
t rically chewed your pencil to the operator to stick his pencil in the
proper point, was no longer there. hole, this "new fangled" machine
In its place, next to the "Pick required some human coor-
Up Record/ Player Here" sign. dination.
To The Hard Working Student,
was a sparkling new manual
I congratulate the
sharpener complete with hole replacing their energy-eating
and crank.
library for Archives Is A Vision Of Beauty
sharpener with the
I was told by a desk worker that energy kind. I think they arehuman-
Dr. Stuart Campbell, Assistant aspects of the work provided by There was also a grant funded
the electric model had sputtered showing us something valuable. Professor of History and the the archives. v h i from the Smithsonian Institution.
a few last shavings and died * Mercyhurst College archivist, is Micro-filming is' a , form of They have long been approved,
about a week ago. She, for one, Just how many of the things we a recent Ph.D. graduate of the information storage 'iand but not yet funded, for a small
was happy to see it go, vividly do with electric appliances do we University of Delaware. retrieval, or putting images on grant from the Pennsylvania
describing the disturbing noises remember how to do by hand? fe Campbell's background for his film. It is important for the Museum Commission.
it made in the otherwise quiet (I've worked with children who work in the archives came from a materials they collect, whether This is for the purpose of in-
library. -.•" , don't know what a manual can fellowship program at Delaware they be old college newspapers or terviewing residents of the Erie
The replacement of a small opener looks like, let alone how to in which he was selected to recent materials put out through Community who are immigrants
machine! may not be a very use one). participate. other college offices or the Erie or whose parents were im-
significant occasion, but one fact Could we cut meat, open cans, The work was done in a private community. migrants from Europe. Some of
easily overlooked, can catch us cook a hamburger, or press out a research library I which Generally, the more paper is these interviews have been done,
off guard. cookie if the electricity went out? specializes in collecting original handled, particularly that of an and Dr. Campbell plans to do
Right in front of that new Rest in peace, my electric manuscripts, maps, and older year, the more apt it is to be more with his students' help this
manual pencil sharpener is a friend. And may you have a long photographs concerning the torn or marred. Micro-filming is upcoming year. j
piece of paper with Directions and happy life, Boston Self- industrial business evolution of the storing of an original copy, The work-study students are
on Operating the Boston Self- Feeder No. 4. the Middle Atlantic area. ] and the duplication of that copy highly praised by Dr. Campbell.
The founders of this library which can be lent but many times Although he states there is a
decided to offer fellowships to without the risk of destroying the constant back-log, the students
Advisor Getting Rich educate students in the skills
used in collecting, -preserving,
organizing, and maintaining
information it contains.
"Target audiences are drawn
from the above mentioned
do take an interest in the work of
the archives and offer him much
support and help.
On Naive Freshmen original documents and
photographs. These are the four
primary objectives of the ar-
goals," stated Campbell. "The
Mercyhurst material is used by
students, alumni, public
These students are specially
trained to take on the major
responsibilities of the archives,
By Don Burger chives. relations, the development office as well as seeing to it that all
were crowded^in the room, all Located on the bottom floor of or any others needing material students who come down to the
My friend Stan and I were with innocent smiles and smoke the Learning Resource Center, about the college, either very old archives for help are being taken
going to class the other day when coming through their teeth. the archives is a home where or very recent as we keep an on- care of. *
we spotted a rather strange We, of course, being serious, original sources'of information going file." ~y "Since we are a small group,"
person wandering around the seized the opportunity and gave on Mercyhurst College as well as The largest group of materials Campbell says, "the students are
halls in Zuro. We stopped
to help them all detention. those documenting the growth in the archives is on Mercyhurst trained in a variety of areas and I
the poor soul. "You can't give me detention! and change in the Erie area are College. Students with a research think it is really great. They're
"You must be new around here. one of them yelled. "I bought a kept. interest in some of their collec- using skills which may well help
May we help you?" cover-all .i pardon from my ad- [« "Another major goal of the tions are welcome to utilize the them if they decide to go on to
"I'm a freshman. Can you tell visor for ten bucks." 11
archives, according to Dr. facilities , and information graduate school. Everything one
me where the escalators are? Stan said, "Some advisor is Campbell, "is the training of provided by them, • 3 may see catalogued and boxed
"There are no escalators really getting rich, let's find out work-study students in the skills These services are welcome to has been done by the work-study
here." , £ . who/' * required to accomplish the above off-campus people as well who students."
"Are you sure? I paid ten bucks We went over to Preston to see aims." Campbell feels;this will wish to use Mercyhurst material Visitors are always welcome
for this escalator pass and my an unnamed communications enhance their employability in a or some of the information on the and the archive collection of
advisor wouldn't rip me off. . . advisor, only to see a huge crowd variety of settings upon their Erie Community. catalogues may be of interest to a
would he?" of freshmen clamoring at his graduation from Mercyhurst Some of the grant support the student or Erie resident seeking
Stan and I went upstairs. door. We overheard this un- College, archives has received includes a information on a variety of
"These freshmen just can t break named communications advisor. The final major purpose of the small grant from the First subjects. v. J
the high school habit, can they? "All right, who's next! he archives is to serve some college National Bank to collect U So, the next time you are in the
Just then we saw two nervous yelled. "The rest of you take a offices by providing micro- materials or in other ways, Learning Resource Center, stop
looking youngsters standing number." ' -.}- ^ filming services here on campus pursue black history in the Erie down and see what the archives
outside the men's room, one "I'm next!" said this young free of charge. Campbell feels area. This resulted in a small has to offer. You may be sur-
yelled inside. * looking girl. that this is one of the most im- slide program which is available prised to find what you can "dig
"Douse *em quick! 1 "What do you need? * portant and most interesting for anyone's use. up" from the past.
As we walked in, the deafening "How much do library passes
sound of hundreds of cigarette cost?" j
butts hitting the toilets startled "fen bucks .. . in advance."
us. About a hundred freshmen

Low Enforcement Club Meeting

Continuum Picnic Time: Tuesday, October 18 at 8 p.m.
Place: Faculty.Lounge located In basement of Preston.
Faculty and Administration of all com- Speaker: Vincent J. McElhinny
ponents and their families are invited to i. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
• attend oh Wednesday, October 19 am the Board of Parole and Probation »
Motherhouse from 4 to 6 p. m. Refreshments will be served and new members are welcome.
please make reservations.
• « J t . V - • - • • - . • . "> m- *-»*> *•
» ' » « * » • • I » « • » . « * * * » * . ' •-** VJ*V
* • - *
» « »>*
Weber Gets HatfTrick

By Bob Derda Jr.

The Mercyhurst Laker soccer Bence? and Nystrom are Just their highest scoring win ever.
team returned to action last week coming into their own as college In the Lakers' win against
after a 10 day layoff and won soccer players.*' Geneva, Bence scored in the first
their first two games of ? the That trio, along with Clark, half with 10:07 gone to give
season. gives the 'Hurst a line "which can Mercyhurst a 1-0 advantage.
The 'Hurst trounced St. Vincent score every time they put theiri Geneva came back in the
College 6-0 last Saturday and foot on the ball." second half and scored to tie the
narrowly defeated Geneva 2-1 on Standouts; for the Lakers game at the 58:25 marker.
Monday. g defensively were sophomore However, the Lakers' leading
Coach Dave Shimpeno admits Mark Rickert, senior letterman scorer, Weber, put the *Hurst
that his team played "fairly Dave Maries and sophomore ahead to stay with his fifth goal of
well" defensively; however they goalkeeper Tom Moffat, who the season, thus upping the
had trouble finding the net of- recorded the first shutout ever Lakers' season record to 2-3.
fensively in their first three for Mercyhurst. ,. £* Coach Shimpeno praised Bob
games. t [•• In the Vincent game, Weber George and Chuck Farina for
He credits the Lakers front line recorded -a hat trick (scoring their outstanding defensive game
of Gary Weber, R.T. Bence, John three goals in one game) to give in the Lakers' second consecutive
Nystrom, and Doug Clark for the the 'Hurst a comfortable 3-0 first win.
'Hurst's sudden turnaround. half lead. |
| K %*4 m 4J¥
Mercyhurst played rivals
"Our front line finally began to Freshmen Bence and Nystrom Gannon on Wednesday and will
score," said Shimpeno. "Weber added scores in the second half as travel to play^at Pitt-Johnstown
played like a house on fire while did Clark as the Lakers rolled up on Saturday. | «

; s w

Wet Lakerettes
The statement should read
something like this: Due to the
inclement weather conditions,
Beat Villa
thisi fall's Mercyhurst baseball
season has been cancelled.
New head coach Mike Cusack
and his Lakers had their 14 game
Stand at .500 In the above photo, Laker freshman John Nystrom (3) battles with a St. Vincent player in the Lakers
first win of the season, 6-0. Teammate John "Woody" Woodruff comes in from behind to help. In the
season shortened over the j | The Lakers' women tennis photo below, Lakers R.T. Benoe (1) and Bill Orloff (10) stand above the St. Vincent goalie after Orloff
weekend as itwo j more double- team stands at the .500 mark as tried a shot on goal and caught the player in the mouth with this foot. All the action took place on Tullio
headers were cancelled, bringing they beat?Villa on the home Field as the Lakers shut out St. Vincent. i L %'Yl PHOTO BY RANDY MINK
i he total to four. That means the courts Monday by a 6-1 score.
Lakers didn't even play eight In singles play, J Paula Pizzat
games, which left them with six beat Debbie Skurcenski, 6-3, 6-1,
and a 4-2 record. and Millie Choice beat Chris
At a recent meeting with the Michal 6-1, 6-1. j
players, Cusack said the hitting Fran Gollo defaulted to Andy
would have to improve over the Sotelo and Kathe Lowry won 6-2,
winter to make the team real 6-1 against Melody Hunt. }
good. Over the six games the Amy-Swanson was the lone
Lakers hit .263 (39 for 148) and singles victor for Villa as she beat I
scored 20 runs. The hitting will be Holly Brinig by a 6-2, 6-0 score.
worked on extensively as the In doubles action, Mary Ann
program has an indoor batting King and Michele Durant won
cage this year. The pitching their match aceing Kim Nine and
machine will be set up inside the Brenda Ritchie 6-0, 6-0. |
net-type cage and the team can This was the second meeting
hit all winter.?Cusack says only for the two schools and Mer-
good things can result from the cyhurst was a victor both times.
cage. Monday's match lasted barely
R Going over other areas, Cusack one hour as the ' Hurst hurriedly
said the pitching was good as was humbled the Villa team.
the defensive play. He said The season ends (Saturday,
overall the team still needs a lot October 15 with an away game
of work which he will try to ac- against Edinboro. In their last
complish in the relaxed-type meeting, Edinboro won by a 4-2
indoor workouts. , ? score.

MFL Results
"• Saturday, October 9
Total Attention
[ by Chris Tomczak 1 2 3 i4£
Joe Garagibla, NBC sportscaster who was announcing the baseball Hot Tuna 0 0 0 6 6
playoffs, had a very interesting thought. He spoke of the Kansas City
Royals taking chances, being aggressive, winning a few, losing a few. Brothers . . . 0 0 6 6 12 Education
To get anywhere in baseball and in life, we must take chances. We
cannot be afraid to lose. To be a champion of life, we must learn from Silver __ .. H
our mistakes, take our losses in stride, and try not to make the same Streak 0 0 0 6 6
mistakes again. - i " > ? 1 t h e High . . . 6 13 13 7 39 Dr. Lyle Lehman. Division
•^ n* •** ^ * v *T* •»• *T* *p

Holly Brinig looked like a champion even though she lost to Vic Chairman of S.U.N.Y. will ad-
Henry's.... 0 6 0 0 6 dress all education majors.
Casper last week against Gannon. The match was a very exciting Joint
exhibition of tennis. The three setter ended in a tie breaker each set. It Effort 0 7 7 0 m
is tough to lose when you come so close, but a winner doesn't always
have to have the best score. Holly was a winner in defeat. When: . . . Sunday, October 16.
* * * * * * * * * *
I* .'; w L Time 7:00 p.m.

The women's tennis record is 3-2 in the Keystone Conference. The The High 2 0
Lakers beat Grove City, Behrend and Villa. They lost to Westminster Joint Effort, 2 0 Where: 114 Zurn
and Allegheny. Hot Tuna 1 jl
Marx Brothers 1 .1 Topic: Trends', in Education
5|C 5jC 5JC 5JC »f% * J * *JC ?f» 9f5 5p
Henry's. 0 2 for the future.
Silver Streak . . 7TZ 0 2
Michele Durant has been setting a firey pace in tennis action. She beat her opponents in the Villa, Grove
City, Gannon and Edinboro matches. She only lost against her Westminster opponent.
*X* *>&* *X* *!• * *A* *X* *!«• *}-* %1* e^
T* *X* ^P •»* ^ P *-P *l* •»* 1* ***

In a quadrangular meet, the Lakers volleyball team lost two games. Gannon beat the team 15-13, 15-7. MAKE THIS THANKSGIVING ONE TO REMEMBER!
Erie Community College downed the 'Hurst also by a 15-10,15-8 score. Gannon was the big victor as they
won both their matches. > Go Out and Win The
* * * * * * * * * * *

Congratulations to the Lakers soccer team on their first victory ot the season. The team:
not only beat St.
Vincent's by a 6-0 score on Saturday, but they also set a scoring record in doing it. *^f J
Gary Weber also set a mark as he scored three goals in the first half. Other tallies were made by John
Nystrom, R. T. Bence and Doug Clark.
Nice going Gary, Coach Dave Shimpeno and the rest of the soccer team! Name Age
There is less than five weeks to prepare for the Turkey Trot.
Physicals are a must especially for those participants over 30 years old. They can be taken Thursday and
Fridays at the nurses office first floor Preston. : Residence
Registration forms are to be handed in to Janet Price at the Camous Center. Ms. Price says there are
o n l Y three definite males signed up in the under thirty category thus far.
in preparing for the Turkey Trot, participants should be aware that you cannot get in shape overnight.
Start out slow, increase the pace every day and most importantly, stick with it.
Phone Number


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