Lab 6 Intro To The Oscilloscope Answer Part3

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Measurements with an Oscilloscope Part 3

Names_Brayden, Corey, Dillon_____

Goal: To learn how to make basic measurements of voltage and period using an oscilloscope. Replace your
images with the ones in this document

Basic controls.
Frequency, period, and amplitude of Unknown 1
A. Oscilloscope Image of Unknown 1 with cursors showing and Vpp, Frequency, and period showing on
the bottom of the oscilloscope

B. Determine the amplitude of the wave.

1. Use the Volts per division to determine the amplitude of the wave. 2.81 V

2. Use the cursors to determine the amplitude of the wave. 2.84 V

3. What is the left side menu Vpp value= 2.72 V

C. Determine the period and frequency of the wave

1. Use the Time per division to determine the period of the wave. 4.5ms

2. Use the cursors to determine the period of the wave. =4.6ms

3. What is the left side menu Period value= 4.5ms

4. Calculate the frequency f=1/T ( use curser value)
217 hz
5. What is the left side menu frequency value=
217.4 hz

Frequency, period, and amplitude of Unknown 2

A. Oscilloscope Image of Unknown2 with cursors showing and Vpp, Frequency, and period showing on the
bottom of the oscilloscope

B. Determine the amplitude of the wave.

1. Use the Volts per division to determine the amplitude of the wave. 6.6V

2. Use the cursors to determine the amplitude of the wave. 6.6 V

3. What is the left side menu Vpp value= 6.6

Determine the period and frequency of the wave

1. Use the Time per division to determine the period of the wave.
2. Use the cursors to determine the period of the wave.
3. What is the left side menu Period value=
4. Calculate the frequency f=1/T ( use curser value)
5. What is the left side menu frequency value=

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