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> Instructions: 1. You are not allowed i th cribec tcc ved fo cary any- other material other than the prest . A Read the given case and answer the questions given below. ; - Allocate your time iudiciously ard write intelligently! f Questions to be answered |. Describe the corporate level strategy of J&J. (10 marks) 2. What challenges does William C. Weldon face as CEO of 1&J? (8 marks) 3> Why is synergy important for J&J? What efforts have been made to foster this? (10 marks) 4. Evaluate the leadership of Weldon, What changes need to be made at this juncture in-order to spur and sustain innovation at J&I? (12 marks) SEXeet Rese HI +9 +B est of Tucklt#+i+4+++00 eee Read the case study titled ‘SABMiller’, and answer the questions given below - "porate logics that SABMiller had adopted in development and the reasons 4) fic position that SABMiller finds itself in 2010 and the implications for ompany, 3 o the future of the ¢ Fa [5] =) if the basis of your analysis, recommend a strategy that the company should foll low. — 5] = *€ Which one of the Porter’s generic strategies apply in SABMiller? Comment your choice. 6) =] SBonin the BCG Matix and apply it with the information based inthe ext (5) = parts J Read the case titled ‘Nirma~ Challenging Established MNCs’, and answer the questions, below— a : ‘As per the case, where does Nirma stand and what strategies has it adopted the challenges that it faced? CASE STupy—1_ SABMiller Gerry African Bre Following pressure SABMller and been eres grew on the From their tovesors to a evdope and the chaenges fags ne i Fis strength in de ig on the Lon let Meyer eA Iba) a 2003 a brewer Miller in. 2002 nd in 200. al Bavaria, South america's second | vee Miche ir Sarto. M Mosnwey brands Snowe aud Tyskie =. SABMMiles faced the idustey consolidation: In the early 19905 SF ind COMBAATE secounted for 17 percent of ies*BY 2009 they accounted for 45 per cet® Moreover Bec of SABNiller's main global compeltors, Anheuser Gusch, Intecbcew ahd mibew, Fadmerge clon market laggerstigr ir PorTibsted 35 percent dobal market. ec Gentine Di along with local such as Aguila, Castle Lager, Miller Lit allenge of dramatic Bigest bees “agit approached 2010 the company se out (ou strategic arised ia Table 1, This sutnmary ofstrateay ‘rurites as summarised ia Tabl se spe sce : earning theco Faggbe seen as asynthesis ofthe learning ya jie avec terry. ese went the peal sp sises of twentieth-century, Soul Giean history. then, ‘and matare markets, iad i a autre a brewery in a developed marke. san buvelume i the worl Tsar sales s ‘sd subsequently updated by Ge ica aon oi Johnson, gars retin Aeron uo in cher prs ofthe wart sept ler in 2002 ta form, companys strategy has Background vigils Souh Aion Benes (640) the company is ‘der than these" SOUH ATES tel and Peed fe challenge of doing busines amist the upheaval thee century lnchiding the ‘space rege fom 1948 t» 1991 and the world opposition to this eental fanace of tis ‘vas the campaign For economicsactions oa Sth Aes to rest international business em investing oc tring with South Aca and esting South ae basines from ang with intrmional market la 1950 SAB moved is head fe from Longa to otinanbary Southern Ais teri the cs fis busines expansion turing the subsequent uc deaies Tn this tine SAB responded to business resections by locusiog en dominating domestic 2 ‘Reusing on dominating domestic beer production hough acquisition of comoeiios and rationalisaton of Johnson. The authors re gator the countey experienced ducing the twtentiet dete reproduced or quoted woul permission, 7 o”0°0 ©OnDK9 KR OAD AO PEOON0N0N0HAAnNNNDANnG

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