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go:201/74/003, Interim Field Documeat 1 Volume 1: Annex 6 SAMAR ISLAND GEOLOGY ‘Annex 6 of Semar Island Reconnaissance Land Resources Survey of Priority Strips for Integrated Rural Development SOIL AND LAND RESOURCES APPRAISAL AND TRAINING PROJECT PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF SOILS.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ‘aie Lima 2 > 3.2 Igneous vocka = === ------- 3.2+1 Ketavoleanion (kv) = Uiteabeston (uC) = = Diorite (I) = = = = Mayo Yotesnies (14¥) 4.1 ThiLippine Fault Zone 4.2 Geologie structures = BARHQUIKES = = === === eee Chapter 6 Chapter 7, Chapter 6 de RBLATIONSHLPS OF GHOLOGY, GBONORPHOLOGY MD SOILS = +s settee — 6.1 Bazent yatertale of the Coastal Plain ‘andaeape 61-1 Parent Natexiale of Former Tidal Havas =~ Beeeseac 6.142 Parent Matexiale of hetive "dal reer eee eee a 6.2 Parent Materiale of the Alluvial Plain landscape == =~ =~ = 6.3 Parent Materials of the Reaidual Land~ soap ~ 6.301 Sodinentary Porent Materials ~~ = 5 Sandatone and Shade 4 Tacleon Clay =~ = 5 Wetasedinents = = = 6.342 Tgneous Parent Matortals ~ 6.5.2+1 Notavolcantos 23.212 Ultrabasios 6131213 Mave Voloanice ~ NATURAL RESOURCES = = - ~~ = pendouo 7-1 Groundwater = 1:2 Metallic sinexels = — = = 13 Limestone = = T:4 Coal ~~~ e 1:5 Guano ~~ ~~ : 116 Sand, gravel and construction materials — APPLIED cHOWGY - - - - --------- | 8.1 Potentisl dansites ~~ -----~- - 8.141 Sen Tatdro dansite === =~ = - 8.2 Airports = ~~ ~~ Sb po0d bod 8:3 Roads ~~ -----—-- Pollstion = = ea 9 90 92 3 5 96 96, oo 402 105 104 106 106 107 109 am 1m 13 nT 10 18 19 120 120 1 126 19 133 zoge Shaptor 9 RMCOMMMDATIONS --------------- 135 BIBLIOGRAPHY ~~ ~~~ ~~ ee ee ia PHOTOGRAPHIC APPENDIX = -=-------------- 1449 ICURES 1. Tocation map of Samar Teland 2, Location of the reconnaissance land resources survey area 43+ Gonoralized goological map of Samar Island 4. Stratigraphic colum of Sasar Teland 5. Major fautts affecting Sonar Teland supe Major oarthguakes (1/1/1912 ~ 31/12/1920) Significant earthquakes (1/1/1949 ~ 51/12/1976) APS (oaok pocket) Geology of Sanar Toland, 11250,000 ecale Barthquake Risk, 1:1,000,000 goale a” 32 66 1 ~ xii cxossane 1/ Aphanstio Fine grained igneous rocks whose componente are not dletinguiohable with the unaided eye Basie sn Agnoous xook having @ relatively low oilica content, e.g, gabbyo, basalt. Basle socks are relatively rich in iton, magnoeiun and/or calosum. A sodinentary rook oonassting of fxagnental or ‘roken senate of ongenten A mound, doe, lone=, or raef=1ike or otherwise cireunschited miss of tock, built up by, and Souposed alnoat exclusively of, tho venaine of jedentazy organtens (euch ac corals, algae, fora minifora, mollusks ant gastropods) and enclosed or ourreinded by rock of aifferent 1ithology. Diastrophien A genoral. term for ali novenent of the crust prodused ty eazth forces. distal A sodinontary deposit consisting of Cine clastion and Fomed farthest from the aource areas Doling A gonorel tom for ® ologed depression in an area of karst topography that 1a either forsed by solution Of the suxfieial Limestone or by collapes of underlying oaven, Dyke A tubular igneous intrusion that outs aczoss the Dinar structures of the eurronnaine mock Bpicenter ‘Tho point on the earth's surface whieh ie dizectly above tho focus of an carthquakes Buhodral Seid of an individuel winorel oxyetal, in an igneous rock, that 12 completely bounded by its own regularly developed crystal faces, Feotes ‘The complex of petrographic, Lithologie, sedinento= Logival and paleontological characteristics vhich ‘a rock shows inva place or in a devexninate ‘geographical aroa, which expresses the environment of ite origin. Wnts mex 10 written for geologists, tat also for planners who ney not have a sophisticated geological knowledge, There= fore, this extensive clogeary of unavoidable vechniosi tema hhas boen prepared to facilitate the understanding of the text. Geosynolina, rough Geosynctine Gosen Graben Holoozystslline Karet Iacoolith Lapios o1istostroae xsd A yater depzeasion or basin that oubeides aa it receives clastic materiale, looated not faz 20m ‘the source supplying the aedinent. A mobile domvaxping of the oxust of the osrth, eithor elongated or basin-liie, neamuro’ in so0zea Of kilometers, which ie subsiding ao sedimentary and volcanic rocks accumulate toa thisknosa of Thousands of motera. An fron-bearing, weathered produet overlying a suifide depoait, “It 4¢ fomed ty the oxidation of sulfides and the leaching out of the eulfur and most metals, leaving hydrated iron oxide, An clongeted, rolatively depressed crustal unit or Uook of tho earth's murface that da bounded by Feulte on ite long aide, ft ie a etruotural fom that nay oF may not be geonoxphologically expzet aga rift valley. Sala of an igneous rock composed entizely of oxystals, having no part glassy. dn clongated, selatively wplitted omutal anit or Block that 19 bounded by faulte on ate long aides. Te ts a stmotusal fom and say oF asy not be expressed geonoxphologically. A type of topography that ie fomed over Limestone or Golonite resulting fom Sesolving o solution which {9 characterized by closed dopressions or Sinltholes, caves and undexpround drainage, A concontant {gneows intrweion with « Imom on puied fat floor and a postulated dyke like feeder Homeviowe eneaih tts thickest joint, It te gonorally lenal tke in fore In karst topography, @ gonezal tom for solutional furrows or channels fomed on the gurface of Lisostons A vodinentary deposit consisting of a chaotic nase of intinately mixed heterogencoue materials that ‘Aooumulated asa sonifluid body by submarine gravity aliding or slunping of unconsolidated Sediaents, orogeny Parelic Poneplain Phonooryet Paltow stmuotare Plate Porphynitic Pothole xiv Literally, the procese of formation of mountain Pertaining to intertongued uarine and continental Aopoaite Laid dows on the Lendvard cide of @ const for in shallow vater subject to marine invasion, fand to the envizonsente (much ae lagoonal or 1ittoral) of the marine borders. Also oaid of basing, platfoma, ‘marshes, svanpe and other features mazked by thick terrigenous deposits intimately associated with estuarine and continental dopoeite, such aa" deltas formed on ‘ho heavily alluviated continental ‘shelvee, 4A tov, neazty featurclons and gently undulating or alaoet plane lend qurface of considerable azeay Whtoh procimably has hoon reduoed by the processed of long-continued subacrial erosion slnost to, dase lovol in the panultinate stags of = muakd, Fluvial geomorphic oyelos A relatively loxge, conspicuous oxystal in a porpayzitic rocks A strusture, obsorved in curtain ortmuntye tenemn rocks, that ip chayatorieed by discontinuous pilloirshapod masaee ranging in aige from = few Continoters toa acter in diameter. he pillove fare close-fitting, the concavities of ono matching ‘the convoxities of another lavas Uaplaying pilTove sttucture are sonasdered to hava formed in a gube ‘aqueous envizensut, One of the 1ar0, esly rigid, bat till mobile segaente involved n plate tectonics ‘tho toxture of on igagous sock Sn which larger cxysisis (shenooryots) are set in @ finer groundesas which ray bo crystalline or glassy or both. he ‘tora 15 sometimes soutricted to eteee in vhich the Phonoorysis and gvountnass formed during Wo Gitfoxont oxyatellstation ganerations, A gnooth, roughly eizestary bowl-shaped or cylindzital hollow, ganonally deeper than wide, Formed in the rocky bed of @ otrean by the grinding action of a stone or atone, vhiriea around and Kept in motion by eddies or’ the force of the strean curront in a given epoty a at © atrong rapid or tho foot ofa watergall, Progradation Proximal Rojavenation Resurgence Serica Sta sua Sinkhole Sinking crook Slickenstae Slump splays ‘the building forvard or outward tovand the sea of shoreline or coastline (aa of a beach, delta, oF fan) by noarahore deposition of river-beme dinents or by continous accumulation of beach aateriale throyn up or moved by longdhore @rifting. A sodinentary deposit consisting of coarse clastioe formed nearest the source, ‘the restoration of youthful features of a landecape in sn area proviously worn dovn nearly to base level, usually caused by regional uplift, folloved by Toneved domeutting by atroams. he point vhere an underground stzean zeappeare at the surface to bocone e surface etrean, Tt ie usually near the point vhere an inperacable geratun, underlying a rock’ auoh ag Limestone, intersoote he surface. Also the rising again'of a sizea from an undenground cave, Rocks formed during an epoch of geologic tine. The tem {s not restrictea to atratified rocks but say be applied to intrunive Tooke in the sane tina stratigraphic sense. 4 potrologic nano for the upper layer of the earth's crust, composed of rocks that are tich in silica and alumina. Tt ie the oharactertatic of the continental omuat, 4A tabular igneous intrusion thet parallele the Planar structures of the murrousding rocks A closed depression into which all or a pert of strean disappear underground, A surface strean that @isappeara into an underground channel; e.g. a stream in'a karet zezion that Aisappesre into a sinkhole and follove « definite channel through Limestone cas 4 polished and smoothly striated suxtece thet results fron friction alang s fault plane, The 81iding dovn of a nase of sedinent shortly after its deposition on an undervater slopes A sories of minor faults at the oxtremitics of 2 major fault. Btalactite Stalagnite Strike-elip fault Suberuetal (con ‘veotion) currente Subsidence Seallow hole ‘Tonstonal fault Yorra Rossa malvos ‘min section trench, ort 4 coniesl or cylindrical speleothem thet te developed and hangs fron the roof of s cave, Tt is deposited vy dripping water and usually compo of caloium cartonate. A conical speleothem that is daveloped upwards fom ‘the Poor of a cave by the action of dripping water, Tt te usually composed of calciuz carbonate, A foult, the sotual movement of which is parallel othe strive of tie fault A supposed macs movenent of eubcrustalor mantle netorial, either Laterally, or in upvard oF fovnwandedireoted convection cella, mainly ae a result of heat variations, A sinking of a laxgo part of the earth's crust relative to ite surrounding parts due to teotonte novenont Syuonyme of eimhole in this texts A fracture that develops poxpendioular to the ALzeotion of the greatoat stzenss A reddish-brown residual sof found ass mantle over Lineatane bedrock, formed hy olution by Aescending groundwater, The Line comecting the Loveat or deepest pointe along and stzean bed or valley. ‘A fragment of rock mechanically ground to # thicknes! of spproxinately 9.03 mm, polished and nownted detween glasses as a mictosoope slide. This reduction rendeva boot rocks and minevale trans parent, thus uaeing it posoible te study. their Optical properties and identify then by a polarising microscope. A narrow, olongated depression of the deep Moor, with steap aides and oriented parallel to the ‘trend’ of the continent and between the continental margin and the alyaoal floor, Uncontoreity wale Window rs A gravitational gee vave produced by any laxge- aeale short duretion disturbance of the oooan floor, principally by & shallov submarino earth= quae, ThE Gide sy stimarine earth sovenent, eubetdence, Yoleanic eruptions, chaxgoterised by erent & ovenent of propagation (up £0°950 lafar), Tong, wavelength (up £0200 kn), Long period (varying foo 5 minutes to a few houra, genorelly 10-80 min}, and ‘iow obeervable amplitude’ on the open goa al thoteh Lt'uay pile up to great heights (30 m or nore) and cause considerable danage on entering shallow ator along an exposed oosst, often thousands of Kdlonetere from the eoure 4n Sgnoous rock having a lov silica content, Le ‘than that of @ basic rook, and @ high magneaiun and iron content, Percentage delimitation are axbitrary and vary with different petrologiste, A substantial break or gap in the geologic record where a rock unit is overlain by another that ie not next in atratignaphie sicoodeion, fieh al an interruption in the continulty of a epost tional aequence of godinentary rocks or a break between crete ignoot rocks aia younger seaunencazy, 4m clongate, cloved depression in karet area thet in fomed by the coalescence of severe! dolines, An eroded area of a formation that Gieplays the rocks beneath. Chapter 2 snimaoouezos In the framework of activities and studi cermiea out by ‘the Sof and Land Resouze! Appraigs] and Training Project (PHI/14/003) duxing the Reconnainsance Land Resources Surrey of Priority Strips for Integrated Rural Development of Ganaz Toland, ‘the goologicel teas of the Projeot murveyed the vhole of Sanar elena, ‘he objective of this stuly vas the realization of geolostoal aps snd a roport vhich illustzate the enstogy, gsomoxpholosy, tectonics, natural xesourcea, ete., of Sanar Island and to support the other disciplines, in the context of a mul{idiseiplinary Antegrated tos approach to lana resources inventory and eveluetion of tho atudy axe, with noceasaxy and useful information, aio amex {s, therefore, destened to eupport tho subject matter outlined in Vol, 1 "Reconnatessnce Lend Resources Survey of Priority Strips for Integrated fuzel Develoment", and is alo Antondod ss a contribution to the geologiosl imovletge of the Philippine Inlade and os a have for further research and engineers ing user nile the other @isciplines of the Project, as a result of a Foquest from tho Cabinct Coordinating Comittee/Integrated Rural Developnent Progran (C00/T8DP) of the Goverment of tine Fhélipptnes, Atrected thmough tho Frojeot Planning and Developeent Office (ZPD0) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES" er vam” a, _ Figure 2, LOCATION OF THE RECONNAISSANCE LAND RESOURCES SURVEY AREA to tho Baxeau of Soil, concentented eubstantial technical kill ‘and manpower esouxees in the survey of gone priority stripe (eee £4¢. no. 2), tho tangot of the geological team has boon to ourvey Sonar Toland ag 9 whole, Inportant infrastructures are envisaged, orgs tho mitipuxpoge dax at Son Taldro, near Use Heras, Northern Gener, viich requize indepth goologieal studies and accurate Imovledge of the context and environnent tn whieh ‘they will be setup, This oan bo obtained only through an under standing of the geological Matory, teotonios and stratigraphy (at toast in o broad fom) of the vhole tetand, ond cannot be attained only through the study of Lintted parte of it. Wusthemove, neither a zeliable geologioal nap nox oompre= hensive repost exteted on Sanaz Ieland, vith tho sole exception of a geological map, 50,000 eoala, realised by the Bureau of Mines An 1962 cogontially from aizyhotoninterpretation. ‘his original aap wae ued dusing tho carly stages of the prosont murveys Samar Toland, located in Faster Viaeyas, is a landases cocurring dobween two of the most Supertant factors afZeoting the goology of the Philippine Ielands: tho Philippine Fault Zone in ‘the vost and the Philippine Doop in tho oust ‘Tho main tectonic Line of tho Philippine Fault Zoney a strikes atlip foutt syoton comparable to the Better Imow Sen Andreas feult of Californie, extends the whole of Leyte Taland, but ite splays ‘and nunerous smaller tenasonal faults ooour in Sana Toland and greatly affect its geomorphology and drainage pattern. Several of these foults aro still active, with evident displacenent of Recent elluvina along theix tucing, and in sono casos have boon ‘the Locus of significant earthquakes. Mo Philippine Doop 1o @ well know sulmarine tronoh which ‘nae maxizun dopth of about 10,500 noters and where the euberustal currents plunge vootward under the efalte block constituting the Philippine Archipelago. This trench originates a Little north of Samar Teland, approximately northeast of the San Bernardino Strait ‘zea, follous very closely, considering ite depth, the eastem coast of Sona and continues southward along the castor ooaet of Mindanao Toland, he PRA2tppine Doop 42 a wain fefotion area. Rarthquake eploenters ooour along it, othore affecting Senar Toland aro surely related to this very inportant Earth's Zeoture, Winerelication and the goological Motory of Sanar, vith ite Froquont rising and subsidence movononts rovorded in tho atrati= graphy, the conditions of the sen bavine in vhich sedimentary rocke wore 1aid dom or coralline Linestonoo build up by uolluske and ‘signe, and tho tectonte stresses which together with the erosion forces shapod the prosont configuration of the island, find thelr nost taportant and primary cauae in the deep westvard novonants of the euberastel currante which happened and aro still happening, at depth, dn the Philippine Deep area, In the fica, travelling by car along sll the existing Papeable roads, rock specimens vere eollested ofthe for dating oF thin soction study, goomezphological, sedinentologtoal, stratigraphic and teotonso data gathered end geologicel boundaries arom, ‘The moot inportant result of the field survey has been the Aeveloment of a thoozy concerning the geological history of Sonor Toland, This theory (see 2.1), with te stratigraphic implications, ‘has beon the Duckground of the following detailed atzphotonintem protation study which vae done in Hanila, The resulting to maps, namely: 1) Geology of Sanr Ieland, 14250,000 seate, and 2) Earthquake mile, 000,000 seato, provide visual infomation about aifterent forantions aud unite, tootonice and basic dats for engineering wee. ‘Theee nape vero prepared bearing in nind the requtrenente of several govommentel agencies involved in the developnent progman of Sanur Talend. Sueh programs inelude dans and reservoir# for flood control, hydzo-power generation and storage of water for ientgation, Aiversion dens, osnale, roads, irvigation systems end drainage networks, systenatic suxvoy and posaible future exploitation of ore deponits and growdwater tapping for domeatie usce in rural Me exteting geological nape of the Duress of Mineo, 1:250,000 seale, conpiled in 1962-65 mainly by aixphotoninterpretation, vere consulted. Publications ana reports (see Bibliography), sometines Anoluding geological maps and generally concerning scattered small areas of ining interest, vere carefully studied. Tho topoweape, 1:50,000 sonle, of the US Amy Hap Service, compiled in the ported 1956-50 wore used for {ald appings Te topo-naps of Joint Operations Graphic series, printed vy the US seay fopographic Conmimnd in 1966, 14250,000 ecale, wore caployed ‘8 bane map. thoy ave moze acowsnte then those ‘at the eam goale generally used by oarlior workext Observations of satellite inages QUSh=ERNS 1972=73, 1:250,000 Seale, black and white, bands 4, 5, 6 and 7) and aooumte study of all the available aixphotographa, 1:44,000 scale, roalised by ‘tho US Arey in the period 1947-59 Intagratad tha ald var. To originale of the field and aizphotoninterpretation survey, consisting of forty-one topo~naps at 1:50,000 aeale, are kept in tho fle of the Geological Toan, Soil survey Déviason, Parca of Sole, Manila and axe available for consultation, H vat Sener Island, vhich encompasses 12,254 square Xt2oneter | Le the thisd Lazgest ieland of the Philippine Arohipelago and 42 surrounded by a multitude of omaller islands, the entire group | sontreng vetvomn lngite 14°00" ant 12°50" at tne 10°55! Mand 12°40 a, thus foming the esetem ria of the Visayas Telands in the Philippine Archipelago, It lies southe | east of the Bicol Peninaula and to arated fron ‘hte xegion bby the San Bomardino Strait: ie noctheset of Layte with the narrow San Juanico Strait lying between the tvo islands. | Rock exposures sze generally muserous and only lightly wonthorom vith the sole exception of volcanic and ultrabasio Basement roske which aze deeply voathered in places, Read cuttings related to the construction of the Pan Philippine Mighvay, mining and quarrying activities, expose fresh outerope and greatly feotlitete the goologiztts Sela works Crearly visitie phystographic Fontures of displacement | evidence the Losation and strike of faults, ese features ; include fault and faultline acaxpa, fault troughs and valley 1 attors wot taneng Tuaaty tn» north Der, tant none setae sat efpmase gat sr iat os tooo ences) tions antares erenteh eerie eet eaaeee ape ese talecens ata acts | SES ao Linear xiagoa, alignments om parallelism of azainage, ote. and oan be observed ofther in the Sield ox, better, by aizphoton interpretation study. Karat vith text-book Like fom is widesprecd tn Sonar Ielend, chiefly in ite central and southem parts. It constitat a serious problen for das end road construction in areas where it oooures Dating of weries and formations vas not extremely scourate uring the progent ourvey for lack of adequate facilities ant raoro and micro paleonthologiste, The series and formations outeropping in Samay Inland, hovever, aze typioal of other parte of the county, vhoze thoy havo boon studied and dated etther by earlier workers ox by the sano tean of this Projects Corselation ant conparizon vith zook series and formations outoropping in easter Mindanao and elaeuhere vas, therefore, the main dating tool used during the course of the present murvey, Sone datings vere elec carted out by the Bureau of Mines, Further, Sandstone and Shae (1h), Coraline Linestexe (Que) and Catbatogan Formation (U,) have bean postttvely dated through ecourate mieropaleonthologionl studies by Basco (see Binasogeenly) duning sn extensive oft exploration project of ‘the Mazindugue Iron Mines Agente Ines, cazzied out in Central Samar in tho latter part of 1959. These datingo axe consistent with those zeported in this paper, Tho stratigraphic column worked out haze 42 auffiotently accunete for the purpose of 2a n ‘his otudy, vhioh 4p xaconnaiasence in nature; hovever, © countrywide dating research involving the aetting up of voll defined ana typical sles and formations in the Pai2dypines 4 necessary and vill guroly be vexy helpful to further studios. cpovocrean, xxsrome/ Mae oldest series outeropping in Sanaz Ieland belong to 4 group of ultratante to baste geous rook tines intorlayered with sedinentexy, vhich cen bo considered ‘the baste some ‘the Basonent of the island, Baste igneous rocks (etavoleanies or Kv) with evident and sometines mmerous pillow structures are in sone areas Anterbeaaea anc/or intercelated with graywackonshale soquenc (Hetasoainonte or Ka) ouggoating that they vere formed in & suimarine environment. thexefore, = basin evizonent of fomation cen be inferred, whore clactica eroded from exposed older rocks sedinented and vhore thick taste submarine flove extruded from fissures sn the flanks of the basins Tis basin ‘oan bo considered ao forming a part of the longer and wider geosyncline encompassing, anong others, the present Pacific Cordiiiera azea in eastern Mindanso, Yetavoloanios and J/ Thin theoxy hae beon dovoloped during the course of ‘tho survey carried out in Sanar and ip here exposed for tho first tine. Field data geen to f(t vell vith tt, but this should be considered ae @ working hypothesis until confimod by further resoarch and eccurate dating. a Netasedinonte are not well dated, but axe reasonably conesderea Cretaccous ~ Paleocene Jn the southern part of Sanaz, lange soale ULtmabaeion (ve) outezop which generally appear aykes intruded tn the Metavoloanien and Hetaséainents Peridotite and sexpentinized peridotite are the most comon rock typos among the U1trebasios Toy aro dated Upper Cretacsous-Paleogene by the Duress of ine: ‘Therefore the geological history of the Sasar Basement oan be thought as follow fa) Daring the Oretaccous-Paleocene, Motatedinente were ‘deposited in a goosynciine vasin ana intoreaLate eni/or interbedded with Netavolcanics extruded af vasio flova fron fiemizes in the besinte flanks ») tater, these xocks ware intmided by lange scale Uitrabasios which, following fracture Linos in the south of the island, intmded the preexisting rocke fas dykeo and/or laceoliths and folded then im places. A Lover Tertiary (or Paleogene) age de the not probable for thie Ultrabasic intrusion, 2) ‘The Basonsnt woe therefore completed before the and of the Paleogene. L/ Me Tertiary period {2 atvided in five epoche, nanoly Paleocene, Hocene, Oligocene, Miocene ant Pliccene. Me Lover ertiaxy or Paleogene incorporates Paleocene, Boeene and OLigeoene. B Minoralizations of copper, ixon end sinc, sonetines of Important comoreial value, axe comion in the Notavoloanios, while chrontte coours in the ULtrabasic: A coaplete exersion of the Tasenont, involving a subsequent severe erosion of tho landnasn cortainly occurred vefore Lover Miocene, ounanta of tho old penoplein surface and the presence of a Zonal eoil attest to the eneraion of the fomer nucleus of Samar and to an early Tertiery erosion cyole. Folloving the peneplanstion of the landnass, a slov but continuous subsidence Vagun which te cleasly xeoorded by & segtonal unconfornity and ty the faclon of the socks deposited atter it. using Lover Movene a thin eequence of Sandatone and Stale (1) was sodinented over the Yasenent, Coourrence of that paralio cot noamures and exidation processes snaiont thie banin van aballov. the upper part of thie formation contains reef Linertoue lenses and occasionsl 2inostone bets, A atratigraphie paansge to the Gostiline Linertone (le) 4 therefore evident. tho lafhr in a vory thick, extensive reef Lisestone body, oektively dated lover to Middle Mlocone (aceosting to othex duthors, XLdd2e to Upper Miocene). Aboonce of turbidity, temperature around 30°C., salinity of stout 35 yor thousand and depth wy to « maxim of stout 200 meters are the indispensable conditions of the marine uy fonvizonnont vhich allow the Life of lumutiant reofs, These conditions Insted unchanged for a long tine, while & slow but continuous cubsidance anintained ank optimun depth, Because fof that the rosf attained the considerable maximum thickn of 350 motors. ‘The soot te such thicker and nore extensive in the contral~northesn part of Sanar, rather than in the southern, end tint Le 9 consequence of a northventward tilting of the Bovenent which te first recorded in the stzatigraphy at that timo. Submoquentty, thia 42 9 conetant in the geological history of tho tolena, AL tho ond of MidéLe Miocene, the aubeidence teminatnd and togother with it, the Life of the reef. In the northvestor olde of Sonar Toland, a hovet exposes frock comple inoluding Weve Voloanies (1i,¥), Sandatone and Shale (1) and Coraline Limestone (Ills). ‘This ettuation e siztlar to uhat can be observed in the Pacific Condillere ia Baste Windenao!/ Yoteento socks of an average basalt com posttion, showing oecasional pillow structures, are sone tint Smtorfingored with sedimentary rosks, Tt se therefore zeason~ able to cuypose that theuo voloanios were extruded, in sone cases es sutmarine flowe, in q basin, probably a aifgerent ‘trough of the geosyncline considered eazLier, Fron thet 2/8001 *Gaolony of the Aguoon River Basin” ty tho Ceotogioat ean of PHI/TH/002 (Rosana, Taavaglia, ety Homnantes tnd Tontusaje as stratigraphic position the Mawo Voloanios are dated Lover Miocene, Govalline Lineatone (Lover to Middle Kiocene) ‘unconformably caps then, shoving that a gubsiience aovenont happened in the vhole of Sener Talend axowsd Middle Mtlocene. ‘The Upper Wlocene-Lover PLiccene ie characterized by & gradual rising of the core of Saar Teland, that te, by an inversion of movement with zeapect to preceding epochs, and by the depouition of the Cattelogan Fomation. the uplift continued to be moze accanted in the southeast of the teland vith a corresponding northvestverd tilting of vhet existed of Sener at that time, ‘tha Cathaiogin Fownation (H,), a marine clastic formation Including sandstone, shale, conglonerete and localized tufest was deposited during Upper Micconeuiower Pliocene. Because of ‘the rising of the andaasa, the Catbslogan Formation cannot have been sedimented over the Coralline Idmestone and the older vent: + but rather exouna tho Samar nucleus exteting at the fond of Middle Miocene. ‘This in vhy: the Catbalogan Formation Alvayn outexope at tho periphery of the older series and formations and no outcrops were found overlying older zocks. Owing to tho general northwestward tilting of the teland, the Catbelogan Fomantion doos not outorop in the south, borders the oldern--"/-74m the east and in the weet and finelly ‘extensively outerops in the north.

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