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Unit 9

Author-A writer of a book,article,or report
Backup-An extra copy of data from a computer
Burglar-A person who commits burglary
Burglary- Entry into a building illegally to commit a crime
Bus shelter – a roofed structure for people to wait under at a bus stop
Chaos- a situation when everything is disorganized and confused; complete
disorder and confusion
Clue- a piece of information that helps people to solve a mystery, such as
investigating a crime/ A piece of information used in the detection of a crime
Court-a tribunal presided over by a judge
Fraud –Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal
Halt –a situation when sth stops moving or happening; a suspension of
movement or activity,typically a temporary one
Investigation-The acton of investigating smth/smb,research
Joyrider (n)
Joyriding-(noun) the crime of stealing a car and driving it for pleasure, usually in
a fast and dangerous way
Murder-Killing of one human being by another.
Punishment-infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense
Reward –the money someone receives for helping to find sb or sth/ A thing
given in recognition of one’s service,effort or achivement
Robber-A person who commits robbery
Robbery –The action of taking property from a person or place by force
Shoplifter-a person who steals goods from a store while pretending to be a
Software – the programs and other operating information used by a computer
Theft-The action or crime of stealing
Tip-off-secret information that you gave to sb, which helps them to do sth/ a
piece of information given in a discreet or confidential way
Trial-an examination in court to find out if sb is guilty of a crime/a formal
examination of evidence before a judge
Vandal- a person who deliberately destroys or damages public or private property
Witness- a person who sees an event typically a crime or accident
Suspended sentence-a punishment that a person will only receive if they do sth
illegal again within a certain period of time

Arrest-to take sb to a police station
Admit-confess to be true or to be the case,typically with reluctance.
Charge-to accuse sb of doing sth illegal/ demand as a price from someone for a
service rendered or goods supplied
Cheat-act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage,especially in
examination or a game
Crash-to suddenly stop working( about computers) Fall suddenly and
disastrously in value
Infect-affect with a disease-causing organism
Realize-become fully aware of smth as a fact
Release-to let sth spread in a place /Allow or enable to escape from confinement
Spread-Open out smth so as a extend its surface area
Trace-to find sb by following clues or information/Find or discover by
Update-make more modern or up to date
Vandalize-Deliberately destroy or damage
Astonished-Greatly surprised or impressed
Brilliant-Very bright and radiant
Enermous-Very large in size,quantity,or extent
Guilty-responsible for doing sth bad or illegal, a specified wrongdoing
Identical-similar in every detail
Tiny- very small
Vital-Absolutaly necessary or important,essential

After a while-after a period
Eventually-especially after a long delay,dispute
Regularly- with a constant of definite pattern,especially with the same space
between individual items.

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