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Freind's Mother and Wife

Writer: Unknown

Divine Intervention

Gift him what makes you woman, the scent of Long hair, the musk of sweat between the
breasts, The warm shock of menstrual blood.
- Kamala Das, Poet

Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

Mother-son incest is pure love, not a sin or taboo.

Some events appear to be abnormal crazy, extraordinary, diabolic, taboo, unethical, unbelievable,
and even perverted and unacceptable to societal norms. When People fulfill their psychological and
physical desire in peculiar circumstances, it may normally be called a****l desire, lust, illicit,
indecent, immoral and taboo. but the desire to satisfy hidden needs erupt despite all reasoning,
logic, traditions, religious beliefs, and possible consequences.

Padmavathy was devastated when her son committed suicide one month after wedding. Her grief
manifested transforming the mourning mother sex-hungry, while she was consoled by Shiva, her
son's best friend with whom she fell in love during her son's wedding. Shiva who finds her
irresistible satisfies her desire.

Padmavathy and Madhu, her daughter-in-law get impregnated by Shiva before her son's thirteenth
day ceremony. Padma adapted Madhu as her daughter and Shiva marries Madhu. Padma becomes
Shiva's mistress. Eighteen years later, Padma's son Mohan marries Madhu's daughter Mohini
unaware that Shiva is their biological father.

In India especially in South India a man can marry his sister’s daughter, his maternal uncle’s
daughter, and paternal aunt’s daughter. A girl can marry her maternal uncle or maternal uncle’s son
and paternal aunt's son

Chapter 1 - Year 1978

It was a Sunday early morning, hearing loud noises from the Hostel corridor, I came out of my
room and learnt to my shock and surprise our classmate Mohan was found dead in his room. An
empty arsenic bottle and a suicide note were found besides the bed. No one could imagine the
reasons for his suicide. Mohan hails from a wealthy family, the only son of his parents, married six
months earlier Madhusmita. The Warden informed the Police, after conducting inquest sent the
body for Postmortem.

Mohan's parents arrived travelling overnight by car from their village. His father accompanied by
the Warden and our friends went to the hospital to complete the formalities and take his son’s body
to their native village.
Being Mohan’s closest friend, I stayed back to take care of grieving mother Padmavathy and took
her to the University guest house. She was obviously exhausted and tired. I requested her to take
bath and she went to the bathroom. In the meantime I brought breakfast and coffee. Fifteen minutes
later Padma returned looking refreshed dressed in a chiffon sari. While her eyes revealed grief her
demeanor was normal and attractive self.

I said, ‘Amma, you must be starving since yesterday, have some breakfast’ On my insistence, she
sipped half a cup of coffee slowly sitting forlornly in the corner of sofa. I told her if she wanted to
take some rest, I would leave her alone.

She said pleadingly, ‘Shiva, Please don't leave me alone. Stay with me. Don't go. Please stay with

I assured her that I will stay with her.

I could see her huge voluminous, conical, bouncing breasts hung heavily from her chest moving as
she lifted both her hands to remove hairpins from her hair bun. She loosened the bun and her calf
length hair cascaded down reaching beyond calves as a river flows down from a mountain to the
deep valley.

She raised her hands, inserted fingers into her hair from beneath, and flaunted her hair to loosen
further. She divided her hair in three sections, detangled them gently with a wide-tooth comb from
top to bottom and remove knots from each and every strand and combed from the bottom. She then
combed hair backwards from forehead and parted her hair perfectly in the middle. She put in two
equal parts in the front over both the shoulders and combed. It took long time to disentangle and
comb her voluminous hair.

I was entranced watching her comb calf length, jet black, lustrous, oily, shining, silky, soft, shining,
uniformly thick, wavy and voluminous hair. She tossed her hair back and combed downwards
spreading wide covering her entire back reaching her calves. I watched admiring the moments of
her huge heavy firm bouncing breasts, curvaceous lean taut hourglass body and the movements of
her beautiful hands while she was combing her hair.

She arranged her hair covering her ears, left loose till the hem of the low cut wide neck blouse and
skillfully arranged into a neat loose big beautiful bun without hair pins resting on her back between
shoulders. Her hair bun moved

I watched her curvaceous body d****d in a elegant flowing thin chiffon plain sari with thin border
at the hem and good fall, pleats tucked very much below the deep navel, the pallu open along her
shoulder as well as arm highlighting her top heavy breasts and hour glass figure. She was looking
sexy sensuous and attractive with curvy, hour-glass shaped voluptuous body with an ample bosom,
large bottom and lean torso. Her heavy huge firm bouncing breasts, proportionately large areola and
big distinctive protruding cone shaped long jutting nipples were clearly visible through her thin sari
and wide neck deep cut blouse and bra.

At that moment, I remembered her beautiful exuberant smiling happy sexy sizzling personality
flaunting her beauty during her son's wedding. She was wearing pure silk gold border saris with low
cut wide neck backless designer blouses, elaborate heavy gold and diamond jewelry adorned from
head to toe showing off her beautiful curvaceous hour glass sexy sensuous body. I was enamored
looking at her thick kajal lined large expressive eyes, big, bouncing, conical, huge, firm, swinging
breasts extending out of her lean frame, thin taut lean midriff and her jet black, uniformly thick,
silky calf length braid adorned with jasmine flower-threads oscillating pendulously.

Her intoxicating body aroma triggered episodic memories of specific past events. I recalled our
mutual vibes, and her bewitchingly beautiful smile, deep husky sexy voice. We had mutual fatal
attraction and unmistakable love and infatuation at first sight with real passion and serious
fondness. She looked at me giggling with alluring coyness and desire and indulged in flirting with
me and engaging me during the wedding ceremonies. I felt surprised at myself having such thoughts
about her at that juncture.

When she asked me ‘when did it happen?’, I was back into the present. She adjusting her sari pleats
very much below navel and pallu neatly. I looked into her eyes with concern, love, compassion and
empathy wondering whether she could guess my inner thoughts. She was calm but her expressive
eyes and face revealed her grief.

I said, 'We knew only in the morning, since he did not come out of the room for breakfast, someone
knocked the door and he did not open. The window was broke open and he was found dead.'

She started crying and tears rolling down on her cheeks and falling down.

I said, ‘I can understand the pain and agony you must be going through ever since you heard the
news. I am so sorry about the sad incident. I have so many fond memories of him hanging out and
but most of all we’ll remember the beautiful days we spent. He was my closest friend and I miss
him very much.’

She said, ‘He is a nice boy. He told me that you are his best friend. Did he not share even with you
any of his thoughts, feelings or problems before or after marriage that led him to take such a drastic
decision to end his life’?

I said, “No, had I known the reasons, I would have helped definitely him in whatever way I can. It
is a mystery to me. I cannot think of any problems which could not have been addressed and

She walked to the window looking out and said, ‘I wish he could have told me, shared his problems,
inhibitions and fears to me. I could have counseled him to overcome and solve his problems
whatever they were. I could have found a solution for his problem. I brought him up with so much
love and care and provided everything he wanted. He has property, money, social status, good
education and so much life ahead to enjoy with his beautiful wife. What more a young man wants
from life?

'Shiva, ‘Did he have any issues academically or otherwise,’ she asked.

I said, ‘No issues I am aware of. He was good in academics. He should have told you about his
problems. Who can understand a son better than his own loving and giving mother?’

She was crying, tears rolling down her cheeks said, ‘who else can understand him better than me. I
should have helped him, but I wonder how I could have helped him unless he tells me about his

Not having any clue how to console a crying, grieving and mourning mother; to comfort and
console her, I placed my hand on her shoulders turned her around and wiped tears from her cheeks.

She leaned on to me resting her head on my chest. It was like everything in the world doesn't matter
at that moment and I felt my responsibility has increased. I felt like I am the most important person
in her life. I thought there was lot more to do and I have to do it for her.

I couldn’t resist putting my arms around her to comfort her. Her breasts pressed against my chest as
she sobbed and then she slipped her arms around me tight.

I hugged her, stroking her head and hair to show empathy and as a gesture of sharing her agony. I
stroked with my fingers running through her thick oily hair from sides and at the back of head.

She hugged me more tightly, her hands encircling reaching fully around me, an intimate hug. The
grasp was gentle yet firm. My fingers slipped into her huge big hair bun and caressed her silky hair
and nape affectionately hoping that my gesture would relieve her stress.

As I removed her hairpins, loosened and unfastened loops of her hair bun, she tightened her grip
around me. Her beautiful black calf length thick voluminous wavy hair cascaded down like a
waterfall and covered her entire back reaching calves. I ran my fingers through her silky hair from
top along the length of her hair feeling the oily silky smooth texture and softness. The smoothness
of her long hair, aphrodisiac body scent and her huge breasts pressing against me sent electric
waves though me.

Her huge heavy voluminous breasts hung from chest before her were not the spheres they normally
seemed. Suspended from her chest, they were more like slightly elliptical inverted domes, capped
with the jutting of her big, hard nipples and their surrounding abundant areolas. I took them in my
hands, as if to weigh her big, heavy, voluminous, full, fleshy and bouncing breasts. The slope of one
breast seen from the side in profile was triangular shape with a circular base, from which her large
long extended nipple projected. Her breasts flattened between us as she embraced me tightly. I
loved the feel of their buoyant fullness and their satin smooth touch, the curving slopes of her
breasts, which felt like the sweep of satin.

I continued running my fingers through thick strands of her hair, while she was hugging me, an
intimate whole body touching hug. I cuddled her tightly watching her back covered with her
luxurious beautiful hair, cupped her big arse cheeks with my hands pressing and squeezing. She did
not object and did not pull herself away from me.

Padmavathy’s calf length lustrous, voluminous, smooth, silky, shining. uniformly thick is a rare
phenomenon. I enjoyed feeling the texture and smoothness of her oily long hair.

Gradually her crying reduced to sobs. We were locked in an intimate and tight embrace. Our
hugging was encompassing, intense, seeking and feeling each other’s body. My fingers ran through
her thick oily hair while her heavy breasts were pressing against my chest. Her whole body
touching mine was electrifying my nerves.

We were entangled, entwined, encircled, enjoined and enveloped in each other’s arms, as if our two
bodies were trying to unite and become one. I could smell her distinctive erotic feminine body

Her breasts against me gave delightful view through her open neckline of her deep low cut blouse.
My fully erect, rigid, turgid, throbbing hard and pulsating cock was pressing her mound straining
thorough my lungi. I felt awkward, since I was not wearing underwear. My blood ran faster in my
veins into my cock. I moved my cock forward pressing against her mound more while my hands
cupping and pressing her big arse cheeks towards me.
She did not try to wriggle out or move away, instead she moved her body forward pressing herself
and her whole body touching mine. She was pushed herself forward and her heavy breasts pressing
against me in the front intentionally. Our arms were encircling each other tightly, I could hear her
breathe heavily, feel her heart beat faster.

Her loins stirred, feeling my hard cock against her mound. She remembered the moments when his
cock pressed her arse when he stood behind her smelling and licking her nape during her son's

It was obvious that she was aroused and I was sure she was thrusting, gyrating and rubbing her
mound against my hard cock. I cupped her big round fat soft arse cheeks with my hands pressing,
squeezing and pushing towards me, while my hard cock pressing hard against her mound.

I rubbed my erect rigid hard cock against her mound like I was already deep inside her. She was
overwhelmed by the force with which I was grinding against her mound and she was visibly excited
and groaning.

Her hands were gripping tightly and fingernails were digging into my back. The softness of her
thick long silky hair touching my hands further aroused my basic instinct, banal, carnal, irresistible
and uncontrollable physical desire. My hands pressing her soft hips travelled slowly and gently
upwards on her back.

Her sari pallu dropped to the floor. I ran my hand upwards, placed my hands on the back of her
shoulders, and stroked downward. I also ran one finger along her shoulder. I used both my hands to
push firmly into the area above her shoulder blades kneading out some of the tension in her body.
Her hands were on my back gripping me.

I took her beautiful face in my hands, stroked her cheek, her ear, her chin, and the side of her face
along the jaw line with my fingers. I stroked the back of her head, slowly massaged her scalp,
running fingers through her thick hair, brushed the strands of hair away from her eyes as I made eye
contact, leading her to want something more.

I felt like I could spend my entire life looking into her eyes. The feeling which I had cannot be
described in words, a mix of millions of emotions all at once. I liked the feel of stroking her oily
long thick luxurious lustrous smooth shining silky jet-black hair. I tucked some strands of her hair
behind her both ears to give her ears an extra caress.

Padmavathy felt my callused hands, and the sinewy muscles leading up to broad shoulders. When
She inhaled, my rich, spicy scent singed her senses and slid over her bare skin like a powerful

I cupped her face in my hands gently with love and desire. I wanted to love, comfort, and own her.
It was an uncontrollable and irresistible intense desire. I could see in her wide expressive eyes
pleading desire to be taken, to be owned, to become united, to be filled and to be fucked. It was an
unmistakable urgent need. Her expressive eyes looking into my eyes were inviting me. I kissed on
her forehead, eyes, eyelids and cheeks. She turned her face conveniently to receive as I kissed,
licked, and nibbled slowly and passionately. I licked and nibbled and kissed her earlobes, the sides
of her ear, and the area behind her ears slowly and gently.

I stroked her ears as I continued to kiss and brushed my lips along her ears, behind her ears and
nibbled her earlobes taking into my mouth. I lovingly stroked the sides of her neck while kissing,
tossed her hair back so I can caress her neck a bit more by running the sides of my fingers up and
down her neck down to the base of her shoulder and all the way up to her earlobe. She was
enthusiastically receiving my licking kisses moving and turning her face closely and conveniently
as I kissed each inch of her fore head, on her eyes, cheeks, chin, neck, shoulders and all over her
face, licking and lapping like a dog.

I ran a finger on her juicy soft thick lips and gave her a soft kiss, paused to caress her lips by
holding the kiss for a few seconds, ran tip of my tongue on her thick full beautiful pouting wet juicy
soft lips. Finally, I ran my tongue between her wet juicy thick pouting inviting lips forcing her
mouth to open.

She parted her lips slightly. I used tip of my tongue to very gently caress her lips. She responded by
opening her mouth. I penetrated her mouth with my tongue stroked her tongue. My tongue explored
her lips, inside the lips, tongue, teeth, gums, palate and used my lips to bite gently, strike, massage,
slowly and gently like tasting something wonderful applying a little suction every now and again.

Her mouth opened fully taking as my tongue slipped into hers, exploring her mouth, touching her
inner cheeks, her tongue and deep into her throat. Her arms snaked around me tightly and our
tongues caressed each other. She in turn sucked on my tongue. Then she also inserted her tongue
into my mouth for me to suck. Our tongues entwined. She took my lower lip into her mouth and
started sucking, chewing and biting digging her teeth, all the time pressing her against me. She
sucked and chewed on my lower lip for a long time. In turn, I took her lower and upper lip one after
another alternatively chewing and sucking them gently.

Our bodies were touching each other and hearts beating faster, blood running through veins faster
and faster at high speed. Our tongues entwined, exploring and sucking each other alternatively. Her
tongue attacked my mouth, probing my tongue, teeth and gums. We kissed on for long time, with
small gaps for taking breath. Her long fingernails were digging on my back. I smelt her body aroma,
an exotic body odor I never smelled before with such a passion and sweetness. It was if we both
want to drink nectar from each other’s mouth. Her hands were around me encircling and clutching
tightly. We kissed unmindful of the circumstances for a long time taking turns drinking nectar from
each other mouth.

It was an absorbing stimulating sweet tasty thrilling tantalizing teasing uninhibited long drawn lip
locked nectar sucking and slurping kiss. The long kissing was not enough for us and we want to
have more of each other. The kissing and cuddling ignited fire in us, our hearts beating faster
pumping blood into each every minuscule part of the body and mind. The mutual desire mounted to
unbearable and uncontrollable heights.

The intimate, involving, indulging embrace, cuddling and sucking kiss relieved her agony and her
body was on fire seeking copulation that is more rapturous. My overpowering hard maleness made
her submit and open herself. Her whole body was aching with irresistible, unbearable and
uncontrollable desire for taking me into her.

Her hand moved down and took my hard cock into her hand stroking it. She became aroused and
excited beyond control, the blood running fast, her nerves electrified and tensed, her pulse rate and
breathing quickened. Her heavy huge breasts became heavier and swollen, areola expanded and
enlarged. Her nipples became stiff, hard and jutting to come out of the bra and blouse straining at
seams. Her clit engorged and stiff, her soft cunt lips enlarged and opened like flower petals and
juice from her pussy overflowing and running down between her thighs. She could not think of
anything else except her burning insatiable desire. She was like a simmering volcano with hot lava
ready to explode.
Throbbing from her pelvis overwhelmed her body. She obviously could not bear the intense urge.
The intimate embrace, kissing and togetherness, silent unspoken psychological, emotional need and
uncontrollable physical desire communicated through her lustful eyes and body response prompted
me to lift her. She wants to be fucked and needs to be fucked.

I slipped a hand under her arm and around her back, leaned over her placed my other arm behind
her knees and scooped her up into my arms. She put her hands around my neck holding on to me,
buried her face on my shoulder and groaned. I carried her to the bedroom illuminated by soft
sunlight diffused through white curtains and lowered her on the bed.

Padma lying down on the edge of the bed, feet touching the floor, her hair spread wide covering
almost the width of the bed. I could see how beautiful and sexy she was, her flawless, blemish less
glowing smooth skin, large voluminous conical mountainous breasts with large dark areolas and
hardened jutting upright erect big nipples, her mound of deep navel and the rise and fall of her

Yanking off my shirt and lungi I undressed completely. She was obviously surprised and fascinated
by seeing the size of my erect long thick rigid big pulsating monstrous young and virile eight inch
cock as I walked towards her flaunting my cock proudly.

Her large eyes wide expressing surprise and eyebrows rose seeing the enormous size of my
monstrous cock with disbelief. Her surprise reaction is not unexpected to me. I am well aware of
women’s reaction and surprise when they see the size of my nine inch long thick monstrous cock
with bigger knob. I knew women love to be fucked by big cock. My monstrous gigantic cock is
really big in length and thickness, and the knob is even bigger and menacing. The feel of such big
cock stretching a woman’s cunt and filling deep to the bottom itself makes a woman reach orgasm.

Lying back down on the bed, the beauty of her partially nude erotic body revealed in the soft
diffused light. Her extra-large huge breasts had proportionately large conical areolas with big long
elongated stiffened nipples that pointed out from the enormous mound of her firm tits. I sat next to
her, cupping, stroking and feeling her huge extra-large breasts. I unhooked and removed her blouse
and bra as she lifted her hands up willingly to ease them. Her naked heavy breasts were firm; big
enlarged areola and engorged nipples were long, stiff and jutting out. I bent down to kiss her big
mountainous breasts. My hand sipped through below her sari and petticoat feeling her big
thunderous thick fleshy soft thighs.

She sat upright on the bed leaning over me so that her breast hangs an inch above my face, offering
the jutting long nipple, carried her breast to my mouth in the gesture of a nursing mother, the dark
engorged jutting long nipple of her breast. Excited by the arousal she sucked in a tight breath, the
scent of her pheromones caused by arousal and body language telling me just how needy she was to
get her breasts sucked.

She leaned over me so that her breast hangs an inch above my face, offering the nipple. Suddenly,
the entire world is nipple-shaped. It hangs there in space for me to kiss. I sucked it, nuzzling it
gently with my teeth. The nipple grew larger and firmer in my mouth. She withdrew it, and replaced
it with the other. It too, swollen to my sucking.

In the movement she made by taking her two hands to bring it towards my moth, a drop of milk
appeared at the extremity. I licked it eagerly, seizing that heavy breast in my mouth like a juicy
fruit. I suckled in a greedy and regular way. I passed both my arms around her waist and I sucked on
with slow sips of her breast milk with a movement of the neck as a breast fed c***d.
I sucked on her big brown heavy engorged hard and jutting nipple, while stroking the other and
squeezing it. I kept on sucking like a hungry baby sucking milk from mother’s breast while her
hand was below my head holding it like a feeding mother breastfeeding her baby son. She was like
nursing mother, breasts heavy with full of milk, aching painfully and wanted to feed her hungry
baby son, to relieve unbearable ache caused by overflowing milk. She wants her breasts sucked and
emptied. Her mother instinct triggered hormones in her mind and body was responding with
uncontrollable need to feed and her breasts be sucked.

I sucked on her jutting nipple while caressing her breast. I could feel milk coming out of her breasts.
I sucked on more intensely and could taste her milky breast juices till the flow stopped.

Suddenly she said, "That's enough for this one my son, suck the other now."

I took the other breast with docility. She had placed her hands on the back of me, and she was
breathing forcefully now. I sucked milky juice drop by drop coming into my mouth. I was surprised
that milky juices coming out from her breasts and happily sucked on.

She moaned with relief and pleasure as I sucked on her breasts. I could understand her desire to
breastfeed me. I continued sucking her breast milky juices from both the breasts alternatively. I was
surprised that she was having such intense reflexes that her breasts enlarged and her nipples grew
enormously swollen and oozing out milky juices.

While I was sucking, she took my rigid long thick erect hard and turgid cock into her hand feeling
it, held it until her hand was full and able to contain only part of its length, thickness and hardness.
It was the first time in her life to see and hold such a big enormous sized cock. It was like a long
thick hard iron rod with bigger knob. She was overwhelmed to hold suck a massive monstrous cock
in her hands. She could not help but compare in her mind the cock of Shiva she was holding with
that of her husband's timid small soft lifeless cock.

She was holding my cock in her hands stroking, her hands running along the shaft lovingly and
bigger pink knob. She took hold of my scrotum, feeling the balls and then her fingers reached the
knob of my cock. She was apprehensive and was afraid whether she could take all this meaty
enormous monstrous cock all the way in and her cunt my get torn and ripped apart. However, she
was also excited with imminent thought that she is going to take in and fucked by my massive cock.
She was horny, her clit throbbing and became hard. Her labia got thicker, and the muscles of her
vagina contract. She liked the thought of having such a big cock inside her cunt stretching it out and
pounding it repeatedly.

The excitement made her cunt petals enlarge, clitoris hard, and cunt juices overflowing with
excitement and expectation. She wants my big monstrous cock to open and fill her cunt. She
thought it is as big as horse’s cock.

‘Shiva, Oh! I cannot wait, Do it. Come into me. I want you inside me,’ she said holding my cock.

I got up, took off her sari and petticoat. She was naked, her thighs spread wide, her beautiful thick
wet juicy cunt flower and engorged glittering stiff big clit were inviting. She has beautiful thick cunt
lips and long triangle of very thick black pubic hair. I was over her between her fat fleshy thighs and
my cock entered into her vaginal opening slowly going in deeper and deeper between the clinging
lips of the vulva to the bottom. She raised her bottom slightly as my cock entered her juice-
drenched cunt. My cock entered tightly opening and widening her soft cunt walls as a knife slicing a
soft butter slab smoothly, reached her bottom, completely filling her cunt. Her cunt muscles were
gripping my cock tightly like a fist.
She could feel my massive cock entering and opening her cunt. When my cock entered her wet
cunt, she gasped, it was the first time in her life she had ever experienced what it was like to feel a
cock from the inside her cunt. She never felt that way with her husband’s small timid cock. She
could feel my cock filling inside her cunt and expanding. My big long thick enormous cock filled
her cunt to the bottom and still some length of it is outside her vagina. It was a delicious entry,
opening and filling her tight cunt completely to the bottom. It was obvious that she never had an
experience of her cunt filled by such a huge cock. She was tightly encircling and gripping my cock
as if she wanted to take all of the cock into her. I looked into her eyes as she was pleading for more.
She wants more. Her cunt muscles opened up, stretched by the enormous size of my thick long
cock, and her hands on my hips were pushing and pressing my cock into her. I took her breasts into
my hands fondling them. It was a moment of unison, of our bodies and souls.

"Shiva, It feels like you split me in two. I feel your cock in my throat!" she stammered. She slowly
turned to look in the mirror across from the bed her. What she saw horrified her. Her cunt stretched
wide open and filled by my huge cock, still there was at least half of my cock out of her. Oh, God I
feel like I am a virgin getting fucked for the first time." Her cunt juice had traveled down my cock
and was staining the sheets. she looked down in front of her. "It is so big. Do you know how much
your stretching me?" she whispered.

She said, ‘fuck me Shiva, deeper, more. Fuck me hard.' She urged me as my cock was going in and
withdrawing to the tip and then sliding into her cunt slowly and steadily.

I looked into her eyes keeping my cock still to enjoy the feeling. I was not in a hurry. I wanted her
to feel and enjoy enormous size of my cock. Slowly I slid back and forth. I settled down to a steady,
relentless rhythm, fucking her straight and hard. I could feel her tight cunt muscles opening every
time my cock going in deep.

She was moaning, and said, ‘Oh, my son, fuck me, fuck your mother, fuck me, my son, fuck me
hard. I have been hungry to take your cock, all these years. Give it to me all the way in. Rip off my
cunt.’ She was repeating the words again and again, cooing and crying loud, while moving her
bottom up to meet each of my strokes. Her pussy juices were flowing out running down my cock
and my balls were soaking wet.

I lifted and placed both her legs on both sides my shoulders, slightly lifted her ass just off the bed,
re-entered her cunt and fucked her slowly and steadily deeper and deeper. I whispered, Amma, You
are a sexy bitchy slut and your cunt is like a heaven, and you need to be fucked by me. I fucked
faster with all my energy digging into her deeper and deeper opening of her cunt, each stroke with
more and more energetic thrusts. She was making husky and horny sounds, cooing and groaning
with utmost pleasure.

I said, My sweet sexy darling aphrodisiac Amma, you are a cunt. You are a sexy bitchy slut. You are
a slut, tramp and whore. I am going to fuck you so hard and rip off your cunt.'

'Yeah, I am your slut Amma. You are a mother-fucking son. Fuck me, my son. Fill my cunt. I am
yours. I am your slut and whore. Your fat cock is so long and big. I have been waiting for you. Fuck
me,' she said huskily.

She was thrusting upwards raising her arse with equal vigor and enthusiasm making erotic sounds.
She was like a bitch in heat now. Our bodies with each stroke were trying to unite with each other,
to become one and to achieve oneness. It was a unique and ultimate expression of love and desire
between man and woman, their body and souls to become one and achieve oneness.
Her hands around me, her legs spread wide, her cunt inviting and receiving my cock each time. I
was digging and rotating my cock in her cunt making it bigger and wider, as a thick iron crowbar
rod digging and deepening into rain drenched soft earth, taking my massive hard cock out and
sending back with more force and rotating in circular motion to make her cunt wider and deeper.

Her hips began to rise and fall with each of my stroke in harmonious rhythm and made undulating
circular movements that quickened and heaved. She began to emit throaty erotic exciting orgasmic
sounds. She squirmed and moaned as I pulled my cock almost all of the way out from her cunt and
thrust back in to hilt with full force again and again rapidly gaining speed. The rhythm became
faster and faster as I placed my hands under her ass cheeks bringing my cock into her cunt deeper
thrust to the hilt as I fucked deeper, holding her arse cheeks. Each new thrust inside of her vagina
made all the walls of her vagina feel a tingly but satisfying pleasure sensation. Each thrust felt so
good that when the cock is taken out of the cunt she missed the feeling and wants it more. It’s a
constant buildup and takeaway. At the same time, the rest of her body is also engorged and wet and
would enjoy teasing too.

She came violently crying aloud as if a simmering volcano erupted, as if an earthquake shook her,
her whole body shaking in frenzied uncontrollable spasms. She dug her finger nails deep into my
back scratching wildly drawing out blood. Her orgasm was visible in her reaction of complete
abandon, her legs and pussy tightening around me in a squiring movement. She moved back and
forth, up and down and wiggled tighter and tighter.

I pumped faster and faster deep into her cunt. I kept my cock rooted in her cunt without moving and
her cunt muscles gripping, releasing and squeezing my cock like a fist, repeatedly. I massaged her
clitoris slowly until she lifted her hips and came again. Her body was shaking in a frenzied motion
sweating profusely. Keeping my cock still in her cunt, I massaged her cunt and clit smoothly
inserting my fingers and she had three more consecutive orgasms. She came as if all her pores
opened up and juices coming out of her body crying out loud like a wild a****l. Her fingernails dug
deeper scratching my back violently, drawing blood profusely. Her fingers dug in drawing blood. I
kept on fucking her more and digging into her cum filled cunt and I was ready, suddenly her fingers
dug into my shoulders and she was ready again. I could not control anymore and came very big.

I said “Amma, Amma, Amma, as I ejaculated thick loads of sperm into her cunt, pouring my thick
hot sperm filling her cunt. We came together in unison in a harmonious motion. She surrendered to
orgasm as her entire body contracted and convulsed in frenzied movements. She squeezed all my
juices with her cunt. All my juices drained filling her cunt; I lay with my head between her breasts
and her fingers played with my mussed hair. It was an exhaustive and exhausting orgasm for both of

She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck as tight as she could and we
lay in that position. I looked in to her eyes and saw her blushing. Seeing her feeling shy at that
moment was so beautiful. It was the shyness, which woman feels naturally, after being fucked
thoroughly to orgasm and submitted her body and herself completely to her man. She kissed me all
over my face, her eyes and face glowing with contentment and satisfaction. Oh! God, Shiva, You
have taken me to heaven. You have shown me heaven. First time I experienced what it is like to feel
a cock from the inside my cunt. This is the first time in my life I experienced such an intense long
drawing multiple orgasms. You seeded and filled my cunt completely with your potent sperm.

I kissed her face and said, 'It was beautiful and lovely experience for me too. you have drained and
squeezed all my sperm.'
She smiled, Shiva, 'I need to be filled by your potent sperm. You have filled me completely. I want
to become pregnant.' She whispered, “It’s the right time of the month. I know it can happen. Oh,
dear, help me make a baby! I want one so.”

I said, I will make you pregnant soon, Amma, I said.

My sixth sense tells me that you have already impregnated me. I can feel it.

Chapter 2

Padmavathy was thirty six years old, tall, with oily smooth, clear, radiant blemish less smooth
glowing skin, beautiful face, high cheekbones, natural arch shaped curvaceous well defined eye
brows, large expressive kohl lined eyes, large mouth, full wide juicy thick puffy pouting lips, big
chin, long smooth neck and sexy shoulders, long smooth arms, artistic long fingers, and pleasant
pectorals. Her huge, large, voluminous firm pendulous, mountainous and conical breasts hung from
lean chest and big nipples extend out of her slender lean frame made her brazenly top heavy. Her
narrow thin taut waist curvaceously spread onto wide bottom and big hemispherical protruding
inverted pots like hips. Her thick long, oily, soft, silky, jet-black, lustrous, smooth, shining, wavy,
voluminous and uniformly thick hair extends beyond her thunderous smooth banana trunk like
thighs reaching her calves. She normally arranges her hair in a beautiful bewitchingly thick braid
adorning with jasmine flowers. Her lissomly curvaceous body firm yet full at the bosom and wide
hips and longlegs is erotic. She is extremely curvy with everything being tight, toned, and feminine,
low body fat, narrow waist and wide hips. She looks at least five younger than her actual age. She
has melodious, soft husky and sexy voice and sweet smile. She was every inch a woman, glowing
and exuding and flaunting utmost feminine sexuality. She was at her peak age sexually. Padmavathy
was married at the age of f******n to her twenty six year old maternal uncle. At 16, she gave birth
to her son Mohan. She was never in love with her husband who does not know how to appreciate
her exceptional beauty.

She has an attractive, beautiful, bewitching, curvaceous, elegant, enthralling, erotic, glamorous,
gorgeous, lovely, marvellous, magnificent, pleasant, romantic, sensuous, sexy, stylish, sophisticated,
and voluptuous personality no man can ignore. Everything about her is mesmerizing and redefines
perfection. Her smile and laugh can stop any man. She has the ability to make any man forget how
to breathe.

We lay cuddling each other, her face buried on my chest, until our satiated bodies gradually returned
to normality. As she walked naked to the bathroom, I admired her hips swaying provocatively in
harmonious motion with her flowing calf length loose hair on her back. She came out arranging her
hair into a loose bun. I was admiring her naked sensuous and curvaceous body, her huge extra-large
heavy voluminous breasts hung from her chest swinging. She sat on my lap, putting her hands
around my neck and my hands holding her protectively.

I said, Amma, 'You are beautiful, sexy and erotic goddess.'

She was hugging me, her face buried on my chest and I cuddled her. She laid down keeping her
head in my lap looking into my eyes. I was fondling her body feeling the smoothness of her skin,
caressing her face and fondling her big breasts. We lay on the bed, I took her into my arms, and her
head buried on to my chest, the she looked up into my eyes, expressing shyness, satisfaction and

I asked, Padma, ‘how do you feel now?’

‘Shiva, Finally, I am with you, to whom I originally belong. You should have claimed me long ago.
I have been like a neglected and parched fertile land waiting to be deep ploughed properly, watered
and seeded to flourish. No you fucked me thoroughly for the first time in my life. I feel I am the
luckiest woman on the earth.

Amma, I am happy to know that you are satisfied. I also feel I am lucky to have you.

Padma said, 'I was never fucked like this with such a big monstrous cock. You are like an a****l, a
Stallion, a Stud and donkey. I have seen donkey’s and Stud’s cock and yours is as big. I am
fortunate to have your gigantic cock filling my cunt. You are born with such a beautiful and big
cock. I’m so sore I can hardly walk! This has been the most wonderful experience in my life but I’m
so sore I just can’t believe it. I’m a wreck! You fucked my cunt so deep thoroughly. I did not know
that being fucked is so much pleasurable.'

She said, “ Shiva, you are my dream man. It is the first time in my life I have experienced such
beautiful multiple long drawn orgasms. You made me to be my truest sexual form and from that
came the flood of euphoria and ecstasy that is a cervical orgasm for a long time. I had orgasms
repeatedly which was entirely new experience for me. My entire being was alive. I had awareness
of every molecule opening in my body. Now I know what it is like being fucked thoroughly and
properly. It was filthy and rough and selfish and it was amazing experience.’

Shiva, 'Where were you all these years, lover? Why did not you come to me earlier, claim me and
fuck me? You should have claimed me long ago. I am your property. I belong to you. Why did you
deny me this heavenly pleasure all these years? Why were you not born earlier than I was? You
could have owned me when I was a young virgin girl.’

Amma, I was born fifteen years after you. I could have fucked you when I was twelve perhaps.

Shiva, You should have come to me and fucked me when you were twelve. Ever since we met, I
think of you, I have a physical need to be close to you, I feel confident with you. My long hidden
and suppressed dormant desires surfaced. This is going to sound crazy, but from the moment you I
saw you I haven’t been able to stop thinking of and about you. You have occupied my mind and
body. The very first time in my life I felt passionately in love with you. It was a feeling so loving, so
tender, so wild, so overwhelming and breath-taking, and all-involving, a feeling I did not know
before. I know the moment I saw you that you are the tall handsome man I have been dreaming
about since my c***dhood. It was as if my dreams come true. I want to spend the rest of my life
with you, in your arms as your woman. I experienced the pleasure of submission of myself,
surrendering my soul and body to you transcending all limits. Finally I found my man, my Master
who owns me.'

When I think of you, I feel you, feel your love as if you are touching me, cuddling me, and
embracing me, feeling and exploring every part of my body. Sometimes, I think and feel you are
communicating with me through telepathy. You are effectively transferring mind to mind
communication, thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images. I feel you are reaching me
through your telepathic power whenever you want, because I feel your presence as if you are there
with me and my mind and body is filled with pleasurable sensations. I can feel the waves of your
love surrounding me. I can feel and sense you that you are with me and in me. You are making me
to think about you always.

I feel you are sending sexual love and making love to me telepathically, because whenever I think
of you, I feel aroused and stimulated and my body responds uncontrollably with desire. When I am
taking bath and later on dressing, I felt you were with me, in me, deep into me, watching me,
touching me, fondling me, kissing me, entering me, exploring me, and opening me and fucking me.
Did you make love to me at that time? I think you tune the frequency of my mind and send your
waves of sexual desire telepathically to me and receive my inner thoughts. I cannot help or control
thinking of you and feel your presence. Sometimes when I am in the midst of people, suddenly you
enter my mind and I feel your presence in me, around me, with me and in me, my body responds. It
is an embarrassment to conceal the waves of pleasure, when I feel your presence with me,
surrounding me, because my juices flow out dripping on to my thighs. I become wet and cannot
stand or walk. My petticoat becomes wet with my cunt juice. It happened many a time in front of
my maids and others too. It was as if I am thoroughly fucked to orgasm by you.

My reawakening immediately after meeting you and receiving your love really surprised me. I am
ready from expecting to be done with sex to having an intense physical relationship, to have an
extramarital affair in a way I never had when I was younger and married, and finally, to being with
You. But more importantly, rediscovering my sexuality helped me to be open to enjoying life again,
and to look at new things with curiosity instead of judgment.

She was looking into my eyes with love, devotion and submission. I was fondling her body feeling
the smoothness of her skin, caressing her glowing face and lovingly fondling her big breasts.

“Shiva, You filled me with love, filled the void in me, fulfilled me and gave me such a wonderful
unbelievable life time experience, made me forget everything, the pain, the agony, the sorrow, the
trauma and feel happy. Nothing else matters in this world except you for me now. I experienced
pure heavenly pleasure perhaps a****listic and carnal pleasure and akin to nirvana. It may be a sin
to fuck and experience such pleasure on this day, yet I experienced the ultimate, abandoned,
uncontrollable, blissful pleasure akin to nirvana of highest level. I never thought even in my dreams
such happiness and pleasure is plausible.

It is strange we have to meet to mate in these extraordinary circumstances. This experience would
not have been more pleasurable if our mating and fucking is in normal circumstances. Perhaps the
pleasure experienced with you is more intensified because it happened especially today. I admit
having such a thought, even if it may be termed as kinky. It may be considered unimaginable, illicit
and sin to fuck my son’s friend. Thinking that it is more pleasurable being fucked by dream lover
today makes me definitely kinky beyond any doubt as per normal societal standards. However,
surprisingly I do not feel guilty having such beautiful experience today and also about cheating my
husband because I know I originally belong to you ever since I saw you. My mind, body and soul
occupied by you, filled by you, owned by you and devoured by you. You have shown me that sex
can be so pleasurable beyond words can express and powerful. It is like divine pleasure akin to

However, I am sad that my son did not live to experience such heavenly pleasures with his beautiful
wife. Do you know, what could be the plausible reason for my son to end his life? Do you think
when he goes to heaven he will experience sexual pleasures with Rambha, Urvashi, Menaka,
Tilottama and other deva vesyas.

“I don’t know, Amma.” The Apsaras or celestial nymphs are extremely beautiful. Rambha, Menaka,
Urvashi, Tilottama, Ghritachi, Mishrakesi, Vapu, Viprachitti, Purvachitti, Sahajanya, Karnika,
Punjikasthala, Viswachi, Rithisthala, Umlocha, Pramlocha, Swayamprabha, Janapadi, and Adrika
are eternal virgins. The constant sexual indulgence has no effect on their youth or beauty. The main
task of these nymphs is to indulge in sex with those men who had attained heaven by virtue of the
merit of their good deeds.
Amma, I think You and Madhu are more beautiful, sexier and better than any Apsara, Angel and
Deva vesyas.

Padma said, ‘Can you believe that my son Mohan could not enter and fuck his wife’s virgin cunt
and fuck her. She is still a virgin’.

‘Is she? I said surprisingly, I did not think of this possibility.'

Shiva, ‘She is a virgin. He did not and could not fuck his wife. Madhu told me that he tried but
could not get his cock up and to fuck and deflower his wife. His inability to fuck his virgin wife
must have caused him to take such a drastic decision.'

'I wish he was a man like you with vigor and virility and had such a monstrous cock like yours, so
long, thick, big, beautiful, and fucked his wife. I wish you were my son. You would have fucked
and deflowered her on the first night and impregnated her by now’

I said, “Amma If I were your son, I would not have married her or any other girl,” I said.

'Why, Shiva', she asked taking my already erect and hard cock in her hands, stroking it, 'If I were
your mother, you need a girl to fuck. Any girl or woman would be happy to have your cock. Your
monstrous gigantic horse’s cock is ready again. It seems your cock is always ready for me.'

“If you were my mother, I do not need any other girl. I would have married you, and fucked you,

You would have married me, even if I were your own mother, Shiva? You have such a loving
thought. What a wonderful experience it would have been. Yes! You could have fucked me without
marrying me. Do you like me so much to marry me and make me your wife? She said, toying with
her managalsutra, I am fascinated to think you would have tied mangalsutra to me. Mother-son
marriage is taboo and forbidden in our society.

Amma, I said, I have not seen any other girl as beautiful and sexy as you are. You are a beautiful
sexy lovely and erotic sex goddess. I would have been happy to have you as my wife even if you
were my mother.

Shiva, I am very happy, excited, enthralled and thrilled to know your intense love and desire for me
that you would have married me to fuck, even if I were your own mother. You cannot marry me if I
were your own mother. Society does not accept such an i****tuous marriage. Though it is a sin and
taboo, you would have fucked me. You would have been my permanent resident stud son and secret
lover forever. We would have been living happily in i****t and sin. To the society, we would have
been loving mother and son. You could have fucked me from the earliest age you could get your
cock up. I would have been the happiest and lucky slut mother fucked by a horny stud son. I would
have become your kept woman and lifelong mistress. I would not have allowed you to marry any
other girl. You could have impregnated me and produced many c***dren by now. I would have
given you at least dozen c***dren. I would have been the happiest mother nursing your c***dren,
breastfeeding you along with our c***dren continuously as long as possible.

'Shiva, at what age your cock was ready to fuck.'

'Yeah, Amma, Ever since my c***dhood, my cock has been ready most probably even at the age of
eight. Do you want me to be both your son and lover?’
She said, ‘Yes Shiva, why should I allow you to fuck some other girl or woman, if you were my
son? I would have been the happiest and luckiest mother to get fucked by handsome stud son with
such a monstrous cock. I would have been happy to see your cock growing up, to become a stud
and stallion man with such colossal, huge, humongous, gargantuan, gigantic massive, monstrous
cock and becoming ready to fuck me. I would have been sucking your cock from your young age.
Why should I allow you to fuck and give to other women such heavenly incredible pleasures? When
you saw me first time during the marriage of my son, I remember you looking at me with intense
love and burning desire.

Shiva, I was captivated and enamored by your hungry looks. I was besotted, Infatuated, smitten and
was in love with you like a young girl. I was bewitched, beguiled, charmed, enchanted, enraptured,
enthralled, entranced, fascinated, and love-struck by you. I was head over heels for you. I was under
the magic spell of you, consumed with desire for you when you first saw me.

Shiva, You were not looking at me as your best friend’s mother but were looking as if you want to
have me, disrobe me, enter me, eat me, devour me and fuck me. I was overwhelmed to see your
cock bulge in your pants when you flirted with me. You admired my beauty looking at me from top
to bottom, every inch of my body with penetrating eyes. I am curious to know what you saw in me
the very first time.

Padma, My initial thoughts when I saw you were that, ‘you are beautiful, sexy and horny. Here is
the woman I want to fuck. I thought you need to be fucked thoroughly.’

Shiva, I could see such an intense desire in your eyes. Did you think I need to be fucked?

Padma, I remember our first meeting as if it happened yesterday. It was fatal attraction, admiration
and desire at first sight. An intense desire communicated between us when I saw you first time. I
felt I know you for a very long time, perhaps for so many lives. I felt you are mine. You belong to
me. The image of you is still fresh in my mind. You were wearing a pure silk maroon red and gold
sari with broad heavy gold border well below your deep navel to show deep navel and enhance
beauty. You are like a woman in Paintings worldwide showing a deep navel and large buttocks. I
remember your large kohl lined expressive beautiful eyes looking at me. Your extra-large big huge
hung voluminous conical pendulous heavy breasts proudly and visibly extending out of blouse and

Your beautiful calf-length thick jet-black lustrous silky smooth shinning silky hair neatly parted in
the middle was arranged in a long braid adorned with gold hairpins on side. Your wide bewitchingly
thick braid with neat loops fastened just below your protruding big arse with gold hair band and left
loose reaching your calves and adorned with beautifully arranged long jasmine flower threads
oscillating and swinging harmoniously with your huge breasts and big arse cheeks provocatively as
you walk.

You were wearing a glittering diamond nose stud, gorgeous gold chain held by a hook at the center
parting of the hair with the diamond studded gold pendant falling on the center of the forehead just
above the stone studded dark red bindhi. Your beautiful neck adorned with a diamond collar
necklace the base and lower. A diamond pendant on a thick wide gold necklace chain, a heavy gold
rope design mangalasutra, and a gold chain with a heart shaped diamond studded pendant were
resting in between your breasts. Another gold long multi layered step chain hung on your front
reaching navel swinging rhythmically as you walk. You were wearing beautiful glittering diamond
studded hanging earrings. Two gold ear step chains interlinked in a criss-cross pattern extending to
the both sides of hair hooked with precious stone studded hairpins.
You were adorned with diamond studded gold armlets and hands full of gold and matching colored
bangles, diamond rings on your fingers. A beautiful gold diamond studded wide waistband d****d
around your thin waist. A gold key chain tucked in the sari on the side below your beautiful flashing
deep navel, ornamental gold two sari brooches connected with three layer long chain and pin, and
series of heavy precious stone studded gold brooches at the end of sari pallu to weigh it down. Your
beautiful feet adorned with design mehindi, gold anklets and diamond studded silver toe rings.

All the gold, precious stones and diamond studded elaborate jewelry complimented your natural
erotic beauty. I told you that night that you were looking like a bride. You were looking like a rich
beautiful sexy long haired love Goddess descended from heaven to grace the wedding ceremony
and moving around exuding divine feminine charm and erotic beauty. Women were looking at you
with admiration, appreciation and envy and men were looking at you with desire.

The following day for reception, you were wearing peacock blue & green color Mysore silk thin
sari worn very much your navel with matching wide neck low deep cut short sleeved backless
designer blouse with confidence and attitude to carry such a blouse catching all the eyeballs in the
party, both of the men and the women. There was a lot of talk and gossip about your attire.

You were adorned with entirely different set of gold and diamond jewelry. You looked extremely
beautiful with little flesh around your deep navel. You were wearing sari five inch below navel that
revealed lot of your belly and deep round navel. Your hip folds and waist chain movements, big
breasts and hips, long braid with jasmine malas oscillating pendulously on your back when you
walk making you erotic beauty stealing the show.

I thought I should marry you. I know it is not possible. if you have a daughter or younger sister
resembling you, I would have married. You were looking like a divine beautiful sexy Kama
Goddess Rathi Devi, a slut goddess. The image of you etched in mind and smell of your body
aroma is still fresh in my mind. I inhaled aphrodisiac aroma of your sweat stained armpits when you
lifted your hands.

Oh! Shiva you remember all those minute details of jewelry I was wearing. Padma smiled, I wish I
had daughter. You could have been my son-in-law. My younger sister, with whom you were flirting
is married.

Padma, I do remember, it was love, infatuation, intense, fatal and irresistible attraction and desire
for you at first sight. I knew it was indecent to look at you being my best friend’s mother. I could
not take off my eyes even for moment from you. All through the marriage ceremony, I never missed
an opportunity to be around you watching you, admiring you, appreciating and drinking your
beauty. I wanted to feel and touch you. I touched you as if it was inadvertent action whenever
possible. I inhaled your body aroma standing behind you.

I wanted to talk to you in privacy but you were busy with so many relatives and guests around. I
talked to you mostly in the crowd except few brief occasions. There was no opportunity to express
my admiration and intense love and true feelings to you in privacy. I tried to communicate my
intense feelings of love with you mostly by looking at you. You reciprocated coyly with bewitching
and inviting beautiful sexy smiles. I felt you are mine and you belong to me. You were born for me.
I wanted to fuck you.

Shiva, I still remember as if it happened yesterday. You were always following me, flirting with me
all through the wedding ceremony and the following day during Reception. When you said, ‘You
are lovely and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are looking like a bride. I love you’.
I blushed, felt overwhelmed, happy and excited to hear compliments praising my beauty from you. I
was surprised in the first meeting you said 'I love you' so daringly. I was happy and delighted that
you found me the most beautiful woman despite the fact there were so many beautiful desirable
young girls and married women of all ages flocking around you. I have even seen young girls and
women giggling and looking coyly at you obviously interested in you and flirting with you.
Disregarding the attention from the girls and women, you followed oblivious of so many guests

Shiva, 'You are so naughty to smell my sweaty armpits on that night. I allowed you to smell my
armpits lifting my hands conveniently. You smelled my body standing beside and behind me. I felt
your breathe and your lips on my neck. You stood behind me so closely, placing your hands on my
waist. I could feel your hard cock pressed against my ass. I thought you were going to drag me to a
room to fuck. I would have happily come with you despite all the people present around.'

You were so confident and trying to woo me with your charm and chivalry. You said that I was
more beautiful than the all the young girls there. In the group photos during reception, you were
standing beside me closely, placing your hand behind me as if you were my husband.

My sister said, ‘you both were posing for photos as husband and wife. It was obvious you both have
been lovers for a long time. You lucky to have such a young stud as your lover. She assumed that
you have been fucking me.’ I did not realize then that chemistry between us was so apparent and
visible to others. My mother also observed us, and she was happy I found an ardent lover.

You never left my thoughts since that day. You entered my mind, my thoughts, my soul and my
dreams and have been thinking of you always since then. My desire for you increased day by day. I
have been waiting to be in your arms and to be possessed by you. I have been feeling like a young
girl falling in love for the first time in life. Since then I could not think of anything else except you
while awake or asleep.

Padma, You are an erotic rare beauty. Every inch of you exudes raw sexuality. You seduce with your
eyes, that slight smile, walking style and your mannerisms. I can marry you and make you my wife
for which you may say that society does not accept and approve. We can be lovers and soul mates
forever. Having an affair at this stage of your life may be improper, immoral and illicit as per
societal standards. You know very well that age does not matter. In fact sexual intercourse between
a matured woman and young man is more pleasurable. My darling, I will show you the heaven,
make all your sexual dreams and fantasies come true. I envy the men who has the opportunity to see
and enjoy your beautiful sexy figure every day. Had I met you earlier I would have definitely
seduced and fucked you. You would have happily become my lover committing adultery having an
illicit extramarital affair cheating your husband and betraying him. He could have even enjoyed
seeing you fucked by me. He would not have objected to your parallel extramarital relationship with
me. You could
have turned your husband to be a Voyeur and Cuckold.

‘You are really lovely, beautiful, sexy and exciting Amma,’ I said, stroking her big hard jutting
brown nipples with my tongue and fingers. Her breasts became engorged and her nipples grew
bigger and harder. You have such big extra-large beautiful bouncing firm huge hanging breasts and
wide big round ass, Amma.’

‘Ever since my teen age men always looked at my extra-large breasts. I knew you were looking at
my breasts in the first encounter as if you wanted to suck and eat them. I would have offered them
to you then, had there been an opportunity and time. You are the first man I want to offer my breasts
when looked at them with desire’, she said.
She said, ‘I was romantically attracted to you when you first saw me and I wanted you. That was
the first time I felt so much happy as a woman that a man desired me. The circumstances, the
occasion and the presence of other people being around prevented me to express my love and
infatuation for you. I involuntarily without any hesitation reciprocated when you were flirting.

Though I was busy attending to the guests, you did not leave me and I did not want you to be away
from me for moment. You praised my long hair counting 32 loops in my braid, which surprised me
to such extent that how keenly you were observing each every part of me. When you brushed
against my breasts and touched my nipples, cupped and pressed my hips, and put your arms on my
waist, whispering Amma sexily in my ears, as if you are fucking me, I was aroused happy and
desirable. You should have fucked me then and there, I was ready.

I said, Amma, You were dressed so sexily, your large big pointed nipples were visible through your
blouse and sari pallu.

Shiva, The mutual desire and fatal attraction between us was instant. It was the first time in my life,
I experienced an intense uncontrollable attraction to a man. It was a pleasurable surprise to my own
self. My long dormant desires surfaced. I was like musical instrument, kept unattended and unused
for a long time. You lifted the cover, dusted cleaned and started playing my strings tuning beautiful
melodies and ragas. I wanted you to play with my body. I wanted you to take me in your arms, hug
me, cuddle me and kiss me. I felt you were the man I was dreaming about all my life since I was
girl. I thought, finally I found my man to whom I belong to. I asked you to come again during the
holidays with my son to be with you. I have been waiting eagerly to
meet you and I had dreams of you seducing me.’ Shiva, 'why did you not hug me, take me into your
arms, kiss me and fuck me on that night?’

Padma, I wanted to kiss you and fuck you desperately but controlled myself. I took your hands in
my hands, and I took your long braid in my hands on that night. There were so many guests around
you. I really wanted to fuck you that night. If you were not the bride groom’s mother I would have
taken you to a room and fucked you’

‘Shiva, today, despite meeting in different unimaginable unexpected fateful and strange
circumstances, the inevitable happened between us. My longing pent-up increasing desire for you is
so strong ever since our first meeting in my mind, soul and body I responded to your love. I am
surprised that you did not hesitate to arouse, excite, entice, enthrall, enter explore and fuck me
today. You have awakened my dormant and pent up desires. I had been faithful wife to my husband
until today. You made me a slut today.

Shiva, 'I shall admit that, yesterday night while travelling in the car along with my husband to see
my deceased son, knowing that I will be meeting you, I relived our romantic flirting during my
son's wedding ceremony. Just thinking about you yesterday night aroused sexual desires.'

Shiva, ‘do you think I am an amoral, amorous, cock crazy, concupiscent, debauched, depraved,
iniquitous, insane, horny, kinky, i****tuous, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, lubricious, yearning,
unethical, sex starved slut actively encouraging, giving, inviting, indulging, seeking, sharing and
receiving carnal pleasure to quench my sexual desires instead of feeling sorrow and pain. I indulged
shamelessly to satisfy my lust instead of lamenting, moaning with unbearable sexual pleasure
instead of mourning with unbearable pain, cooing and crooning instead of crying, groaning instead
of grieving, squirting instead of sobbing, rejoicing instead of refusing pleasure, wallowing instead
of weeping, offering my cunt instead of objecting, opening up and giving shamelessly myself to a
man young enough to be my son, who wants to share my pain and agony, comfort and console me
for the loss of newly married son, at this fateful and sorrowful moment on a day when my son is
dead and his cold lifeless body lying in a mortuary?’

I submitted myself completely, shamelessly, uninhibitedly and unabatedly to you, offering and
opening myself and opening my cunt immensely enjoying carnal sinful pleasure of being fucked
thoroughly by your long, thick, enormous, monstrous cock.

I was fascinated to listen her feelings as she revealed her inner most thoughts. It was as if she was
pouring out her thoughts aloud. She continued her monologue. It was like catharsis. She was in the
process of self-analyzing, self-criticizing, absolution, and seeking my approval of her behavior,
perhaps trying to absolve herself from guilt conscious.

Amma, do not criticize yourself. You are not guilty. We have not committed any sin. There is no
reason for you to blame yourself. You have not done anything to feel guilty or blame yourself.

Shiva, Have I not committed utmost sin fucking with you today, enjoying and actively participating
in abandoned sex? Am I not a slut? Have I not behaved like a slut? When you hugged me to
console, my breasts became bigger and full with love to feed you. I wanted my breasts sucked and
emptied by you. The moment you hugged me, I felt your rigid cock pressing against me and
experienced pleasure. You filled me completely and your cock filled my cunt.

Shiva, 'I submitted my body, to be fucked by you, opening my all pores experiencing the bliss and
ultimate joy, uninhibitedly endlessly such an intense pleasure having continuous multiple orgasms
hitherto unknown to me. You ignited fire in my mind and body and I could not help but melt in your
indulging and intimate embrace and kissing. I could have objected but I did not. I feel happy and
lucky and you made me orgasm thrice continuously, which I never knew or imagined I could
experience. Shiva, Is it not sin to experience and enjoy such pleasures today?'

Padma, Even if it is sin, you indulged in sex and experienced pleasure even today. You enjoyed it.
Time and place does not matter. Sex is beautiful and divine experience.

Shiva, ‘Do you think so? If others come to know that I indulged in uninhibited sex and happily
fucked today, they would think that I am an amoral, indecent, insatiable, selfish, sinful, sex hungry
horny slut, cock crazy unethical bitch and a whore.

Amma, No one knows except me.

Shiva, 'People may think that I am debauched, dissolute, impure, immoral, lascivious, lustful,
oversexed, profligate, promiscuous, unconstrained, uncontrollable, uncurbed, , unruly and wanton
woman and a sex maniac, nymphomaniac, pervert, sex freak with abnormal psyche to seduce you, a
young man that too her son’s best friend. I would not have believed or imagined, perhaps not
endorsed if someone else tells me such incident happened. What do you think of me honestly. Am I
not a slut?’ Tell me Shiva that I have become a slut’

Padma, ‘You are my lovely slut. You are a sexy slut goddess and aphrodisiac angel. You should not
worry about what others will think of us. No one will know. We will not be telling the world. What
happened today is between you and me and important to us. We love each other. We are definitely
not abnormal, crazy or immoral. We did not imagine that we would meet again in such
circumstances. We have not done anything to be ashamed of. Even if others come to know, It should
not matter. Our fucking today may not be normal but is natural expression of loving, romantic
passionate union and unique expression of love between us. We are soul mates. We are made for
each other. We are perfect couple. We have been in love with each other ever since we met. We have
been waiting to meet again and today we have met. It might be divine interference that we should
make love today.

Shiva, Is it divine intervention?

Amma, In retrospect, it was almost inevitable that it would happen someday. After losing your son,
your desire and need to have your son back in you. Today your long awaited love and desires flared
up. You want your son in you, you wanted to take him back into you physically. You see your son in
me. You have opened yourself to me, desired me and invited me to enter you, taken me into you.
You allowed me to enter you and open cunt, to explore your depths, your body and soul, receiving
me into you and opening up for me. Your abundant love and pent up sexual desire simmering like
volcano for a long time as a woman prompted you to have me, to fill you and fulfill your long
dormant desires. I am not a stranger to you. You being married, and being mother of my best friend
does not change my love for you and desire to fuck you.

Shiva, do you think it is a divine intervention that we are destined to make love today? You
understand me completely, my inner thoughts, appreciate my feelings and know my mind so well.
Shiva you have put my feelings into words so clearly and succulently better than I could have
expressed. You make me confess, pour out my secret desires and dreams. I need you. I have been
waiting for you to fuck me, to satisfy my desires, to share and shower my love and to make my
dreams come true. It happened today in an unbelievable way.

Shiva, I would have definitely invited you to have me, had there been an occasion to meet you
again, after our first meeting. I was eager and ready for you even on the first meeting. Today, the
loss of my son triggered both my motherly instinct and hitherto unknown long awaited desire for
you, flared up with you showering love. I knew it is imminent that we make love once we meet.
You did not give me a chance even to sort out my feelings. You excited me to an uncontrollable
state and I was ready to take you into me. You entered me and filled me with your cock. I would
have come into your arms instantly the moment we meet even in normal circumstances. You have
become my god, my religion. I have been thinking of you, about you, about us ever since I saw you.
Even yesterday night I had thought of you while travelling in the car.

Shiva, ‘Would you have fucked to console any other woman in a similar situation, if it is not me?'

Padma, my answer is 'Yes. definitely'

I thought so, You can console a beautiful woman by fucking. Shiva, 'I never felt such a strong desire
and love at first sight with any other man, except you. Perhaps any other woman would not have
thought of offering her cunt for fucking to console her on the day when her son is dead, except me. I
am a debauched, depraved perverted immoral sex-starved slut waiting to be fucked by you. The
very first opportunity, irrespective of circumstances I offered my cunt to you to be fucked.'

Shiva, Did I look like a sexy slut when you first saw me and want to fuck me?

Padma, the first time we met, you were looking like a divine sexy goddess. I wanted to fuck you. I
felt that we belong to each other, knew each other for a long time, familiar with each other and
know each other intimately for many years but separated by unknown forces, and are longing and
waiting to meet. Perhaps our relationship has been for so many lives. Perhaps you were my wife,
mother, sister, niece, friend or lover in earlier lives. We were related to each other one-way or other
in each reincarnation. I feel we have been waiting for an occasion to meet and unite. Padma, Sex is
sacred and not a sin. Sex is positive expression of the life force. Sex between you and me is
inevitable irrespective of relationship, time and space. Sex between you and me is not just
recreational and pleasurable but also devotional, divine and unifying like sex between Shiva and

She said, ‘you are right. I also had similar feelings. You are an expert in mind reading and
understanding others’ inner feelings. At the moment of orgasm I knew that I was in a great golden
light and I experienced myself as transparent, luminous energy. I saw seven star-like, golden,
swirling points that lined up in my body. My energy centers looked like radiant golden lights in my

Padma, what you had visualized was the life force freely flowing through all seven energy centers
that were illuminated and energized by your orgasm. Very few people can have such spiritual sex
experience and spontaneous ecstatic experiences like you.

Shiva, Spiritual sex Is not taboo!! Thinking of my son, I should have helped my son with love. I
could have taught him to fuck me. I should have fucked him. Because he could not fuck his wife, he
must have thought he was impotent. He came back to college depressed and frustrated. He should
have told you, being his best friend.

'Was he completely impotent? How do you know Amma?' I asked

He thought so. Perhaps he was. He wrote an apologetic letter to his wife, a week back and she
showed it to me. I was planning to talk to him, help him fuck me with love and he would have
learnt how to fuck a woman. He should have told me, come to me, She took my cock into her hands
stroking it and said, ‘I would have made his cock big and hard. He could have fucked me. I would
have helped him enter my cunt and fuck me. I would have taught him how to fuck a woman. Why
he did not share with me and talk to me. He knows I love him.

Padma, Now I understand, he wanted you. He has been in love with you. He admired you beauty.
You are the woman he wants as wife. He saw you in his wife and wanted her to love him and to
show love and affection like a mother, fondle his cock like a loving mother to make his cock erect
and bigger, help him to enter her cunt, guide him with love and take his cock into her. But he could
not tell her and he could not fuck her unless she makes him big and hard lovingly. He could not tell
you that he wants to fuck you. Padma, tell me honestly, 'would you have offered yourself to your
son and fucked by him, had he expressed his desire?'

Shiva, honestly yes, I would have definitely helped him to fuck me. I would not have hesitated to
fuck him. I would have sucked his cock make his cock erect and bigger to fuck me.

Padma, he might have expected you to do just that, take the lead, initiate him lovingly, make his
cock erect and bigger, seduce and fuck
him. He desired you, wanted to fuck you or wanted you fuck him. He could not express his feelings
to you because of taboo. He wanted you to know his feelings and initiate him and he wanted you to
fuck him. He was waiting for you to take his cock into your cunt. He wanted you to straddle him
and ride him. He might have been afraid of expressing his desire for you, fearing your rejection and
losing your motherly love too.

Shiva, 'Did he tell you that he wants to fuck his mother?

He did not tell me but I guess that he wanted to fuck you.

You say that I should have seduced him and fucked him. how can I take the lead and intimate him
being his mother? Perhaps I should have done that. You know very well that woman always wants
and expects the man to take the lead, praise, initiate, seduce, and woo her to submit and make love.
You are an expert in the art of seducing and fucking women. You have on the first meeting itself
made me to want you. You should have advised your friend to fuck his mother.'

Yes Padma, I know what a woman wants. Woman irrespective of the age wants to feel and wants to
be treated like a young girl during the process of seduction and courtship.

Do you mean that I should have advised your son to seduce and fuck you? He loved you and
desired you, however could not express his love to you.

Padma, ‘you should have sucked your son’s cock like this to make him big, ‘I said. ‘Why you did
not suck him?’

Yes, I should have, I would have sucked his cock and make it bigger, but he did not show it to me
like you, see how big is yours, you motherfucker. Your cock is like Shiva linga. No woman can
resist your long thick monstrous cock.

She took my cock in her hands and stroking, she said, he did not have such a big monstrous cock as
yours to show and exhibit to me proudly. You are a stud and stallion. Shiva, Your monstrous and
magnificent cock is always ready to fuck under any circumstances. Your cock is already erect and
ready to enter and open me up again. You make any woman open up, offer her cunt and enter her
with your monstrous cock. I never imagined a man could have such a big cock as yours.

Kneeling down, she took my cock into her hands kissed the big pink knob, she said, “Shiva, your
cock is so big, enormous, magnificent, long, thick and beautiful. Your cock is so big like a horse’s
cock. She ran her tongue along the shaft, licked my scrotum and balls, then took my cock into her
mouth and sucked.

Padma, Perhaps I was a Yagasvam in earlier janmas and was used to fuck Queens like Kousalya,
Sumithra and Kaikeyi and other Queens in Puthra kameshti Yagnas.

I allowed her to suck my cock for some time. I took hold of her long hair and pulled her up, asked
her to bend. She obeyed, bent, her ass high up, her legs and thighs spread wide, resting her hands on
the bed, and her hair fell down on both sides of her shoulders touching the floor. Her juicy cunt
spread wide, wet and inviting.

It was an erotic and exciting seeing her in that posture. I bent down and could smell her scent - the
cunt of a woman. I licked her cunt, lapped and inserted my tongue into her cunt. She doesn’t just
have a cunt between her legs. Every inch she is a cunt! And I mean it as in she’s a hot, feminine,
delicious, sexy, and I need to be eat and fuck her cunt. She is a walking piece of sex! Her legs were
spread wide despite her trying to close them and my mouth and nose were pressing into her labium.
I could actually feel my face pressing ever so slightly inside her body!

She said, moaning, Oh, Shiva, You are actually eating my cunt. I cannot wait. Fuck me my Lord,
with your Lingam. I entered her juicy cunt holding her hips, doggy style, slowly firmly opening her
cunt deep filling her cunt to the bottom.

Oh! Shiva, you filled me up to my belly button. Fuck me hard. Fuck me, my son.

I took her hair in my hands, holding her luxurious thick hair; pulling it with one hand and other
hand holding her hip, I fucked leisurely enjoying each stroke. She was also enjoying immensely
with her groaning throaty noise. She was like bitch in heat receiving, submitting her cunt for
fucking. My cock penetrated, opened her cunt filling her cunt completely.
“Oh god yes… fuck me.. fuck me hard… yeah, right there. oh god.. I love your cock.. Oooohhhh..
fuck me…” The tightness in her tummy increased as her release continued to build. Her head began
to spin. Her pussy tightened around my cock. Padma bit her lip and started to shake. Her hands
looked for something to grasp as though she needed to anchor her body to absorb the impact.

An explosion ripped through her pussy. Padma screamed out from the unbearable pleasure that
surged through every muscle in her body. She gasped for air. Her body jerked hard, then again and
again. My big cock continued to pound into her over and over. She could feel her pussy twitch and
gush around my swollen girth.

She reached orgasm violently. I could feel her cunt muscles contracting and expanding, gripping my
cock tightly, and her whole body in ecstatic spasms, her cunt muscles all of a sudden gripping my
cock, squeezing my cock. I stood still, allowing her to enjoy the long drawn multiple orgasms and
then allowed myself to ejaculate hot loads of thick juice filling her cunt.

Her orgasm didn’t stop it just slowed. Juices streamed down her thighs. My hands moved up to her
tits and pinched her nipples sending her off on another wave of uncontrollable spasms. It was
almost surreal, as if Padma was standing outside her body watching my cock pound into her yet
being able to feel it in every nerve ending in her pussy. When I finally pulled out it was almost a
relief from the intense pleasure. At the same time her pussy felt empty.

She said,' I want to have a son like you. ‘I think today you might have already impregnated me.
Somehow, I feel it, because it is the right time for me. She smiled, Shiva, woman could feel safe,
protected, satisfied and forever happy with you. You know how to make a woman happy and

She was concerned about supposed to be abnormal thoughts and feelings. She was trying to analyze
her own psyche and behavior. She was surprised that her body and mind responding with desire
seeking and enjoying pleasure. Her mind simultaneously feeling the pain having lost her only son,
and also enjoying thinking about the experience she had with the young man in whose lap she was
resting on her head. She thought aloud, Why she was not feeling the acute pain a mother normally
supposed to feel as everyone says when she loses her son? Is it because her sinful pleasure
overshadowed her pain and her son was not a worthy man who did not live up to her expectations?

She was confused that she was experiencing intense pleasure instead of pain. Is it because that the
intensity of pleasure she had was such a unique, unbelievable, pleasurable experience on that day.
The process of bereavement and mourning led her to think about Shiva. His consoling her with love
led her physical desires dominate her grief. When she was in grief mode, her body tensed up in
ways she may not even recognized fully. Release certain brain chemicals during sex, including
oxytocin and serotonin, that result in feelings of peace and well-being in her. Sex can transported
her away from the concern and hurt stirred by the crisis or grief and to a place of pleasure and joy
with Shiva. She thought her experience with Shiva was not one time incident but it will be long
time affair.

It was the lunchtime and I was hungry. I said, Padma I am hungry.

She smiled and said, ‘you are always hungry. Get some food to eat. Otherwise you will eat me.’

I brought lunch for both of us from hostel mess. We both had a light lunch and she relaxed in my
Chapter 3

We heard the door bell, as she was lying on my lap while we were talking. She adjusted her
crumpled Sari, arranged her hair into a loose bun and sat on the bed.

I opened the door and led Padma's husband in to the room. He informed us that Post Mortem report
mentions the cause of death was taking heavy dose of arsenic as expected. We went down stairs to
see Mohan's body lying in the vehicle. Padma was allowed to see only her son’s face because the
body turned black due to the effect of poison. She burst into tears and leaned on to my chest. I took
hold of her placing my hands on her shoulders and brought her back to the room.

Padma’s husband followed us to the room. Padma started crying. I sat next to her placing my hand
on her shoulder. Padma's husband looked at us and told Padma to travel by train and requested me
to accompany her. He took Mohan’s body by taxi to their village.

Our friends went to arrange train tickets for us. Padma and I were together again in the room. We
were on the bed lying down, her head on my chest and my hands around her cuddling possessively
and kissing on her cheeks and face. It was a caring, loving and protective cuddle to communicate
reassurance of my love.

She was silent and after some time said, 'I would have been devastated and a wreck without your
love today. I want to take bath and shampoo my hair.'

I said, 'I will help you bathe, dear.'

She said smilingly, ‘You want to help me bathe. You are certainly a caring and romantic lover.’

She undressed slowly and walked naked to the bathroom, I watched her bouncing hips swaying in
rhythm provocatively in harmonious motion with her long hair spread on her back. I watched with
admiration, love and possessiveness her naked sensuous and curvaceous body, her huge extra-large
full heavy voluminous breasts hung from her chest swinging up and down. I said, 'Padma, you are a
beautiful bitch and sexy slut.'

Do you want to help your slut wife, my horny husband?

She sat on a stool in the bathroom. I took her hair in my hands, poured water on her head, applied
shampoo, lathered her long hair from roots to ends in straight stroking motions running my fingers
through her hair. I rinsed her hair twice thoroughly with water and opened the shower to wash off
remaining shampoo.

I generously applied soap on her body, standing at the back and holding her huge hanging heavy
breasts, slowly massaged her breasts from the bottom upwards and with my fingers stroked her
nipples. Her nipples became hard and engorged. I said, 'Amma, You have beautiful big bouncing
breasts,' placing my hands under her breasts lifting them. I soaped her face and lovingly cleaned
with light massage. I soaped her arms, hairy armpits, thighs, legs and feet, poured water and cleaned
her body including her ass hole. Her nude curvaceous body was beautiful and erotic.

Soaping her beautiful thighs, I said, I like your very thick long bushy black cunt hair, Padma, Your
cunt is so beautiful and sexy like a beautiful flower. Your cunt lips are flower petals. Don't you
shave your cunt and armpits?
No, she said," I never shaved till now.'

Your thick and long velvety cunt hair is very beautiful. However I shall shave your cunt hair to see
how your pussy looks like when clean shaved. I will do it now for you, I said.

Not now, Shiva, some other day. You are in a hurry to do everything possible to me now.

I washed and cleaned her cunt hair and kissed her cunt and clitoris. I started licking her cunt and
inserted my tongue inside her cunt. She raised her leg placed on my shoulder and pressed my head
with her hand on to her cunt. I took the handheld showerhead and directed the stream on her clitoris
and cunt. The stream of water jet worked like magic.

Padma turned back towards the mirror bending over, her glistening pussy was on show. I stepped
towards her and could smell her heat. I leant down to lick a single line from her clitoris right up to
her anus. Spreading her cheeks wide, plunged my tongue into her pussy, tasting her sweet nectar.
Her moans became more and more urgent as she pushed back against my face.

"Keep doing that, keep going. Oh God that's good, oh my god...oh my god..." I reached up and
eased two fingers into her soaking pussy, massaging her G-spot. "Oh fuck, im..gonna..cum. Don't
stop, don't stop." Padma arched her back, reached around and pulled my head towards her whilst
pushing back against my face, her legs trembling uncontrollably. "yeees. I'm...cuing. aaaahhh!" She
pressed my head further tightly rubbing her cunt on my face.

My face was soaked with the gush of pussy juice that she was letting go, and I drank it all down,
tasting it as it filled my throat. I devoured
and ate her cunt, slurped up her cunt juice.

She was ecstatic, and her cunt muscles quivered. I could feel the sensations of orgasms. She bent
over at the waist, spread her legs holding onto to the washbasin.

"Put it in me, do it now. Fill me." Shiva, you ate my cunt and I can see that your cock is up and
erect and ready. I want to you to fuck me. We shall get ready to go the station. Once you start
fucking, you will never stop. You have me now. I am yours. You can do whatever you want.

I stood up, wiping Padma's cum from my face, as I lined up my cock against her open pussy lips. I
entered her from behind in a standing doggy position holding her steady with my hands on her your
hips. Padma reached between her legs and found my cock, pulling it towards her opening, and then
cupping my balls pulled me all the way in. My erect cock entered her wet juicy cunt smoothly.

I started pistoning my cock deep inside her pussy. As the speed of my fucking increased, her moans
and breathing became more labored, and I could feel her legs starting to tremble. I could tell she
was close, and so was I. I had to say something.

I started to move inside her cunt, my hands on her hips, pushing my cock deep inside her as she
pushed back against me.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum again if you keep pushing that deep. Don't stop now, keep going. Cum
Inside me, inside me. Just keep fucking me like that. I'm going to cum all over your fat cock."

I could feel her legs start to buckle as I pushed my cock right to the hilt, and I looked up and saw
her face in the mirror, her eyes looking directly at me, her mouth in a perfect O shape as I fucked
her. Her breasts bouncing with every thrust, her cheeks flushed, and I knew then that she was about
to fly into another orgasm.

"Oh yes, yes, yes, Cum in me. Now. Do it now..."

Her orgasm hit just as my own did, and I felt my cum pushing deep inside her, emptying my balls as
it mingled with her pussy juices. "Keep pushing it in, push it deep inside me. It's amazing."

I ejaculated a thick stream of my sperm inside her cunt. Padma hung her head as she leant over the
wash basin. I put my cock away. Padma's pussy was bright pink and gently dripping cum she stood
up and turned around to face me.

I just smiled back at her. I cleaned her body and washed her hair thoroughly, toweled her body. We
came out of the room and I dried her hair with a towel. She put on petticoat and a lacy bra, and
stood in front of full-length mirror. I combed her hair carefully enjoying the feel of her long silky
thick jet-black luxurious lustrous shining voluminous hair. Her hair became puffy, more voluminous
and more beautiful.

Shiva, you are the first man to bathe me, eat my cunt and comb my hair and I am very happy to
receive all your love.

I am at your service, I enjoy doing all these things for you, my lovely sweet sexy wife. I took her
into my arms, and kissed her. You look beautiful and sexy. I smelled her hair and said, ‘arrange your
hair into a braid’.

She said, 'Not now dear, what everyone will think of me?' I am not a wife travelling with husband
on a pleasure trip. I am a grieving and mourning mother and should dress and behave like one in

No one will know our relationship especially strangers once we are in the train, I said. Padma, 'you
look sexy when you arrange your hair into a bun. You look sexier and much younger if you arrange
your hair into a braid, in ponytail or left it loose.'

I took her to the bed and made her sit on my lap, her flowing hair spread on the bed and touching
the floor.

She smiled, what people think if they see you and me now in this position.

Padma, It depends on their imagination. They may assume that you are my loving wife, or we are
lovers having a secret extramarital illicit affair. Some may think that we are mother and son, or
aunty and nephew, or brother and sister having i****tuous affair.

‘Do I look young enough to be your wife, Shiva? You are saying that only to make me happy.
People may think that I am a sex-starved slut having extramarital illicit affair with my son’s friend
and an young stud.’ she said, ‘I am of your mother’s age. If any of your friends see us now, they
think that I am a crazy nymphomaniac to be fucked by you today. It will be a scandal.'

Padma, you definitely look younger than your actual age. You are an ageless angelic beauty. Some
women like you look more beautiful, sexier, glamorous, gorgeous, and desirable as they mature. If
you arrange your long beautiful hair in a braid adorned with jasmine flowers, you look definitely
young enough to be my wife. However, age does not matter when a man and woman are in deep
Shiva, you are chivalrous, romantic and know how to win a girl’s heart. I wish you were my
husband. I want to be your wife. Do you love me and take me as your wife permanently. Even if I
divorce my husband and then marry you, people may think I am crazy to marry my son’s friend. I
don’t mind if people come to know about our relationship and call me your mistress. Actually, I will
be happy and more exciting if people call me your mistress.

Padma, my sweet darling, I want you to be mine, my wife, my lover, my mistress forever. I felt you
belong to me, the first time I saw you. I possess you and I want you forever. I will marry you if you
divorce your husband.

Shiva, Marriage between us is not possible. I want you to be my son and fuck me. She got up and
said, Shiva I think we should get ready. I wish we had more time together. Shiva, tomorrow we may
not be able to spend much time together at my house.

‘I wish we can stay here forever, I want time to freeze.’ I said, ‘I know it will be difficult for us to
see each other at your home with so many people around. Everyone will be coming to meet you to
offer condolences’.

‘Shiva, I do not know what my husband will tell people about our son, definitely not the fact.
Perhaps we shall tell people that he met with an accident.’ She said.

‘Shiva, did you discuss about your feelings about me with my son.

I said, ‘He knew or guessed from the way you have been talking to me on phone. Whenever he
made a call to you, you always talked about me and while you were talking with me he listened.
Like everyone else, he noticed my flirting with you during his marriage ceremony.’

He said when I was looking at his wedding albums, 'I observed that you were always with my
mother during my wedding ceremony. You were standing next to her so closely in all the

He took out some photographs from the desk drawer which were not in the album and showed to
me. In all the photos we were very close. I think one of the wedding photographer exclusively
followed us and caught some intimate romantic moments of us together. In the photos, we were
looking into each other's eyes, my hand was on your waist, and our hands holding. In some photos,
me smelling your flowers in the braid and your armpits was beautifully shot. Another photo clearly
captured my hand around your waist my cock pressing your ass.

He smiled and said, 'In the photos, you both were looking like intimate lovers. I did not include
these photos in the album.'
I told your son, ‘yes, I like her. She is an extraordinarily beautiful and sexy and seductive woman.'

He gave mischievous smile and said, 'yes, she is very sexy. My mother asked me to bring you along
with me during the holidays. She will be happy to meet you. You will have enough opportunity to
be with my sexy mother. Both of you were like lovebirds. I know that she loves you. Do you also
love her so much?'

I told him, ‘I love and want your mother.'

Padma, your son laughed and said, 'my mother is beautiful and very sexy. I noticed that you want
her, the way you and my mother were spending time together like love birds during my wedding
ceremony. I have never seen her so happy and exuberant. She was not enamored with any other man
in all these years except with you. She has been always talking about you, and asking me to bring
you along with me during the holidays. I am happy that my sexy mother finally found a suitable
young lover who can make her happy and satisfy her.’ He also said, Shiva, I am sure she has been
loyal wife to my father but I know after meeting you she has been in love with you.

Padma said, "Did you actually say that ‘you love me and want me to my son.? Did you tell my son,
that you love his mother and you want to fuck me.? Did you actually say that to my son.’ ‘I am
surprised that he knew about my feelings of love for you. I requested him to bring you along with
him during the holidays. Was it so obvious to him in my voice when I talk about you that I love you
and I want you so desperately. We do not know what he really thought about you and me. We will
never know. He assured me that he would bring you home along with him. Did he tell you anything

Padma, Mohan said, 'you will be happy with me and you are waiting for me, with a mischievous
smile.' He wanted you to be happy. He said that I am the suitable lover for his mother. Your son
said, 'I am sure you are very much eager to have my beautiful and sexy long haired mother. I
wonder what attracted my mother to you so much. she is anxious to be your lover. I am excited that
my best friend becomes my mother's lover.' He wanted both of us to mate.

Shiva, ‘ Mating? You sound as if its a****l mating, as if I am a cow in mating period and my son
finds suitable Bull for me.' Do you mean he really wanted you to fuck me?’ Did he say that he
wanted you to fuck me? Did he think that I am in a mating period and I need to be fucked by a stud
like you. It is crazy and exciting to know that my son wanted you to fuck me so that I am happy. Do
I look like a woman who has to be fucked by a stallion like you? Perhaps he thought that you are a
perfect stud and stallion for mating and fucking his mother,’ she said lifting her leg placing on my
back and thrusting her mound. ‘It is very exciting to know that my son wants you to fuck me.’

Padma, Your son wanted me to fuck you. Your son could have been happy to see you fucked by me.
I lifted her up as she put both her legs around my back; I placed my hands under her arse holding
her, I carried her in the interlocked position and sat on the bed. We kissed for a long time. Your son
wanted me to fuck you. I want to fuck you, Amma.' Now!

Shiva, you want to fuck me in all positions, I am ready but not now. You have already fucked thrice
since morning and made me orgasm several times. We have to get ready and go to the station.’
Realizing that it was time to go the station, we disentangled from each other.

‘Shiva, My son wanted you to fuck me. That was very exciting. Perhaps he wanted to see you
fucking me. He should have seen your monstrous cock fucking his mother's cunt. That could have
made him excited and his cock hard. He could have also offered his wife to you. He could have
asked you to fuck his wife. That would have solved all his problems. Had I known his problem, I
would have advised him to offer his wife to you, the very first night. You would have fucked her
made her cunt big so that he could enter her cunt easily later. He should have asked you to go and
fuck his wife, the first night. Do you like my daughter-in-law?

Yes. She is a beautiful and sexy girl, I said

Smilingly she said, ‘you have an eye on her too. I am not surprised. Your roving eyes did not leave
the bride also. I am sure, you would have fucked her eventually, even if my son is alive. I am
surprised why he had to take such a drastic decision to end his life, when he has a stallion friend
like you to fuck his mother and wife. It may be cruel to say but he could have lived happily seeing
both his mother and wife fucked and impregnated by you’
Padma, perhaps his male ego destroyed and shattered. He did not mind and was happy to offer his
mother to me. But he could not bring himself to admit his problem even to me, must have got
depressed. He could not ask me to fuck his virgin wife.’

'Perhaps yes. Shiva, had he seen me and his wife fucked by you, he could have lived forever happily
watching,' she said. Shiva, I want you to fuck my daughter-in-law. You should fuck her and I want
to see her beg you to stop fucking.’ ‘You ruffled my hair, now I have to comb my hair and get

‘Now let me help you, my sweet sexy wife,’ I said. I took her face in one hand combed her hair
backwards and parted her hair neatly in the middle and combed her hair.

Shiva, 'It is a great loving gesture combing and parting my hair so perfectly, you are so romantic
and highly skilled in everything you do to a woman'

She arranged her hair into beautiful bun, applied kohl to her eyes, and got dressed wearing a thin
chiffon sari and matching blouse. Her firm big breasts were visible through her sari. Arranging her
sari pleats neatly, she asked, Now do I look like your wife or your mother?

‘You look like my sexy wife,’ I said.

‘You are a handsome horny husband,’ she said, kissing. ‘We have to behave like mother and son not
as horny lovers in front of others. Please remember that.’

Padma, I need not have to remember that you are like my mother, when we are not alone and in
midst of your relatives and friends. You do not worry. I will behave like your loving son.’

She smiled and said, “I know what you mean by ‘loving son’. You made love to me as a loving son.
‘Do you love me as much as you love your own mother?’

I said, ‘I do. You should see me and my mother together to understand.’

She said, ‘I wish to meet your mother’

Padma, ‘I will take you to meet my beautiful sexy mother. She will be happy to see you, my lover.’

Oh! Your mom will be happy to see me as your lover? That is surprising. How many women you
introduced to your mother as your lover?' Shiva, you are a naughty son and horny husband, you are
unique. You make me feel like a slut mother and in the next moment, you make me feel like your
girlfriend or wife. I feel I am the luckiest woman to have you.

Padma, I feel that we belong to each other and we are born for each other. You are mine. Ours is a
divine relationship for so many Yugas like Shiva and Parvathi. Do you know Parvathi is actually
mother of Lord Shiva?

I do not know that Parvathi is Shiva's mother.

'Yes, As per Devi Purana, Adishakthi created Brahma, Vishnu an Shiva. She created Saraswathi for
Brahma, Lakshmi for Vishnu and she herself becomes Parvathi for Shiva.' Padma, 'why your
husband left you with me and asked me to accompany you. Did he guess I fucked you.'
She said, It is obvious that he guessed that I am thoroughly fucked by you today. He must have seen
the happiness written all over my face. He obviously left me with you, so that we can fuck in the
train. He must have been happy that finally his wife is getting fucked thoroughly by an young stud.
He will be happy when I am impregnated by you. My son wanted you to fuck me. Now my husband
also wants you to fuck me. It is apparent that my husband approved you to impregnate me. Like
many other people, he observed us during the wedding and knew our attraction for each other. He
must have guessed what happened today between us and hence left me with you. He loves me so
much and since he could not satisfy my sexual desires he would rather be happy that I am having
sex with an young stud like you.

Padma, It is exciting and thrilling to know that your husband approves our mating.

Shiva, It seems you want to fuck me while my husband watching. Perhaps that will make his limp
cock stiffen.

Do you want your husband watch while we are fucking?, I said

'I am not sure. Perhaps he is not kinky as we are. I do not object if he wants to see me fucked by
you. Your monstrous cock entering my cunt' OK, my dear stud lover son, we shall get going, now to
catch the train.’ she said.

I kissed her on her mouth and she reciprocated, When we finally broke off the kiss and moved my
lips to her neck, then her breast again, sucking her nipples back to hard peaks, Padmavathy broke
from her trance.

“No. We really must go. We haven’t time to do this again.” She pushed against my restraining hands
and wiggled beneath my body. “Let me up now.”

I pulled away from her neck and looked up, my eyes as poignant as a spoken plea. Her heart
wrenched and she wished she could spend the rest of the day with him, making love.

She sighed. “Don’t give me puppy dog eyes. We have got to go.”

Padmavathy got ready, attired in plain thin see through chiffon sari with Zari border. Her breasts
were well formed but soft yet firm. Her Sari concealing yet very revealing, as it exposed a lot of
midriff just below the bra line to a few inches the navel. A low cut wide neck blouse exposed
cleavage. I could see distinct jiggle of well formed ass cheeks as she walked ahead, I even noticed
silhouette of well fitting panty. Her hair arranged into a neat bun resting bun resting low between
her shoulders.

We got into the waiting car to take us to railway station.

During the journey in the car, she was holding my hands, resting her head on my shoulder. She
whispered, ‘I want to be yours always and forever. Please do not leave me. I do not care, even if the
society says that I am your mistress. I will enjoy if everyone knows that I am your mistress.'

I said, ‘I will not leave you my sweet sexy mother and wife.’ It seems that you are going to show
me to everyone and say 'Look what a handsome man I have like prized possession'

I wish I can do that, Shiva. Call every one and announce that you are my lover.

Shiva, what your friends think when they see us at the station? Your friends must have observed us
during the wedding and guessed about us?

If they know, they did not tell me, Padma. The fact that I have been taking care of you all day
instead of your husband, perhaps they can guess.

'If they know How you have been taking care of me to console, it will be a shock to them.'

Our friends waiting to see us off at the station gave us tickets, packed food and fruits for dinner.

Chapter 4

We boarded the train, got into first class coupe reserved for us by our friends. After TTE checked
the tickets, I locked the door. Padma got up, looked at me and said smiling, ‘do you want me to
arrange my hair into a braid now, my dear horny husband?’

I will be delighted, no one will see us until morning, and you need not have to think about others
seeing us. People who see us undoubtedly assume you are my wife.

She loosened her hair bun; her thick hair cascading down reaching her calves. I combed and
brushed her hair straight down and she arranged her hair into a long bewitchingly thick loose braid.

I hugged her from back, putting her long braid onto her front. Looking into the mirror I said,
'Padma, you look definitely much younger in long braid, anyone who sees us envy me having you
as my wife. I should have brought Jasmine flowers to adorn your sexy long braid.'

She said, Yeah! But If someone known to me happens to see us, adorning long Jasmine flower
strings, it would be scandalous. We are not a husband and wife on a honeymoon trip. ‘Do I really
look young enough to be your wife? I feel like a young girl at heart in your presence, because you
treat me as one. You are my real man, lover and husband. You made me a complete woman. Despite
being younger to me, you have maturity to make me feel like your young wife.

Come and sit here, I made her sit on my lap. Hugging her kissing hr neck, I asked, ‘How about
having dinner?’

She said, ‘I will have some fruit.’

I took out a banana from the bunch our friends brought for us, peeled half of the skin and offered
her in to her mouth.

She opened her mouth, provocatively licked the big banana with her tongue, and said, ‘your cock is
bigger than this banana.’

Amma, You want to eat my cock instead of banana? I fed her bits of banana into her mouth from my

She said, Shiva, You are so caring, offering me food like a baby.

Yes, my beautiful baby, I love you. You are an ageless divine beauty. Women like you become more
beautiful and glamorous, attractive, sexier and desirable with advancing age, I said, fondling her
earlobes and kissing behind her ears, licking them. You are at the peak of sexuality.

I would have been sexier and more desirable, had I been, satisfied psychologically, emotionally and
properly fucked all these years thoroughly enjoying my beauty. Why did you not fuck me? Where
were you all these years? You should have found me when you are ready at the age of twelve and
fucked me since then. My unromantic inept inactive insufficient husband wasted my precious youth
and beauty without romance and sex. My husband never appreciated or enjoyed my beauty. We are
rich, have money, property, social status, and respect in the society but none of these things could
give me happiness and satisfaction as a woman.

Padma, you mean you did not have marital happiness and you have not been fucked enough to your

'Yeah, my husband do not know how to fuck and satisfy his wife, how to treat a beautiful sexy
woman like me, does not have any intimate knowledge of enjoying sex, fucking, giving and
receiving sexual pleasure.'

Amma, you mean that! You have not been fucked thoroughly enough to satisfy your sexual desire,
so far all these years except by me. What a waste of time and your beauty.

Yes! My husband never saw me completely nude, never sucked my breasts and never ate my cunt.
In two days, you have seen every minute part of my body appreciated each and every part of my
body, entered and explored me, have shown me the heights sexual pleasure. You have entered and
opened my mind and body. You know everything about me. You are the only man who has seen the
mole on right inner thigh. You have fucked my body and mind inside out, and emptied my thoughts
and juices.

‘I confess, Shiva, I have never been enjoyed, my pussy eaten, licked, lapped, sucked and fucked so
far till now, though I gave birth to a son. I never experienced such an intense ecstatic vaginal
orgasm until you fucked me. You are the first man who made me reach such ecstatic long drawn
multiple orgasms.

I have been dreaming and waiting for you all these years, for you, who can appreciate, admire, eat,
enjoy, excite, experience, feel, fondle, fill and fuck me thoroughly. I have been dreaming and
waiting for a man like you who can own me, dominate me, possess me, and command me. The first
time I saw you, I felt that I have known you for a long time; I knew you are the man I have been
dreaming about all these years. Your intense looks conveyed you are a romantic stud capable of
winning me, my heart and giving me all that I have been dreaming of’, she said

You won my heart with your loving gestures, made me open up my heart and become my soul mate.
You filled my cunt with your monstrous cock so completely and filled my soul and heart with love,
opening up inner depths, touching me deep to the core, made me pour out all my juices, making me
melt and flow out all stored juices and thoughts, feelings, and desires. I opened up my heart and
soul, submitted myself uninhibitedly, shamelessly and completely to you. It was like opening of
dam brimming with water and the floodgates opened.

It may be surprising to you, Shiva, first time in my life I experienced such an intense multiple long
drawn never-ending orgasm while fucking. I never experienced orgasm so far with my inept and
useless husband all these years. I experienced such an intense ecstatic uncontrollable never ending
multiple orgasms, every inch of my body, head to toe experienced orgasm, all my pores opened up,
opening the flood gates, my stored kama melted, pouring out like flood gates of a dam opened, like
a volcano erupted and lava gushing out.
I said, 'I feel happy to know that I made you orgasm for the first time in your life while fucking.'

Shiva, I realized, how a woman can experience heavenly pleasure and enjoy eternal bliss reaching
nirvana through ecstatic orgasm. I have been doing meditation, yoga and puja worshipping the God
to control, channelize and divert my sexual thoughts, desire and energies. You made my dreams
come true, achieve and reach much higher levels of nirvana, ultimate pleasure, satisfaction and
unknown to me so far by fucking me.

Whom do you worship? Padma, I asked.

She smile and said, 'It is you, Lord Shiva. I worship Shiva lingam. I have been fascinated by Shiva
lingam. All my prayers to Shiva lingam made Lord Shiva came to me in your form. Your lingam is
like Shiva lingam.

Shiva, a woman submits and surrenders herself and worships the man who can give her sexual bliss.
She becomes his subject, Bhakta, dasi and devotee. I submitted to you. You are my God, Lord Shiva
and Master. Even now with you surrounding me, my whole body is reacting with enthusiasm and
expectation. You have the sensuous touch to ignite me, put me on fire and capacity to make me

Padma, now that you have me. I will explore every part of your sensuous and sensational beautiful
body, enter, open and fill all your holes dear. You need to be fucked now dear. Her sari pallu
dropped to the floor, I removed her blouse and bra releasing her huge voluminous heavy firm
hanging conical breasts. Her firm jutting brown nipples became hard in my fingers as I stroked
them. Lifting her breasts up stroking from bottom I said, Padma, I wish I could suck milk from your
breasts now.

“You can, Shiva, my Lover Son, you made me lactate milk in the afternoon. I was surprised that I
could lactate without delivering baby. Your ignited fire in my body, all my stored kama juices
melted, and motherly instinct in my mind, made my stored milk juices flow out of my breasts to
breastfeed you. I have experienced such continuous ecstatic multiple endless orgasms I never knew
such intense orgasm can occur. Impregnate me, and once I give birth to your son, I can feed my
breast milk to your c***d and you forever. I want a son from you, our love c***d from you, Shiva.”
She said.

I will give you a son, Amma, I said

I kissed her breasts, sucking her engorged hard nipples, and removed her sari, untied her petticoat
and took off my pants, asked her to sit down on the berth, her thighs spread wide, placed her fat
thighs on both sides of my shoulders.

“I want to eat you, eat your cunt. Amma”

You are the first man to eat me, son, Eat my cunt. It is all yours. I have been storing all my Kama
juice for you.

Her legs were spread wide, my mouth and nose were pressing into her
labium. I could actually feel my face pressing ever so slightly inside her body! Her cunt smells like
heaven; I wish I could eat this cunt out. I started licking her engorged big protruding pink wet
clitoris, slurping and lapping up her cunt juice with my tongue, inserted my tongue into her cunt
deep and licking all over. I sucked her overflowing cunt juice.
I bent forward, licked her cunt from bottom to top, flattening my tongue. I inserted my tongue deep
inside her cunt, making my tongue stiff clutching it with my teeth. Running my tongue around
inside her cunt, probing and licking, I brought my tongue out of her cunt and lapped up her tasty
delicious cunt juice having a peculiar pleasant smell. I put my lips against her cunt and slurped with
loud noise, the more I slurp, the more juices were oozing out. It was like drawing water out of a
well, never dry.

I started devouring her cunt, sucking her juices, slurping, licking her all over cunt sucking her
juices, pressing my mouth to her cunt and sucking, making slurping noise.

“Oh, God, you are sucking out all my kama juice. She pressed my head, onto her cunt. As I was
slurping up her juice, I could feel the sensations of her cunt muscles pulsating, quivering against my
lips and face. She pressed her thighs around my face lifting her legs and keeping them on my
shoulders. It was as if she was trying to take me into her cunt, trying to take me all of me inside her.

We want to unite, to be one, an attempt to achieve oneness. Two bodies having one soul trying to
become one body.

Oh. Shiva, you are sucking all my stored juices, you are emptying all my Kama juices stored for
you all these years.

I got up and turned her around. She offered her wet juicy cunt, her hands holding onto the berth. I
entered her juice-drenched cunt, opening her up, penetrating slowly and steadily going into her like
a knife in slab of soft butter mound, filling her deep wet pussy to the bottom. I kept my cock filled
in her cunt without moving for a while. I took hold of her long braid into one hand and pulled
holding her ass with another and started fucking her cunt deep.

The train was moving with a rhythmic noise and my cock was moving in her cunt like a piston,
forward and backward at a steady pace rhythmically enjoying each stroke opening up her cunt,
every time like a boring machine tool boring into a soft rain drenched earth and her cunt receiving
each stroke of my cock with equal enthusiasm.

“Amma Your pussy is so tight. You’re so wet. Are you wet because you like the feel of my cock
ramming you? You are a sexy slut, longhaired luscious bitch and a dirty whore. Do you like my
cock ramming your cunt? I am going to rip off your cunt.

Oh, Shiva, my god, fuck me my son, fuck my cunt deep. yes. Fuck your Amma.

She was making loud noises with abandoned carelessness. She was thrusting her ass up to meet my
cock, every time making thapak, thapak noise. I increased the momentum matching the increasing
speed of the train. I rotated my cock in her cunt sideways and the opening her cunt wide. “I think
I’m going to come inside you. I’m going to fill up your little cunt.”

Her cunt was gripping my cock and releasing it, repeatedly; her orgasmic response was gradually
increasing and then reached its peak as her cunt gripped my cock tightly for a long time and slowly
releasing. It was like Tsunami waves one after another; her body was shivering. She was like a wild
a****l crying aloud with ecstatic orgasmic pleasure. Gradually her orgasm subsided, as I still was
fucking at a high speed with all my energy, pounding into her cunt. My cock finally ejaculated loads
and loads of hot lava, thick sperm into her cunt. She gripped my cock, squeezed and sucked all my
sperm with her cunt muscles into her, draining and emptying me. This is what she wants, she
wanted to be fucked and impregnated that day, and I was not to disappoint her. She lay down on the
berth to allow my sperm to enter her womb and couple with her waiting fertile egg.

She smiled and said, Shiva, I have never been fucked so intensely and so many times in a day in my
life till today. I experienced such an intense ecstatic violent orgasms and nirvana in my life. You are
a passionate fantastic lover. You fuck like a lion. I think you made me pregnant today.

I said, we shall have more opportunities to ensure impregnation.

She said, I am in fertile ovulation period. It is two weeks since I had menstrual period. Woman
intuitively knows when her hormones are at peak and her egg is ready to receive the sperm.

It was on such a rare occasion she wanted to get pregnant and it happened. She was actually
impregnated by me on that day, perhaps the first time we made love. Later on it was confirmed by
pregnancy test.

Shiva, you treat me as if I am your young newly married loving wife though I am of your mother’s
age. You have the maturity and confidence in you to make me feel like a young newly married girl.
I am sure many a woman might have submitted herself to you enamored by your charm.

She was tired and sleepy. She put her head in my lap slept peacefully. I also slept in the same
position. It was early in the morning and the time for us to alight. I woke her up. She got up and
said, Oh! I slept off happily talking to you. She washed her face, unbraided her hair, combed and
arranged into a neat bun.

Looking at me, she advised, do not look so happy as if you are returning home from honeymoon
after thoroughly enjoying with your newly married wife. Show some grief and sorrow because
someone will come to the station to receive us. Do not forget to call me Amma, in front of others.

You look like a newly married beautiful wife. I hugged and kissed her and said, you are my loving
Amma, and I am your loving son in front of others. However, when others are not there?

I am your wife, Shiva. I will ensure that we will have time together in my house to make love.
Shiva I am sure, You seeded me and impregnated me yesterday. It is right ovulation time of my
monthly menstrual cycle.

That is great. You are so sure that I made you pregnant yesterday?

'Yes I am, Shiva, I can feel it. Sixth sense. However we shall have more fucking in the next few
days to ensure that I am impregnated. I want your cock in my cunt always my dear horny husband. I
want to carry your son. You will also impregnate my daughter-in-law preferably in the next few
days. I want the society to think that It was my son who made her pregnant. My son will be happy
to know that both his mother and wife are impregnated by his best friend and Stud. He would have
lived if he has offered his wife to you like he offered his mother.'

Amma, I will be happy to fuck and impregnate you and your daughter-in-law. What more can I ask?

She smiled, 'Shiva, Don't seduce my sister and her young daughters.'

You mean that they will be available for me?

I know, they are interested in you and also other ladies with whom you were flirting during the
wedding ceremony.
Padma, Other ladies! Does it include your mother also?

Perhaps, Yes. Shiva, she said smiling, if you are interested.

I hugged her and kissed on her mouth, Amma, I feel like taking you away to far off place right now.
You and me together. A honeymoon.

I will be happy. We will plan after the rituals are completed. I will find a way definitely. I want to
enjoy every minute of my life. with you. But our honeymoon shall include my daughter-in-law. You
will be enjoying honey moon with two wives.

It will be great Padma. The train reached the station. I kissed and hugged her before opening the
door of the AC 1st Class Coupe.

Chapter 5

I led holding her hand and got down to the platform. The car driver and a servant were waiting to
receive us. She did not speak to them and we sat in the car to take us to their house. She sat in the
car holding my hands.

We reached their house and there were many people in front of the house. She asked a housemaid to
show me a room in upstairs. It was huge three-storied bungalow. I was accompanies by the maids to
the third floor which has only one room with all the facilities, that was earlier occupied by Mohan.

I showered, refreshed had breakfast served by a young housemaids and went downstairs to witness
the rituals. There were so many people around. I went inside to see Madhu surrounded by so many
women. All the women were looking at me. Padma came to me and told me in a low voice, it is OK,
and you cannot console her now. You can go upstairs to your room, take some rest and wait for me.

In the mid afternoon after all the religious rituals were completed, Padma came to my room. She
had washed her hair. Her calf length hair still wet was arranged into a loose ponytail. She wore a
thin sari and no bra. She hugged me and said, I have been waiting for your sensuous touch, Shiva,
and to be with you.

I hugged her, and kissed on her cheek, saying, I have been waiting for
You, Amma. You have been busy and surrounded by relatives and friends.

Many people are coming to see me. I just came to see you. Take some rest. I will be with you in the

Do I have to wait until night, Amma, I said, and tightened my hug.

Why do you call me Amma now?

You said you wanted me as your son,

I am your wife now. I want to come to you dressed like a new bride, but you know it is not possible
now. I want to be your wife, Shiva. You cannot marry me. Our relationship has to be like mother
and son for the society.

In private what do you want me call you, Padma?

Call me whatever you want to call me, call me as your wife. Call me your slut. I am yours and only
yours for life, until death. Do not leave me, my young lover and stud husband.

Am I your husband? Am I your stud, Amma?

Yes, you are both my husband and family stud.

I raised my eyebrows and said, ‘Family stud?’

Yes, my dear husband, you are my family stud. You have to impregnate my daughter-in-law and me.
I want you to tie mangalsutra to me and my daughter in law also, so that you become our joint

‘It is interesting to be a joint husband to you and daughter in law. It is polygamy' I said

My daughter-in-law Madhu should not remain as virgin. I do not want the society to know that my
son was impotent, could not fuck his wife, and hence committed suicide. I want the people to
believe that he fucked his wife and made her pregnant. You have to deflower and impregnate her at
the earliest, so that the society should assume that my son made her pregnant.

Padma, oh, it is a very good idea to keep up your family honor.

You have become my son and hence you a moral right to fuck my daughter-in-law. You have
become my husband and it is your duty to protect family prestige. As a father-in-law, you can fuck
daughter- in-law and make her pregnant to keep the family prestige. I will offer our virgin daughter-
in-law to you. You will impregnate her with your seed, my husband.

Padma, I will be delighted to see you become beautiful sexy grandmother soon.

Do you like to fuck grandmothers too? Shiva

Yes, my beautiful would be sexy grandmother. Padma, Does Madhu agree to be impregnated by

She has to and she will agree. I will convince her. I will talk to her, explain and convince her and
prepare her to be your second wife.

She said, I have to go now though I do not want to leave you. I have to see off some relatives. I will
be with you in the night. Please leave me lover boy. She gave a kiss on my cheek and was about to
leave the room.

I grabbed her and hugged her. "You are looking so beautiful in a ponytail, baby. I kissed her on the
lips and sucked her lips and she took my tongue into her mouth.

We could not stop kissing and it was long drawn kiss. She was holding my already erect rigid cock,
and said, your cock is always ready, and so big like a horse’s cock. Shiva, you are tempting me. You
are an insatiable stud.
I removed her sari, bra, blouse, and laid her down on the bed.

Padma, Tell me...tell me what you're thinking."

"Oh I'm thinking Ohm! About last night and your mouth on me...on my open pussy and..."

"And what?" I kneeled on the bed behind her. "You must say what you want; you have to tell me

"Lick me ...oh please lick me..."

"What lick what?"

" pussy"

"You want me to fuck your cunt and asshole with my tongue. You are a dirty girl aren't you?"

"Yes I am a dirty girl. You made it pretty." "Oh please lick me like you did last night please.”

"Say it as dirty as you can"

"Lick me and eat my cunt, suck my juices.”

I will eat your cunt, baby, I said.

I got up and took a big ripe banana kept on the side table, peeled off the skin and inserted slowly
into her wet juicy cunt.

Shiva, what are you doing?

I want to eat banana from your juicy cunt. I wish I had honey now I would have poured honey into
your cunt and sucked. Her excited pussy gushed juice at that statement, and she trembled in

Shiva, you are always full of surprises, you are teaching me all dirty and kinky things and
prompting me to do unthinkable and encouraging me to talk dirty and filthy words. Surprisingly I
am enjoying all these dirty things like a kinky slut.

I bent down, and started eating cunt juice coated banana from her cunt, slowly as she pushed it out.
Cascading falls of melted honey flowed down the velvet sides of her pussy. I slurped all her cunt
juice with loud noise.

Shiva, you are really eating my cunt. It is wonderful; I can feed fruits stuffed in my cunt from now

Yes, Amma, I want to eat sweets and fruits stuffed and soaked in your cunt juice from your cunt.
You can think of variety of fruits like cherries, g****s, plums, mango juice, and sweets like
gulabjamoon, rasagulla, mysorepak, kaja, to feed me from your cunt. I leave it to your imagination.
I want to pour honey and lick and clean your whole body. Now I will eat your juicy cunt.

I lay behind her and licked her open cunt from behind. I licked her cunt up to her asshole then down
again I licked inside her cunt with my whole face pressed into it. Her cunt was dripping juices
copiously as I sucked. She was quivering and humping my face with her cunt. I slipped up to her
ass and wildly tongued her big ass and asshole probing it with the tip of my tongue. She did not
expect my tongue in her ass hole. I licked across the entire anus, as if you were eating an ice cream
cone. and swirled the tip of the tongue in a circle around the opening. and flicked the tip up and
down, right over the opening.

Oh! Shiva, You licking my ass.

I pushed her knees up and wide open giving me full access to her bare cunt. I sat down between her
spread thighs, leaned forward and looked at Padma's exposed pussy. She had a very small landing
strip right above her sweet cunt. The lips were wet with her juice. Her hard clitoris was swollen and
throbbing, and she was already so excited that she was raising her wet pussy trying to get me to kiss
it. I blew lightly on her hot pussy, and she moaned in response. She licked her lips just as I began to
lick her hard engorged big clit. She squealed with delight as my tongue flicked across her sensitive
bud, and she pulled my head deeper into her excited pussy. "God, yes" she moaned, as she arched
her back, head tilted back, eyes closed. Her chest heaved and her breasts strained upward as she
began fucking my face almost as fast almost as I could lick. "Oh God, you're good, "She panted!
She was moaning and bucking wildly as I sucked on her clit. I slid two fingers into her tight hole
again, and located her G-spot. As I began to slowly massage her spot, she went wild throwing her
cunt at my face. "Oh Baby! That's it. Yeah baby. You're making me cum."

I kept sucking and licking her clit and riding my fingers into her juicing cunt. Her ass was leaping
off the table as her climax built. She put both hands behind my head and began to fuck my face with
her whole body.

"That's it. Like that. Oh, yes. That feels so good. Now, suck hard! Suck harder! Ohhh!" I could feel
the whole tension in her body building. I ground her bud gently between my teeth and she exploded.

Her cunt thrusting at me as my face became soaked with her cum. I ate Padma to five quick
orgasms each bigger than one before. When I stopped, she was breathless and dazed with her thighs
spread wide and her cunt leaking. I stood up.

My cock was rock hard and ready to go and pointed directly at her cunt. I grabbed the thick column
in my hand and placed the head inside the lips of her drenched pussy. My cock slowly pushed into
her soaking wet interior. She felt it press against her wet pussy, and the huge tip spread her lips. As
the head popped inside her, Padma's breath almost stopped in fascination as the plum-sized head of
my cock parted her labia and disappeared into her hot pussy. Her tight cunt squeezed around my
thick cock and her inner muscles seemed to be trying to pull more of my prick inside.

"Oh fuck!" she moaned. "God, I want your cock all the way into me!"

I pushed into her nice and slow, feeding another inch into her pussy every couple of thrusts. She
was amazed at the unending length of my cock. I met resistance at about eight inches. I rotated my
hips and she felt the thick shaft brush her clitoris. She moaned again. I began to slow fuck her, my
cock managing to penetrate another inch with each thrust.

Padma's head was spinning. "Oh my God, it's so fucking good" she gasped. "Your monstrous big
cock makes me so fucking wet." She felt me filling her insides, invading her warm wet folds. I was
going so deep, spreading her so wide. It was like I could break her in two with one thrust, fucking
deep and filled her hungry cunt. My shaft was so thick; it rubbed against her clit with each stroke.
Her hands were gripping the hard muscles of my arms. She ground her pussy into me and let out a
long anguished moan.

"Your body was built for big cock," I said down at her. She was sweating and breathing heavy, but
she looked like she was in heaven.

"I love your long big fat monstrous cock. I want your big cock. Fuck me like a slut with your fat

Answering her request, I pulled back and slammed my fat prick deep into her vibrating cunt. As my
entire cock entered her, Padma gave a little yelp as the powerful thrust triggered an orgasm. Her
cunt squeezing my long, thick boner tight as Padma shuddered around my thrusting cock.

"Unggghhhhh." she gasped as I thrust deep inside her gushing tight little cunt opening. She grunted
in satisfaction as I felt her cunt grasping and pulling at my plunging cock. My massive cock was
burying itself between her tightly stretch cunt lips with each stroke. My thick tool was cleaving her
tight hole, as thick inch after thick inch drilled down the length of her spamming tunnel to the end
of her cunt.

"Oh my god! Fuck that feels good!" she groaned. Cunt juice started to ooze out of her hot hole as I
drove my prick into her. Thick syrupy stuff enveloped my cock, coating it and her silky insides as
my plunging shaft sunk into her cunt again and again. She pressed her clit upward against my thick
cock as I sawed back and forth into her. She was on fire and groaning loudly as hot sexual energy
flowed through her. She had no idea of what was coming her way.

I jammed my rod up inside her belly, luxuriating in her cunt's tight squeezing action around my
thick shaft, and the tight grip of her cunt lips around the base of my pole. My cock bored into her
smoking cunt and bounced against her cervix, she struggled for breath as I crammed her full of
thick muscled cock until she felt my big swinging balls pressing against her ass. I sighed in
pleasure. I was in her to the hairs! We had just started fucking, and she was already Cumming. I was
going to rip her apart.

I drew back, pulling the long, fat pole from her hot, silky depths, and then pushed forward again.
My hands moved to her waist as I drove my dick in and out of her tight pussy. I was starting to pick
up the pace, and she whimpered as my giant cock moved back and forth inside her. Padma could
feel her body responding to my powerful thrusts. She felt awe as my immense organ pumped in and
out of her astonished cunt. She could already feel another orgasm starting to build. She looked up at
my face in the dim light of the room, and I wasn't even sweating yet. Her rising passion made her
feel dizzy. Her skin seemed to be burning up. She opened her mouth cried with desire as her body
trembled and danced on the end of my powerful cock. She tilted her cunt to a different angle so she
could take my long prick even deeper. With each lunging thrust, my cockhead bounced off her
cervix building and building her excitement.

I was hammering my cock into her tight, hot hole as she groaned and moaned beneath me. Her body
shook and thrashed in my grip, her sucking cunt trying milk the sperm out of my balls. Her cunt
shook with spasms around the long prick moving in and out as a blur. She was close to another
orgasm as my plunging prick tore into her. "Take it, baby! Take my cock!" he gasped. My cock
pushing in and out of her now drooling twat, her cunt syrup covered our crotches and dribbled down
her thighs onto the table. Ohhhh, goddddddd!" she groaned.

"Cum! Cum around my prick! Cum for me, you bitch!" I said, jamming my hips forward and
skewering her with my cock. Her arms flailed, her back arched and her breasts swelled even more.
She was right on the edge of another climax. She could feel it rising higher and higher to an
impossible level. She felt like someone had taken her mind and flung it about like a doll. I slammed
into her with fast, vicious strokes, my cock a trip hammer as it sliced in and out of her. Her breasts
were bouncing, her ass was bucking, her eyes wild as she came with a mind shattering ecstatic
intense climax that ripped up and down her spine.

"Uugghhhh!" she screamed at the top of her voice. Aargghhh! I'm ccommingg!!" Her body went
rigid and her cunt muscles clamped down hard around my fully impaled dick as she came. Her body
convulsed, twitching and trembling as another orgasm ripped through her. Her cunt tightened
around my prick, sucking like a voracious vacuum on my pole as I pumped inside her. I closed my
eyes as I tried to fight against the incessant pull of her spamming twat. I gritted my teeth, holding
still as I tried to push back my cum. I felt it so close, wanting to rise up and explode. Somehow, I
managed to hang on and the urge passed.

I looked down at Padma. Her eyes were blurry, her body sapped and spent. My fat prick was like an
immense log between her legs, splitting her box wide open. Her cum dripped from the union of our
mating and ran down the crack of her ass. She was exhausted and drained. She closed her eyes and
let the last of her powerful climax wash over her.

Letting her rest for only a few seconds, I pulled my wet slick cock from her pulsing pussy. Padma
moaned at the loss. I gently pulled her to a standing position and had her lean against the wall. I
nudged her legs apart and stepped in behind her.

"Are you going to fuck me again?" she asked in an astonished voice. She half-turned to see me
staring at her ass, ogling her arse cheeks reverently. My hand slid over her buttocks, rubbing softly,
relishing the smooth skin.

"Yes, I am going to give you more cock. That is what you need, Amma!" I whispered to her. I took
my prick in my hand and positioned it at her cunt opening, then gently rubbed it up and down her
dripping slit. She groaned slightly at the feeling of her hot pink folds against the head of my
sensitive cock. My cock slipped inside and I sighed as I felt her hot, tight opening squeezing down
on it. I pushed my hips forward and felt several inches of my cock slide into Padma's cunt. She
groaned and arched her back, twisting her ass from side to side as he fed inch after inch of thick
cock meat into her tight, squeezing pussy. Again her cunt seemed to be sucking me deeper and
deeper, pulling my cock into her insatiable hole. He was in her to the hairs again, my belly tight
against her buttocks. I ground myself against her cunt, mashing her tender flesh as he tried to slide
more cock into her.

"Oooooooooooooh." she groaned.

I pulled back, and again slid my hard cock deep into her sodden depths once more, my fingers
holding her hips as I began to fuck Padma with long strokes that took me all the way into her
searing tunnel. I then pulled out until only the head of my weighty rod was left inside the slick lips
of her cunt, then I pushed back in again. She gasped from the pressure as my thick cock filled her
slot. Her cunt was a swamp of heat, sweat, and her cum. She could feel my cock throb and pulse as
it slide into her lower belly. As the head of my great prick shot up into the deepest part of her
womb, it forced her juices out through the tight seal of her cunt lips on my cock. Small rivulets of
pussy juice dribbled out of her cunt and down her legs.

I worked my cock in and out of her in cunt with increasing speed. Padma moaned and gritted her
teeth against the slow waves of erotic sensations rolling through her body.
"Oh God," she cried as my powerful hands moved to her bouncing breasts and cupped us. As I
twisted her taut, stiffened nipples between my fingers and twisted us slowly, she felt her flesh burn
with lust. She almost cried as she felt a bolt of fiery sexual excitement shoot into her belly from her
stuffed cunt as my powerful spear slid the full length of her gushing fuck hole. My massive cock
caressed her wet, silky insides as it relentlessly ploughed into her slit. My cock was wet with
Padma's cunt juices, and the union of her cunt and my cock were making wet noises as he slammed
balls-deep in her cunt again and again.

"Ooooooo...!" Padma sobbed, her cunt screaming in delight. "Deeper, fuck me deeper! I need it
deep in my cunt! Ohhh!" Her body shuddered and she arched her back, taking my cock deep into
her. Her cunt was a steaming volcanic black hole that sought to pull in the world. He stabbed my
pole into her with fierce energy as they fucked each other with raw abandon. She was building
toward another huge climax. Her shaking, quivering hole was pulling and gripping at my ramming
prick as I slid furiously back and forth in her dripping snatch. The sound of their fucking was
audible as I slammed deep into her.

"Aaggh!" she cried as my cock ripped in and out of her cunt, her tits wildly bouncing with each
thrust. "Uh, uh, uhnggh!" Her head lolled in circles and her moans came from deep in her chest. He
pounded away furiously, driving her to another shattering cum, my hips slapping against her butt,
my cock moving up and down her molten chute, and my balls slapping into her rigid clit and
soaking cunt lips.

"Harder! Oh fuck my cunt!" My cock felt immense, enormous as he drilled into her. Her cunt
gripping me tightly, and she was hot and felt very strange, with a kind of raw tingling that she'd
never experienced.

"Aaahh! Oh God! Fuck me harder!" She felt my thick cock working back and forth, and felt her
body responding. He was hitting her in places that no one had ever touched. She was dizzy with
lust. She didn't understand what was going on? Fuck juice flooded her tunnel. Her entire body
quivered and shook as my pummelling cock punched deep into her belly.

"Oh yes! Oh god!" The hot glow spread upwards through her body. She felt like she was in an oven.
She pushed herself back against my assault. Her hands clawed at the bed, her fiery cunt sliding up
and down the length of my great prick. Suddenly she stiffened.

"Ungh. Ooooohhh..." A bomb had exploded in her belly. She came, an intense wave of sensual
ecstasy flooding her body. She arched her back, her body bucking and jerking, her head lashing
from side to side. I jammed my tool into her, embedded it in her satiny hot depths as her cunt shook
and spammed around it.

"Uuuunnnnggghhhh! Uuuunnnggghhhhh! unggghhhhh!"

Padma was cumming continuously now. Tears of joy were running down her flushed cheeks, and
still my cock pounded away at her overwhelmed cunt taking her to heights she never knew before.
She dropped her head onto her crossed arms, causing her shapely ass to lift further into the air. She
could feel my incredibly long, thick cock fuck into her and my big swinging balls bang against her
stimulated engorged clit.

"Hard! Fuck me hard!" she cried as she tried to shove her hips backwards to capture more of my
thick organ. "Cram your cock into me!! Make me cum!!!" I grabbed her tightly by the hips and
shoved forward, burying my cock to the hilt in her steamy cunt. Padma felt the breath explode from
her lungs as my gigantic tool spread the walls of her cunt. She could feel the muscles of her pussy
clamping down as my cock slammed back and forth inside of her. I drove my cock into her like a
jack-hammer. It seemed to hit new places inside of her cunt each time he shoved it into her, filling
her up, and she lost count of the number of climaxes she was having, because they were coming so
fast. She felt my weight on her back as my hands came around to grab her tits, squeezing us
between my strong fingers, sending electricity shooting through her.

Underneath all the quick pounding of my thick cock, and the dripping juices of Padma's climaxing
cunt, she felt the onset of the biggest orgasm yet. She felt her stomach muscles winding tighter and
tighter as my unceasing thrusting drove her to new levels of lust and pleasure. The air around us
smelled of sex and creaming pussy, and a loud wet sucking sound as I fucked the living daylights
out of her.

Padma was crazed with lust as she shoved her hips back at me, rotating it in circles as she tried to
capture more of my cock up her fluttering hole. I moved one of my hands off her swaying tits,
across her quivering stomach toward her throbbing clit. The moment my finger slithered across her
wet slick bud, her cunt and body reacted. She thrust her hips up back at me, squeezing all of my
powerful cock into her stuff cunt. Her mouth opened wide in surprise as her body rocked in the
most intensive climax so far.

"Yessss!" she screamed as the muscles of her pussy clamped down on my cock. She was going
totally insane! Her body bucked and jerked beneath my as my cock plunged in and out of her
quaking cunt. She could feel my massive nuts smashing against her buzzing clit each time he drove
my cock into her. My hands were still busy on her tits and pussy and her body seemed to be one
giant nerve ending that was sending a thousand different signals at once to her brain.

Padma was babbling now, not knowing or caring what she was saying. All that mattered was being
fucked with my magnificent cock, making her experience feelings she had never thought possible.
Over and over my cock ploughed into her, I was driving her absolutely wild with desire for more.
As my cock sailed deep into her erupting pussy, I could feel the far off sensation of my own
massive orgasm starting to build in my swinging balls. Pulling my hands out from under her, he
gripped her hips and began to drive my cock into her with a new energy and power.

Oh! fuck!" she cried, her heart was pounding, her pussy was on fire, and her tits were rocking back
and forth to the rhythm.

I was merciless as he continued to fuck. My desire was overwhelming as I drove my penis into her
with all my might like a wild a****l. She grunted and groaned as sweat poured from me and
dripped all over her heaving body. Her pussy was so tight! So incredibly hot! It gripped my cock
like a vice! My hands had a death grip on her hips as I thrust up into her cunt over and over. 'Slap..
slap.. slap.. slap.. slap.' was the constant sound as my cock jack hammered in and out of her.

Cunt juice poured from her opening and ran down her legs; sweat flew everywhere each time he
fucked into her. "Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh!" her moans were getting louder and louder as she felt
yet another orgasm raise up inside her. How was it possible? She asked herself in some far off part
of her sex shattered mind. How could he make her cum so much? Her guts wound tighter and
tighter with each thrust, until once more he jammed my long cock up her tight tunnel and against
her battered cervix. Her mind exploded in a rush of sound and sensation that overpowered her, her
body a ragdoll in my powerful hands.

"Oohhh my god!!!!" she cried out, cumming. "fuck me! Fuck me! Fuccckkkkmeee!!!" She was
yelling in ecstasy, Cumming violently around my moving cock. Her ass was jerking and bouncing
as she worked it up and down at a feverish rate. Her face was contorted into a mask of lust and
release as her climax thundered through her. Her tits were bouncing up and down in uncontrolled
chaos as I nailed her again and again. Her pussy locked down around my driving cock. I could feel
the white-hot fireball down inside my tightening balls growing hotter and hotter with each stroke.
Her shuddering pussy walls clamped harder and pulled me down into the hot, clutching core of her
spamming cunt.

"I can't hold it..." I said through gritted teeth as he worked my cock in and out of her hot pussy. The
velvet-lined sheath of her vagina clutched at me and he felt an electric jolt of pleasure rip through
my cock making it lurch down deep inside her seething cunt. Both of us cried out as my hot cum
gushed out, feeling as if it were searing her insides. She bucked up against me, as load after load of
my hot boiling jizz flooded her insides.

"Take it! Take all my cum!" I yelled as he ground my hips against the cheeks of her ass, trying to
push my cock even deeper into her hungry cunt. Huge, thick ropes of white-hot cum shot deep into
her overflowing vagina. My cock continued to buck and squirt while her hot cunt sucked and pulled
on the spewing giant, coaxing out more and more of my thick, hot cum. Padma shuddered and
shook under me as both our climaxes seemed to go on forever.

At last, as the end of my cum spurted into her flooded hole, she collapsed and was exhausted. My
hard cock buried in her still clutching cunt, and my sweat-covered body cooling in the air.

We lay down on the bed and after taking rest in each other arms, Padma said, Shiva you are a
fucking machine. Now let me go. People must be waiting and wondering Why am I spending so
much time here with you.

Someone knocked on the door. She got up and dressed. She said the maids must have come to fetch
me while we were fucking. As expected the maids were standing there at the door looking at me
coyly. They giggled knowingly seeing Padma in hurriedly d****d sari covering her hanging breasts
without blouse and me with bare-chested without a shirt.

Radha, one of the maid said, 'Amma, Relatives are waiting for you'.

I was thrilled that the young maids obviously guess that we have been fucking. The way they were
looking at me and Padma implied that.

I said, Padma, May I help comb your hair?

You helped me a lot by disheveling my hair, You sit there and watch Radha comb my hair, Padma
said, smilingly.

Radha combed her calf length hair arranging in a loose bun. It was thrilling to see Padma's bare
breasts without blouse and bra swinging while her hair is combed.

Padma, It must be time consuming task to maintain your long thick hair, I said

She said, 'My long thick hair had an ambitious guardian in my grandmother. The daily ritual started
in the morning with my grandmother applying liberal amount of coconut oil followed by combing
my hair with a wide teeth comb. Then a center parting was taken and two tight straight plaits were
made, folded into half and tied with colorful ribbons.

My grandmother used to prepare a concoction of oils with hibiscus flowers and mehendi leaves
boiled on low heat, cooled and filtered. Sunday was the day the day for oil bath. In the morning
after applying warm oil copiously to my hair and whole body. she would massage the scalp, comb
and arrange into bun and wait for two hours. She used to apply green gram powder on my body and
massage. Hair washing was done with Shikakai powder soaked in water.

I still follow the same procedure and my maids have been trained to help me. Now I look at my
hair, all the credit goes to my mother.'

'I should thank your grandmother, for taking so much care of your hair. She also has beautiful salt &
pepper long thick hair. I should also compliment and thank your beautiful mother for giving birth to
such a beautiful lady. You and your sister has so much resemblance to her,' I said.

Padma smiled, I know you are very much interested in long haired women, irrespective of their age.
Do you like my sixty five year old grandmother too? Do you want to thank my mother and
grandmother in your special way.

Radha and Revathi got trained by my grandmother. You must have observed that Radha and Revathi
have such a long beautiful hair, smiling and looking at them.

The girls smiled, consciously touched their long braid.

After her hair is done by the maid Radha, She told the girls, 'Go and inform the relatives that I am

Padma, Your maids are very skilled in combing and hair dressing. It seems the maids know about
us. They were giggling and looking at me coyly. They are flirting with me.

Yes, Shiva, 'My maids know about us. They tease me about you while helping me dress especially
for you. They must be flirting with you. Kissing me on the cheeks, she said, Yes, It is obvious for
them that we are lovers looking at us both. But they are loyal.

My mother and grandmother were happy that finally I found a suitable lover.

Do they know? Padma.

Of course, They know, Shiva.

'Wait for the night. I will be yours for whole night,' She said wearing the blouse. Don't show your
big fat cock to my maids. They are virgins and may faint if they see your monstrous cock. I will
suck it in the night. She bent and kissed my cock and left.

I eagerly waited for the night.

Chapter 6

Madhusmitha is the daughter of Padmavathy's brother Prasad. Her paternal aunt Padmavathy liked
and selected her to be her daughter-in-law because of her exceptional beauty. Her husband Mohan is
a gentle, soft and nice man. He could not fuck her, could not enter her and break her hymen. It
angered her that despite knowing his Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problem he married her. she does
not know. whether his ED problem is curable. What he told her was that he was taking some
medicines to overcome his ED problem.

She could have waited as long as it requires with patience and hope that her husband's ED problem
to be cured. However, the news of her husband’s suicide shattered her dreams about life. Though it
was clear that she was no way responsible for his death, she felt guilty and in her mind, there is a
lingering feeling that she failed as a woman and as a wife. But she did not know how she could
have helped her late husband to fuck her. She was ready, willing and cooperative but he could not
fuck her. His cock never became erect and strong. It was not a surprise when her in-laws informed
everyone that their son died due to an accident, to keep family honor.

She was relieved that her mother-in-law was sympathetic, did not blame her and talked to convince
her about being impregnated by Shiva at the earliest possible, to make everyone believe that it was
her husband who impregnated her so that family honor can be held up. Padma also told her that
Shiva agreed to impregnate her.

Madhu was in a confused state. She was perturbed with so many conflicting thoughts of ethics,
morals, religious beliefs, traditions, societal norms, future life, remarriage, dreams, desires, and
feelings. It is almost certain that she does not have a choice. She has to be fucked by Shiva and be
impregnated. She was in conflict and confusion. She could not share her thoughts with anyone else
except her mother-in-law to talk about her turmoil and seek support.

Madhu thought ‘whether Shiva likes her, if so since when?’ Did he like her when he saw her in the
wedding as his friend’s bride? Her mother-in-law told her that Shiva likes her. She felt happy and
thrilled to know that he liked her and desired her.

Shiva is a tall, handsome and confident man. He appears to be generous, competent forager and
protective, with good genes that would make healthy c***dren. Any girl would be happy to be his
wife, she thought. She saw observed many girls and women flirting with him during the wedding
ceremony. Her friends showed lot of interest and enquired about him. He was the most handsome
hunk and eligible bachelor, girls and their mothers found during the marriage ceremony. She
noticed that girls and women were attracted to him naturally and instantaneously. Few occasions
she talked to him, he impressed her with his charm and wit. His looks were penetrating and he even
praised her beauty, saying that ‘Madhu, You are very beautiful and my friend is very lucky to have

Contrary to her husband, Shiva is a strong masculine and confident man with sense of humor and
charm. She was surprised that her mother-in-law talked to him, discussed with Shiva and made him
agree to impregnate her. She wondered, ‘Does he know the real reason of her husband’s death?’ He
must know. Her mother-in-law must have told him. She was also curious whether Her mother-in-
law and Shiva are lovers.

She wondered whose idea it was, her mother-in-law’s or Shiva’s. Obviously the credit goes to her
deceased husband, If she is impregnated in this month. She is in fertile ovulation period and her
mother-in-law is aware of it. What will happen is she cannot pregnant in the next few days. Will he
continue to fuck until she is pregnant?
If she is not pregnant in this month, what happens to the so-called family honor? She tried to
imagine Shiva as her husband. Imagining Shiva as her husband is a happy feeling and her heart is
filled with joy. She is ready to be his wife, at least for some days, if not permanently. The thought of
losing her virginity to such a handsome man is fascinating and alluring. Her mind and body is
anxiously waiting with anticipation and excitement.
Her mother-in-law did not give her choice or even ask her consent. She wondered how her mother-
in-law could even discuss such an idea with Shiva. Are they so close discussing such an intimate
and indecent proposal? She wondered whether Shiva and her mother-in-law have been lovers. She
was also surprised at her own feelings of joy imagining Shiva as her lover and husband. Her
frustration of being a virgin despite being married will be over.

One more doubt entered her mind, Whether her father-in-law has consented to this arrangement?

She decided to talk to her mother-in-law to find out answers to her doubts and questions, to sort out
her feelings and seek reassurance.

Chapter 7

It was a night with clear pleasant soft moon light. I was waiting for Padma after dinner. The air
filled with the aroma of Parijatha flowers (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, Night flowering Jasmine) from
the garden was romantic and intoxicating.

Madhu walked towards her mother-in-law’s room to talk to her. Surprised to see her mother-in-law
dressed sexily in the night and going to Shiva's room, She silently followed her and stationed
herself at the window on the side wall. She watched Padma and Shiva and could hear them clearly.

Padma came in a cream-colored very thin transparent see through sari worn low hip very much
below her navel showing off her deep navel, beautiful taut midriff, thin waist expanded
curvaceously to wide large round inverted pots like ass. The short sleeve blouse deep cut in the
front and low wide neck at the back exposed her voluminous heavy extra-large bouncing breasts
She was not wearing a bra and her big bouncing breasts, big areolas and dark large nipples were
tantalizingly visible. Her calf length thick hair was arranged into a braid tied with hair band just
below her extra-large round hips and left loose until perfectly trimmed U-shaped end. The swinging
braid was oscillating like pendulum rhythmically with provocative hip movement as she walks.

She was beautiful, bold, exciting, sexy, seductive and daring to dress so provocatively. She brought
a bottle of honey and kept it on the side table.

I said, Padma, you are a sexy and sizzling hot slut. If you go out in this attire, men will think that
you are challenging them.

Shiva, I want to be your slut. I have dressed like this only for you.

Padma, you are now looking like a slutty sexy erotic angel for me. The only thing missing is
Jasmine flower strings in the braid. I took her into my arms and said, I could have brought jasmine
flowers for you dear.

Padma said, 'Yeah, you will have to wait for some more time to put flowers in my braid. I want to
live with you as husband and wife. Perhaps You, me and Madhu will plan a honeymoon trip soon.'

Padma, it will be exciting honeymoon with two new wives.

Shiva, Have you seen Madhu today? You will definitely like her. She is dressed in a long braid
adorned with jasmine flowers. It is the tradition that a widow dresses up and wears sindhoor,
bangles, flowers and mangalsutra like a normal punyasthree as if her husband is alive until
thirteenth day ceremony.

I have seen her today and yes! I love her and would like to fuck her.

Did you fuck any virgin girl so far, Shiva. It seems you have had lot of experience fucking many a
woman. Do you only fuck mothers and not virgin girls?

Padma, I seduce women who lovingly and willingly offer themselves to me, wants me to fill and
fulfill their insatiable desires. I make them happy and satisfied, with my love and fuck. I seduce
only when woman is willing to be seduced. I do not bother about their marital status. However, I do
not do anything to jeopardize their social status and keep their secrets with me. Padma, I liked you
the moment I saw you and want to seduce you. However, who seduced who, yesterday, tell me who
seduced whom?

Shiva, it was obviously you. You are an expert in seducing women and mothers and fucking them
with love. No wonder, you seduced me instantly without much effort yesterday. You are a virile,
handsome and irresistible man who can make any woman desire you, feel uncontrollable need to
have you near them, surround them, hug them, and own them, as if they have been waiting for you
to be owned by you and fucked by you all their life. You have the ability and charm to attract
women and make them fall for you.

Padma darling, did you fall for me? Did I seduce you?

Shiva, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and it was a fatal attraction. I was ready to be
seduced and fucked by you. It did not happen on that night. Yesterday you seduced and fucked me,
a grieving and mourning mother, crying and grieving for the loss of her newly married son leaving
his wife as virgin. You consoled, provoked my carnal desires, incited, excited me sexually beyond
control and made me shamelessly submit and invite your cock to enter me like shame less slut,
wimping whore and like a bitch in heat. You wanted me from the moment you saw me, as you
yourself admitted, and have been waiting for an opportunity to fuck me. Had I not submitted
willingly, perhaps you would have entered me by force and ****d me, fucked me, and would have
made me to submit to you. You are an amoral, i****tuous and irresistible stud.

Amma, ‘There was no need to force to fuck you. You were willing, and You are calling me
i****tuous,’ I asked.

Shiva, you are certainly i****tuous, the first time you saw me in my house, when you came to
attend my son’s wedding you addressed me as Amma. But you looked at me as if you own me,
despite the presence of so many people around us. You looked into my eyes as if only both of us
were there in a secluded place. You looked at me, into my eyes, your eyes revealed compassion,
empathy, love and desire for me as if you suddenly found your valuable properly after a long time.
You made me feel that we have been close and intimate for a long time. Your voice commanded me,
and you talked to me as a master. I felt happy that I finally met my dream man. I wanted you to woo
me, to court me, to cajole me, to love me and I wanted you to have exciting and thrilling romance
with you. That is why subsequently whenever I talked to my son on phone, I always enquired about
you. I talked to you on phone, but of course, when my son was with you, I could not express myself
except talking to you generally. I am sure you know my interest in you. I have been thinking of you
always ever since you first saw me. Many a night you were in my dreams you have ****d me too
when I was a young girl.
It is wonderful, dear, r****g you when you were a young girl. How young are you when It
happened in your dreams, Padma?

"In my dreams, I was a little girl perhaps from the age of six, you were fondling my breasts, making
me sit on your lap, kissing me. You were my elder brother, uncle, neighbor or teacher. I was in love
with you even as a little girl. When I saw you first time, I knew you were the man who fucked me in
my dreams.

When I was eleven just matured when you ****d me, just after puberty and you were my uncle. As
a tradition, being my mother's younger brother, you presented me with a beautiful sari and
expensive gifts during the ceremony. As per tradition, the girl’s maternal uncle plays a major role in
this ceremony in our communities. He is certainly the main convener of the puberty ritual. He plays
an important role. Maternal Uncle is considered the first in line to wed the girl! After the puberty
ceremonies for thirteen days are over, you fucked me. Though you did not marry me, you continued
to fuck me even after my marriage. That was one of my recurring dream.

In some dreams, you were my elder brother or cousin fondling and kissing me from very young age.
Whatever was the relationship you fucked me. I always used to sit in your lap as an young girl. In
my dreams I was a young little girl and madly in love with you. I realized You were the man I was
dreaming and fantasizing about all through since my c***dhood, when I first saw you." she said.

Padma, You have to narrate all your dreams in detail, later. I would like to hear about your dreams
and fantasies in vivid detail. You are highly romantic, creative and imaginative woman having such
erotic thoughts and dreams about me even before we meet.

Shiva, 'you have done everything to me in my dreams. Perhaps my dreams were the result of my
fantasies. I am sure you were the man in my dreams. It puzzles me, how could you be the man in
my dreams even before I saw you. It must be really divine intervention. Why the God did not plan
that we become husband and wife in this janma.' I wish you should have fucked me on my son’s
wedding day. I was ready the moment I saw you. Seeing us together on that day many people
thought that you have been fucking me.

Padma, I should have fucked you the night I first met you. You were so irresistible. It is interesting
to know that I fucked you in your dreams as a little girl. In what other circumstances did I **** and
fuck you in your fantasies or dreams?

I will share with you all my dreams and fantasies with you and I want at least some of them come

Padma, I want to make your dreams come true. I would like to see you in lehanga and half saree
like an young girl and like a school girl in twin folded braids and fuck you. I will buy a school
uniform or get it tailor made.

Amma, When you talked to me on phone, I was constrained to talk to you freely because your son
was always there with me and I could not express my love to you. You have always been in my
thoughts and I used to see your son’s wedding album many a time only to see you.

Shiva, I know that you certainly have i****tuous feelings, calling me Amma, in a husky voice
while I talked to you on phone. It was not a voice of a son’s love. Though you were saying Amma
your voice conveyed your love, lust and desire for me. You called me Amma, even while fucking.
Even yesterday, when you hugged me to console me, encircling me in an intimate embrace putting
your hands on my head and stroking me lovingly calling me Amma, at the same time thrusting your
hard cock pressing against me. A son do not press his hard cock against his Amma’s cunt.

Amma, you are so irresistible and my cock becomes hard the moment I see you or think of you. You
arouse my carnal desires.

Shiva, I felt your hard cock, when you hugged me and my mind responded with love, my body
responded with desire. You evoked, provoked incited excited my body and mind to respond
erotically and open up. My long dormant sexual desires surfaced and exploded, as if I have been a
simmering volcanic mountain building up magma, waiting all these years for you to trigger. You
provoked, initiated, instigated, triggered and ignited my mind and body. My unsatisfied desires
triggered, erupted, and poured out like hot lava. The moment you took me into your arms and
embraced me, my dormant desires surfaced. I felt safe, loved, owned, and comfortable in your arms.

I smiled and said, please continue, I want to know your inner thoughts and feelings. You are
revealing your inner self.

She said, I want to tell you what was in my mind deep inside. I want to share and confess my secret
thoughts. You made me open my mind, my heart and soul. Never had I felt such an intense desire,
that slow ache in the abdomen, blood surging as on a fast-moving swing.

I have never experienced so far in my life such an invigorative, ineluctable, indomitable, inexorable,
irresistible, intense, invincible, intoxicating, sensuous, sensational, overwhelming, unbearable,
uncontrollable, unique, unimaginable, unravelled, urgent psychological need, banal carnal and
physical desire to be taken by a man.

I never felt such an intense urge with my inept husband even as a young newly married girl. You
enthralled, evoked, incited, induced, invoked, provoked my dormant banal desires and excited me to
a state that I could no longer wait for you to enter me, open me up, rip my cunt and explore my
depths. You set my body and mind on fire. I want you inside me and I want to take all of you into
me. I wanted to be fucked. I was like a bitch in heat. I could not wait.

I happily invited and received as your monstrous cock entered and opened my juice-drenched cunt.
Your big monstrous hard long thick cock thrusting and opening my wet hungry cunt, filling my cunt
deep to the bottom but still exploring, drilling further deep, widening, expanding, touching and
caressing every minute corner inside my cunt and caressing my clitoris, simultaneously making me
experience and enjoy hitherto unknown ecstatic heavenly pleasure. I truly enjoyed being fucked by
you. You are like a stallion.

I uninhibitedly and willingly submitted to you as if you own me, as if you are my God, and it was
my duty to submit myself to you. I was like a musical instrument unused for a long time and kept in
a corner gathered dust, you found it, dusted, cleaned, tuned, and started fondling the strings to make
beautiful music. You fucked my mind and cunt simultaneously and thoroughly. Every pore in my
body opened every corner in my mind and my soul opened up and experienced the bliss. You made
me experience such a pleasure, which I never imagined, possible in fucking. I lost ‘self-identity’ and
was enwrapped in inexplicable joy. The bliss of enlightenment and the pleasure of sensual
gratification are akin and not very different.

Had we met in normal circumstances, perhaps it would have taken more time for me to allow you to
invite you to submit myself and enter me. I would have enjoyed and waited for you to woo me, to
court me and would have preferred to go through long romantic seduction, enjoying your chivalry
before I accepted you into me. I even imagined and had dreams about such scenario, like a young
girl, you following, teasing, requesting, and pleading for my attention and love. I never felt this way
with any other man in my life so far except you. You walked in to my life suddenly at this age on
my son’s wedding day and I could not give more time for myself to be with you, to give an
opportunity for you to seduce me romantically. You wanted to fuck me, the first time you saw me. I
knew it. I was waiting for you to make advances and seduce me, but there was no opportunity for us

You called me Amma, while fucking me. Was it not? You are an i****tuous mother-fucking son.
Aren’t you? I being your friend’s mother did not deter you from having desire to fuck me. Why,

Padma, Perhaps you are right. I am a motherfucking son. Both of us have i****tuous feelings like
every mother and son. I called you Amma because you wanted your son to fuck you. I would have
courted you, seduced you and fucked you, even if you are not my friend’s mother, and had an
opportunity to meet you in different circumstances. I love you Padma. You are an irresistible sexy
woman. You are very admirable, aphrodisiac and beautiful. The maturity has brought some peculiar
glamour to your personality. I wish I was born and met you, when you were young virgin school
going girl. I would have seduced you then. I saw all your photos in your son’s photo album. I saw
your photos as a school-going girl with skirt, as a young girl wearing half sari and your hair
arranged in two braids. You were looking sweet and sexy in those photos. I want to see you in that
attire again.

Shiva, I am very happy to hear you saying so. You have seen my photos. I do not want to think that
you made love to me out of pity and opportunity to console me. It is not pity but passion, not
compassion but passion, not duty but desire, lust and love, not sympathy but sensuousness, not
empathy but eroticism. You could have consoled me in a normal way without making love to me.

Padma, How I can I offer condolence and console you my beloved beauty, like any other person? I
was planning to come to your house along with your son during the ensuing holidays to see you, to
be with you, to meet you and obviously to seduce you, assuming your son and his wife will be busy
with each other and visiting his in-laws. You invited me. Your son asked me to go with him during
the holidays I was happy and agreed so that I can seduce and fuck you.

You wanted to come to seduce only me? I saw your roving eyes looking at other women during the
wedding ceremony. I felt jealous too.

Who did I look at?

Not one but many. Especially, you were looking at my maids, my younger sister and mother too. Do
you want to fuck them too? Do you want to fuck my mother too?

Yes. Your mother is juicy and sexy. May be later if they are willing. I want to fuck your mother and

It is interesting to know that you want to fuck my mother. She was married at the age of 14; I was
born to her when she was 15. Now she is 50 and I think she likes you.

You want to fuck grandmothers too.

Yes, your mother and sister are desirable and sexy.

Who else, you found fuckable during the wedding ceremony?
Some other too including your daughter-in-law Madhu, her mother and sister. But I wanted to fuck
you only the first time I saw you.

Why did not you fuck me on that day?

I would have fucked you had there been an opportunity to be with you alone.

You are so confident that you can seduce and fuck me in my home with your charm and manliness.
Do you seduce and fuck every woman you like. Did you fuck any woman on that night. There were
so many woman flirting with you.

Padma, for me to like a woman, she has to be very special and unique. Every woman has special
beauty. It is difficult to explain, but when I see a woman, irrespective of their age I feel attracted
because of some quality in them. It is difficult to explain. When I saw you first time, it was a feeling
that you are my own. It is just not attraction. It was love. It was a feeling that you belong to me. I
want to possess you. I want to own you. I want to have you.

‘Padma, I admire you, adore you, care for you, devour you, eat you, enter you, envelop you,
emancipate you, enjoy you, entertain you, enthrall you, engage you, excite you, experience you, feel
you, fuck you, get you, humor you, incite you, involve you, love you, lust you, lick you, lap you,
load you, mate you, occupy you, penetrate you, ravage you, suck you, tantalize you, tear you, and
wake you.

Shiva, you are a romantic poet, so many feelings at the same time. You are great seducer of women
with your words.

Shiva, how many women did you seduce like this so far?

Padma, do you want to know about me. I will tell you in due course later. Now you tell me your
thoughts. I will reveal to you my inner self and secrets.

Shiva, ever since I was a girl, I always wanted a tall, confident, handsome, energetic, chivalrous,
interesting, romantic man like you to have me, to enjoy my beauty, who can command me, and who
can make my dreams come true. I do not want demean my husband but the man I married is soft,
inept, incompetent, inadequate, insufficient and unromantic. He never excited me and never filled
my cunt and enjoyed me. He never fucked me and satisfied my desire thoroughly. I am happy that
finally, I met you, the man of my dreams and you like me.

Padma, you are a romantic beautiful sexy angelic adorable aphrodisiac woman worthy to be loved
and fucked.

Shiva, I wished to have a son who is like my dream man. It turned out perhaps he was like his
father. I wish my son was a man like you in fucking, and deflowered and fucked his wife
thoroughly. Since he did not fuck his wife, left and her as a virgin, I want you to fuck her and
deflower her. I want to see your cock fucking her virgin cunt. I offer you my daughter in law.

Now I want you to own me, use me, abuse me, eat me, beat me, lick me, lap me, kick me, suck me,
feel me, fuck me, rip me, knead me, command me, and do everything and anything you like. You
are like Lord Shiva. You have a cock always ready, erect, and virile, like Shiva lingam to fuck
mothers. You are motherfucker.
Yes, Amma, and you are a beautiful desirable mother who has to be fucked hard. Every inch of your
body exudes erotic sex. I fondled her breasts.

I kissed her belly softly, and traced my tongue down to her waist, moved back and forth between the
edge of her pubic area and her belly button. Slowly I kissed her pussy upwards from her knees
along the inside of her thighs. Brushed lightly across her pubic area and across to the other thigh,
kissing downwards again to the other knee and teased her with my tongue when I got near the
vagina, in the crook between the pussy and the thighs. I paused for a few seconds to take in the
scent of her pussy. I ran my tongue slowly from the bottom of the vagina to the top repeatedly for
few times. Parted her cunt lips, and then slowly teased my tongue around the opening of the vagina.

I used my thumbs to open her folds gently, poured, and filled honey into her cunt. I licked her cunt
lips coated with honey, inserted my tongue into her cunt and licked. I lapped up all honey from her
pubic area and around. Finally, I put my mouth against her cunt and slurped up all her cunt juice
mixed with honey. I could feel her warmth radiate and it bewitched me. I went from gentle and
predicable to erratic and rough in a moment.

"She grabbed fistfuls of my hair and shoved my face farther into her depths. I let my hands roam up
to her breasts and grabbed hold. She groaned at my touch and bucked her hips slightly. Her
continuing to scream my name only encouraged me more and I could not stop.

I slowly entered her with a finger, curiously massaging the inside of her walls and watching for
those pleasure spots that got a big reaction. It was then that I noticed how flushed she was. Her
chest, her face, all that smooth skin that I had caressed just minutes before, was brushed red and
speckled with sweat. I loved seeing her like this.

"You look so fucking hot right now. You like what I'm doing, Amma?" I nearly growled as she
bucked against my finger.

"Yes! Fuck, Shiva! Yes!" She squirmed and hissed. "It feels so good, baby."

"You want more," I teased.

She gasped. "Please Shiva! Make me cum, baby!"

There was no way I could refuse such a request. I started by inserting another finger. I fucked her
slower this time, letting her feel every nerve explode with pleasure. Once she looked as though she
had settled in to this movement, I curled my fingers. She nearly flew off the bed, moaning intensely
sitting up and reaching for me. I used my free hand to push her back down, my hand resting in the
valley of her breasts. "Relax, Padma. Enjoy the ride."

She groaned and I could feel her heart pump surges of hormones through every inch of her. Her toes
curled in to the bed beside my shoulders and she tried desperately to keep her legs open for me. It
was a pure, primal pleasure she was experiencing.

I had saved the best for last. I began increasing the speed of my pumping fingers while I licked and
kissed at her folds and mound. She was getting close and I could tell that this was going to be one
hell of an orgasm. She opened her mouth and hinted at saying something, but was caught off guard
when I took her clit into my mouth. I sucked and licked, all the while still speeding up the motions
with my fingers.

Oh, Ma your cunt is delicious and tasty and your cunt juices are like honey, I said. I licked the
inside of the labia, moving upwards to the hood above the clit. Her clit is swollen and peeked from
the hood. I took the labia into my mouth, and sucked them gently. Moving my tongue from the
bottom of the vagina to the base of the clit up and down, using the tip of the tongue to create a
tingling, and teasing sensation. This will aroused her, and she lifted her hips into my face for more.

She pressed her clitoris against me, and said suck harder and faster. Licked and sucked the fold of
skin around the clit, took it into my mouth and sucked and slurped while gently licking with my
tongue. I parted the fold of skin to expose the tip of the clit. Licked it gently as she was pressing her
cunt into may face, licked harder, and increased speed. I licked and sucked in a rhythm for a long

Oh, Ma your cunt is delicious and tasty and your cunt juices are like honey, I said. I licked the
inside of the labia, moving upwards to the hood above the clit. Her clit is swollen and peeked from
the hood. I took the labia into my mouth, and sucked them gently. Moving my tongue from the
bottom of the vagina to the base of the clit up and down, using the tip of the tongue to create a
tingling, and teasing sensation. This will aroused her, and she lifted her hips into my face for more.

"Shiva, yes!" she screamed loud. "I'm going to cum!"

I could feel all her muscles around me tighten. Her efforts gave way and she wrapped her thighs
around my head. I did not really mind. I was pleased as punch knowing that I was putting her
through this much pleasure. With a guttural groan she came. I had to stop and marvel at the release
she was experiencing. I had never seen her, or anyone for that matter, cum so intensely like that.
She clenched my fingers within her and I could feel reverberations along the arm that was resting
up her stomach.

"Shiva?" her voice was soft and she was still recovering.

"Yes, Sweetie?" I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in tight. I wanted her to feel
every ounce of love I had for her.

"How did I taste?" I sensed a hint of apprehension in her voice.

"See for yourself." I leaned in for a kiss, which was light and gentle at first, but she took it further
and further. Her tongue explored my mouth, eager to find every morsel of her that was left. It was
hot as hell.

Suck my lingam, your son’s cock, Amma.

Yeah, son, see how big it is, like Shiva lingam, like a Dhvaja sthabham standing tall and erect in
front of Temple, big long thick magnificent and monstrous like the cock of Nandishvara. Your cock
is so big and proud. She bent took my cock into her mouth, sucking, licking along the shaft to the
know, nibbling my engorged big pink knob, licking the base and scrotum, my nerves electrified,
blood flowing at jet speed to the cock. She continued sucking taking my cock fully in her mouth; I
fucked her mouth deep throat.

She took my cock all the way in, trying her best to fit every inch in her mouth. I enjoyed the throat
pussy I was getting from this hungry mother. She was bobbing her head up down all the while
massaging my balls. She loved how salty his pre-cum tasted on her tongue and she couldn't wait to
taste his nut. She moved down to my balls into her mouth and made sure she paid the same amount
of attention to them that she did on his massive cock. Holding my balls in her hands, she moved
back to my cock and continued to suck all with her might.
Saying Padma, You are a cock-sucking slut. If you continue sucking my cock, I may ejaculate into
your mouth, I took my cock out of her mouth.

No, Shiva, I want my cunt to be filled with your seed. She got up, lay down on the bed spreading
thighs wide open. I positioned myself on my knees, between her open thighs, lifted and placed her
legs on both sides of my shoulders. I entered her juicy cunt all the way in completely and without
mercy. Her cunt walls stretched and spread wider with every thrust as if it was a fitted glove. I
pumped her with intensity making sure to knock the bottom out. She screamed and moaned like a
mad woman as I rammed her like a mad man.

Padma made loud noise with pleasure, enjoying the brute force with which I am pounding her cunt.
I took my cock off her cunt. She is wild and uninhibited during fucking, makes loud noise, her body
responding to each of my stroke. Fuck, I, Shiva, Fuck me hard, more and more, fuck harder and
harder, rip my cunt, she was saying.

Amma, you are a slut and whore. Your arse is so beautiful and tempting, get up and bend on your
knees. She obeyed, and bent her arse high up on the bed. I reentered her cunt to the hilt, took a
pillow placed under her and asked her to raise her arse. My cock was deep in her cunt fucked her
holding her braid with one hand.

Yes, Shiva I am your slut. You are my stud son. Fuck me dear son.

I took out my cock and stretched her ass hole, kissed and licked her ass hole.

Shiva, what are you doing?

Amma, I am licking your beautiful ass hole, I want to give you all the pleasures to you. You need to
be fucked in all holes, I said, stretching her ass hole with my fingers, inserted my tongue into her
ass hole and tongue fucked.

I brought coconut oil from the shelf, stretched her ass hole generously poured in her ass, inserted
my finger in her ass hole massaged her ass. Her arse hole twitched, but as my two fingers going
deep, her ass hole opened up. I reentered and fucked her cunt with my cock and asshole with my
two fingers simultaneously. It was ecstatic and new experience for her. I wanted to fuck her arse
hole, but she wanted her cunt filled, seeded with my potent sperm for impregnation. so I fucked her
cunt with my cock and her ass hole with my fingers.

She was making loud noises immensely enjoying uninhibitedly unimaginable unthinkable new
experience, her cunt and ass being fucked simultaneously, groaning wildly with extreme pleasure.
She squirted her cum all over and it ran down her legs to form a puddle on the floor. I gripped her
hips and dug my fingers into her ass cheeks to hold on for dear life. It was like I had a diamond cut
dick I ejaculated all my hot loads of sperm filling her cunt. She lay down on the bed to let sink my
seed in her cunt, mate and penetrate her fertile egg.

Shiva, I am sure you impregnated me yesterday, but I want to make sure every time you fill my cunt
with your sperm that it reaches my egg. You are showing me all the new pleasures. I eagerly await
what more tricks and techniques you have to fuck me.

Padma, I will fuck you in all poses. You are slut and whore and need to be fucked. And you need to
be fucked by me.
Shiva, you also have to fuck my-your daughter-in-law tomorrow. I will bring her to you. Shiva
tomorrow night will be Shobhanam for you and your second wife Madhu. I convinced her. She may
be apprehensive with past experience. Fuck her, deflower her and impregnate her. Show her what a
man can do to her pussy. She should experience the ultimate joy and beg you for more. Make her
your slave. You have ten days’ time to impregnate her.

Padma, where is your first husband? Had he seen you coming to me?

No, He went out after dinner to chat with his friends. He knows that you are fucking me. He does
not object. He loves me. He is happy that finally his loving wife is fucked by a young stud. He even
asked me whether I am happy with you. He will be happy if I become pregnant.

I wish to spend whole night with you get fucked and sleep in your arms, but I cannot do that to
night. There are some people still in the house. Let me go and take some rest. We will meet
tomorrow during the day.

She did not leave.

I said, do not leave now. Sleep with me.

Shiva, I want to sleep with you lover.

Padma, I want to see your beautiful face in the morning, when I wake up. I lifted her in arms took
her to the bed. We lay on the bed naked facing each other.

Padma, my sweet honey, yesterday you fed me breast milk. I want to suck your breast milk.

Shiva, wait for another nine months I will feed you. I am sure you made me pregnant already.

We lay on the bed facing each other. I took her lovely breasts in my hands. Padma’s arms and hands
were over her head as I devoured her nipples, biting and twisting them with my mouth. My cock
deep in her pussy but not moving as I sucked her tits.

Ohhh! No! I am cuming Ohhhh baby this is so good I am going to cum again, I am cuming
ohhhuck!" she screamed. She brought her hands to the top of my head forcing me to suck her
harder. She was climaxing from my sucking her tits. She then lifted her ass off the bed trying to get
my cock to fuck her harder. "Fuck me fuck me with your cock! Oh please!" she screamed as I
continued sucking and twisting both nipples and she lifted herself, arching her body, fucking herself
on my cock as I kept my cock still in her pussy and she pushed herself up and down my hard shaft,
trying to suck my cock into her. I could feel her getting hornier and hornier and when I sensed she
was about to explode again, I pulled my cock out of her pussy and took my mouth off her nipples.

"Don't stop! No! No! Oh no don't stop!" she screamed, looking up at me desperately. "Fuck me you
fucking bastard!" she yelled, and grabbed my ass trying to pull me into her.

I looked down at her, smiling into her eyes, loving how hungry and desperate she looked as she
tried pulling me into her, but I was determined to tease and play with her until she could not stand it

'Don't do this to me! Just fuck me damn it! Fuck me!"

"You're a fucking slut, aren't you," I said softly, looking into her eyes, my mouth just above hers.
"Yeah! I am a slut! "She screamed. "fuck me. Fuck this slut! Fuck me!" she shouted desperately.

"Whose slut are you?" I asked, moving my mouth closer to her as I spoke, looking into her hungry

"I’m your slut! Yours all yours! Now fuck me I cannot stand this you are driving me crazy you
fucking bastard. Do not do this to me! I need your cock!"

I surprised her again by rolling on my back, pulling her on top. She straddled me and started
rubbing her wet pussy along the length of my cock, moving back and forth with her slippery pussy
and moaning as she slid up and down, slowly pressing her pussy lips harder against my cock and
moaning, "Oh baby this feels so good. I love this. I could do this all night," she said in a low husky
whisper in my ear. "ummm you feel so good, so good, ummmmm"

I loved how she was using my cock, pleasuring herself, sliding her pussy slowly up and down my
rock hard cock. It was such a turn on.

"Use my cock, baby, play with yourself, use my cock like it's your toy," I said softly, my hands on
her round ass, moving her back and forth on my cock. The sensation of her juicy pussy lips sliding
up and down my cock was intense and I wanted it to last a long time for both of us.

She continued to slide her juicy pussy up and down my cock and then suddenly she pushed herself
and sat straight up, her eyes closed as she swiveled her hips, grinding her pussy against my hard
cock. She then grabbed her tits and started rubbing them with both hands as she swiveled her hips
on me, her eyes closed as she concentrated on her pleasure.

Watching her play with her tits and squirm and swivel on my cock as she sat up was the most erotic
things I had ever seen. Her pussy felt so warm and wet on my cock and the sensation was getting
me hotter and hotter.

She then lifted herself up, grabbed my hard cock, holding it firmly in her fist and started to press the
tip of my cock against her clit, moaning, "ummmmmmm"

'Yeah, use my cock," I said to her, loving how her clit felt as she rubbed the tip of my sensitive

'Oh baby, baby, I love this I don't want this to end," she said, her eyes closed as she rubbed the tip of
my cock harder against her clit, moving it around in a small circle, using my cock like it was her
pleasure toy.

Watching her holding my cock in her hand, rubbing her clit with it, as she lifted herself off my
body, her pussy dripping, her eyes closed was driving me crazy and it was all I could do not to just
throw her on her back and fuck her as hard as I could. But I wanted this to last as long as possible. I
wanted to fuck her so hard she would not know where she was. I wanted to fuck her senseless. I
wanted to give her the fuck of her lifetime.

She was rubbing her clit harder and faster with the tip of my cock, her eyes closed and then
suddenly she lifted herself higher then came down hard on my cock and screamed 'Oh fuck this is
so good!" She then lifted herself up on her knees then came down harder, doing that again and
again, harder and faster, riding my cock like she was galloping on a wild horse. Ride me! Ride me!"
I yelled. "Ride your stud!" I shouted my hands on her hips as I lifted her and brought her down, my
cock going deep and hard into her dripping pussy.

"Oh Baby! I love your cock!" she screamed as she fucked herself.

She then slowed down and leaned forward, her tits just above my mouth as she rocked back and
forth rubbing her clit and g-spot at the same time, my cock filling her pussy. She rocked back and
forth faster and faster, rubbing harder and harder.

Her tight pussy felt so good and I did not know how much longer I would last. I had my hands
gripping her round ass and suddenly I put a finger in her ass hole and felt her shudder and scream,
Oh god I can’t stand this! This is too much!" You are fucking my ass hole.

She continued rocking back and forth as my finger went in and out of her ass hole causing her to
move faster and faster like she was racing to the finish line. Her moving back and forth grew more
intense as she moved faster and harder on my cock, my finger moving in and out of her tight ass
hole. Suddenly I felt her body tense. She started to quiver and shudder as the huge wave of her
orgasm swept over and she let out a loud wail, screaming at the ceiling, " Ohhhh...god! I'm
cuming!" She kept fucking me, her cum pouring all over my cock, shrieking "ohhh.. baby! I'm
cumng cuming! Ohhy god! "She screamed, her body trembling and shaking violently as another
huge wave swept over her.

Suddenly, I grabbed her just as her orgasm was ending and quickly flipped her on her back,
spreading her legs wide apart, not giving her a chance to catch her breath. I got up on my knees, and
started rubbing my hard cock up and down her pussy, looking down at her. Our eyes met and she
knew she was going to get fucked hard. I pushed her legs up to her chest so that her ass and pussy
was completely open to me. I was above her and the angle let me fuck down into her pussy with all
my power. I was crazy with lust and just wanted to fuck her as hard as I could.

"Okay baby, you're mine now. I want your cunt!" I shouted as I reared back and then thrust my cock
into her waiting pussy.

Come on! Fuck your slut!" she yelled as I plowed into her with all my strength. I pulled out and
rammed my cock into her again and again and again, each thrust going faster, harder, and deeper.

"Take my cock, you cock loving bitch!" I yelled. 'Give me your cunt!"

I had never fucked anyone this hard and could not believe the filthy words coming out of our
mouths as we fucked each other with complete wild abandon. We were both savage fucking
a****ls. I was her cock and she was my cunt, both over flowing with raw lust. My cock had never
been so hard and I could feel cum boiling in my balls, my cock swelling and knew I was going to
cum any minute as I fucked her like a jackhammer.

'Drill me with your cock! Drill me! Drill me!" she screamed.

I was still determined to fuck her until she begged me to stop and though I was on the verge of
exploding, I wanted to keep going. I do not know where I found the self-control but I suddenly
pulled out of her, hearing her gasp and scream, oh No! No! Don't stop!"

I sat up and leaned back on my calves, my hard cock straight up. I then surprised her by pulling her
up to straddle my legs, facing me and got her to impale herself on my raging cock.

"Ohhhhhhhh baby this is so fucking hot!" she screamed as she lifted herself up and came down hard
on my cock, her tits bouncing, her dark curly hair flailing all over the place. Our arms were around
each other, my cock deep in her pussy as she went up and down and I rose up off my calves lifting
her as we fucked each other with ferocious energy.

I could tell both of us were on the verge of cumming again as we fucked harder and faster.

"Ride me! Ride me!" I yelled. "Ohhhh! Baby" I yelled, thrusting up into her dripping pussy.

"Oh fuck I’m going to cum again," she screamed, coming down hard on my cock and yelled at the
ceiling, "Ohhhh fuck oh God!” Filled the room as another huge orgasm ripped through her. It took
all of my strength and will power to keep from cumming. Suddenly, I roughly pushed her off me. I
grabbed her by the waist and quickly flipped her on her stomach, knowing she liked it rough.
As I pulled her to her knees, she screamed, "No no can't take anymore!" She quickly knew what I
wanted and got up on her knees. "I can't take anymore!"

"Oh, yeah!" I said. "Well, you're going to get more. You're going to beg me to stop!" Suddenly, I
had the urge to slap her ass, wondering how she would respond. I slapped her hard and she winced
and shouted, 'Ouch!' I slapped her again. 'Take that, you little slut!' I yelled as I slapped her again.

"Ouch! Ouch!" she screamed. She then put her head down on the bed, smothering her cries into the
mattress, her round ass getting redder as I slapped her. Her legs spread wide apart and I could see
her dripping pussy open to me. I then grabbed my hard cock and started rubbing the tip of my cock
up and down her pussy lips, loving the sensation on the tip of my cock. As I moved my cock up and
down her pussy, she started to respond by wiggling her ass at me, tantalizing me as the tip of my
cock entered and I moved it around just inside her juicy pussy. My slapping her ass got her turned
on again and her ass wiggling made me realize she really was insatiable.

"You want more don't you,""You are a little insatiable slut!"

"Oh, yeah. I want more. Do you think you can keep up with me?"

"We'll see, wont we!" I said, my hands gripping her hips.

The way she wiggled her ass, pushing back against my hard cock was getting both of more and
more desperate as we teased each other. I wanted to keep teasing her but was losing control as the
movement of her ass and pussy drove me crazy. . She was pushing her ass back harder trying to
force me cock into her pussy. She turned her head, looked me in the eyes, and shouted at me. "Fuck
me! You bastard stop teasing me! Fuck me hard! Now! Do it! Do it!"

It was as if a dam had broken. I was so hot and horny I just had to pound her pussy, take her and use
her. I felt so raunchy and lost all reason as I rammed my cock in her, holding her hips as I pounded
her as hard as I could.

Ohhhhh yeah fuck I fuck me yeah that is it harder, harder fuck me harder, Ohhhh baby baby harder,
harder fuck my pussy! Ohhhhhh baby I love how you fuck me yeah yeah Ohh baby Oohhhhh yeah
Oohhhhhhhh fuck I'mcuming! I am cumming! Keep fucking me keep fucking me," she screamed as
she moved forward and back against me, my cock deep in her dripping pussy.

Suddenly, I surprised her again and roughly threw her on her back, knowing I had more strength
when she was on her back. I was already on the verge of exploding and rammed my hard cock deep
into her pussy with a ferocious thrust. I pulled out and rammed my cock again and again screaming,
"Give me your cunt! Give me your cunt!"
She surprised me by putting her legs on my shoulders, lifting herself off the bed, arching her back,
giving me complete access to her pussy. I pounded her back to the bed causing the springs of the
bed to squeak and the headboard to bang against the wall. Talk about rough, raunchy fucking - this
was it - nothing could be wilder.

Fuck me! fuck me!" she screamed. "Give me your cock! cum in me my son! cum in me!"
impregnate me. Fill me with your potent sperm. she shouted.

I'm cummng" I yelled as I felt my cock swell and my orgasm building. I thrust harder and faster and
suddenly, my cum erupted like hot lava from a volcano and gushed into her pussy as I screamed
louder than I have ever screamed, "Ohh baby I’m cumming!" Oh fuck I'm cumming too! Oh fuck!
Cum in me! I want all your cum!" she screamed.

I felt her whole body tremble and shake again as we climaxed together and then we both collapsed
on the bed, my cock still buried deep in her pussy. We were panting and gasping, as I lay on top of
her, both of us unable to budge. We both lay there on the drenched sheets, our bodies wet with each
other’s cum.

I lifted my head and look at her. Our eyes met. We smiled.

I then rolled her on her side and got behind her as we spooned. My arms wrapped around her. I
kissed her shoulder then moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. We were both quiet,
loving the warmth of our bodies.

"Do you believe in destiny?" she asked. "Do you think it was fate that we met like this?"

'It was destiny. It is divine intervention. God want me fuck you. Your son wanted me to fuck you. It
happened. Everything in the universe planned. I am glad it happened.' I answered.

"Me, too," she said, We kissed and smiled.

"Let's get some sleep," I said. I think tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day," I said.

She slept in my cuddle peacefully. After some time looking at her sleeping peacefully, I also slept.

Padma awoke to find him sleeping beside her. For a moment, she just lay there with him, listening
to him breath slowly. Her hand reflexively
reached for his chest, her fingers running through the forest of chest hair.

I awoke to her touch. I did not move, just lay there letting her hand explore him. I tilted her head
slightly and looked at her face, occupied with following her fingers as they moved. He smiled. Her
touch was so affectionate, so curious. She finally caught me staring at her and returned my smile.

As she leaned forward to kiss me, her hand’s exploration moved down my chest and over my belly
to my cock. Her fingers wrapped around it softly and she started to move slowly up and down it
growing length. As she continued to kiss me, her hand made him harder and longer. When she felt
him at my full erectness again, she moved her face away from my lips and kissed her way down my
chest; stopping to kiss my nipples.

I felt her lips sliding down my chest and onto my belly. She was tender as her lips parted and her
tongue circled my belly button, retracing the same path I had made on her earlier. The smile in her
eyes was obvious as she continued downward.

Her hand raised my cock from my hips as she kissed its head. Her tongue licked a small circle
around the head, licking my leaking juices off the tip. She could hear me moan as her lips parted. I
could feel her lips slid over the head of my cock as she slid her mouth over it. I expected her to stop
but she continued down my shaft until it was fully engulfed by her. I could feel her cheeks tighten
around me, and then release their tension. I tried to speak, to tell her how wonderful it all felt, but
could not form any words.

Padma knew that I was enjoying what she was doing by the groaning sounds I was making. She
moved her mouth slowly up and down on my cock, stopping when her lips were around that most
sensitive area around the head to squeeze me tightly with her mouth. With each tightening of her
lips, she could taste me leaking more into her mouth.

I was disappointed when I felt her lips release me. I could feel her shift her body up the bed toward
me Her face drew close as she kissed my lips. I felt her pull her legs under her, then felt her slide
one leg over my chest. She moved her hips up my chest until her pussy was directly in front of my
face. She placed her hands on the wall and leaned forward. I knew what she wanted as she placed
your moist lips on my mouth.

She felt my tongue licking her soft outer lips. My tongue was flat and it spread her lips open as she
moved her hips along its length. She pressed her hips harder against me, finally finding her clit in
contact with the roughness of my tongue. Her skin tingled as he used the tip of my tongue to lick
the underside of her clit. I could taste her juices as their flow increased in response to his touch.

I felt her weight shift as she moved down my chest. I loved how she was leaned forward, causing
her breasts to hang down in front of my face. As she paused, I reached up with my lips and took one
of her dark, large, hard nipples into his mouth. I sucked it gently between my lips, nibbling lightly.

She leaned forward briefly, accepting my kisses on her nipples, before straightening herself. She
moved her body further down until she was sitting astride his hips; my cock pinned beneath her. I
could feel her pubic hairs along its length as she slid her pussy along it. Her own moisture made this
motion easy and stimulating.

She knew what she wanted as she raised her hips and reached between them. Her hand firmly found
my cock and held it upright. She moved her hips so her opening was above it and slowly lowered
herself onto me. I expected her to move but, once I was totally inside her, she sat still and straight
on me. My view was one of beauty, her body on display in front of me. She was beautiful sitting
there, her hips tight against mine. I reached up to take her large breasts her erect big nipples in my
hands, massaging them as she moved her head back and closed her eyes.

I felt her hips rise as she started to move slowly up his cock. She released him completely, then
immediately lowers herself wholly onto him again. Her motion was slow and deliberate. With every
release, she would drop her weight and take him inside once again. I could see her lips forming
small “o’s” every time he entered her anew.

Shiva, My son, You want me to fuck you. I will ride your proud long thick monstrous cock. You
want your mother fuck you, You are an i****tuous bastard.

She could feel her pleasure building and her body begging for release. My hands reached for her
hips, not guiding her motion but holding her as she continued to ride his cock. She could feel my
hips rising to meet her every downward motion. She looked into my eyes as her body tensed and
her orgasm overwhelmed her. I could feel her muscles tighten around him and her juices flow over
me. She could feel my hips rise to hold myself inside her. She could feel my cum hitting the top of
her pussy as I released my thick sperm inside of her.

We both felt weak as our orgasms subsided. We felt cool due the sweat on our skin. She laid her
body forward onto my chest, her breasts flattening between us. As my erection faded, I wrapped my
arms around her; not wanting her to move. Eventually, she slipped to my side still wrapped in my
arms. We lay facing each other as we kissed.

In the morning, Padma awakened me. She looked beautiful and fresh. She offered me a hot cup of
coffee. She had a shower bath, towel wrapping her wet hair bun, offered me coffee like a traditional
homemaker. Her happiness and contentment showing on her face.

Both of us did not know that Madhu followed her and was watching us from the moment Padma
came to me.

Madhu watched Shiva fucking her mother-in-law. She was astonished and aroused to see Shiva's
cock so long and thick opening and fucking Padma's cunt. She remembered her husband's limp
small cock. She was mesmerized to see such a huge cock. His huge balls are several times bigger
than her husband's and she knew inside them resided the seed that she so desperately wanted to
bathe her womb. Her pussy was so wet and she was dripping. She watched adoringly at his
muscular frame and his extremely hard cock standing straight out. She wanted to be in Padma's
place. She was ready.

Madhu watched and listened. She was amused to hear her mother-in-law's dreams and fantasies.
Standing at the window and watching her mother-in-law and Shiva lick, suck and fuck, cleared all
her confusion in her mind. Her mother-in-law in doggy style, her dripping cunt open wide receiving
Shiva's cock like a bitch in heat. She felt jealous. What sort of a bitch her mother-in-law is. She is
fucking her son's friend today after two days of her son's death. Madhu is ready to become his wife.
She wants his big gigantic cock in her cunt and wondered whether she can take all of his cock in her
virgin cunt. She is ready to be deflowered and impregnated by Shiva lingam.

Madhu went back to her room, dreaming about Shiva and his lingam. She thought 'I know what to
expect, I should have married a man like him.' She also wondered since how long her mother-in-law
and Shiva have been lovers? How long Shiva has been fucking her. She heard her mother-in-law
saying Shiva did not fuck her on her son's wedding day. Did he fuck her before! But she knew
Shiva saw her first time during the wedding. It insane! When was the first time Shiva fucked her
mother-in-law? She has to know the truth.

Chapter 8

I saw Madhu first time, one day before her marriage. She is tall lean, with beautiful face, full lips,
high forehead, broad face, narrow jaw, high cheekbones, clear and smooth skin, large wide-set
expressive innocent eyes, bushy eyebrows and long, thick, and dark, eye lashes. Her wide mouth
and thick full pouting juicy thick lips are sensuous. Her black long wavy very thick voluminous
smooth hip length hair arranged into a bewitching wide thick braid decorated with jasmine flowers
moving jauntily. Her thick braid looks heavy on her slender frame. She has big round firm breasts,
thin midriff, taunt waist, long legs and hourglass figure. She looks skinny, lean, delicate and fragile,
yet gorgeously curvaceous. Her collarbones are visibly prominent making her more desirable. She
has beautiful smile forming dimples on both sides of cheeks. She has beautiful mole just below her
left collarbone that makes her sexier. Her attractiveness increased by the she walks with a hip sway.

Padma brought her widow virgin daughter-in-law Madhusmita attired and beautifully dressed up as
a traditional bride for the first night (nuptials-Shobhanam). Madhu d****d a silk sari attenuating
her curves, hair arranged into a bewitching thick single braid decorated with jasmine flowers was
led by Padma to my room with a glass of milk.

Padma said, 'Shiva, here is your wife. Make her happy and impregnate her soon' and left the room.
Madhu stood there with a glass of milk in her hands.

I brought her to the bed. She handed over the glass of milk. I drank half the glass and gave it to her.
I looked at her, who is young, lean and curvaceous, beautiful and sexy. I traced my finger on her
lips and said, Madhu, You are beautiful and sexy and I want you to know that I like you very much.
Do you know the meaning of your name Madhu? It means honey. You are so sweet and I want to
drink you and drink your honey.

She closed her eyes as I got closer and turned her head away. My lips connected with her jawbone
instead, I made the most of it and trailed tiny butterfly kisses down her neck and to her collarbone. I
went up again and gently traced her jaw with my tongue. She shivered; intense emotions running
through her. Her breathing got shallower as I reached her ear and gently sucked her earlobe.

'Come on. I'm not going to hurt you, it's just a kiss.' I whispered seductively into her ear holding her
hands above her head with one hand; I lowered the other one to her face and gently pulled her face
to face me. She whimpered slightly but not from fear, she didn't resist my persuasive fingers and
thumb that gently caressed her chin. I skilfully closed the gap between us devouring her lips and
stealing all her ability to think. Without giving a second thought to what she was doing she arched
her body into mine and kissed back. She fitted perfectly.

I ran my tongue along her lower lip asking for entrance she obliged and opened her mouth and met
his tongue with hers. I let go of her trapped hands so I could go other places and she brought her
hands down, ran them over my chest and shoulders and finally let them settle around my neck. She
pulled me closer. Now it was my turn to be consumed by her, her scent, her taste. She tasted like
Vanilla, innocence, promises to be kept, secrets to be told and passion to be awakened. As her
delicate hand left my neck and travelled tantalizingly upward into my hair, leaving tingling sk**-
marks wherever her fingers touched.

Madhu moaned against her mouth as she continued her walk of fire around my scalp, she took her
hand away and brought it to my cheek where she left it. My hands wondered slowly around her
back, making their way down, gently cupping her tight butt-cheeks. She moaned as I pressed myself
against her, a streak of emotions running through her again. Gently breaking the long intimate kiss I
looked at her, her cheeks were flushed and her lips swollen from kissing her eyes shone brightly
with intense passion.

It was so nice to lay there beside her, kissing her, fondling her cute little breasts, sliding my hand
between her legs to rub her sweet little bud and penetrate her a little with my fingers. As nervous as
she was, she was very wet and excited. She passionately kissed me back while stroking my long
thick penis and enjoying the sensations. Having my penis in her hand was so exciting.

Madhu: To say I was nervous about sex that night with Shiva is a huge understatement. I was not
only a virgin; I was a very sheltered, naïve virgin. I wasn’t completely sure how to even have sex.
The whole, unknown process scared me to death. The bad experience with my late husband trying
desperately and unsuccessfully to penetrate, break my hymen and enter me was always lingering.

Seeing Shiva's enormous thick cock was in a way excited. The thought of his cock entering me sent
waves through my body. I could not help but compare Shiva’s monstrous cock with that of my ex-
husband’s timid soft small lifeless cock. I wanted to have this experience with him. I knew he
wouldn’t hurt me. The scenes I saw yesterday night, his huge cock opening and widening and
fucking my mother-in-law excited me. I wanted our bodies to meet. I want his big cock deflower

Shiva: I already had a game plan to put her at ease. I put my plan into action as I kissed and fondled
her; I moved my kisses to her ears and neck. I had her quivering as I nibbled and sucked her
earlobes, licked around the edges of her ears, and nibbled and kissed her neck. I moved a bit further
down and lavished her cute little breasts with kisses, nibbles, and licks. She was moaning softly and
using her fingernails on my back.

Madhu: He was so sweet and tender. He knew how I was feeling. He went so slowly, and did the
things that would put me at ease. I started to feel my desire rise as he licked and nibbled my breasts,
and kissed me all over the upper part of my body. I loved his warm lips on my naked body. I
moaned and writhed under him.

Shiva: After several minutes of attention to her breasts, I made my final push down her stomach,
past her pubic mound, and was soon facing her heavenly womanhood. She wondered what I was
doing down there. She had a very puzzled look on her face. Without any forewarning, I stuck out
my tongue and glided it over her clit. She jumped and gasped. It scared me a little. I looked up at
her wondering if she was upset. What I saw turned me on even more. She was simply looking down
at me like a deer caught in the headlights, but with a look of 'Wow!'

Madhu: His lips moved from my breasts down toward my vagina. I really knew nothing of oral sex,
so I didn’t expect what came next. If I thought I’d jumped when he used his hands to touch me
down there, I think I practically leaped when his tongue first connected with the warm flesh of my
most cunt petals. I was so surprised that he had done that with his mouth!

Shiva: I lapped at her clit again. Again she gasped and jumped but this time she followed with a
quiet little moan.

“You like that?” I asked.

“I think so?” she replied wondering as if she was supposed to.

“You want me to stop?” I asked.

“I don’t think so,” she replied with a sweet little smile forming on her lips.

“Does it feel good?” I asked.

“I think so,” she replied, “but we better make sure,” she purred.

Madhu: I was a little shocked. I trusted him, so I reluctantly let him continue. He tenderly licked my
cunt his tongue caressing my clitoris and then licking my cunt petals. I started to feel something
powerful that I’d never felt.

Shiva: I slowly continued exploring her womanly folds with my tongue as she relaxed and enjoyed
the sensations. She eventually showed her appreciation by reaching down with both hands and
holding my head, pulling me in, pushing me away, and guiding me to the right spots. Her moans
were heavenly music to my ears. Her taste was manna on my tongue. I licked. I lapped. I sucked. I
nibbled. I kissed. Her sweet, wet vagina and clit were on fire and her juices were flowing. Her pussy
scent was intoxicating. I continued until she had an intense orgasm. I was lying on my stomach with
my fully erect penis.

Madhu: I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. I don’t think it took me very long to have a very big
orgasm. I was even more shocked at myself. It was so beautiful and wonderful.

Shiva: After her orgasm, I knew it was time for the big moment. I moved back up her body slowly,
kissing and nibbling her body on my way, again spending a little extra time on her tasty breasts. I
moved up so we were face to face and kissed my beautiful wife. She had a look of complete
satisfaction on her face. “Uh oh,” I thought, “she may be done.” My aching member was throbbing
and ready. I silently hoped she would answer the next question correctly.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she replied. My heart sank a little.

“Well, I said. “I’ll move slowly. If it hurts, let me know and I’ll stop until you’re okay, and then I’ll
try a little more.”

“Ok,” she replied apprehensively.

She took my face in her hands, pulled me close to her, looked me in the eyes, kissed me with
passion beyond description, and, with tears in her eyes, softly said, “Shiva, please, be gentle. I’m

I could only look back into her moist eyes and smile. I kissed her back with the same passion and
said, “I will, baby. I will.”

I placed the head of my penis at her vaginal opening as she placed her hands on my hips. I pushed
the tip in. She gasped, pushed back on my hips, and told me to stop. I did. She relaxed and I pushed
a little more in. She again gasped in pain pushing back on my hips. I stopped and waited. When she
relaxed, I pushed a little more in.

Madhu's body tightened. The instinct to push him away from her was intense. The pain had been
shocking to her. It ripped and burned her. She cried out as hot tears fell from her eyes. Her breathing
was hard, but she knew that the pain would cease; she just had to wait. She flexed her fingers and
slowly opened her eyes; the blue orbs glistened. She licked her lips. Her chest rose as she took
another deep breath and shook her head yes. She hissed I, pulled my hard cock partially out of her.
It was several minutes before Madhu completely relaxed and then after several more caressing
strokes her body welcomed me. Her mind no longer focused on what had occurred, but was

As the tempo of my fucking increased, she could feel the build-up of something special and she
lifted her hips to claim it. It was there, just within reach and when I leaned down, my cock went

I captured her nipple with my teeth. Madhu reached the point of no return. "Shiva” she cried as her
body seemed to float and fall .only to float again. The sheets of liquid silk cascaded down from her
pussy and blanketed me with its warm honey. Her nails dug into me and Madhu whimpered for

With each push, she would gasp in pain, push my hips back and I would stop for a few moments,
allowing her to relax so I could proceed. With each thrust and wave of pain, she would also tense
her legs which were creating another barrier for me to push against.

Then something amazing happened. I pushed to a point that was very painful to her. She cried out in
pain and asked me to stop. I held my position and waited. When the pain subsided, I tried to push
again but I could not push any further. She again gasped in pain and asked me to stop. Again, I held
my position and waited.

Three times she cried out in pain and asked me to stop. Three times I waited for her pain to subside
before trying again to push past this spot. Three times, her pain denied my penetration.

“I don’t know if I can do this honey,” she said painfully. “Please stop.”

She began to try pushing me out and off of her. Her tears were breaking my heart. I didn’t want to
hurt her but knew this was part of our consummation and it would have to happen at some point.

“Madhu, baby,” I said holding my position inside her, “you knew this would be painful. We’re
almost there, baby. Trust me. I’m being as gentle as I can. Can you trust me?”

She calmed down, stopped pushing me away, looked at me, smiled, and said, “Ok sweetie. I trust
you,” she replied.

On the fourth push, just as she was beginning to show the “pain face” and began pushing back on
my hips, I felt a small “pop” which I recognized as her hymen breaking. When her “cherry popped”,
her pain melted away she let out a huge sigh of relief and enjoyment. Her eyes closed and her head
tilted back as a wave of pleasure flowed from her vagina, washing her entire body in cleansing
ecstasy. Her hands went from pushing my hips around to my butt and she started pulling me in.

I actually felt the blood of her broken hymen spread across my penis. It was an amazing sensation
that I will never forget. My sweet, beautiful bride had just given me her most precious gift. I vowed
to never break the trust she placed in me that night.

Madhu: It did hurt a little, but not like you might think. It was a feeling of pressure, then a little
sting, and that was it. The pressure distracted me so much it was hard to get into the pleasurable
feelings of it. After we got past the painful part, I’ll never forget how it felt to feel him inside me. It
was a connection I had never even dreamed of. I loved feeling him on top of me, breathing his
warm breath on me as he touched me and slid in and out of me. Experiencing it for the first time
with my husband was the most precious thing. I felt so grateful that I had waited for him.

Shiva: With the pain in the past, and her pulling me closer, I was able to push my manhood all the
way into her sweet, virgin wetness. She spread her legs wider and allowed me full access and
penetration. She was so wonderfully tight, it was wonderfully difficult to pull out, and wonderfully
difficult to slide back in. But I managed to back out slowly and then push myself back in to the
deepest depths. With each stroke, I could feel the head of my penis touching her cervix. She was
completely full as was I. We were becoming “one flesh” With each outward motion and thrust back
in, I could see the joy and fulfilment she was experiencing. It was right then I realized that this
would be my life mission;

We started slow and steady. As we both began to relax and enjoy the sensations, we increased the
pace and soon we were rocking the headboard against the wall. She had an orgasm which pushed
me over the edge. I unloaded my seed into her soul and she accepted every drop.

We slowed the pace, kissed deeply and passionately, revelling in our new bond. We became “one
flesh” and enjoyed the beautiful gift God had given us. The best part was that I was young and
virile. Although I had just had an incredible orgasm, I remained hard and was able to continue.

Time slipped by with no meaning. We had nothing but love for each other. We had no worries, no
cares, nothing but our naked bodies to worship and pleasure. We made love for a long while. Being
on top, I could control the tempo while looking her in the eyes. She was the most beautiful bride a
man could ask for.

She sucked my kisses, spread her legs as wide as possible and pulled at my butt trying to increase
the depth of my thrusts. My pelvis slammed against her clit with each inward thrust. We were
moaning in pure orgasmic ecstasy. She had several orgasms and I had three before my penis went
flaccid. We kissed and cuddled until we both fell into a deep, blissful sleep as we spooned each
other. We slept for maybe an hour.

Madhu: I was lost in his manhood. He was so strong, so manly, and so big inside me. I shuddered
and gasped as he slid his manhood in and out of me in long, sensuous, loving strokes. I felt so full,
so complete. Shiva, was inside me, giving me pleasure I never imagined possible. I had another
orgasm and as I did so, I felt Shiva’s muscles tighten and then felt a warm flow of his cum as it
filled my virgin pussy. I couldn’t believe my intense feelings just became more intense as we both
climaxed together.

I was in ecstasy. I was shaking and quivering with Shiva’s hard penis inside me. He didn’t stop after
his orgasm. He continued sliding in and out of my insatiable pussy. I could feel his sperm leaking
out and running down the crack of my bum. 15 minutes earlier and this would have grossed me out.
At this point, it made me hotter and I wanted more. And I got more. Two more times Shiva came
inside me, filling me up with his sperm.

He collapsed on me, panting and shaking. We were sweating and a total mess. I’ve never seen him
more handsome than while lying on top of me, sweat was pouring out of his face and dripping on
me, his throbbing penis losing its hardness and his sweet cum inside me. I knew this is the man
would make me pregnant.

After several minutes of catching our breath, kissing and groping, Shiva rolled off and cuddled up
behind me. He rubbed my entire body and fondled my breasts.

I could feel his hardness in my butt crack. He was lightly humping me. I started rocking back,
enjoying his hardness and the moans that were softly emanating from his mouth. He reached out
and began stroking my back. He rolled over on top of me; I grabbed his shaft and guided it in to my
hungry pussy. I wanted more of his manly cum in me and I was going to get it. His cock penetrated
my cunt deep.

Shiva: I was awakened by her soft moaning sounds and by the feeling of her bum rubbing against
my now hard-again penis. She rolled on top of me and placed my love at her entrance, slipped my
rock hard penis inside herself and eased herself down to engulf my entire shaft. We made sweet
love again. I enjoyed her sitting on me. I held her hips giving me leverage to pull her down harder,
rubbing her clit on my pelvic bone. She sat up giving me a view and access to her perfect breasts. I
loved playing with them as she rode my hardness slowly, up and down, forward and back, grinding
on my pelvis to stimulate her clit.
We made love slower and tender without all the urgency. We took our time and enjoyed the
sensations of making love as a beautiful married couple. After we climaxed again, Madhu lay on top
of me as I held her in my arms. She laid her head on my chest and we again fell into a deep, blissful
sleep. This time, we slept the sleep of the contented. When we awakened in the morning, we made
love and fucked again, and again. We became one flesh; over and over again. There were blood
stains on the white bed sheet. We fucked until wee hours and slept.

She saw the blood stains and smilingly said, Shiva, now everyone will know that you took my
virginity, my dear handsome and horny husband. You should impregnate me soonest possible, she

Who will know dear?, I said

Madhu said, My mother-in-law and her sister and mother, my father-in-law, my mother and my
sister, the washerwoman, the young maids, other servants and perhaps everyone else in the village
very soon. My in-laws want to spread the news soonest possible that I was impregnated by their

Chapter 9

When I woke up following morning, I found Madhu already left. Padma came to my room with
coffee and saw the bloodstains on the bed sheet. She was happy to see the bloodstains, smiled and
said, you fucked Madhu and deflowered her. I am happy that she is not a virgin now. Since
yesterday she is in fertile ovulation period. Having sex during this time gives the best chance of
getting pregnant. I am sure you will impregnate her. It will be wonderful time, me and my daughter-
in-law being pregnant soon. I will arrange your breakfast served in the room. She kissed me and to
said, you will have to wait until afternoon for me. I have so many things to do.

Padma, ‘do you have more important things to do than spending time with your husband. You want
to be impregnated in the shortest possible time.’

Dear husband, I want you to impregnate me and my daughter-in-law in shortest possible time. But
we have to wait. There are chores I have to do as the lady of the house.

Padma, Who will feed me breakfast and lunch dear?

I have beautiful two young virgin beautiful girls as housemaids. They will feed you and serve you.
Do not eat them. You can eat my cunt in the afternoon for dessert after lunch. Do not show your
magnificent cock to them. I know you are an insatiable stud and cannot resist young girls. Save
your energies and potent sperm for me and my daughter-in-law. I am sure you must have
impregnated me yesterday.

Chapter 10

I had breakfast and lunch in the room served by two beautiful young housemaids. The way they
were looking at me and giggling as if they knew all the secrets.
They said, the room I was staying was an exclusive room for Mohan when he was alive. You are
now occupying his room means you have become son of the house. The girls giggling and said,
Amma said, either She or Chinnamma (Madhu) will come to you and requested you not go out.

The young girls looking at me with alluring coyness and giggling. They are dressed in Lehangas,
their skin tone a healthy glow making them warm and likeable instantly. They smiled pleasantly and
friendly, running fingers through hair delicately. They tipped heads slightly downwards when
blushing or smiling, and looked at me from under their eyebrows.

What will I do till then? I posed a question to them. Padma called one of the girl, Radha from down
stairs. The other girl 16 year old Revathi stayed back to give me company. I asked her to sit on the
bed next to me. She sat obediently her face looking down. I hugged her and kissed her on the
mouth. She said, Sir, Amma will come any time, She will not like. She went away.

The other girl, Revathi came after some time with Coffee. I asked her where is Radha?

She is giving bath to Chinnamma.

I hugged and kissed her and said, 'you are lovely.'

She said, giggling, Amma and Chinnamma are more beautiful, Sir. Amma will be coming here any
time. I have to go and help her to dress up, comb and arrange her hair. She told me to make her
braid, leaving the hair loose up to the edge of blouse and braid the hair because you like it that way.
Is it so, Sir? She wriggled out of my hug and went away.

I was waiting for Padma. She came in the afternoon with a bowl of sweets. Padma was wearing an
ethnic Venkatagiri thin cream color sari with pink zari border and matching blouse without bra.

I hugged her, kissed her and took off all her clothes.

You are in hurry, lover, she said.

Padma, Are you not in hurry.

She said, I am. Since morning I was only imagining you and I wanted to come to you. I restrained
to come because it is important that you deflower and impregnate Madhu soonest possible during
her fertile period. You should fuck her as many times as possible. I planned to send her to you, but
some visitors came to see her.

I watched her large hung breasts as they bounced. Her areolas were big and pink. I saw her lovely
thick long hair braid, deep black eyes, glowing skin, pink nips and I undressed her touched her thick
black pubic hair adorning her pussy.

She bent over to pick the sari from the floor and I was privy to her glorious pussy lips, long and
outsized, hanging down like thick wings of a butterfly. I imagined sucking on these for hours. By
now, my cock was getting quite hard and putting wicked thoughts into my head.

Her glorious huge breasts swayed and jiggled with each move. I watched every nuance of her
sensuousness that seemed to flow from every step - her full hips, the curve of her back, the bounce
of her fine ass. This woman was all mine. I loved it! I felt a stirring in my loins that went deeper
than the roots of my cock. This was a full body rush. The moment was a creation of wonder.
I embraced her from behind as she stood at the mirror. I kissed the luscious nape of her neck,
caressing her thighs then her sweet ass cheeks. Her sexy humming stopped and a delightful squeal
escaped her lusty lips. My hands moved slowly up her torso to knead her pendulous heavily hung
breasts, something I know she loves. I moved to her large areolas and nipples, stroking them until
they began to bunch and harden. Playfully, she slapped my hand.

Before things got too far, I told her I had to pee. As I turned to the toilet and pulled out my hardened
cock, it took a bit for the stream to start flowing. When it did, I felt her behind me. She peeked over
my shoulder, her hands on my butt cheeks.

"Stop or I'll get too hard to finish," I said laughingly.

Instead of stopping, she placed her left hand over mine as it held my cock. She ignored my plea and
continued to grip my hand while I continued my business, watching with curious interest as my
yellow stream gushed into the toilet. Her right hand stroked my right ass cheek.

'Honey, you got yourself a handful there, umm?" she murmured, pressing her head against my arm.

I nodded in agreement. As I began to finish, she nudged her hand underneath mine and held my
cock as I peed.

"So this is how that rocket feels when you pee," she said with a quiet, growling mew.

I could feel my cock respond in the grip of her touch, her fingernails painted bright red curling
around my thick shaft. Her luscious breasts were pressing my back, her hardened nipples poking
into me with turgid intent. She even pulled my foreskin back, shook my cock and queried, "All

I turned my head and said in a throaty, sex-deepened voice, "Hardly."

She led me to the bed by holding my rock hard cock and in a timeless choreography. She nudged
me so I backed onto the bed. She quickly lay beside me and gazed at my cock wickedly, and then
with both hands she grabbed my cock with one hand at the base of the long shaft and the other
fondling my helmeted head.

Shiva, "It takes my two hands to handle a whopper, your cock is as big as donkey’s" she said
knowingly, then smiled and began her ministrations.

Padma used her left hand to hold the base of my shaft like a cock ring to keep me turgid. She used
her right to explore the length of my shaft and the head with ever-increasing squeezes and strokes to
the upper part of my hard length. This served to pump up my dick until veins along the shaft bulged
and the head began to swell and redden like a ripened plum. My huge cock was fully erect turgid
and rigid standing like pole.

Next, she licked the head, rimmed the crown with long, hard strokes with her stiff tongue and
flicked at the Y junction that she knew would curl my toes instantly. She kept this up, now pumping
and stroking my cock as she did to keep it long and hard. From time to time, she would reach with
her hand splayed in passion and stroke the length of my thighs, feeling the hard muscles of my

At this, she moaned and her ministrations quickened. She cupped my balls in her left hand as if to
reassure her of the heft she knew was there, and then tugged on them. She reapplied herself to
licking my cock shaft, even sucking on it sideways from the base upwards while licking at the same
time! She spent time on each rivulet of vein, following one down and another up, seeming to draw
them to the surface like tiny ropes.

She took my cock in her mouth, sucking the large head as her cheeks hollowed and she gazed
deeply into my eyes. A smile worked its way around her full mouth and lips. Now, she took in half
my cock, closed her eyes and headed with her lips to the base, stifling her gag reflex as my cock
head touched the back of her throat.

Amma, you have become an expert cocksucker, I said holding her hair in my hands and thrusting
my cock into her throat.

She eyed me with lustful abandonment then drew back, releasing my swollen hard cock from her
mouth. "I’m going to ride you my son, like a bitch in heat," she said with a gleam in her eye.

"My thoughts exactly, "I said as she mounted astride me and guided my dick to her hot wet pussy.
"Amma, You know what I love."

First, she teased herself by rubbing her labia wings and clit with my now engorged head and soon
found herself nearly coming.

"Not yet. Not like that," she whispered, and guided the full head inside herself, dropping onto the
nicely thickened shaft. "Ohh," she exclaimed with a throaty cry as she felt me hit her cervix.

She settled and wriggled her bottom until she felt things were just right. Then she used her hips in a
gliding motion to fuck me in a steady, sensual rhythm, her white orbs dangling above me, a
temptation no man could resist!

Her dark pink cup-sized areolas and nipples hardened. I eased up and took each in my mouth in
turn, giving oral supplication like a starving infant. At first, I suckled with both hands on a single
breast to guide the nipple to its haven of warmth. My tongue next circled round and round each
nipple, then licked each one back and forth, on and on. I used my hands to continue kneading her
breasts, then to pull and squeeze her nipples. Suddenly, she began to buck wildly in response to my
ministrations. I urged her on.

"That's right Amma, you are a cock crazy slut, fuck me!"

Yes, I am your slut, she said.

This spurred her to even newer heights, and all the while I had remained still, letting her have this
moment of glory on top, impaled on my swollen manhood, gliding and bucking us to sensational
heights. Now, placing my hands on her ass, I began to thrust upward with my hips to begin my turn
of fucking her from below.

As my strokes quickened, I began to suck and nibble each nipple in turn on each up stroke. As I
tired slightly, I lay back and she took over once again with her nimble gliding fuck. Not as much
traction, but it still kept the fires blazing. She arched her back, then reached behind with her left
hand and felt for my cock and balls, leaning round so she was able to gather my large balls, tug, and

"Love your balls baby, so full for me. Going to fill me with your gism?"
I grunted my assent. Satisfied, she went back to her gliding fuck.

This spurred her to more gyrations on my cock, mixing the gliding motion with bucking up and
down, finally settling back on her rhythm glide. All the time, her pendulous breasts were bouncing,
flapping and slapping her torso - and each other on occasion when she really got going. As I looked
at her I could see she was consumed by lust; her eyes were unfocused, her lips swollen, her face

Finally, as her breasts flashed furiously, she gathered one breast in the crook of her arm as she
reached across and cupped the other, rolling her eyes at me as if to say it was a bit too much for her
tender, sensitive breasts. I kissed the air at each of her breasts, then one directed at her lips. She just
nodded breathlessly as our movements in unison continued. Her hair spread wide forming hallow
around her face.

As I took my turn next, fucking her from beneath, I quickened the pace and rammed my cock even
harder. This caused a chain reaction, she began to sense her cum, throwing back her head and
opening her mouth as a stream of obscenities, and cries escaped her lips.

"Yes, fuck me my stud son, oh, god yes... Harder, harder, fuck me harder with your dick... Oh, baby,
your cock... Fuck, fuck yes, ohh, ahhh!" She squealed and screamed as her eyes rolled back in her

I kept up a finishing stroke rhythm and slowed to a stop as she came on top of me. She collapsed
down on me while I made sure to stay inside her firmly pressed against her pubis as even now
gentle shudders rolled through her body. I rolled over until I was now on top, never pulling out.

I kissed her all over; covering her like a stallion covers and mounts a mare. We rested for but a
moment and then, like a phoenix rising, I began a slow fucking pace, in and out, in and out, making
sure to stroke the full length of my cock.

"You didn't come?" she cried, pleasantly surprised to feel me still moving inside her.

She murmured soft at first, urging me on repeatedly. I just kept fucking her, now determined to fuck
her as long as I could without stopping. She soon was back into it as my length was drenched in her
womanly cum when my curved cock had done its job by hitting her G spot with my swollen cock

"Oh god, you're so thick, you are a stallion, so big, yes.. Fuck me son, fuck your mother me hard,
make me cum again and again," she rambled in her horny ecstasy.

Now as I stroked her, on every third or fourth stroke I would ream her hard and fast. I bent down
and sucked on her nipples, then licked round and round the nipple as before and flicked hard with
my tongue. She wiggled underneath me in response. I kept fucking her hard, alternating the rhythm
and the angle of my strokes to hit her pussy and clit all over. She had a series of mini orgasms,
giving us both ever-deepening satisfactions.

I continued fucking her harder, deeper and faster until I was in that super phase of blurred action.
Soon I could feel my balls tighten and my ass muscles grip and my thrusts went into overdrive as I
began to come hard and long. I groaned with the effort."Ahhhh!" I bellowed in a conquering voice
as I filled her with a load of cum, spurt, after spurt. Steadily, I kept fucking; stroking, milking us
both for every second of delicious aftermath. I pulled out, and a small river of love juices drizzled
out of her pussy.

Without hesitation, I scooted back until my face could reach her pussy and I could gaze at her
lovely, swollen pussy lips. I had always loved the extra-large folds of her labia that d****d around
her pussy, and now I pulled them out to their majestic fullness, like big butterfly wings. I twirled
them between my thumb and fingers and watched as her back arched and she thrust her pussy

I licked them - sucked on them into my mouth like tiny ball sacs, drawing them into my mouth with
building frenzy, tasting her gushed love juices and my own gism as they became one. She let out a
sudden groan.

"Oh!!!, baby!"

She bucked against my tongue in a mock fucking motion and so I fucked her greedily with my
hardened tongue until she came again in shudders that rippled down her body, moaning sounds that
were sweet as honey in the throes of her final coming. I had lost count of the number of orgasms
she had enjoyed, and felt a rush of something like a wave of emotion rising from within me,
knowing the pleasure I had given her.

I crawled up to her mouth and kissed her, returning the tastes of our love juices to her lips. She
could only smile and groan as we kissed passionately, our lovemaking over for now.

I whispered to her as I held her close. "I love you, you goddess of lust."

For just a second, a smile flickered across her countenance, as if for once she would take the
compliment into her heart. She smiled and playfully slapped my shoulder.

‘Goddess of Lust, You are calling me.’ Shiva, I have become addicted to your monstrous cock. I
think about it all the time. Every time I can physically get a part of my body on your cock, it is
there. Omnipresent and omnipotent like Shiva lingam. You have become my God. I worship your

I love to rub it over different body parts-my neck, my face, breasts, butt, and stomach, any part of
me and not just your cock but your balls too. I love to put them in my mouth, kiss, and suck,
massage them and rub them on my face and neck. It turns me on so much that Is oak the bed you
sleep on your back. I want to sleep between your legs with my face on your cock and using your
cock as a pacifier or I fall asleep with it in my hand way. I want to wake up with my legs stuck
together from my juices and my pelvic region pulsing. I want your cock in my cunt always. I cannot
stop thinking about it always. Shiva, take me with you. Marry me; Keep me with you as your
mistress, as your servant maid, as your dasi. I am your slave. I do not care what society thinks about
me. I want to be with you. I cannot live without you. You have spoiled me totally with your love
and fuck.

Shiva, my lover, ‘Emotionally, I feel like a whore. What everyone think of me? Already my maids
know that you are fucking me. I'm a whore. I am a whore. I am your personal whore and slave,'. She
murmured repeatedly. I hugged her.'

"No you aren't." I said softly. Amma you are mine. You are not a whore. You are goddess. You are
Sexy Slut goddess. You are born to be mine. You are like my mother. Only that I was not born to
you in this janma.
You said, I am Parvathi, Shiva’s mother and wife.

Why were you not born to me in this janma?

Padma, I was born to my mother because she desired me more and gave birth to me, before you.
She is the reincarnation of Goddess Parvathi Devi on this earth in this life.

Shiva, you said that Parvathi Devi was the mother of Lord Shiva. Where did you read that?

My mother told me. Adiparashkthi created Saraswathi for Brahma, Lakshmi for Vishnu and she
gave birth to Shiva, the Mahalinga from. She herself became Parvathi to be the wife of her son,
Shiva. Shiva has very large cock to fuck her and he is the only son who can fuck and give pleasure
to his mother Parvathi Devi.

According to Shiva Purana, Parvathi took a Abhyangana Snana (naked bath). This is a form of bath
taken by applying oil to the whole body, massage until the whole oil gets into the body and then
apply Sunnipindi (green gram flour) called 'Nalugu' to body and massage so that the flour peels of
taking all the dirt. While performing the bath Parvathi devi prepared a boy with the flour and
instilled life into it. The c***d is born and she asks him to be guard at the front door as long as she
is bathing and tell him not to let anyone enter the house.

Ganesha is created from Parvathi's bodily substances, from the scurf or residue, which she rubs
from her limbs and phallus to create a son. She is the sole creator of her son. “Either Shiva is too far
away, as when Parvathi makes Ganesha to relieve her loneliness during his long absence, or he is
too close, as when she stations Ganesha at her door to keep him away.” Either way Ganesha’s
creation always plays a role in his mother’s sexuality, whether guarding it from his lustful father, or
satisfying it with his intimate and loving presence. Ganesha was found in bed with his mother
Parvathi resulting in Shiva cutting off his head and replacing it with Elephant's head.

Krishna had eight wives, had sex with his own Aunt - Radha, with his sister Subhadra, with 16000
Gopikas and with Devadasis (Prostitutes).

Hindu Shiva ****d many married women resulting in his Phallus (Lingam)being cut off by Brahma
as a punishment and also to stop him for longing to have sexual gratification from any of the ****s.
Brahma Sexually m*****ed Parvathi Devi, ejaculated at the sight of Parvathi's thighs. He ****d his
own daughter Saraswathi and is holding her captive and claiming her as his wife .

King Dasharatha, Rama's father did not have any sexual gratification either, hence he gave his wife
to three Hindu sages for a night and they fucked ejaculated impregnated three wives of Dasharatha
from whom Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shatrughna was procreated.

Rama's birth is miraculous and it may be that the suggestion that he was born from a pinda prepared
by the sage Shrung is an allegorical gloss to cover up the naked truth that he was begotten upon
Kousalya by the sage Shrung, although the two did not stand in the relationship of husband and
wife. In any case his birth, if not disreputable in its origin, is certainly unnatural.

According to Valmiki, Sita was the daughter of the king Janaka of Videha and therefore not a sister
of Rama. This is not convincing for even according to Valmiki she is not the natural born daughter
of Janaka but a c***d found by a farmer in his field while ploughing it and was presented by him to
king Janaka and brought up by Janaka. It was therefore in a superficial sense that Sita could be said
to be daughter of Janaka.
You are so knowledgeable about puranas and epics. When did you study and learn?

I studied from my c***dhood and learnt from my mother, who is a Scholar and Teacher. She read
Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas, in Sanskrit.

Shiva, I want to meet my mother-in-law, when you will take me.

Very soon, I said.

Will you introduce me to her as her daughter-in-law? Shiva, Tell me honestly, Is your mother
Parvathi Devi to you?

Padma, Yes. She is the Goddess Parvathi Devi and she gave birth to me, her Shiva. She wants to
marry me. She cannot marry me due to societal norms of present day society, but she is my wife.

It is quite interesting and surprising. Now I understand you, your capability of loving me as mother.
Since when your mother has been your lover?

Ever since I remember, from my c***dhood, My mother said, she gave birth to her Shiva.

What am I to you, Shiva?

Padma, you are one of the avatar and manifestation of Parvathi Devi.

Oh! Shiva, I am eager to see your mother. Now I have become her co-wife and daughter-in-law. I
will have to learn so many things from your mother.

Shiva, Tonight Madhu, my another co-wife will come to you.

I said, only Madhu, not you.

No, It is her nuptials night with you. You have to fuck her to impregnate her.

I said, I have plans to have you both together.

She said, you are a shameless family stud. You want to have both of us, together.

Padma, yes, it would be exciting for all of us.

Oh! You come up with lots of interesting ideas, you will have to Madhu only to night. Deflower her
and make her happy.

I will and she will be happy. Once I fuck her , She will do whatever I want her to do.

I know that, you are the master. You make any woman your slave.

Padma, Sex by itself is not impure, evil or dirty. It is a beautiful form of self-expression, which
opens the door to transcendence through one’s body. It is the context in which sex is seen that
makes it a subject of moral bias. Cut off from all socially sanctioned definitions, sex emerges as just
another activity that is essential for the procreation of life and for the development of a strong bond
of intimacy between lovers. It is very important for us to dispel the myths that surround sex and try
to see it for the true physical and spiritual significance it has.

Shiva, you are talking about spiritual sex.

Yes, pure sex is spiritual. Lord Shiva and Parvathi have shown the way for spiritual sex. Legend has
it that Shiva and Parvathi were as physical in their relationship as they were intellectually inclined
to one another. They would disappear for thousands of years and fuck.

In one of the puranic description about Shiva on a certain occasion Shiva and Parvathi were so
engrossed in having sex with each other that they remained hidden from everybody for over
thousand years and at the height of their sexual prowess, fucking. Their passion shook the
mountains to the utter embarrassment of other Gods and Deities. After the earth started shaking and
hills started slipping, other gods prayed to them to come back. It was then when lord Shiva bowed
down to his original mother and wife for being powerful enough to handle him.

Once Lord Siva visited to Tarugavanam and meet Birunthai Rishi. Lord Siva saw Rishi’s very
beautiful wife and planned to **** Rishi’s wife and in midnight Lord Siva made the voice of cock.
Birunthai Rishi thought that was dawn and went to River Ganges for bath. Lord Shiva changed his
shape as Birunthai Rishi and entered the cottage. Rishi’s wife did not refuse for the sex and Lord
Siva enjoyed sex with her. Birunthai Rishi confused himself and feel that time must be midnight.
Rishi immediately returned to his cottage and saw his wife enjoying sex. Rishi got angry and gave
Sapam (Curse). 'The penis ****s my wife must be destroy immediately.' The penis of Lord Siva
detached from him and come down to the earth like an arrow. The Devas requested Lord Siva’s wife
Parvathi to save the earth from the danger of Lord Shiva’s penis. Parvathi (adishakthi) herself
accepted the penis of Lord Siva into her vagina as like lock and key method. Lord Brahma gave
base support to the sexual organs that is linga Peetam. Only the sexual organs of Lord Siva and
Parvathi is known as Siva Lingam.

Shiva, do you really think and believe so? Shiva and Parvathi were fucking for thousands of years.

Yes. Padma, as per puranas.

Shiva, Can I ask you a question? You have to give me honest reply.

Ask me anything. I will tell you the truth.

Do you fuck your Amma really, your own mother?

I said ‘Yes. I have been fucking my mother. She trained to be her lover.'

Oh! Shiva, I expected this reply from you. Now my respect for you and your mother has only
increased. She must be the luckiest mother on the earth. Since how many years you both have been
fucking your mother?, Shiva.

Since c***dhood, I do not remember exactly since when. Ever since my cock became erect and
hard, I have been fucking mother. She was sucking my cock ever since I have been a c***d,
especially while she was bathing me and in the night. She breastfed me for seven years. Even later I
used to suck her breasts while she played with my cock. One day when my cock was big and stiff I
entered her cunt.

Oh! God. At what age you fucked your mother?

May be eight when I first entered her cunt with my hard cock. Even before she used to take my
cock inside her cunt after I lick her.

Oh, Shiva, There is no surprise that you have so much experience in fucking. You are a great artist
in fucking adorned with your long thick monstrous cock. Your mother has trained you and reared
you well since c***dhood.

Padma, My mother is my Teacher.

You are Lord Srikrishna with Shiva’s lingam. You want to fuck every woman. You must have
inherited the genes from your biological father and mother.

Padma, Mother says that too. She says my cock is bigger than her father-in-law’s is.

You have special cock, Shiva lingam, like that of Ashva medram or Nandishwara's cock. You are
born to fuck. Shiva, who else did you fuck.

My grandmother Parvathi Devi, mother's elder sister Rajeswhari Devi and her two daughters -
Krishnaveni and Kamala. All of them have knee length hair. I fuck all of them.

Oh My God! Oh! You fucked three generations of women in your family. You fucked the whole
family. Whom did you fuck outside the family?

Some more…You want to hear the whole story now? Padma.

Shiva, 'You have to tell me about you lovers.'

My mother says, 'If I were Rama I would have fucked Kousalya, Sumithra and Kaikeyi. If I were
Krishna I would have fucked Yashoda, Devaki, Kunthi, Draupadi and Subhadra and her daughter
Sashirekha. Mother also says Kunthi must have fucked all her five sons. Draupadi must have got
fucked by all five husbands together. Draupadi desired Krishna, Karna and Abhimanyu as per epics.

It seems you like longhaired women with big breasts and bigger ass. My mother and sister also have
long thick hair. Do you want to fuck them too.

Padma, I have seen them. I am interested to fuck them.

Shiva, I know they are eager and willing to get fucked by you. I promise you to arrange fucking my
mother and sister too. You are a family stud.

Shiva, ‘Did you impregnate your mother?’

Yes I did, we have our love c***d, a boy.

Do you have son? How old is he?

The boy died due to high viral fever when he is six months. After that, my mother used to
breastfeed me for six years.

Interesting and I am jealous. I want to breastfeed you, Shiva, Padma said. 'Does your father know
that you have been fucking your own mother?'
He knows, but he cannot do anything. He cannot satisfy my mother.
While you are fucking mother what does your father do?

He sleeps in other room, as your husband is doing now.

Oh! That is fantastic to know.

My mother dominates him.


Because he cannot fuck and satisfy her, he has to accept. He is a cuckold. I was born to my mother’s
father-in-law. He is my real father.

Shiva, ‘You mean your mother’s father-in-law fucked her and made pregnant.’

Padma, My mother Bharathi Devi was married at the age of 17, and her husband could not fuck her.
He went away to study B. Ed., leaving his virgin wife with his widowed potent father, Rayudu. My
grandmother Parvathi Devi came to see my mother and was shocked to learn that her daughter was
still a virgin. Parvathi Devi encouraged her daughter to copulate with her le potent virile father-in-
law. Rayudu happily fucked his daughter-in-law and impregnated her. I was born to him. Rayudu
also fucked my grandmother Parvathi Devi and my aunt Rajeswhari Devi. Bharathi devi for all
practical purposes lived with and served her father-in-law as her primary husband and her actual
husband as a secondary husband. She fucked both of them. Her husband could not satisfy my
mother's abundant sexual desires. My so-called father, my mother’s husband was not impotent. He
fucks other women.'

Shiva, Padma said, 'It is astounding to know that your mother Bharathi Devi fucked by three
generations, her father-in-law, husband and her own son. She must be really a daring and sexy
woman. She is a great woman like Kunthi and Draupadi.'

In Hindu Mythology there was a mention of Brahma, who had a sexual relation with his daughter
Saraswathi and married her. Yami, sister of Yama, seeks sexual pleasure from her brother. Kunthi,
gave birth to Karna from Surya before marriage, Dhramaraja from Yama, Arjuna from Indra and
Bhima from Vayu after marriage to Panaduraju. Madri second wife of Panaduraju gave birth to
Nakula and Sahadeva from Ashvini Devatahlau, sons of Surya. The example of Draupadi, also
known as Panchali (wife of five men) as wife of Pandavas is well known. Little Know fact is that all
Pandavas are not step brothers. Nakula and Sahadeva were step sons of Karna. Hence Draupadi
cohabited with three step brothers and their stepsons. Draupadi hence has i****tuous relations with
fathers and sons, which was accepted by the society. It was also mentioned that Droupadi also
desired to have sex with Krishna, Karna - her brother-in-law, and Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna and
Subhadra. Rama, avatar of Vishnu married Sita, who was the daughter of Bhudevi. Bhudevi was the
wife of Vishnu. It implies that Rama married his daughter. In the Ramavatar, Rama marries Sita,
who is born from the earth (Bhudevi), thus making Bhudevi the mother-in-law to Rama.

As per Hindu Puranas, once a man dies he will go to Svarga because of their good deeds. He can
copulate all deva vesyas like Rambha, Urvasi, Menaka, Tilottama etc. It is apparent then
generations of Grandfather, Father, Son and Grandson once they die and if they go to Svarga they
can copulate with deva vesyas.

Padma, you being my mother, wife and mother-in-law is not taboo

Shiva, Your knowledge and interpretation of sexual relations of Gods and Goddesses is interesting.
My mother has thick smooth lustrous knee length hair. She trained me to be her hairdresser since
c***dhood. I used to oil and massage her entire body, bathe, comb and dry hair even as a little boy.
My grandmother, mother’s elder sister, and her two daughters also has knee length hair.

Shiva, Oh! That is why you like longhaired women. You know that my mother and sister also have
long thick hair. You want to fuck them too.

Padma, I am interested and definitely want to fuck them, if you allow me, You said I am your
family stud.

You are like Lord Srikrishna with Shiva’s lingam. You want to fuck every woman you like. You
must have inherited the genes from your biological father and mother. You have special cock.

Padma, my mother says that my cock is bigger than her father-in-law’s was. She also states that she
has given birth to me, her Shiva with a cock like Shiva lingam. She has trained me in the art of love
making and all the secrets and erogenous zones in a woman’s body every man needs to know and
instructed me how to satisfy a woman sexually with love.

She has demonstrated to me since my c***dhood how to kiss fondle lick lap suck a woman's lips,
neck, nape, ears, breasts, nipples, clitoris, vagina, inner thighs, stomach, scalp, butt, lower back and
calves and arouse woman's desires and fuck her. She started sucking my cock ever since I
remembered. She breastfed me more than six years, and later another six years after our baby son
died. I learnt that breast feeding gives mother arousal. I sucked her breast milk for six years while

You are born to fuck, Shiva. You have seduced many a woman. My maids will bring Tea and snacks
for you. Do not show your monstrous cock and fuck my young beautiful maids. They are still
virgins. Do not make them pregnant. Save all your energies and your potent sperm for Madhu and
me. You have to impregnate both of us. Lover boy, Save your energies for us. You will be fucking
your young wife cum daughter-in-law Madhu tonight to impregnate her. She kissed me, and said,
you have a perpetually hard cock. She kissed my cock and left the room. Madhu is very anxious and
eagerly waiting for your cock. she will be getting full body oil massage and bath, and dressed like a
bride for the night.

Chapter 11

In the night, Madhu came to my room, led by Padma.

Madhu and Padma bathed, hair arranged into a beautiful braid adorned with Jasmine flower malas.
Madhu wearing a yellow silk sari. Padma wore thin see through light cream color chiffon sari with
small green border and green short sleeve blouse without any bra. They came into the room sat
down on the bed. I was amused and thrilled that I will be having threesome.

Padma said I know what you are thinking lover; tonight You will have Madhu only, Because I want
you to impregnate her soonest possible. She is your nuptial bride. Padma kissed me and said, ‘my
stud son, make my daughter-in-law pregnant,’ she added, if she is exhausted I am available for you

You both are looking like sexy sin sisters. Padma, why don’t you stay, We can have threesome.
Shiva, 'Padma said, Now you are her husband and you are my son. Are you more interested to fuck
your mother instead of your wife on nuptials night?. We will have fun later, Shiva, she left the room
leaving Madhu and me.'

Madhu, said, why are asking her to stay. The whole yesterday night You both were having fun. I am
available for you, my dear husband.

Madhu, you are jealous already. I am amused in one night you have become a jealous wife to me.

Shiva, not jealous, I want to have all of you for me.

OK. Madhu "It's time to make love now," Shiva softly whispered. As he looked deep into Madhu's
shining, expectant eyes, Shiva saw the absolute and complete surrender of a girl who wanted not
only just fucked, but consumed and even sexually enslaved!

Shiva eased Madhu's trunk down to the edge of the bed. His long thick cock was just wildly jerking
and throbbing with anticipation. Her heart was thudding. He was about to enter her. Shiva
positioned himself at the edge of the bed and gently spread Madhu's legs. Her vagina was glistening
with sexual juices! In fact, there was a huge, spreading wet spot on the sheets even though she had
been lying in that place for less than a minute! What a hot, wanton bitch Madhu had become!

Shiva placed his hands on her hips and effortlessly pulled her down a little closer to the edge of the
mattress. As he did so, Madhu began to spread her legs even wider. Soon she was actually doing the
splits! God! She was so ready to take Shiva's massive monstrous long thick huge shaft deep into the
innermost regions of her body! Yet her readiness was entirely the product of trust in him because,
truth be told, she still did not see how that stallion-sized cock could possibly entered her cunt
yesterday! This was clearly a matter of faith!

Shiva laid his immense, vein-latticed shaft on her pubic mound. Then, almost as if sizing her up for
the next stage in their lovemaking, Shiva thrust his hips forward. Madhu raised herself up on her
elbows to see what he was doing. She was shocked to see that the baseball-sized head of his
massive organ had come to rest some two or three inches above her navel! God in Heaven! What
was she in for?

In response, Madhu flopped back onto the bed and spread her legs even wider. There was simply no
way a cock any cock, let alone a cock as thick as her arm could possibly reach a point that deep
inside her body. But no matter, she wanted him, she needed him, and she just had to have him. She
wanted to be fucked by him.

She was too overcome with passion and anticipation even to speak words of assent. Spreading her
legs almost to the breaking point was the only way she knew to tell Shiva that she was totally his to
do with just as he pleased!

Shiva leveraged the base of his horse-like shaft with both of his hands and guided its giant tip up to
Madhu's swollen pussy lips. He rubbed the enormous head up and down the entire length of her
sopping, accepting cunt lips. When it was glistening wet, he slowly eased it up against the slit
between her cunt lips and began to apply a gentle probing pressure.

Soon, because Madhu was so open and so ready, the fist-sized head began to disappear into the
mouth of her pussy. No sooner had the head fully entered her vaginal canal than Madhu began
shaking and shuddering with a truly powerful cum, the strongest of the night, and thus the strongest
of her life.

Madhu looked up and locked eyes with Shiva, her new husband as termed by her mother-in-law.
His dark smoldering gaze was reassuring; she could relax. He was going all the way in! And it was

By now, half the length of his cock had entered her pussy. Madhu was up on her elbows watching in
utter fascination and amazement as the giant tool pressed on and on and on. Four inches was not
very deep, of course; however, the incredible girth of Shiva's horse-sized shaft was utterly reaming
out her pussy. Her nerve endings were feeling a massive pressure they had never known before. Her
virgin cunt was widened, opened, spread and stretched. In response, Madhu began convulsing once
again with her umpteenth cum of the evening.

God! As more and more of cock worked its way down her cunt, Madhu felt as if she were starting to
split in two! By now, she guessed that about ten inches of Shiva's fat shaft had disappeared into her
vagina. That meant, though, that there were still lots of inches yet to go. Shiva was so patient, so
thoughtful of her fears, so mindful of the tightness of her pussy, as he carefully eased his mule-like
love tube deeper and deeper into the far reaches of her body. What a lover he was! Suddenly,
Madhu cried out in both pleasure and pain as she felt Shiva's gigantic cock head bump up against
her cervix. What now?

Shiva moved against that barrier with short gentle probes. Madhu could feel her cervix, already
more open than ever before in her life begin to dilate even more. Then, all of a sudden Shiva was in!
His giant cock head had passed through her cervix and entered her uterus! God! The pulsating mass
of his rigid cock had actually begun to invade her womb! She was not even aware that it could
happen to a girl! But feeling was believing!

Shiva began pumping a bit harder as he pushed his final four inches of cock inside Madhu's womb.
By now, he was carefully working his cock head deeper and deeper into the far reaches of her body.
It was as if he had entered a second vagina! Still, with a cock this long, her internal organs were
stretched out her uterus and he squeezed his cock into an unnatural position between its fellow
organs. His cock head, after all, was destined to come to rest somewhere just below his lover's
breastbone! His cock was going to where cocks were not designed to go! He had to be both gentle
and careful as a result!

Still up on her elbows, Madhu looked on with equal parts awe, astonishment, and relief as she saw
the last couple of inches of Shiva's horse-like cock finally and completely disappear inside her body.
It was all the way in! She could feel his cock's big head somewhere above her stomach! Amazing!

They then looked up at each other and actually grinned in relief. Madhu suddenly realized that
Shiva was as relieved as she that the huge shaft actually made it utterly and completely all the way
in. She was willing to bet that on many occasions his log of a cock would not fit at all or perhaps
only halfway. But no matter, it sure was in now as far in as it physically could go! And Madhu knew
she was in for more of the most thrilling sex of her life.

"I told you it would fit," Shiva teased.

"That's yesterday's news," Madhu retorted with a giggle. "Now, precious, show me what you can do
with your cock once it's inside me like this!"

Madhu's entire trunk felt completely filled up with his cock as she lay back onto the bed and closed
her eyes in ecstasy.
Shiva slowly withdrew his rock-hard prick back out of Madhu's body; he stopped just as the tip of
his baseball-sized cock head began to appear at the mouth of her cunt lips. With his cock head half
in her pussy and half out, Shiva once again surged back down his lover's fuck canal. This time,
though, there was a whole lot less resistance. Her cunt was getting seriously stretched out to
accommodate his gigantic cock. Madhu moaned in absolute rapture as Shiva's cock again buried
itself in the very depths of her womb.

Shiva remained motionless for a moment but then began to move his hips in little circles. This
increased the pressure of his fantastically rigid shaft against the soaked, slimy walls of Madhu's
cunt. When it was still and especially when it was being wiggled, Shiva's cock was putting
enormous pressure on nerves deep down in Madhu's virgin pussy that had never before been visited
by a cock. She thought even the biggest of cocks can never be even half the girth of Shiva's massive
tool. This was sex in an entirely different dimension!

Shiva eased himself almost all the way back out of Madhu's scum-slick pussy again and, with a bit
more force, thrust his giant sex tube back down into her womb. The delicious yet almost painful
pleasure of feeling Shiva's massive cock head pass though her cervix once again made Madhu cry
out with indescribable joy. It also started another fantastically strong orgasm that made her shudder
with ecstasy for nearly five minutes!

She could tell that Shiva was getting seriously excited. He had thrown his head back and was
moaning at nearly the top of his lungs. She thought she could sense that Shiva's titanic dick harder
than rock when he had entered her was-actually getting even more stiff and swollen with each

As Madhu's convulsing pussy increasingly more stretched out because of these repeated probes
down into her womb, Shiva started pumping with greater speed and force. He was now fucking her
in earnest. The fact she had been seized by an almost unending orgasm since his cock head first
passed through her pussy lips told Shiva that the gorgeous girl was ready for some really up-tempo

Accordingly, Shiva grabbed Madhu's ankles and lifted her legs high in the air. The giant-cocked
lover was looking for a straighter shot at his sweetheart's cervix and uterus. With her vaginal canal
at a perfect angle, Shiva was able to pound his cock down the soaked channel at a faster and faster
pace. Each stroke, it should be noted that was a long-cocked stroke. Shiva was nearly withdrawing
on each upstroke before ramming his super-stiff amalgam of flesh and gristle back into the very
center of her body. It took a lot of leaning back and good balance, but Shiva was a true sexual
acrobat, it was no problem!

Before long, Shiva's pelvic bone was just smashing into Madhu's clitoris on each stroke; he was
fucking her so very strenuously that, as he continued to pound away at her snatch, each thrust made
her body shake as if she had colliding with a moving vehicle!

Shiva was pounding more and more wildly with each stroke. His muscles were rippling in response
to this ecstatic exertion, and entire body just glistened with rivers of sweat that helped to define his
heavily muscled frame.

What a build the guy had! Madhu marveled at how incredibly toned and buffed Shiva's body was,
how his flat stomach slowly moved in rhythm with his slim, shapely hips.

Shiva had fully thrown her head back in almost overpowering sexual ecstasy. Because of the mind-
boggling size of his cock, every cunt was tight. But even after their pre-coital workout, Madhu was
still super tight in even absolute terms. As a result, the pressure of her hot but narrow cunt walls was
making his cock skin feel like it was on fire! Yet she was so wet, so lubricated, that Shiva was able
to roar down her cunt at nearly breakneck speed. As a result, each fuck stroke was producing the
near equivalent of a mini-orgasm. He was so hot, and Madhu was so sexy!

The way in which Madhu’s big tits were bouncing and quivering to the command of his fuck stroke
was ratcheting. Shiva's sexual excitement up to even higher and higher levels. Clearly, this could
not go on much longer! A shattering climax was just around the corner!

For her part, Madhu was using her vaginal muscles to suck at and clamp onto his speeding cock.
The feelings being created by Shiva's massive cock as it sped in and out of her entire reproductive
tract were immense. Madhu had not only never felt sexual pleasure like this but in fact did not even
know it was there to be had!

Shiva had now begun to incorporate some side-to-side gyrations into his straight-ahead sex thrusts.
In response, Madhu had started to buck wildly beneath him. God! The incredible knockout felt as if
she was impaled on his massive tool. How great it was!

Madhu began to run her hands along Shiva's sweat-coated chest and shoulders, and then back down
to his hips. After caressing his hot flesh in this fashion, Madhu slid a hand under his testicles. God!
They were beyond the size of billiard balls! She caressed them and felt them go tight against his

In response to Madhu's caresses, Shiva had reached down to fondle and grope her melon-sized tits.
At the same time, he maintained the steady methodical rhythm that Madhu knew was bringing her
lover to completion. The sensation of having her breasts squeezed and mauled while Shiva fucked
away at her convulsing pussy was more than Madhu could take. Yet another huge cum overtook her
body. Wave after wave of delicious tension and shuddering passion rippled through her body from
head to foot and then from foot to head.

Madhu was simply overwhelmed by the intensity of this cum. She screamed and convulsed wildly
as the walls of her cunt contracted tightly against Shiva's enormous, ever-thrusting cock. Another
flood of sex juice just gushed out of her pussy and onto the bed; the orgasm was so long and intense
that Madhu thought she might faint.

The effect for Shiva was to lubricate Madhu's slimy cunt to an even greater degree. It was just
astonishingly slick and slippery! As a result, he was able to slam his enormous long thick shaft
down her tight love canal with even greater force and speed. One measure of Madhu's extreme
wetness was the fact that Shiva's plunging shaft was making extremely loud sucking noises as it
slammed in and out of his sweetheart's drenched, heavily leaking pussy.

Madhu could tell that Shiva was on the brink. His eyes bore a mindless glaze that evidenced the fact
that his cum was only seconds away. In response, Madhu contracted her pussy even more strongly
around her lover's plunging cock.

Madhu pushed her body up by her elbows, threw her arms around his neck, and sucked Shiva's fat
lower lip into her mouth. She was soon passionately licking and tonguing that sexy wedge of flesh.
She then released the lip, drove her tongue deep in Shiva’s mouth, and wildly kissed him still-
fornicating lover. Then, after withdrawing her tongue, she bit Shiva softly on his chin and started to
lick his jaw and cheek like the friendliest but most passionate of puppies. Shiva was, of course,
wildly fucking away while being kissed and tongued by Madhu; he did not miss a stroke!
This extra stimulus took Shiva over the top. He felt his cock, already the consistency of stone, begin
to swell and harden to an even greater degree. The throbbing shaft was now harder than granite.
Shiva began to convulse as unbelievably powerful waves of orgasm washed over him. He let out a
series of loud moans as uncontrollable shaking and shuddering totally commandeered his body.
"Oh, baby! This is so fucking strong!" he screamed.

"Ugh ...!" Shiva was not sure if he had ever had so strong a orgasm in his life! The thrills and
shudders just coursed through every fiber of his being. "Uh! Uh! Ugh!" he shouted.

Then, some fifteen seconds into the cum, Shiva felt an incredibly urgent blast of cum just rocket out
of his cock slit. It happened on a down stroke so that Shiva found himself just hosing down the
slimy, contracting walls of Madhu's womb with hot jets of sticky sperm. The cum was so strong that
he could sense Madhu's shock at its force and volume. The hot spunk was blasting against Madhu's
uterine walls like hot pellets of molten iron!

And yet the ejaculation would not stop. It went on and on and on as if her entire uterus with warm
spunk! If Shiva had been counting, he would have guessed that this single ejection of jism had
lasted three or four strokes up and down his lover's pussy.

By now, the cum was nearly a minute long and showed no sign of weakening. Every single inch of
Madhu's reproductive tract was splattered with Shiva's loving gift of hot thick semen. At the same
time, long ropes of the gelatinous glob were gushing out of her pussy. Simultaneously, though, her
lover kept replacing this outflow with a fresh supply of hot, sticky sex cream!

And the cum went on and on! Shiva was still grunting and shuddering and showering sticky love
seed upon his sweetheart some two minutes after his orgasm had begun. He knew that this was by
far the longest and most intense cum of his life. And why not? He was fucking most beautiful virgin
widow of his friend!

Finally, at about the three minutes, Shiva's thrills had subsided and little more than drips and drabs
of spunk were slurping out of his cock hole. Madhu was nearly floating in a puddle of nut butter! It
felt wonderful!

As Shiva slowing pulled his softening cock out of Madhu's fantastically stretched-out pussy, Madhu
put a hand on Shiva's cheek and looked up into his eyes with utter awe and devotion.

"Oh, baby, baby, baby that was. oh, golly! it was!" Madhu was too undone to even utter a simple
declarative sentence! "I did not know that it was even possible. For a second time, Madhu tried but
failed to vocalize her overwhelming emotions.

Instead, they drew together and began a tender and loving post-coital French kiss. Their mouths
were wide-open, and their tongues wildly dueled for a few moments until the lovers switched to
sucking and licking their erotically fat lips. As they licked and sucked and kissed, Madhu had gone
back to fondling her lover's horse-sized cock. She simply could not get enough of it. And Shiva? He
was fondling and stroking Madhu's generous tits!

They were soon once again deep kissing and groping their remarkable bodies. Shiva was paying
particular attention to Madhu's melon-sized tits. They were so great!

I think you love my breasts best of all, honey," Madhu announced. right?"
"Not right," Shiva broke in. "Everything about you is what caught my eye. Actually, it was your
innocent face initially. You're so innocent and beautiful! I have never, never seen a face as drop-
dead gorgeous as yours! It is just so stunning! I like your thick bewitching braid. But, yes, I do love
your breasts. they're so big and firm, they're the biggest ones I've ever seen on a lean girl like you."

Madhu said, "Really. They are big but not that big, not as big as my mother-law’s."

"Well," Shiva chuckled, "I've seen bigger breasts than Padma's.

Madhu laughed, "If you only knew," she exclaimed.

"Knew what?" Shiva demanded a tone of definite interest in his voice."

It was my breasts that your friend liked most, because they reminded him of his mother’s big
breasts. He sucked my breasts the first night and every night and ejaculated calling me Amma, but
he could not fuck me. His cock was flaccid. I tried make his cock big by fondling, but his cock did
not become rigid to penetrate me. He always ejaculated sucking on my breasts, and calling me

Madhu It was not your fault. You are sexy. He could not fuck you because of his ED problem.

'Thanks again understanding. Your friend should have fucked his mother.' Madhu replied. She
reached down to give Shiva's massive hunk of meat a couple more slow jerks. What beautiful cock
you have Shiva!!!!

"You look fabulous," Shiva moaned. His left hand had migrated to Madhu's pussy and his four
fingers were busily plunging in and out of her once-again dripping pussy."

By now, Madhu's ceaseless attention to Shiva's cock had achieved its intended effect; he was again
as stiff as a board.

"First, though," Madhu smiled, "I want to get you truly stiff. I don't know how much of this baseball
bat of yours I can get in my mouth but I'm sure going to try. You are so huge! And that's so

Madhu leaned down and started to lick the huge cock head that crowned Shiva's unbelievably
gigantic shaft. As she licked and rained soft kisses on its satiny surface, gobs of pre-cum began to
slurp out of its slit. "Hmmm!" Madhu moaned, "it's so great to see you get so excited!"

Madhu licked up the sexual scum as fast as it leaked out of Shiva's cock hole. "Wow!" she
exclaimed, "It's so salty and delicious!

By now Shiva was moaning almost helplessly. These sounds only got louder as Madhu started to
take as much of Shiva's swollen cock her mouth as she was physically able to manage. It was a
huge amount in absolute volume. As he looked on in lustful appreciation, he could tell that Madhu's
mouth was open to nearly the breaking point. Lots of girls, he knew, simply could not open their
mouths wide enough to get any of his cock inside their mouths. This woman was different!

Shiva felt a warm tingle run the entire length of his super-stiff, sixteen-inch erection as Madhu's
full, wet lips wrapped around the head of his cock! She was not able to take in much more than his
cock head ... but what a job she was doing on that part of his genitalia!
Because of the extreme size of his penis, A lot of women had been unable to take in even his entire
cock head ... or even any of it. Madhu had certainly passed that test; at this point, her mouth was an
inch or two below the bulge of the apple-sized head of his shaft. Shiva was frankly amazed that the
buxom young girl could take even that much cock in her mouth.

Shiva going crazy as he felt Madhu's big, meaty, collagen-swollen lips draw on his nearly fossilized
sex tube. God! The way her tongue was whipping all around its crown! In response, Shiva began
pumping his hips in a frenzied attempt to fuck her stunningly beautiful face! If this kept up, there
was a powerful blast of jism in Madhu's future ... her very near future!

Madhu kept right at it, and in fact sunk her mouth even lower on his throbbing cock. As her head
dipped still lower, Shiva could feel the entire inside of her mouth working on his shaft! It was being
massaged by the inside of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, and especially by the flat of the entire
length of her tongue as it slipped and slid along the crown of his dick. All the while, her big full lips
were pressing, pulling, and wrapping all around his slippery cock head! This girl could suck a cock!

As her hot mouth slurped up and down on the jerking head of Shiva's dick, serious streams of drool
began pouring out of her mouth and sluicing down his rock-hard shaft. Madhu then began using
both hands to lubricate his shaft with her hot spit. Soon, his entire shaft was slick and shiny with his
lover's saliva, and Madhu had shifted to wildly jacking off the massive love cock.

Shiva was getting so excited! He was mere seconds away from blasting an enormous load down his
lover's throat. But he understood that these oral ministrations were supposed to be preparation for a
tit fuck. And that was an experience he did not want to miss! Reluctantly, therefore, he pulled
Madhu's head off his giant cock with a loud "pop" so that the lovers could move on to stage two.

Shiva's ultra-erect tool was still liberally slathered with Madhu's application of saliva and drool, so
that his massive cock easily slipped back and forth between her breasts. Madhu was mashing her
big melons together to provide a lot of friction against Shiva's already inflamed cock skin.

Given the fantastic girth of Shiva's seriously obese shaft, her breasts did not come close to bridging
that gap. Still, the pressure that she was able to apply to Shiva's cock was extremely strong and thus
very exciting!

God! The valley between Madhu's tits was so soft, so deep, and so velvety! The pressure she was
applying with her mashed breasts was rubbing Shiva's slippery cock skin with real erotic force. In
fact, it promptly took him right over the top!

She stretched her thighs and Shiva entered his cock into her waiting pussy. He started fucking her
again with brutal force.
"Ugh! God! Fuck! Ohhh! Wow!" Shiva felt a tickle start in his anus that spread instantaneously to
his scrotum, and then moved to his jerking shaft.

Extremely strong chills and thrills were already coursing up and down his body, and he had begun
to shake and shudder from the electric excitement of a strong cum. As he continued to grip his giant
cock like a fire hose preparing to douse a fire, an enormously strong splat of sperm came rocketing
out of his cock hole.

The shimmering rope of love cream was so long! As the couple looked on in astonishment, the long,
oscillating string of male seed all the way deep in her cunt.

As this extended flow of jism filled her, a second, blast that is even more powerful came flying out
of Shiva's sex hose. Shiva was grunting and moaning as this unimaginably strong orgasm went on
and on. Every ten seconds or so another heroic discharge of hot, creamy semen would fill Madhu's

As the shudders and shakes decreased, Shiva's repeated ejaculations correspondingly turned into
little drips of spunk.

Madhu looked up at Shiva with a mixture of love, surrender, devotion, and astonishment. Shiva
responded by throwing his mouth at hers to begin an ultra-passionate French kiss that was so open-
mouthed that it looked as though the amorous fellow was trying to swallow her head!

Madhu reached down to fondle her lover's giant balls. "Baby!" she moaned, " My husband hasn't
produced as much sperm as you just splattered now in one orgasm! Precious!"

Shiva chuckled. "I plead guilty! I do have big testicles, and they work overtime to produce an
amazing amount of sperm," he admitted. "But it really depends on the girl; it's your incredible face
and killer body that pulled my seed up and out of there. You're just the most gorgeous and sexy
thing I've ever seen!"

By now, they had been making love for hours; it was about four in the morning and both were just
plain exhausted. After a little tender, post-coital necking and a passionate good night kiss, Madhu
and Shiva fell asleep intertwined in each other's arms.

After an hour or so of sleep, Shiva woke up. God! Madhu was passionately sucking his cockhead,
she really could get no more than that in her mouth and he was sporting a stiff boner as a result!

Shiva could not actually see her copping his joint because her huge mane of long thick hair nearly
covered all of his genital area. He could hear the sounds of love, though Madhu was moaning very
loudly and the wet, slurping, sucking noises being produced by her ardent cock sucking were
simply bouncing off the walls of the bedroom. That he could feel Madhu's ministrations was a
given; her wet, satiny tongue and warm mouth were threatening to drive Shiva around the bend! He
was as hard as a rock! At length, Madhu pulled off the monstrous Shiva cock and looked with
blazingly loving eyes at her man. "I've just got to fuck you some more," Madhu explained. She had
now gotten to her feet and, while standing nearly straight up, had poised her dripping cunt directly
above Shiva's jerking, titanium hard shaft. "Take my hands so I can ease myself down on your cock,

As Shiva held her hands, Madhu slowly slid down his impossibly massive shaft. She was clearly
still, totally stretched out from their earlier lovemaking because within moments she had buried the
very hilt of that sucker all the way down to her pussy lips. Shiva's cock head was deep inside her
uterus; in fact, it was poking at the far wall of that organ. Using Shiva's hands for leverage, Madhu
began rising up and down on the thick cock so that she could begin to fuck her lover. It was so
exciting for both of them.

Madhu started to shudder with a violent orgasm on about the third journey down her lover's fat dick.
Shiva could feel female cum just gushing out of her pussy; it was spreading all over his pubic area,
groin, and even onto the sheets. On about the thirtieth trip down Shiva's cock, Madhu's tight pussy
received a quid pro quo from her lover; he groaned, shook, shuddered, and then sprayed long ropes
of hot semen into her womb.

They were back to sleep. After an hour or so, however, Shiva woke again. They were sleeping with
their trunks face to face. Madhu's mouth was only inches from his. He leaned over and gave her a
light kiss on the lips. Even though she was still asleep, she returned the kiss. Shiva then returned
that kiss. Soon, the lovers were semi-awake and passionately tonguing the insides of their mouths.

Shiva suddenly realized that, not only had he become fully engorged but also that his stiff cock had
somehow entered his lover's sex-loose twat and was wildly fucking away at that dripping organ! He
simply did not remember entering her at all; however, there was no doubt about it - he was giving
her tight pussy a real reaming-out. The kiss never broke during their lovemaking. Within minutes,
Madhu had come another two or three times, and after fucking her more Shiva ejaculated pumping
more shiny gobs of hot sperm into her cunt. After post-coupling kiss, they fell asleep once again.

When Shiva woke again, he found he was holding Madhu's petite, super-curvy ass cheeks in his
hands. Probably as a result, he had sprung another gigantic boner. Sunshine was streaming through
the windows. He already was up, in a sense! Something had to be done about that boner first,
however. Shiva leaned over and gave the almost incomprehensibly beautiful girl a light kiss on the
cheek. Her eyes opened and a huge smile spread across her features.

"Hi, lover," she whispered. "It's so great to see you. It proves that last night was not just a dream."

Madhu moved into Shiva's arms. She directed a smoldering look into his eyes, and, after moving
her face to his head, bent down and slowly drew his lower lip into her mouth.

As she sucked and tongued the tender wedge of flesh, Shiva began to groan with passion. All of a
sudden, he realized that his straining cock had actually once again entered his darling's dripping
pussy and was slowly heading for her womb. It had become so natural for Shiva's giant sex snake to
be inside Madhu's now fully acclimated cunt that the lovers were hardly aware that Shiva had even
mounted the incredible knockout. It was simply that Shiva's massive log was so completely at home
in Madhu's twat that not to have his humongous pork sliding in and out of her pussy lips would
have seemed unnatural!

The ardent lovers were soon wildly fucking and Frenching. Shiva's gigantic member slowly but
passionately sawed in and out of his lover's ravaged cunt. Notwithstanding the impressive number
of couplings, they had enjoyed in the last ten hours or so, Shiva was soon hosing down Madhu's
ravaged cunt with yet another massive load of hot jizz.

As they wildly French kissed each other under the stinging spray of the showerhead, Shiva was
employing his left hand to squeeze Madhu's fantastically luscious ass cheeks. He was using his right
hand to fondle and rub the buxom knockout's big left tit. Moments later, Shiva picked up the
stunningly beautiful girl by the thighs, lifted her head nearly to the ceiling of the shower stall, and
gently impaled her on his unaccountably stiff and throbbing sex tube. "Fucking while standing up is
so sexy," Shiva thought to himself as yet another delivery of hot jism exploded inside the nearly
wasted confines of Madhu's reproductive system.

Shiva thought he was going to faint when he got a glimpse of Madhu.

Her body emphasized erotic swell of her buttocks. In fact, when she bent over even a little, he could
see the opulent swell of her ass. What a body Madhu had! The thrusting swell of her full, round tits
notably punctuated the front of her blouse.

As they smiled lovingly at each other, Shiva was reminded that Madhu really had one of the most
beautiful faces he had ever seen. He was once again just bowled over by her startling large eyes, her
generous lips, and her blemish less radiant skin. That long, sexy tangle of thick hair that reached
down to her thighs, her startlingly curvy ass, not to mention the way in which the absolute knockout
had her rump very much on display under her sari. Her legs! - wow!.. what absolute killers they
were long, and luscious. And then there were her huge tits, so full, firm, and erect.

The effect of these reflections was that Shiva roughly pulled the luscious beauty into his arms with
a deep groan and began what might have been the most frantic deep kiss. His hot hand wildly
plunged under Madhu's sari dipped deeply into her skimpy panties. The lovers moaned with wild
need as they continued to suck their faces. While Shiva was savagely fondling Madhu's rump, she
was grinding her sweet crotch against Shiva's rapidly growing cock.

You're the most wonderful lover I could possibly imagine. But do you know what?"

"What?" Shiva offered.

"Darling, I'm so sore I can hardly walk! I mean, this has been the most wonderful night of my life
but I'm so sore I just can't believe it. I'm a wreck!" Madhu then smiled. And do you know what

What?" Shiva again offered.

My mother-in-law assured she will arrange a husband for me to get married again.

After a loving like this and get fucked by your big horse cock, I'll not be interested in any other man
except you, that's for sure! After you, Shiva, it's not going to be possible to find an extraordinary
guy like you to satisfy me. That's the truth!" No one else can fuck and satisfy me except you.

Madhu, ‘That’s what exactly your mother-in-law says’

Yeah, I have seen and heard you fucking her last night.

I have seen you and my mother-in-law openly, shamelessly flirting with each other during the
wedding ceremonies. How long have been fucking her?

I met her first time only during your wedding.

Shiva, Did You fuck her on that night of my wedding?

No, Madhu. I could have fucked her, but there was no opportunity.

You mean that you would have fucked her on the first meeting. Was she willing?

Yes. She was very much eager and ready for me on the first meeting.

Shiva, when did you fuck her.

When she came to our university two days back, to see Mohan's body.
Oh! God. Did you fuck her on that day, while her son's body was still in the mortuary? Didn't she go
to the hospital or mortuary to see the body?

No, Her husband went, She stayed back with me in the guest house.

'Oh! I can imagine. She stayed back and got fucked. It is unbelievable and kinky that she got fucked
on that fateful day when her son's body was still in mortuary. You fucked her whole day. That's why
she travelled by train with you and not with her husband bringing her son's body. What a whore, slut
and bitch she is! No other woman could even think of having such sinful sex. Did she seduce you?
You are like her son, her son's friend.

Madhu, her husband asked her to come by train with me and requested me to take care of her. I also
fucked her in the night during train Journey.

Shiva, He did not ask you to fuck his wife, though. Did he ask you to fuck her in the train?

I said, She is a lovely and sexy woman, It was mutual fatal attraction between us.

Yeah! Both of you were behaving like love birds during wedding ceremonies. People thought you
both were lovers and you have been fucking her. I wonder why you did not fuck her on that night.

Shiva, How about me? do you love me too?

Yes. Madhu, ever since I saw you as my friend's bride.

You do not leave even the bride. You wanted to fuck me, the bride? I saw, you were flirting my
mother, aunt, sister, many other girls and mature women. Shiva, I am an young eligible widow now
deflowered by you. You marry me lover. You cannot marry my mother-in-law. If you marry me, you
can have both of us, me as wife and my mother-in-law as your mistress.

Madhu, Your suggestion is great and I think It is thrilling and exciting to have you both. We should
discuss this with Padma.

Marry me, Shiva, I want to be your wife, she said pleadingly.

Madhu, I will marry you, I said. But first let me impregnate you to keep the family honor, as your

So, You are my father-in-law now, because you fucked my mother-in-law first. But Since you
fucked me, you become her son. Do you want to fuck your mother? Fucking mother is taboo.

Fucking you both having threesome with MIL and DIL is exciting. I look forward to having you

You are a stud. You want to fuck every beautiful woman. Do you know my sister is very much
interested in you. She wants to marry you.

Madhu, Oh! How about marrying your sister and having you and Padma as mistress?

She said, You are greedy. I want you. My sister can find another man.

Chapter 12

As per family tradition the new widow has to sleep in Shiva temple for one night. In the evening,
Padma sent beds, sweets, flowers and other puja material for lingabhishekam with maids to Shiva's
temple situated at north east corner on the outskirts of the village. After dinner Padma, Madhu and I
went to the temple. The temple premises has many trees and flowering plants and well maintained
garden. The air filled with the aroma of flowers from the Temple garden was romantic and
intoxicating. The temple has erotic copulating sculptures of Shiva and Parvathi.

Padma d****d a flowing Mysore silk Royal blue and green sari with a matching green blouse
showing her curvaceous figure. Her hair arranged in a beautiful bun was looking beautiful. Madhu
was attired like a traditional widow, in a white plain thin chiffon sari and white blouse. Devoid of
any makeup her curvaceous figure was more erotic, showing her huge breasts and ass exuding raw
sexuality in translucent sari. She was looking like Goddess Ganga.

Pujari asked Padma why her husband did not come for puja.

She said showing me, 'He sent Shiva, to help us perform puja and sleep with us in the night.'

Pujari smilingly said looking at me, Lingabhishekam can be performed, Shiva being here. Pujari
performed lingabhishekam chanting mantras, pouring Curd, Milk, Honey, Coconut Water, Vibhuti,
Panchamruta, Bananas, Sandalwood Paste, and Ghee on Shiva lingam. All the liquids poured on
Shiva lingam flowing down the panavattam.

Pujari advised us to pray Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi by performing Linga Puja and Yoni puja
during the night. Yoni Puja: Lingam consists of Lord Shiva’s phallus in Mother Parvathi’s yoni
hence creation.

The devotee should place a woman in a circle. She should be wanton, beautiful, devoid of shame
and disgust, charming by nature, supremely alluring and beautiful. He should worship her hair-
adorned Yoni. At the edges of the Yoni, the devotee should place sandal and beautiful flowers. After
reciting the mantra for 108 times, while in her arms, the devotee should caress her breasts, kiss her
on the cheek and Yoni circle. After He should recite the hymn very devotedly. After performing
Yoni Puja, the devotee should copulate with her.

Pujari left after giving instructions.

The maids arranged three Beds covering with white bed sheets for us and asked Padma, whether
they should stay and help in performing puja.

Padma told them smilingly, We shall perform Puja in the night. Shiva is here to help us doing puja
She asked them go home and come back in the in the morning. Looking at me the young girls
giggled and simpered with knowing looks and left. The knowledge that the maids know that I have
been fucking Padma and Madhu was exciting.

We were standing in front of sanctum sanatorium looking at Shiva lingam. I took off my lungi and
shirt and stood there. They looked at my cock and said, You are like lord Shiva with such a huge
lingam. They took of all their clothes stood in front of me nude. Padma and Madhu like Parvathi
and Ganga ready to perform linga puja. I was Lord Shiva for them. Both knelt before me, and
kissed my cock in reverence and worship. They kissed my cock fervently and devotedly to worship
my lingam. They poured honey milk and Panchamruta, one after other and licked and sucked my
cock. I fucked them both.

I performed yoni puja to them. Both Padma and Madhu lay on the bed naked offering their cunts for
puja. I poured honey and milk on their breasts, body, and cunt. I licked them clean with my tongue.

I concentrated on Padma and asked Madhu to lick Padma's breasts and nipples. Padma's legs parted
exposing her hairy pussy to me. Her pink pussy lips were thick and juicy, and protruding out about
one inch from her body. I placed my palm on her pussy, her pussy was so hot I felt the heat
radiating from her hot hole.

I went down on her and gently parted her pussy fold, her warm pussy smell flowery and sweet, with
her guidance I extended her pussy lips on either side exposing her inner pink moist tender flesh. I
started to lick and lap on one side of her inner pink flesh. She was letting out soft moan of pleasure.

I started licking the other side of her inner lip, I started sucking her thick long juicy pussy lip into
my mouth, and I realized I can’t get enough of her, her tender juicy pussy flesh tasted so good and
succulent in my mouth. I wanted more and I started eating her out very fiercely making sloppy

She continued to moan and squealed out softly appreciating my tongue on her hot pussy. I paused
and gazed at her pussy that was now very wet and juicy completely coated with honey and milk
mixed with her dripping pussy juice. Then I looked up at her, her eyes were half-closed and she
looked very relaxed, she nodded her head letting me know I was pleasing her the right way.

Madhu brought the vessel of honey, dipped my cock in honey and started licking.

I gazed at Padma's clit that was now fully engorged and protruding out from the hood. I pushed the
hood back gently and swirled my tongue slowly around her very large clit, with her guidance I took
her entire clit into my mouth and started sucking on it gently making loud sucking noise.

“Mmmmm… That feels so good.” Padma moaned.

I let go of her clit, I spat on it few times and slurped the spit back into my mouth. With her guidance
I flickered my tongue in and out very quickly against her clit, then I moved my tongue up and down
very quickly across her clit. Again I took the entire clit into my mouth and nibble it softly between
my lips.

“Oh, That’s it baby. Do it just like that. Don’t stop baby. Don’t stop eating my clit. Oh, You’ve such
a talented tongue. You eat like you have done this thousand times before. You’re getting me so wet
and juicy”

I placed my mouth against her pussy and started slurping up her cunt juice. I located her G-spot and
I was incredibly turned on when I felt her pulsing on my finger tips. I started sliding my lubricated
fingers in and out slowly, and stroking her G-spot at the same time.

“you got my pussy… you got my pussy…” she screamed suddenly.

She was dripping like waterfall and not wanting any drop of her precious cum juice go to waste I
instinctively buried my face in her dripping pussy and lapped up every precious drop into my
mouth. I locked my lips around her almost explosive clit and sucking on it while I continued sliding
my fingers in and out of her.

Unable to take it anymore, she threw both her arms above her head and raised her hips up slightly
forcing her dripping pussy deeper into my mouth, with my lips still locked around her clit, she
placed both her hands on the back of my head and pulled me in tighter against her pussy as her
entire body began to shuddered from very intense orgasm.

“Don’t stop eating my pussy. Don’t stop eating my clit.” She screamed.
I had no intention of stopping, her pussy was quivering wonderfully as it began to poured out more
cum juice, I kept on eating and lapping every precious drop of her sweet nectar. When I finished
eating her, my entire face glistened from her cum juice. By now she had recovered from her orgasm
and looking at me with satisfying smile across her face.

“You’re a professional pussy eater. No woman can resist your talented tongue.” Padma said, 'I feel
guilty that I have not trained my son to eat my pussy. At least he could have lived happily licking
my pussy and Madhu's pussy and watching while you fucked us both.'

Yeah, That is true, Padma, He could have lived happily being cuckold, while I fuck you both.

Madhu laying on the bed spread her thighs and waiting. She has pussy with beautiful prominent
dangling large outer lips, the folds hanging outside giving inner lips a little more exposure. I poured
honey on her pussy and thighs and licked. I opened her vagina and poured honey inside her cunt,
and inserted peeled massive nine inch banana deep inside of her pussy only the tip showing up.

I leaned forward and ran my tongue licking around her labia, over her quivering rosebud to the top
of ass crack. She let out a gasp, as her anticipation suddenly escaped her. Her pussy was hot and I
licked her several more times. Every time I parted her pussy lips, her wetness leaked out copiously.

I pulled back to watch the banana crown through her pussy. Her lips were now swollen my sucking,
and gripped the protruding tip of the banana tightly. The sight was erotic beyond description.
Madhu moaned deeply and the banana's cone inched out further. It was a large banana and she was
having to push hard. . Then she let loose a grunt and I watched her stomach muscles tense. The
banana eased out a couple of inches. Her pussy was now stretched out, tightly clamped around the
large banana now firmly lodged in her cunt. She gasped with every breath as she tried to relax from
her accomplishment. I licked the banana, sucking off the cream and syrup. I sucked until the
protruding three inches was entirely in my mouth and my lips touched her hot, thinly stretched cunt
grasping tightly around the banana. She screamed and I felt the quivering deep inside her. I licked
and sucked on the banana. This turned on Madhu so much that her tension pushed another inch into
my mouth. I bit off the banana and with a scream the remaining fruit loudly slurped back into her. I
could see still see the leftover banana a couple inches inside her. Madhu was gasping and out of
breath. I chewed the banana and marveled at how warm and tasty it was. Then it occurred to me that
the banana was thoroughly warm, almost hot.

I swallowed my mouthful and went for more. Now with her cunt gaped I could insert my tongue
and touch the banana inside her. She cried out and the tension made it go back a couple inches
deeper. She spread her cheeks and began pushing again. The banana passed much easier out of her
cunt this time, despite being much blunter from being bitten off. I licked and sucked her while she
pushed several inches into my mouth. I bit another piece off and this time she kept the banana from
retreating. With her cunt loose, she could control the movement much better and she fed me more. A
few inches as a time, I ate banana. She toyed with me and teased me, sometimes giving me just
enough to lick but not bite. This went on until she pushed out the last bit of a monster nine inches
long banana.

I positioned my cock at her pussy. She moaned heavily as I drove in with one smooth stroke filling
her wet juicy cunt. I started fucking her, not slow as before, but hard and fast. I grabbed her left leg,
and pushed it almost up to her chest, driving in as deep as possible. She could feel my balls slap
against her ass. Padma was kissing Madhu when she grabbed her tit and squeezed. Madhu could
feel the first waves of orgasm building up and hooked her right leg around my thigh, pulling me
even deeper inside her. I fucked her with all his might, and she lost control.
Her body trembled and bucked, her pussy clamped down, forcing the last bit of friction out of his
fucking and her yells were stifled by Padma's lips and tongue. When Madhu finally orgasmed. My
cock still hard fucking her pussy. Padma reached down to stroke his still somewhat hard cock, half
hoping to keep it that way. I sank between them, and for a while just lay there, cuddling and resting.

I lay squashed between Padma and Madhu, I took Padma's hand put it firmly on my dick, and she
squeezed hard and quickly. She turned to face me, and in one swift motion I slipped my arm under
her waist and pulled her over on top of me. She felt the pulse of my dick pressing into her, and she
ground her cunt down onto me. I moaned softly, and squeezed her waist.

Fucking slowly can be really fun, she slid down onto me, the slick, wet sound of my cock entering
her seemed far more audible in the night. Easing herself slowly up and down. That just seemed like
the natural thing, initially, Padma steadily increasing the pace of fucking started making more noise.
Padma ground down harder onto me.

She was stretched and full, and so horny: the wetness from our fuck soaking through my hastily-
pulled-aside panties. Padma leaned forward and pushed her face into the other side of my neck,
sucking and biting like a cat trying to get attention. I placed a hand on the back of her neck and
gripped me harder, as if to say ‘don’t stop doing that’, but still he didn’t break his kiss with Padma.

Padma sat up. Moved faster. Fucking me harder. Knocking breath out of me as she sat down good
and hard on my twitching dick. She didn’t care about the noise any more, she just wanted me to
come inside her, that sensation of my cock pumping warm streams of spunk into the bottom of her
cunt. She wanted to clamp herself tight around me even as Madhu clamped her mouth..

Padma came - a quick, shuddering orgasm. Perfectly directed and precisely achieved, perhaps
because of the kiss, not despite it. She just perched on top of his thick cock and ground against it
until She came, holding rhythm for just long enough afterwards that her legs quivered and I had to
use my hands for balance.

'The thrill, of fucking in front of Shiva lingam in the temple. This threesome is not a treat or a
privilege, but something he simply deserves. An echo of the kind of attention with which he fucks
me in my fantasies,' Padma thought. I fucked them both throughout the night. It was exciting to
fuck them in the temple. The fucking sessions went on till wee hours.

Early in the morning the maids came to take the beds and other material. Padma and Madhu were
still sleeping. I woke them up. They saw the maids and went to the water tap washed their face, and
arranged their saris properly. The maids combed and arranged their hair in a neat bun asked, 'Did
you have good sleep amma'

No, throughout the night we are performing Linga Puja as instructed by Pujari. Shiva was
performing Yoni Puja.

The young maids smiled and offered coffee they brought in a flask.

Chapter 13

I stayed until thirteenth day ceremony, fucking both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, day and
night regularly having steamy threesome sex and returned to the college. It was great experience
enjoying both of them regularly day and night.

Padma and Madhu have menstrual cycle of 28 days. I was fucking both during their most fertile
days of their menstrual cycle. When they missed their monthly menstrual period, the doctor
confirmed that both were pregnant. Padma's 14th day of menstrual cycle was the first day I fucked
her and Madhu's 14th day was three days later. Both were seeded by me within three days of
Mohan's demise.

When I told them I have to go back to the college, Padma and Madhu came with me on the pretext
of bringing back Mohan's belongings. AC1st class coupe was booked for our journey. They went
back home after ten days of enjoying steamy threesome sex, in Hotel room.

We consulted a highly qualified and famous Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Dr. Kusumalata, MD,
FRCS, MROCG, (Member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London) who
confirmed that they both were pregnant. The doctor was amused that mother-in-law and daughter-
in-law becoming pregnant at the same time.

Padma said, Shiva You did a good job impregnating both of us. I know you impregnated me on the
first day. Madhu was impregnated during the first three days. You have very potent seed. Padma
announced fifteen days later that they both were pregnant.

People presumably thought it was Mohan who made his wife pregnant and it was Padma’s husband
who made her pregnant. Padma’s husband knew about our affair and was very happy that both
Padma and Madhu were pregnant. It seems the whole village knows the truth but they cannot even

It was Padma's brilliant idea. Since their village has no proper medical facilities, Padma's husband
agreed and arranged that Padma and Madhu come to me and stay during pregnancy.

I rented an independent house and arranged all the facilities. Padma's

mother and young maids came to help them and went back after setting up the house. The maids
stayed back to help. Padma's mother and grandmother and Madhu mother visited us regularly.

Chapter 14 - The lady Gynecologist, Kusumalata

We went to Dr. Kusumalata for check up. The doctor assumed that I was the husband of Madhu.
She also advised them to have regular monthly check-up, Padma being pregnant after a long gap of
twenty two years and Madhu being pregnant first time. She asked Padma why her husband did not
accompany her.

Padma said, Because my son died a month back and my husband stays at his native place. Since
their village does not have proper medical facilities and a highly qualified doctor like her, they came
here and will stay here till the delivery.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, 'I thought that he is your husband., she said looking at Madhu
and me.'

I told her that Madhu is my friend's wife, Padma is my friend's mother. and they will stay with me
till the delivery.
She smiled, 'You will be taking care of all their needs?'

I said, Yes Doctor.

The Doctor recorded medical history about Padma & Madhu and extended family to determine
which examinations, treatments and consultations etc. should be performed during the pregnancy.

She performed thorough examination and blood tests. She said It is desirable to attend with your
partner for monthly check-up. She insisted that the monitoring of the pregnancy be performed by
one Physician throughout the pregnancy till the delivery.
The Gynecologist even suggested to have regular sex closer throughout the pregnancy till the due
date to induce labor and easy delivery.

Pregnancy sex is even more amazing than regular sex and has big health benefits, she said looking
at me with mischievous smile. Sex during pregnancy can help surging hormones, burn extra
calories, lower blood pressure, sleep soundly, improves immunity, release of oxytocin that gives
immune system a boost and normal delivery. She said smilingly, since Padma's husband is not
staying with her at least visit her as often as possible till the delivery.

Padma told her that Shiva will take care of both of them, showing me.

The doctor smilingly and advised me, You should arrange someone oil their hair, comb and braid.
When a lover is touching you in a loving way, it releases the bonding hormone known as oxytocin.
Human contact causes the body to react by reducing cortisol levels, which can lower blood pressure
and reduce heart rate, all of which reduce stress and have beneficial impacts on our overall well-
being and mood. Our hair is delicately connected to nerve endings in our scalp. Our scalps are super
sensitive. This means a gentle combing or braiding of our hair can also feel pleasurable. The
neurons detect tiny movements, and once stimulated, the neuron transmits a sensory message to the
brain. releasing feel-good chemicals.

You should give Abhyangna (naked) oil massage. The benefits are increased circulation, toning of
the muscles, calming of the nerves, lubrication for the joints, increased mental alertness, elimination
of impurities from the body, softer, smoother skin, increased levels of stamina through the day and
deeper sleep at night.

Use warm massage oil. Dip your fingertips into the warm oil and apply it lightly to her entire body.
let some of the oil be absorbed by skin. Then massage the entire body, applying even pressure with
the whole hand, palm and fingers. Apply light pressure on sensitive areas such as the abdomen or
the heart. Use more oil and massage where nerve endings are concentrated, such as the soles of the
feet, palms of the hands and along the base of the fingernails. Circular motions over rounded areas
such as head or joints, and straight strokes on straight areas such as arms and legs work best. The
longer the oil is on, the deeper it penetrates. Dab excess oil off with green gram powder, massage
and remove. Follow with a relaxing warm shower.

She said smiling mischievously looking at me, 'Please take care of them properly.'

I could see in her eyes and mischievous smile that the Gynecologist is interested in me. The forty
five year old doctor, was a tall broad large plump beautiful sexy woman with wide sensuous mouth
and thick full puffy curved lips. The lower lip is larger than the upper one. She has mid thigh long
very thick jet black curly hair arranged into a bun. She has very fair complexion and radiant skin.
She was dressed in a sari, but it couldn't hide the fact that her body was very well shaped, with
wonderfully full large breasts, a thin waist and very large, round and big butt.

She asked me to visit her next day to examine me and perform required blood tests. It was a
pleasure meeting you, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, she said.

The following day I went to the doctor's clinic. There was no one else except the doctor in the
clinic. She wore a printed chiffon sari, a matching plain color low cut wide neck blouse. Her mid-
thigh long hair was neatly arranged into a braid.

She told me that day is a holiday and she came only to see me. I thanked her for the interest in me.

She asked my family history, checked my BP, Height and Weight and wrote down on a paper and
asked, when did you get marry?

I am not married, I said

I am amused that both mother and daughter-in-law are your lovers. Did you impregnate both?

Yeah I impregnated both. It's a long story Doctor. Do you want to know? Is this a psychological or
physiological check-up?

I assumed that and that's why I called you for cheek-up since you are going to have regular sex with
them. Ok, Shiva, Let me complete physiological check. I'm going to have you lay back down on the
table there while I check out things.

"Shiva, Please remove all your clothes and lay there naked."

"Well, um, you see, I've never been naked in front of a woman except for sex."

She giggled said, "Oh, If you are naked in front of a woman, you have to have sex with her? I'm a
doctor. I see naked men all the time." "Ok, now I would like you to lie back so that I can do a
genital exam."

I lay back, and She smiled, and her eyes twinkled a bit when she saw I still had my under wear on. I
shrugged inwardly reached down to remove my underwear. Laying as I was on that exam table,
however, made it difficult to maneuver, so she said, "I can help you with that, if you'd like."

I nodded and she reached to lower my shorts. As she did so, she was leaning over me, and I could
see the upper curve of her huge breasts. This, along with the fact that this gorgeous woman was
undressing me, made my long thick cock fully erect against my will to prevent it.

I started to stammer about being very embarrassed. She shushed me saying that this was a medical
exam and there was nothing to be embarrassed about. As she lowered my underwear, my cock
sprang out. She just looked at me and smiled, and continued to pull them down, her face now
hovering over my crotch as she pulled them below my knees. This only served to fuel my erection
and it continued to grow to full size, pointing up to the ceiling as I lay on my back on the table.

"Well it certainly looks like some things are working quite well" she said lightheartedly.

She proceeded to lightly cup my testicles, examining each individually with her fingers gently
rolling each one back and forth. I found this very stimulating and let out a low grunt. She seemed to
spend quite a bit of time examining my testicles explaining that she had to absolutely determine that
there were no abnormalities. She then gently grasped my penis and ran her fingers up and down the
length of my now raging erection.

"Please don't feel embarrassed, you are having a natural reaction to penile stimulation.

She continued to run her fingers over my penis and her eyes were wide seeing my big cock. "Well, I
see that you have very big cock and your sex drive is certainly healthy," she teased. I would be
surprised if you didn't have an erection."

I walked towards her flaunting his long thick amazing, colossal, imposing, incredible, exceptional,
gigantic, ginormous, incredible, marvelous, massive, monstrous, gigantic, gargantuan, huge,
striking, unimaginable, whopping cock with huge knob proudly.

She eyed my cock with more than clinical interest, and said, "You should be proud of having such a
long thick gigantic cock. I have seen many cocks and yours is the longest, biggest and hardest one, I
have ever seen in my life." She took hold of my cock fondled it along the shaft and pushed the
foreskin back ran her finger around my big knob and said, 'What a cock head you have Shiva, I am
shocked to see your beautiful big cock.
I grinned at the obvious compliment and said, 'Thank you doctor for your appreciation of my cock.
Well, I think he likes you, too, Doc."

She smiled, took hold of my balls and started playing. My eight inch thick cock continued to sway
back and forth in her face, almost daring her. She fondled my cock lovingly along the shaft and said
'What a beautiful, young virile cock you have.'

She stopped fondling my cock and said, "You know, we aren't going to get much work done like
this, are we? Why don't we take care of this so we won't have any distractions, ok?. It is thick and
meaty, I've never seen such a cock before."

What?? " do you mean?"

Let us go upstairs. I have a living room. She took my cock and led me.
I carried my clothes and followed her.

In the room to my great delight, she began to unbutton her blouse. "Watching your big hard cock
bounce back and forth in my face has got me all worked up, and you obviously need some relief. I
suggest we act on this." she said.

By now, her blouse was completely unbuttoned. Her ample tits were straining against her bra,
almost seeming to spill out. She undid the hooks and her tits sprang free, revealing them to be
perfect. They were large but perky, the huge nipples pointing up. I just grinned widely wondering at
my fortune. We both were naked.

We kissed passionately. She kissed her way down my torso and slid her body down until her mouth
reached my throbbing cock. Almost teasingly, she started licking the head of my shaft in short
strokes, then swirling her tongue around the entire bulb. She turned her head so that she could slide
her mouth sideways down the entire length of my shaft. It seems the doctor was an expert cock

After a minute or two of teasing me, she grabbed my rod, lowered her head to my crotch in one
smooth motion and completely engulfed my cock with her mouth. Her mouth could not
accommodate even half the length of my cock. Once fully throated, she began pulsing her lips at my
member, applying pressure. She slid her now free hand to my full and large sack, gently massaging
the testicles. I let out a deep groan.

She let out an audible groan and began to pump her head up and down, swallowing my cock and
then moving back out until just the head was still within her mouth. Back and forth she moved,
fucking my cock with her mouth, grinding her tits into my hands and belly. After some time which
seemed like an eternity, she straightened back up and looked into my eyes. Smiling, she moved
back down to the foot of the table, her boobs bouncing delightfully as she walked.

"I want you to fuck me, Shiva," she said. "I want to make you cum." She bent her ass high up to my
crotch. My cock laying between her thighs.

I pushed slowly until I met some major resistance. My pubic hair is brushing against her swollen
pussy lips'. She let out a great cry of joy when the head of my cock wedged into her dripping pussy.
Even as lathered up as I was the girth of my shaft only allowed about half of it in her cunt. I stopped
and started pumping her gently. Her pussy responded and began to juice with excitement. I was able
to get more and more of my magnificent dick inside her. She impaled herself on my hard shaft, with
a series of strokes until our pubic hair is mingling". She spread her legs even wider to accommodate
me. I was soon able to get most of it in and she could feel the head pressing against the back of her
cervix. It was wonderful. Her pussy was stuffed to the limit and she reveled in the fullness of it.

"Fuck me harder." she told him.

Soon we were going at it like two sex starved inmates. Her breasts were bouncing around like two
towers in the middle of an earthquake.

I pulled half way out and proceeded to fuck her with short fast strokes and then he slammed it back
in balls deep. I hit the back of her cervix and she felt a white hot explosion permeate into the back
of her vagina. Her pussy muscles spasmed violently as she came hard. The warmth of semen spread
across her cunt and she just kept squirting. Her pussy juices were trickling down her legs or
dripping onto my cock."

I slammed in against her deep hot spot recklessly. The hard head hit against the back of her deep
vagina wall.

Fuck me deep. Deeper. Hard. Deep. Deeper.

I could feel that I would soon explode. She must have felt it, too, and she said, "That's right, Shiva.
Fuck my cunt. Don't hold back! I want your sperm in my cunt. Fill my cunt with your seed"

With this kind of encouragement, it didn't take long for me to comply. My sperm rocketed out of my
cock, filling her cunt. Her body was in frenzied violent spasms. We both kept cumming and I filled
every crevice of her womb. My dick just continued spewing out the hot lava. It was heavenly.

Kusumalata said, Shiva This is the best fuck I ever had in my life. You filled my pussy with so
much of sperm. when did you fuck last time?

I said, Yesterday night I fucked Padma and Madhu twice .

Oh! you still have so much sperm in your balls. Wonderful. You are like a bull.

The traditional rule of thumb has been 25-30 cows per bull, however, there has been research that
indicates this number could be increased to as many as 50 cows per bull without a negative impact
on conception rate

I want you to come to me every day for check-up. You have really very big cock and you are a
master of fucking.

I said, I would love to come and fuck you, but I have two horny pregnant women to service.

They are to have a stud like you, She said.

Kusuma, perhaps I shall also service you as often as possible.

Shiva, Come home tomorrow to eat my pussy and service me.

How about now doctor? I am hungry.

Shiva, Eat my pussy now!!, she said

My hands rode from the top of Kusumalata's shoulders to the small of her back. She was living in
the moment and simply enjoying the sensations of pleasure imparted by my strong, yet gentle
hands. Kusuma, You have lovely thick hair, unbraiding her hair, I said.

I worked my hands down over her ass. I firmly cupped a cheek in each hand and massaged them
with a circular motion. Here she was, the mature gynecologist, lying before me completely naked
while I massaged her ass. It's an erotic experience. As I caressed and fondled her ass, her hips began
to rise and gyrate slightly - a choreographed dance of desire.

I leaned forward and softly kissed her in small of her back. I continued up, kissing her back and
stretching out my tongue for long, slow licks up along her spine. She gasped the first time I did this,
and shuddered a bit too, but I could tell she wanted me to continue.

She turned over on her back and spread her legs. She reached out with both hands to grab my head
and forced my face into her steaming and aroused pussy, saying "Lick me, lick me now! I want your
tongue on my pussy!"

Not wanting to tease her - but to prolong her pleasure - I pulled my head away and kissed the inside
of her right thigh, just above her knee. Again I used my tongue to lick the soft skin on the inside of
her thigh, from her knee to her mons pubis and vulva. She shuddered again, no one had ever done
this either and it was driving her crazy with desire. I hadn't yet caressed her pussy with my tongue,
but she was more turned on than she'd ever been and wetter than she thought possible.

I kissed the inside of her left thigh and once again traced a path upward with the tip of my tongue,
slowing a bit as I got close to the center of her womanhood, then licking with increased pressure
along the perineum, causing her hips to rise off the bed again.

"Lick me, dammit!"

I laughed softly to myself and, putting my hands on the insides of her thighs, gently spread her legs
as far as they would comfortably go. I then slowly swept my tongue from bottom to top, the length
of her pussy, causing another shudder to radiate through her body - for a brief moment I thought
she'd climaxed!
"Oh God, yes! Lick! Lick more! Lick faster!"

"Your wish is my command, dear lady." And I buried my face in her crotch. The first licks were
long. Long and slow.

From bottom to top, with my tongue flat and broad across her open labia. Steadily and firmly, I
licked her over and over again, pulling my tongue away just shy of her clitoris.

Her clit was poking out of its hood, fully engorged and begging for attention. I knew if I touched it
with the tip of my tongue it would be all over, I'd send her over the edge in a mind-blowing orgasm
- crashing like storm waves upon the shore. I wanted that to happen, but not yet. Bringing a woman
to one orgasm is not unique, bringing her to several - slamming through her body in wave after
wave, while she squirts like a fire hose - is the pleasure I wanted her to know.

I continued licking upward, varying from the center by alternating licks along each side of her mons
to cover every inch with my tongue. My face was drenched in her juices and I was able to savor that
special nectar that only an aroused woman can give.

Finally I could sense that the time was right. She was drenched with desire, sprawled flat on her
back, breathing fast and moaning with lust. Beads of sweat glistened on her body. Her nipples were
rock hard and poking out as her breasts heaved up and down.

On the next lick I passed over her clit. Then another. With the third lick I stopped on her clit and I
wiggled the tip of my tongue on it for a few seconds. I pulled away for a brief count and then did it
again. She grabbed my head with both hands and held it down to her pussy, saying "Yes, there,
there. Don't stop! Lick my clit! Suck on it! Make me cum!!!

And so I did! I bore down on her clit with my tongue and started licking in a frenzy. Faster and
faster and faster! She was holding my head in place, but her hips were bucking off of the bed,
literally fucking my face with all the force she had. I could feel her impending climax building - her
hips rose up she arched her back and started to scream "Yesss! Yes! Yes, oh fucking hell, yes!

She went over the edge, like a rowboat over waterfalls, and fell into the abyss of a mind-warping
climax! Over and over again she bucked and rode every wave - she later described it as bolts of
lightning that went from my tongue on her clit, up her spine, through her heart and out the tips of
her nipples - a whole body orgasm.

It took several minutes for her to come back to Earth. We lay there together, my face between her
thighs, in that blissful post-orgasmic world. I didn't lick her, knowing from experience just how
sensitive a woman is at moments like this. I just enjoyed the warm, soft pillow that her mons had
become as I too caught my breath. Although I didn't cum, at moments like this I feel as if I did so
vicariously. The special intimacy of touching her with my tongue allows me to feel and experience
her climax in a way that intercourse never does.

When I sensed the moment was right, I began to softly lick again, leaving her clitoris alone for the
moment and simply savoring the nectar of love. After a few minutes of this her arousal began again
and she guided my face between her thighs.

She said "I've never cum more than once with any man. I feel completely drained and can't believe
you're not exhausted. But by licking me again, I'm getting turned on, so either stop, or be prepared
to finish what you've started."
"Oh, I'm prepared alright, I'll be licking you until you push me away!" Actions speak louder than
words; I covered her pussy with my mouth and continued doing what I love best.

Her second climax came sooner and was less intense, but she still rode my face like there was no
tomorrow. I avoided her clit for several minutes, aware of just how sensitive it is. When barely
teased it with a couple of flicks of my tongue as she went over the top and into the abyss of a
second orgasm!

Being less intense, she didn't need as long to recover. When she was ready, I brought my mouth to
bear - covering her lips with mine - and worked my tongue up inside her pussy, swirling it in a
steady circular motion. My upper lip was brushing her clitoris and in less than a minute she
exploded into her third climax.

After a brief respite I lifted her legs over my shoulders and nuzzled my chin into the very bottom of
her pussy. From this angle I was able to extend my tongue farther inside her, lapping away past the
inner vaginal lips. My nose was buried in there as well, and her clitoris was riding in the saddle over
the bridge of my nose. By riding my face like this she was receiving a sensory overload of pleasure.
My tongue was filling her and my nose was caressing her less than a minute she tripped
over the top into another mind-blowing climax and drenched my already soaked face with more of
her juices. It went on like this for some time. I got to the point where I could read her like a book. I
knew exactly where to lick, how fast or slow, and the amount of pressure to apply before sending
her over the edge. By this time she had long since given up any resistance or inhibitions. She was
riding my face as if her life depended on it and going with the flow, as waves of pleasure slammed
through her body.

Finally, completely drained, she gently pushed my face away and said "No more. You proved that
you were telling the truth, but I can't take anymore!"

I smiled as I sat up. I went into the bath and ran a washcloth under the water until it turned hot. I
thoroughly twisted out the excess water until it was just warm and damp. Returning to her I gently
washed her vagina and between her legs. I rinsed it out and repeated it a few times as she simply lay
there, in a state of bliss but completely spent. I gently caressed her breast, bringing my mouth to her
nipple and teasing it with my tongue. She let me play for a few seconds before she pushed me away
with a laugh, saying "No, I told you no more! You're going to kill me with pleasure. As much as I
hate to say it, you need to leave."

I laughed and got up. "Ok, my Lady, your wish is my command!" "Next time I'll apply my talented
tongue to your breasts and nipples, and your entire body, every inch of your body including your
asshole which was ignored today. I'll give you pleasure you've never known before!"

Shiva, as you said you have two horny pregnant women at home to service. Do you lick and eat
their pussies every day? I am jealous of them"

I shall also find time for you. I am amused at short form of your name and wrote down - Ku suma
lata makes Kulata. (Kulata means Bitch in

What are you saying? She laughed. I am Kulata? Your ingenuity is amusing, Shiva. I know Kulata
means Lanja or Veshya is derogatory. Can I say I am your mistress?

OK, You are my mistress. I want to oil your hair, comb and braid, massage your whole body with
oil and give Abhyangana Snana (naked bath). I am an expert masseur.
She said, I will be very happy. Come home for dinner and eat my pussy for dessert. You can
massage my body and do everything and anything you want to do to me.

I laughed, said, 'everything and anything is a very tempting offer. Your bootylicious big ass is
incredible and tempting, I will find time for you, lover.'

She said, I will always be ready for you. Oh, you like my big ass. My butt is large, round and wide.
My bottom is large and round. I have a 26-inch waist and 42-inch hips I’ve accepted the word fat.
BBW was my nickname in Medical college. Men are fascinated by my big ass. What you want to
do to my beautiful ass with your monstrous cock is up to your imagination.

Shiva, You are Polyamorous. It is evident that you have Paraphilias or fetishes like Maschalagnia
(Armpit), Mazophilia (Breast), Pygophilia (Buttocks), Trichophilia (Hair), Pubephilia (Pubic hair),
Lactophilia (breast milk) and Gerontophilia (Matured women).

I would like to know other Paraphilias you have. Some Paraphilias we can definitely explore are
Katoptronophilia (Sex in front of mirror), Narratophilia (Obscene words), Pictophilia (Pornography
or erotic art), Urolagnia (Urination), Fat fetishism (Overweight women) and BDSM. You may also
have sexual interest in Pre and post pubescent girls - Pedophilia (10-11), Hebephilia (11-14) and
Ephebophilia (14-19).

Thank You Dr. Kulata for the information on Paraphilias. I would like you to find and tell me what
fetishes I have. I am aware that I have hair fetish known Trichophilia and Pubephilia. I admire
women with long hair irrespective of their age - p*****n, teenage, young, middle aged or old;
marital status - virgin, unmarried, single, Spinster, married, widowed or divorced; structure - lean,
curvaceous, hourglass, plump, fat or obese; of their body type - straight, pear, spoon, hourglass,
inverted triangle, oval, diamond; breasts shape and size - small, pointed, conical, full, voluminous,
heavy, hanging; hips size and shape - big, small, round, large; of their height - tall, medium or short.
Seeing a woman with thick, black, full or half-grey colored, salt and pepper or white, straight,
smooth, curly, smooth, coarse, curly, wavy long hair - hip length, thigh length, knee length or ankle
length is a hobby, fetish, pleasure, obsession and Aphrodite to me. I invariably observe and
appreciate the length, the thickness, the texture, the luxurious volume, the silky shine and
smoothness, the swing, style of hair dressing - loose, pony tail, single or double braid, loose or tight
bun, braided bun and every minute detail of women’s longhair with desire.

It is an obsession for me to watch and admire women with swinging hips and long hair arranged in
a braid, bun, pony tail or left loose. I want to fuck them. Some women noticed my interest,
reciprocated and became lovers. I enjoy washing, shampooing, drying, combing and hair dressing.

Shiva, since when your obsession for longhaired women begin?

Ever since my c***dhood. My mother has jet black, smooth, silky, shining, lustrous thick
voluminous knee length hair. She trained me since c***dhood to be her personal masseur. I
massage her body, apply oil and massage her hair, wash, shampoo, dry and comb. I arrange her hair
into a beautiful braid or bun and arrange flowers.

My mother breastfed me for more than six years. She used to suck me after taking bath. It kept
growing. My mother told me 'Oh, you have a very big cock. it was big since your c***dhood.' She
measured my cock when I was eight years old and it was six inch.

You are into i****t too! Oh! Your mother must be the happiest woman. I am sure, No woman can
resist your cock. Your mother trained you well to eat pussy and fuck. You are an expert pussy eater
and fucker. I am amused. I want to know more about you. Shiva, For Indian male you have the
biggest cock. You have eight inch long cock. The average penis size is 3.6 inches when flaccid and
5.2 inches when erect. Do you know that Jonah Adam Falcon, born July 29, 1970 is an American
actor, has longest and thickest penis of 9.5 inches when flaccid and 13.5 inches in length with a 7.5
to 8.0 inch diameter when erect. It’s thicker than his wrist. A stallion's penis can measure up to 3
feet in length and is around 6-8 inches in diameter.

Kulata, You have so much information about cock sizes. Are you fascinated by big thick cocks.
Shiva, Yes. I am fascinated by your huge cock.

Dr. Kulata, You have not yet experienced my various other techniques in pleasing women.

Shiva, I am always ready whatever kinky things you want to do lover. You can lick my ass hole and
fuck my ass.

I visited Dr. Kusumalata often to fuck and explore sexual Paraphilias and variations with her. She
became addicted to my cock. All her staff at the Clinic knows that I am her lover.

We indulged in experimenting all sorts of sexual fetishes.

I fucked two Sisters (Nurses) in her clinic.

Chapter 15

Giving Oil massage and Abhyangana Snana to two horny pregnant women eager to have sex was
like living in heaven. During pregnancy their breasts doubled in size and their nipples become
darker and more pronounced making them more beautiful sexy and erotic. Their hair became
thicker. skin was glowing and radiant. I was happy mate loving their new physique seeing the
sensuality in blossoming breasts and soft curves. The sight of their pregnant form is a constant
reminder of my virility too!

The loyal maids Radha and Revathi helped Padma and Madhu oiling their hair, massaging their
whole body with warm oil and green gram powder. They prepared Padma and Madhu to d****
beautiful saris, hair dress in different styles and arrange flowers in their long braids every night for
me. I used to suck their breasts for a long time.

When we visited Dr. Kusumalata for follow up examination, Padma and Madhu noticed the obvious
intimacy between me and the lady gynecologist. They were amused to know that I have been
fucking their Gynecologist. They said no woman can resist on seeing your huge cock even if she is
a gynecologist.

Dr. Kusumalata told Padma and Madhu, 'Lactating begins as early as three months into pregnancy
and assured Breastfeeding your lover is OK. Lactation is more evident when breasts are sexually
stimulated or massaged. In addition to discharge, lactating sometimes causes breasts to enlarge.
Lactation, which is triggered by the hormones during pregnancy, is your body's way of preparing
for your baby's birth. Your milk production system begins to work while you are still pregnant and
produces colostrum, the pre-milk that is full of antibodies, nutrients and easily digestible fluid.'

She also explained that the regular Sex can help to get things moving and help you go into labour.
Having an orgasm helps to stimulate your uterus into action, releases of oxytocin, a hormone that
helps your contractions. Semen may help to soften the neck of your cervix, ready for it to open
when labour starts. Semen contains a high number of prostaglandins that can help to relax tissues.
You could try spoon positions with your partner entering from behind. You could lie on your back at
the side or foot of the bed with your knees bent, and your bottom and feet perched at the edge of the
mattress and your partner can then either kneel or stand in front of you.

I said, Thank you doctor for the advice and very useful suggestions for sex positions.

She also told Padma and Madhu smilingly, I am sure Shiva is a very skilled lover who can take
good care of you both and satisfy your needs. You can start breast feed him regularly.

I was happy sucking their breasts and fucking them during the pregnancy until the day of their
delivery in Dr. Kusumalata's Nursing Home.

Padma delivered healthy boy. Padma breastfed the baby the first colostrum for three days. Everyone
in the family and relatives said, it was Mohan born again to Padma. The boy was named Mohan.
Three days later Madhu delivered daughter. Madhu's daughter was named Mohini. Madhu also
started breastfeeding me.

They immensely enjoyed breastfeeding me. The additional stimulation of breasts helped them
produce more breast milk. They breastfeed the babies first to be sure he or she gets a full feeding
before feeding me daily. Breast Feeding me heightened their sexual arousal and increased the breast
milk supply. On the advice of Dr. Kusumalata, they breastfed me and the baby more often so that
their breasts makes more milk. They produced enormous amount of milk to feed the baby and me.
After the babies are breastfed, I empty their breast milk.

Dr. Kusumalata said, 'Women can breastfeed her lover or husband even after baby is weaned off.
Assuming she continues to breast feed her c***d or adult, she will keep producing milk. It can take
up to two years for lactation to stop normally. But a woman can continue lactating until the
menopause if she either is feeding a c***d or an adult on a regular basis. Breast-feeding produces
hormonal changes stimulating sexual feelings and hence can enjoy sexual pleasure.

Adult Breastfeeding can be a simple sexual fetish, but for many, it is much more. An adult nursing
relationship can be one of the most bonding and intimate experiences for a couple. There is a primal
bonding that takes place between a woman and her baby as it suckles from her breasts. This
experience can also be enjoyed by adults as the woman provides nourishment to her partner as he
drinks her in.

Lactophilia is a sexual paraphilia where men derive sexual pleasure from watching women lactate,
sucking on women’s milk-filled breasts and/or having sex with lactating women. Sometimes, the
sexual arousal is enhanced by the woman also being pregnant. 'Lactation games' typically refers to
any kind of sexual activity that includes female breast milk. The activity is thought to be
widespread but can be unintentional post-pregnancy as many women who have just had babies
release milk as a reflex action when sexually aroused.

Adult Nursing Relationships (ANR) involve male breastfeeding from a woman’s lactating breast. It
is only considered to be an ANR when the practice is regular rather than a one-off or happens
almost accidentally during post-pregnancy sex. Anecdotal evidence suggests that successful ANRs
are reliant on trusting and stable long-term relationships. If the practice is not regular, the women’s
milk production ceases. It is thought that in some cases, the suckling can be a replacement for sex
and that the mutual and intimate tenderness involved between consenting couples has a stabilizing
influence on such relationships. It has also been noted that some women are capable of achieving
orgasm during the suckling process.
Both the mothers producing so much milk competed with each other to breastfeed me. After the
babies were weaned off and breast feeding the c***dren stopped, Padma and Madhu breastfed me
their milk for years.

Padma and her husband adapted Madhu as their daughter. I married Madhu, mother of my c***d. I
became son-in-law to Padma. Dr. Kusumalata attended our wedding ceremony. We lived happily,
Padma as mother-in-law and Madhu as my wife. Padma and Madhu compete with each other to
dress up sexily aided by Radha and Revathi to have my attention.

Two years later I have two c***dren, a girl, named Parvathi to Padma and a boy named Madan to
Madhu. I continued sucking their breast
milk for another six years.

Chapter 16 - ART- IVF - NI

During one of my visit, I gave her full extensive body massage with aroma oils. I licked her cunt
and lapped her overflowing cunt juice. I licked her ass which heightened her desire. After prolonged
sex trying various kama sutra positions, Dr. Kusumalata discussed the concept of Natural
Insemination (NI). You impregnated both Padma and Madhu because they wanted, not considering
moral and ethical issues which is called Natural Insemination.

Artificial insemination (AI) is the deliberate introduction of sperm into a female's cervix or uterine
cavity for the purpose of achieving a pregnancy through in vivo fertilization by means other than
sexual intercourse. Artificial insemination may employ Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART),
sperm donation and a****l husbandry techniques. The beneficiaries of artificial insemination are
women who desire to give birth to their own c***d. Women with a male partner who is infertile or
who has a physical impairment which prevents full intercourse from taking place. Intracervical
insemination (ICI) is the easiest and most common insemination technique and can be used in the
home for self-insemination without medical practitioner assistance.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is one of the more widely known types of Assisted Reproductive
Technology (ART). IVF uses combination of medicines and surgical procedures to help sperm
fertilize an egg, and help the fertilized egg implant in the uterus. Sperm donation involves a fertile
man giving or selling his sperm so it can be used by an infertile individual or couple. Donated
sperm is used for artificial insemination, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), and for in vitro
fertilization (IVF), which may involve Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

Main options for Women to get pregnant by a sperm donor are Artificial Insemination and Natural
Insemination. Natural insemination is just having sex with sperm donor. Ladies desperate for a baby
and who have tried endless means of artificial insemination that don’t seem to work prefer NI.
Insemination of a woman by sexual intercourse is referred to as 'Natural Insemination' (NI). Natural
insemination by a sperm donor is usually a private matter. For those who feel comfortable with the
idea of sex with their sperm donor, it may seem logical as it does not require the use of artificial
medical procedure. Some believe that Natural Insemination is superior to Artificial Insemination
and that it achieves a higher rate of success. Higher education and health in males are preferred by
women as a sperm donors. Human mating research has shown women prefer older males, as males
naturally accrue resources with age. Women actually choose younger males to mate with for NI.
Woman may feel an emotional romantic attachment to the donor.
Dr. Kulata, Thank You for a lecture on Natural Insemination.

Shiva, I have three women and their husband's sperm count and motility is too low. But It was not
informed to the husbands. Artificial Insemination with their husbands sperm was not successful.
They are not happy to have a c***d with unknown donor's sperm. Shiva, You are a good candidate
as Sperm donor. If you agree as sperm donor in Natural Insemination, I will discuss with them.

I laughed 'Your should name Dr. Kusumalata Fertility Center as Dr. Kulata Fucking Center. You are
asking me whether I want to fuck the women to impregnate. I will be happy, if I like them.

Dr. Kulata, 'What if they fall in love with me and want me as a lover forever.' I said.

You are a Sperm donor in NI. If they want you as lover, Its OK. I am sure once you fuck them, they
want your cock for life time. You will have to be discrete, because their husbands do not know. She
smiled, If you want become a Gigolo It's OK.

Kusuma, I will make them my sex slaves.

Meetings were arranged with Kaveri 26, Kusuma 30 and Kalyani 36 to familiarize in the living
quarter of Nursing home. They were beautiful attractive and eager. Kaveri is a lean woman with
beautiful curvaceous body with smooth mid length hair. Kusuma was a plump woman with
enormous breasts and ass with thick ass length hair. Kalyani was a fat woman with fat folds on
midriff and enormous bottom with wavy thigh length hair. They were excited to have me as sperm
donor. All the three were at their sexual peak. All the three were impregnated by me in the first
ovulation cycle. They continued their visits during the pregnancy to the doctor in the pretext of
check-up to have rendezvous with me. Dr. Kulata has fully furnished pent house which was used for
the sessions with women. The three women delivered healthy babies in Dr. Kulata's Nursing home.
They breast fed me and later they used to come to the Hospital to meet me.

It was the beginning. I have become Resident Sperm Donor to many women in Dr. Kulata NI
Fertility Center. She preferred Natural Insemination by me for her clients.

Shiva, Females in the past were more likely to mate with well-endowed males. It's not totally clear
why women prefer bigger penises, but studies have shown that women prefer larger sizes because
they can increase sexual satisfaction. A study found that the length of a man's penis can be predicted
by his index and ring fingers on his right hand. The ratio between the second and forth fingers on
the right hand correlate to the length of his flaccid and stretched penis.

Kusuma, In Puranas Kunthi had sons by NI having sex with preferred males. Kunthi, gave birth to
Karna from Surya before marriage, Dhramaraja from Yama, Arjuna from Indra and Bhima from
Vayu after marriage to Panaduraju. According to the Vishnu Purana, Yama is the son of Sun-god
Surya and Sandhya, the daughter of Vishvakarma. Kunthi had sex with Surya and his son Yama.

Madri second wife of Panaduraju gave birth to Nakula and Sahadeva from Ashvini Devatahlau,
sons of Surya.

The i****t of Draupadi, also known as Panchali, wife of five Pandavas is well known. All Pandavas
are not step brothers. Nakula and Sahadeva were step sons of Karna. Hence Draupadi cohabited
with three step brothers and their stepsons. Draupadi had i****tuous relations with fathers and sons,
which was accepted by the society. It was also mentioned in Mahabharatha, that Draupadi also
desired to have sex with Krishna. Karna, and Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna and Subhadra.
Krishna had Radha his maternal aunt and 16,000 Gopikas as lovers who were the wives of other
men. Krishna lived in i****t with his sister Subhadra! and shared her with his brother Balarama.

In Ramayana, King Dasaradha's wives Kousalya, Sumithra and Kaikeyi had sons through IVF -
sperm induced. Rama, avatar of Vishnu married Sita, who was the daughter of Bhudevi as per epic
Ramayana. Bhudevi was the wife of Vishnu. It implies that Rama married his own daughter.

Brahma is the creator of the universe. Saraswathi, who became the wife of her own father, was
actually the daughter of Lord Brahma. Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswathi direct
from his vital strength or seminal fluid. Some texts also prove that Brahma used to collect his semen
in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi. Brahma’s semen in
the pot gave birth to Saraswathi.

On seeing his beautiful daughter Padma, Brahma was sexually excited. He wooed his daughter and
wanted to copulate with her. How could a daughter give consent to her own father? Padma refused.
Brahma could not give up his desire. The Vedic verse in Sanskrit which justifies i****t and which
was quoted by Brahma :

“Mathara Mupathya, susara Mupatithe, Puthrartheetha.

Sagamarthi, Napathra loka, nasthee thath.
Saravam paravo vindu ha, dasmath Puthrar tham.
Matharam suransathee Rehathee”
– ( Veda, cited in Puran )
It means, For the sake of a c***d one can enjoy his own sister or daughter, without any sin attached
to it. ”

Brahma and his daughter Saraswathi lived as husband and wife indulging in i****t. They had a son
Swayambhumaru. Swayambhumaru made love with his sister Satarpa. Through the i****t of
Brahma’s son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters.

Epilogue - The Year 1997

Eighteen years later Padma's son Mohan married Madhu's daughter Mohini. It is not considered
i****t and perfectly acceptable as per societal norms. Since Madhu was adapted as Padma's
daughter, Madhu became Jr. Mohan's elder sister. It is perfectly acceptable to marry sister's
daughter. Madhu and Mohini did not know that they were actually brother and sister having same
father. I was amused and thrilled that my son is marrying my daughter.

Padma, now 54 has graciously matured beautiful and sexy. "Women are like a fine wine. They get
better with age." She has become pleasantly plump woman, yet maintained her hour glass figure.
She never dyed her hair. Her calf length thick black hair with streaks of grey hair is more erotic. She
arranges her hair into a beautiful braid, braided bun, and loose bun.

Madhu, 39, maintained her lean taut sexy curvaceous hourglass body shape with 0.67 WHR. She
has become more erotic and exciting. In eighteen years I fucked all the women of Padma & Madhu

On the first night of Mohan and Mohini, after sending Mohini to Mohan's room, Padma and Madhu
came to my room dressed up like new brides, wearing beautiful see through chiffon sari with
designer blouse, and long braid adorned with jasmine malas, the way I liked.

Padma said, I am happy that your son married your daughter and it is i****t.
I said, They do not know. I am wondering, Do I need to keep the family honor this time?

Padma and Madhu laughed. Padma said, You don't have a chance. Your son is like a you, a stallion.

How do you know? Padma, Have you seen his cock and fucked him? I asked laughing.

Padma said, 'No, You never gave a chance to look at another man. If your son cannot deflower your
daughter Mohini, you will get an opportunity again to keep the family honor, impregnating your
daughter-in-law cum daughter, Padma said, smiling 'you will make her pregnant.' Do you like the
possibility? It seems you are very much keen to fuck your daughter.'

I said, I am the family stud and it is my responsibility.

You want fuck your daughters and impregnate them too, Padma said, my dear young husband you
have fucked me, my grandmother, my mother, my sister, her two daughters and my maids. You have
been fucking them all these years. I wonder whether you have already fucked Mohini and Parvathi.'

Madhu said, my dear husband, 'you fucked my mother and sister too and you want to fuck our
daughter. You are truly i****tuous. You have really became the family stud.'

Padma said, 'You are like a Bull reared to impregnate cows with highest mating capacity. Your penis
is like a bull's glans penis with a rounded and elongated shape and big beautiful knob. We do not
know how many women you have fucked and impregnated. Do you keep a count or you have
stopped counting. You are a real Casanova.'

I am like Casanova. Fucking unmarried young girls though exciting, there will be a problem if they
become pregnant. I have to be careful fucking young girls. I do not leave any opportunity to fuck a
girl or woman whatever is her age or marital status.

The 18th eighteenth century Venetian Giacomo Casanova is legendary for endless sexual adventures
with various women, including an affair with his own s*******n year old illegitimate daughter,
which resulted in her giving birth to a boy. Casanova had 122 women.

Yes! I keep a cunt count and women details in a Journal. I remember all my women's minute details.
Padma, do you know your daughter Parvathi has a mole on the thigh just like you.

How do you know, my horny husband?

I have been giving full body oil massage and bath to them when you both were out of station.

Casanova wrote.
“I have never been able to understand how a father could tenderly love his charming daughter
without having slept with her at least once,”


Name Relation She Me
1 Parijatha Padmavathy Mom 52 21
2 Padmavathy Mohan's Mom 36 21
3 Padmalatha Padmavathy Sister 34 22
4 Padmakshi Padmalatha Daughter 18 22
5 Pankaja Padmalatha Daughter 16 22
6 Radha Padmavathy maid 15 22
7 Revathi Padmavathy maid 14 22
8 Manogna Madhusmitha GM 52 22
9 Madhavi Madhusmitha Mom 36 22
10 Madhusmitha Madhavi Daughter 19 21
11 Madhusalini Madhavi Daughter 17 22
12 Parvathidevi Grand Mother 56 22
13 Rajeshwaridevi Mother's Sister 40 22
14 Bharathidevi Mother 38 22
15 Krishnaveni Rajeshwari Daughter 22 22
16 Kamala Rajeshwari Daughter 20 22
17 Mohini Madhusmitha Daughter 18 40
18 Parvathi Padmavathy Daughter 16 40
19 Kusumalata Gynecologist 45 21
20 Sanghamithra Professor 47 25
21 Jeevahamsa Lecturer 32 25
22 Kaveri NI 26 23
23 Kusuma NI 30 23
24 Kalyani NI 36 23
25 Parimala NI 24
26 Suguna NI 24
27 Lavanya NI 24
28 Nirmala NI
29 Janaki NI
30 Vaishnavi NI

The Jocasta complex is named for Jocasta, a Greek queen who unwittingly married her son,
Oedipus. The Jocasta complex is similar to the Oedipus complex, in which a c***d has sexual
desire towards their parent(s). Oedipus and Jocasta were unaware that they were mother and son
when they married. The usage in modern contexts involves a son with full knowledge of who his
mother is.

In Greek mythology, Jocasta was a daughter of Menoeceus, a descendant of the Spartoi, and queen
consort of Thebes. She was the wife of first Laius, then of their son Oedipus, and both mother and
grandmother of Antigone, Eteocles, Polynices and Ismene. She was also sister of Creon and mother-
in-law of Haimon.

After his a*****ion and **** of Chrysippus, Laius married Jocasta. Laius received an oracle from
Delphi which told him that he must not have a c***d with his wife, or the c***d would kill him and
marry her; in another version, recorded by Aeschylus, Laius is warned that he can only save the city
if he dies c***dless. One night, Laius became drunk and fathered Oedipus with Jocasta.

Jocasta handed the newborn infant over to Laius. Jocasta or Laius pierced and pinned the infant's
ankles together. Laius instructed his chief shepherd, a slave who had been born in the palace, to
expose the infant on Mount Cithaeron. Laius' shepherd took pity on the infant and gave him to
another shepherd in the employ of King Polybus of Corinth. c***dless, Polybus and his Queen,
Merope raised the infant to adulthood.

Oedipus grew up in Corinth under the assumption that he was the biological son of Polybus and his
wife. Hearing rumors about his parentage, he consulted the Delphic Oracle. Oedipus was informed
by the Oracle that he was fated to kill his father and to marry his mother. Fearing for the safety of
the only parents known to him, Oedipus fled from Corinth before he could commit these sins.
During his travels, Oedipus encountered Laius on the road. After a heated argument regarding right-
of-way, Oedipus killed Laius, unknowingly fulfilling the first half of the prophecy. Oedipus
continued his journey to Thebes and discovered that the city was being terrorized by the sphinx.
Oedipus solved the sphinx's riddle, and the grateful city elected Oedipus as its new king. Oedipus
accepted the throne and married Laius' widowed queen Jocasta, fulfilling the second half of the
prophecy. Jocasta bore him four c***dren: two girls, Antigone and Ismene, and two boys, Eteocles
and Polynices.

The End

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