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In ancient Sparta, Spartans were trained from an early age to become complete
athletes and warriors, with much the same movements you will find in the following
workouts. During these workouts they developed incredible strength, endurance and
mobility. To become like this one must train like these ancient warriors! This surpasses
using simply the physical body; one must combine all body, mind and spirit to reach
their limits and full potential in less than 30 minutes!

All these exercises come from a very specific way of bodyweight circuit training
designed to get all actors into shape for the Spartan movie 300. It is such a
refreshing simple approach that makes so much sense when used in the right hands.
These circuits are not for the faint hearted.

It is advisable to complete the Warrior Induction and Boot Camp circuits at least 3 – 4
days a week for three to four weeks

Next, you will progress to Spartan Training.

Recommended structure of Spartan Training:

• Do the Sparta Workout training 3 to 6 times a week.

• It is important to do the workouts in the order of an upper, lower and then

once a week include an alternate workout (core/ab killer/full body). As you
progress however mix and match below, never training the same routine over
and over. This way your body never adapts to the same routine and gains
incredible results. This combines your flexibility, strength, endurance and
cardio components of your workouts. It uses tremendous amounts of energy –
and you need time to recover. Remember the “rest” is where you build most of
your strength and endurance. Even pro athletes don't play hard everyday, so
why should we?
• For all workouts start with a Swiss ball stretch.
• During exercises use a weight which challenges the last few repetitions.
• The objective is to finish the following routines with the allocated repetitions in
30 minutes or less. For example, if you only complete 16/14/12 in the 30
minutes that is your workout.
• Always “cool down” with a light jog or similar. For example do a 3 to 5 km run
after the workout.
• It is important to STRETCH - COOL DOWN with SUN SALUTATION –

Weeks One and Two: (Two week build up)

Monday: Upper
Tuesday: Lower
Wednesday: Active Rest (something recreational or fun)
Thursday: Upper
Friday: Lower
Saturday: Core or AB killer(alternate)
Sunday: Rest

Week Three: (Peak week)

Monday: Full body (Workout 7)

Tuesday: Cardio (min 30 – 40 mins)
Wednesday: Full body (Workout 8)
Thursday: Cardio (min 30 – 40 mins)
Friday: Full body (Workout 9)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Cardio (long walk, run, cycle or swim etc of approximately 50-60 min+)

Week Four: (Recovery week)

Monday: Cardio (walk, run, cycle or swim etc of approximately 30-60 min+)
Tuesday: Revitalize/Reenergize (Sauna, Hot tub, Massage etc)
Wednesday: Cardio (walk, run, cycle or swim etc of approximately 30-60 min+)
Thursday: Revitalize/Reenergize (Sauna, Hot tub, Massage etc)
Friday: Cardio (walk, run, cycle or swim etc of approximately 30-60 min+)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Active Rest (Spend time out for self reflection and refocus, preferably out
doors with nature.)

Note: To continue this program, simply repeat from weeks one

to four. Remember to increase weights accordingly every four
weeks, to perform all sets within the 30 minute allocation.

Follow this regime for 6 to 12 months. By then you will have a

full knowledge and understanding, not only of the exercises
but the concept. You will be able to mix and match as you
please. Of course you can contact us to advance your training
with our latest workouts!
(see page 19 for contact details)

Here are 10 tips to train safely and effectively!

1) Don't do any exercise that you aren't sure how to do. Always get personal instruction
from a certified trainer.
2) Don't do anything that hurts or "doesn't feel right". There are plenty of alternative
exercises for every movement.
3) Whenever you start a new program, use lighter weights than normal, and do only 1 or 2
sets per exercise. You must always expect additional soreness when starting a new program
just because of the new exercises, so don't try to set world records in a new program right
4) If you need extra recovery within the workout or between workouts, don't hesitate to
take it.
5) Use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. If you train alone at home, follow my
recommendations and do NOT train to failure.
6) Check your ego at the gym door and start with the Beginner or Intermediate workouts,
even if you have been exercising in the past. The new exercises, and new style of movements
will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you think "look easy".
7) Never skip a warm-up. Use the general bodyweight warm ups and the specific warm-up
sets in each workout.
8) Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. If you think
you have an injury, get medical attention and have a professional therapist rehabilitate your
injury before starting an exercise program.
9) When you run, make sure you have good running shoes, always do an extra thorough warm
up, and choose a safe running surface (grass or trails rather than pavement/concrete). If
you use a treadmill, please operate it safely.
10) Have fun!


EXERCISES-> Start with a standard warm up and then do each of the 10 exercises for 45
seconds, with 15 seconds to change. Repeat for 1 to 3 full circuits. Then be sure to perform
a standard cool down.
*STEP BOX* - Step up and down on the box between all the following exercises. You may
use any step variation that you know, alternating each time as you like.


Start facing forward, spin 360° always

ending focused on a point forward.



Squat down keeping back straight reaching

arms forward


STATIC LUNGE each side with Bicep Curl

Start with wide split stance, both feet pointing forward, keeping back up
straight. Lower rear knee towards the floor, stopping just before the ground.
Repeat with opposite leg forward.



Begin with wide stance, soft knees and weight above left shoulder.
Chop weight down across body to mid right calf. Repeat on opposite


Lay with shoulders and neck firmly supported on
ball. Hips up and straight. Begin with weights
above the head, then lower the weights bending
at the elbows. Lower as far as feels comfortable.


UPRIGHT ROW Stand with legs at hip width and soft knees.
Hold weights together in front of your hips,
raise weights to shoulder height, pause and


Start with arms slightly wider than shoulder width, keep abs tight
and back straight. Lower to ground, pause and raise. Could be done
on your knees or against the wall to begin.


Stand with legs at hip width and soft knees. Hold
weights together in front of chest. Open up your
arms, press weights above head, rotate your
hands till palms face backward and lower to
starting position.


Sit on edge of ball with feet together. Keeping back
straight, lean forward. Start with weights under legs and
arms slightly bent. Open arms, squeezing shoulder blades



Begin with a bridge from elbow to feet,
holding weight with upper arm at 90°. Raise
weight. Repeat on opposite side.



Place feet against wall with pelvis on ball.

Raise up the upper torso with fingertips on
neck. Pause and then curl down ball.


CROSS CRUNCH Lie with legs at 90°, arms touching side of neck.
Pump upward crossing one elbow to outer edge
of opposite knee. Repeat on other side.

Sit up with arms at side, reaching to
touch heels.

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