Marino Oclarit Car Care Plan TP

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Marquez, Marino Alejandro P.

Oclarit, Princess



I. Background of the study.

Car Care Plan (CCP) is a global vehicle warranty service provider that serves more than one
million customers annually. The Car Care Plan (CCP) provides authorized dealers with two
services, including online check-in, and offers a variety of solutions that are the most efficient,
reliable and hassle-free. They want to be the best and they want to be competitive with other
automakers. The Car Care Plan (CCP) decided to fix these changes in the future by improving
the company's IT systems. They also want to improve productivity and customer service. The
company named the project "Smart Innovation" and assigned a team to work on it.

During the first two months of development, problems arose after the team members had
different perspectives and plans for the project, which took a significant amount of time during
the two months of development. Because the company prepares to implement the new system,
another problem arises due to the lack of documentation provided by the company's insured
event, causing the company to question how these documents were communicated through the
staff assigned to this function. The top management of the Car Care Plan (CCP) are looking for
the culprit in this situation, as this is a big deal for new hires dealing with these documents.

Car Care Plan (CCP) maintains consistently high standards and addresses a wide range of
situations or issues that must be addressed. Workers with different attitudes have more conflicts,
resulting in lower job production. The company should concentrate on selecting the best
personnel for specific jobs like this. Finding the person who mishandled the papers should be a
top priority in order to repair the problem and teach the newer employees how to manage and
fulfill their responsibilities appropriately. Car Care Plan (CCP) is one of the best in the
automotive industry, and when issues arise, the company is eager to focus on and work on
solutions as they strive to be the best and provide a hassle-free, better customer service
experience, as well as a successful relationship with their customers all over the world.

II. Statement of the problem.

a. How should Car Care Plan (CCP) handle the conflict which arises during the
conceptualization of “Smart Innovation” using the three-stage process in handling
team conflicts?

The use of the three-stage conflict resolution technique will aid the organization in dealing
with difficulties that arise during the project's development.

The first step is for the leader to prepare for a resolution. The team leader must maintain
open lines of communication throughout the conflict resolution process. Leaders must
understand and investigate the paradox of "smart innovation," with a focus on its impact on
team dynamics and performance.

Second, the problem must be understood by the leader. He or she must describe the facts,
assumptions, and ideas that underpin each position, which a smaller group of team members
must subsequently analyze and dismantle.

The third step is for the team leader to reach an agreement. Team leaders must guarantee that
their teams are willing to work with the analysis and assessment results.

b. What type of total quality tool/continuous improvement method should Car Care Plan
(CCP) employ in order to determine the different causes that might have contributed to
the inconsistencies in the submitted documents of their insurance claimants?
CCP can use cause-and-effect diagrams to figure out what variables may have contributed to
discrepancies in the documentation presented by their insurance claims. This method is used
to identify and isolate the root causes of a problem. The company should put together a team
that is solely responsible for determining the fundamental causes of the problems. The team
should create a flowchart depicting all possible causes of abnormalities in the claimants'
given documents. The team should create a flowchart depicting all possible causes of
abnormalities in the claimants' given documents. Management, employee screening and
appraisal, and document filing should all be included in the graphic. We are administering an
online registration system, and all information entered must be correct; this will serve as the
foundation for processing insurance claims. During the screening and review procedure,
claimants must provide all required documents related to his online registration. The
screener must next file the provided papers under document filing in the registered
information file. This allows for easy viewing of documents.

c. How can ISO 9000 contribute in the overall improvement of Car Care Plan’s
(CCP) organizational performance?
By continuously enhancing organizational processes, commodities, and services, ISO 9000
may contribute to CCP's overall success. CCP's ISO 9000 accreditation strengthens the
company's image and standard by demonstrating compliance with the international quality
management standard. Not every company is ISO 9000 accredited since some of the
standards aren't met. A quality management system must meet the following requirements:
quality policy, quality manual, quality objectives, quality processes, and forms and records.

I. Areas of consideration

A variety of factors can help or hurt the company's organizational issues, and they can have
an impact both internally and internationally. By using its potential resource strengths
through Smart Innovation, CCP may be able to build a better future as a globally competitive
and world-leading provider of auto warranty. This would help with the formation of a speedy
response to anything that needs to be recovered. With top management's assistance, the
strong relationship between employers and employees would be an advantage, as both would
be given opportunity to share their opinions in a wise manner, perhaps leading to a peaceful
and uncomplicated implementation of Smart Innovation.

II. Alternative Course of Action

Alternative 1: The administration of the Car Care Plan must be capable of resolving the

Managers must know how to handle conflicts across teams when making decisions for the
firm's performance, especially in the different sectors inside the business. They must first
prepare for a settlement. They must discuss their differences with their team, taking into
account the company's as well as the team's outcomes. They must also maintain open lines of
communication throughout the conflict resolution process. They must be informed of the
situation as well. Preparing a solution and comprehending the problem are meaningless if the
management cannot reach an agreement with their respective teams. This is to ensure that
the team is dedicated and trustworthy while dealing with the results of the scheduled review
and assessment.

Alternative 2: Management of the Car Care Plan must produce a Pareto Chart.

A Pareto Chart is a graph that shows the frequency of defects as well as the cumulative
impact of those problems. Pareto charts can be used to figure out which issues need to be
addressed the most in order to improve the company's overall performance. The Pareto Chart
may be a solution to their challenge because it focuses on 20% of the components in order to
eliminate 80% of the organizational problem.

V. Recommendation
The Car Care Plan's internal conflict must be settled as quickly as possible because they are
the world's leading provider of car warranty. ISO 9000, or the International Standard for
Quality Management Systems, is one of the most important recommendations Car Care Plan
should follow because it is a collection of norms and guidelines. This will establish quality
assurance standards as well as managerial involvement.

VI. Management Lessons Learned

Management must understand and accept that implementing such projects means acting as if
there is a problem, even if there isn't one. Consistency, honesty, and a plan are all
requirements for project execution, according to management. There is no such thing as a
simple way to create or design a project for the benefit of the company. It suffices, although
it isn't perfect.

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