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Comprehension reading questions 5B.

How many first and second possible moves does chess have?
There are 400 possible second
How many first and second possible moves does Go have?
There are 361 possible second
How old is Go?
Is 548 BC
What is the oldest written record of Go?
The oldest Chinese record of go mentions that the game was played in 548 BC.
How does Go compare to chess?
That´s more than a thousand years before the earliest records of chess.

The Rules of Go
What is the main goal of Go?
is to to surround more territory than your opponent
What color stone always makes the first move in Go?
The black
Where are the stones placed?
On a grid
Are you allowed to move a stone once you´ve placed it on the grid?
Each turn
When are the stones removed from the board?
If your opponent surrounds a group of your stones
What happens if you surround an empty space with your stones?
It is your territory and your opponent cannot place a stone there
When does the game end?
When neither player wishes to make another move.
What happens after the players decide not to move?
The number of intersections in each player´s territories is counted
What determines the winner?
Each intersection counts as one point
Man vs. Machine
When did a human first lose to a computer in chess?
In 1997
Why did people this could never happen in Go?
There are too many possible moves
What is Alpha Go?
This computer program
What did Alpha Go do?
Defeated some of the worl´s best Go players
When did Alpha Go first defeated ahuman player?
In 2015
What did Alpha Go do in 2016?
Wins four out of live games agains
Who are "Magister" and "Master"?
An account plays online agains profesionals
What did Alpha Go de in 2017?
Wins three games agains the world´s highest-ranked Go player, Ke Jie
What is Go called in different countries?
Go is called baduk in korea, igo in Japan, and weiqi in china
What is an adjourment?
Pauses in the game
What famously happened in the 1930´s Japanese Go "game of the century"?
Was paused so many times that it lasted three months
When was Go first played in space and who played it?
In 1996, astronauts Koichi Wakata and Daniel Barry
What was special about the space game?
Using a special set that wouldn´t float away in zero gravity
How does the number of possible positions in the game of Go compare to atoms?
There are more possible positions in a game of go than there are atons in the known
How expensive are Go boards?
Sell for over $19,000, boards that are signed by the most respected Go players can cost over
Gutierrez Silva Diana Grupo A

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