Hses 501 Lesson Plan 6

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LESSON PLAN (10 Points)

Unit: Volleyball Date: 2/27/2022 Standard: 1, 2, 3, 4

Lesson Focus: Volleying Grade: 3rd Sequence: Day 1

Technology Used: Microphone, Music, projector

Equipment: Balloons

Lesson Intro: Today we are going to begin our volleyball unit. Before we use volley balls we need to practice with some other objects. We are
going to practice volleying (Physical) with balloons. You will use movement concepts (cognitive) while playing with the balloons. As always I
expect us to all participate (Fitness) and work well with your partners (Social).

Learning Objectives Assessment

Physical: All Students will demonstrate 4 of 5 critical Observation and Rubric
elements of volleying during keep up the balloon.
SHAPE Objective: Volleys an object with an underhand or
sidearm striking pattern, sending it forward over a net, to the
wall or over a line to a partner, while demonstrating 4 of the
5 critical elements of a mature pattern. (S1.E22.3)

Cognitive: All students will show proficiency with Observation and feedback
movement concepts when playing keep up the balloon.
SHAPE Objective: Combines movement concepts (direction,
levels, force, time) with skills as directed by the teacher.

Fitness: All students will engage in all class activities Observation and feedback
SHAPE Objective: Engages actively in the activities of
physical education class without teacher prompting.
Social: All students will work cooperatively with others Observation and feedback
during activities.
SHAPE Objective: Works cooperatively with others.
( S4.E4.3a)

Safety considerations: Students running into each other while playing keep the balloon up.
Learning Activities
Time Formation Activity Modifications
Students will Warm-up- Students will run laps around the gym for 1 minute. Then I will Modify: Students can move
3 min begin laps upon stop the students and lead them in ten pushups. Students will then run laps in at a slower pace.
entering the gym the opposite direction for one minute. Challenge: ask students to
see how many laps they can
get in the minute
Transition: Count down from ten, then stop music. Students will go to their “spots” on the gym floor while I explain the next activity

Skill/Concept Taught: Volleying- Ques, Bend your knees. Get under the ball.
Extend your arms, hands together
8 min Free Space Practice: Balloon Tag- Two students are taggers. The taggers have a balloon Modify: Start with more
and are only able to hit the balloon as they move. They cannot hold the balloon. taggers, make students stay
They are able to strike the balloon to attempt to tag other players. When a within basketball court lines
player is hit by a balloon they grab a new balloon out of the trash bags and also Challenge: Have students use
become a tagger. beach balls
Transition: Count down from ten, then stop music. Students will go to their “spots” on the gym floor while I explain the next activity
15 Free space with a Game/Activity 1: Keep the balloon up- First show a video of the world Modify: allow students to use
min partner championships of keep the balloon up to show students. Then demonstrate our other methods to keep
version of the game. Students will get a partner and a balloon and spread out balloons up, single hand,
around the room. Students will hit the balloon in an upwards motion foot.
(Volleying) in a direction as to attempt to have their partner not hit the Challenge: have students use
balloon. When a partner misses the balloon the other partner gets one point. beach balls
After a few minutes, have one partner hold the balloon the other partner will
find a new partner to play with that has a balloon.
Transition: Count down from ten, then stop music. Students will begin cleanup, grab their water bottles and line up on the green line.
4 min Lined up on the Closure: I think we did a really good job today working on volleying skills. Next
green line time we are going to add some new elements that will really test your skills. I want
to recognize _______ because they did a really good job today working on all of the
objectives we had today.
Clean-up: Balloons will go into the large trash bags by the equipment door.
Reflective Comments:

Assessment Example: 3rd grade Volleying rubric

Body aligned under the Knees, arms, and ankles Hands rounded; thumbs and index fingers Ball contacts only
Student ball bent make triangle the finger pads Arms extended upward

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