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Signature Analysis for Quality Monitoring in

Short-Circuit GMAW
An effective method has been developed to identify the process
stability and weld quality of short-circuit GMA W


ABSTRACT. An efficient approach is pre- for welding thin sheet metals. Recent manufacturing cost. Therefore, a method
sented to identify the stability and quality trends toward fabricating hydroformed of on-line monitoring of weld stability and
of short-circuit gas metal arc welding parts for vehicle structures have led to the weld quality by analyzing the signatures of
(GMAW) by using power spectral analysis implementation of short-circuit GMAW the GMAW process would be highly
and time-frequency spectral analysis for thin sheets in the automotive industry. desirable.
methods. A systematic analysis based on Short-circuit GMAW is characterized In the last few years, much effort has
experimental data shows that the short- by periodic contacts between the elec- been put into the study of weld stability
circuiting frequency is a determining fac- trode wire and the weld pool. This causes and weld quality. The related research
tor on weld process stability. The relation- periodic changes in its welding current (Refs. 1-8) uses the welding voltage and
ship between the short-circuiting and voltage. Therefore, there must be a current to analyze the stability or regular-
frequency and the process stability is es- relationship between the electrical signals, ity of metal transfer in welding processes.
tablished. Moreover, using the time- welding process stability, and weld quality Standard deviation is computed with arc
frequency analysis method, some distur- (since the weld joint with good quality can and short-circuiting time, short-circuiting
bances and unpredictable variation of only be produced by a stable welding peak current, mean current, and voltage to
welding conditions, which contributes to process). Signal processing and analysis assess the process stability. However, little
an instable process, can be easily identi- techniques, which are widely used in research attention has been paid to the
fied and weld defects can be located. A set process monitoring and control, may be frequency domain or the time-frequency
of experiments with designed distur- employed to analyze the complex short- analysis of the welding processes to con-
bances was conducted to verify the circuit processes of GMAW. Using these sider time-varying frequencies corre-
method. The results show that it is possi- methods, weld joint quality and welding sponding to unstable welding processes.
ble to evaluate the process stability and stability corresponding to different Most existing studies have been focused
detect weld defects automatically during short- circuit welding processes can be on the time domain. There is no system-
the welding process. The time-frequency investigated. atic study on the relationship between
analysis method is also useful in tuning or The stability of the arc in the short- short-circuiting frequencies, welding
refining a welding procedure to obtain the circuit process affects the quality - - such process stability, welding parameters, and
greatest level of stability. as surface finish, penetration, and amount weld quality. It was reported (Refs. 1, 2)
of spatter - - of the weld. This means that that in the short-circuiting welding mode,
Introduction stable arcs can result in stable welding optimal stability occurs when the short-
processes and good weld quality. But even circuit frequency equals the oscillation
Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is given a set of good welding parameters, frequency of the weld pool and reaches its
widely applied in various industries be- the process may be disturbed by some un- maximum. But measuring the weld pool
cause of its high productivity, flexibility, predictable variation of welding condi- oscillations is not practically possible in
and low cost. It can be operated in semi- tions, causing unstable welding processes GMAW, in particular because of the im-
automatic and automatic modes and can and leading to a greater probability of pact of droplets entering the weld pool.
be utilized particularly well in a high- spatter, nonuniform weld bead, and other Some monitoring systems are based on the
volume production environment. In fusion defects. Thus, the goal of industrial visual analysis of weld quality after weld-
GMAW, there are three major modes of welding to consistently produce high qual- ing and normally employ visual informa-
metal transfer from the electrode wire to ity is quite difficult. However, traditional tion from the weld joint geometry, weld
the weld pool: globular transfer, spray methods of monitoring welding processes pool, and/or from the weld bead geometry
transfer, and short-circuiting transfer. and weld quality are heavily dependent on (Ref. 9). However, visual systems are not
Short-circuit GMAW employs the lowest the knowledge, skill, and experience of always reliable where used in a production
range of welding current, low w)ltage, and welders. This is typically labor intensive, environment because the intensive distur-
small wire diameters, thus producing low may be unreliable, and may also increase bance from the electric arc interferes with
heat input and a small, fast-freezing weld the visual sensor system.
pool. The low heat input minimizes dis- The objective of this paper is to analyze
tortion of the welded structure. There- the signatures of a welding process for
fore, short-circuit GMAW is highly suited welding stability and weld quality using
power spectral density and time-
Process Stability
frequency analysis methods. By analyzing
Y Jd CHU, S. J. HU, and W. K. H O U are with the Short-Circuiting Frequency the welding voltage and current in the fre-
Department o f Mechanical Engineering, Univer- Quality Monitoring
quency domain, the relationship between
sity of Michigan at A n n Arbor. P. C. W A N G and Defect Detection
S. P. M A R I N are with Manufacturing Systems Re-
short-circuiting frequency and process
search Lab, General Motors Corp. stability and other welding parameters,

ggI,"l$,l DECEMBER 2004

: , ( i :: ...... :i [ ~i i~:ii / i
WELDING RESEARCl4 ...... ...... ,
Current and Voltage Signal, SC-3, April 10, 2001
Vv~r. O;a..0.04.'~n, 109~'112A(11'0,, 15V(1'5,, 14irdlvl'n.. Stic'kout 1Srasl't~hOFt ;irc uitin ~ Welding wire Wire reel
o . Current Voltage !" ,~g\ ~ ~ Power source
> 1!

Measured Welding torch Signal conditioning &

with contact tube
Current v'Dataacquisition
Li Ri I
70 9080 9090 9100 9110 9120 9130 9140 9150 I~9160 9110 9180
i $an'p;e Rate=4OOOISec ;

I/lmll/BWg Vo
Computer &Date
Acquisition System

Measured voltage
Arc re-ignition - T Video Camera
Arc Period Short-Circuiting

Fig. 1 - - The captured images o f a metal transfer in short-circuit G M A W and Fig. 2 - - Schematic diagram of GMA W principle with data acquisition.
the corresponding welding current and voltage.

such as travel speed, wire feed rate, and serves as a reference. A Hall sensor is used preted as a measure of the frequency dis-
welding voltage, is discussed and estab- to measure the welding current. After sig- tribution of the mean square value of the
lished. Signatures of welding processes for nal conditioning, the current and voltage data. For the sequence of a sampled signal
weld quality are analyzed and identified. are sampled by a data acquisition system with a finite interval N, x(n), n=0,1 .....
The time-frequency analysis is used to with the sample frequency 4.0 kHz. The N - l , the power spectral density is the dis-
identify the stability of a process at a spe- data are transferred to and stored in the crete Fourier transformation of the auto-
cific time (or point). A systematic study computer. While the computer starts col- correlation function as follows (Ref. 10):
based on experimental data shows that the lecting current and voltage signals, a trig-
power spectral analysis and time- ger signal is sent to a high-speed video N-I
frequency analysis methods are efficient camera to take images of the short- .pxx(f) = ~rxx(k)e -j2xfk (1)
approaches for stability and quality analy- circuiting transfer process in a synchro-
sis of the GMAW process. This paper is nous way. Thus, the real image description
organized as follows: the next section de- of a short-circuiting transfer process, as
scribes the short-circuit GMAW process, shown in Fig. 1, can be observed to corre- wherefis the frequency, rxx(k) is the auto-
while the subsequent section presents sig- spond with the periodic changes with cur- correlation function of a signal x(n) given
nature analysis methodology, results and rent and voltage signals. by
discussion, and a final summary.
Signature Analysis of Welding N-k-I
Short-Circuit GMAW Process Processes
Short-circuit GMAW is characterized In this research, the welding voltage k =O,1,...,N-1. (2)
by periodic contacts between the elec- and current are used as main characteris-
trode wire and the weld pool. As shown in tic signals for signature analysis of the
Fig. 1, the electrode wire melts and the welding process. Since one cycle of weld- It can also be viewed in terms of direct
molten droplet is formed at the electrode ing current or voltage waveform corre- Fourier transformation of the original
tip during the arcing period T a. When the sponds to the transfer of one molten data by
molten droplet touches the surface of the droplet in the short-circuiting process, the
weld pool, short-circuiting transfer occurs, variation of the short-circuiting frequency
which extinguishes the arc. During the of the current and voltage represents ir- (3)
short-circuiting period T s, the welding regularity of metal transfer (i.e., the sta-
voltage decreases to its minimum value, bility of the process). The following sub-
and the current increases to its maximum sections will discuss the relationship
value. Once the contact bridge breaks, the between the short-circuiting frequencies, The function Pxx(f) defined in Equation 1
arc is reignited, and another short-circuit- process stability, and weld quality by the is equivalent to the corresponding func-
ing cycle starts. Therefore, the short- power spectral density analysis and time- tion defined in Equation 3. Thus, spectral
circuiting frequency of the welding voltage frequency analysis methods. First, the density functions can be estimated either
and current corresponds to the character- power spectral density and time- through finite Fourier transformations of
istics of the molten metal transfer of a frequency functions are described. Next, the correlation's functions, or through fi-
short-circuiting process. the experimental results and computa- nite Fourier transformations of the origi-
The GMAW process employs a con- tional analyses are presented. nal time history signals.
sumable wire electrode passing through a
copper contact tube, as shown in Fig. 2. PowerSpectralDensityFunction Time-Frequency Spectrum
The welding voltage is measured between Function
the electrode wire applied to the contact Power spectral density is a frequency-
tube and the conducting worktable that domain function. It is most directly inter- The time-frequency analysis describes

W E L D I N G J O U R N A L gglul$."!
---[ K.IIdlI~K;U 111 L I I I I ~ . • 111~1 ~; d l I~ ~ I ~ V ~ I dl Wdy~ I.U
5 HZ i I../58Hz :l , 66Hz theoretically describe the spectra of time
varying signals, including the short-time
, I
Fourier transformation, the generalized
spectrum, the evolutionary spectrum, the
instantaneous autospectrum, and physical
100 200 300 spectrum. The wavelet waveform can also
F~ J ~ C y ~ Frllqulnc~(P~) Fre~ency(P~
be used to analyze nonstationary signals.
The short-time Fourier transformation
method is one of the simplest and most
commonly used time-frequency represen-
(a) Wire feed rate
(b) Wire feed rate (c) Wire feed rate tations and is employed in this study to an-
= 70 in/rain =90in/min alyze the time-frequency properties of the
= 50 in/rain
welding signals. A brief description of this

'°[ 90 HZ l °[

:I l o.z i Culp111ted~
method follows.
The basic idea is to first select, by
means of a "window" function, a small
,o II i piece of the signal about a time of interest.
A standard Fourier analysis of this win-
dowed signal is then used to infer fie-
o ~oo 'JoO 3oo
Fr~cy!l~l Fre3u~cy(Hz~ Freq~cy;Pzl quency content at the selected time. We il-
lustrate as follows: Consider x ( t ) a
time-varying signal, h ( O a window func-
tion. Let t be the time of interest and "cthe
running time, then the window function
(d) Wire feed rate (e) Wire feed rate (f) Wire feed rate
= 110 in/min = 130 in/min -- 150 in/min h('c) can be designed to emphasize the
times around the time of interest t-'c. Mul-
Welding speed=0.51 m/min, voltage = 15 V, CTWD = 13.97 mm (0.55 In.) tiplying the signalx(~) by the window func-
tion h ( t - ~ ) , centered on the time of inter-
Fig. 3 -- Power spectral density analysis for different wire feed rates (bare steel)." A - - 50 in./min; B - -
est t-x obtains the weighted signal
70 in./rnin; C - - 90 in./min; D - - 110 in./rnin; E - - 130 in./min; and F - - 150 in./min. Welding speed
= 0.51 m/min, voltage = 15 V, and C T W D = 1 3 . 9 7 m m (0.55 in.).

Cu~*fllls~*p~D Cu~nll~d-PSD
1 4: 80[
Considering this signal as a function of
and taking the spectrum of it yields the
short-time Fourier transform (Ref. 11)

o I ,ot / S(f,t)=-'-~S:Xh(Z)e-J2nfrd,
° ~ ° ° . . o . %r ~- ., .... q 2rr
=l f" ,. (5)
~/ 2 7r -=

where f is the frequency.

(a) Wire feed rate (b) Wire feed rate (e) Wire feed rate Then the power spectrum (also called
= 70 in/rain = 90 in/min = 110 in/rnin
the spectrogram) of the modified signal
c.~r-~n*a-psD c.un,~tt, a m s o
. ~ - ~ _ 2~" becomes

°t: 2o

: ,__f- x(%_t)e (6)

The short-time Fourier transformation

(d) Wire feed rate (e) Wire feed rate (f) Wire feed rate is the prototype of a time-frequency dis-
= 130 in/min = 150 in/min = 170 in/min tribution and an extremely powerful tool
in many areas. The advantage of the short-
Welding speed= 0 . 2 5 m / m l n . (I 0 i n / m l n . ) , v o l t a g e = 15 V, C T W D = 1 3 . 9 7 mm (0.55 In.) time Fourier transformation is that it has
an easily understandable interpretation,
Fig. 4 - - Power spectral density analyses for different wire feed rates (galvanized steel): A - - 70 in./min; as described above, and gives a good time-
B - - 90 in./min; C - - 110 in./min; D - - 130 in./min; E - - 150 in./min; and F - - 170 in./min. Welding frequency representation for many
speed=0.25 m/min (10 in./min), vohage=15 V, and C T W D = 1 3 . 9 7 rnm (0.55 in.). signals.

ic~t:l~! DECEMBER 2004 I

ShodCircuiting FrequencvvsWire FeedRate
~eare Sleel
Welding Spe~ ....
o-.-Galvanized Sleel

- - - * - - 5 in.if'am
+ 10 inJmin
// \,
0o, \, ~ 15 inJrrm
20 m.lrr~ |

2O t

O ~0 100 "D;, 200 8 10 12 I¢ I~ 18 29 22 24

Wire Feed Rate (kn~mn) Welding VoITage~

(a) Bare Steel

Fig. 6 - - Relationship between short-cipz'uiting Jkequeney and welding vohage.
Short Cireu~ling Frequencyvs Wire Feed RaLe

Welding Speedee
~-- lOO
10 in/nin
~, 80 ~ 100
15 inl~n
60 II ~- • 20in/rnin
25 intrnir
= 80
~, 4O \,
'?K l + 30 infnir

0 50 100 150 200 250 ~We~ng wolt~3e=17V -~,a,-,,-'~N'~ctngVolage=l 5V

Wire Feed Rate (inimin)
0 1
(b) Galvanized Steel 0 10 20 30 40
C T Y ~ (ram)

Fig. 5 - - Relationship between the short-circuiting ./)'equency and wire Fig. 7 - - Relationshq) between short-circuiting fiequency and CTWD.
feed rates: A - - bare steel," and B - - galwmized steel.

The commonly used windows include

rectangular, triangular, Hanning, Ham- Table 1 - - Welding Parameters and Consumables Used in the Study
ming, and Blackman windows. In this
study, a Hanning window was chosen and Wire Wire Feed Voltage W e l d i n g Electrode Gun Shielding Flow
it worked well for the welding signal Type Diameter Rate (volt) Speed CTWD Angle Gas Rate
in. (mm) in./min in./min in. (ram) (ft,~/h)
analysis. The mathematical formula
(m/min) (m/min)
defining the Hanning window (Ref. 11) is ER70S-6 0 . 0 3 5 50-190 15 5-30 0.55 90 deg 75%Ar 30
as follows: (0.9) (1.274.83) (0.127-0.765) (13.97) +25%CO,

cling cart was employed to move the weld- the weld bead geometry, and to check in-
For the sequence of a sampled signal, ing torch according to a preset welding ternal weld quality, porosity, and weld
the discrete form of the short-time Fourier speed. ER70S-6 was chosen as the weld- penetration. The weld surface quality was
transformation is used. The signal pro- ing filler metal. The contact tip-to-work- evaluated based on three criteria: unifor-
cessing and algorithm implementation piece distance (CTWD) was 13.97 mm mity of the weld bead width, smoothness
were done with the signal processing tool- (0.55 in). Bare and galvanized steels with of the weld surface, and amount of the
box of Matlab. gauges of 0.063 in. (1.6 mm) were used in spatter. Based on the evaluation result of
the welding trials. Bead-on-plate welds the weld surface and the examination out-
Results and Discussion were made with GMAW using various come of the weld cross section, a weld
welding parameters. Table 1 lists the quality judgment was given to each weld.
Several sets of experiments with dif- welding parameters and welding consum- With the welding voltages and current sig-
ferent welding parameters were con- ables used in this study. nals, a low-pass filter is designed and ap-
ducted. Welding signals were collected The welding voltage and current sig- plied to filter measurement noise and in-
and analyzed as described previously. A nals were collected by the data acquisition duced noise.
Powerwave 455 welding machine made by system during the experiments. Pho- In the discussion that follows, we de-
Lincoln Electric Co. was used as the weld- tographs of the weld surfaces were taken scribe the analysis of various welding sig-
ing power source, and an automatic tray- and weld specimens were cut to measure nals using the methods described above.


r-, The welding process with a unique fre-
m or)
0. n quency (Figs. 3D and 3E) corresponds to
15 uniform welds and good weld surface
quality. A systematic analysis based on ex-
perimental data shows that the short-cir-
,'",... ~,~, cuiting frequency is a determining factor
on the stability of welding processes.
A series of experiments for galvanized
steel was also conducted. The analysis re-
suits show that when the wire feed rate is
( i ) Wire teed rate =60 bYmin (h) Wire feed r4to =70 irdmln
110 in./min (2.79 m/min), the dominant
short-circuiting frequency of the process
stays constant during the whole welding
process and reaches the maximum, as
: shown in Fig. 4C. Similarly, as the wire
feed rate increases from 70 to 170 in./min
. (1.78 to 4.32 m/min), the weld quality
changes from poor to good, then to poor
(¢) Wlre flied r m =90 It~nln (d) Wire feed r t ~ =110 Ill/rain
again. The best weld quality is obtained at
a wire feed rate of around 110 in./min
(2.79 m/min). A very interesting phenom-
enon is that there is a low-frequency com-
ponent with very high energy when the
wire feed rate is larger than 130 in./min
(3.3 m/min) for galvanized steel. This can
be explained by the fact that there is al-
ways a periodic long arc period after sev-
eral normal short-circuiting periods. Once
this phenomenon had occurred, there was
(e) Wire feed rate =130 in/rain (f) Wire feed rate =150 in/min
much spatter during welding, which can be
observed from the welds pictured in Fig. 4.
Fig. 8 - - Time-frequency spectrum analyses for various wire feed rates under a welding speed o f 30 in./min
A further study will be conducted for de-
(for bare steel): A - - 50 in./min; B - - 70 in./min; C - - 90 in./min; D - - 110 in./min; E - - 130 in./min;
and F - - 150 in./min. tailed explanation and analysis.
Figures 5A and B illustrate the rela-
tionship between the dominant short-cir-
cuiting frequency and the wire feed rate at
short-circuiting frequency different welding speeds for bare and gal-
(Hz); the y-axis is the power vanized steel, respectively. As can be seen,
(or energy) density magni- there is the maximal frequency around 105
tude. As can be seen in Fig. Hz corresponding to different welding
3, the maximal spectral peak speeds for the bare steel. The maximal fre-
varies when the wire feed quency has a slight right shift, but not
o.~ much change when the welding speed in-
rate changes from 50 to 150
¢ in./min (1.27 to 4.83 m/min). creases. There is no significant change of
20o The corresponding domi- the short-circuiting frequency for the gal-
nant frequency increases vanized steel and bare steel welding. The
when the wire feed rate in- above analysis results show that most uni-
creases from 50 to 130 form welds can be obtained under a
in./min (1.27 to 3.30 m/min). unique short-circuiting frequency reach-
However, while the wire ing maximum value. Furthermore, keep-
feed rate continues to in- ing a constant short-circuiting frequency is
crease, the dominant fre- a necessary condition to obtain a stable
quency decreases. This im- welding process and good weld quality.
Fig. 9 - - Frequency-wire feed rate spectral graph o f the weldin plies that there exists a wire With this method, it is easy to test the var-
process for a welding speed of 20 in./min (for bare steel).
feed rate at which the short- ious welding conditions and identify
circuiting frequency reaches whether a welding process is stable or not.
the maximum. At 130 Based on the stability analysis, an opera-
Power Spectral Density Analysis in./min (3.30 m/min) wire feed rate in this tional range resulting in stable welding
set of experiments, the weld bead is ob- processes can be suggested.
By computing the power spectral den- served to be the most uniform and exhibits Figure 6 shows the relationship be-
sity of welding currents (Equations i or 3), the best surface quality. The different tween the short-circuiting frequencies and
an analysis of welding experiments was magnitudes in the power spectral density the welding voltages while other welding
carried out. Figures 3 and 4 show the mean that the signals consist of different parameters are kept constant at a wire
power spectral density analysis results of frequency components with comparable feed rate of 110 in./min (2.79 m/min),
the welding current at different wire feed energy. The multifrequencies, as shown in welding speed of 20 in./min (0.51 m/min),
rates for bare steel and galvanized steel, Figs. 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3E correspond to and CTWD of 0.55 in. (13.97 mm). From
respectively. In the figures, the x-axis is the nonuniform welds and significant spatter. the figures, it can be seen that the short-

lt~[ol~"l DECEMBER 2004 }

circuiting frequency varies as the welding Oil Area
voltage changes. Especially when the volt-
age increases to 15 V, the frequency starts
decreasing. As the welding voltage in-
creases beyond this, the short-circuiting
frequency decreases and weld surface P i i
quality becomes poor. In other words,
~;'~ " ' .... ime(s) g-=
under these experimental conditions, the : ?!i
short-circuiting frequency reaches a max- i ,ili
imum around a welding voltage of 15 V,
Frequency (Hz)
where the welding process is most stable, Time (s)
and the best weld quality is obtained.
Figure 7 illustrates the relationship be- (i) Time frequency spectra (i0 The dominant frequency at the peek p~'er
tween the short-circuiting frequency and
(a) Bare steel
CTWD when other welding parameters Oil Area
keep constant at a wire feed rate of 110
in./min (2.79 m/min), welding speed of 20 i i

in./min (0.51 m/min), and welding voltage

of 15 and 17 V, respectively. As shown in
Figure 7, the short-circuiting frequency
does not have much change; it becomes
slightly smaller as CTWD increases. But
the weld surface quality becomes poor.
Similarly, there is a maximum short-
circuiting frequency at which the welding •- ~ ~ , ~,; . ~ ,

process is most stable. With the same Frequency ' Time (s)
CTWD, the short-circuiting frequency
under a welding voltage of 15 V is higher (i) Time frequency spetra (ii) The dominant frequency at the peak p~ver
than under a welding voltage of 17 V.
Compared with the CTWD and the weld- (b) Galvam:edsteel
ing voltage, the CTWD has less influence
on the short-circuiting frequency and weld Fig. 1 0 - - Time-frequency analyses of welding currents with oils on part of weld surfaces: A - - bare steet
surface quality. However, it does affect the B - - galvanized steel.
weld bead geometry and ignition of weld-
ing arc. The higher the CTWDs are, the
shallower the penetrations.

Time-Frequency Analysis

If a welding process is stable and with

constant metal transfer frequency, then
the power spectral density can be used for
analysis by taking any piece of the signal
from the long welding process. But if a
welding process is not stable or there are
surface disturbances, then the welding
voltage or current may fluctuate and the (a) 00
short-circuiting frequencies of the signals
cannot be kept constant. For these non-
stationary signals we use the time-varying
spectrogram analysis method described
above to perform a time-frequency analy-
sis for the welding current. In this section
we apply time-frequency analysis to again
study the effect of wire feed rate on
process stability. In the following subsec-
tion, we apply the method to explore the - ./,E
effect of several types of surface distur-
bances on process stability.
The experimental parameters were the (el (d)
same as used in the previous subsection.
Figure 8 shows the time-frequency spec-
tral graphs of the welding currents at six
different wire feed rates at a constant
welding voltage of 15 V, a constant CTWD
of 0.55 in. (13.97 mm), and a welding Fig. 11 - Time-frequency analyses with various disturbances." A
- - - hole; B - - no shielding gas; C - -

speed of 30 in./min (0.76 m/min). In Fig. 8, paint (bare steel); and D --paint (galvanized steel).

WELDING J O U R N A L ~ l i l ~ . " ]
We examined the effect of oily surfaces,
small holes, lack of shielding gas, and
paint on the weld plate surface. With these
disturbance conditions, two sets of exper-
iments were conducted; one set for bare
steel, the other for galvanized steel. The
"1" welding parameters kept constant were
o~ wire feed rate [110 in./min (2.79 m/min)],
welding voltage (15 V), CTWD [0.55 in.
,~ ! ,, ,,~i~,,i, O" (13.97 mm)], and arc welding speed [20
I, , i
ii in./min (0.51 m/min)]. Also, a butt joint
"0 '° Time (s~ ; i~ ,i z • • =
weld was carried out with two different
materials, joining a bare steel sheet to a
Frequency (Hz) o'o galvanized steel sheet.
Time (s)
Figures 10A and B show the time-
frequency analysis results of the welding
(a) Time frequency spectra (b) The dominant frequency at peak powers current with dirty oil on the plate surfaces
for bare steel and galvanized steel, re-
spectively. As observed from the appear-
ance of the weld bead, this influenced the
weld surface quality. The bead width and
reinforcement become smaller than nor-
mal on the oily parts. As shown in Fig.
10A, at the first part, the welding process
was operated under the normal condition;
the dominant frequency is at mean 106.4
(c) Welded Specimen
Hz, standard deviation (STD) 5.87 Hz.
When going to the part with oil, the short-
Fig. 12 - - Time-frequency analysis o f welding current with the butt joint for two materials o f bare and circuiting process was abnormal and the
galvanized steels with different thicknesses: A - - time-frequency spectra; B - - dominant frequency at
dominant frequencies at the peak powers
peak powers; and C - - welded specimen.
vary dramatically with mean 60.2 Hz and
STD 38.1 Hz. Thus, this results in the non-
the x-axis is time; y-axis is the short- in./min (2.54 to 3.05 m/min) is a good uniform weld. Figure 10B shows similar
circuiting frequency (Hz); and z-axis is the range for obtaining stable welding analysis results for galvanized steel, except
magnitude of the time-varying power processes for bare steel with a thickness of that the mean value of the short-circuiting
spectrum function. From these graphs, it 0.06 in. (1.52 mm) under the welding volt- frequency was 60 Hz for galvanized steel,
can be seen how the short-circuiting fre- age of 15 V, the CTWD of 0.55 in. (13.97 instead of 105 Hz for bare steel.
quencies vary during a welding process mm), and welding speeds from 5 to 30 Figures l l A - D show the time-
and under different welding parameters. in./min (0.127 to 0.762 m/min). Therefore, frequency analysis results for four kinds of
As shown in Fig. 8, when the wire feed with the time-frequency analysis, it is easy disturbances: a small hole on the weld
rate is 50 in./min (1.27 m/min), no periodic to identify which welding process is stable, plate, lack of shielding gas, and some
components and frequency components whether a process remains stable during a paints on plate surfaces, respectively. As
can be identified during certain time peri- long welding process, and the variation of shown in Fig. 11A, when the welding path
ods due to the irregular short-circuiting the short-circuiting frequency. passes a small hole, the welding current
processes. No continuous weld was In Fig. 9, seven normalized time- drops sharply and the short-circuiting fre-
formed, only some weld spots. When the frequency spectral results are combined quency at that time decreases signifiantly.
wire feed rate increases to 70 in./min (1.78 together to intuitively compare the fre- Shielding gas is used to prevent oxida-
m/min), the frequency components distri- quency components of signals under dif- tion and contamination of weld joints. The
bution along the time axis is clearly shown ferent wire feed rates (WFR), in the x-axis weld surface quality is sensitive to the lack
in Fig. 8B. This figure shows that the spec- corresponding to 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, of shielding gas. The weld surfaces of both
trum of welding current contains a wide and 170 in./min (1.27, 1.78, 2.29, 2.79, 3.30, the bare steel and the galvanized steel ex-
range of short-circuiting frequency com- 3.81, and 4.31 m/min), respectively. As can hibit significant porosity when the shield-
ponents with comparable energy of sig- be seen in the figure, while the wire feed ing gas was insufficient or lost. The rein-
nals. This means that the spectrum of rate varies from 50 to 150 in./min (1.27 to forcement and bead width are smaller
welding current consists of different short- 3.81 m/min), the obvious change of the than normal welds. The short-circuiting
circuiting frequencies and the welding dominant frequency can be observed. The process during that period is not domi-
process was not stable. Based on the ob- figure demonstrates the stable regions nated by one frequency, but multifre-
servation from Figs. 3, 8, and 9, the non- [110-130 in./min (2.79-3.30 m/min)] of quency components, as seen in Fig. liB.
uniform weld surface is consistent with the the welding processes at the designed This implies an unstable process. When
signal analysis results. When the wire feed welding conditions. some paint was put on the surfaces of both
rate increases to 110 in./min (2.79 m/min) bare and galvanized sheet steels, the ex-
(Fig. 8D), the short-circuiting frequency Time-Frequency Analysis for Welding perimental results show that the weld
stays almost constant during the whole with Disturbances bead geometries and surface quality
welding process. This is a stable welding changed at the painted area, which re-
process and thus results in a very uniform Various welding conditions were cre- flects the change of the welding voltage
weld surface. The analysis results show ated for bead-on-plate welds by setting and current.
that the wire feed rate from 100 to 120 some disturbances on the plate surfaces. The bead width and weld penetration

I<~.P.I~-] DECEMBER 2004

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