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Time: 3Hrs Set-A M.M-80

General Instructions:

Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:

1. The question paper comprises four sections A, B, C and D. there are 36

questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section-A – question no. 1 to 20 – all questions and parts thereof are of one
mark each. These questions contain multiple choice questions (MCQs), very
short answer questions and assertion- reason type questions. Answers to these
questions should be given in one word or one sentence.
3. Section-B question no.21 to 26 are short answer type questions, carrying 2
mark each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50
4. Section-C- question no. 27 to 33 are short answer type questions, carrying 3
marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
5. Section-D- question no. 34 to 36 are long answer type questions carrying 5
marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120
6. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in
some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such
7. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.

1. Define 1 kWh.
2. Write the SI unit of weight.
3. Which of the following are true for an element?
(i) Atomic number = number of protons+ number of electrons
(ii) Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons
(iii) Atomic number = number of proton = number of neutrons
(iv) Atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii) (c)

(ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)

4. How can the velocity of an object be changed?

5. What is the primary cause of acne?
6. Which force causes the thing to fall towards the earth?


When does an object show weightlessness?

7. Give an example of a gas in liquid solution.

8. Give the atomicity of : a) phosphorus b) helium
9. Name the particles that have no charge and their mass is equal to that of proton.


Name the building blocks of all the matters.

10. State the energy conversions in a dry cell.

11. Name the physical quantity which is measured by the rate of change of momentum.
12. What is uniform acceleration?


What is the law of conservation of energy?

13. If a heater works 60 joules in one minute, what is its power?

For question numbers 14,15 and 16, two statement are given-one labeled assertion (A) and
the other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a),
(b), (c) and (d) as given below:

(a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
14. Assertion: Elements and compounds are pure substances.

Reason: Properties of compounds are different from those of its constituent elements.

15. Assertion: Influenza spreads faster.

Reason: It is an air-borne disease.
Assertion: Bark of a tree are impervious to gases as
Reason : cells of bark have suberin in their walls.
16. Assertion: tuberculosis is an acute disease

Reason: disease that lasts for a short time period is called acute disease.

17. Q. No 17-20 contain five sub-parts each. You are expected to answer any four sub
parts in the question.
Read the following and answer any four question from 17 (i) to 17 (v)
In order to overcome the objection raised against Rutherford’s model of the atom, Neil
Bohr put forward the following postulates about the model of an atom. Only certain special
orbits known as discrete orbit of electrons are allowed inside the atom. While revolving in
discrete orbits the electrons do not radiate energy.
(i) Atoms are made up of __________, __________ and _________.
(a) Electrons, protons, neutrons
(b) Cations, anions, charges
(c) Positive charges, negative charges, bonds
(d) Ions, orbits, molecules
(ii) Who amended Rutherford’s shortcomings?
(a) Dalton b. Neil Bohr

c. J.J. Thomson d. E. Goldstein

(iii) Name the number of electrons that K shell and L shell can accommodate.
(a) 8,8 respectively b. 2, 8 respectively
c. 1, 8 respectively d. 5, 10 respectively

(iv) State True of False.

Atomic mass of an element is the sum of the number of electrons and neutrons.

a. True b. False
(v) Where is the positive charge located inside the atom?
a. Orbit b. Ion

c. Nucleus d. Neutron

18. Read the following and answer any 4 questions from 20 (i) to 20 (v).

(i) What is the initial speed of the car?

(a) Zero b. 1 km/h
c. 40 km/h d. 10 km/h
(ii) What is the maximum speed attained by the car?
(a) 100 km/h b. 35 km/h
c. 40 km/h d. 10 km/h

(iii) Which part of the graph how zero acceleration?

(a) DC b. BC
c. AC d. AB

(iv) Which part of the graph show varying negative acceleration?

(a) CD b. BC
c. AC d. AB
(v) Find the distance travelled by the car in first eight hours.
(a) 100.00 km b.) 40.00 km

c) 35 km d.) 242.5 km

19. Read the following and answer any 4 questions from 20 (i) to 20 (v).

Epidermis is the outermost covering of cells in plant. It is usually made up of a single layer
of cells. On aerial parts of a plant epidermal cell often secrete a waxy, water resistant layer
on their outer surface to prevent loss of water from plant. The cells of epidermis are present
in a continuous layer without intercellular spaces. Small pores are present on the epidermis
of leaf. These pores are called as stomata, which help in gaseous exchange and
transpiration. As the plant grows older, a strip of secondary meristem replaces the
epidermis of stem and forms a thick cork.

(i) ………….. is the outermost covering of cells in plants.

a. Nucleus b. Epidermis

c. Plasma membrane d. Mitochondria

(ii) Why do epidermal cell secrete waxy layer mainly?

a. To boost loss of water from plant.
b. To prevent loss of water plant.
c. To prevent entry of dust
d. To allow entry of pathogens
(iii) What are the small pores on the surface of leaf called?
a. Leaflets b. Thorns
c. Stomata d. Lamina

(iv) What is the function of stomata?

a. They are useful for pollination.
b. They do not allow the loss of water.
c. They help in gaseous exchange and transpiration.
d. They protect the leaves.
(v) When is the cork formed?
a. When the plant is in the stage of seedling.
b. When the plant bears flowers.
c. When the plant bears fruits.
d. As the plant grown older.
20. Read the following and answer any 4 question form 20 (i) to 20 (v).

According to a newspaper report, some areas in Delhi received grey coloured water in their
taps. It was reportedly due to mixing of contents at some points due to leakage in sewer
and water supply pipes.

(i) Which kind of diseases are likely to spread due to such problems?
a. Air borne diseases b. Water borne disease

c. Mainly viral diseases d. Mainly vector borne diseases

(ii) Why do water borne diseases are more likely to be spread in such cases?
a. Only the dirt present in sewage will enter drinking water supply and causes
b. Damaged water supply pipes cause diseases.
c. The pathogens present in sewage will enter drinking water supply and can cause
d. Grey colour of water causes diseases.
(iii) Give two specific names of disease that can be spread through contaminated water.
a. Cholera, typhoid b. Diabetes, Cardiac diseases

c. AID, Pneumonia d. Tuberculosis, Common cold mainly

(iv) What precaution should we take to avoid onset of water borne diseases?
a. Always use mineral water available in market.
b. Drink water which is boiled and cooled.
c. We should keep the sewage pipelines near water supply pipes.
d. Always cover mouth while sneezing and coughing.
(v) State True or False: Water borne diseases are not at all communicable.
a. True b. False


21- Define speed and velocity. Write their S.I. unit.


Name the physical quantities denoted by:

a) The slope of the distance-time graph.

b) The area under the velocity –time graph

22- Explain giving reason:

a) balanced diet is necessary to maintain healthy body.

b) our surrounding areas should be free of stagnant water.

23- Write the chemical formulae of the following compounds:

a) Ammonium hydroxide

b) Calcium chloride

24- Write two similarities and one dissimilarity between mitochondria and plastid

State the difference between tendon and ligament.

25- Differentiate between any two physical properties of metals and non-metals.

26- Define weight of a body. Mention the direction in which it acts.


27- You are given an element X that has mass number 14 and atomic number 7.Find out

a) number of protons ,electrons and neutrons in X

b) valency of X

c) electronic configuration of X. and draw its atomic structure.

28-Identify the type of tissues in the following:

a) Vascular bundles

b) Inner linings of the intestine

c) Lining of the kidney tubules

d) Iris of eyes

e) Muscles of the heart

f) Bronchi of lungs


a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a nerve cell.

b) State its location in the body.
29- A body of mass 2 kg is thrown up at a velocity of 10 m/s. Find the kinetic energy of the body
at the time of throw.

30- a) State the ‘Law of Constant Proportion’.

b) What are polyatomic ions?

c) Give the names of the elements present in quick lime and baking powder.

31- You are provided with mixture of camphor , common salt ,and soil. Using various techniques
how will you separate the components of this mixture. Write the various steps involved.

Describe an activity with labelled diagram to obtain dye from blue ink. Name the component
which gets evaporated.

32- What are the three limitations that hinder the approach to deal with infectious diseases.

33- a) Seema bought few grains of gold at the poles as per the instructions of one of her friends
She handed over the same when she met her friend at the equator.Will her friend agree with the
weight of gold bought/ If not ,why/

b) If the earth attracts the moon ,then why does the moon not move towards the earth/


34- a) Differentiate between striated ,unstriated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure
,function and location in the body.

b) Draw well labelled diagrams of these muscles .


a) Draw neat diagram of an Animal Cell and label any four parts of it.

b) What is the name given to the thread like structure present in the nucleus of a cell .Why
is it important ?

35 – a) Differentiate between distance and displacement .(any two ponts)

b) Under what condition is distance and the magnitude of displacement equal.

c) A scooter starts from rest and accelerates at a constant rate of 5m/s 2. Calculate the distance
travelled by it in 7 minutes.

a) What do you mean by balanced and unbalanced forces?

b) Why does a cricket player move his hands backwards while catching a ball?

c) Define Momentum

36- a) List any three characteristics of colloid.

b) Name any two components of colloid.

c) Identify colloids from the following mixtures: Muddy water ,ink ,soda water, foam

a) List any three characteristics of True Solution .

b) Define Tyndall Effect

c) Name the solute and the solvent in the following

a) Aerated water b) Tincture of Iodine.

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