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Unit 3 Written Assignment Rubric

Limited Emerging
Criterion No Proficiency Proficient Advanced Weight
Proficiency Proficiency
Identifies less than 4 Lists at least 4 Identifies and briefly Identifies and Identifies and
principles of the principles of the discusses at least 4 discusses at least 5 thoroughly discusses
educational phil. educational phil. principles of the principles of the more than 6
Educational 30%
educational phil. educational phil. important principles
of the educational
Score 0 3 5 8 10
Fails to identify the Identifies at least 2 Identifies and briefly Identifies and Identifies and
connections to connections but discusses at least 3 discusses at least 3 thoroughly discusses
classroom practice. does not provide a connections but does connections by at least 3 connections
Connections to discussion. not provide examples. providing general by providing specific 30%
classroom practice examples. examples,
referencing IB
Score 0 3 5 8 10
Fails to identify the Identifies the Identifies and briefly Identifies and Identifies and
Relevance to personal philosophy relevant philosophy relevant explains how the explains how/why thoroughly explains
viewpoint to personal to personal philosophy is relevant the philosophy is how/why the
viewpoint. viewpoint but does to personal viewpoint. relevant to personal philosophy is relevant 30%
not state why. viewpoint. to personal

Score 0 3 5 8 10
No citations are Some references are All resources and All resources and All resources and
listed. Plagiarism is cited using APA references are cited references are cited references are
APA formatting evident. style, although using APA style, but using APA style with correctly cited using 5%
there are many there are some errors a few errors. At least APA style. At least two
errors and one or no and at least one or two sources are cited. sources are cited
outside resources are more resources are
cited. cited.

Score 0 3 5 8 10
Writing is unclear. Writing is clear, but Writing is clear Writing is clear, Writing is clear,
Grammar and not concise. Style and professional is concise and concise and
spelling mistakes are may be style. While professional. professional. The
numerous. inappropriate (e.g. generally concise, Minimum spelling writing follows a
Writing Clarity and
too casual) for the paper could and grammatical logical flow. No 5%
assignment. Some be tightened up a errors. spelling or
spelling and bit. Few spelling grammatical errors
grammar errors are or grammar are present.
apparent. errors.
Score 0 3 5 8 10

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