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Unit 5 Written Assignment Rubric

Limited Emerging Weight

Criterion No Proficiency Proficient Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency
Reflecting on Does not answer the Response Response Response Response demonstrates 60%
Freire’s Chapter 3, question demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates a a reflection on Freire’s
choose one of his little to no reflection on reflection on Freire’s term with clear
terms and explain reflection on Freire’s term but term with some clarity connections to course
its meaning, its Freire’s term with lacks clarity and and connections to content and milieu
connection to minimal amount does not connect course content and providing details and
curriculum of effort and to course content milieu. examples.
development and accuracy. or milieu.
its effectiveness in
the chapter.

Score 0 3 5 8 10
The assignment is Syntax or spelling Syntax or spelling Very few, minor syntax, No syntax, spelling or 15%
either nonexistent and grammar and grammar spelling and grammatical errors
or lacks the errors make paper errors make paper grammatical errors. making the paper very
components difficult to slightly distracting easy to read.
described in the understand. to read.
Score 0 3 5 8 10
No APA format Very little APA Most of the paper Paper is APA formatted Accurately uses APA 10%
exists. format used. is APA formatted with one or two minor formatting consistently
APA Formatting
but with some errors. throughout the paper,
errors. title page, and reference
Score 0 3 5 8 10
No resources cited Not enough Uses correct Uses correct number of Uses more than the 10%
sources were number of sources sources and sources required number of
Resource cited and citations but errors in APA are correctly cited sources with correct
Requirement were not correctly citation format. using APA format. APA citation format.
formatted (APA)

Score 0 3 5 8 10
No assignment Contains half or Contains three The length of the paper The number of pages 5%
submitted. less of the quarters of the is very nearly meets the required
required number number of required equivalent to the number of pages.
Number of pages of pages. pages required number of

Score 0 3 5 8 10 100%

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