Internal and External Recruitment Methods

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Internal and External

Recruitment Methods
Group 4
Francisco, Rafael B.
Gapayao, Teresa Mikhaela
Go, Xyrel Ken
Guanzon, Kurt
Guanzon, Mark Rabie
Guivencan, Mary Leorena Grace

• Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and
with appropriate qualifications to apply for jobs with an organization

• The firm may then select those applicants with qualifications most closely related to job

Recruitment Process

• It is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for filling up the vacant positions
in an organization.

• Recruitment process includes Recruitment planning, strategy development, searching,

screening, and evaluation and control

Recruitment Methods

• are the specific means used to attract potential employees to the firm. Identifying productive
sources of applicants and using suitable recruitment methods are essential to maximizing
recruiting efficiency and effectiveness.

Internal Recruitment Methods

• Internal Recruitment is the process of filling vacancies within a business from its existing
• Many companies today use this kind of method to fill roles in their business hat are best suited
to having an insider’s view or knowledge, as well as encourage loyalty and a sense of progress
for employees
• Internal Recruiting is an important aspect of any business as it can save time, money, and
resources when compared to recruiting externally

Types of Internal Recruiting

• Job Postings -Is a procedure for informing employees that job opening exist
• Job Bidding- Is a procedure that permits employees who believe that they possess the
required qualifications to apply for a posted job
• Employee Referrals -Employee referrals involve an employee of the company
recommending a friend or associate as a possible member of the company. In many
organizations , the use of employee referrals produces the most and best-qualified
• Transfer - A transfer typically entails moving to he same job at a different location or a
similar level job a different department
Advantages of Internal Recruitment Method

• Reduces Training Costs- by leveraging employees that you already have, you don’t
need to train new employees. Even if new systems or other small processes need to be
taught, not having to go through the entire training and is significant time and money
• Boost employee morale- everybody wants to feel like they matter in their organization.
Promoting from within and/or getting people into roles that they are passionate about will
boost both morale and your bottom line.

• Reduce job posting and screening costs- by recruiting from within, you cut the meed to have
the hiring manager or recruiter post/ advertise jobs and screen unqualified candidates.

• Decrease employee turnover- in most cases, unplanned turnover is a negative event in an

organization. A high employee turnover rate can be a sign that something is wrong in your
company . By matching internal candidates with roles that fit their passions and unique skill sets,
you can increase the chance that they will stay with your company.

Disadvantage of Internal Recruitment Method

• Lack of fresh perspectives- one of the benefits of external recruitments is hiring

employees with fresh ideas and how perspectives that can result in new insights for
your company. By recruiting from within you might miss out on these innovative
• Workplace jealousy- humans are emotional beings. Assuming you make a strong hire,
recruiting externally can be help you avoid some of the workplace jealousy that results
when someone loses out on a promotion that goes to a coworker
• Replacing the employee you promote/transfer- in many cases , when someone gets
promoted or transferred to a new role the previous position doesn’t magically go away.
You are still going to have to find somebody, either internally or externally, to fill that
role. Recruiting internally can seem like a quick way to fill open positions on the surface,
but if you don’t have someone in mind to fill the position then it can open up an entirely
new can of worms

How to Recruit from within your own company

• Set up your processes- Get your internal job board running; decide who should be included in
making these decisions; and make a clear and concise policy for both managers and employees.
Having all of these set up before you roll it out to your employees will save you a lot of time.

• Use an ATS ( Applicant Tracking System) – adopting an internal recruitment strategy could
potentially inundate you with applicants. Have an ATS in place to easily keep track of the entire
hiring process of both internal and external candidates.

• Replacing the employee you promote/transfer- in many cases , when someone gets promoted
or transferred to a new role the previous position doesn’t magically go away. You are still going
to have to find somebody, either internally or externally, to fill that role. Recruiting internally
can seem like a quick way to fill open positions on the surface, but if you don’t have someone in
mind to fill the position then it can open up an entirely new can of worms

• Encourage your Employees- this strategy only works if your employees actually know that you
want them to apply internally. Have a meeting with the managers at your company and advise
them to encourage employees to look at the internal job board regularly. This will ensure you
have a constant stream of qualified internal candidates

• Screen- just because candidates are already employed at your company does not mean the
screening process should be any less rigorous. Make sure that people are applying for jobs that
fit their skill sets, and that your company would benefit more from a current employee in a new
role versus their current role

• Be Fair- the last thing you don’t want is for your nifty new internal recruitment strategy to
backfire and cause negativity in the workplace. Have multiple stakeholders involved in the
interview and promotion process to quickly weed out internal candidates using a fair and
transparent process.

External Recruitment Methods

• At times, a firm must look beyond its own borders to find employees, particularly when
expanding its workforce. External recruitment is needed to (1) fill-entry-level jobs; (2)
acquire skills not possessed by current employees; and (3) obtain employees with
different backgrounds to provide a diversity of ideas.

Types of External Recruiting

• High Schools and Vocational Schools - Organizations concerned with recruiting clerical
and other entry-level employees often depend on high schools and vocational schools.
Many of these institutions have outstanding training programs for specific occupational
skills, such as home appliance repair and small engine mechanics. Some companies work
with schools to ensure a constant supply of trained individuals with specific job skills. In
some areas, companies even loan employees to schools to assist in the training

• Colleges and Universities - Colleges and universities represent a major recruitment source for
potential professional, technical, and management employees. Placement directors, faculty, and
administrators can be helpful to organizations in their search for recruits. Establishing a
relationship with faculty members is important because most professors are well aware of their
students’ academic performance and abilities. Because on-campus recruitment is mutually
beneficial, both employers and universities should take steps to develop and maintain close
relationships. It is important that the firm knows the school and the school knows the firm.

• Media Advertising
Advertising communicates the firm’s employment needs to the public through media such as
newspapers, trade journals, radio, television, and billboards. The firm’s previous experience with
various media should suggest the most effective approach for specific types of jobs. Although
few individuals base their decision to change jobs on advertising, ads create awareness,
generate interest, and encourage a prospect to seek more information about the firm and the
job opportunities that it provides. A traditional common form of advertising that provides broad
coverage at a relatively low cost is the newspaper ad. Firms using the newspaper ad attempt to
appeal to the self-interest of prospective employees, emphasizing the job’s unique qualities.
Recently, the use of newspaper advertising has declined because other recruiting methods are
more effective and less expensive.

▸ Private Employment Agencies - Private employment agencies, often called “headhunters,” are
best known for recruiting white collar employees and offer an important service in bringing
qualified applicants and open positions together. Firms and job hunters use private employment
agencies for virtually every type position. Job seekers should carefully select the employment
agency to use because there are both good and bad recruiters. Today, private employment
agencies often specialize in filling a particular niche in the job market. Agencies should be
selected based on knowledge of the industry and the specific position being sought.

• Events - Apart from job fairs, there are many other events you can attend to meet potential
candidates. From networking events to gatherings that your target audience might attend (such
as seminars and conferences), you get a chance to meet some truly talented candidates.

• Internship- An internship is a special form of recruitment that involves placing a student in a

temporary job with no obligation either by the company to hire the student permanently or by
the student to accept a permanent position with the firm following graduation. During the
internship, the student gets to view business practices firsthand. At the same time, the intern
contributes to the firm by performing needed tasks. In addition to other benefits, internships
provide opportunities for students to bridge the gap from business theory to practice.

Advantage of External Recruitment

• There’s a Bigger Pool of Candidates to Choose from- Perhaps the biggest advantage of eternal
recruitment is that it gives you more options. On the other hand , it opens you to almost
anyone who’s looking for a job. You could have hundreds of CVs to review, which can increase
your chances of finding a candidate that matches your exact criteria.

• It attracts New Skills and Ideas- one of the greatest perks of hiring beyond your own four walls
is that I can expose your company to new and creative ideas. By injecting fresh blood, you can
ensure that the business will benefit from the differing experiences and thought processes that
your new hire will have. Besides, if you want your company to grow, it’s important to hire
employees with a diverse mix of expertise and skills.

• It helps to Avoid Internal Problems- Although you shouldn’t allow internal politics to dictate
your strategy, it’s still worth mentioning that recruiting externally can potentially save you a
boatload of office drama. While promotions and transfers are important for employee
motivation and retention, they can also create tension between staff and management,
particularly if the role is a highly desirable one.
Disadvantages of External Recruitment

▸ It’s Time-Consuming- One of the biggest issues with external recruitment is that it can be
extremely time-consuming. From ensuring that you have written an engaging job description to
finding the best place to advertise it, it can take a lot of time to prepare everything for the
selection process.

▸ It’s a Bigger Risk - Even though, as mentioned, hiring someone new means opening the door to
new and different ideas, There are also several risks that you need to consider. Hiring an eternal
candidate means they’ll have a limited understanding of the company and its culture, and this
will inevitably prevent them from adjusting quickly. In a worst-case scenario, they might not just
adjust at all.

▸ It’s costly – Advertising a job vacancy can be very expensive, especially if you are trying to gain
maximum exposure on major job boards. To reduce cos and improve results, you can always
target niche boards but, ultimately, the longer your advert runs, the more costs are going to rack
up- with no guarantee of a return at the end,too.

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