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Major Assignment

E-Construction Delivery
Software Project Management
Submitted by
Abdul Basit
ID # 10041
Section B
SESSION 2018-2022
1. Software concept.........................................................................................................................................................4
a. Project Charter........................................................................................................................................................4
b. Statement of work...................................................................................................................................................6
c. Proposal..................................................................................................................................................................10
d. Requirement Traceability Matrix........................................................................................................................12
2. Requirements.............................................................................................................................................................13
a. Requirement Document........................................................................................................................................13
b. Work Breakdown structure..................................................................................................................................13
3. Feasibility Report......................................................................................................................................................14
a. Technological Feasibility.......................................................................................................................................14
b. Operational............................................................................................................................................................14
c. Economical.............................................................................................................................................................14
4. Analysis...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
a. Functional Specification/ Requirements (Top Level)..........................................................................................14
b. Entity Relation Diagram.......................................................................................................................................15
c. Data Flow Diagram...............................................................................................................................................16
Level 0........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Level 1.0..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Level 2.0..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
5. Design......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
a. Class diagram or Object Diagram.......................................................................................................................18
b. Network Diagram (Along with Duration and Critical Path)..............................................................................19
c. Use-Cases (Find Use-Case-point estimation).......................................................................................................24
i. Project Estimation (Use-Case Point)........................................................................................................................25
a. UCP (Use-Case Point).........................................................................................................................................25
b. TCF (Technical Complexity Factor)................................................................................................................26
c. EF (Environmental Factor)..............................................................................................................................27
d. Convert UCP to Time Duration...........................................................................................................................27
6. Coding And Debugging.............................................................................................................................................28
a. IDE & Tools...........................................................................................................................................................28
7. Risk Management......................................................................................................................................................30
a. Risk Identification...................................................................................................................................................30
b. Risk Register...........................................................................................................................................................30
8. Resource Allocation...................................................................................................................................................31
a. Resource Allocation...............................................................................................................................................31
b. Resource Leveling..................................................................................................................................................32
9. Maintenance...............................................................................................................................................................34
10. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................................................34
1. Software concept

a. Project Charter

The construction industry people frequently are facing issues like stock availability, lack of quality
product, supplier. As a result of these issues, the construction process has become tiresome.
Construction projects normally faces shortage of construction material during the project, which causes
unwanted delay.

To digitalize the construction industry, so that customer can easily find the suppliers. Also, to compare
too many suppliers. The system will be able to track the location of truck using maps. Customer can
easily find the spare loader to deliver the material on its destination.

 To provide ease in business to customer as well as supplier.
 To ensure/make availability of materials on a single platform.
 To track order and delivery status.

In Scope Business case

Make the mobile App for all construction supplier All supplier in one platform. To increase the
that, where the customer can easily find and business.
compare the products and also track their order

Mobile Application

Sponsor Approval Date

CUSIT 3/10/2021
Core Team Members Stakeholders

Name Role Name Role

Mr. Wahab khan Project Manager Ms. Zartasha saeed Requirement Engineer

Mr. Mumtaz Ali Project Supervisor CUSIT Sponsor

Abdul Basit UX/UI Designer Customers Client

Asmat Ullah Front End Developer Transport suppliers Client

Abdul Basit Backend Developer Buyers Client

Abdul Basit Tester

Summary Project Status

Project Start Date 1/10/2021
Estimated Completion 30/07/2022
Process Impacted B2C
Potential Financial Impact 100,000

Milestones Status Due Done

Requirement Phase - 1/10/2021 -
UX/UI Design - 1/11/2021
Working On Database Model - 1/12/2021

Front End Designing - 1/1/2022

Create REST API - 3/1/2022
Front Development - 3/1/2022
Testing - 5/1/2022
Report - 5/1/2022
b. Statement of work
Statement of Work (SOW)
Project: E-Contraction Delivery


Contact Email/Cell

Sponsor: CUSIT

Stakeholder: Abdul Basit, Asmatullah, Mr.Mumtaz Ali, Mr.Wahab khan

Project Manager: Mr.Wahab Khan

Team Member: Abdul Basit, Asmatullah

Project Supervisor: Mr. Mumtaz Ali

Scope of Work:

The scope of the project is to provide categorize digital access to construction material availability in
locality. This system will bring a positive change of in construction industry.

 To provide ease in business to customer as well as supplier.

 To ensure/make availability of materials on a single platform.
 To track order and delivery status.


Constructing buildings is a not an easy work. As, construction needs lots of materials which risks people
in finding the suppliers. To find the materials, find the best quality materials and to carry away it to the
place, where the work of construction is in progress.

E-Build [1] application brought out some solutions. The E-Build Pakistan team envisions to be the
leading online market place for construction; digitalizing the façade of construction industry; the
strategic aim of government and private organization to build communities cross Pakistan. Expending
the rich of product and buyer of the construction products. The application was helpful to search
construction materials on internet, which works in a specific area, if we find materials, so you will have
to order it from really far away. E-Build provides the services like: Construction tools, paints tools,
electric tools, bathroom tools, kitchen tools, floor tiling, lightening tools, hardware and wallpapers

Technical Requirements/Tasks:

The system is to digitalize the construction industry using mobile application rather than roaming
manually behind each supplier. The system is beneficial for customer to find the availability of nearby

To digitalize the construction industry, so that customer can easily find the suppliers. Also, to compare
too many suppliers. The system will be able to track the location of truck using maps. Customer can
easily find the spare loader to deliver the material on its destination.

Deliverables / Schedule:

Milestones Start Finish

Requirement Phase 1/10/2021 1/12/2021
UX/UI Design 1/11/2021 1/1/2022
Working On Database Model 1/12/2021 1/2/2022

Front End Designing 1/1/2022 1/4/2022

Create REST API 1/3/2022 1/4/2022
Front Development 1/3/2022 1/6/2022
Testing 1/5/2022 1/7/2022
Report 5/1/2022


Who How Much Payment Due

CUSIT 100,000 -

Document Signed Off

Suppler Module Signed by Mr. Mumtaz

Product Module Signed by Mr. Mumtaz

Loader Module Signed by Mr. Mumtaz

Stakeholder register


Project Name: E-Construction Delivery Date: 1-Oct-2021

Stakeholder Name Role Internal/External Type Group Interest Address

Mr. Wahab Khan PM Internal Positive Manager High Power Peshawar

Abdul Basit Staff Internal Positive Developer High Power Peshawar

Asmat ullah Staff Internal Positive Developer High Power Peshawar
Muhammad Staff Internal Positive Developer High Power Peshawar
Customer services Supplier External Positive End User High Power Anywhere
Customers Supplier External Positive High Power Anywhere
End users

Accounting Supplier External Positive Department High Power Anywhere

Buyers Client External Positive End-user High Power Anywhere
Retail supplier Client External Positive End-user High Power Anywhere
Transport supplier Client External Positive End-user High Power Anywhere
c. Proposal

E-business is a set of dynamic technologies, applications that link organizations, customers,
suppliers, communities through electronic transactions along with electronic exchange of
information products and services. It is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other
hand, is referred to as business-to-consumer (B2C).  Online shopping is a form of electronic
commerce where the buyer is directly connected online to the seller’s computer usually via the
internet. The E-business, which is based on the use of Internet technologies, is still being introduced
to organizations, and developed in order to meet organizational goals, which are to achieve
effectiveness and market competitiveness.

As, known to all, world is evolving rapidly in every sector i.e. information technologies, business,
construction and automation etc. There is need of streamlining processes. Targeting construction
business, customers often come across different problems i.e. availability of stock, lack of quality
stock etc. So, all these problems makes construction process tedious and tiresome.

The motivation for developing the application is primarily an interest in undertaking a challenging
tasks in the area of mobile application. Our motivation is increased, with the real life problem found
in construction industry.

Problem Statement
The construction industry people frequently are facing issues like stock availability, lack of quality
product, supplier. As a result of these issues, the construction process has become tiresome.
Construction projects normally faces shortage of construction material during the project, which
causes unwanted delay. Responsible person who is managing construction can undergo harsh
situations where they need material for which is already short in market. Therefore, facing such type
issues can cause delay in project sometimes lead to contract cancellation? Keeping in view all these
problems, a solution is proposed to tackle such issues.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the study is to provide categorize digital access to construction material availability in
locality. This system will bring a positive change of in construction industry.

 To provide ease in business to customer as well as supplier.
 To ensure/make availability of materials on a single platform.
 To track order and delivery status.

Significance of the Study

The system is really important to digitalize the construction industry using mobile application rather
than roaming manually behind each supplier. The system is beneficial for customer to find the
availability of nearby material.

According to the problem and proposed solution we will use an incremental process model for our
project because our project will be implemented phase wise.

Proposed Solution
To digitalize the construction industry, so that customer can easily find the suppliers. Also, to
compare too many suppliers. The system will be able to track the location of truck using maps.
Customer can easily find the spare loader to deliver the material on its destination.
Work plan

Table 2. 1
d. Requirement Traceability Matrix
2. Requirements

a. Requirement Document

Project E-Construction Delivery Date 01-10-2021

Project 1 Document 6
Number Number
Project Mr.Wahab Khan Project Owner Abdul Basit

Received at Source Requirement Category Priority Describe how Approved

name and requirement meets by/ Status
description a specific business
2-10-2021 Brainstorming All Supplier 1st 1st Resources are PM
available and the
developer too.
10-11-2021 Brainstorming Loader 2nd 2nd Since he needs a PM,
system that
automatically follow
an object.

b. Work Breakdown structure

3. Feasibility Report

As we discuss above that our project is based on ecommerce which is an online construction delivery so I
have told you that YES, this feasible because as we know that what operational feasibility says which is
mean that it says a measure of how well a proposed system solves our problems. which is clear that we
choose this specific project for solve the past problem which is also discuss in our project. So, the answer is
clear that we solve the past problems.

a. Technological Feasibility
The system is web based, therefore technically it’s more feasible. Cause the react native and Node Js are
the languages which would be used to develop the system.
b. Operational
Since the functionalities can be performed easily by using simple smartphone. There could not be error
or security issues, so the system is feasible operationally.
c. Economical
The system does not have expensive resources, therefore it could be used by just sign up and sign in. So,
economically it is more feasible.

4. Analysis

a. Functional Specification/ Requirements (Top Level)

Data Accessibility
 Entity profile information is publicly available via a Mobile App
 Profile data is available for direct system-to-system access via an HTTP API (read only)
Entity Profile Administration
 Entities may submit online requests to have their profile added to the clearinghouse
 Authorized users can update the entity’s profile directly on the website
 Date and user name are logged when profile is changed
 Designated entity representatives can delegate editing rights to other users at their institution
User Accounts
 User accounts are password protected
 Password reminders and resets are handled by the Mobile App

System Security
 Public has read-only access via Mobile App
 API provides read-only data access
 Profile editing requires password-protected user account with manually-assigned rights
 Change log records details on data modification (date, username)
 Consideration will be given to potentially hiding of email address from public view to avoid
collection by spam senders
 Location of supplier are show
 Redirect the location
 Location is update after certain time

b. Entity Relation Diagram

c. Data Flow Diagram

Level 0

Level 1.0
Level 2.0
5. Design

a. Class diagram or Object Diagram

b. Network Diagram (Along with Duration and Critical Path)

Task Detail

Network Diagram:


Critical Path

1 341213

Project Duration Time


Critical Path

1 341213

Project Duration Time

c. Use-Cases (Find Use-Case-point estimation)
i. Project Estimation (Use-Case Point)
a. UCP (Use-Case Point)


In the above formula

 UCP = Use case points

 UUCP = unadjusted use case point
 TCF = Technical Complexity Factor
 EF = Environmental factor

First to find out UUCP:

It is the combination of two things, UUCW and UAW
• UUCW = unadjusted use case weight
• UAW = unadjusted Actor weight
Formula to find out UUCP is:
UUCW: 1*5 + 1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 +1*5 = 60
So the total UUCW = 60

UAW: 1*1+1*3+1*3+1*3 = 10
So the total UAW = 10
Now, The total UUCP= UUCW+UAW
= 60+10
= 70 = so, the total UUCP= 70
b. TCF (Technical Complexity Factor)

• Formula to find TCF Through E-Factor

TCF = 0.6 + (0.01x T-Factor)
• Our T-Factor Value is 65.5
TCF = 0.6+(0.01x65.5) = TCF= 1.255
c. EF (Environmental Factor)

• Formula for EF

EF =1.4 + (-0.03x EFactor)

EF =1.4 + (-0.03x 40)

EF =0.2

Now to find the UCP put the values in the formula:


UCP= 70 * 1.255 * 0.2 TOTAL UCP IS = 17.57

d. Convert UCP to Time Duration

• let say if our team is taking 15 hours per use case we Multiply 15 with UCP

• 15x17.57 = 263.55 hours

6. Coding And Debugging

a. IDE & Tools.

Story book

Storybook is an open source tool for building UI components and pages in isolation. It streamlines
UI development, testing, and documentation.

React Native

React Native is an open-source UI software framework created by Facebook, Inc. It is used to

develop applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows and UWP by
enabling developers to use the React framework along with native platform capabilities.

Visual Code

Visual Studio Code is a free source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets,
code refactoring, and embedded Git .

Android Studio Emulators

The Android Emulator simulates Android devices on your computer so that you can test your
application on a variety of devices and Android API levels without needing to have each physical
device .


Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state. It is most
commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces.


Node.js used for server-side programming, and primarily deployed for non-blocking, event-driven
servers, such as traditional web sites and back-end API services, but was originally designed with
real-time, push-based architectures in mind.

Express.js, or simply Express, is a back end web application framework for Node.js, released as free
and open-source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and


MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a

NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. MongoDB
is developed by MongoDB Inc.
7. Risk Management

a. Risk Identification

Risk Category Risk

Account Information There are a couple of ways for hackers to access personal
Theft by Hackers information.
Schedule A delay in one task could cause a delay in dependent task.
Unfamiliar areas of the project could take more than the expected
Supplier Risk Supplier insisted to add as more functionalities as possible, while the
App could not afford.
Loader Risk Loader insisted to add as more functionalities as possible, while the
App could not afford.

b. Risk Register

Categorized Harm Severity Severity Level Risk

Critical 5 Extreme
Critical 5 Low
Negligible 3 Moderate
Negligible 3 High

 Catastrophic: Multiple deaths
 Critical: one death or severe injuries
 Marginal: One severe injury or Multiple Minor Injuries
 Negligible: One Minor Injury
 Normal: Less Than Injury

8. Resource Allocation

a. Resource Allocation
b. Resource Leveling
9. Maintenance

Since the project is based on open-source drone, and it is based on prototyping model. So the refinement or
validation is possible in this project later on. To validate this system, you need to provide the developers
who would have developed the system for the first time. The functionalities could be refined according to
the user requirements.


Presently construction industry facing a lots of issues in manually placing and receiving orders. Most of the
time, limited resources and shortage of material creates hurdles to meet the deadlines. Proposed idea will
bring positive change in society. A mobile Application will be developed, which solves problem of both
known and unknown customers. They can start and run multiple construction projects at the same time
without thinking about availability of products and supplier location. Moreover, our proposed solution can
help them to meet the deadline easily. Proposed system has a feedback portion for comment and reviews
which help the new as well as existing customers for receiving low quality material in the same price. This
system can enhance business opportunities for suppliers as well as transporters. We can materialize this
system as a two way handshake between customer and supplier, where both parties feel free to invest their
income in future. Proposed system will enhance the business opportunities for both consumer and supplier.

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