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Lesson Elements Activities

(5Es Instructional Model) Suggested Tools
Week Overview Engage ●

Google Classroom
At this stage, the teacher is expected to generate interest,
● Unit Title (i.e., Factors of Production) Question
access prior knowledge and frame the idea.
● Teacher explains the learning goals for this week (i.e., what students are ● Google form
-Brainstorm: What do you think?
expected to know, learn and be able to do at the end of this unit)
-Ask questions: What do you wonder? What are you curious
o By the end of this unit you will be able to:
▪ Explain what are the factors of production?
-Access prior Knowledge: What do you know? How did you
▪ Understand and appreciate the importance of factors of
learn it?
▪ Explain the different types of factors of production in different
▪ How do you relate factors of production in the real world?
Meaningful examples!

Learn Explore & Explain ●

Google Classroom
At this stage, the teacher acts as a facilitator and monitors
● Unit Summary – Teacher explains the key/target content standards and Question
students as they interact. Provides students time to think and
benchmarks ● Schoology Online
reflect. Asks good inquiry-oriented questions (HoT Qs).
● Allow students to watch a video and linking the target content standards Discussion
Builds upon discussion. Provides explanations and new
and bench with real life examples ● Shared Google Slide Deck
words. Ask for clarification and justification. Students are
● Provide links/YouTube videos/Teacher Own videos to access more ● Google Hangout/meet or
encouraged to question, explain and define.
information about factors of productions Zoom
Engage students around your video content with questions
● Use the chat feature to ask
and monitor their progress.
questions and engage the
Research , Watch videos, Read articles
Discuss, Crowdsource
● Share videos from Google
Live Synchronous Session Drive
● FlipGrid
Practice (Guided and Independent) Explore & Elaborate ●

Shared Google Docs,
● Students are allowed to practice through a guided activity Make connections
● Connect concepts Slides, Drawings,
worksheets/open discuss with the support and feedback of the teacher
● Connect concepts to life beyond the classroom Spreadsheets
● Students are allowed to discuss freely (i.e., pair or groups) on what they
have seen and learn without the interference/work on a worksheet within ● Connect concepts to other areas of the curriculum ● FlipGrid
a time bound. Apply learning to new or novel situations ● Quizlet
● Document your process as a group ● Kahoot!
Explain how ● Nearpod
● Articulate the process you would use to solve a
problem or approach a particular situation
Student-created study materials and resources
● Take the information and design a review

Apply and Analyse – Use the 21st Century Evaluate & Elaborate ●

● Apply new learning to a new or similar situation.
Skills ● Extend and explain content being explored. ● Schoology quiz
● Teachers can encourage students to discuss and reflect critically on real- ● Communicate new understanding using key terms. ● Google Forms
life examples (i.e., applications are realistic) with the core skills and ● Socrative
make connections with other disciplines. ● Nearpod
● Students are challenged to use guided and independent activities to make ● Quizlet
connections and apply real life context with their learning goals.

Assessment/Mastery Evaluate ● Shared Google Docs,

Slides, Drawings,
At this stage the teacher will be observing student’s behavior
● Mini projects can be given to assess students understanding – submit the
as they explore and apply new concepts and skills. Spreadsheets
following week
Formative assessment ● Kahoot!
● Exit ticket can be used to check for students understanding (i.e., pose a
question or series of questions at the end of the unit to check students
Quizzes ● Google Forms
Video reflections ● Nearpod
Digital exit tickets/ Plenary ● Quizlet
● Plickers
Reflect ● Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding
or knowledge of concepts and skills.
● Schoology Online
● Students can be allowed to ask general questions on the outcome of the ● Demonstrate understanding of new concepts by ● Shared Google Slide Deck
unit observation or open ended response. ● Use the chat feature to ask
● Teacher can allow students to have a group discussion/share experiences ● Encourage students to assess their own learning. questions and engage the
and make connection with the unit ● Show evidence of accomplishment. group
● Students can ask more questions if needed to clarify any

Additional Support Struggling Students/Without Mastery

Provide support such as supplementary material for varied

● Teachers can share resources to support both students who are reading levels etc. ● Explain Everything
struggling with certain concepts and students who can benefit further Use alternative teaching modes. ● Google classroom
from enrichment activities Scaffolding, reteaching or extended teaching. ● Flipgrid (allows students to
● Differentiated materials can be shared with struggling students Use of manipulative when needed to understand a concept. present their work e.g.
Train them to record their own progress. record videos and audio of
themselves for
Advanced Students presentation)
Assign tasks that are more complex i.e complex word
problems etc.
Encourage students to make connections between fields of
study and life.
Expand students’ interests: Expose them to ideas they’ve not
yet discovered to help them develop new interests in the

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