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DOI 10.1007/s12020-016-1028-0


The changing faces of corticotroph cell adenomas: the role of

prohormone convertase 1/3
Alberto Righi1 Marco Faustini-Fustini2 Luca Morandi3 Valentina Monti3
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Sofia Asioli3 Diego Mazzatenta4 Antonella Bacci5 Maria Pia Foschini3

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Received: 9 March 2016 / Accepted: 18 June 2016

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract The spectrum of corticotroph cell adenomas is expression was observed in the majority of neoplastic cells in
very wide. Though rarely, silent corticotroph cell adenomas tissue specimens obtained from the same three patients at the
(SCA) may transform into corticotroph cell adenomas time of recurrence as CD. The immunohistochemical PC1/3
associated with Cushing’s disease (CD). The aim of the expression showed a strict correlation with the PC1/3 levels
study was to investigate the role of prohormone convertase obtained by qRT-PCR. In 14 cases of SCA with no change of
1/3 (PC1/3) in the transformation of SCA into CD. phenotype during the follow-up, the immunohistochemical
We reviewed the records of 1259 consecutive endoscopic PC1/3 expression was low and strictly associated with the
endonasal procedures for pituitary adenomas from 1998 to level of PC1/3 obtained by qRT-PCR both in primary (14/14
2013. Of these, 132 were CD and 44 were SCA. During cases) and in recurrent tumours (4/4 cases). Our study pro-
the follow-up, three patients with SCA showed a clear vides insight into the crucial role of the PC1/3 protein in the
transformation from SCA into CD and underwent surgery transformation of phenotype from SCA to CD.
once again to remove the recurrent tumour. The PC1/3
expression was analysed by both immunohistochemistry Keywords Prohormone convertase Cushing’s disease
● ●

and quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction Pituitary adenoma Metamorphosis

(qRT-PCR) in primary and recurrent tumours. The immu-

nohistochemical PC1/3 expression was negative or weak in
the three patients in the initial phase of SCA, while a strong

Alberto Righi and Marco Faustini-Fustini contributed equally to the
study. More than 35 years have passed since the Kovacs’ group
* Marco Faustini-Fustini proposed the silent corticotroph cell adenoma (SCA) as a distinct clinicopathologic entity with positive immunor- eactivity for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) without
1 any clinical and biochemical evidence of Cushing’s syn-
Department of Pathology, Rizzoli Institute, Bologna, Italy
drome [1, 2]. It has been known for many years that SCAs
IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna (ISNB),
are usually large tumours, which present signs and symp-
Bellaria Hospital, Via Altura, 3, Bologna 40139, Italy
toms due to the tumour mass and sometimes show more
Department of Biomedical and Neuro-Muscular Sciences, Section
aggressive behaviour than other clinically non-functioning
of Anatomic Pathology ‘M.Malpighi’ at Bellaria Hospital,
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy pituitary adenomas [1, 3]. However, there has been very
4 little progress in understanding the mechanism(s) by which
Department of Neurosurgery, Center of Pituitary Tumors and
Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, IRCCS Institute of Neurological the hormonal secretion of neoplastic corticotroph cells is not
Sciences of Bologna (ISNB), Bellaria Hospital, Bologna, Italy associated with Cushing’s disease (CD). Only recently,
Department of Neuroradiology, IRCCS Institute of Neurological focused laboratory research has resulted in a surge of
Sciences of Bologna (ISNB), Bologna, Italy interest in this field [4]. However, the distinction between

hormonally active and SCAs is not as clear as expected. The and symptoms of hypercortisolism at presentation, whereas
transformation of a SCA into a corticotroph cell adenoma those with SCA presented to us with symptoms related to
associated with CD has been sporadically reported in the tumour mass. As recently reported by our group [21, 22], the
medical literature [5–13], and adenoma cells of the primary immunohistochemical expression of galectin-3 protein was
tumour were positive for ACTH to a variable degree in also evaluated for all cases to differentiate SCA from
these cases. This phenomenon is of great interest and ACTH-secreting adenomas associated with CD. SCAs were
remains to be elucidated. Baldeweg et al. report that, after a classified as densely granulated (type 1) and sparsely granu-
long natural history, a proportion of SCA might show their lated (type 2) according to the recent criteria [23–26]. The
full potential for secreting molecules of ACTH that appear cases meeting the following criteria were selected: (a) the
qualitatively and quantitatively sufficient to lead to CD [9]. availability of enough material to allow morphological and
While this observation may be pertinent, the mechanism immunohistochemical characterisation of the patients who
underlying this transformation in the pattern of hormonal were re-operated on during the transformation phase from
secretion has not yet been clarified and it is not currently SCA to CD, (b) no radiation therapy before surgery and (c) the
possible to predict in which patients with SCA the meta- availability of clinical information, including endocrinological
morphosis to CD will occur. evaluation and neuroimaging data. The clinical, neuror-
It is tempting to postulate that this transformation can adiological and pathological features of the first five patients
result from the involvement of one or more steps in the with SCA that changed their phenotype from SCA to CD
processing of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) [14, 15]. Pro- (nos. 1–5, Table 2) have been recently reported by our group
hormone convertase 1/3 (PC1/3) belongs to the large family [27]. Both 14 cases of SCA (7 densely granulated, type 1 and
of proprotein convertases and is distributed in secretory 7 sparsely granulated, type 2) and 5 cases of ACTH-secreting
granules of neural and neuroendocrine tissues [16]. In cor- adenomas associated with CD (all of them with no change of
ticotrophs, PC1/3 is involved in the post-translational pro- phenotype during the follow-up) were used as control cases.
cessing of POMC into mature and biologically active ACTH Consent was obtained from each patient after full
[14–16]. Previous immunohistochemical and RT-PCR stu- explanation of the purpose and nature of all the procedures
dies have demonstrated a decrease in PC1/3 expression used and the investigation was approved by the local ethical
associated with a downregulation of POMC and PC1/3 genes committee (Protocol no. 14120). Follow-up monitoring
in SCA with respect to corticotroph adenomas associated included postoperative MRI scans obtained 3–6 months
with CD [14, 15, 17]. Therefore, PC1/3 expression has been after surgery and then at variable intervals, depending on
proposed as having a central role in POMC processing clinical and neuroradiological findings and results of bio-
impairment in SCA [14, 17, 18]. Positive PC1/3 immunos- chemical analysis.
taining has been observed in normal pituitary gland speci-
mens and in all types of pituitary adenomas, although a more Immunohistochemistry
intense immunoreactivity to PC1/3 has been observed in
corticotroph cell adenomas associated with CD [17–20]. Four-micrometre thick sections were immunohistochemi-
In this paper we present the results of immunohistochem- cally stained with monoclonal antibody to anti-PC1/3
ical and molecular expression of PC1/3 in tissue specimens (PCSK1) clone 3D2 (diluted 1:80; Sigma-Aldrich). Immu-
obtained from three patients with SCA who underwent surgery nohistochemical reactions were performed using the Ultra-
once again because of the development of clinical and Vision LP Large Volume Detection System HRP Polymer
laboratory features of CD during the follow-up period. (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Fremont, CA) as follows:
dewaxing and antigen retrieval were achieved by pretreat-
ment with W-CAP TEC buffer solution pH6 (Bio-Optica,
Materials and methods Milan, Italy) at 98 °C for 35 min, and inhibition of the
endogenous peroxidases was obtained in 3 % H2O2. After
Human subjects and tissues rinsing the slides in distilled water and in buffer solution
(PBS-Tween 20, 1×; Bio-Optica), the sections were incu-
All 1259 consecutive cases of pituitary adenoma surgically bated in a humid chamber at room temperature (RT) for
treated with endoscopic endonasal procedures present in the 5 min with Ultra V Block solution (Ultravision LP; Lab
files of the Section of Anatomic Pathology of the Department Vision Corp, Thermo Fisher Scientific). The sections were
of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of then washed in buffer solution three times for 2 min each
Bologna at Bellaria Hospital from January 1998 to December and incubated with primary antibody for 1 h at RT in a
2013 were retrieved. Of these, 132 were ACTH-secreting humid chamber. The sections were then washed in buffer
adenomas associated with CD and 44 were SCAs. All patients solution and incubated with Primary Antibody Enhancer
with ACTH-secreting adenomas associated with CD had signs solution (Ultravision LP; Lab Vision Corp) for 20 min at

Fig. 1 Case 2. a, b Reticulin stain showed the normal acinar architecture heterogeneity as variation in cytoplasmic granularity and staining asso-
in non-tumorous adenohypophysial parenchyma associated with the loss ciated with the capillary-rich stromal network surrounding pituitary acini.
of this acinar architecture in the SCA, inside the circle (a, 50× magnifi- (200× magnification). d–f The non-tumorous adenohypophysial par-
cation; b, 200× magnification). c On hematoxylin and eosin stain, the enchyma evidenced the expression of PC1/3 (d, 400× magnification),
normal pituitary exhibited acinar architecture, and manifest cellular ACTH (e, 400× magnification) and PRL (f, 400× magnification)

Table 1 The PCR primers used in this study

Gene name Primer forward Primer reverse Slope Efficiency R square
(%) value



RT in a humid chamber. After several washes in buffer follows: 0, negative; 1+, weakly positive; 2+, moderately
solution, the sections were incubated for 10 min with HRP- positive; and 3+, strongly positive. The immunocytochemical
polymer solution (horseradish peroxidase polymer; Ultra- staining for PC1/3 was evaluated by three of us (S.A., A.R.
vision LP, Lab Vision Corp). Reaction was revealed with and M.P.F.) who were blinded to clinical and pathological
3.3′-diaminobenzidine solution for 5 min and counter- data.
stained with hematoxylin. Duodenal tissue fragments
were used as a positive control and the non-tumorous ade- RNA extraction and RT qPCR analysis
nohypophysial parenchyma was used as an internal positive
control when it was present in the sample [18–20] Paraffin-embedded tumour material obtained from the
(Fig. 1a–f). The absence of a primary antibody was used as 20-μm-thick sections was de-paraffinized in xilene at 50 °C
a negative control. The PC1/3 immunohistochemical for 3 min and rinsed twice in absolute ethanol at RT. Total
expression was scored using the semiquantitative scale RNA was extracted using a Recover All kit (Ambion, Austin,
reported by Lloyd RV et al. [19]. In particular, the immu- TX, USA), including a DNase step according to the manu-
nostaining results were expressed as a percentage of posi- facturer’s recommended protocol. RNA concentration was
tive tumours and the staining intensity was graded as measured with a Quant-iT™ RNA kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,

CA, USA). Primers were designed using Primer3 software changing their clinical expression from SCA to ACTH-
( and are described in Table 1. secreting adenomas associated with CD, were sparsely
ACTB and B2M served as reference housekeeping genes for granulated silent corticotroph adenomas with an expres-
normalisation. Amplicons were tested with MFOLD sion of 10 % (case 1) and 20 % (case 2) of neoplastic
( in order to avoid cells. The recurrences of typical corticotroph adenoma
secondary structures within primer positions and were with CD showed an ACTH immunohistochemical
tested using repeatmasker ( and expression of 80 % and of 70 % of neoplastic cells,
primer-BLAST ( respectively. On the other hand, the diagnosis in other
blast) for primer specificity. two cases (cases 3 and 4) of SCA was densely granulated
Seven microlitres of total RNA was subjected to corticotroph adenomas. In particular, the pituitary tumour
reverse transcription using a SuperScript® VILO™ of patient no. 3 was a densely granulated SCA, composed
cDNA Synthesis kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) of basophilic cells that were strongly positive for ACTH
according to the manufacturer’s recommended protocol. (90 % of neoplastic cells); the recurrence of corticotroph
One microlitre of cDNA was amplified in duplicate adenoma associated with CD showed an ACTH
adding 10 pmol of each primer by the 1× FastStart Taq immunohistochemical expression of 75 % (Table 2).
Reagents Kit (Roche, Mannheim, Germany), with the Neoplastic cells of patient no. 4 showed a similar ACTH
following programme: 2 min at 50 °C, 4 min at 95 °C and immunohistochemical both in the phase of CD (first
38 cycles with annealing at 60 °C for 30 s. GelStar stain operation) and in the phase of SCA (90 and 80 %,
(Lonza Bioscience, Rockland, ME, USA) was used as an respectively).
intercalating dye. No template control for each marker Clinical and neuroradiological data of the seven
was included in the reaction plate. One case of ACTH- patients whose phenotype changed during the follow-up
secreting adenomas associated with CD with no change are summarised in Table 2. The transformation time
of phenotype during the follow-up was used as a strong varied from 1 to 7 years. A more detailed clinical history
positive internal control for PC1/3 for relative quantifi- of the first five patients has been reported in a previous
cation and fold-change calculation. study [27]. A low dose dexamethasone suppresion test
All of the reactions were performed in duplicate and (LDDST) was carried out in all these patients in order to
amplicons run on a 3 % agarose gel [28]. confirm the suspicion of Cushing’s syndrome. It is of
note that patient no. 3 showed very high serum ACTH
Statistical analysis levels (386 pg/ml) despite no evidence of clinical features
of Cushing’s syndrome together with normal morning
Expression values and fold change were obtained with serum cortisol.
relative quantification of ACTB and B2M as reference
mRNA and the 2−ΔΔCt method [29], using the DataAssist Immunohistochemical analysis
2.0 Tool (Applied Biosystem, Foster City, CA, USA).
Table 3 summarises the results of immunohistochemical
and molecular studies on PC1/3 expression in these three
Results patients. With respect to immunohistochemistry, the dis-
tribution of PC1/3 protein was cytoplasmic with a granular
Clinical data immunoreactive pattern and focally nuclear. In all cases,
PC1/3 immunoreactivity indicated the non-tumorous ade-
During the follow-up period (ranging from 18 to nohypophysial parenchyma, which served as an internal
180 months), 7 (3.9 %) of the 176 patients with corticotroph positive control when it was present in the sample.
cell adenoma that underwent pituitary surgery over the last The immunohistochemical PC1/3 expression was nega-
15 years showed a clear transformation of the phenotype, tive or weak and focally positive (0/1+) in the neoplastic
changing their clinical expression from SCA to ACTH- cells in the phase of SCA, whereas a moderate/strong
secreting adenomas associated with CD in 5 cases and from expression (2+/3+) was observed in the majority of the
CD to SCA in 2 cases (Table 2). Of these, three patients neoplastic cells in the same three patients that developed an
with SCA were re-operated on after the transformation ACTH-secreting adenoma associated with CD (Fig. 2a–d).
phase to CD, thus allowing us to obtain tissue specimens In 14 cases of SCA with no change of phenotype during the
both in the phase of SCA and in the phase of CD in the follow-up, used as control cases (four of whom showed a
same patient. recurrence and underwent pituitary surgery once again), the
Two cases (cases 1 and 2, see Tables 2 and 3) that immunohistochemical PC1/3 expression was absent or
showed a clear transformation of the phenotype, weak in scattered neoplastic cells (0/1+). Conversely, in five
Table 2 Clinical, radiological and pathological features of the seven patients with corticotroph cell adenoma that changed their phenotype during the follow-up period
No. Age/ Symptoms at presentation and laboratory tests Neuroradiological classification Diagnosisb at the Diagnosis at the time Transformation

gender on MRI Hardy-Wilsona time of presentation of transformation time (years)

(first operation) (% of ACTH (% of ACTH
(trasformation) positive cells) positive cells)
Before the After the
transformation transformation

1 47/F Pituitary incidentaloma. No sign of Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Cystic adenoma with suprasellar SCA CD 7
hypercortisolism extension
Normal urinary free cortisol 87.1 pg/ml 61 pg/ml — — — —
(320 nmol/day)
Serum cortisol below 50 nmol/L after Serum cortisol Serum cortisol (2-A) (1-0) (10 %) (80 %)
— 763.2 nmol/L 804.5 nmol/L — — — —
2 18/F Primary amenohrroea. No sign of Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Invasive cystic tumour with SCA CD 6
hypercortisolism suprasellar and parasellar extension
Serum cortisol below 50 nmol/L after 40 pg/ml 21.51 pg/ml — — — —
— Serum cortisol Serum cortisol (2-D) (2-A) (20 %) (70 %)
— 699.6 nmol/L 1310.2 nmol/L — — — —
3 37/F Visual loss. No sign of hypercortisolism. Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Invasive solid large tumour with SCA CD 2
BMI: 20 kg/m2 asynìmettric suprasellar and
parasellar bilateral extension
— 386 pg/ml. 150 pg/ml — (90 %) (75 %) —
— Serum cortisol Serum cortisol — — — —
— 286,2 nmol/L 20,4 nmol/L (2-E) (2-D) — — —
4 51/M Visual loss. Diabetes mellitus Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Invasive solid large tumour with CD SCA 1
suprasellar and parasellar extension
Clinical features of CD 130 pg/ml 48.6 pg/ml — — — —
Urinary free cortisol. 403 nmol/day. Low Serum cortisol Serum cortisol (2-C) (2-A) (90 %) (80 %) —
serum LH, FSH and total testosterone
— 985.8 nmol/L 225.7 nmol/L — — — —
5 48/M Pituitary incidentaloma Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Solid large tumour with suprasellar SCA CD 2
Normal urinary free cortisol 48.8 pg/ml 127.9 pg/ml — (no surgery) (80 %) —
(847 nmol/day)
Serum cortisol below 50 nmol/L after Serum cortisol Serum cortisol (2-A) (no recurrence) — — —
— 422.9 nmol/L 973 nmol/L — — — —
6* 50/M Visual loss. High-normal arterial Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Tumour with suprasellar extension SCA CD 4
pressure. No hormonal abnormalities
Serum cortisol below 50 nmol/L after 32 pg/ml 17 pg/ml (2-A) (2-B) — — —
— Serum cortisol Serum cortisol — (70 % atypical adenoma) (data not available) —
— 534.24 nmol/L 79.5 nmol/L — — — —
Table 2 continued
No. Age/ Symptoms at presentation and laboratory tests Neuroradiological classification Diagnosisb at the Diagnosis at the time Transformation
gender on MRI Hardy-Wilsona time of presentation of transformation time (years)
(first operation) (% of ACTH (% of ACTH
(trasformation) positive cells) positive cells)
Before the After the
transformation transformation

7* 69/M Severe hypokalaemia (1.8 mmol/L) Serum ACTH Serum ACTH Large invasive tumour with CD SCA 1
suprasellar and infrasellar extension
Upper body obesity and fatigue, without 69 pg/ml 33.9 pg/ml — — — —
other signs of CD (no red, round face, no
thin skin and bruising, no purple striae)
High serum cortisol after LDDST (488 Serum cortisol Serum cortisol (2-D) (no recurrence) (90 % atypical adenoma) (no surgery) —
High urinary free cortisol (1738 nmol/ 1176.6 nmol/L 286.2 nmol/L — — — —

Only patients nos. 1, 2 and 3 were re-operated at the time of transformation

Asterisk (*) indicates patients who were treated also by radiotherapy. Patient no. 6 underwent radiotherapy after surgery (one year before the transformation from SCA to CD), medical treatment
with pasireotide and chemotherapy with temozolomide and finally (6 years after presentation) developed distant spread of the tumour (liver metastases). Patient no. 7 underwent radiotherapy after
surgery, but when the transformation from CD to SCA had been occurred yet
All the patients except no. 5 underwent surgery before transformation. Clinical, radiological and pathological features of patients nos. 1–5 have been previously reported [27]. Patients nos. 1, 2 and
3 underwent surgery both before and after transformation; they correspond to patient nos. 1, 3 and 4, respectively, in Ref. [27]. Patient nos. 2 and 5 correspond to patient nos. 2 and 5, respectively,
in Ref. [27]
ACTH reference ranges were: 5–60 pg/ml for cases 1 and 4, <46 pg/ml for cases 2, 6 and 7, 9–52 pg/ml for case 3, 5–52 pg/ml for case 5.
Serum cortisol reference ranges were: 222.6–667.8 nmol/L for cases 1, , 6 and 7, 178–731.4 nmol/L for case 2, 197.2–616.9 nmol/L for case 3, 222.6–795 nmol/L for case 5.
Urinary free cortisol reference ranges were: 96.5–377.9 nmol/day for cases 1, 6 and 7, 55.18–248.31 nmol/day for cases 2 and 4, 99.2–377.9 nmol/day for case 3, and 160–1103.6 nmol/day for
case 5.
MRI magnetic resonance imaging, LDDST low dose dexamethasone suppression test (Liddle I) (footnote b below), SCA silent corticotroph cell adenoma, CD Cushing’s disease
Neuroradiological classification according to Hardy-Wilson criteria [44, 45]
Diagnosis according to WHO criteria [46]

(fold-change values)
ACTH-secreting adenomas associated with CD, used as

control cases, the immunohistochemical PC1/3 expression

Table 3 Molecular data and correlation with immunohistochemical results; relative quantification and fold-change values are calculated respect to one case of ACTH-secreting adenomas
was strong in the majority of neoplastic cells (2+/3+,
Fig. 3a, b).

Molecular analysis

ACTH IHC (% of positive PC1/3 IHC (% of positive

neoplastic cells, intensity)
The molecular data and their correlation with the immu-
nohistochemical results are summarised in Table 3 and in
ACTH-secreting adenomas associated with CD

Fig. 4. The PC1/3 mRNA quantitative analyses were

90 % (3+) informative in all samples, and one case of ACTH-secreting
50 % (2+)
40 % (2+)
adenomas associated with CD with no change of phenotype
during the follow-up was used as an internal control refer-
ence for relative quantification and fold-change calculation
for PC1/3.
The immunohistochemical PC1/3 expression showed a
correlation with the PC1/3 levels obtained by quantitative
neoplastic cells) (%)

real time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), in asses-

sing the increase of PC1/3 expression from silent to ACTH-
secreting adenomas associated with CD. The PC1/3 levels
of mRNA transcripts were at least doubled during the
tumour transformation of SCA evolving into ACTH-

secreting adenomas associated with CD.

In particular, the average fold-change value in SCA
was 0.149 (range 0.0489–0.2667) for PC1/3 mRNA tran-

scripts, whereas the average fold-change value was 0.389

(range 0.0983–0.7423) in the same three patients after the
Time of

7 years
6 years
2 years

transformation into ACTH-secreting adenomas associated

with CD.
(fold-change values)

In 10 cases of SCA without a change of phenotype


during the follow-up, used as control cases, where the

immunohistochemical PC1/3 expression was absent or
weak in scattered neoplastic cells (0/1+), either an absence

associated with CD with no change of phenotype during the follow-up

or very low levels of PC1/3 was obtained by qRT-PCR with


an average fold-change value of 0.11 (range 0–0.186) for

PC1/3 mRNA transcripts. Similar results were obtained in
ACTH IHC (% of positive PC1/3 IHC (% of positive
neoplastic cells, intensity)

4 cases of SCA that showed a recurrence during the follow-

up without changing their phenotype: we identified very
similar levels of PC1/3 obtained by qRT-PCR, with an
average fold-change value of 0.277 (range 0–0.79) in pri-
mary tumour and an average fold-change value of 0.279
20 % (1+)
No. Silent corticotroph pituitary adenomas

(range 0–0.99) in the recurrent tumour for PC1/3 mRNA


neoplastic cells) (%)

Our study showed that in all the three patients with SCA
who changed their phenotype during the follow-up period
the PC1/3 expression – analysed by both immunohis-
tochemistry and qRT-PCR – was scant in the phase of silent

corticotroph adenoma, while it became strong in the sub-

sequent phase of CD, thus providing insight into the crucial

Fig. 2 Case 2 (Table 2). a The

immunohistochemical PC1/3
expression was negative
(a, 200× magnification) in the
SCA; b the same case showing a
strong ACTH immunoreactivity
(b, 200× magnification);
c a moderate/strong expression
(2+/3+) for PC1/3 antibody
(c, 200× magnification) was
observed in the majority of the
neoplastic cells in the recurrence
of the same patient that
developed an ACTH-secreting
adenoma associated with CD;
d ACTH immunohistochemical
expression in the recurrent
adenoma (d, 200×

Fig. 3 a, b Positive
immunohistochemical case
control of ACTH-secreting
adenoma associated with CD
showing a strong (3+)
expression for PC1/3 antibody
in the majority of the neoplastic
cells (a: ACTH
immunoreactivity, 200×
magnification; b: PC1/3
expression, 200× magnification)

role of PC1/3 protein in the mechanism of such an unusual enables the full potential for secreting a biologically active
transformation. Our findings about the fold-change values molecule of ACTH by neoplastic cells in the SCA setting to
indicated that both in cases 1 and 2 the mRNA levels had be shown [9]. In fact, in our series the period for transfor-
gone up threefold in the phase of CD with respect to the mation from SCA to CD was not particularly long, ranging
phase of SCA. This change was less evident in case 3, from 1 to 7 years (Table 2). Conversely, in sporadic cases
which exhibited twice the RNA levels of PC1/3 in the phase reported in the medical literature this transformation occurred
of CD. We did not see any evident variation in mRNA up to 15 years from the initial presentation (Table 4).
expression for the two housekeeping genes for all the three To the best of our knowledge, our series is the largest
cases, indicating that possible variations during the fixation published to date. To be sure, more questions remain. The
process were minimal and they probably did not affect the transformation of an SCA into a corticotroph cell adenoma
experimental conditions. Furthermore, our data did not associated with CD remains a challenge, not only because
completely confirm the idea that only a long follow-up period of its rarity [5–13], but also in terms of understanding the

Another important challenge in analysing the results of

studies on patients affected with corticotroph cell adenoma
is the possibility of a cyclic or periodic hypersecretion of
cortisol with intermittent periods of normal secretion [33–38].
However, almost all cases of cyclic Cushing’s disease
reported to date were microadenomas, while the cases that
we report in the present study relate to large macro-
adenomas. Clinical, pathological, and laboratory data
accumulated over the last three decades suggest that just
corticotroph cell macroadenomas represent a heterogeneous
group of pituitary tumours and that, in particular, the
spectrum of clinical behaviour can range from overt
Cushing’s syndrome to silent corticotroph adenomas.
Between these two opposite points of the spectrum, subclinical
Cushing’s syndrome does exist, and this represents a further
matter of debate. In fact, while a cyclic form of CD seems to
Fig. 4 Comparison between PC1/3 immunohistochemical expression
and PC1/3 expression levels using qRT-PCR in cases 1, 2 and 3, be quite unlike the one observed in our series, the possibility
before transformation (on the left) and after transformation (on the that some cases of SCA may gradually develop into CD
right) through a subclinical intermediate form of hypercortisolism
could not be completely excluded. Furthermore, the data
mechanism(s) underlying such a metamorphosis. In patients obtained from previous studies sometimes were lacking in
with macroadenoma associated with CD, impaired proces- details about endocrinological investigations (Table 4).
sing of POMC has been advocated to understand the poor In general, how SCA can progress to develop florid
response to the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test Cushing’s syndrome after years of silence remains an
compared to the response that is usually recorded in patients enigma. Usually, a change in the immunophenotype of a
with microadenomas [30]. Again, the secretion of high tumour is a phenomenon seen in malignant tumours and,
molecular weight adrenocorticotropin in a patient with SCA theoretically, can be caused by irradiation or haemorrhage [39].
was reported several years ago [31]. More recently, Raverot A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the
and colleagues analysed a number of molecular character- progression from SCA to CD. Kojima et al. stated that the
istics of SCA and CD, differentiating between micro- percentage of immunoreactive ACTH-secreting cells and
adenomas and macroadenomas associated with CD [4]. the amount of hormone secreted by a single cell are too low
In their work, the authors identified a lower expression of in SCA in comparison with CD [40]. Matsuno and coll.
PC1/3 in SCA and in macroadenomas associated with CD reported the secretion of a high molecular weight adreno-
than in microadenomas associated with CD. However, in corticotropin competing with the normal adrenocortico-
their cohort, no patients with SCA developed CD during the tropin for its receptor [41]. An increase in intracellular
follow-up, although two patients harboured hormonal degradation of ACTH has also been postulated. If there is a
abnormalities with no clinical signs of CD. Interestingly, decrease in this cellular degradation during tumour pro-
one of their patients affected with SCA had very high gression, ACTH synthesis may become clinically sig-
plasma ACTH levels (899 pg/ml) in spite of no features of nificant. Thus, the tumour very often produces neurological
Cushing’s syndrome. Our patient no. 3 (Table 2) showed and ophthalmological symptoms before the onset of the
similar biochemical data, together with patient no. 10 [6] hormonal syndrome, or produces the syndrome when it
and patient no. 11 [5] reported in Table 4. This rare phe- reaches a considerable volume [1,12,42]. Another hypoth-
nomenon is well known, even though the explanation is far esis is that the clinical manifestations of CD are critically
from being a simple issue. dependent on prohormone processing in corticotrophs and
In addition to studying tissue specimens in both the SCA the regrowth of the tumour changes the processing of the
and CD phases in three patients, we also described two POMC molecule, thus causing the overproduction of bio-
patients (Table 2) who underwent the opposite metamor- active ACTH. This phenomenon may be due to alterations
phosis (from CD to SCA), which is even more unusual than in PC1/3, which is known to be involved in the post-
the transformation from SCA to CD [12, 32]. In these two translational processing of POMC into ACTH [14–16].
patients, however, we were unable to evaluate PC1/3 The data obtained in our study indicates the crucial role of
expression in tissue specimens in the two different phases of PC1/3 in these patients. In particular, the immunohisto-
their clinical course, because they were operated on only chemical PC1/3 expression was negative or weak positive
during the CD phase. in the three patients in the initial phase SCA, whereas we
Table 4 Summary of previous cases of SCA adenomas transforming into ACTH-secreting adenoma associated with CD (see references)
No. Age/ Presentation Diagnosis at first operation Recurrence as CD Postoperative radiotherapy/ References
gender (years) Outcome

1 14/F Ophthalmoplegia, obesity, hypertension, abdominal striae Non-functioning chromophobe adenoma 5 Yes/Progression [13]
(several cells immunopositive for ACTH)
— Serum basal cortisol 16 µg/dl — — — —
— Normal suppression at overnight 1 mg dexamethasone test — — — —
2 44/F Amenorrhoea-galactorrhoea. Basal serum ACTH 27 pg/ml (normal, Silent ACTH adenoma 3 Yes/Cured [11]
9–52), basal serum cortisol 527 nmol/L (normal, 160–690), free
urinary cortisol 296 mmol/24 h (normal, 90–370), serum PRL 76–84
ng/ml (normal, 2.5–26)
3 49/F No hormonal abnormalities Non-functioning pituitary adenoma (few 1 Yes/Cured [10]
cells immunopositive for ACTH)
4 — None of the patients had symptoms or signs suggestive of Silent ACTH adenoma ? — [9]
5 — hypercortisolism at the time of presentation Silent ACTH adenoma ? — —
6 — Silent ACTH adenoma ? — —
7 — Silent ACTH adenoma ? — —
8 49/F Visual loss and galactorrhea–amenorrhoea Non-functioning atypical adenoma 2 Yes/Controlled [8]
— Morning serum cortisol levels: 24 μg/dL, ACTH: 36 ng/L — — — —
9 58/M No stigmata of hypercortisolism Type II silent ACTH adenoma 15 No/Controlled [7]
— Partial hypopituitarism (hydrocortisone, levothyroxine and — — — —
testosterone replacement therapy)
10 45/M No sign of hypercortisolism. Headache, visual defects. Plasma Silent ACTH adenoma 6 Yes/Progression (ACTH- [6]
ACTH: 192 pg/ml secreting carcinoma)
11 52/M No sign of hypercortisolism Silent ACTH adenoma 2 Yes/Progression [5]
— ACTH 168 pg/ml (normal, 10–60), serum cortisol: 433 nmol/L — — — —
(normal, 160–690)

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