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‫تطبيقات ومسائل‬
‫حسابية في مقرر‬
‫الكيمياء الكهربية‬

1. Calculate the standard free energy ∆Go for the following balanced reaction
Al(s) + Fe3+(aq) →Al3+(aq) + Fe(s)
If Eocell= 2.431 V, F = 96500 C/mol
a) - 7.04 x 105 J/mol
b) + 7.04 x 105 J/mol
c) 5.6 x 106 J/mol
d) - 56 x 103 J/mol
2. What is the kind of this electrode : Na/Na+
a) Metal/metal ions electrode
b) Nonmetal/nonmetal ions electrodes
c) Oxidation-reduction electrode
3. In a concentration cell with ion transference, the concentration of the
solutions are (1 M, 2 M), Cathode should be immersed in :
a) 1 M solution
b) 2 M solution
4. A concentration cell is constructed by placing identical Cd electrodes in
two Cd2+ solutions. If the concentrations of two Cd2+ solutions are 1.0 M
and 0.0010 M, calculate the potential of the cell, (E 0 Cd = - 0.400 V),
a) 1.20 V
b) – 0.0592 V
c) 0.0592 V
d) 0.0800 V
5. For a galvanic cell using Ag/Ag+ (1.0 M), and Zn/Zn2+ (1.0 M) half cells,
which of the following statements is incorrect (where EoAg = 0.799V, E0 Zn
= -0.762 V) :
a) The zinc electrode is the anode
b) Reduction occurs at the zinc electrode as the cell operates
c) The mass of the zinc electrode will decrease as the cell operates
d) The concentration of Ag+ will decease as the cell operates.
6. A process in which a substance accepts electrons is called:
a) Oxidation
b) Hydrogenation
c) Sublimation
d) Reduction

7. A process in which a substance loses electrons is called:

e) Oxidation
f) Hydrogenation
g) Sublimation
h) reduction
8. ………… a substance that accepts electrons from another substance
a) Oxidizing agent
b) reducing agent
9. The form of corrosion due to mechanical effect is ………………corrosion
a) Uniform
b) Erosion
c) Pitting
d) Galvanic
10. Passivity is due to
a) High current density
b) Forming a complex in a higher EMF
c) Oxide film
d) High polarization
11. A substance that decrease the corrosion rate of metals in the environment
is called:
a) Inhibitor
b) Promotor
c) Catalyst
d) Sacrificial agent
12. If a Pt electrode is added to an acid solution containing a Zn electrode,
hydrogen evolution will occur at:
a) Pt because of its higher exchange current density
b) Zn because of its higher exchange current density
c) Pt because of its higher polarization
d) Zn because of its higher polarization
13. The rate of corrosion will be larger if :
a) The area of the anode is greater than the area of the cathode
b) The area of the anode is maller than the area of the cathode
c) The area of the anode is equal the area of the cathode

d) The anode and cathode are of the same type

14. The anodic and cathodic polarization will be the maximum at :
a) E(cathode) = E(anode)
b) i0 (cathode) = i0 (anode)
c) ∆G > 0
d) Eo (anode) = Eo (cathode)
15. Corrosion will be under cathodic polarization control when :
a) The polarization of the cathode is greater than that of the anode
b) Corrosion potential increases
c) Corrosion current density increases
d) The cell reaches the equilibrium state
16. The dry cell is :
a) Nonchargeable
b) Chargeable
c) Secondary cell
d) Concentration cell
17. …………………….is an example of secondary cells
a) Lead acid cell
b) Alkaline cell
c) Dry cell
d) Mercury cell
18. What will happen if a copper rod is immersed in a silver nitrate solution
If E0cu = 0.34 V, E0Ag = 0.80 V
A) Cu →Cu2+ + 2e
B) b) Ag+ + e →Ag
C) Cu + 2Ag+ →Cu2+ + 2Ag
D) A, b, c are correct
E) No reaction will occur
19. What is the oxidation number of sulfur (S) in magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4):
A) 2
B) 4
C) -3
D) 6
E) 8

20. What is the oxidation number of chromium (Cr) in Na2Cr2O7

a) 8
b) 7
c) 6
d) 3
21. Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents in the following reaction:
2Fe3+ + Sn2+ ------------------2Fe2+ + Sn4+

A) Fe3+ is the oxidizing agent, Sn2+ is the reducing agent

B) Fe3+ is the reducing agent, Sn2+ is the oxidizing agent
22. In …………………………oxidizing and reducing agents are separated but
connected electrically
A) Direct redox reaction
B) Indirect redox reaction
23. ……………………….is the electrode at which oxidation occurs
A) Anode
B) Cathode
24. ……………………….is the electrode at which reduction occurs
C) Anode
D) Cathode
25. One of the following is not a reference electrode:
a) Silver-silver chloride electrode
b) Calomel electrode
c) Copper electrode
d) Hydrogen electrode
26. In the electrochemical series the most negative E0 the greater the
tendency for the substance to be :
a) Reduced
b) Oxidized
27. Draw the cell representation for the following cell reaction :
Fe3+(aq) + Cu(s) --------------Cu2+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)

a) Cu/Cu2+//Fe3+,Fe2+/Pt
b) Pt/Fe3+,Fe2+//Cu2+/Cu

28. To calculate the emf of a cell (E0cell) :

A) E0 cell = Eocathode (reduction) – Eo anode (reduction)
B) E0cell = Eo(reduction) + Eo(oxidation)
C) A and B are correct
D) None of the above
29. Calculate the standard cell potential of the following cell reaction :
Zn(s) + 2H+(aq)→Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)
Where E0Zn= - 0.76 V
A) 0
B) + 0.76
C) – 0.76
D) None of the above
30. Will the following reaction occur spontaneously?
2Ag(s) + Zn2+(aq) ----------------2Ag+(aq) + Zn(s)
Where E0Ag = 0.80 V, E0Zn = - 0.763 V
A) spontaneously, E0cell = + 1.563 V
B) nonspontaneously, E0cell = - 1.563 V
C) spontaneously, E0cell = - 1.563 V
D) nonspontaneously, E0cell = + 1.563 V
31. Calculate the cell potential at 250 C:
Zn/Zn2+(aq, a = 0.01)//KCl (aq, a = 0.1)/Hg2Cl2(s), Hg(L)
EoHg2Cl2 = 0.267 V, E0Zn = - 0.762 V
a) – 1.15 V
b) + 1.15 V
c) + 1.03 V
d) – 1.03 V
32. +
H /H2, Pt is an:
a) Electrode of the First kind
b) Electrode of the second kind
c) Oxidation- reduction electrode
33. Hg, Hg2SO4/SO42- is an :
a) Electrode of the First kind
b) Electrode of the second kind
c) Oxidation- reduction electrode

34. Hg,HgO/OH- is an
a) Electrode of the First kind
b) Electrode of the second kind
c) Oxidation- reduction electrode
35. In the electrolytic concentration cell :
a) The concentrations of the electrodes are different but the
electrolytes are the same
b) The concentrations of the electrodes are the same but the
electrolytes are different
36. The cell :
Hg, Zn(a1)/ZnSO4/Zn(a2),Hg
is classified as:
A) Concentration cell with transference
B) Concentration cell without transference
37. For the concentration cell with two chlorine gas electrodes (a = 0.04 atm)
and (0.2 atm) immersed into one solution of HCl (0.1 M)
determine the cathode and anode half reactions and overall
At anode: 2Cl → Cl2 (0.2 atm) + 2e
At cathode: Cl2 (0.04 atm) + 2e → 2Cl-
The cell can be represented as follows:
Pt, Cl2 (0.2atm) / HCl (0.1 M)/Cl2 (0.04 atm),Pt
The overall cell reaction is :
Cl2(0.04 atm) → Cl2 (0.2 atm)

At anode: 2Cl- → Cl2 (0.04 atm) + 2e
At cathode: Cl2 (0.2 atm) + 2e → 2Cl-
The cell can be represented as follows:
Pt, Cl2 (0.04 atm) / HCl (0.1 M)/Cl2 (0.2 atm),Pt
The overall cell reaction is :
Cl2(0.2 atm) → Cl2 (0.04 atm)
38. For the concentration cell with two iron metal electrodes immersed into
two separated solutions of Fe2+(0.01 M) and Fe2+ (0.1 M) that are

connected through a salt bridge.

Write the oxidation, reduction reactions and write the cell line notation
Oxidation : Fe → Fe2+ (0.1 M)
Reduction Fe2+ (0.01 ) + 2e → Fe(s)
Cell line notation : Fe/Fe(0.1)//Fe2+(0.01)/Fe
Overall cell reaction: Fe2+ (0.01) -----------Fe2+(0.1)

Oxidation : Fe → Fe2+ (0.01 M)
Reduction Fe2+ (0.1 ) + 2e → Fe(s)
Cell line notation : Fe/Fe2+(0.01)//Fe2+(0. 1)/Fe
Overall cell reaction: Fe2+ (0. 1) → Fe2+(0.01)
39. Calculate the cell potential for a concentration cell with two silver
electrodes immersed in (0.2 M, 3 M) AgNO3(aq)
a) 0.0644 V
b) 0.644 V
c) 0.0348
d) 0.348
40. ……………………….is abattery that is designed to be used once and discarded,
and no recharged with electricity.
a) Primary cell
b) Secondary cell
41. ………………………is an electric cell that is rechargeable because it converts
chemical energy into electrical energy by a reversible chemical reaction
a) Primary cell
b) Secondary cell
42. Write the oxidation reaction in dry cell and lead storage battery
a) Zn(s) → Zn2+ + 2e (lead storage battery)
Pb(s) → Pb2+ + 2e (dry cell)

b) Zn(s) → Zn2+ + 2e (dry cell)

Pb(s) → Pb2+ + 2e (lead storage battery)
43. The commonly standard electrodes used to measure pH is (are):
a) Hydrogen electrode

b) Quinhydrone electrode
c) Glass electrode
d) A, b, c are correct
e) None of the above
44. The relationship between EH and pH at (1 atm) is
a) EH = - 0.0592 pH
b) EH = + 0.0592 pH
45. Calculate the EH at pH = 7 , (P = 1 atm)
a) – 0.414 V
b) + 0.414 V
c) + 0.342
d) – 0.342
e) None of the above
46. To calculate the pH according to the glass electrode, we use the following
a) E = E0 + 0.0592 pH
b) E = E0 – 0.0592 pH
c) E = - 0.0592 pH
d) E = + 0.0592 pH
e) None of the above
47. Calculate the pH for a solution contains the hydrogen electrode and
calomel electrode and the average cell potential is 0.5164 V at 25 0C, the
pressure of hydrogen gas is 0.961 atm and the potential of calomel
electrode is 0.2800 V?

a) pH = 3
b) pH = 4
c) pH = 5
d) pH = 2.3
48. ……………………….is a process in which electrical energy is used to cause a
non-spontaneous chemical reaction to occur
a) Electrolysis
b) Hydrolysis
49. Write the oxidation and reduction for the electrolysis of water

oxidation : …………………………………………………………….

50. Write the oxidation and reduction for the electrolysis of molten NaCl

oxidation : …………………………………………………………………….

51. Write the oxidation and reduction for the electrolysis of NaCl solution

oxidation : ……………………………………………………………………….

52. Electroplating can :
a) Increase corrosion resistance
b) Increase thickness of part
c) Increase tensile strength and hardness
d) A, b and c are correct
e) Non of the above
53. When plating a spoon with silver
a) Spoon is the anode and connected to the negative terminal of
the battery
b) Spoon is the anode and connected to the positive terminal of
the battery
c) Spoon is the cathode and connected to the negative terminal
of the battery
d) Spoon is the cathode and connected to the positive terminal of
the battery.

54. …………………………is the natural tendency of the substance to revert back to

its native state
a) Corrosion
b) Oxidation
c) Reduction

d) A and b are correct

e) A and c are correct
55. Corrosion is the :
a) Electrochemical degradation of a metal due to a reaction with
b) Loss of performance
c) A , B are correct
d) None of the abov
56. Write the oxidation and reduction reactions when iron is immersed in
H2SO4 (dil)


57. The half – reaction that occurs at the anode during the electrolysis of
molten sodium bromide is :
a) 2Br - → Br2 + 2e
b) Br2 + 2e → 2Br-
c) Na+ + e → Na
d) Na → Na+ + e
e) 2H2O + 2e → 2OH- + H2
58. Which of the following represents the reaction that occurs at the negative
electrode in the following cell:
Pb/Pb(NO3)2 (1.0 M)//AgNO3 (1.0 M)/Ag

a) Pb2+ + 2e → Pb
b) Pb → Pb2+ + 2e
c) Ag+ + e → Ag
d) Ag → Ag+ + e
e) None of the above
59. For a voltaic (galvanic) cell using Ag, Ag+ (1.0 M) and Zn,Zn2+ (1.0 M) half-
cells, which of the following statements is incorrect (where E0Ag = 0.80 V,
E0Zn = -0.763 V)
a) The zinc electrode is the anode
b) Electrons will flow through the external circuit from the zinc
electrode to the silver electrode

c) Reduction occurs at the zinc electrode as the cell operates

d) the mass of the zinc electrode will decrease as the cell
e) The concentration of Ag+ will decrease as the cell operates.
60. What is the reduction potential for the half-reaction at 25 0C:
Al3+ + 3e → Al,
if [Al3+] = 0.10 M and E0 (Al) = -1.66 V
a) -1.84 V
b) -1.60 V
c) -1.68 V
d) -1.66 V
e) -1.72 V
61. Calculate the potential (in volts) for the voltaic (galvanic) cell indicated at
250 C (EoAg = 0.799 V, EoGa = -0.529 V
Ga/Ga3+(10-6 M)//Ag+ (10-4 M)/Ag
a) 1.29 V
b) 0.97 V
c) 1.45 V
d) 1.21 V
e) 1.37 V
62. A concentration cell is constructed by placing identical Cu electrode in two
Cu2+ solutions. If the concentrations of the two Cu2+ solutions are 1.0 M
and 0.0020 M, calculate the potential of the cell
a) 0.020 V
b) 1.2 V
c) 0.030 V
d) 1.0 V
e) 0.080 V
63. Estimate the equilibrium constant for the system indicated at 25 0C
3Mg2+ + 2Al → 3 Mg + 2Al3+
a) 1069
b) 1023
c) 10-24
d) 10-36

e) 10-72
64. In the standard notation for a voltaic cell, the double vertical line (//)
a) A phase boundary
b) Gas electrode
c) A wire (metal) connection
d) A salt bridge
e) A standard hydrogen electrode
65. In the electrolytic cell, flow of electrons is from:
a) Cathode to anode through internal supply
b) Cathode to anode in solution
c) Cathode to anode through external supply
d) Anode to cathode through internal supply
66. In Cu-Zn cell
a) Oxidation occurs at the copper cathode
b) Chemical energy is converted to light energy
c) Reduction occurs at the copper cathode
d) Reduction occurs at the anode
67. Corrosion kinetics is used to :
a) Calculate cell potential
b) Corrosion rate
c) Standard free energy
68. Polarization is the :
a) Deviation from a standard potential while corrosion
b) Value of deviation from a standard potential
69. Overpotential is the :
a) Deviation from a standard potential while corrosion
b) Value of deviation from a standard potential
70. Calculate the overpotential of cathode if : EoCu = 0.34 V, Ecu = 0.29 V
a) – 0.11
b) 0.63 V
c) + 0.11 V
d) 0.29 V
e) 0.34 V

71. Rate of reduction of hydrogen ions at different metal surfaces (Hg, Fe, Pt)
at the same hydrogen standard potential (Eo = 0.000) have :
a) Different I0 values
b) Similar I0 values
c) Unpredicted I0 values
d) None of the above
72. When the Corrosion is under anodic polarization control:
a) Polarization of anode is smaller than of that of cathode
b) Polarization of cathode is greater than of that of anode
c) Corrosion potential will decrese
d) Corrosion potential will increase
e) Non of the above
73. Exchange current density (I0) is dependent on :
a) Nature of the redox reaction
b) Surface area
c) Electrode composition
d) A, b and c are correct
e) None of the above
74. What will happen if a Pt electrode is added to an acid solution containing a
Zn electrode :
a) The rate of hydrogen evolution on Zn (H on Zn) increases
b) The rate of hydrogen evolution on platinum surface (H on Pt)
increases vigorously
c) The rate of oxidation of zinc in the acid solution decreases
d) A, b and c are correct
e) None of the above

75. If Zn (1 cm2)(as anode) is coupled to Pt(10 cm2 instead of 1 cm2) ( as

cathode) :
a) The Icorr of coupled zinc (1 cm2) to Pt( 1 cm2) is lower than the
Icorr of zinc (1 cm2) coupled to Pt (10 cm2)
b) The Icorr of coupled zinc (1 cm2) to Pt( 1 cm2) is larger than the
Icorr of zinc (1 cm2) coupled to Pt (10 cm2)
c) When an anode electrode of small area is coupled to a

cathode electrode of large area, the anode will corrode at a

very slow rate
d) Areas of electrode do not effect on the rate of corrosion
e) None of the above
76. Which of the following, A or B, gives a greater corrosion rate?
E0 Zn = -0.763 V, E0 Fe = -0.404 V
A: a small piece of Zn in contact with a large piece of Fe
B: a large piece of Zn in contact with a small piece of Fe

a) A
b) B
77. (Two dissimilar materials are coupled in a corrosive electrolyte. The less
noble material will become the anode and corrodes faster).
The previous definition relates to :
a) Uniform corrosion
b) Galvanic corrosion
c) Pitting corrosion
d) Erosion corrosion
78. (Formation of holes or pits on metal surface where passive film breaks
The previous definition relates to :
a) Uniform corrosion
b) Galvanic corrosion
c) Pitting corrosion
d) Erosion corrosion

79. (Corrosion of material surface due to mechanical action of fluid flow).

The previous definition relates to :
a) Uniform corrosion
b) Galvanic corrosion
c) Pitting corrosion
d) Erosion corrosion
80. (Slow oxidation/reduction reactions by removing reactants like O 2 gas).
The previous statement relates to :

a) Inhibitors
b) Design
c) Coatings
d) Anodic protection
e) Cathodic protection
81. External power supply (potentiostat) is applied to keep a protective
passive film on a metal or alloy surface:
A) Anodic protection
B) Cathodic protection
82. ……………………………involves supplying, from an external source, electrons
to the metal to be protected, making it a cathode.
a) Anodic protection
b) Cathodic protection
83. Which of these represents one of the methods of cathodic protection:
a) Externally DC Supply
b) Galvanic coupling with more anodic metal (Sacrificial anode)
c) Hot-dip Galvanizing
d) A, b, c are correct
e) None of the above

84. Explain one of the methods of cathodic protection with illustrations and

85. Write net ionic equations describing the reaction between:
Aluminum metal and Fe3+ ions in solution that products dissolved Al3+ and
Fe2+ ions
86. Write net ionic equations describing the reaction between:
Tin (Sn) and Ag+ ions in solution that produces dissolved Sn2+ ions and
silver metal
87. An electrochemical cell with an aqueous electrolyte is based on the
reaction between Ni2+(aq) and Cd(s), producing Ni(s) and Cd2+(aq)
a) Write half-reactions for the anode and cathode

Oxidation: ………………………………………………………………………..


b) Write a balanced cell reaction


c) Diagram the cell

88. A voltaic cell is based on the reaction between Cu2+(aq) and Ni(s),
producing Cu(s) and Ni2+(aq)
a) Write the anode and cathode half-reactions

Oxidation: ………………………………………………………………………..


b) Write a balanced cell reaction


c) Diagram the cell


89. A voltaic cell is based on the reduction of Ag+(aq) to Ag(s) and the
oxidation of Sn(s) to Sn2+(aq)

a) Write half-cell reactions for the cell’s anode and cathode

Oxidation: ………………………………………………………………………..


C) Write a balanced cell reaction


D) Diagram the cell

90. What is the function of platinum in the standard hydrogen electrode?

91. Which is a stronger oxidizer under standard conditions :
oxygen or chlorine?
92. Which is the strongest reducing agent: Li, K and Na

93. Calculate the values of ∆G0 and Eocell of the following reactions:
Cu(s) + 2Fe3+(aq) ----------Cu2+(aq) + 2Fe2+(aq)
EoCu = 0.337 V, E0Fe3+/Fe2+ = 0.771 V
94. If a piece of silver is placed in a solution in which [Ag +] = [Cu2+] = 1.00M,
will the following reaction proceed spontaneously?
EoCu = 0.337 V, E0Ag = 0.799 V

2Ag(s) + Cu2+ (aq) -----------------------2Ag+(aq) + Cu(s)


95. A piece of cademium (Cd) is placed in a solution in which [Cd 2+] = [Sn2+] =
1.00 M. Will the following reaction proceed spontaneously?
E0Cd = - 0.403 V, E0Sn = - 0.136 V

Cd(s) + Sn2+(aq) -------------------------Cd2+(aq) + Sn(s)

96. Under standard conditions is H2 gas capable of reducing :
a) Ag+ to Ag E0Ag = 0.799 V)


b) Mg2+ to Mg (Eo Mg = - 2.363 V)


c) Cu2+ to Cu (Eo Cu = 0.337 V)


d) Cd2+ to Cd (E0Cd = - 0.403 V)

97. Under standard conditions are H+ ions capable of oxidizing :
a) Zn to Zn2+ (EoZn = - 0.763 V)


b) Fe2+ to Fe3+ (E0Fe3+/Fe2+ = + 0.771 V)


c) Ni to Ni2+ (E0Ni = - 0.250 V)


98. The standard potential of the Cu-Zn cell reaction is 1.10 V,

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
Would the potential of the Cu-Zn cell differ from 1.10 V if the
concentrations of both Cu2+ and Zn2+ were 0.25 M?
(E0Zn = - 0.763 V, E0Cu = + 0.337 V)
99. Calculate the Ecell value at 298 K for the cell based on the reaction
Fe3+(aq) + Cu+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cu2+(aq)
When [Fe3+] = [Cu+] = 1.50 x 10-3 M, [Fe2+]=[Cu2+] = 2.5 x 10-4 M.
100. Calculate the Ecell value at 298 K for the cell based on the reaction :
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)

When [Ag+]= 2.56 x 10-3 M, [Cu2+] = 8.25 x 10-4 M


101. Determine the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 298 K :
Fe3+ (aq) + Cr2+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cr3+(aq)
R = 8.314, F = 96500 C/mol,
E0Fe3+/Fe2+ = 0.771 V, EoCr3+/Cr2+ = - 0.408 V

102. If the potential of a hydrogen electrode based on the half-reaction

2H+(aq) + 2e → H2(g)
Is 0.000 V, at pH = 0.000, What is the potential of the same
electrode at pH = 7.00?
103. A concentration cell is constructed by using the same half-reaction for
both the cathode and anode. What is the value of Ecell for a concentration
cell that combines copper electrodes in contact with 0.35 M

copper(II)nitrate and 0.00075 M copper(II)nitrate solutions?

(E0Cu/Cu2+ = 0.3419 V).
104. The oxidation of NH4+ to NO3- in acid solution is described by the following
equation :

NH4+ (aq) + 2O2(g) → NO3- (aq) + 2H+(aq) + H2O(l)

a) Calculate E0 for the overall reaction
b) If the reaction is in equilibrium with air (PO2 = 0.21 atm) at pH
= 7.00, what is the ratio of [NO3-] to [NH4+] at 298 K?
105. What does a sacrificial anode do to protect a metal structure and why is
the process called cathodic protection?

106. Pt,H2(1 atm)/H+(a2)…H+(a1)/H2(1 atm),Pt
- What type of the previous cell

- Write the cell reaction


- Write the Nernst equation for this cell

107. Show with diagram the structure of the glass electrode and the Nernst
equation for its reduction reaction
108. Write the equation for the quinhydrone reduction and the Nernst
equation for it

109. A cell whose reaction is as follows
NiO2 + 2Ag + 4H+ → Ni2+ + 2Ag+ + 2H2O
And its standard potential is 2.48 V
Calculate the cell potential at the following concentrations :
[Ni2+]= [Ag+] = 0.01 M
And pH for the solution is 5
110. Cl2 + 2I- → 2Cl- + I2
What is the effect of dissolving more iodide in solution on the cell
potential ?
111. Calculate the change in standard free energy ∆G0 and equilibrium constant
for the following reaction at standard conditions

Sn + 2Cu2+ ---------Sn2+ + 2Cu+

R = 8.314, 1 F = 96500 C/mol,
EoSn2+/Sn= - 0.136 V, EC2+/Cu+ = + 0.153 V
112. Will the following reaction happen spontaneously at 25 0C?
Co + Fe2+ → Co2+ + Fe
If : [Co2+] = 0.15 M , [Fe2+] = 0.68 M
E0Co2+/Co = - 0.277 V , EoFe2+/Fe = - 0.440 V
113. Calculate the change in standard free energy ∆G0, free energy ∆G, and
equilibrium constant for the following cell reaction:
Ni/Ni2+(0.01 M//Cl-(0.2 M)/Cl2(1 atm),Pt
R = 8.314, 1 F = 96500 C/ mol
E0Ni2+/Ni = - 0.250 V, E0Cl2/Cl- = + 1.360 V


114. Calculate the potential of the following cell, the change in free energy of
its reaction and the equilibrium constant
Sn/Sn2+(1 M)//Pb2+(0.001 M/Pb
R = 8.314, 1 F = 96500 C/mol
E0Sn2+/Sn = -0.136 V E0Pb2+/Pb = - 0.126 V V
115. At standard conditions, will chromium(III) ions Cr3+, oxidize metallic copper
to copper(II) ions, Cu2+, or will Cu2+ oxidize metallic chromium to Cr3+ ions?
E0Cu2+/Cu = 0.337 V, Eo Cr3+/Cr = - 0.744 V

116. Calculate the reduction potential for the Fe3+/Fe2+ electrode if the
concentration of Fe2+ is five times that of Fe3+
E0Fe3+/Fe2+ = + 0.771 V

117. Calculate the potential of the chlorine/chloride ion, Cl2/Cl-, electrode when
the partial pressure of Cl2 is 10.0 atm and [Cl-] = 1.00 x 10-3 M

Cl2+ 2e → 2Cl-
E0Cl2/Cl- = + 1.360 V
118. Calculate ∆G0 in J/mole and K at 25 0C for the following reaction from
standard electrode potentials :
3Sn4+ + 2Cr → 3Sn2+ + 2Cr3+

Eo Sn4+/Sn2+ = 0.15 V, EoCr3+/Cr = - 0.74 V


119. Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant, K, at 25 0C for the


following reaction
2Cu + PtCl6- → 2Cu+ + PtCl42- + 2Cl-

E0 Cu/Cu+ = 0.521 V, E PtCl6-/PtCl42- = 0.68 V

120. Diagram the following cells. In each case write the balanced equation for
the reaction that occurs spontaneously and calculate the cell potential .
Indicate the direction of electron flow, the anode, the cathode, and the
polarity (+ or -) of each electrode. In each case assume that the circuit is
completed by a wire and a salt bridge.
a) A strip of copper is immersed in a solution that is 1.0 M in Cu 2+
and a strip of gold is immersed in a solution that is 1.0 M in
b) A strip of aluminium is immersed in a solution that is 1.0 M in
Al3+, and a strip of copper is immersed in a solution that is 1.0
M in Cu2+
A strip of chromium is immersed in a solution that is 1.0 M in Cr 3+
and a strip of silver is immersed in a solution that is 1.0 M in Ag +
121. Calculate the standard cell potential and the equilibrium constant at 298 K

for the following cell :

E0Cu = 0.34 V, EoCd = -0.403 V

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