Multicriteria Analysis Demonstrating The Impact of Shiv On The Properties

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Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

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Multicriteria analysis demonstrating the impact of shiv on the properties

of hemp concrete
César Niyigena ⇑, Sofiane Amziane, Alaa Chateauneuf
Université Clermont Auvergne, Institut Pascal, Polytech’ Clermont-Ferrand, 63174 Aubière Cédex, France

h i g h l i g h t s

 A multicriteria analysis was used to classify the types of shiv into three groups.
 Three mechanical responses were demonstrated for the compression test on hempcrete.
 Large specific surface area of shiv is the source of weak binder–aggregate bonding.
 The shiv which optimises all characteristics, offers concrete with good performance.
 A multicriteria analysis allows also to classify hempcrete into three groups.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The shiv derived from the shredded stem of the hemp plant [1], when mixed with a mineral binder and
Received 25 August 2017 water, produces hemp concrete (or ‘‘hempcrete”), which is considered as an eco-material because of its
Received in revised form 8 November 2017 remarkable environmental properties (favourable CO2 balance, easy management and disposal at the end
Accepted 9 November 2017
of the product life, etc.) [2]. However, much like any agricultural product, its quality may be affected by
Available online 29 November 2017
the soil where the hemp has been grown, the weather conditions, and a variety of other factors. As these
parameters are rather variable, the produced plant matter tends to be somewhat irregular, which can
hamper the development of this type of building solution. The study at hand tests the characteristics
of the hemp (particle size distribution, water absorption capacity, etc.), to assess the impact of the vari-
Multicriteria analysis ability of these factors on the performance of the hempcrete made with the shiv. To begin with, the thir-
Mechanical performance teen types of shiv used in the study were compared by multicriteria analysis, and then classified into
Elastic modulus three different groups.
Apparent modulus Next, nine types of shiv were selected, so that each of the three groups was represented. In identical
Mechanical response conditions (i.e. the only variable being the type of shiv), specimen of hempcrete were made up in the
lab for experimentation. The aim here was to validate the results of the study characterising the different
types of shiv. The results show that there are three main types of mechanical response when the hemp-
crete is subjected to a compression test, where the material behaviour is characterised by small, medium
or large strains. The large specific surface area of shiv is known to be responsible for weak binding at the
interface between the binder and the plant particles, leading to total failure of the test piece. In addition,
its high water absorption capacity, which is the likely cause of the ‘‘false set effect” associated with the
elongated form of the particles, is identified as being responsible for the high rates of deformability found.
It should be noted that in the latter case, the specimens behave like a succession of layers, which accounts
for the significant levels of strain.
By multicriteria analysis of the results for the hempcrete specimens, we found that they can be also
classified into three groups, matching the three detected by the multicriteria analysis of the types of shiv
from which they were made. Unlike the previously published literature, this study leads to the conclusion
that shiv types with small particle sizes and high water absorption capacities do not produce the best
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Niyigena),
(S. Amziane), (A. Chateauneuf).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
212 C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

1. Introduction Consequently, for this study, we consider the assumption that it is

better to minimise the particle size
Owing to its high degree of porosity, hemp concrete is sensi- Besides the size of the shiv particles, the fibre content can also
tive to a number of factors, which can be classified into three influence the final properties of hempcrete. Chamoin [23] looked at
categories: (1) methods of manufacture or installation [3–5]; two types of shiv: one without fibre (F1) and the other containing
(2) methods and techniques for measuring the properties of the fibres (F2). The production conditions were exactly the same – in
hempcrete [6–8]; and (3) nature and quantity of the components particular, the nature of the binder, the proportion of binder to shiv
[9–13]. In light of the objectives of this study, and in view of and the method of installation. The only difference lies in the
the three categories mentioned above, we shall focus on the amount of water used, as F2 requires more mixing water. The
nature and quantity of the components – more specifically, the author concludes that F1 has better mechanical performances,
shiv. and thus the use of F2 affects the setting of the binder. Indeed,
Certain properties of the shiv have been identified as being the large amount of mixing water required by the fibrous shiv
responsible for problems observed during the setting and harden- means that the binder is diluted, lessening its mechanical strength
ing of hempcrete [11,14]. Such problems prevent strong connec- when set. Finally, the use of F2 increases the hempcrete
tions between the binder and the shiv, leading to poor apparent density, but noticeably decreases its performance under
mechanical performances of the material. These properties are compression.
often due to the morphology of the shiv (the particle size) In an earlier study [21], it was found that fibres helped to pre-
[15,16]; to its composition – in particular, its fibre and dust content serve the structure of the test specimens, preventing them from
[17], to its chemical composition [18,19] or to its water absorption collapsing. A priori, this would seem to indicate an improvement
capacity [20]. of the mechanical performance. However, according to the analysis
A literature review concerning the morphological influence of of the experimental results, this is not the case: the test specimens
the shiv on the properties of hempcrete shows discrepancies made up with fibrous shiv exhibit low values of compression stress
between various results, highlighting the need for further research and Young’s modulus.
to shed light on the matter. In a study published in 2012 [15], three The author accounts for these results by saying that there is
types of shiv (N°1 to N°3) – of equal thickness but different widths, greater inter-granular porosity with the hempcrete made from
lengths and densities – were used. To exclude any influence by the fibrous shiv. In addition, the adhesion between the fibres and the
binder, a single type of binder was used: a mixture of 75% aerated binder may be poorer than that between the shiv and the binder,
lime, 15% hydraulic lime and 10% pozzolana. The test pieces made which further degrades the mechanical performance. Also, De
up with the finest-grained shiv (N°3) exhibit poor strength at 28 Bruijn [24] observed no difference in terms of mechanical beha-
days, but much better strength at 4 months, which improves sig- viour, between the use of fibrous and pure shiv.
nificantly beyond that point. The authors state that shiv N°3 is less In view of these contradictions, and in light of the non-fibrous nat-
porous because its particles are finer than those of the other two ure of the shivs used in our study, we assume that fibres do not have
samples. Consequently, the CO2 which is responsible for setting significant impact on the mechanical performance of the hempcrete.
and hardening is less easily diffused, which slows the kinetics of Therefore, fibre content is not taken into account.
drying of the test pieces, leading to poor mechanical strength in Recently, studies have been carried out to demonstrate the
the short term. Conversely, as the particles are fine, they are well effect of the chemical compounds of shiv on the properties of the
coated with binder when the concrete is mixed, which accounts resulting hempcrete [11,14]. When the shiv is put in water, mole-
for the better mechanical performances observed in the long term. cules which are weakly bound to the cell walls dissolve; these
In conclusion, the use of fine-grained shiv helps improving the water-extractible compounds are called ‘‘lixiviates”. When the
hempcrete’s long-term mechanical performances. This conclusion hempcrete is being made, they combine with the mixing water
is not entirely consistent with the work of Nguyen [21]. Like needed to hydrate the cement, which can affect its setting and
Arnaud and Gourlay [15], Nguyen also observed the better hardening. It has been shown that these lixiviates are made up pri-
mechanical performances at 28 days for hempcrete made with lar- marily of ash, lignin, sugars, proteins and other compounds which
ger particles, but noted no significant difference at 90 days. How- have to be identified. The ash may derive from the minerals mak-
ever, the results found by Stevulova et al. [10] are in keeping ing up the plant, or from dust which has not been entirely elimi-
with Arnaud and Gourlay’s [15] results. Note, also, that the study nated during the defibration process [25]. The shivs used contain
on panels manufactured with binderless hemp shiv demonstrated lignin in varying quantities, but lignin has a significant impact on
the improvement of the mechanical properties with smaller parti- the time taken for the cement to set [26]. Most likely, it is that lig-
cles of hemp [22]. nin content which is to blame for the phenomenon of ‘‘false set”
In the work of Stevulova et al. [10], six samples of shiv (two observed during this study. In conclusion, the nature of the
original samples and four fractions), with different particle sizes, water-extractible compounds depends on the type of shiv. They
were studied in the same conditions (same binder, formulation, greatly delay the setting, and hence have a negative impact on
etc.). The results at 28 days show that an increase in the average the performances of the hempcrete.
length of a particle decreases the compression stress. At the same If lime is considered, there are a number of elements missing
time, the compression stress differs depending on the origins of the from the literature regarding the impact of the chemical com-
used shiv. On the latter point, the authors merely stated that the pounds on the properties of hempcrete.
origin of the shiv can impact the mechanical behaviour of hemp- Therefore, the chemical compound aspect is not taken into account
crete, but do not go into further detail. The origin is not, in itself, in the context of this study – especially as the binder used is lime.
a quantifiable parameter, which makes it difficult to take it into Although the impact of shiv on hempcrete properties has been
account. However, it is possible to study its impact on the irregu- studied [7,10,15,21], where conflicting results are strongly
larity of the hempcrete, based on other characteristics such as, observed, we can highlight the interest and the need to investigate
say, the chemical composition or water absorption. This, as we this issue further.
shall see later on, is the reason why other characteristics are taken The first step in conducting an in-depth study is to characterise
into account in our study. In spite of the contradictions, many the type of shiv on the basis of several properties at once. The char-
authors agree that decreasing the particle size leads to improve- acteristics taken into account are: the bulk density, the water
ments in the mechanical performance. absorption capacity and the particle size distribution (PSD). Using
C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222 213

multicriteria analysis, we are able to compare different types of Table 1

hemp. Following this phase, experimental tests are conducted on Nomenclature of the different types of shiv.

the hempcretes made with different types of shiv investigated ear- Types of hemp Nomenclature
lier. It should be noted that the properties of these hempcretes are Fibrous Auvergne hemp C1
also analysed using the multicriteria approach. Fresh hemp (TREMARGAT) C2
The results of this study, unlike the pre-existing literature, show English hemp C3
that the types of shiv with small particle sizes and high water Fresh Auvergne hemp (Standard) C4
LCDA hemp C5
absorption capacity do not necessarily produce the best mechani- ISOcanna hemp (CESA) C6
cal performances. It is evident that the size alone (length, width, Swedish hemp C7
etc.) of the type of shiv is not sufficient to predict the hempcrete KANABAT hemp, Vicat (shiv 1) C8
performance. Other characteristics need to be taken into account KANABAT hemp, ENTPE (shiv 2) C9
Standard Combraille hemp C10
(e.g. water content, etc.), and the type of shiv that optimises these
Standard Lézoux hemp C11
characteristics produces concrete with the best mechanical Standard Brioude hemp C12
performance. CVF hemp C13

2. Materials and methods Table 2

Overview of codes used for numbering specimens.
2.1. Types of shiv samples
Type of test Type of Type of mould Number of
The materials used for this study are differentiated on the basis of, firstly, the hemp specimens
types of shiv, and secondly the resulting hempcretes. In the former case, we exper- P: Primary S: C1 to C13 11: Cylindrical 1 to n in each
imentally tested and classify thirteen different types of shiv, as shown in Table 1; Secondary (11  22 cm) case
they can be identified by the name of their manufacturer and/or origin. Among
the types of shiv used in the study, six are produced in the Auvergne-Rhône-
Alpes region in France, and are not specifically certified for use in construction;
the others are certified and commercially available, and are produced either in 2.4. Methods for characterisation and analysis
France or elsewhere in Europe. They are distinguished by their characteristics (size,
water absorption capacity, etc.). Hereinafter, for simplicity, the different types of We can distinguish between the methods used to characterise the shiv material
shiv are referenced as C1–C13 – see Table 1. and those used to characterise the hempcrete. In the literature, there are a number
Note that C8 and C9, which are produced in France and are available on the of methods for characterising hempcrete: density [27], water absorption capacity
market, were also used in a detailed RRT13 study in [6]. Among these types of shiv, [20] and PSD using image analysis [28]. An inter-laboratory study [27] has focused
nine types were used to make up samples of hempcrete for the study. They were pro- on methods of characterising the shiv. By comparing different protocols between
duced in exactly the same conditions (formulation, drying, etc.). different labs, the results have shown to provide good repeatability, and recommen-
dations have been put forward. In our study, for quantifying the density and water
absorption capacity, we used the recommended protocols [29]. Granulometric anal-
ysis consists of studying the distribution of different types of grains contained in a
2.2. Composition of hempcrete specimens
sample, based on their characteristics such as weight or size. Such an analysis can
be conducted either by mechanical sieving or by image analysis. In this study, the
The used formulation is walling hempcrete, with 250 kg/m3; to make up
image analysis method [28] was applied using the software ‘‘image J” [30]. With
100 litres, we need 25 kg of binder, 12 kg of shiv and 30 kg of water. The used cylin-
this method, it is possible to obtain the number of particles contained in a given
drical moulds are 11  22 cm. To limit the number of samples, a distinction is
sample of shiv, and also the projected area of each shiv particle. Therefore, the
drawn between the primary and secondary tests, Table 2. In the former case, a large
specific area is considered to be equal to the sum of the projected areas for all shiv
number of specimens were made: nine per timescale (four timescales in total, at 30,
particles contained in a sample. It should be noted that, for the study presented
60, 90 and 180 days after pouring), whereas in the latter, they are control tests, in
herein, a sample shiv of 3 grams in mass was used.
which three specimens are tested at 30 and 180 days. In total, 196 specimens were
The characteristics of hempcrete to be determined are the density, the initial
mixed for this study, and classified as described below.
and apparent moduli, the compression stress and the heat conductivity. In the latter
For instance, the label ‘‘P-C2-11-2” would denote: primary test, TREMARGAT
case, the so-called ‘‘hot wire” method is used [31]. In addition, the protocols and
fresh hemp (C2), 11  22 cm cylindrical mould, and specimen N°2 in this
methods used to measure the other properties (moduli and compression stresses)
are the same as those used in the previous study [6].
Beyond these methods, multicriteria analysis is favoured. Such an approach
enables us to carry out a comparative study, taking account of several criteria. It
2.3. Mixing and testing of hempcrete sample pieces is valid for the type of shiv and the hempcrete, and details are given below.

To make the test specimens, for a given type of shiv, the moulds were filled
freely by hand, up to around four layers. The upper surface of each layer was 2.5. Multicriteria analysis: Comparative scale
scratched to help the next layer to adhere properly. In these conditions, a reference
mould was filled and then weighed, the other specimens are calibrated to give the By analysing the results obtained in the literature [10,15,21], we were able to
same weight of this reference specimen. This strategy enables us, indirectly, to con- identify the characteristics of the types of shiv likely to influence the performances
trol the compacting energy within the same type of shiv. The same operator filled of hempcrete. However, the characteristics are taken into account separately. By
the reference moulds, in order to help control the compacting energy between taking account of several different characteristics, we are better able to appreciate
the different types of shiv. the impact of the type of shiv.
When filled and weighted, the specimens were left in their moulds for 72 h. For all of the characteristics being analysed, a representation on an unidimen-
After removal, two different types of drying were used: open-air drying and oven sional scale of 1–10 was chosen. That unidimensional scale allows us to represent
drying. all the characteristics on a single plot, thus providing an overall view of the results.
Open-air drying took place in a test room for around 6 months – see Fig. 2(a). As
the climate conditions in that room are not precisely controlled, the pieces were
exposed to variations of temperature and relative humidity, respectively between 2.5.1. Principle of the scale
14 and 30 °C and between 31 and 66% RH. Average conditions were 21 °C and For a given characteristic, the maximum value observed among the different
48% RH – see Fig. 1. types of shiv or hempcrete corresponds to 10. The values of the other types of hemp
As it is not possible, with open-air drying, to eliminate all of the water con- or hempcrete are then expressed by simple linear interpolation. It should be noted
tained in the sample, it is necessary to further dry the pieces in a kiln. They were that:
kiln dried at 60 °C for 48 h, which corresponds to a variation in mass of less than
0.1% when weighed twice at an interval of 24 h.  the scale from 1 to 10 is chosen and considered for a given characteristic and for
all types of shiv or hempcrete;
 the representation on the same graph enables us to observe the correlation
RRT: Round Robin Test. between the different characteristics under study.
214 C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

Fig. 1. Temperature and HR where the test pieces were dried.

Fig. 2. Conditions of drying of the pieces: (a) open-air drying and (b) kiln drying.

2.5.2. Limitations of the scale

70.83 kg/m3 to 158/85 kg/m3. The initial and final water content
This representation, although it has the advantage of showing all the character- ranges in 112.23%–242.59% and 293.05%–432.49%, respectively.
istics for all types of shiv or hempcrete, it gives the same weight and importance to For the granulometric analysis, also variability can be seen; for
all the characteristics being studied. In the case of the different types of shiv, the example, the length of the particle ranges from 0.64 mm to
characteristics are considered as though they had the same influence on the hemp-
5.88 mm. For the time being, these degrees of variability are
crete performance which is not the case in reality. The lacking in terms of the
weight attached to each of the characteristics is due to missing data in literature too large for comparative analysis. For this reason, the present
about this issue. To the best of our knowledge, there is no method of quantitatively paper considers a multicriteria study taking account of all the
predicting the impact of a combination of given characteristics on hempcrete per- characteristics.
formance. In conclusion, the comparative scale should allow such a comparison,
but it cannot be performed for the moment, because of a lack of information on
the subject.
3.2. Multicriteria comparison

3. Results and analysis The results are illustrated in Fig. 3 according to the unidimen-
sional scale discussed above. It can be seen that the hemp materi-
3.1. Characterisation of the type of shiv als occupy almost the entire from the centre to the boundary,
which represents the significant variability of the properties of
The characteristics considered in herein are listed in Table 3; the studied shiv. The curves which are located around the centre
they are essentially associated with the bulk density, the water of the chart naturally correspond to types of shiv with low values
absorption capacity and the granulometry. To simplify the nota- for the considered characteristics. Conversely, those which are
tion, their abbreviations are given below and are used hereinafter around the outskirts exhibit high values. In the interests of read-
in this article. ability in the representation, it is more sensitive to represent the
The data in Table 3 show high variability for all of the curves separately, distinguishing those at the centre, in the middle
characteristics. For example, the bulk density varies from and on the outside.
C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222 215

Table 3
Nomenclature and overview of results of characterisations of types of shiv.

Nomenclature BD: Bulk IWC: Initial FWC: Final MPS: Mean Particle MP: Mass of L: W: El: FD: Feret
Density Water Content1 Water Content2 Surface3 Particle Length Width Elongation Diameter
[kg/m3] [%] [%] [mm2] [mg] [mm] [mm] [mm]
C1 70.8 159.8 293.1 0.91 0.18 0.64 0.19 2.62 0.32
C2 89.7 194.2 379.2 4.89 0.84 3.40 1.04 3.47 1.79
C3 118.0 242.6 432.5 1.57 0.28 1.11 0.32 2.63 0.58
C4 118.3 233.8 358.3 1.94 0.35 1.45 0.44 2.60 0.76
C5 125.7 154.0 351.3 8.10 1.77 5.88 1.40 4.97 2.78
C6 128.2 181.4 358.5 5.31 1.14 4.20 1.27 3.95 2.23
C7 129.9 163.6 321.9 3.25 0.79 1.93 0.42 3.19 0.84
C8 143.6 152.7 328.0 6.96 1.51 5.59 1.23 5.52 2.53
C9 147.5 211.8 381.5 6.95 1.50 5.11 1.38 4.47 2.58
C10 130.7 112.2 307.3 0.82 0.15 0.77 0.25 2.28 0.41
C11 95.4 165.9 344.6 1.72 0.23 1.46 0.34 3.32 0.66
C12 103.9 162.9 338.7 1.18 0.18 1.02 0.28 2.77 0.50
C13 158.9 226.2 375.1 1.36 0.22 1.11 0.52 2.27 0.80
Minimum 70.8 112.2 293.1 0.82 0.15 0.64 0.19 2.27 0.32
Maximum 158.9 242.6 432.5 8.10 1.77 5.88 1.40 5.52 2.78
Mean 120.0 181.6 351.5 3.46 0.70 2.59 0.70 3.39 1.29
Standard deviation 24.7 38.0 36.4 2.64 0.60 1.96 0.48 1.05 0.94
Quantity of water absorbed by a 20 g sample of shiv after 1 min of immersion.
Quantity of water absorbed by a 20 g sample of shiv after 48 h of immersion.
Obtained by dividing the specific surface of a 3 g sample by the number of particles in that sample.

Fig. 3. Comparison of the different characteristics for all the types of shiv. Fig. 5. Types of shiv classified in group 2.

analysis and separate representation, they can be classified into

three groups.

3.2.1. Group 1 shiv

Earlier studies [15,32,33] have shown the negative impact of
water absorption capacity and size of the hemp particles on the
mechanical performance of hempcrete. Moreover, it has been
shown that bulk density increases when the size of particles
decreases. Indeed, in the case of non-fibrous types of shiv, the lar-
ger particle size is, the more difficult it becomes for the particles to
rearrange. Hence, we see an increasing number of empty spaces
between the particles, resulting in a large volume and a low den-
sity. For instance, C2 hemp has large particles, measuring 1.04
mm and 3.4 mm in width and length, respectively, and it has a
low density in comparison to C13 hemp. The latter has small par-
ticles: 0.52 mm and 1.11 mm in width and length, respectively –
Fig. 4. Types of shiv classified in group 1. see Table 3. However, as the low bulk density corresponds to a high
volume and therefore a high degree of inter-particle porosity, one
It is to note that, this representation is not, in itself, sufficient. It might imagine that the quantity of water absorbed should be high.
is important to explain how exactly the types of shiv occupying The results found show that this is not strictly true, Fig. 4. Indeed,
different areas of the chart differ from one another. Thus, with the method of curing, which is used to measure water absorption,
216 C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

is capable of eliminating a significant amount of the inter-particle

water. Thus, it is clear that the bulk density is not strictly propor-
tional to the amount of absorbed water. Consequently, bulk density
is a characteristic which should be maximised. On the other hand,
particle size and water absorption capacity are two characteristics
which should be, a priori, minimised.
It should be stressed that fibrous shiv C1 is a special case, hav-
ing a low density of 70.83 kg/m3 but falling into this category. This
low apparent density is linked to the fact that the bulk fibres have
difficulty in rearranging themselves, which increases the amount
of inter-particle voids, leading to a large volume and therefore a
low density. The characteristics identified as being harmful – nota-
bly water absorption capacity (initial and final water content) and
particle size (length, width, etc.) are low (except for C13), on one
hand and the characteristic identified as beneficial (density) is
higher, on the other hand. Consequently, these types of shiv, in
group 1, will produce mechanical performance that is relatively
favourable in comparison to groups 2 and 3. Fig. 6. Types of shiv classified in group 3.

3.2.2. Group 2 shiv

Group 2, Fig. 5, includes types of shiv whose characteristics are  Moderate level of strain: there is an intermediate behaviour,
largely similar to those of group 1 – particularly regarding the bulk characterised by medium strain levels, with maximum stress
density and water absorption. The results range from 164% to 243% at about 5% of strain.
and from 322% to 432% for the initial and final water absorption,  High level of strain: there are specimens which exhibit high
respectively. The bulk density ranges from 89.74 kg/m3 to strain; they are compressible to beyond 20%, which is the max-
129.91 kg/m3. However, we must point out significant differences imum allowed level.
regarding the size of the particles. In this group, the particle size
increases, with values of around 2.60–3.47 and 0.58 mm–1.79 m The Figures below give (left to right) the specimen photos
m of elongation and Feret diameter. It has been shown earlier that before and after, and the stress–strain curve (Figs. 7–9), for the
this characteristic needs to be minimised. three behaviours. Low strain is encountered when using hemp
According to our analyses and to references [10,15], increasing with small particles (1.36 mm2 average particle surface area) and
particle size has a negative effect on the mechanical performance a high specific surface area (18822 mm2/3 g), such as the C13 shiv.
of hempcrete. Therefore, the types of shiv in this group will prob- The particles prevent good bonding with the binder matrix, which
ably produce hempcretes with poorer mechanical performance weakens the assembly and results in poor resistance. Failure is
than those of group 1 shiv types. characterised by the test piece being totally crushed – see Fig. 7b.
In the case of high strain, the shiv particles rearrange to a series
3.2.3. Group 3 shiv of stacked layers. This rearrangement is aided by the size of the
The types of shiv in group 3 tend to occupy the outside of the particles, which means there is a high degree of overlap between
radar chart, corresponding to maximum values for certain charac- the particles. It is also possible that the high water absorption
teristics such as particle size. We observe density values of around capacity (340% after 48 h) for this type of shiv increases the level
135 kg/m3, on average, with a minimum of 125.56 kg/m3 and a of strain. Indeed, as the water needed for setting and hardening
maximum of 147.5 kg/m3 for C5 and C9 hemp, respectively. The of the binder is absorbed by the shiv, we are likely to see the phe-
analyses presented earlier show that this is a characteristic which nomenon known as false set. As a result of this phenomenon, the
it is best to maximise. binder matrix no longer performs its intended mechanical func-
In view of the high values of the particle size and water content, tion, and so the hempcrete exhibits behaviour similar to that of
and given the unfavourable effects these properties are known to hemp aggregate, characterised by high strain (Fig. 9c). It must be
have, this group is likely to yield results of poor quality. It is stressed that these findings cannot necessarily be generalised
assumed herein that harmful characteristics are considered to be across all the studied shiv types. This suggests that the chemical
predominant over the density. Furthermore, the strong correlation interaction between the binder and the types of shiv can also con-
between the characteristics for this group (Fig. 6) may lend these tribute to the mechanical response.
types of shiv a particular behaviour giving rise to unexpected Studying the chemical composition and the molecules weakly
results. For this reason, a study characterising the hempcrete made bound to the ‘extractable’ plant cell walls may help to better
with the types of shiv tested here is needed in order to better understand the impact of the binder–shiv chemical interaction
understand the impact of the type of shiv on the hempcrete on the setting and the hardening of hempcrete. In an earlier study
materials. [34], these ‘extractable’ chemical compounds were shown to sig-
nificantly affect the hydraulic setting of binders.
3.3. Characterisation of hempcrete

3.3.1. Mechanical response 3.3.2. Properties of the hempcrete

Three mechanical behaviours of hempcrete are observed in Density. The density results obtained after drying the test
relation to the type of shiv used. They are characterised by differ- pieces in a kiln are presented in Fig. 10. Values range from 385
ent levels of strain: kg/m3 to 480 kg/m3 for the C3 and C10 shiv types, respectively.
The previous density study [7] showed slight dispersion for trials
 Low level of strain: there is low strain, of around 3%, so that the conducted in the same context (on a single formulation). This
maximum compression stress is reached, in certain cases, in the seems to be the case in the current context. Nevertheless, disper-
second cycle of loading before the end of the test. sions are observed depending on the particular type of shiv.
C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222 217

Fig. 7. Behaviour of hempcrete with low strain.

Fig. 8. Behaviour of hempcrete with moderate strain.

Fig. 9. Behaviour of hempcrete with high strain. Thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity was measured 60 days and 90 days), the coupling was as follows: (1 with 2); (2
by the ‘‘hot wire” method as cited above (3.4). The test pieces used with 3) and (1 with 3). Then, an average of three measurements
were the same as for the compression test. Thus, for a thermal con- is calculated, and results at different ages are shown in Fig. 12
ductivity measurement, two test pieces are needed, with the hot below.
wire being placed between them during the test, as shown in The results show that the thermal conductivity of hemp con-
Fig. 11. crete varies depending on shiv type. At 30 days, a minimum of
To ensure good repeatability of results, three measurements 0.093 W/mK and a maximum of 0.124 W/mK are observed for
were carried out by coupling the test pieces, two by two. For exam- C12 and C5, respectively. Note that over time, the thermal conduc-
ple, for tests with only three test pieces available per age (case of tivity decreases, with values under 0.1 W/mK being obtained at
218 C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

the change in thermal conductivity, as a minimum of 0.075 W/

mK is observed for both C4 and C13 with a maximum of 0.092
W/mK for C3. Later in this paper, a comparative study between
hemp shivs and hemp concrete will illustrate how and why these
values differ depending on hemp type. Maximum compression stress. Unlike density, the compres-

sion stress results reveal considerable variability on two levels.
Firstly, variability is observed with respect to the type of shiv, with
a factor of 10 between the minimum and maximum observed val-
ues – between the C13 and C6 shiv types, respectively (Fig. 13).
Secondly, no-insignificant dispersions are observed within a
given category of shiv. For example, for shiv types C2 and C5,
respectively, we see minimum values of 0.47 MPa and 0.65 MPa,
Fig. 10. Density of different types of hempcrete after drying. and maximum values of 0.65 MPa and 0.99 MPa (Fig. 13). Over
time, the values are seen to improve at 60 days and stabilise at
180 days. The lower values are observed at 90 days. The cause of
this variation has not been identified, but it is likely related to
the change in the testing used machine. Indeed, at 90 days, a differ-
ent machine was used for reasons relating to time management.
However, it has been shown that the compression stress results
for hempcrete can be affected by the test machines [7]. Apparent and elastic moduli. The variations observed for the
stress are confirmed in the case of the modulus. The results of the
apparent modulus show that the results are less dispersed for cer-
tain types of shiv than for others. This is particularly the case for
the C12 shiv type, characterised by low dispersions in comparison
to other shiv types (Fig. 14). Furthermore, this low dispersion of
C12, although less marked, remains observable for the compres-
sion stress with values of the order of 0.4 MPa (Fig. 14).
The same trends are observed for the elastic modulus, Fig. 15.
Here, also low dispersions are observed for C2 shiv. These results
show how the variability is sensitive to the property under consid-
eration and, in this respect, are in agreement with the existing lit-
erature [7].
In addition to presenting the results with the individual charac-
teristics, the multicriteria approach offers an in-depth analysis
drawing the link with the properties of the shiv type.

3.4. Demonstration of the impact of the type of shiv on the hempcrete

by multicriteria analysis
Fig. 11. Experimental device for thermal conductivity test.
The characteristics considered in this section are listed in
Table 4; they are essentially associated with the density after dry-
ing, the maximum stress, and stress at 5% strain, both apparent and
elastic modulus and also thermal conductivity. Only results at 30
and 180 days are presented and analysed, since all nine selected
shiv particles were tested at those ages. It must be remembered
that, in order to reduce the number of samples, at 60 and 90 days,
not all shiv particles are tested as explained in 2.2.
The above results 3.3.2 enable us to evaluate the quality of the
hempcrete by examining one characteristic. For better understand-
ing, the multicriterion classification takes into account several
characteristics. From this analysis, it will be possible to compare
the classification of types of shiv seen earlier and the classification
of the hempcrete.
To recap, the characteristics of thirteen different types of shiv
were studied and recorded, and those shiv types were the subject
Fig. 12. Thermal conductivity for different hemp concretes at different ages. of a classification study. Subsequently, nine types were selected
and used to make the test pieces. During the selection, samples
from all three groups were included so that each was represented.
180 days. This is consistent; in fact, the more the material dries, the The types of shiv selected are: group 1 (C10, C12 and C13); group 2
more the water contained in the pores evaporates; these pores are (C2, C3, C4 and C11); and group 3 (C5 and C6).
then either empty or filled with air, which increases the insulating The results of the study show the sensitivity of hempcrete prop-
capacity of the material. At this same age, results confirm again, erties to the type of shiv used. Some are less impacted by the type
C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222 219

3.4.1. Group 1 hempcrete

The hempcretes in this group are those made with shiv types
classified as group 1, Fig. 17, which is characterised by small parti-
cle size with a low and medium water absorption capacity. Accord-
ing to the assumptions and given the low values of such properties,
which are considered to be detriment to mechanical performance,
it was concluded that these shiv types would produce concretes
with good mechanical performance. These hempcretes offer poor
mechanical performance. Indeed, while the water absorption
capacity is considered detrimental, this is not necessarily so in
reality. The beneficial or detrimental nature probably depends on
the type of binder used. In a study carried out by Nguyen [21] on
four types of binder, those containing more pozzolan offered better
Fig. 13. Maximum compression stress for different types of hemp.
mechanical strength, and cement-based hydraulic binders yielded
poor resistances.
Furthermore, the study by Arnaud and Gourlay [15] predicted
that a reduction in particle size should improve the mechanical
performance of hempcrete. However, for our results, this is not
the case. Moreover, this finding was evidenced in the work of Ste-
vulova et al. [10], the reduction of particle size leading to an
improvement provided that the types of shiv are of the same ori-
gin. It should be emphasised that using the Tradical PF70 binder,
Nguyen [21] also found an improvement in mechanical perfor-
mance as particle size increases.
Regarding the particle size, our results demonstrate that the
higher the specific surface area is, the poorer is the mechanical per-
formance. This finding is partly in agreement with the results
found by Arnaud and Gourlay [15], since, the more the surface area
is, the more the binder–aggregate interface increases. However, it
has been demonstrated by Nozahic [28] that a naturally bad bin-
Fig. 14. Apparent modulus for different types of hemp. der–aggregate interface contributes to poor mechanical perfor-
mance of the hempcrete. It is clear that the beneficial or
detrimental nature of the particle size and the water absorption
capacity depends on the type of binder used.

3.4.2. Group 2 hempcrete

The hempcretes in this group, Fig. 18, are characterised by an
improvement in mechanical performance with respect to those
in group 1. The difference observed for the mechanical perfor-
mance of this group gives rise to two subgroups; subgroup A con-
taining C2 and C3 and subgroup B containing C4 and C11.
Subgroup B seems to belong to or be at the boundary of group 1.
These subgroups result from the characteristics of the shiv types,
are explained below.
Firstly, it should be noted that C11 hempcrete can pass from
group 1 to group 2; in addition, the C12 shiv classified in group 1
can also pass to group 2. Indeed, when classifying these shiv types,
Fig. 15. Elastic modulus for different types of hemp. their positions on the radar chart could allow them to be classified
in either group 1 or 2. The decision was made by analysing the geo-
metrical characteristics. C11 is characterised by a higher geometry
than C12; hence its classification in group 2.
of shiv, while others may be significantly altered. On the same Secondly, in the same subgroup, classification of C4 shiv places
comparison scale, the results in Fig. 16 show dispersions of the it at the boundary between groups 1 and 2. Owing to its slightly
order of 1 to 10 – particularly in regard to mechanical perfor- larger particle size and relatively lower water absorption capacity
mances. In addition, dispersions of the order of 8–10 are observed with respect to the group 1 shiv types, it was classified in group
for dry density and heat conductivity. For these two properties, the 2. When the group 1 shiv types demonstrated mechanical perfor-
values obtained for the different types of hempcrete are very sim- mance values of the range of 1–4 on the rating scale, an improve-
ilar. This confirms our earlier choice to base the classification on ment is observed in group 2, this time with values of the order of
mechanical performance, as it is this performance which is most 4–7. This justifies their belonging to this group and corresponds
heavily impacted by shiv type. Beyond the graphical representa- perfectly to the prediction.
tion (Fig. 16), it is important to understand the connections
between the observed differences and the used shiv type. By a sep- 3.4.3. Group 3 hempcrete
arate representation, we are better able to distinguish the hemp- These hempcretes are derived from shiv types which are also
cretes occupying the centre, the middle and the boundary of the positioned on the boundary of the radar chart (group 3), Fig. 19.
radar chart, corresponding to the three groups which are detailed According to our assumptions, these types of shiv were predicted
below. to offer poor performance. Nevertheless, a reservation was
220 C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

Table 4
Overview results for hemp shiv characterisation at 30 and 180 days.

Nomenclature qafter drying (kg/m3) rmax (MPa) r5% of e (MPa) Eapparent (MPa) Eelastic (MPa) Thermal
conductivity k
Age in days 30 180 30 180 30 180 30 180 30 180 30 180
P-C2-11 407 430 0.55 0.57 0.51 0.55 29.49 29.09 54.22 58.84 0.12 0.08
S-C3-11 390 410 0.61 0.66 0.60 0.61 33.49 30.99 56.81 55.98 0.11 0.09
P-C4-11 393 399 0.40 0.42 0.34 0.31 15.00 15.09 29.45 33.12 0.09 0.08
P-C5-11 426 452 0.84 0.87 0.79 0.82 46.77 40.42 87.41 88.97 0.12 0.09
S-C6-11 460 480 1.07 1.07 1.05 1.02 61.00 42.79 114.1 103.4 0.12 0.09
S-C10-11 478 493 0.18 0.25 0.16 0.18 4.89 7.68 15.59 20.94 0.10 0.09
S-C11-11 417 418 0.44 0.40 0.22 0.21 6.17 10.91 18.45 20.08 0.10 0.08
P-C12-11 431 438 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.36 16.39 14.12 37.66 35.22 0.09 0.08
S-C13-11 449 449 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.10 5.68 12.27 18.99 20.72 0.10 0.08
Minimum 390 399 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.10 4.89 7.68 15.59 20.08 0.09 0.08
Maximum 478 493 1.07 1.07 1.05 1.02 61.00 42.79 114.1 103.4 0.12 0.09
Mean 428 441 0.52 0.53 0.46 0.46 24.32 22.60 48.08 48.59 0.11 0.08
Standard deviation 30 31 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.31 19.89 13.38 34.03 30.76 0.01 0.01

Fig. 16. Comparison of the different hempcretes, taking account of various characteristics.

Fig. 17. Hempcretes in group 1.

C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222 221

Fig. 18. Hempcretes classified in group 2.

Fig. 19. Hempcretes classified in group 3.

expressed as to the type of shiv in this group due to the close cor- 4. Conclusions and prospects
relation between the results for their characteristics, which was
not the case for groups 1 and 2. In the first step of this study, a multicriteria analysis based on a
Understanding the reasons for the good correlation between comparison scale was used to classify the types of shiv into three
these characteristics can help us to better understand why these groups. In the second step, three types of mechanical response
types of shiv produce concretes with good mechanical perfor- were demonstrated during the compression test on hempcrete.
mance. One of the possible ways is to analyse the internal structure They are characterised by low, medium and high levels of strain.
of these shiv types on a microscopic scale. This will help better The large specific surface area of the shiv was identified as the
understand their levels of porosity and elucidate the link between source of weak binder–aggregate bonding at the interface, leading
particle size and water absorption capacity. to the complete failure of the specimen. Furthermore, the high
Compared to groups 1 and 2, these hempcretes offer perfor- water absorption capacity, which is the probable cause of the ‘false
mances of the order of 8–10 on the same comparison scale. set effect’ associated with considerable elongation of particles, was
In conclusion, it is clear that the size (length, width, etc.) of the identified as being behind the significant strain observed. It has
shiv particles alone is not sufficient to predict the performance of been pointed out that in this latter case, the specimen behave like
the hempcrete. Other characteristics must be taken into account, a stack of layers, which induces great strains. The type of shiv has
such as water content, and the type of shiv which optimises these been identified as the source of the significant dispersions
characteristics, offers concrete with good performance. However, it observed in the results – particularly in terms of mechanical per-
is entirely possible that a change in the type of binder will also formance. The results differ from one type of shiv to another
change the observed trends. There are probably chemical interac- regardless of the property, but the most remarkable change is in
tions between the binder and the shiv which affect the mechanical the modulus and the maximum compression stress, with factors
performance. of 10 between the minimum and maximum values.
222 C. Niyigena et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 211–222

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