The Merciad, April 7, 1978

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VOL. 50, NO.


Fox Trots For Tho Gold f

'Blurs! Hustles To Hire

by John Bruno basketball." * background.
After coaching the Lakers to an Even so, he firmly believes that 'it "I am interested in^a person
incomparable 26-3 season, Dick the 'Hurst will continue to have a who has had experience coaching
Fox has resigned to become head good basketball program and on a college or junior college
coach of Gannon's Golden remain competitive. T .> level," Cusack added. "However,
Knights. I v j£| "The basketball program isn't I wouldn't rule out a high school
Fox, a Gannon alumnus, an- going to fall apart," he added. basketball coach."
swered questions from reporters "They have, too much pride. "Oun college deserves the
of the local news media in a press They've come too far. The best," said Miriam Mashank. " I
conference at the Perry Square program won't stop, but it may am looking for an individual
institution on March 30. After- suffer for a year like it might whose track record is \ tops and
wards, assistant coach Tom anytime a coaching change is whose personal goals coincide
Barringer, who was also hired by made."* . !* i with the education goals of the
Gannon, presented Fox with a Meanwhile, a search com- college. r
gold towel, which completed the mittee, headed by athletic "As I sit on this committee, I
transition. ' J director Mike Cusack, has been intend to keep the needs of the
"I feel bad about leaving formed to select a new;cage athletes and the student body in
Mercyhurst,'* Fox said. The mentor. Those on the committee general in mind. I welcome their
people'were very good to me are faculty members Sr. Mary input." : *-
there, primarily Dr. Shane, Matthew Baultus and P. Barry Cyterskr listed his personal
whom I have a great deal of McAndrew and " counselors criteria for a new coach. "I am
respect and admiration for. Miriam Mashank, .Lenny hoping we can find a coach who
"I ieave Mercyhurst with Cyterski and Tyrone Moore, who would be both successful and DICK FOX
regrets, but like anything else, were chosen because of their effective," he said. "If he and the objectives of the college. continue to excel."
you can't look behind you, you've "background and • know coached previously, what's his -'•'• "I would like to see a coach who As of this writing, only several
got to look ahead. And I look knowledge of the sport," ac- won - loss record? Also would I is not only interested in the persons have 'applied for the
forward with enthusiasm to be cording to Cusack. want my sons to play for and be physical but the ^academic position. However, Cusack
here at Gannon." Cusack feels the criteria influenced by him? T 31 aspects of a player as well," he assures that more applicants will
Indeed, Fox said that his goals needed for choosing the next Moore said the next Laker added. "One of the key qualities file after the next issue of the
are the same as Gannon's, and Laker coach would center around mentor should be straight- involved here is finding a coach Chronicle of Higher Education, a
chief among them is to make the what knowledge of the sport he forward with the student players whose priorities are related to the journal which gives the 'Hurst
Perry Square institution "the possesses, *with no special em- and at the same time-act in a academics of an athlete. If this is national exposure, released on
best ; in NCAA Division II phasis placed on his teaching consistent manner with the goals met, the basketball program will April 10. I 9

The Merciad Liable Editorial Board

by Darlene Keith position that the newspaper took parently felt he wasn't; that "Because of these pleas, Ken- would be composed of a few staff
The * Mercyhurst Student on subjects relevant to them; some of the material submitted nedy and Shelley met with MSG members who would work
Government meeting which was opinions which they didn't agree for publication was changed in and discussed the problems. primarily with the editorial page.
held in late February, harbored upon themselves. H] some form; and that his opinions They objectively listened to all Then there would be an editorial
many irate students and seven Another complaint that was would eventually hurt the quality
; complaints and came up with a board made up of pertinent
more unpleasant accusations. often lodged concerned the of The Merciad. > tentative solution. faculty and administration who
A few of the comments were feature Games People Play, Because the MSG is designed I The Campus Life Committee, could help the editorial staff
aimed at the controversial which was published in the for the students, George Venuto, which, true to its name is con- make decisions.
student billing debate. But most February 17 issue. These president of MSG, decided that it cerned with the students' life, is "This would not be censorship
of the complaining was about students were not, satisfied was his duty and the other of- now in the process of analyzing in any way," stated Kennedy.
Mercy hurst's student newspaper, because some - of their an- ficers to see to the students' the situation. Philip Paulucci, "This would only serve to enable
The Merciad. j 4* nouncements had been deleted needs and wants. He and the Bob Sheehy and^ Melissa the newspaper to be objective.'*
Most of the issues brought up and they thought the said feature other officers listened to these McMurray, who are on the In any event, no new policies
were harbored against the had taken up all the excess space. complaints and thought them committee, will be conducting will be put into effect this year. If
deletion of announcements which Some of the students' other plausible enough to contact E.W. conferences with people put into effect, it would com-
had been submitted to The complaints were' feelings that Kennedy, Director of Student associated with The Merciad and mence next fall under the new
Merciad, and the position that the Chris VanWagenen, the editor, Affairs and William SheUey, will then discuss an editorial staff editor. The next meeting of this
editor took on certain issues. was speaking for the entire Merciad ; advisor and Associate idea. committee will tentatively meet
Students were * enraged at the student body which they ap- Professor of Communications. The oroDosed editorial staff April 20. .

SAC Minus line President;

Webb Asked Resign
by Vicki Martinago *| and I felt I had no choice," she decision. I think Darlene is a
Darlene Webb resigned her stated. "For SAC to function as a super worker and is qualified, but
position as president of the newly unit, I had to resign because of other things interfered beyond
formed Student Activities the different philosophies Jan my control or hers." He stated
Committee (SAC), after three Gatti and I had on how SAC that he could not give these
months in her off ice. should be run.' ' I J reasons because they were of a
Ms. Webb stated, "At the end of When asked who requested her personal nature.
the term, I really had not time to resignation, she replied, "George When asked if she was at fault
organize SAC. She continued Venuto and Joe NeCastro." ' during her term, she replied,
that during intercession many Venuto stated, "I did ask her to "Oh, yeah. But others were as
students were not on campus, resign for reasons I felt called for neglectful as I." Ms. Webb ex-
making it difficult to organize such a request. Darlene was very plained,;{" I e got discouraged
committees, T • reasonable in her dealings with because I never got to realize my
me. For various reasons I felt it position as president, then I
SAC was introduced in late the solution to the problem." became apathetic."
November aa a committee Ms. Webb explained, "They
functioning .under MSG. Its wanted to make it as easy as "By the time they asked me, I
purpose was to organize social. ible for me to resign, saying I had given up additional, ac-
cultural, athletic and educational
activities. Four officers and one
C ^_no timeformy position." She
continued that she felt too much
tivities. Right when I got myself
organized again/and ready to
advisor were appointed to blame was directed to herself. work, they asked me to resign."
organize the committee. "Asking me to resign I feel was When asked if she had thought
After a short term as president, not fair," she stated. * of stepping down as president on
Ms. Webb stepped down from her Venuto commented, "I her own, she replied, "I never
DARLENE WEBB position. "I was asked to resign regretted I had to make this would have resigned"
it's the Merciad and here's your big chance to be editor of!
next years award winning publication..
Application for the job can come from any field, whether
its law enforcement or dancing. If you think you can handle
this challenge then get the info from either Mr. William
Shelley, Preston Hall or me, Chris Van Wagenen, Sesler 231 -
This could be your last chance. Remember, all formal ap-
met John (Sweetwater) Burrows, Kevin (K.B.) Bradley and plications must be in no later than April 14th.
Paul (Yo) Young. They haven't changed much since that Is Sesler Apartments a mess? You can bet your little toes
time, except as basketball players. They, along with the rest that things aren't smelling too pretty. I only hope some of us
of the team, provided some exciting moments that Mer- get our da mage deposit back a t the end of the year. |
cyhurst College will never forget, i Happy belated birthday to Elaine Hilsinger.
Yea fellows, it's been a long four years, but you guys have Yes, Joe Williams is pitching this year for the Lakers con-
played out your hearts. If there is an award I could give for trary to the belief that he's been bartending at IWO JIMA'S
these past four years, I'd give it to all of you. in Beaver Falls, Pa. Good luck Joe. \
Paul, Kevin and John are the oldest veterans of the team Here's a course I recommend. It's called Net Sports and
and its been a pure enjoyment watching them. I wish you it's taught by no other than David Shimpeno. Combining
guys the best of luck in the future and thanks for an ex- badmitten, volleyball and tennis, this course may well prove
citing year. I | V £ to be a worthwhile experience. Shimpeno has proven to his
Dick Fox is gone, but not the memory of the success he's students by far the importance, as well as fun of physical fit-
left us with. I wish Mr. Fox the best of luck with his future ness/
job as head of the Gannon Knights. I venture to say though, Here's a quick blurb about the girls upstairs in 3rd floor
that I very much doubt I'll ever see a Gannon team beat a Old Main. Betty Gartner (Writing Center) and Olivia Longo
Merchyhurst (Section 18 Champs) team | (Reading Lab) are there to give you hope if you need it. If
you're wondering the hours, let me inform
But in all seriousness, Dick Fox has left Mercyhurst with there (usually) all day long. So why don't you drop by. you that they re
the memory of winning and may that memory never die.
To coin a phrase, "Happy Well it's Spring term, baseball and warm (cross your Well M.S.G. Elections will be here before you know it. As a
Days Are Here!" This is my fingers) weather. Already Spring 78 is off with a bang. former member of the big four (Pres. vice-pres, secretary
last term as editor, of l i e Saturday saw the green door Sesler building throw this ter- and treasurer) believe me when I say you must be dedicated glimpse] of the snow drifts
Merciad and believe me, it's ms first keg party. I know the'fellows behind the operation to the student body. George Venuto and I spent many an which do take their toll when
refreshing to come back to a and it's not surprising if they throw a few more before the hour this summer discussing the problems which face the you must trudge through
campus without snow! { term ends. ^ 4 I | . students. " them.
* A lot has happened since £ Spring term will put a damper on a couple fellows this Anyone see Semi-Tough! The less said, the better! As Editor of this year's
our last issue. The Lakers year. Ray Z. Gruss and Jim Kopchuk amused some wit- Dear Mr. Kennedy m I
Merciad, I am very proud of
were eliminated from the nessing students as they sky dived from third floor Sesler. I missed your birthday over the break. If things had been the stan which puts this
NAIA National Tourney in Ray in particular, dove off Zurn first floor in an effort to get different maybe me, you and your Kangaroo friend could paper out weekly. Perhaps
Kansas City by the score of in shape for baseball. Tough break fellows but there will be have made a party out of it. But, since I wasn't here and sin- we are not always right with
70-69 by Kearny State, f ce your back is better, I guess 111 just say, sorry for missing the material we print, but it
plenty of snow next year. *v ' -i * you enter your twilight years. (Nothing Personal). has always been our belief
Nebraska.. Kearny State Well people, here you have it, the great editor bake off. Meet our new photographer this week. Her name is Mary
then advanced to the final that students have the right
lame before losing to Grand Yes, if you always dreamed of a challengeinc career in the Ann Drake and she will take the place of both Randy Mink to know, good as well as bad.
!anyon by the score of 79-75. field of journalism then here's your chance to be an editor of and Terry Kelly. Also meet a new member of our writing I cannot feel right when
I remember as a freshman your college newspaper, The Merciad. . | staff, Nadine Belovarac. We hope they do well. that freedom has been taken
Yes the Merciad, that Star Spangled Banner of con- Here's a. suggestion for Mr. Robert Prather, Vice •; .
three years ago. when I had troversy that has brought us all to our knees with joy. Yes away. The Merciad has
esident of; development always tried to serve its
icture it! I see a bridge. I community in the best way it
je a big bridge, runnin knows how. We do however
from Sesler to Old Main ai try and with that may I say
Zurn. Think of what this that my last seven issues will
would mean. ( D a tourist indeed attract and please its
attraction the year around. readership. * •';.'
(2) a dryer way for Sesler Thank you
students and more healthier Christopher M. Van
ones at that. (3) a chance for Wagenen i \
Mercyhurst students to get a Editor Merciad 1977-78

Staff Speakout!

• It's amazing for a college such as Mercyhurst to offer so
little in the way of activities. Since attending the college, ac-
outsi line
President Carter visited Lagos, Nigeria over the weekend
and committed himself to the black majority rule in Africa.
by Vicki Martinago I
On Thursday, March 30, the proposal for co-operative
education was accepted by the Board of Trustees. At the
same time, the proposal for the graduate program in
tivities are always few and far between. ;~ The president feels that by doing this, -the towering wall of Criminal Justice was also accepted. !
Ms. Jan Gatti, director of student activities, has done racism" will be torn down, piece by piece, and turn "poverty These two proposals have now become recognized
much in reference to finding out what students want, but the and despair to promise ana opportunity." And almost as if programs of Mercyhurst College. But are students excited
oroblem my friends is still here. the Nigerian people knew of his position before putting it in aoout the possibilities that these programs will provide? Un-
Every year you come back only to be disappointed again. words, Carter was met by masses of cheering Nigerians fortunately, questions still echo in1 the halls as to "What
It makes little sense to me how a student governmmnt can upon his arrival. As far as the Nigerians go, Carter is their really is co-operative education?' and "What graduate
raise an activity by $10.00, showing about a $25,000 increase, number one man. ? -* I f program?" *y |
yet a little increase in the way of activities. f Other proposals are beginning to blossom this spring.
I for one hope that members of M.S.G., S.A.C. or for that New Yorkers breathed a sigh of relief Saturday, as the Does this mean more changes and additional programs?
matter who has the money, come to grips with the masses turned out to be greeted by operating subways and Well, if it does, the student body might benefit by becoming
seriousness of this problem. buses. This was the first day in months that the city was not informed on the academic undertakings of the college.
threatened by strikes. Apparently subway and bus workers These changes are; being made in the interest of the
Administrators and faculty wonder why students appear were planning a walkout, which luckily was worked out by
bored with their enviroment and for that matter, their the deadline, which was 12:01 a.m. Saturday. The Big Apple Students of Mercyhurst^ "Co-op" isn't being pushed on
classes, yet how many are doing anything to solve the mat- is once again saved at the last minute, ft students, it is not a mandatory program. It's been developed
ter. Activities is a problem f 'T - for those who feel they will benefit from it. j
We need a solution. Not a montb from now or a year from * Former President. Gerald Ford suddenly cancelled But how long will it take for students to realize these
now, NOW! Members of the student body should be en- several personal appearances on the east coast Friday benefits? Much time, money* and effort has been put into
couraged to approach their representatives in student night, due to the fact that his wife, Betty, was ill. Upon these new programs. Such a waste if no one takes advantage
government today. hearing the news, Ford rushed back to then* desert home in of them. [r *j * •
Constant complaining in terms of "Oh there's nothing to Palm Springs, California to be with her. The cause of the But as I sit here writing this, I am confident that someone
do/'or "Oh rmooTed." are backward ideas. * illness is not known at this time. somewhere will venture to question, "What is Co-op? "?
Students imput will have an important impact on their ac- The Los Angeles police department is certainly having its
tivity program. Let us take the voice we have and use it. Ac- share of problems concerning the Hillside Strangler. After
tivities for students isn't tomorrow, it's today! arresting Peter Mark Jones for at least two of the murders,
Saturday they found that they didn't have enough evidence
to file those charges against him. Under the law, the
the authorities must charge him within 48 hours, excluding the
weekend, or he must be released. Jones was implicated by HAM. Presents
merciad George Shamshak, a convicted robber and an escapee from
the Walpole State Prison in Massachusetts. Charges may be
brought against Shamshak in the near future. The police
now suspect that the stranglings were the work of two or
Editor Chris Van Wagenen more people. >;
News Editor John Bruno
Feature Editor Darlene Keith Spring has finally floated in, and with it the usual antics of
Sports Editor spring. The showers, the flowers, open car windows
Terry Kelly baseball. Yes. major league baseball opens its 1978 season and
Graphics and Layout Darlene Keith, Terry Kelly this week. A lot of wheeling and dealing has gone on since
Writers and Creators: Vicki Martinago, Bob berda Jr. the season closed last fall, some good and some not so good.
Mark Cipriani, Chris Tomczak, Alda Walker, Judy Anania. However, one note to all you New York Yankee fans, the bet-
Colleen Hottel, Amy Chizmadia, Lisa Manendo, Sue Fuss, ters are predicting that this year will be another big one for Admission
Mary Beth Barrett and Nadine Belovaric.
the Yankees and even will go so far as to say that they will
Mary Ann Drake and Randy Mink once again be the champs.
Business Manager Darlene Keith and Lisa Manendo
Art Editor i Patrick Dunn Monday night was the night that all of Hollywood (was
Faculty Consultant William Shelley waiting for. In other words, it was the night that honored
Oscar. Among the many prestigious winners, some were
'The Merciad accepts, In fact encourages, the submission shockers and others were expected. Diane Keaton, one of the
of articles, letters, and stories from any and all members off shockers of the evening, won the award for best actress.
the Mercyhurst College community: students, faculty, ad- This was for her performance in the film, Annie Hall. The Tickets Available
ministrators, trustees, and friends of the school. However, award for best actor was Richard Dreyfuss for the movie,
as responsible journalists we must reserve the following The Goodbye Girl. room locations.
rights: r 4\. . Awards for the best supporting actress and actor went to
, 1. The right to revise copy Into standard English; Vanessa Redgrave from the film Julia, and Jason Robards McAoley
2. The right to revise copy Into correct Journalistic form; M for the same film.
*3. And, finally, the right to revise copy (but not change
meaning) to fit layout design. -a $
The best picture of the year was a surprise in that it was a
comedy and rarely do comedies get voted the best picture Sesler-
In addition, Letters to the Editor must be signed, must be award. This year, Annie Hall was that film. And rounding Baldwin
factually verifiable, and must be written in good taste. out the major awards was the best song from a film, which
Names will be withheld upon request, but false names will was You Light Up My Life. Woody Allen was voted best
director for the film Annie Ha 11. Preston
not be used.

Oil .. Joan Wheeler

I am directing this letter to the (project or be the only one on
comments of George Hammil Jr. [stage performing for an

... Susan L Wike on March 3, 1978. jaucuence. The arts are a

It's a shame you think that demanding field yet we do not
school spirit is more important demand "loyalty" from our
than school work. Many people !"fans."
In response to the article in the believe the most
At any rate she decided a flood shake down a thermometer and of school is achieving the number important part We get by. We support'each
March 3, Merclad, concerning dose of Kobicillen, a related form take my own temperature. And one goal of all—graduation with •other. After our plays, ballets,
the flu attack that hit Mer- of Penicillen, was 1in order. I that I did, only to discover I had a (concerts or art show, who gives
cyhurst, and myself being one of assume she didn't think that temperature of 102.7 This made decent grades. Sports and the ten ius recognition? Mostly, we get
the victims, I would like to say asking me if I was allergic to me decide to try the Robicillen support of snorts are not the end- our pleasure from the deep
that the cure prescribed for me penicillen was a pertinent (the wonder drug of Mercynurst all of a college career. •feeling of personal satisfaction
was indeed worse than the flu. question, because she never campus) where upon I began to The Campus Center was built from doing our work. But we do
On Monday the 13 of February I s
asked. In fact, I think she must have the worst headache I can for the .sport activities of this not have full scholarships as do
contracted what I assumed to be have been pretty well acquainted ever remember having. college. It has its supporters. the super Jocks. And they don't
the flu. I had a sore throat, and However, the other departments
with my medical history, since Needless to say after all this I of this college don't snare in the have to keep up good grades, they
general body aches. So I went to she didn't deem it necessary to was beginning to have a few support or respect. The art slide by. i *t- i
the health office where I was pull my chart, from the medical small doubts. So I made an ap- department, theatre arts, dance '.• Whatever happened to' the
examined, (if you want to call it files. | pointment with my regular and music department have their other facilities me Center was
that). family doctor, . who was
I am not a nurse but I do know astounded when I told him about own struggles. Do I see those supposed to have? Student
After telling Sister Mary that a nurse or doctor will usually my visit to the Mercynurst health super JOCKS coming out to show Union? AH the Campus Center is
Joseph the above symptoms, she take your temperature the very center. . - < ? their support for a ballet or a [day a place for sports - no one else,
made the brilliant diagnosis that first thing, even if you Just have a \-i After the above experience and or a concert of a coffeehouse or gets anything from it.
I either had swollen glands or stomach-ache. Yet.Sister Mary an art exhibition? -' i
tonsilitis, before she even looked Joseph • didn't • feel this was reading the March 3 article on the We, in the arts, have a The Campus Center was to
at my throat, which I might add necessary either. u Russian flu, I think that maybe
"dedicated group of hard benefit all of the college, so far, I
she didn't do at all! If I hadn't the Mercynurst health center is working people" just. as the as an art students, feel slighted. I
been so shocked I would have told As I stated before I'm not a more adept at compiling basketball team has. In fact,* I have been in the Center only
her that I had a tonsilectomy at nurse but through my vast ex- statistics, than some other believe we in the arts put more three times. I am happy for our
the age of five. periences I have learned how to things.-; ' •: \ into our work than those in the team, but feel we should place
sports do. We have to practice more emphasis on other im-
long hard hours, stay up until 2,3, portant aspects of college life as
or 4:00 a.m. to finish an art welll

.. James V. Kinnane
'I want to express my appreciation to all the Mercynurst students, faculty, administration and
staff for their prayers, thoughts, gifts, cards, visits and general concern for my wellbeing during my
recent illness. I am recovering and hope to be back with you real soon."
James V. Kinnane
Law Enforcement
: • •
*-, «

Division '•*' *. *
* .


R.A. Applications
may be picked up in Egan 48 from Sr. Phyllis or
from Sally Schroder in 215 Old Main. They are i *

due back in the Housing Office by April 14th.

Sophomores and Juniors are-welcome to apply.
A 2.0 Q.P.A. is rcommended. Interviews will
take place the week of April 17th/'

• •
* •*

It Is the number who will be living

on the Earth by the yew - M l

• - • •- Moot of them will not have enough

oof. Moot will bo suffering from
shortages of other essentials -of Nfc
*» • • »* v **' * r

there will be plenty of nuclear .

4 » • to kill all six billion
twelve times over. *>«
J978i •'••

These • •
s \
not be strangers

« • •

Graduation Announcements Governments that claim they cannot •/•

4&50 afford to eliminate poverty, rebuild
cities, solve problems of unemployment
necessary num- health and education, am already using
untold billions for "defense" In an ^
arms race that is likely to destroy us all
announcements »

We think It is time to change these prioi


If you agree, you can help.


Box 271, Nyack, New York 1 12 r l
Contact • Disarmament Petition
Information on anti-nuclear action
Mercyhurst at Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons
Plant in Denver, April 29 & 30

Public; Relations information on programs related to.

U.N. Special Session on Disarmament,
•' Now York, May-Juno.
Office Name 4
before Address ..;.«..* — Z i p

A t\T iM'llf * wnorwii

I E *• miiimmmmm^mmmmmM

Cisek Discovered Count ond

? 456-2508 •
3024 Pine Avenue
Erie, Pa. 16504

%. C. £reahron ewelers,
by Alda Walker HAIR STYLING
One thing for sure, once you've habit of talking while ad- 109 Erie St. ..< 734-5640 nds Free Ear Piercing
pinned -• down Dr. Cisek be ministering tests to his students NORTH EAST
9 W. Main St... .»,.*,; 725-4792
pia m° with the purchase of 14 KT. Gold
prepared for a stimulating he stated, "It's comic relief Uo
conversation. Deeply concerned break tensions. He cares about
(OakwoodPlazo) . EARRINGS
about the students here at Mercy- how students are functioning both 2609Oakwood . . . - , . . . . ' . . . . . ..864-7513
hurst,he .tries to gear his ac-
tivities and time schedule (more
academic ally and socially.
Aside from teaching, Dr. Cisek j
2808 State St. | * / ; ; . 1 J.. 452-3606

rav inS
Specializing in Double Piercing
to being with the students than has another very important job Lawrence Port* ; .-\jk\f £rig
getting tied down with office 4202Main.... ,J . .fwp$'_j •. .fro899-3135
that is head of the newly devised
work. js f i mentoring program. He feels
A native of Buffalo, New York good about the the program
he attended Conisius College because it provides more;op-
where he obtained his BA in portunity for freshman-faculty
Literature and Philosophy. He contact. He believes it's a better
then went to State Univ. of New
York where he received his M.A.
and Ph.D in Philosophy.
advising' system because the
setup permits* the students to
a pproach their advisor on a more
SEARCHING . . . ? f.
Dr. Cisek has been at the 'Hurst personal level. N The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate
for "Five wonderfully ears" and P*He thinks the mentors are
he is enjoying himself. The af- putting, in more time and are Heartjof Mary, Scranton,, Pennsylvania
ternoon mat we talked he was in
one of his humorous 'talkative
more readily available to the
students than in the past. He also
offer a program for women who. are
moods. He thinks learning should noted more enthusiasm in most of searching for, meaningful, productive
be an eniovable experience and the mentors in that they seem lives. It is an opportunity to explore your-
he feels as a teacher it's his job "very interested in working with
to help set the atmosphere. the students." self in relation to religious life — without
In his classes he uses humor to* He enjoys working with young commitment, but with guidance and di-
put the students at ease and to adults and he values the rapport
make them comfortable. He he has established with most of rection — an open-ended search in the
wants students to lookforwardto the students he's worked with. In
his classes or at least not dread his Swords, J "Everything'jj^ is Affiliate Program.; ) 'I 5
them. When questioned on his super."
If you have considered being a Sister and
would like to take a good look with the
Sisters of I.H.M., complete and mail the
attached .coupon. \ ,



CAST JEWELRY, C U S T O M WORK. REPAIRS Sister Margaret Potth t, IHM
Director of Vocations
BY A P P O I N T M E N T ONLY - 4 S 9 - 8 9 4 S
Generalate of I.H.M.
Dear Sister,

ADDRESS t :••"'\;$ W& •

- •


HI! Hit i VII ti It* if M

l i f t ft • Mil
APRIL 7.1978


about Dick Fox Resigning?

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Casey Gallagher
"I think he's bleeped!"

I Sparky Mills | | -r*>

"I have no hard feelings. He's got the op- ^

portunity to step up to an NCAA school and

should respect him 0 ? -


' •

RggSS 'am AJW*"1^**,


• ^ /

* 4





"W* Ls M B H ^ ^ '

"I can see no reason for Fox to leave Mer-
cyhurst when his greatest challenge lies ahead,
unless his motivation falls into the catagories of
bleep or bleep.''

• « ] Gretchen Narcisi, .
"He's looking out for his best interests and he
has a responsibility to himself. ^^^— » t


by Don Burger our requirement! In this final required courses closed, and I turkey.' " ' "What happens to the rest of
"Well Norb, here it is our last term," said Norb. bad to plead with the professor to "We really did some chuckling
the people? , _ |
term at Mercy hurst as seniors." "When you take Into con- let me in." when we added up our loans to "They go home to enjoy the
, "Yeah, it's hard to believe it's sideration that they have us over "It was pretty funny because see that we paid $8,000 to get fact that they'rq not at the
almost over," sighed Norb. a barrel In this; our last term." he laughed so hard when he told screwed in the end." 'Hurst."
"Remember all the wonderful "Remember when we asked you that you were out of luck, that "Ha ha ha. I'm still laughing at "Remember all the activities
classes and smooth handling of permission to register for classes he nearly gagged." the time you signed up to use the designed for seniors, like the
bureaucratic matters Tike without an advisor's signature, "It was hysterical when the tennis courts and a> wealthy senior dinner?"
billing," I reminisced. . and the registrar laughed us out bureaucratic system made you contributor to the college threw "The school handled that really
"These professors have bent of the office?" run from office to office, teacher you off without any regard to well. They notified seniors on
over backwards to help us to get "How could I forget? Our to teacher and then say, 'too bad your rights." Friday for the Monday night
"Mercyhurst has been good to affair. We ate the cuisine that
us Norb, they keep life exciting was offered in the cafeteria.
iv-rivy- %%%5 &%
because you never know which What fantastic atmosphere to
ECO 11 wall you are going to be hanging show appreciation of tne senior
your head against" class."

Olczak Advises Seminar

"We've left quite a few dents in
the walls around her," he ad-
mitted. «..£/ v
'. "There have been some shining
"They must have learned how
to honor people from the Idi Amin
School or: Etiquette ', and
•Mention." T "
current energy problems and tended the seminar and offered moments: that/ we'll fondly ."You know the biggest Joke is
To anyone who wasn't there, alternatives. Previous to her Job her own advice. remember," I mused. '.$ on us. In the competition for Jobs,
especially • Environment Studies In Stoneboro she was a naturalist j • ''Organize your time and your "For sure. There's some nice we are not exactly well known.
majors, you missed a lot at Asbury Woods Nature Center values, Become a 'packrat' - and wonderful memories. Car j} "Why is that a joke?" I asked.
Denise Olczak. a 1976 Mercy- in Millcreek. don't* throw out your books or Wars lightened our burdens by "It must be. Employers keep
hurst graduate from the . "If you believe in something, your notebooks. Denise also creating mirth. around the laughing when I tell them whicn
Environmental Studies • depart- you have to consider the pros, the encouraged, developing com- campus. All the math we learned school I went to," explained
ment, spoke at a seminar class cons, and the payoffs," said munications skills. "Speak in in American Journalism will be Norb. ?2
lor majors a while back and Denise, "If you preach an front of a group any chance you valuable in life after school.'
brought with her a lot of ex- ecological lifestyle, you'd better get" she said, noting the need for "The only course that really
citement and encouragement. live it." self assurance. * '' helped us get ^through the
"I think that the answer (to
environmental problems) is In
college and high school kids,"
The urogram she is putting
together is helping the com-
Finally, she stressed getting to
know people .in your field.
bureaucratic system was "How
To Heat the System." ANTHONY
munity to look at alternatives and "Repeat your name three times "Don't forget the wonderful
said Denise as she talked about
current problems, particularly
lifestyle changes on a grassroots
level. Various activities en-
after you've been introduced,"
she said with a laugh. "Contacts
Lakers who brought some form of
respectability to our school." L0UN6E
energy. couraging low-eherjpr leisure and like that can help you lata* on "Yeah, the basketball team's UJ^iJJJJJU EaSt
Denise is currently the coor- school projects designed for when you need it." record will help us all get Jobs
dinator of the Energy Steward- energy alternatives are under It's nice to have someone come
ship Program for the Lakeview
School District working out of
way and more are being planned back and tell you that you can
after 'we graduate."
"We spend enough money on 454-9363
every day. J make it in your field and that them that they better do UVE ENTERTAINMENT
Stoneboro, Pa. She acts as a Denise showed much interest you're on the right track. something for the good of the
resource, person for teachers, and enthusiasm in the current W«J.,1Wi
v And Denise Olczak did Just school," said Norb.

students and the community on work of the students who at- that. "The campus life is super if you you show
like to get drunk or smoke the

Father-Daughter Weekend wacky tobaccy." .

Arrives) In Early Spring

The ftttar annual Father- with a brunch in the cafeteria Brie Turners Club, 829 Parade
Daughter weekend has been from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., followed Street, followed by dinner at 7:00
scheduled for April 22-23. The by a talent show At 2:00 p.m. in p.m. Dr. Joseph Pixzat, art
event is being chaired by Joann the recital hall. 4 professor at Mercyhurst, will be
DeSaatis, with Vicki Martinago the guest speaker for the oc-
assisting as co-chairman. •; The social hour, beginning at casion. Dancing will be from 9:00
The weekend will commence 6:00 p.m., will be held at the East •1:00 p.m., with music provided
by the Gib Porsch Combo. • • *

Mass will be held in the grotto

Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.,
with a brunch In the; cafeteria % Thanks. • •
t •

afterwards to concluue the busy

Weekend. Sister Eymard and the American, Can-
been decreed 1 The Father-Daughter weekend
is a sentimental tradition here at cer Society wishes to thank Keith Crouse i

1978 shall be Mercyhurst, for it affords dads

and daughters alike a seldom and Saga Food Service j con-
^ ^ «.

DAY ERIE Activities and presenter opportunity to relax

and be together for an entire two tribution in supplying coffee, tea and pep- •

events are planned for the down- days. The plans and work that si on Buck-a-Cup day. Thank you to all
town area. Lookforfurther details have ,been put into -the event
indicate that this year will be no
•- • •

the sisters/ administration, faculty and i • • «

in the local newspaper. exception to the success of

previous years. students for'their cooperation. A special

Reservations must be made by * ' — # . •

April 17. *?T thanks goes to Colteen Heber/>Val Ferro

and Jane. Kerstetter for delivering and . I

picking up posters and buttons. «•• • '


The Writing Center announces its

New Spring Hours!!!


Chris VanWagenen Mr. William Shelley 9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
231 #Sesler Apt/ Preston Hall Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
86441807 100 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Apply by April 14th Other hours by appointment

• fl






by Mark Cipriani played in two years," com- Finishing its most successful
What started out a trip full of mented Coach Dick Fox after the season ever at 26-3, Mercyhurst V
hope and promise ended un- loss, "but these kids never gave v
ceremoniously in the early up and we still almost pulled it
captured its initial District 18
title by first knocking off i
morning hours of Kansas City, out. i defending champ Clarion and br
Missouri. Fox was forced to go to his then St. Vincent.
That is when the Mercyhurst bench much earlier than an- Furthuring this ac-
Lakers bowed out of its first ever ticipated because of the foul complishment was the fact that
NAIA National Basketball trouble. John Burrow missed the trip to Kansas City was
Tournament losing by the much of the first half and leadini achieved in only the seventh year
dimmest of margins, 70-69, to scorer Ed Jones fouled out wit] of basketball at the 'Hurst. + Tr
(earney State of Nebraska. 15 minutes left in the game. Mercyhurst also ended with the
Mercyhurst, eighth seeded in Mercyhurst outhit Kearney, second best winning percentage
he tourney, trailed by as much from the field 26-23 but the of any NAIA team in the country.
is 12 points in the second half but damage as far as the Lakers
he unseeded Antelopes held off were concerned came at the foul
Personal achievements for the V 6

Lakers included District 18 Coach Laker outfielder T. J. Fahey (6) confers with assistant coach
he Laker comeback to pull the line where the Antelopes out- Of The Year Dick Fox, and Frank Trigilio (3) during a break in Oklahoma. The Lakers begin
irst upset of the tournament. scored the 'Hurst 24-17. second team all-district berths their season this week. f
if it is any solace to the Lakers, Don Jackson * was the only for Ed Jones and Paul Young.
(earney wasn't finished with its consistent scorer for the Lakers But despite these ac- PHOTO BY TERRY KELLY
tpsets as the Nebraska unit as he hit for a game high 21 points complishments a one-point loss
•attled its way to the finals in his final game in a Mercyhurst 4
can tarnish the gold.
More falling to champion Grand uniform. Burrow also playing his A subtle but fitting tribute was
Canyon (Arizona) 79-75. last game was the only other given to Coach Fox and the
As for the Lakers, shakey play Laker in double digets with 10. Lakers after the game when
plus constant foul trouble hin- Four others who made their someone told him, "a lesser team
dered t he offense and the 'Hurst final curtain call for the 'Hurst would have lost by twenty." by Terry Kelly
just could never get their act that night (morning) were Paul A lesser team is something the Now that all the talk is over and
together. Young, Kevin Bradley, Ed Jones, Mercyhurst Lakers have not been the decision is final that Dick Fox
L< "This is the worst we have and Joe Ford. all year. • * ^ will guide Gannon next year, here
are a few thoughts that have been
floating around. There are those
who think Fox has deserted the
school. These same people give
the reason for desertion to be the
• graduation of six fine seniors who
Tennis Baseball Rick Rickgauer (Erie) round out formed a strong nucleus. On the
the staff. t other hand, there are those who
The Mercyhurst College Tennis The Mercyhurst Baseball team Freshmen infielders include see the move as a greater op-
team begins its spring season will begin their first spring Jimbo Walters from Natrona i portunity for Fox. Fox himself
under the direction of first year season under new coach Mike Heights, Bob DellaRocca from stated that it would be a different
coach Dennis Ranalli. Kanalli Cusack. Cusack and his Lakers Bethpage, N.Y., and Scott challenge and one that he would
was a native of Clairton, Pa. and recently completed a trip to Barnnger from Erie. , like to accept. I'm not sure what I
has been residing in the Erie area Oklahoma where they played Two freshmen outfielders from w ould have done and had I been
he past eight years. In addition various teams 8 in and around Natrona Heights are Mike in Fox's shoes. I do like to accept
o coaching, he is also the tennis Oklahoma City. Although the Conroy and Frank Kudlac. new challenges but I probably.
lirector at the Billie Jean King | team didn't fair very well, they The Lakers have a 32 game would have to think it out before
Tennis Center in Erie. got in the much needed playing schedule which includes home coming to a conclusion. The only
| This years Laker net team time and enjoyed some warm dates with Indiana, California problem that I can see from the
features senior Richard Bir- weather. State (rescheduled), Fredonia, move is the recruiting aspect,
mingham from Boston. Mass. He The Lakers season opener was Clarion, Pitt-Johnstown, Akron, which could hurt the Hurst next
,vas last year's NAIA District 18 delayed last Tuesday because of and Youngstown State. season. A new coach should be WOMEN'S SOFTBALL
ingles champ at flight No. 1. He the weather as they were appointed soon so the recruiting
just recently acquired his 50th scheduled to host California State Softball of high school players can take 1977-78
singles victory in his four-year in a doubleheader. place. If the wait is long, most of April 15# Saturday 1:00 p.m.
tay at the Hurst and will cer- The women's varsity Softball the good players will have Edinboro (A)
tainly hold the winningest record This springs squad is relatively team, under the direction of already maae up their minds on April 17, Monday 4:00 p.m.
m the schools history upon young compared to previous coach Janet Price, will open their their college choice and the Hurst Villa (H)
graduation. ones. The breakdown shows season next Saturday, the 15th at will be screwed. Six quality April 20, Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Junior standout Phil Dubsky seven freshmen, six sophomores, Edinboro. The Lakerettes have players are hard to replace so the Allegheny (A)
nails from Geneva, Ohio, He has four juniors and two seniors. the same young-type team that powers should get together to April 25, Thursday 4:00 p.m.
been a solid starter for two years The two seniors form the the baseball Lakers have, mainly choose the new ruler and to build Gannon(H)
with the Lakers and was a battery in righthanded pitcher freshmen. for next year. % April 27, Thursday 4:00 p.m.
member of the 1076 NAIA Joe Williams from Beaver Falls The returning players are The spring sports are swinging Behrend (A)
National Championship team. He and catcher-captain Randy Mink senior Sue Fagan from Pitt- into action this weekend/ The May 1, Monday 4:00 p.m.
was runner-up at flight three in from Springdale. sburgh, and juniors Mary Ann tennis team under new head Edinboro (H)
last year's singles and flight two The juniors include King from Dunmore, Diane coach Dennis Ranalli will host May 3, Wednesday . . . . 4:00 p.m.
doubles champion. first basemen Ron Coleman and Masterson from Erie and Jane Slippery Rock on Saturday at Villa (A)
Dan Sienick, both from Erie. Nestor from McKeesport. j 1:00. The matches will be at the May 9, Tuesday....... 4:00 p.m.
Junior member Al Culbertson Secondbaseman Ray Gruss from Sophomores include Pam Billie Jean King Tennis Center. Allegheny (h)
is a native of St. Louis, Missouri. Cleveland and Shortstop Terry Wolfe from Warren, Mary Mahon The baseball team under coach May 11, Thursday 4:00 p.m.
He was also on that "76 National Kelly from Burrell round out the from Deltona, Fla., Judy Gluvna Mike Cusack will travel to Pitt- Gannon(A)
Champion and will once again be juniors. from Corry and Mary McLain j sburch Saturday for a 1:00 May 13, Saturday 4:00 p.m.
starter on this years team. Three of the sophomores are from Hawley. doubleheader at Robert Morris. Behrend (H) f
Freshman Andrew Findlay pitchers and they are Craig New team members and fresh-
omes to us via London, England. Nicholson from Erie, Sparky men are Debbie Christman from
fie has won various tournaments
in England including the London
Mills from Cleveland, and Gordy
Karstedt from Eden, N.Y.
Pittsburch, Tina Tomczak from
Erie, Kathe Lowry from Erie.
M B A WESTERN Playoffs
Senior Championships and has Sophomores Rick Konkolewski Barb Massenburg and Cathrine HAPPY HACKERS
trained with the British Inter- (catcher) and Rick Shaheen Bell both from Phildelphia, HAPPY
mediate squad. /fc/. (outfield) are from Burrell while Leslie Gernat from [BYE"" I StmUhMla L
Freshman Tom Chybrsynski is soph outfielder T.J. Fahey is Brackenridge, Cheri Haughey TUNABROS Syn4/98p.m. |
a local standout from Pittsburgh. from Pittsburgh. from Coming, N.Y., and Kathy Thur. 4/68 p.m.
Pa. He is currently ranked third Freshmen pitchers Russ Grieb from Russell complete the
In the Allegheny Mountain Tennis Wilhelm (Natrona Heights) and team. H : s 1 HEADS • FINALS
MOA 4101p.m.
Association in 18 and under tfWwtam
singles and also ranked 20th in Merc w GEN CREAMS Ployon
the Middle States Tennis Mercyhurst College Tennis Schedule
Association. Varsity Baseball Schedule Spring 1978 HACKERS SMII-PIHOU
Sun 4/9 9 p.m
Freshman Dave LaFuria is a Spring 1978 Saturday, April 8 1 ;00 p.m. A.ZUSA-CAL
home town product from Erie. He Slippery Rock (H) BYE
played and lettered for four years Sat., Apr, 8 • RobertMorris -Away . . . J Thursday, April 13 . . . . 2:00 p.m.
TIMS'., Apr. 11 - B«hn»nd • Away.,,, $ California State (A)
at McDowell High School. He is Wed Apr. 12 • Youmtown St. Away. .
currently ranked tenth in the Sat, Apr 15 Indiana Homo J Saturday, April 22 1:00 p.m.
: Behrend (H) < *]
AMTA *~ TuM. Apr. IB • Frodonla« Homo. . .. , J
1 According to Coach Ranalli. Thun. Apr. 20 • Edln, - Away Monday, April 24 1:00 p.m.
t , Sun., Apr. 23• Gar State- Homo j
this year's team has the potential W#d„ Apr. 26- Pitt Johnstown-H ^ J
* Edinboro (A)
to contend for another District 18 Sat, Apr. 29, Point Park, Away Monday, May 1 3:00 p.m.
title. "We have a very positive Morv.Moy I, Thtal • Away J . . • • Youngstown (H)
W*d.,Moy 3 % Froifburg Staff • Away,, Thursday, May 4 , 1:00 p.m.
team attitude at this time, and Thun., May 4 • Slip. Rock • Away.
these men have worked very Sun,,May7• Akron-Homo ,, i* West Liberty (h)
hard since September in an- Man., May 8 - Gannon - Away - . . . . . . Monday, May 8 1 p.m
ticipation of this years soring %\ Allegheny (A)
season." commented Ranalli* PH. May 11 and Sot., May 11 Thursday, May 11-13
All of the home matches will be District 18 Toumarmnt District 18 Tourney,
W«d., May 17 • Youngttown St. Nomt 1 p.m Friday, May 19-21
held at the . Billie Jean King • •••All dotw wlllb* doubt* rwodtrl
Tennis Center on Interstate 90 USTA Sanctioned Tournament
and Route 97, Westwood Racket Club

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