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Business Administration: Promotional Marketing Plan

Ajal George Poovathummoottil

Holland College

MKTG-1000 Marketing

Mike Miller

December 10, 2021


Zero waste stores are the new waste free grocery revolution that is happening in the world.

Monsieur Vrac is the first and only zero waste store in the island. Monsieur Vrac offers a unique

shopping experience with choice of quality products without packaging. There aim is to support

each other and create a healthier and conscientious world. It’s an eco friendly shop and the

products are purchased using paper bags, jars or bags that customer uses. They offer a wide

variety of food products, household products and body care products.

The target market are people with families, senior citizens. as well as young students who

are working or studying. They offer products in a competitive price also people can buy products

in bulk or what they need. It will help the customers to follow a new lifestyle of zero waste. They

are also selling different beauty products like shampoo, face wash, moisturiser which all are

natural that will attract young college and university students. The organic and local products

will attract more families because of choosing healthier food in families. Compare to it’s

competitors like bulk barn the products are not stocked in huge quantity and there is no plastic

bags or bottles being sell.

The idea of zero waste lifestyle will be a new and important opportunity to the customers.

Today more customers are beginning a zero waste and lifestyle and continuing it. The store

attracts different type of people and offer a new experience. Waste free living helps people more

sustainable by reducing the household waste. The store helps to start a beginning to a new

lifestyle and reduce waste in environment. The store also supports local economy because there

are products are from local suppliers and vendors. It also provide natural and homemade

products to the customers. The key to Zero waste living and sustainability is by supporting local

business as much possible and reduce the waste.

This is an important thing for the target market because they offer environmentally friendly

products. The store has a variety of cleaners which is environment friendly, biodegradable also in

concentrated form. The customers can get most of the products like toothbrushes or straws, paper

towel, cleaning products, food products all in a zero-waste option under one store. It attracts

more people to follow the new lifestyle. They also help in switching to new lifestyle which will

be an important thing for families and individuals. The variety of bath and beauty things attract

more women to the store. They also provide recipes and mixed products for easy use.

Promotional Mix
Social Media
Social media had a big growth and now for businesses social media is a big way to

market there brand. Social medias help to create a strong media presence and help to interact

with customers online. This will help to reach the target market easily because it’s used widely

by all people. Also, social media also gives a global exposure for brands as it can be accessed

from anywhere. The social media makes the marketers to interact with customers as customers

can give their reviews or any changes that they like. Nowadays the social platform like Facebook

helps to put Facebook ads for the brands. Most of the target market will be following the

Facebook or Instagram to get more information.



This is another form like in old times the newsletters of a store were send in papers but

now we can send newsletters through their emails which less expensive compared to the old way.

The newsletter also helps the target market to see what products there at the store are and can

compare the price. Also, the store offers, and discounts are shown on newsletters. Customers are

able to get information’s of products even without visiting the store. The newsletter also can help

to reach out to a specific peoples if we have their mails.


The introduction of company websites is another important thing. Nowadays most people

don’t like to shop for a long time they prefer online shopping so the introduction of online

shopping will attract more target audiences. Also new customers can utilize the website to look

on the products and services. The websites usually give a insight of the brand and it’s goal.

Websites is an important in today’s business world. The target audience can access it 24*7 from

anywhere from any device.

The budget for various promotions differs like

 Social media is a free platform but for the advertising and account management may cost

some money. For a business account its management is an important part, there should be

always good posts or tries to interact with the target market. For this we can hire social

media marketers or designers who can bring up new ideas also the advertisement in social

media also requires a cost. The recent cost of Facebook is around $7.19 per 1000

impressions as well as the Instagram cost is also the same

 For newsletters are different according to the need. As we are using emails to send to the

target market it requires some software’s like “SendX” which costs $8.99 per month and

the design of the newsletter. Let’s assume it around $300 per month

 E-commerce or websites may be the expensive one because it may cost between $2000-

$5000. The website designing, maintenance and many other things.

Promotional Activity Cost

Social Media $30

Newsletters $400

Ecommerce $2500

Total $ 2930

Implementation Plan

Activity Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Final

Social Media Choose the best Choose a plan Design promotional Promotion
platform for or decide social posts begins
advertising. media

Newsletters Collect emails Designing of Send newsletters to

from the target the newsletter customers
market and the plan on
hoe to send it

E-commerce Call in for Website Management the Used by the

website design creation website Customers

For every business promotion is one of the crucial things for its success even though it’s small

or large Monsieur Vrac store is a new movement that needs a big growth because we need to

reduce the wastes in the environment and more people should need to convert into a new

lifestyle, The promotions will make new customers and able to interact with existing customers.

Every business will have competitors to overcome them we need a perfect promotion and by this

more customers will be the part of the business and be a successful in business.

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