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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI
Waktu : 90 Menit

I Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memilih A, B, C atau D yang kamu

anggap paling tepat!

Hi, Everybody!
I’m Sakurta. My fullname is Sakurta Juwanda. I was born on January, 10th 1996
I study at SD. Negeri 030 Selat Bunyin. I like studying and fishing

I. What is Sakurta’s fullname?

A. January, 10th 1996 B. Sakurta Juwanda
C. Studying and fishing D. SD. Negeri 001 Selat Bunyin

2. I was born on January, 10th 1996.

A. When was he born? B. Where does he study?
C. What is his fullname? D. What is he hobby?

I’m Januar. My full name is Januar Alamsyah. I was born at Sugie, 31 Desember 1998. I
study at SD. Negeri 003 Sugie. I like studying Mathematics and Science.
I was awarded the best student in 2000.

3. What does Januar like studying?

A. Mathematics and Sport B. Science and History
C. Mathematics and Science D. History and English

4. What was Januar awarded?

A. The best student B. The best fullname
C. The best Mathematics D. The best award

5. Hendra : Hi, Alex! How are you?

Alex : Fine, thank you, And you?
Hendra : . . . .
A. Hi, nice to meet you B. How do you do
C. Hello, good morning D. Very well, thank you

6. Lisa : Hi, Annas! How are you?

Annas : I’m OK, thanks. And you?
Lisa : Very well, thanks. This is my sister, Susan.
Annas : Hello, Susan. Nice to meet you
Susan : . . . .
A. How do you do B. Nice to meet you too
C. Very well, thank you D. Hello, how are you
Seasons in Indonesia
Indonesia has two seasons. They are rainy season and dry season. The rainy
seoson is from November to April. It rains almost everyday. The weather is cold and
wet. You need to bring a raincoat or an umbrella
The dry seoson is from May to October. The sun shines brightly everyday. The
weather is hot and dry. You need to put on cap or hat.

7. How many seasons are there in Indonesia?

A. There are one season B. There are two seasons
C. There are three seasons D. There are four seasons

8. When is the dry season?

A. From May to Octover B. From November to April
C. From Octover to April D. From May to November

9. On the rainy season, what do we need to bring?

A. A cap or hat B. A hat or an umbrella
C. A raincoat or a cap D. An umbrella or a raincoat

10. How is the weather in the rainy season?

A. The sun shines brightly B. The weather is hot and dry
C. It rains almost everyday D. It is hot and cold

11. It is . . . in the dry season

A. hot B. cold
C. wet D. raniny

12. It is a rainy day. It’s really . . . , isn’t it?

A. cold B. brightly
C. hot D. Dry

13. Nana : How is the weather in your town, Joko

Joko : Berawan
A. It is rainy B. It is windy
C. It is sunny D. It is cloudy

14. Cuaca dingin dimusim hujan

A. It is cold in the rainy season B. It is hot in the dry season
C. It It is cloudy in the rainy season C. It is sunny in the dry season

15. The weather in my town is stormy now. Stormy means . . . .

A. berawan B. berpetir
C. berhujan D. Berangin

16. What is he hobby?

A. Boxing
B. Fencing
C. Swimming
D. Running

17. Do you like basketball?

A. Yes, I like it very much
B. No, I don’t like it. I like table tennis
C. Yes, I like basketball very much
D. No, I don’t like table tennis
18. I prefer running . . . . swimming
A. to B. in
C. at D. from

19. Jaka : What . . . . do you like?

Sarman : I like wrestling.
A. like B. hobby
C. interest D. sport

20. I like . . . vollyball

A. singing B. playing
C. studying D. listening

II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan kata/prase yang tepat

Pandi : Hi, Nina? How (1) . . . you?

Nina : I’m (2) . . . , thanks. And you?
Pandi : Very well, thank you. This (3) . . . my sister, Wati.
Nina : Hello, Wati. Nice to (4) . . . you.
Wati : Nice to meet you (5) . . . Nina.

III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!

Taufik Hidayat
Taufik Hidayat is one of the Indonesian best athletes. He is a well-known
badminton player in the world. He started playing when he was seven. He won many
champions many times. He is one of the world champions. He also has won the
Indonesian Open six times.
Taufik Hidayat’s nick name is Opik. He studied in SDN Pangalengan I. Taufik is
the second child of Mr. Aries Haris and Mrs. Enok Dartilah. He has three brothers. He
was born on 10th August 1981. Taufik was born in Bandung. But, he lives on Damai
Raya Street, Cipayung, East Jakarta now.

1. What is Taufik Hidayat?

2. Who are his parents?
3. When was he born?
4. How many time has he won Indonesian Open?
5. What elementary school did he study at?

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