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Organizing a party (Halloween)

Y: How are you Luis? Do you want to help me organized this year’s
Halloween party?
L: Hello Yulianna, I am very well thank you. Glad to help you.
Y: Thank you, we should start by making a list of what we will occupy.
L: That’s right, do you think we should buy candy?
Y: Yes! We must buy a lot of sweets, too many sweets tend to visit us.
L: You’re right then write that down on the list.
Y: Okay, what else could we give the kids?
L: How about we buy a cake and give them some when they come?
Y: Sounds good to me, we can buy more decorations for the house,
don’t you think?
L: Yes, with some I think it will be enough to make our house look
Y: Very good, that day what would you like to do for dinner?
L: What do you think if we buy pizza?
Y: Will one be enough?
L: I don’t think so, let’s buy 2 or 3 because we will also have guests.
L: Remember to buy your costume for that day.
Y: So we buy 3, so we all reach. Do not forget, you should buy yours.
L: It seems perfect to me, that will be enough.
L: Yes, I will buy it in a few days.
Y: Oh no! I almost forgot, we need a lot of drinks.
L: Write it down on your list, do you think we should buy juice?
Y: Of course, we can give the children a glass of juice.
L: Okay, what else will we need?
Y: Only the plates and glasses are missing.
L: How many do you think we should buy with?
Y: A package of each will be enough.
L: Perfect I think we have everything we need.
Y: Yes, with that we can make our party.
L: Then let’s go buy everything.
Y: Sounds good to me, what area do we start with?
L: For sweets, I love sweets!!
Y: Perfect there we can also find the decoration and disposables right?
L: That’s right, all we need.
Y: Then we go to the drinks area there we will buy the juices and soft
L: And finally we went to the bakery area for the cake.
Y: That’s right, and there we would everything for our party.

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