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Chapter of

the Book

A Waste of Good

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The
Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming,
Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: The Requiem,
Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy:
The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their
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Cont ent s
the accolades and make the most noise, but they
A Wa s t e of stand on the bodies of many others to get there.

Good Blood... Just because you?re unsung, doesn?t make you any
less a hero. Just because you?re at the bottom of
the barrel, it doesn?t mean you need to keep
digging. Just because they think they're better
Introduction than you, doesn?t mean they actually are or that
you can?t bring them down to your level. T here is
T he mighty T hirteen clans are responsible for
power in assumed insignificance and even the
some of the most amazing stories in the World of
mightiest must fall in the fullness of time.
Darkness, their members having committed both
wondrous and horrendous deeds, been responsible
for the creation of the two great sects and set in I n this book I intend to explore some of the groups
motion countless plots; the ramifications of which that often slip through the cracks of Kindred
impact almost every corner of life on the planet. society, or that are considered contemptible and
T heir structure gives them strength, and their beneath everyone else. W hether they?re a full
founders may one day shake the foundations of the blooded vampire that can?t quite manifest a bane or
world. Each and every member of the clans carries muster the same powers as their sire, or a vampire
the seed of these gods within them and may yet that just so happens to be unlucky enough to have
achieve godhood. more than 13 generations between them and the
mythical Caine, or perhaps even the servants and
still living hangers-on.
T his book is not about them.

T his book is for them.

T his book is not about the Elders and Ancilla. I t?s
not about Princes and Primogen, I t?s not about
the coteries whose names live on through the ages
or who achieve untold levels of infamy.

T his book is about those that can?t always live up

to these lofty claims, about those that the books
often miss out on and put to the side, the ones that
history has missed and that are stigmatised and

T his book is about what is possible when you slip

below the radar and give yourself over to a
different kind of unlife. T he thirteen may get all
What is in this book? Blood Is Thicker Than
- New gr oups, factions and types of T hin Water. Barely...
Bloods, including a range of new for mulae
and Alchemy techniques as well as a new T hin Bloods have been a problem for far longer than
breed - the Reaver s. they have even existed. Centuries ago, cainites would
- An exploration of Caitiff and Pander s, as gather to talk prophesy in hushed whispers lest they
disturb sleeping ancients. Groups would obsess about
well as some new factions that have sprung fragments of ancient texts that described the past
up among the clanless and bring order to and future of Caine's chosen ones - and that future
chaos always ended one way - destruction.
- New Pr edator T ypes, Mer its and Flaws T here would be signs of course - wild ones, princes
- A closer look at the rules and history of the falling and cities being lost, but one that always drew
major r evenant families. a lot of attention was the prophecy about the
- An investigation into the new world of the thinning of the blood and the final generations.
dhampir s, systems to play them and an
exploration of their place in the World of
Darkness ?I f only we could stop this coming to pass! I f only
- L or esheets made specifically for the T hin we could ensure this final generation is never sired
Bloods and Caitiff as well as for adding and eradicated before the prophecy is fulfilled??
revenants to your retinue.
Regardless of the truth of the matter, the T hin
T his line of thinking became so commonplace that it Bloods of today?s age are more than just the sum of

seeped out from those obsessed with Noddist lore their sires generations. 14th, 15th, 16th? Does it

and into the unlives of the entire kindred race. Even matter to these ones? T heir generation has no impact
on what they can do compared to any other T hin
the nominally secular Camarilla took this line of
Blood - indeed many would not know where they
thinking to their cold, dead hearts and initiated
exactly sit on a family tree anyway, and any attempt
pogroms against those who failed to properly muster
to quantify their potency reveals the same result -
the curse. T he persecution of the duskborn is all but
generic, thin blood. W hat is even more confusing for
enshrined into law in the modern age.
those that have tried to study this and apply some
semblance of order to the blood have found a
T he definition of being thin blooded has changed confusing mess of contradictions - there are those
over the centuries - with each generation of Kindred closer to Caine who are able to walk in the sunlight,
looking to ensure that those beneath them are the and who simultaneously have blood incapable of
bearers of the persecution, fear, loathing and creating more of their kind or binding the will of
distrust of the entire vampire race. I n the dark ages, others. T hen there are those as far away from Caine
the 13th generation were believed to be so thin as has been recorded who still bare the curses of the
blooded as to be incapable of passing on the curse, clan founders. Nothing about the T hin Bloods makes
and before them, the same distinction was accredited sense or is predictable - whatever they are defies
to the 12th generation. Was it the case that in those conventions and classification. I t?s almost as if
times the blood was thinner in the young overall? they?re a different species altogether!
Has the blood of the ?final generation?been linked to
the times, or was it just superstition driving these
From the perspective of the duskborn themselves,
those that care enough to consider their condition see
it as the next step in the evolution of the species. Far
Moreover, how is it that after millennia of from seeing themselves as weakened copies of the
embracing, that the race of vampires has only just older vampires, they see in their condition a chance
got past 13 generations? Have the thin blooded to move beyond some of the limitations that have
always been possible and just too weak to survive plagued their kind for so long. T he banes of the
among their more potent kin? How would a founders are finally being forgotten and kicked to the
duskborn have fared when their contemporaries curb where they belong. T he limitations of the
were methuselahs and life was tougher? Was the disciplines are being replaced by something flexible
blood incapable of creating them in ages past? Or is and personal, and yet still capable of reproducing
it that the blood of the vampires has thickened to the those long practiced techniques. Critical to the
point that previously weak kindred are now capable viewpoint that the T hin Bloods are something more
of siring? Will we see the 14th and 15th generations is the clearly observable fact that they are sometimes
ascend to being considered normal in a hundred able to ignore some of the classic weaknesses of the
years or so? vampire - to defy the will of god. W hile the kindred
look down on their closeness to the mortals, the
duskborn see themselves as getting the best of both
The Way Out is Thr ough
worlds - the ability to maintain some sort of life,
mortal feelings and urges, access to the daylight T he lives and times of a T hin Blood are often short
world, immortality and a greatly inhibited beast. and brutal, and while it?s still early days - the
T his last part is often the most important to the thin forecast for the survival on an individual level doesn?t
blooded vampire - while the hunger is still there, it look good. T his isn?t to say that there aren?t those
won?t control their unlives in such a spectacular and that don?t appreciate their lot in unlife or that are
often bloody fashion. With no chance of mindlessly prospering, but that those above them don?t make it
frenzying, they?re free to pursue whatever path they easy for them. Many of them can see the writing in
want - including the hallowed state of Golconda. A the wall and in between fighting for survival, have
thin blood has a choice - they can attempt to return considered a plan of action, sometimes this is a true
to a real life, or seek to pursue their damnation and escape, sometimes it?s a step up - or even sideways.
become a full blooded kindred. T he future is theirs to W hatever they do, it involves a drastic change - one
decide. which might free them? or damn them.

Going Up - Diabler ie
Many of the vampires that interact with
the duskborn take on one of two
approaches with their interactions - either
the carrot or the stick. T he right to
diablerie and take on the mantle of a full
blooded vampire is a phenomenal carrot
to dangle in front of them, but even this
comes with its own set of risks - beyond
the obvious ones of degeneration and
possession of course. Firstly there is the
issue of legality - or the perception of it at
least. Assuming the T hin Blood has been
granted permission in the first place, will
the rest of the city still treat them as
deserving of it? W hat happens when the
victim is an otherwise well connected
member of the city? I t?s one thing for a
known kindred to claim victory in a blood
hunt, and another for a T hin Blood to
muscle in on it. T he next consideration is
clan status - the T hin Blood always takes
on the clan of their victim - which is fine
for the lucky duskborn, but how will their
new clan mates react? Sure, a Gangrel or
Brujah might be prepared to ignore it, but clans such any means, the stories of duskborn reclaiming their
as the Ventrue, Ministry or T remere would have a lost humanity by devoting themselves to a higher
very different attitude to this new blood and of ideal are almost as common as tales of their strange
course every member of every clan has their own alchemy. W hat doesn?t get as much notice is the
feelings. Finally there is the issue of the Camarilla?s stories of those that fail - Golconda is a tightrope,
brand - while in most cases this fades as their and those that fall, fall hard. T he path to peace is
potency increases, there have been instances where littered with the corpses of those that died along the
this hasn?t happened and the newly strengthened way, and for the T hin Bloods, the path is densely
vampire is left bearing the mark of the thin bloods - packed indeed.
Going Back - Killing the Sir e
Going Down - Digging your Way Out T he most unfortunate aspect of this persistent
A persistent rumour that has gained momentum rumour is that so far there is no evidence that it has
among the T hin Bloods is that they?re only a few any benefit or truth to it as far as anyone can tell.
steps away from being a true vampire - all it takes is Despite this, a good percentage of T hin Bloods that
for them to embrace their true nature and real power have been executed got to that point because they
can be within their grasp. With potentially very little breached the T radition of Destruction while trying to
in the way of official education to correct them, the achieve this state. Despite trying to disseminate
idea that following the urges of the Beast has gained propaganda to counter this, the Camarilla have found
a substantial following among those that wish to that instances of patricide and matricide are ever on
?progress?. By plumbing the depths of their the rise and showing no signs of abating. Still, there
humanity, they risk much, but with immortality on must be something to the story for the duskborn to
the line, no price is too high. W hile unexplainable keep trying it - there are always stories of a friend of
and possibly fabricated, what is interesting is that a a friend having met someone who became mortal
few true vampires have come forward and confirmed again after destroying their sire. T he only saving
this approach works - giving into the beast is a path grace in the eyes of the leadership is that this not
to power. only removes the T hin Blood, but a troublesome
vampire that has the temerity to create one of these
Going For war d - Achieving Balance
Golconda is a mythical state even among the
kindred, so for the T hin Bloods to have heard about Going it Alone - Fleeing or Acceptance
it and even achieved it is a long shot. Still, the T he last, and indeed most common option. Few could
duskborn are already far closer to being human than blame the T hin Bloods for running away from their
the average vampire, and many concepts that are problems and hoping that a new city and set of
alien to the kindred come naturally to them. L ittle surroundings would change their situation. I n many
things like breathing, eating, acts of kindness and cases this just delays the problem, but it also serves
genuinely caring, might take a phenomenal act of to reinforce what they can achieve when they put
will for a vampire are all well within the grasp of a their mind to things. Survivability is most certainly
T hin Blood. T hese little things all add up more than an issue among the duskborn, but those that have
they would realise, and while it?s not a guarantee by accepted what they are, and even embraced its
Kicking o met al. a new de a
f f wit h w lianat or
Gut bust h -
er and ke at is alr eady a c
pt t he m la
f avour it
e : S le e p osh pit li ssic, t he 5 unlea
unique quirks and benefits come to cr owd, f of vely she
r ont wom t he Dead. A f t er wit h a segue int d
t hat f am an a o my new
prosper more than those that lament
iliar , sou and bassist Rona bit of bant er wit
f or us in t he M ht
their state. W hether this takes t he cr ow r n gr oove of Wil oon st ar t s pickin he
need t o d and it s d f ir e. I t ?s ga
moving on to newer, safer ?bur n it
all down? f inal, scr eamed a t r ue m t
, lef t us p oment
surroundings while they come to Most ban
ds dr eam all exhila r oclamat ion t hat
r at ed an
terms with it all or sticking it out,
get t ing o
t o be pr e f an opening like d br eat h we
pleaser s t t y st an t less.
the truth is that trying to aim for as Blood dar d. Wh hat , but f or t his
A ss, t he C en you c band, it ?s
an unachievable state makes you n you?r e ockt ail, Pr of ane an boast
s uc
spoilt f o Hier os G
A nd spe
aking of r choice amos and h cr owd
t he close o n B
bar nst or , af t er a how t o open and r and my
take more risks than is sensible,
mer of a c
set list , a lose.
and ensures you'll never be encor e. t hey com bso- f ucking- lut e
happy with your lot in life. I t?s
e back on f
A nd wha or one f
t an enc inal
early days, but the T hin Bloods o r e!
T at t y- Y
are rising up and finding their f eel eve a st ar t ed t he be
r yone in a
niche. T hose at the top might not oxygen g t he venu t slow, and st r a
oing out e get t ing ight awa
realise it, but they?ve entered the br e at hs. A n
o f t he r oom
in s y n c. You co y you could
launched t hen it w s ever yone uld f eel
time of the thin bloods. int o Br o
k e
a s un leashed
h e ld t heir coll he
f inest n n T ower ect ive
ew addit
ion. s. Pheno h a might y r oar
menal wo as t hey
T his is r k f r om
ar e her ea band t hat is j u punks?
can be a t o st ay and r est hit t ing t heir
Thin Blooded t his bandnd how it can m wr it e t he r ule st r ide, t hese
I ?m not s t ook my br eat ake us f eel. J ubook as f ar as 5 women
ur e I eve h st w
r need taway, and if it alike I f elt at thhat punk
o br eat h lw
e again. ays f eels t hise gig,
Alchemy and good,

All T hin Bloods have
access to the strange
process of enhancing their
blood with other ingredients and creating elixirs
from the resulting distillations. T his process is a
constantly developing art form, and the blood calls followings - as with all alchemical effects, better
out to them to be experimented upon and tweaked - quality ingredients will improve the results of the
intuition guides their hands until something comes elixir. T he below options represent new techniques,
forth. T his intuitive process means that new formulae and the factions that spread them.
techniques and variations invariably spring up all
over the world as one group nails down an effective
technique, or manages to apply what they have Coetus Pascens
learnt elsewhere in a slightly different way. As the T he vast majority of vampires are pretty solitary
formula spread from one group to another, more and creatures among their own kind - especially when it
more variations on these themes spring up and gain comes to the highly personal art of hunting. A full
blooded vampire often has the power to go it alone communal hunting has gone one step further, and
and make a success of it - not to mention a domain their ability to internalise certain forces and distill
and protection by their sect?s laws - T hin bloods raw essence in their bodies has broadened their
rarely have that luxury and often decide that there is options. For those T hin Bloods that have mastered
safety in numbers. Generally this is just the case of Athanor Corporis, a new avenue has opened up that
having someone that can watch your back, help with is powered by their alchemy. Duskborn that are
finding and isolating targets or even getting involved inclined to name these things call this new technique
with the delicate act of disposing of a body once in a Coetus Pascens - literally ?Group feeding?, while
while - what else are good friends for?
others call it Chumming - both for the technique of
throwing blood into the water to attract sharks, and
For some T hin Bloods however, this act of for being chummy and friendly within your group.

W hen a group of duskborn that each know these

formulae have spent some time with each other
and bonded, they find themselves able to hunt
for each other, feed from groups or even
increase the return they get from drinking
blood. I n many ways there are elements of this
that make it very safe for all parties involved -
the group can watch out for each other, it isn?t
particularly fantastical or threatening to the
Masquerade and it rarely leads to a death that
needs covering up.

Needless to say, those vampires that have

become aware of the practice still seek to
stamp it out - with extreme prejudice.
T hey feel that the requirement of the
T hin Bloods becoming the centre of
attention is an accident waiting to
happen - to say nothing of the long
term issues that fame can bring. L ess
spoken of but probably much higher
on the agenda is the impact it has
on the vampires?own herd - legions
of mortals infatuated with a group
of duskborn and devoid of flavour
and resonance makes for
unappetising meals. Even worse,
vampires have noticed that their prey is somewhat allowing them to rest and still get what they need.
weaker, more prone to cardiac arrests,
- I ngr edients: A sample of blood from both
haemorrhages and worse when they?ve spent any
parties, the needle from a compass, something
time with these aberrations of the blood - even when
that contains the DNA of a set of identical
no blood has been taken. W hatever the reason, this
risk must be dealt with.
- Activation Cost: One Rouse check
- Dice Pools: Stamina + Alchemy.

In addition to preparing the ingredients and their - System: L ike all Coetus Pascens formulae,
this follows the Athanor Corporis method
bodies ahead of time, practitioners of Coetus Pascens
with the reaction happening within the T hin
often need to take another important step and prepare
Bloods?own bodies. I mportantly however,
their victims by getting them into the right frame of
only one of the contributing alchemists needs
mind and focused on the group. Thankfully this is
to know this formula and method, but the one
somewhat easier and does not require the potential with that knowledge must be conscious
vessels to even be aware anything untoward is enough to concoct the formula and later make
happening. the activation roll. I n addition, both parties
This step involves the Thin Blood coterie getting the must be thin blooded.
T he blood from both vampires must be mixed
audience to focus their attention on them and witness
together with the other ingredients and
some sort of performance, speech, show or
ground into a paste, although only trace
presentation. The Storyteller has ultimate jurisdiction of
amounts of blood need to be contributed to the
what counts here, but typically rolls involving Charisma
mix. T his paste is then consumed by the two
+ Performance or Leadership make sense as they T hin Bloods, where it distills and enters them
capture the hearts and minds of their audience. Other into a sort of short term pact.
rolls may be just as appropriate at the storyteller?s T he next time either one feeds, all blood that
consent - the important thing is that the audience is touches their lips is mystically transported
focused on the Thin Bloods for the duration, that it is into the gullet of the other vampire as the
meant to elicit an emotional reaction and that they elixir triggers itself. T his works for both
succeed against the difficulty set - this of course will mortal blood and kindred vitae - however the
vary; singing to an audience of fans is easy, telling jokes recipient receives the blood in exactly the
same state in which it was consumed - vitae
at a funeral far less so.
taken directly from the vein still bonds, rancid
blood is still rancid, blood from an unsuitable
Level 1 person is still unpalatable to those with a
feeding restriction etc.
Blood Br ot h er s
T he alchemist responsible for creating the
Hunting is always a risk, and when your body has formula must be the one to make the
the added issue of mortal frailty to contend with, activation roll of Stamina + Alchemy,
getting out and about to get the nourishing blood however either party can be the one to make
can be even more of an issue. T his formula allows the activation Rouse Check.
for one T hin Blood to hunt on behalf of another, - Dur ation: One night or until one feed has
been completed - whichever comes first.
- I ngr edients: Asthma medication, a sponge
Level 2
- Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
In Th e Air Ton igh t - Dice Pools: Charisma + Performance or
T he signature formula of those that have learnt L eadership - other pools may be
Coetus Pascens allows those T hin Bloods that appropriate. Stamina + Alchemy.
- System: T he T hin Blood group must make
work together to now get sustenance from the
their social test against the crowd to get
very air itself - albeit devoid of any empowering
them suitably riled up and in the mood. Only
resonance. T he sight of groups of duskborn taking
one member of the team needs to do this,
deep intakes of breath further enforces the idea
but the others can assist as usual and need
that these things are closer to mortal than to be present and involved. Once this is
vampire. done, the coterie can each individually
activate the distillation via Athanor
Corporis. T he Rouse Check kickstart's the
process and allows them to internalise the
energy in the room, slaking one Hunger per
two successes without ever needing to break
the skin of anyone in the room.
T he hunger abates over the course of the
scene so this isn?t useful for a quick feed. I f
any of the group receives a Critical on the
activation roll, then they may double the
amount of Hunger they slake. T he Hunger
satisfied in this manner contains no
resonance that can power disciplines -
including Oblivion.
I n addition to the above, this type of feeding
takes its toll on the mortals in the audience;
for any other vampire that feeds on a
member of the audience that evening, they
are treated as if they have already lost one
Hunger points worth of blood - although
medically they still have the same quantity,
T hey are also devoid of resonance, although
in this case it is suitable for users of
Oblivion to gain a fleeting trace of it.
- Dur ation: One Scene.
Level 3
Pu m p u p t h e Volu m e

By working the crowd, the duskborn are able to

bring their own beasts in sync with the resonances
of their upcoming meals. T his ensures that blood
drunk from targeted mortals is the most potent it
can be, but at the risk of weakening it for everyone

- I ngr edients: Mood altering drugs, a Pineal

- Activation Cost: One Rouse check
- Dice Pools: Charisma + Performance or
L eadership - other pools may be appropriate. The Lev el l er s
Stamina + Alchemy. Cal l i nt er cept : Recor di ng begi ns.
- System: Upon activation, the team of T hin
Bloods can work together to raise the
Or chest r at or : ( speaki ng wi t h a
resonance of all mortals they are performing
cl ear l y modul at ed voi ce) Good eveni ng
or orating to. Only one member of the team
Modi ne, you have been keepi ng wel l I
needs to roll the initial Skill check to get the
t r ust ?
audience onside - however teamwork bonuses
will often apply as the whole group needs to Modi ne: Mhmm, yeah sur e. As wel l as
be involved if they want to benefit. I f they?re can be expect ed
successful, each contributing member of the Or chest r at or : Yes, cl ear l y. Wel l ,
coterie may then make their Athanor hopef ul l y t hi s next bat ch wi l l
Corporis activation roll using Stamina + i mpr ove your l ot .
Alchemy and make a Rouse check.
Modi ne: Heh. Or at l east makes
Until the alchemist activates another
t hei r ?s wor se r i ght .
Alchemy effect, or the end of the night, any
blood drunk from mortals in this audience Or chest r at or : I ndeed. We?ve had some
counts as being I ntense. I f an audience good i nt el on t wo t ar get s. Ar e you
member was already of I ntense resonance, good f or bot h?
the Storyteller may decide that a Dyscrasia Modi ne: Mhmm. Yup, shoul d be f i ne.
starts to develop. What ' s t he j ob?
I n addition to this effect, this strips the
Or chest r at or : We?ve one bag j ob and a
effective resonance from the audience to
l ovc bomb. Two peopl e wi t h maxi mum
make it devoid of any overriding emotion for
r esul t s
any other vampire that would drink from
them - including other T hin Bloods that Modi ne: Si ck. I do enj oy a good bi t
know this formula but are not part of the of cock bl ocki ng - t hei r f aces when
coterie. t hey r eal i se i s goddam pr i cel ess!
- Dur ation: Up to one night.
Or chest r at or : Qui t e. So Job number and l eavi ng her husband her e
one i s Li onel - you know Li onel Modi ne: Ri ght r i ght , yeah I t hi nk I
r i ght ? know t he guy. At hl et i c l ooki ng
Modi ne: Hel l yeah, Pr i ck l aughed i n mot her f ucker t hat . .
my f ace when I got t he br and. Fuck Or chest r at or : That i s act ual l y ver y
?i m. ol d i f our r ecor ds ar e cor r ect , or
Or chest r at or : Good. Make i t per sonal . t he phot o of hi m at t hei r weddi ng i n
Li onel has been char ged t o keep a 1922
br each under wr aps. He?s goi ng f or a Modi ne: 22? You ser i ous? Jeez? t hat
bond t o st op a st or y r unni ng. St op i t makes hi m what ? Li ke. . wel l , Damn ol d
bef or e i t ki cks i n at l east . ?Ri t hmat i c wasn?t my st r ong
Modi ne: Oh yeah, we got t hi s - j ust sui t .
when he t hi nks i t ?s saf e t o go back Or chest r at or : 124. One mi ssed dose
i nt o t he wat er , Boom! I t ?l l al l bl ow wi l l make i t al l show. Tul i p i s
up i n hi s bl ue bl ood f ace. Who?s got pr et t y smi t t en wi t h hi m st i l l
weak bl ood now buddy!
Modi ne: And who says mar r i age i s dead
Or chest r at or : Exact l y. They?l l have - at l east she kept t o her vows I
t o cr ack down har der , but t hat guess!
depr i ves t hem of an asset , and makes
hi m l ook weak? Or chest r at or : Mor e i mpor t ant l y, a
compr omi sed Tul i p wi l l act r ashl y,
Modi ne: Not t o ment i on t he bl ow back and she has cont act s i n t he medi a.
on daddy dear est . OK, t hat sounds Wi t h t hose t wo event s happeni ng to
easy enough. What ?s t he second one? her . . ,
Bag Job you sai d?
Modi ne: Oh, Wow. That ?s j ust t oo
Or chest r at or : Thi s one i s f or Tul i p. good. She goi n? make a bi g ol d mess
She?s headi ng out of t own f or a whi l e f or sur e. Shame, she was ni ce t o me.
Or chest r at or : She may have been, but
she?s a bi g suppor t er f or t hose up
t op. Her goi ng of f r eser vat i on onl y
hur t s t hem.
Modi ne: Oh I get i t al r i ght , l eave
t hi s wi t h me and t he t eam. I t ?l l be
wor t h i t t o see t he l ook on Li onel ?s
f ace f r ankl y.
Or chest r at or : Good l uck. We?l l be
back i n t ouch

Recor di ng ends.
T he L evellers have surfaced in many parts of the troubleshooters were all initially trained and
world, with small cells appearing and disrupting recruited by other packs - all of which have ceased to
local power structures. T hey typically show up in be contactable. All roads have so far led to dead ends
cities where serious abuse of T hin Bloods has taken when it comes to finding out the true source of this -
place, but they?ve been found in all manner of places even the orders and guidance that comes down from
- populous and sparse. Sometimes a coterie of above is delivered through double blind messengers
or left at dead drops. All signs point to some form of
prepared duskborns will turn up unannounced, other
central guidance, but the visibility of any overarching
times a single member will show up and teach their
plan has so far been missed, as has any idea where
methods to the local T hin Bloods before leaving
they seem to get such detailed intel from. T hose that
them to send their own message to the leaders of the
have been recruited are all vampires with good
reason to want to disrupt the system and clear out a
bit of space for themselves - which unfortunately for
the investigating Archons describes almost every
To date, this group has operated very much at the
T hin Blood they encounter.
fringes of society and beneath the notice of the sects.
I t doesn?t take too many attempts or power grabs for
those above to start noticing a pattern and look into For now, T he L evellers seem to be content sowing
it - the constant threat from the Anarchs and Sabbat discord and disrupting a few power players. However
has made those in the know attentive and paranoid. the success they?ve had will only embolden them to
T he Camarilla has recently taken notice and go for bigger targets with more visibility.
assigned a small group of Archons to investigate the Unfortunately for those in power, these methods
situation and decide how big an issue it truly have been effective at what they do - and now
represents, as well as what type of response it might they?ve had some practice.
warrant. T his task force has already managed to
capture and interrogate enough T hin Bloods to
confirm enough tangible details of the group?s Level 2
practices - it?s moved beyond a hypothetical threat to
a real one that is barely understood. T heir next step Cock block in g
is to try to find out where the source of this stems T hin bloods may not have blood potent enough to
from and who is pulling the strings. T hey need to carry the curse, enslave others or donate a portion of
stop the spread of these formulae, and do so before their strength to a desperate mortal, but in the right
an important city is targeted. situation, it can be potent enough to temporarily stop
others from doing the same by essentially diluting
As things stand at the moment, management of other vitae. Known affectionately as ?Cock blocking?
these small groups is very much decentralised and or ?Double bagging?, this elixir stops ghouls and
hidden. T he T hin Bloods that have been visited and mortals from being able to absorb vitae.
trained know very little about their would-be
- I ngr edients: Condom full of the Alchemists
benefactors, and while they could give a good
vitae, live mosquito
description of someone they met, any T hin Blood
- Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
with an ounce of understanding of alchemy knows
- Dice Pools: Manipulation + Alchemy
that a face can be temporary. T he packs of roving
- System: T he alchemist bleeds into the condom
(costing one Rouse Check) before being used, but is resisted by the Bond
submerging the mosquito in it and feeding it Strength of the victim. On a win, the target
to the victim. Once the liquid has been can ignore their bond for the rest of the night
consumed, a further Rouse Check is made and following day. Each point of margin over
and a roll of Manipulation + Alchemy is this extends it another night and day.
made to activate the formula with the - Dur ation: See system text.
Calcinatio method. For every two successes
rolled in the activation, up to a Rouse Checks Level 3
worth of vitae will fail to be absorbed when Tain t ed Love
next fed to them. T his elixir remains in their
I t is not uncommon for full blooded vampires to have
system until they have consumed enough
so little respect for the duskborn that they won?t deal
vitae to nullify the effects of the alchemist,
with them face to face, instead relying on a network
and can easily disrupt the ghouling and blood
bonding process if not caught early. of ghouled middlemen to deliver their orders. A
- Dur ation: Until enough blood has been fed to number of smart T hin Bloods have discovered a way
them to cancel out the elixir. to turn this setup to their advantage and collect
precious vitae at the same time. T his formula allows
Th e Pow er Of Love
the Alchemist to ensure the ghouls body distills
I t?s common knowledge that the blood of the enough of their Domitors vitae to be siphoned off at a
duskborn is too weak to do something as critical to later date.
the masquerade as creating a blood bond, and it?s for
- I ngr edients: Oil, Water, Honey, a Rouse
reasons such as this that they are often persecuted
check of the casters vitae
and treated as a liability. T his formula allows for
- Activation Cost: One Rouse check
this thin blood to mingle with and dilute the blood of
- Dice Pools: Manipulation + Alchemy V s
other vampires - temporarily reducing the strength Stamina + Resolve
of a blood bond. - System: T he oil, water, honey and vitae are
- I ngr edients: A Wedding ring from a happily all mixed together until they no longer
married person, Divorce papers, melancholic separate before being fed to the target. T he
blood, trace amounts of the Alchemists vitae Alchemist then makes another Rouse check
- Activation Cost: One Rouse check and rolls Manipulation + Alchemy to activate
- Dice Pools: Distillation roll. V s Bond the Formulae within the target. T he target
Strength may resist with their Stamina + Resolve - if
- System: T he Wedding ring is passed they succeed the formula has no effect,
through the flames of the burning divorce otherwise the Alchemist may return at a later
papers and then mixed with the blood and date to retrieve any vitae that is subsequently
consumed - either by the vampire for fed to them - it takes at least one day to distill
Anathor Corporis distillation, or the target the ichor. W hen the Alchemist taps the vein
of the target, instead of the blood producing a
for Calcinatio or Fixatio. Once inside the
formulae, it instead produces a vial of pure
target, the Alchemist must Rouse the blood
vitae from the original vampire domitor. T his
to activate and make their activation roll -
does not impact the ability of the Domitor to
this roll depends on the Alchemy method
blood bond or maintain ghoul status.
- Dur ation: One week, or longer if their detection of the Ventr ue will not pick this
Resonance remains static. up.
- Sanguine: Must spend Willpower on ever y
Level 5
failed roll until any blood taken is flushed
Poison t h e Well from their system - either by reaching
This hor r id Calcinatio for mulae enables the Hunger 5 or diluting it with 3 slakes of blood
Alchemist to render a vessel ill suited to being fed from other sources
from for as long as they can maintain their state of - Melancholic: Unable to spend Willpower

mind and Resonance. Vampires that proceed to until any blood taken is flushed from their
system - either by reaching Hunger 5 or
feed on these humans find the nor mally beneficial
diluting it with 3 slakes of blood from other
temper ament within the blood backfir ing on them
dr amatically as it wreaks havoc with their own
- Phlegmatic: Must make a Fear Frenzy check
emotions. This can be used to great effect to
at difficulty equal to the mar gin scored +2.
disr upt the feeding habits of other vampires, as
The blood donor becomes the focus of their
they suddenly find their herds cor r upted from the
inside out. - Choler ic: Must make a Fur y Frenzy check at
- Ingr edients: Scor pion venom, quality tea or difficulty equal to the mar gin scored +2. The
coffee blood donor becomes the tar get of their
- Activation Cost: One Rouse check r age.
- Dice Pools: Manipulation + Alchemy Vs - Dur ation: One night per point of mar gin, or
Stamina + Composure until their Resonance is changed.
- System: The Alchemist dilutes the venom
with a Rouse checks wor th of their vitae
before blending it into the fresh tea or
coffee - this then has to be consumed by
the tar get mor tal while still hot. The
activation roll is then made Vs the tar gets
Stamina + Composure
Once dr unk, the tar get mor tal?s blood
becomes weaponised against any vampire
that would dr ink from them. While they still
slake Hunger with the feed, they also get
one of the following effects listed below
depending on the Resonance of the victim.
A successful Composure + Occult roll at
difficulty 3 will reveal something is amiss
with the blood, as will Sense The Unseen
and Bloodhound, however the innate
Ga r ci a

Nor ma l l y I w oul dn?t put t hi s i n w r i t i ng, but i t ?s muy

i mpor t a nt e a nd I ?ve no ot her w a y t o get t hi s mes s a ge t o you. I
t r us t Hect or t o get i t dow n t o you s a f el y a t l ea s t .

Thos e t hi ngs w e f ound dow n i n t he ba r r i os of Mex i co. - you

know t he ones I ?m t a l ki ng a bout r i ght - t he ones t ha t dr a nk dr y
Eva , Fel i pe, Es t el l e a nd Ma i t e? The sw a r m of hungr y put a s t ha t
di dn?t go dow n unt i l Ces a r br ought out t he f l a met hr ow er ?
Gr a ci a s a Di os f or ghoul s Si ? Yea h. Thos e ones.

Any w a y , now you know ex a ct l y w ha t I ?m t a l ki ng a bout l et me

cut t o t he cha s e. You w er e s uppos ed t o go ba ck a nd cl ea r out
t ha t ot her nes t w er en?t you? I know t ha t w a s t he l a s t of t he
l i t t l e i nf es t a t i ons of t hos e t hi ngs - t ha t i nf o ca me f r om
Fi or enz a her s el f ! Her l i ps t o your ea r s. You t ol d me t hey got
got Si ? Tha t i t w a s s moot h r unni ng w hen you knew t hey w er en?t
i nt er es t ed i n t he blood of l a gent e? I mea n, I know you s a i d
t hey w er e a bi t bi t ey w i t h t he ghoul s , but you a l l ma de i t
ba ck t ha t ni ght s i ?

I ?m not s ur e you got t hem a l l ma n! I ?m up her e i n Det r oi t , a nd

out i n t he s t i cks w e?ve hea r d r umour s of ver y s i mi l a r t hi ngs.
Lot s of mi s s i ng peopl e, es peci a l l y t he homel es s - a nd now a f ew
mi s s i ng ki ndr ed t oo. The s cour ge got bi t t oo l a s t w eek - he?s
s t i l l w ea k a s a ki t t en even t hough i t w a s onl y a l i t t l e bi t e.
Ma i n t hi ng i s , t hey s how ed me a pi ct ur e of w ho di d i t , a nd
da mn i f i t di dn?t look l i ke Ces a r a nd t ha t chi ca he w a s w i t h.
Wha t ha ppened t o t hem a f t er t he r a i d? Wer en't t hey ow ned by
s omeone nea r her e? D?you t hi nk t hey mi ght ha ve been a
ca r r i er or s omet hi ng?

Get ba ck t o me. Soon. Thi s i s ba d new s i f t hey got out ,

es peci a l l y cons i der i ng how ma ny mi s s i ng peopl e I ?ve got up
her e, a nd how ma ny pl a ces t hos e ghoul s w ent ba ck t o a f t er t he
r a i d.

I do not w a nt t o be t he per s on t o t el l Sa vona i f t hi s i s t he

ca s e?

Ca r lo
that is otherwise unexplainable.
Reaver s Above all, the Reavers crave vitae; the blood of
Reavers, Deviants, Cannibals, Las Hermanas y mortals still satisfies them and grants the power via
Hermanos Hambrientas its resonance, however it quickly loses its lustre the
longer they go without feeding upon vitae.
A New Br eed Awakens
Even though mortal blood can sustain and empower
For as long as T hin bloods have existed, they have
them, for the Reavers, real satisfaction and power
always been considered a threat to vampire society -
only comes when they consume the sweet vitae of a
whether that is due to fears of Gehenna, their unique
true vampire - the blood of other duskborn is no more
deviations of the blood or just fear of the unknown.
nourishing to them than if they were to eat normal
But what happens when this threat breeds
food. W hen a Reaver consumes vitae, they recieve a
uncontrollably and has an unquenchable thirst for
rush like no other, not only do they finally feel full,
vitae? W hat happens when it mutates and becomes
but the powers that become available to them are
something different? Something malevolent and
substantially more potent than they can gain from
the paltry resonance of humans. T he combination of
W hile the upper echelons of the Camarilla refer to its thirst quenching goodness, and the rush of power
them simply as T hin Bloods - or Cannibals if they?re that accompanies it means that a Reaver quickly
feeling melodramatic - among the Anarchs and realises where the best hunting for them lies.
younger Kindred these aberrations have been given
All T hin Bloods are considered as freaks and
the nickname of Reavers - after the villains in one of
aberrations of the blood, each one a unique cocktail of
the Blade films.
quirks and oddities that simmer between life and
T he Reavers are a very modern threat, and were death. For the average duskborn making a childer is
first encountered in the outskirts of Mexico City as a crapshoot - assuming it survives, it could have any
the remnants of the Sabbat were being cleared out. combination of traits. For those among the cannibals,
Many nests were discovered and destroyed, as making a childer is less of a choice, and always
thankfully the creatures tend to band together for results in the creation of another cannibal. Because
safety and communal hunting. Unfortunately the of their unique feeding and breeding habits, when a
extermination effort was ultimately a failure, and a cell of Reavers is uncovered, the local vampires often
failure that has been quietly swept under the rug so work especially hard to assure it is eradicated.
that those responsible for unleashing this plague on
T he reason for this is that their bite is virulent and
the world face no punishment. Since then, the
fatal to mortals, creating more and more of these
infestation has spread far and wide, with the first
hungry dead with each feed - only the cleansing
instances of the cannibals having been found as far
power of fire is known to stop the mortal from
afield as Croatia, Alaska and South Africa. For now,
coming back - although there are rumours that if the
many vampires are encountering these mutations for
erstwhile sire is killed before they?re fully turned,
the first time in their cities, and while it may be easy
that they will revert back to their mortal state.
to write any attacks off a Sabbat war party,
witnesses have noted some powers consistent with For a human that is bitten, the process of becoming
the T hin Bloods, as well as an escalation of power one of the hungry dead is slow and painful. Unless
they were fully drained and killed first, they find
Playing a Reaver
themselves wasting away over the course of about a
week. At first it might just feel like a nasty flu and a Reavers are created using standard character
high temperature, but as it progresses they find creation rules for T hin Bloods. L ike them, they have
themselves feeling nauseous in bright lights, and no Disciplines of their own apart from Alchemy and
even somewhat fearful of the sun. W hat?s more, no Predator T ype. Attributes, Skills and Advantages
despite the pain and trauma they?re experiencing as are chosen as normal, however instead of selecting
their body slowly dies, their appetites start to grow from the standard T hin Blood Merits and Flaws,
exponentially. At first any food will do, but as the they select one single Advantage option that replaces
days and nights pass by, these tastes turn to rarer this normal option - it comes with a number of
and rarer meat, and the urge for live meat usually advantages and drawbacks bundled together, all
hits them about six days in. Needless to say, most wrapped up in a neat little package. All other rules
believe they?re going mad and try and put as much for T hin Bloods apply unless contradicted here -
distance between themselves and their loved ones as including Resonance gained from mortal blood
possible. granting temporary discipline levels.

T hankfully for the newly turned, something about

Reaver blood calls out to other Reavers, and a new New M er it / Flaw - Reaver
addition to their ranks will almost always be able to - Reaver : You were turned by another Reaver,
find the largest cluster of them in any given city. and now you suffer the same unholy hunger
T he blood of the Reavers is suitably thinned to the for vitae that the rest of this cursed bloodline
point there is no doubting what they truly are. do. For better or worse, your fate is sealed.
Despite this thinned blood, there are some areas in
which they suffer the curse of Caine the same, if not - Reavers always double any damage
they sustain from Sunlight. Clothing
stronger than their full blooded brethren. T hese
and cover still help as they would any
deviants find that some of the more traditional banes
other Vampire, but any damage
affect them to a far greater extent than their
inflicted is always doubled.
cousins; fire is no worse for them than any other
- Reavers gain the flaw Stake Bait - a
vampire (as if that were a benefit), but the light of
stake through the heart is always fatal
the sun or a stake through the heart is almost - Despite craving and consuming the
certain death for them. T hankfully this isn?t common potent blood of vampires, Reavers are
knowledge. Yet. unable to commit Diablerie - any
Some credit the Ministry for their creation due to attempt at this will just result in the
their extreme aversion to sunlight, however they death of the drained vampire.
suffer no ill effects from other artificial lights. - T he curse is strong among the
cannibals, any Mortal that is fed from
Others look at the Banu Haqim due to their lust for
will die within the week and come
vitae or the Old Clan for fear of an experiment gone
back as a Reaver unless the body is
awry. T he truth may never be known, but that
burned. No blood needs to be
doesn?t stop this unique deviation from growing and
exchanged, the bite is sufficient to turn
expanding exponentially.
them. Any mortal drained dry will
arise as a Reaver at the following with vitae). T hese Powers disappear
sunset. when hunger 5 is reached, or when
- For each week that they don?t they next feed.
consume at least a hunger level?s Note: Blood Sorcery powers cannot be
worth of vampire blood, humans slake picked up in this manner, and any
one less hunger per feed. T hin Blood
amalgams purchased still need to meet
counts as human for the purposes of
their criteria.
this requirement.
- I n addition to the blood loss, when a
- Reavers all receive the Animalism
vampire is fed upon by a Reaver, the
power Sense the Beast at character
vampire victim loses 1 point of Blood
creation. T his does not count as a
Potency per hunger slaked, down to a
Discipline Affinity so cannot be raised
minimum of their generational limits,
with experience, however they are
at which point they sustain an
considered to have Animalism (- - - )
aggravated Willpower damage on top
for the purpose of pool size.
of the blood loss for each hunger
- Reavers all have Vampiric Resilience
slaked. T his drop is temporary and
and take damage as a normal vampire
returns after a week, although lost
Willpower must be healed as normal.
- Reavers both crave and benefit from
consuming vitae - but only when it is
taken directly from the vein. For each
level of hunger slaked when feeding
Note: Reavers do not mix well or play
from a full blooded Vampire, they are
nicely with others. Their unique curse
temporarily granted one discipline
means they often leave a long trail of
level and power. T hese Disciplines are
bodies in their wake, and they have very
chosen from disciplines known to the
little recourse but to hunt their more potent
victim, but any powers can be selected
cousins in order to keep that carnage under
as long as they do not exceed the
control. The cost to a vampire is too high
Reaver?s new, temporary, discipline
level. Discipline levels gained from for them to consider keeping a stable of

this feeding can exceed the level these creatures as the Reavers consume not

known by the victim, and the levels only their vitae, but their very potency with

can be allocated in any combination each feed. The cannibals are meant to be
they want - for example, they could played in an all Reaver group, or used as
put all 5 levels in a single discipline, antagonists - mixing them into any other
spread it between 2 Disciplines, or group likely ends badly for all involved.
have L evel 1 in 5 different Disciplines Needless to say, no faction accepts them -
- assuming the victim knew that they?re too dangerous for the Anarchs,
many. T he T hin Blood can only have Camarilla or Sabbat to accept, and they
a maximum of 5 discipline levels draw too much heat for any normal Thin
active in this manner at any one time Blood to agree to.
(one for each level of hunger filled
For Those Without A Clan
Still, despite a general lack of organisation and
Table Scr aps
reliable ability to predict where the next one will
Regardless of which sect they end up in or how
come from, the Catiff pop up in all walks of life,
progressive it?s members claim to be, something
W rongly considered to be low lifes and deadbeats by
about the clanless tends to get under the skin of
many elders, those Caitiff who do prosper do it right
other vampires no matter how proficient or useful
under the noses of the clans. As the world has
they are. W hile it doesn?t appear to be anything
shrunk, resources have become scarcer and the
supernatural or a curse tainting their blood like the
population has boomed, the Caitiff find themselves at
banes of the thirteen clans, eventually the secret of
a unique point in their existence - they finally number
their lineage comes out to everyone. Even though
enough to make a difference, and for once have the
there are some that support them, those few
means at hand to find each other with greater ease.
dissenting voices are easily drowned out by the
T he camarilla rejecting them has forced their hand,
sneers and proclamations of disgust of everyone else.
giving them the opportunity and motive to make
W hile not as reviled as the thin blooded, it?s a very
something more of their existence. T hese next few
close draw on occasion, and caitiff scholars are at a
years will doubtless see the list of notable Caitiff
loss as to exactly why they consistently set off this
grow dramatically.
reaction in the other vampires - after all, many claim
this gives them more of a connection to Caine and
the second generation - although considering what So, You Th in k You ?r e a Cait if f ?
the antediluvians did to them, perhaps that closeness T hink again! Being a Caitiff isn?t always a simple
is the source of the antithesis. process, with there being many routes to being
clanless, as well as what is done with that
For as long as Caitiff have existed, they?ve been information when it eventually comes out. T he
more or less barred from any position of power - one following distinctions of Caitiff exist, although they
would struggle to think of more than a handful of aren?t always the terms used by polite society.
clanless who?ve held any rank or authority
throughout all of kindred history - when pushed for
examples, Mukhtar Bey and Joseph Pander are the Th e Obliviou s Cait if f
only two that most can name! W hile the clanless are Considering the randomness with which being a
fewer in number than the clans, they still number Caitiff occurs, there are likely many, many oblivious
enough to have an impact were they capable of doing Caitiff that exist in the world, and most likely many
so - many kindred point at this numbers game as that have prospered despite their lack of clan. T he
evidence of their pathetic nature, without ever oblivious Caitiff are those who don?t know they?re
considering that perhaps they?d prosper as much as clanless and carry on blindly alongside their sire,
any other clan were they allowed to. T his also towing the clan line and behaving as they should.
conveniently ignores those clanless that either don?t Perhaps they noticed that they don?t really feel any
know the curse hasn?t fully taken hold, or choose to revulsion when they feed from random people and
hide the fact as long as they can and yet still go on just think they have broad tastes, or that they?re just
to claim power.
more level headed than their angry sire. Some banes them to discover their heritage, but even then they
are even commonly replicated by particular forms of may find their new claims of clanhood ignored. I t
behaviour anyway - perhaps you were always a bit would seem that those who have a clan but don?t
unhinged or obsessed with beautiful things anyway? know it are doubly cursed.
Of course, for some clans the curse is too strong to
be ignored, but regardless, there are likely many
Caitiff out there that just don?t know it. As with all Th e Tr u e Cait if f
things that should stay hidden however, eventually W hen most vampires think of the Caitiff, this is what
the truth comes out - most likely to a huge amount they think of - those who not only know what they
of embarrassment to both them and their sire. are, but that everyone else does too. Accepting their
place means that everyone can get on with their
unlives and that the established order can keep
Th e Hidden Cait if f running. W hile it?s not a comfortable position to find
T he hidden Caitiff are probably the second most yourself in, at least it?s predictable.
common type out there - perhaps it?s a grief like
coping strategy that makes them deny the truth,
perhaps self preservation instincts kick in and they Th e Th in Blooded
do what they can to survive. W hatever their W hen is a Caitiff not a Caitiff? T hose who have thin
reasons, for the clanless to cover up their lack of blood also fail to manifest the full traits of the clans,
roots is very common, but tends to fade with time. which would lead many to think the clanless would
Pretending to be something you?re not is exhausting, feel a certain kinship to them - this is however, rarely
and once one person finds out, it won?t be long the case. Often treated as lower than low, the thin
before others do as well. T hese are the Caitiff that blooded may be clanless, but they're not Caitiff!
pretend not to be clanless, but in doing so only end Every group needs something to punch down on, and
up lying to themselves and delaying the inevitable. the T hin Bloods are the recipients of that scorn.

Th e Social Cait if f Th e Cait if f w it h a Clan

For many of the clans, the idea that you could be T he last distinction hardly makes any sense - how
part of their blood and not know it is can a clanless vampire have a clan? T his is a question
unconscionable. T he traits and beliefs are so that many Sabbat elders were faced with, and despite
hardwired into them that they can?t see how it could over 60 years of this new status quo, some are still
be missed. Still, there are many embraces that occur not sure what exactly they?ve unleashed on the
where the sire abandons the child and fails to world, or whether it makes any more sense now than
properly explain to them what they are. Sometimes it did then. T he Panders are a strong force however
the blood doesn't take and you end up with a true and are too numerous and battle hardened for the
Caitiff, but plenty of other times it does and they're logic of the matter to be questioned now. T he
still not aware of what truly they are and become Panders are what happens when the clanless have a
treated as one of the clanless. I t might take years for clan.
Pan der s will become a pillar of the sect that wishes for no
more than their utter destruction.
T he idea of the clanless being treated like a clan is
laughable to many vampires, and yet this is exactly
the equality that With the recent
Joseph Pander migration of the
fought for and won Sabbat to fight
in 1957. T he third their Gehenna
Sabbat Civil War War, plenty of
was short, but that Sabbat members
first kill by Joseph have found
set off a movement themselves adrift
that has only and abandoned.
gained speed in its Not exactly famed
short lifetime. for its organisation
Now, having and efficiency,
survived numerous many younger and
assassination less radical Sabbat
attempts, political have missed the
left turns and boat or even just
attempts to have been considered
his voice lender to not worth the
other areas, hassle. T he
Joseph Pander Panders make up a
finds himself at good part of this
the top of a rag contingent as
tag pile of misfits many were
and underdogs, all disowned by
given equal status regretful sires
but still expected when they failed to
to prove it over adopt their clan
and over. T hese lowest amongst equals are some of features, and while they still got a certain amount of
the toughest, most radical sins of bitches in a sect indoctrination, it can be easy for a few to slip
that prides itself on its toughness and radical through the gap when it comes to the full ideology of
attitude. T here is very little that this army within an that brutal sect. All that it takes is for one or two
army wouldn?t do for the one that set them free, but Ducti to forget that the Panders are supposed to be
as of now, he has asked nothing from them. Still, equal, and suddenly you've got a rebel on your hands.
rumours swirl around that the Panders are set to T hese runaways invariably find their way to the
pick up some of the slack left by the exiting Anarchs, and when they manage to convince their
L asombra, that those truly devoid of an antediluvian new friends that they?re not the radicalised cannibals
that all Sabbat are believed to be, they are accepted
as part of the fight. W hen the numbers were small, become beautiful once more, they find that their
this had very little effect, but now that a certain curse no longer affects their attempts to masquerade
critical mass has been achieved, there are cities and as another - or that their flesh can no longer be
baronies where the Caitiff have united under this changed by one with such skills.
banner and have demanded to be given the
T his mystical rite takes place over a full night and
recognition and respect they?re due. T hey may or
requires much planning and meditation before it even
may not fly the Pander name and banner, but when
begins. Once it starts, furious dancing takes place to
they meet, this is the name that is used to give them
a relentless and exhausting beat. Feats of strength,
hope - if even the bestial monsters of the Sabbat can
stamina and blood push the prospective candidate to
treat their clanless with dignity, then why not the
their very limits before they collapse to the floor in
slightly more progressive Anarchs? I t?s all too
an exhausted heap of blood and tears. T he following
disorganised and decentralised for a consensus to be
blood exchanges with the clanless, the camaraderie
reached, but if even one territory can be convinced to
they show and the pledges of fealty serve to purge
act on this, then it might be enough to open the
any remains ties to their former bloodline - ensuring
doors just that bit wider.
that anything that relied on those ties of blood is
broken forevermore - what once had a link to the
thirteen founders, is now a free agent. T hey are one
On e of m y Tr ibe
of the tribe.
As crazy as it might seem to many vampires, there
are those that have chosen to give up their clan and
join the ranks of the Panders. W hy they take this Joseph Pan der m u st be Dest r oyed!
drastic step is unique to each individual - some do it
W hile his achievements in the Sabbat for unifying
because they feel the claws of their elders at their
and granting respect to the clanless are indeed
backs and wish to break free, others wish to anger
admirable, there are those that still resent the
their sirens show their new allegiance to their old
upstart and the fact that it?s his name that marks the
sect, and it?s not even u heard of for a few vampires
?clan?, as if he was one of the antediluvians himself.
to take the step out of a sense of solidarity with the
I f those of proper blood are going to have to suffer
Panders - after all the ties between coterie and pack
the indignity of accepting the Mutts, then they?d
mates are often strong - especially in the Sabbat!
rather that the one responsible for this crime against
T his ceremony was created by Joseph himself so has blood were not still stalking the night and behaving
since propagated among his many followers, and it as if he were not only equal to the clans, but better
takes many of its principals from Native American than them.
coming of age rites. T his renaming ceremony makes
W hile they are not necessarily large groups, there
an official statement of bringing a vampire of any
are a number of conspiracies that have formed in the
established bloodline into the clanless - severing
wake of the charismatic Caitiff, all of which have one
every tie that they once had with their kin - purging
goal: Destroy Joseph Pander. I t?s not about ending
banes, compulsions, ancestral ties and even the
the hard earned gains that the Panders have fought
mystical tie that links each and every Malkavian
for (although a few groups hope that without a
together. W hile a former Nosferatu doesn?t suddenly
figurehead the clanless will devolve into a
their blood dictates to them as a net gain each and
every time. After all, what is the alternative?
Freedom from chains? Only being limited by yourself
and the few diktats from a cruel god? T he choice to
bend your blood to whatever sort of power is most
suited to you? Perish the thought!

And yet even with all this, the Caitiff havc long
accepted their place in the world. Despite having no
noticeable weakness, they?re content to be at the
disorganised mess again), and many are not even
bottom of the pile, restricted from power and looked
fussed that his death would make him a martyr. No,
upon with scorn and pity. For many Caitiff, being put
it?s about the fact that one of them had the temerity
on the frontline is as close as they can get to
to put his neck out, that he managed to get the
recognition, which assuming they survive whatever
better of the clans and that he seems to enjoy
suicide mission they?ve been sent on, is a pretty steep
lording his status over them - all backed up by his
price to pay for a modicum of status.
loyal personal army

T here is of course one other out there that bears

Th e Tr u e Ch ildr en of Cain e many of the hallmarks of the Caitiff - Caine. He bore
none of the banes of the founders, had no limitations
Many Caitiff have lived through the lie that they are
of what powers he could manifest, and most tellingly
somehow weaker by nature of their blood, that by
of all, Caine suffered under the expectations and
not taking on the traits of some long dead founder
judgement of others. I t is this attitude that has
and limiting themselves to the same three disciplines
driven many Caitiff to flock to the banner of Ndidi
and combinations thereof, that they are somehow
Djemba, a west African Caitiff who?d grown sick of
inferior. Caitiff are told time and time again that by
her treatment and inability to increase her status. A
failing to manifest some millennia old curse, that
chance encounter with a Church of Caine preacher
they?re reduced in some way, that by not feeling the
changed her worldview - she listened intently as he
essence of an antediluvian urging them to act a
talked about Caine, about all his deeds and endeavors
certain way, that they are a lesser species.
as well as the betrayal by the third generation
against his childer. All of this resonated with her,
Somehow all the above makes perfect sense for the however when the preacher found out he was
13 clans. Even when they?re in the grip of their bane speaking with a Caitiff, everything changed. I t seems
and cursing their lack of reflection- or the fact that that his openness to the children of Caine didn?t
they have one for some Nosferatu - that they are the include them all - and even when Ndidi quoted his
lucky ones. T hank the Dark Maker that they were own words back to him to show how she was close to
selected to join this family and have to live under Caine, she was met with hostility and aggression.
this rigid hierarchy of blood for the rest of eternity!
Somehow the clans see the limitations and rules that
Ndidi left the swiftly decaying body of the preacher
with everything he had - his work, his books and his Jyhad being pulled by its secret masters.
blood. She took those teachings and spread the word
to as many Caitiff as she could, who in turn spread
I n recent years, the Stoneman has been making more
the word even further. Now, envoys of this group
of himself in social circles and has been know to
are turning up in some cities to educate the locals as
arrange meetings with other Caitiff or members of
to their rightful place and give them something to
obscure bloodlines to question them about their
aspire to. T here has been violence on a few
experiences or learn about how they broke away from
occasions, but mostly the groups bide their time and
their clans His forays into the social scene - whilst
look for ways to strengthen their numbers,
not legendary - are the talk of a few select groups.
consolidate their power and find a way to turn the
At the few gatherings he?s organised, members of
tables on their more restricted cousins. T he Cainite
rare bloodlines and dead families all mingle and
race has been held back for too long by those unable
connect. Cocktails of blood are mixed by Kiasyd
to break free from their blood. I t?s high time that
sommeliers, elaborate performances are delivered by
blood was reclaimed in the name of Caine - the first
the Daughters, the childer of I lyes regale groups
Caitiff. Another flood is coming, and this time those
with tales of long lost ages and the spawn of Baal put
that survived it before will finally fall.
aside their unholy mission for one night to show their
amenable side. W hat is discussed at these parties,
but it can?t be for nothing that only those that have
Th e St on em an
successfully severed their ties with the antediluvians
For those that claim to have met him, the Caitiff have a chance of even hearing of such an event. Were
known as the Stoneman is strangely convivial for a a member of the clans to attempt to gain entry,
vampire of his presumed age, although only if you?re they?d be removed - most likely in many pieces.
a Caitiff or have otherwise deviated from the blood
of the T hirteen. T he rumours that swirl around him
I t?s clear to those in the know that the Stoneman has
range from him claiming the blood of a fallen
entered a point in unlife where he?s being unusually
antediluvian, being one of the lost members of the
proactive. W hatever he has brewing, it must be
second generation, having existed for millenia and
important to have managed to get the attention of
even being a series of vampires capitalising on his
one so old, and to get them to put their own head
name and reputation. I ndeed when talked about by
above the parapet. W hat this means for the clans
members of the clans at their soirees, salons and
right now is a mystery, but all signs point to it being
esbats, the typical thought - assuming that they?ve
dramatic and big.
even heard of the Stoneman - is that he?s a myth
concocted to give the clanless a sense of heritage and
legitimacy. I f one such as them can live as long as Th e Self Pr eser vat ion Societ y
he, and can have originated thousands of years ago
T he Self Preservation Society started off as an
then the Caitiff mutation must be ?normal?.
offhand joke between three L ondon based Caitiff
T hankfully the Stoneman treats the clans with as
who had a chance meeting in a Hackney bar. W hile
much scorn as they treat him, and he claims first
each of them had never met the others, they bonded
hand knowledge of many points in history that show
over remarkably similar life experiences - or rather
the folly of the 13 and that show the strings of the
unlife experiences? Despite each of their
individual achievements and contributions to the
Camarilla, they?d found their actions and successes
claimed by others. T hey?d received paltry levels of
recognition and had to fight for well deserved
boons, despite the fact that their full blooded
coterie mates that had done the same things were
offered more and feted as champions. Each of
them had long realised that whatever they did,
it would just never be enough for the clans, and
that trying to change the minds of the ones that
mattered was just as likely to earn you a chance
to prove your worth on a suicide mission as it
was have no discernable effect. W hat they needed
more than willing to
to do, they joked, was to set up a Caitiff commune
remove any troublesome existing residents if they
- a place where they were in charge and there was
can?t find an otherwise free city.
no one there to try and take credit for their actions
Since that initial failure, the group has continued to
or persecute them for having the temerity for
grow in size and influence, with many new
being embraced without a bane!
members flocking to the banner after inevitably
T his joke carried on for a few years as they
suffering mistreatment, prejudice and the constant
continued to meet, with it even spreading to a few
battle for even the slightest hint of recognition,
other Caitiff in the city - each of them making the
regardless of how well they performed.
idea more and more ludicrous. T his continued until
W hat many of the clans fail to appreciate is that
the SI swept through L ondon in 2012 - while not
while they may look down on the Caitiff and treat
all of the ?Self Preservation Society?made it
them as lesser vampires due to their lack of clan
through the pogrom, those that did realised that
traits, their powers and their blood are otherwise
they needed a new place to call home now anyway
equally effective when it comes to protecting
- if they were going to search, they may as well
themselves, reproducing and controlling mortals.
have safety in numbers and see if they could make
Under the radar of their ?superiors?, the Caitiff had
this joke work.
quietly amassed a substantial power base and even
T he first port of call was the city of Bilbao in
developed techniques that were unique to their
Spain, however their small numbers at the time
specific condition. W hen they were isolated, these
meant that when trouble came calling for them, it
small pockets of power were easy to miss or treat
was decided that despite a few years investment
as a fluke, but with this new attempt at
into the city, discretion was the better part of
organisation, the clans might finally see what the
valor. T he group is now on the hunt for a new city
clanless are capable of.
that they can claim for their own. False starts,
desperation and mistreatment have made them
Scry the Soul that would normally reveal this.
New Amalgams I n addition, SI technology that pinpoints
W hile it?s not rare that over the years, vampires
vampires will also trigger for these
from the clans pick up a discipline or two outside of individuals.
their wheelhouse, what is less likely is for them to For targets that already have a beast, this
twist it up into being something more. Amalgams makes the presence of it much more
exist, but because of both their focus and the ease at noticeable to the kine - each point of margin
which the clans can learn their own trifecta of increases the difficulty of hunting by one as
disciplines, their signature powers invariably end up their nature is subconsciously detectable. I t
coming from the same places. T he Caitiff have no also decreases the difficulty of SI type
such formula, and you could meet 50 Caitiff and not technology to detect them by one for each
find the same combination of disciplines among any point of margin,
of them - meaning their potential for discovering - Dur ation: One night
rare amalgams is increased dramatically! T he
following powers all use combinations that you
wouldn?t find naturally occurring among the core
thirteen clans. Level 3

Th e Gen t le r ebu k e
- Amalgam: Potence 2
By using their mental prowess, the vampire is able to
Level 2 harm a target without so much as touching them. A
small amount of concentration is all it takes to send a
Pr edat or s Tain t
target violently flying and flailing with wild abandon,
- Amalgam: Obfuscate 2
their own body failing to respond to their demands or
be able to react to the blows of others.
T here are many ways for the beast to reveal itself or
- Cost: One Rouse check
for a clever person to recognise the signs of a
- Dice Pools: Wits + Auspex vs Stamina +
vampire - some mundane and some supernatural.
W hile this does nothing to mask the true nature of - System: T he user makes a Rouse Check and
the caster, it does allow them to make others focuses on a single target within line of sight
register or exacerbate these traits in others. for a turn. On the following turns, the user
- Cost: One Rouse check can roll Wits + Auspex vs the targets
- Dice Pools: Manipulation + Animalism V s Stamina + Composure to take limited control
Charisma + Composure over their body for that turn. Success deals
- System: T he user makes a Rouse Check and superficial damage equal to the margin, with
rolls Manipulation + Animalism V s the the vampire able to add half their Potence
targets Charisma + Composure. On a win rating (rounded up) as a damage bonus. A
the target will register as having a Beast to target thus controlled flings themselves
supernatural tests such as Sense the Beast or around and becomes unable to engage other
opponents directly, although they are still
conscious and capable of speech and mental user then rolls their own Resolve +
actions. I f the target scores a critical success Animalism (Difficulty 3). Success reveals the
and beats the user, or if the user rolls a Total mortal is a touchstone, but not who the
or Bestial Failure, then the control is broken person is significant too. I f the famulus is
and cannot be reestablished for the rest of familiar with the vampire the touchstone is
the night. W hile engaged in this mental connected to, or subsequently meets the
battle, the user is unable to do anything else vampire in question, they can make another
but walk at a reasonable pace and engage in roll of Resolve + Animalism (Difficulty 3, -1
light conversation - anything that would Difficulty if the animal has ever tasted the
require a roll breaks their concentration. blood of the vampire). Success on these rolls
- Dur ation: One Scene. allows the beast to detect the connection
between the two creatures - and more
importantly pass this knowledge onto their
M an?s Best Fr ien d master. A Rouse Check is only required when
they actively scan a mortal.
- Amalgam: Animalism 2
- Dur ation: One scene
- Pr er equisite: Bond Famulus
- Note: This is a power that has a significant
chance to upset game balance, and may not be
T here have always been stories of animals sensing
something that they shouldn?t be able to - agitation suitable for all tables.

before an earthquake, sniffing out a cancer, even

cuddling up to a human in the moments before their
Celer ity
death - animals are able to sense things that no
human can explain. Few vampires really Level 2
acknowledge quite what exactly a touchstone means
Rapid Beast s
to them and what it means when they essentially
imprint themselves on the mortal. Most however - Amalgam: Animalism 1
realise that the person in question is somewhat
special, and holds a unique place in their unlife. Even T his power ensures that any animals that they
though they don?t have the capacity to detect these summon or control are able to keep up with them,
emotional bonds themselves, by capitalising on the and that they aren?t held back by the beasts of the
close bond between themselves and their famulus, earth
they can utilise the senses of the beast to draw lines
- Cost: Free (for famulus); One Rouse Check
between a kindred and their loved ones,
(for other animals)
- Cost: One Rouse check - Dice Pools: Wits + Animalism (for
- Dice Pools: Resolve + Animalism non-famulus animals)
- System: W hile the vampire can?t detect - System: T he vampire ensures that the
Touchstones themselves, they can direct their unnatural speed that lets them run rings
famulus to hone in on those things of around others is extended to animals that are
importance. T he Touchstone needs to be affected by their Animalism. T he affected
within sensory distance of the animal, the creatures are granted additional dice equal
the the users Celerity rating - these dice are power, potential for encountering trip hazards
treated as a separate pool that can be divided or distance that it covers in a single blink, but
among any pools that use Dexterity. T his it now allows for it to be used repeatedly for
pool is refreshed each turn. A famulus gains the same cost as it?s initial activation - as long
access to the benefits of this power as the vampire doesn?t stop moving, they can
automatically, whereas a Rouse Check and a keep trying to blink for long distances, or up
successful test of Wits + Animalism and down the stairs of a skyscraper in a
(Difficulty 3) is required to imbue other matter of seconds. Other powers may be
animals they may have under their control. extended at the storytellers discretion, but
For every point of margin, the user can never for longer than that one night.
empower one animal. - Dur ation: See above text for variations.
- Dur ation: One Scene.

Level 4
Level 2
Lon g Ru n n in g
- Amalgam: Fortitude 2 Hidden Agen da

Many Celerity powers focus on the sprint instead of - Amalgam: Celerity 1

the marathon, so relying on this exceptional
discipline too much can leave a vampire desperately
T he vampire has mastered the ability to apply their
in need of a feed - L ong Running changes the game speed to their speech, allowing them to speak faster
somewhat to make their speed much more efficient. than the eyes or ears can pick up on - however the
T his power saw a lot of use in the dark ages and still brain still feels the will of the vampire encroach upon
does in more rural domains, however the advent of it even if they didn?t consciously notice it.
the car took a lot of wind out the sails of those who
- Cost: One Rouse check
could get from one place to another really fast. With
- System: T he user can now issue any other
that said, there is still a place for the use of a power Dominate command at such a speed that
that no one expects or can replicate in quite the same while no one will notice it being said, they
manner. will still act out it?s command. Unlike
- Dice Pools: Dexterity + Athletics Rationalize, this doesn?t make the victim less
- Cost: One Rouse Check on top of normal aware of what has happened to them, but
activation they won?t be able to place the source, and
- System: T his power augments many of the nor will other observers. T his costs an
existing Celerity powers so that they become additional Rouse check on top of any other
much more efficient to use. Fleetness will activation costs, but otherwise follows the
now last for an entire night rather than a rules of the power in question. Note, the
single scene, and traversal increases its command is still said, and anything able to
longevity from a single, uninterrupted action pick up incredibly rapid speech could still
to being able to be triggered at any point in detect this.
the same scene, Blink doesn?t change its - Dur ation: One command
its most needed.
For titude
- Dice Pools: Humanity + Fortitude
Level 1 - System: T he user may now add their
Fortitude rating to any attempt to awaken
In vu ln er able Facade
during the day. I n addition, when they do
- Amalgam: Obfuscate 1 wake up, they may add their rating in
Fortitude to their Humanity when it comes to
Vampires are tough, and even the weakest of them calculating their maximum dice pool
can keep on going after a few barrages of gunfire. - Dur ation: Passive
Many of them still look messed up however, and
while they may feel fine, their bodies betray them
Level 4
and show off damage that would normally kill a
human multiple times over. T his power ensures that Repair t h e Un dead Flesh
no matter what damage lurks underneath, the - Amalgam: Potence 2
vampire always looks injury free.

- System: No roll or activation is needed for No matter how strong the vampire thinks they are,
most situations - no matter what amount of eventually something comes along that lays them low
damage is sustained by the character, they for a while. Many vampires are content to slowly
always look as if nothing has happened to heal this grievous damage, while others can?t afford
them. Storytellers may also warrant this to spend days and days recovering. T his power
unnerves their opponents or leads them to allows the user to recover from aggravated damage
believe they are stronger than they appear, without needing to rest to do so, instead being
potentially altering the course of combat as limited only by how much blood they can consume to
they see their all out assault do nothing. T he fuel such savage wounds.
vampire can choose to stop using this power
- Cost: T hree Rouse checks per level healed
if they want and reveal their injuries, and it
- System: T he vampire can now heal
only functions when the vampire is conscious.
aggravated damage at any time they wish,
- Dur ation: Passive
instead of waiting for day sleep to do so. T hey
may heal a number of levels per night equal to
Level 3 their Potence rating
- Dur ation: Passive
Et er n al Vigilan ce
- Amalgam: Auspex 2
Day time is always a dangerous time for kindred, Level 2
not only are they slow to awaken, but they feel the
Un h oly Beast s
weight of the sun on every action they take, making
them sluggish and poorly equipped to cope. T his - Amalgam: Animalism 1
power ensures that while they still need that rest,
they?ll not be caught off guard or unable to act when T he vision of a pack of hounds tearing a target apart
is a common one, but what do you do when your Pr ecision Hit
target has skin as tough as steel? T his power gives
- Amalgam: Auspex 1
the animals the user holds dominion over an unholy
strength that is just as likely to tear them apart as
By sensing the weak spots of your target and
their victims, however the results speak for
knowing the exact moment to strike, you?ve become a
force to be reckoned with when it comes to taking
- Cost: Free (for famulus); One Rouse Check
down an opponent quickly and efficiently. Your
(for other animals)
strikes are precise and deadly, and able to seemingly
- Dice Pools: Strength + Animalism (for
predict exactly where your victim?s limbs will be at
non-famulus animals)
any given moment in time
- System: For the famulus of the vampire, this
is always available, but for any other animals - Cost: One Rouse check
that the vampires brings under their control, - System: W hile this power is active, the user
a Rouse Check and a test of Strength + can remove all called shot penalties from
Animalism (Difficulty 3), will grant this Brawl and Melee attacks
strength to one animal per point of margin. - Dur ation: One scene
T he result of this blessing is that a potion of
their Potence power is extended to these
animals T hese creatures gain additional Pr esence
damage on all close combat attacks equal to
half the Potence rating of the vampire
Level 2
(rounded up). W hen the effect ends, all Hell Hou n ds
beasts except the famulus sustain one health
- Amalgam: Animalism 1
level of unhalved superficial damage for each
level of Potence the user has - such an
intense rush of power is intensely draining on W hile the Gangrel are known for summoning hordes
the animal's weak frame. of indestructible beasts to do their work, the ability
- Dur ation: One Scene. to infuse a little of yourself into these animals covers
more than just physical prowess. I n this case the
vampire is capable of lending these beasts a modicum
of their physical presence and predatory demeanour -
unnaturally alluring or frightening animals follow in
their wake.

- Cost: Free (for famulus); One Rouse Check

(for other animals)
- Dice Pools: Charisma + Animalism (for
non-famulus animals)
- System: T he vampire lends their unnatural
allure and intimidation to any animals that
they control with their Animalism. T he
affected creatures are granted additional dice
equal the the users Presence rating to any
Pr otean
and all Social rolls. A famulus gains access to
the benefits of this power automatically, Level 3
whereas a Rouse Check and a successful test
of Charisma + Animalism (Difficulty 3) is Du st t o Du st
required to imbue other animals they may - Amalgam: Oblivion 2
have under their control. For every point of
margin, the user can empower one animal.
By twisting their bodies' connection to the earth to
- Dur ation: One Scene that of the abyss, the vampire is able to quickly decay
and reach their final state. All that is left of them is a
pile of dust.

- Cost: One Rouse check

- System: T he player makes a rouse check and
waits one turn, during which they can take no
other action. At the end of this
wait, their body falls apart and
rapidly decomposes into a pile of
ash and dust. For the following
scene, the vampire retains
cursory understanding of their
surroundings, yet after this they
are unable to detect anything
until the following dusk beyond
the presence of daylight. At
sunset their body will
automatically reform from the
biggest volume of ashes
available - even being spread
over a large area has no impact
as they reform in a swirling
vortex of ash and dust. T he
vampire can also end this
power at any point they wish
before this. T his follows
standard Protean rules as far
as carried objects goes.
- Dur ation: Until ended
or the following sunset.
Bu r r ow New Pr edator Types
- Amalgam: Potence 2
T here are as many ways to hunt as their are
vampires, with every kindred finding the method that
T his power is rumoured to have originated with allows them best to survive the long nights. T hese
some long forgotten servitors of the T remere. are certainly not limited to Caitiff, but certainly some
Rather than using bare earth to bond with, the good use.
vampire instead sinks into Rock, they can then
choose how long they want to remain. Unless in
torpor, the vampire rises again the following night, Dam sel
but while within the rock, they have the ability to
You hunt by pretending to be weak, in need of help or
move within the substance they have bonded with,
even injured. W hen your prey approaches and you?ve
albeit very slowly.
got them where you want them, you strike - it
- Cost: One Rouse check becomes so much easier to take what you want when
- System: No test is required, and this power they?re so much more vulnerable. Some vampires
functions almost identically to Earth Meld, disparagingly refer to this method as pulling a
but the vampire must be on a rocky surface Bundy.
instead. Artificial rock such as Brick,
Pr edator Pool: Manipulation + I nsight
Concrete and Asphalt is acceptable if it has
space to fully contain their body. I t takes a - Add a specialty: I nsight (Easy Marks) or
turn for the vampire to sink into the earth, Performance (Feigning I njury)
leaving carried objects behind atop the stone,
- Gain one dot of Presence or Obfuscate
as per standard Protean rules.
- A vampire can move up to their Potence - Gain the L ooks Merit: Beautiful (- - ) You have a
rating in Meters through the Rock, at a rate friendly and trustworthy face
of one Meter per turn. I f they become stuck,
- Gain the Fame Flaw: I nfamy (- ) T he Authorities
a further Rouse Check is required to
and media are aware of your tricks and people have
reactivate this power. A vampire unable to
been warned.
rouse will need to be chiseled out or remain
stuck for eternity W hile in the Stone the
vampire is aware of their surroundings,
except during day-sleep. At those times,
disturbances (e.g., digging or loud noises)
awaken them or not as with all vampires
- Dur ation: One day, until disturbed, or until
free of the rock.
Tr apper your supper. You wait until someone is alone and
feeling charitable before you take more than they
A true hunter, you believe in isolating and capturing
were willing to offer.
your prey, so that you can return to feed on them at
your leisure. You use traps to ensure that they are Pr edator Pool: Resolve + Streetwise
caught regardless of your whereabouts, and you?ve a - Add a specialty: Streetwise (T he Homeless) or
series of methods you use to keep your prey secure. Etiquette (Groveling)
Pr edator Pool: Wits + Streetwise or Survival (for - Gain one dot of Fortitude or Dominate
urban or rural hunting)
- Gain the Herd Merit: (- - )
- Add a specialty: Streetwise (I solated Spots) or
Survival (T raps)) - Gain the Resources Flaw: Destitute (- ) or the
Haven flaw: No Haven (- ) - very few choose this
- Gain one dot of Animalism or Oblivion
lifestyle without having one foot already in the door.
- Gain the Haven Merit: (- - ) and the Haven Merit
L ocation or Cell

- Gain the Feeding Flaw: Farmer (- - ) or New Mer its and Flaws
Organovore (- - ) - you don?t believe in letting the
T hese merits and flaws are most suited to either
witness get away and like to ensure nothing is
T hin Bloods or Caitiff, although some can work
across a variety of concepts. As always, the
Pan h an dler Storyteller has final say as to whether these are
acceptable for a character.
W hether you wait on the streets for someone to
offer charity or prowl high society functions looking - Flaw (- ) Blood T hinner : Your blood is not
for a handout, you?ve mastered the art of begging for only weak, but it taints all it mixes with. I f
you ever attempt Diablerie you gain none of -- Oblivious Sir e: Your sire is a respected
the benefits from it. You may never advance member of society and has no idea that they?ve sired
in generation. a T hin Blood or Caitiff - this might be because
- Flaw (- ) For ever Br anded: You were a thin they?ve been lied to about their generation, haven?t
blood that was branded by the Camarilla. noticed the signs even that they?re a Caitiff
Now you?ve ascended to full Vampire status themselves and haven?t worked it out. You gain + 2
you have all the powers and capabilities you
dice to any test to prove you?re not a T hin Blood or
should, however you?ve still maintained the
Caitiff when you can invoke your sire?s name
brand and no amount of Sorcery or obscure
methods have been able to remove it - for you
it is truly permanent. Despite your status,
some other kindred still react to you as if you
were still a T hin Blood in many situations -
this results in a -2 dice penalty in relevant
social situations

-- Elevated: You were once a T hin Blooded

vampire, but somehow found yourself granted
permission to become a full Vampire. T he local
duskborn look up to and trust you to be straight with
them, and the Camarilla see you as a poster child for
their generosity. You gain + 2 extra dice to use in
social situations where this would work in your
has been one recent exception to this among the Giovanni
A Question of Mor tality family, although many note that whatever the price was
that was paid, was not paid for by anyone with the

T he truly dead are the not the only ones to stalk the Giovanni surname.

night with a hunger for blood. With immortality

within their grasp, there are other creatures that are Revenants are ghouls, but ghouls that do not require a
created in the vampire?s wake and fill out the fringes master or fresh infusions of vitae to sustain them. W hen
of vampire society. T he most common creature that a revenant reaches a certain age, their aging slows down
operates in this sort of halfway spot are the ghouls, to the point where they appear to cease growing older.
the bonded slaves that vampires use for grunt work To date, no one has known of a revenant that has died

and the unsavoury things that they?d prefer not to from old age or natural causes, and while small changes
to appearance have been noted, it?s not been enough to
have to dirty their hands with. T hese unfortunate
alarm anyone - or at least not their masters.
creatures are unfortunately utterly reliant on their
domitors for their existence, and despite the promise
of immortality that is dangled in front of them, most Revenants are treated as ghouls in all normal senses -
end up with a lifespan shorter than the average they heal at double the rate of a normal human, sustain
human - the darwinian nature of the vampires weeds damage in the same ways and need to eat, sleep and

out all but the luckiest, strongest or most essential. breathe. W here revenants differ slightly is with the
disciplines the blood coursing through them offers.
Rather than being granted a discipline of their domitor?s
But it?s not just ghouls that bridge both day and choice, the revenant has two already wired into their
night, or have access to the gifts of the vampire DNA. No amount of additional blood will change this, or
while still breathing. T here are other creatures that grant them access to alternative powers - the corrupted
share many of the same features of the ghoul, but blood that flows through the veins keeps them in a state
are much more self-sufficient and even somewhat of evolved ghouldom.
closer to the curse of Caine than they are...

One thing that extra doses of vitae does offer the

revenants that ghouls are unable to take advantage of is a
Revenants sort of enhanced healing. For every Rouse checks worth
of vitae they consume directly from the vein, they?re able
Vampires have relied on ghouls since the very first time
to automatically heal a damaged health level. T his
a mortal was fed vitae and their enhanced status was
happens as they drink and can?t be saved or stored for
noticed. Still, these remarkable capabilities and the cost
later. I t?s because of this that many revenants find
associated with it was clearly felt to be unpalatable to at
themselves enslaved and bonded to vampire masters, as
least one creative vampire, and the revenant families are
otherwise they could comfortably avoid them while
a testament to the many years of experimentation it
retaining the same powers and capabilities. Of course,
must have taken to create them. Considering no one else
most revenants' bloodlines are closely monitored and
has managed to replicate this experiment in the many,
controlled- meaning the chances of them not being locked
many centuries since the first surfaced show that it
down by their masters is incredibly slim.
either takes a lot of time, or a sacrifice that no one else
has been willing to make to enfuse the blood of the living Revenant blood is especially nourishing to vampires - the
with their own twisted version of vampiric vitae. T here slake penalties that would normally apply to humans are
not used with revenants. and maintain vast estates away from the
W hen choosing a revenant as a retainer or ally, they are prying eyes of the rest of humanity - all the
built as a ghoul with the Weak Mortal template that better to give free reign to the beasts and
always has access to a L evel 1 power of the two monsters they breed - but also to ensure their
disciplines listed against their family. masters can come and rest in a haven where
their exacting standards of hospitality can be
The Revenant Families - Disciplines: Animalism, Potence

Ser vitor s of The Old Clan

T he process of interbreeding ghouls generation after
generation until the blood entwined with their
genetics was pioneered by the Old Clan, and because
of this most families out there serve them in one way
or another. T he four key families that have survived
to the modern age are the Bratovich, Grimaldi,
Obertus and Zantosa. T he Ophrichniki also serve
the Old Clan, but are very much distanced from the
other families and almost unknown outside of a
number of T zimisce elders. T here are many rumours
and stories of long dead lines of revenant families, - Gr imaldi: I n direct contradiction to the

but most attempts to delve into that knowledge are Bratovich, the Grimaldi are the human face

met with frustration - it seems that the Old Clan not that is presented to the world. T hey?re the

only purged their blood from the face of the earth, advocates and influencers, the representatives

but almost every mention of them and their deeds as and lobbyists that go out into the world to do

well. Finally, while the vast majority of these what they can to make it a more suitable

revenants are bound to the will of the old clan, there place for their masters. T hey maintain a

are rumours circulating that at least one of them has respectable facade and have a very

tired of this deal and sought out new masters from workmanlike approach to life - it?s a job that

among the other clans... needs doing and they?re the ones to do it. I n
recent years, certain members of the familiar
have begun to wonder what they need with
- Br atovitch: Kennel masters, groundskeepers
the T zimisce that control them, and why
and lords of the manor, the Bratovitches have
they?re settling for such a one sided
long served the clan as brutes and beast
relationship. T hey hold a lot of power in their
masters. T hey are noted among the other
hands, and it?s power that could be turned
families as among the most savage and
against any target they wish - the main thing
bestial of the four, a reputation they?ve taken
holding them back is the web of blood bonds
no steps to dispel. T he scions of the
that saturate the family. I t?s not that they?re
Bratovich branch often keep to themselves
scared of a little collateral damage, more that
it?s impossible to know who they could trust Aligned to the elders of the clan in the Oradea
with their plan to break away and forge their league, the family largely avoided being linked
own path. with the Sabbat - and hence the other
- Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude. families. Acting as servants, spies and envoys
to the human world, the Oprichniki descended
- Ober tus: Rumoured to be the first of the from the task forces of I van the Terrible and
Revenant families, they?re at the very least have generally maintained their ancestral
the most long-surviving. T his family of homeland in Russia. With the Old Clan proper
scholars can trace their roots back as far as making overtures into the rest of the world
the earliest days of Constantinople and even due to the loss of its elders, it?s likely that the
now have ties to the city and the things it has Oprichniki will have a larger role in bringing
created - indeed one of the cities most famous the clan into the real world.
children is descended from the Obertus - - Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate.
although whether V ykos would feel much
kinship is anyone?s guess these days. For
- Zantosa: T he Zantosa started off as the
time out of mind the Obertus have acted as
Szantovich?s, but eventually changed their
scholars and research assistants to the
name to keep up with the times and allow
T zimisce, and between the members of the
them to maintain their lifestyle. L ike the
family and their extensive libraries, there are
Grimaldi, the Zantosa are the T zimisce?s link
enough scraps of Noddist lore and esoteric
to the social side of
secrets that to keep
humanity. Unlike their
even the most
politically aligned cousins
ardent scholar busy
however, the Zantosa
and interested.
pursue their hedonistic
- Disciplines:
tendencies with wild
Auspex, Obfuscate
abandon; they ensure that
they have their finger on
the pulse of modern
- Opr ichniki: L ong society and know all the
thought dead by right people and attend all
the majority of the the right parties - which
T zimisce and has led them have a
revenant families, reputation for
the Oprichniki were overindulging and excess,
not so much in a reputation well deserved
hiding as they were considering their revenant
fewer in number condition allows them to
and busy serving push themselves far
other masters. beyond what they should
otherwise be able to survive. that the change has even taken place. W hile
- Disciplines: Auspex, Presence. the Giovanni family are on their way to
achieving it as well due to centuries worth of
ghouling and selective breeding, the
Old And New Blood Rosselinis have achieved this unholy state
through experimentation and dark pacts -
W hile many of the revenant families serve the
rumour has it that Augustus himself presided
T zimisce, it?s not impossible for some of them to
over the ritual with the family elders. Callous,
break out, or align themselves with another master
cruel and capable of impressive necromantic
temporarily. I n some cases, that change has become
arts, the Rosselini are poised for a prime
more permanent, and in recent days, a new family
position in the newly formed Hecata.
has joined the ranks of the revenants.
- Disciplines: Fortitude, Oblivion

- Ducheski: T he revenant family formerly

known as the Krevcheski have undergone
more than just a simple name change! T his Dhampir s
bloodline has upended their entire existences
A dhampir is the result of a very rare occurrence- a
and put the lives of the whole family on the
child born to at least one thin blooded parent, this
line in search of a better life. How successful
could be a male thin Blood impregnating a mortal
they?ve been in this endeavour is open to
woman, a female T hin Blood managing to carry a
debate, but they achieved their
child to term or even two thin blooded parents - there
endeavour.Originally the family served their
has allegedly been at least one case of a pregnant
T zimisce masters faithfully, but as the war
woman being embraced and then giving birth to a
between the Old Clan and the Usurpers
dhampir shortly after. T hankfully cases of dhampirs
raged, the elders of the family decided that
are suitably recent and rare enough for no one to
they needed to switch their allegiance to
have decided to experiment on their creation, and
ensure their survival. Since that day, they
every case so far has been a ?happy accident?rather
have faithfully served the T remere as
than a conscious effort.
research assistants, engineers and librarians.
A strict code of secrecy has been made by the Dhampirs start off life very much as any baby would
family ever since to keep them safe, but in and there isn?t anything notably different about them
time all their old masters have died, entered regardless of how invasive the medical tests are.
torpor or forgotten about them, allowing W hile it?s common for them to have a tumultuous
them a small amount of freedom in the childhood - the unlives of thin bloods are often short
modern age. and messy after all, and even those without a fully
- Disciplines: Auspex, Sorcery developed beast recognise that their temper is not a
stable environment for a growing child - it?s not a
given and apart from the standard teenage growing
- Rossellini: T he Rosselinis are the most pains, they are as capable of as normal a childhood as
recent family to achieve revenant status and anyone else.
it?s likely unknown outside of a few people
knew. I t starts - as
The Change
with everything in a
T he issues start for
vampire?s existence -
them once they start
with the hunger.
to reach the end of
T hey become
their physical
increasingly and
development. I t
might not be sudden,
and indeed it can hungry, and no

take a long while to matter how much

manifest in certain they consume they

cases, but the fail to gain weight or

changes are as satisfy themselves.

inevitable as they W hat starts as the

are dramatic. T he envy of many

first thing that they becomes their

usually notice is how biggest bane, normal

hale and healthy food starts losing its

they are - despite appeal, and those

what they do to their dhampirs that were

bodies or surround vegetarians find their

themselves with, diet untenable. Meat

they never seem to and flesh becomes

get ill or suffer ill the only things that

effects from will satisfy them,

anything. Even more than for the average young and as the hunger increases they require more and

adult, this leads to feelings of invulnerability - often more of rarer and rarer cuts. T here is only one thing

leading to a tendency for overdoing things and that will truly calm their hunger, but they?re not at

partying harder than everyone else in order to that stage just yet - worse is still to come.

prompt a reaction. T here are also a surprising T he temper, outbursts and lashing out that follow
amount of them that involve themselves in medical the hunger are typically what drives a wedge
professions as they become interested in their own between the dhampir and their normal life. I t starts
health. Secondly, if they haven?t noticed their small - snapping at people, growing impatience and
perennially youthful looks, then chances are that seething anger, but it escalates fast. I f they?re not
others will - especially when others are looking verbally abusing anyone for the slightest infraction,
worse for wear after a big night out! then they?re starting fights with little regard for who

T his is unfortunately where the benefits end, and the opponent is. As their burgeoning hunger creeps

they only get a year or so of this grace period before up with no ability to satiate it, their beast manages

things start falling apart and driving a wedge to exert a little more of its influence into every action

between them and everything else that they once they take.
T hey may lose some fights, but they?re much quicker not uncommon for a young dhampir to try and lose
to get back up than most people, and then there's themselves in the world while they find their feet.
that unholy strength they seem unable to control?
For a while, this new existence is intensely difficult
I t might surface first against a much weaker
but bearable, and those that manage to handle the
opponent or even when they?re really on the ropes,
changes sometimes go back to trying for a normal
but at some point the dhampir snaps and
life. T his state of existence might continue for a few
underestimates their own strength - this may result
years or a few weeks, but eventually they find
in serious bodily harm and hospitalisation before
themselves meeting something worse than
they escalate to a kill, but make no mistake, it won?t
themselves - a real vampire. With them both
be long before they take things too far and end up
competing for the same food source, it?s only a
stood above the first corpse of many. I f they?ve not
matter of time before they are caught poaching, or
done so already, this is often the point where the
even worse - targeted as a meal themselves.
dhampir abandons their normal life and goes on the
Once a dhampir gets on the radar of the city's local
run - both from the authorities and their own pain.
kindred, all manner of hell breaks loose. I t might not
By the time the need to drink blood finally comes
be apparent at first exactly what each party is
along, it is usually more of a relief than a shock -
dealing with, but it doesn?t take too long for either
after all, it not only explains a lot, but finally brings
side to take a good look at the other and realise that
them some peace from the roiling hunger that has
there are some big differences between them - and
gnawed away at them for years. With blood comes
that each could pose a significant threat to the other
peace, pleasure and power. W here before it was just
side. I f the local kindred are aware of the potential
themselves and their hunger that they could rely on,
qualities of dhampir blood - or if there are any
the addition of blood to their lives opens up a whole
curious sorcerers or alchemists in their midst - then
new avenue of possibilities, as well as completing
the dhampir is in for a short and painful last few
their transition from mortal into something else. moments if they can?t get away.

W hatever the reason, dhampirs most often find

themselves on the run - both from mortal authorities
Unlife on the Other Side and kindred that are out for their blood. L ess
From the moment they first taste human blood common but no less dangerous are the few dhampirs
there's no turning back for the dhampir. Any that find themselves discovered by Gehenna cultists.
illusions they still had about their humanity go out Being held up as a sign of the coming apocalypse
the window as they find themselves thrust into a leads to two outcomes - unrestrained carnage or
world where blood and death are commonplace. being put on a pedestal to fulfil a prophecy they can?t
W hile the blood is satisfying and relieves their hope to live up to.
hunger that has plagued them for years, it now W hatever situation they find themselves in, there is
comes back to hit them that much harder and danger on all sides. T hankfully for the dhampirs,
quicker than before. I t?s as if a floodgate has been they have an innate ability to recognise each other,
opened for them and now everything that was being so those that live long enough often band together for
held back is suddenly released. W hat remained of safety.
their previous life often falls to the wayside, and it?s
Dani el : Ha, t hat sor t of t hi ng - you?r e so
casual about i t al l
Adr i ana: Wel l , I ?ve had a whi l e t o adj ust
I s?pose.
Dani el : Wel l , how l ong? What ' s t he st or y
her e t hen? I ?m r eal l y not sur e I see t he
di f f er ence bet ween vampi r es and dumpi r es?
Adr i ana: Dhampi r es
Dani el : Sor r y, Dhampi r es.
Adr i ana: Maybe i t ?s a subt l e one. I was
I nterv i ew w i th th e Dh ampi r bor n r oughl y 29 and ¾ year s ago
Dani el : ¾? That ?s oddl y speci f i c!
Adr i ana: You got a pr obl em wi t h
Th e di ary of A dri ana Topo - speci f i ci t y? And her e I was t r yi ng t o be
det ai l ed f or you. Can I go on?
aged 29 & ¾
Dani el : ?

Di ct aphone r ecor di ng f ound i n t he gl ove Adr i ana: Ri ght , wher e was I ? Yeah, so i t
box of an abandoned car , j ust out si de of was 29 and ¾ year s ago, and t hen I got
count y l i nes. adopt ed pr et t y much st r ai ght away, I was
l i ke, maybe a mont h or t wo ol d?
Dani el : 29 year s? You don?t l ook i t !
Dani el : OK,
Especi al l y consi der i ng some of t he ant i cs
Tap t ap you wer e t el l i ng me about yest er day!
Yep, t hi s t hi ng i s wor ki ng, we?r e good t o Adr i ana: Mhmm, I get t hat a l ot . . .
go Ms Topo! Anyway, yeah, so I got adopt ed - ni ce
Adr i ana: Adr i ana, pl ease - we don?t need f ami l y, subur ban, mi ddl e cl ass. Had t he
t o be so f or mal . whol e whi t e pi cket f ence and per f ect l awn
goi ng on - we even had a puppy. They
Dani el : Sur e, Adr i ana i t i s. coul dn' t have chi l dr en whi ch i s wher e I
Adr i ana: Hmm, ok t hen how do you want t o came i nt o t he scene. I was pr et t y l oved
st ar t t hi s t hen? gr owi ng up, even i f I knew t hey wer en' t my
r eal par ent s - f r ankl y I di dn?t gi ve a
Dani el : Wel l , you sai d t o me bef or e t hat
shi t ?cause I was happy?
you wer e a vampi r e r i ght ?
Dani el : I ?m sensi ng a ?but ? her e?
Adr i ana: No, not a vampi r e, a Dhampi r . I
was and am st i l l al i ve. I ?m j ust al so a Adr i ana: Wel l , no, not r eal l y -
bi t mor e? ever yt hi ng was gr eat . I was happy, cl ever ,
popul ar and doi ng wel l . When I hi t col l ege
Dani el : And t hat bi t mor e i s t he bl ood
I had t he best t i me - what ever I want ed t o
dr i nki ng r i ght ?
do, I coul d get away wi t h. No mat t er how
Adr i ana: Ri ght , dr i nki ng bl ood, l ovi ng much I par t i ed or put mysel f t hr ough
t he ni ght , power s, not dyi ng - t hat sor t st uf f , I al ways f el t f i ne af t er war ds, and
of t hi ng. r ar i ng t o go - I j ust al ways want ed mor e.
Thi s i s wher e your ?but ? comes i n? wer e good f or t hat - al ways f ound a way t o
go t o t he seedi est pl aces wher e I coul d
Dani el : Ah, OK - but ?
get messed up and t hen unl eash.
Adr i ana: Yeah, but my f r i ends coul dn?t
Dani el : Unl eash?
keep up wi t h me. So I made new f r i ends so
I coul d keep par t yi ng - I mean I enj oyed Adr i ana: Yeah, j ust l et r i p and not gi ve
t he ni ght t i mes anyway and was al ways a f uck you know.
f i ne f or my cl asses. And yeah, al l t hat
Dani el : Sounds heal t hy?
st uf f I was doi ng was al ways goi ng t o
have i t ?s ups and downs. Adr i ana: I don?t need your appr oval ! I t
wor ked f or me. Wel l , unt i l I ki l l ed some
Dani el : Ups and downs?
dozy mot her f ucker !
Adr i ana: Yeah, I mean, I coul d t ake
Dani el : You don?t sound t oo sympat het i c
anyt hi ng you t hr ew at me, but event ual l y
about i t ?
someone pi cks a f i ght or get s a bi t t oo
f r i sky, and you know - dr unk i s dr unk, Adr i ana: Wel l , i t ?s not l i ke I don?t car e
f ucked up i s f ucked up! about t hem and t he ot her s, but t hi s one
had i t comi ng - and f r ankl y once i t was
Dani el : So what happened next t hen? I
done I f el t comf or t abl e f or t he f i r st t i me
mean i t sounds l i ke you had a pr et t y
i n a l ong whi l e. That i t ch was gone f r om
i dyl l i c chi l dhood, and col l ege sounded
t he back of my skul l .
l i ke a bl ast - but t he way t hi ngs ar e now
i t doesn?t seem i t al l wor ked out so Dani el : Ki l l i ng made you f eel bet t er ?
good. Adr i ana: Not t he ki l l i ng as such, but t he
Adr i ana: Why? You t hi nk my l i f e i s shi t bl ood di d. That r eal l y scr at ched t hat
or somet hi ng? That you?r e somehow bet t er i t ch.
t han me? Dani el : ?
Dani el : No! That ?s not what I mean - I Adr i ana: What ?s wr ong Dani el ? You l ook
di dn?t mean t o gi ve of f ence! pal e. Am I t oo cl ose?
Adr i ana: Wel l , you j ust wat ch your mout h Dani el : Er , no, we?r e good - I j ust wasn?t
a' i ght ? Peopl e i n gl ass houses and al l expect i ng t hat .
t hat . . .
Adr i ana: Wel l , I di d t el l you what I was!
Dani el : Er , yeah. Anyway, you wer e sayi ng
Dani el : Yeah, a vamp?
about ?
Adr i ana: Dhampi r
Adr i ana: Yeah, bef or e you i nt er r upt ed me I
was t al ki ng about how i t mi ght have Dani el : Yeah sor r y, a Dhampi r . So, er , t el l
st ar t ed ni ce, but i t ended? messi l y. I ?d me t hen - what ?s t he di f f er ence bet ween a
not i ced my t emper comi ng out mor e and dhampi r and a Vampi r e? I t al l sounds
mor e - mai nl y when I was hungr y, but pr et t y si mi l ar so f ar .
f r ankl y i t got t o be al l t he f ucki ng
Adr i ana: Wer en?t you l i st eni ng? I sn?t
t i me. Di d I change or di d peopl e get mor e
t her e one pr et t y key t hi ng t hat I ' d have
obnoxi ous over ni ght ? I wi sh I knew, but I
t o have done t o become a Vampi r e?
f ound a way t o cal m t hose ur ges,
Dani el : I nsul t ed god? Sor r y, I don?t
Dani el : Whi ch was?
f ol l ow you.
Adr i ana: Whi ch was by havi ng a way t o
Adr i ana: Di e. Dani el , t hey have t o Di e!
l et out t he aggr essi on. My new f r i ends
Vampi r es ar en?t bor n, t hey?r e made.
Someone has t o ki l l t hem f i r st . That
Playing as a Dhampir
di dn?t happen t o me, I was bor n t hi s way. Dhampirs follow standard character creation rules as
Dani el : So you?r e a hal f br eed? per the Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition core
Adr i ana: Mi nd your f ucki ng t one a?r i ght ! rule book. All Attributes, Skills and Advantages are
But yes, t o par aphr ase your wor ds I ?m dealt with in the same way, although almost all
hal f human and hal f vampi r e. I met loresheets will be off limits for obvious reasons.
anot her dhampi r once who sai d i t was Dhampirs do not get dots to assign to disciplines and
because one of my par ent s was a vampi r e.
cannot learn them. T hey also do not choose a
Dani el : Ha, how?s t hat ?s supposed t o wor k! predator type - although they almost certainly have a
Adr i ana: How shoul d I know? I was preferred style. Dhampirs have a Blood Potency of
adopt ed, r emember - i t ?s not l i ke I was zero.
t her e! A mummy and a daddy vampi r e l ove
each ot her ver y much and have a speci al As with any vampire, they have a hunger pool that is
cuddl e? Look, do you want t o hear t he only replenished by drinking blood. W hile they have
r est or not ? You?r e bei ng ver y f l i ppant less things in life that cause them to get hungry, they
f or a pr of essi onal i nt er vi ewer .
still apply hunger dice as normal to their pools. L ike
Dani el : Wel l , I ?m not sur e I ?d count their thin blooded parents, they do not have a fully
mysel f as a pr of essi onal i nt er vi ewer -
developed beast, so will only frenzy if supernaturally
but you sai d you had ?speci al power s?
r i ght ?
forced to. Dhampirs still have to make a Rouse check
each night at sundown to sustain themselves. T hey
Adr i ana: Yeah, t hat ?s r i ght . What I can
do depends on what bl ood I dr i nk. The
enter torpor as would a vampire and appear dead
emot i ons f i l t er t hr ough, t hey spar k when in this state.
somet hi ng i n me t hat changes how I
Dhampirs are technically alive, as such they appear
f unct i on - so i f I want t o f l y, t hen I
mortal to all tests and can always eat food - indeed
l ook f or someone exci t ed, or af t er a
hookup. I f I need t o get i n somewher e I they still need it in addition to blood to survive, else
shoul dn?t , t hen I hi t up someone r eal l y they find themselves slipping into torpor. T hey?re
zen. also functionally immortal - they stop aging, do not
Dani el : So, what , you hunt peopl e based get sick and will never die of natural causes. T hey
on what you need t o do t hen? I t ?s l i ke heal faster than an average mortal and follow the
f ul l on t ar get i ng?
same rules for healing as does a ghoul - they may not
Adr i ana: Yes Dani el . That i s exact l y rouse the blood to heal like a normal vampire would.
r i ght . Toni ght f or exampl e, af t er I
Damage that would normally be aggravated to a
f i ni sh wi t h you, I ?ve a meet i ng t hat I
human is instead treated as unhalved superficial to a
expect t o get messy and r equi r e some
ext r a heal i ng. Toni ght I ?m l ooki ng f or dhampir, while normal superficial damage is still
someone a bi t i nt el l ect ual , a l i t t l e bi t halved as it is for everyone. Unlike vampires,
scar ed even? dhampirs still need their organs, even if they can
Dani el : Fuck, Adr i ana si t down! ahAHH? . power through it in a way that a mortal cannot. Fire,
the teeth of other vampires and other specific
techniques still cause aggravated damage as they
Recording ends
would to a normal
Dhampir Summar y
- Functionally immortal
As creatures that
as they stop aging in early
straddle both
20s, but are still technically
worlds, dhampirs
alive and need to eat and
are perfectly
capable of
- Heal as a ghoul -
walking in the sun
cannot rouse the blood to heal.
- although they
- Need to Rouse the
may not feel
blood at sunset each day.
- Have an effective
comfortable doing
Blood Potency of Zero.
so. T he sun still
- Have hunger dice but
brings with it a
do not frenzy unless
sense of creeping dread, even if it can?t hurt them or
supernaturally forced to.
trigger the same extreme fear as it does with a
- Dhampirs receive a one dice penalty to all
vampire. I nstead, a dhampir finds themselves taking
rolls during the daytime - humanity is not a
a one dice penalty to all rolls when the sun is in the
limiting factor.
sky, as well as being unable to access their vampiric
- Cannot use any blood or vampiric powers
powers when in direct sunlight - for this reason,
when touched by sunlight.
they tend towards being nocturnal, even if it isn?t a
- Do not choose a predator type.
necessity for them.
- Cannot buy or learn disciplines. Gain no
W hile dhampirs find themselves unable to learn disciplines from drinking Resonant blood.
disciplines or Alchemy, they do have two avenues of - Choose one discipline at L evel 5 as well as
power opened up to them. Firstly, when a dhampir one Single power from this discipline - some
first changes, they gain access to a single discipline
powers may not work on their own so
of their choice at a rating of 5 in addition to a single discretion is advised and amalgams can' be
power from that discipline. W hile this can be an selected at the Storyteller's discretion. No
amalgam, they cannot ever access other powers in further powers can be learned or developed.
that discipline tree. As well as this more Blood Sorcery cannot be picked up in this
recognisable power, they also gain something unique manner as it requires a teacher.
to them when they consume the blood of the living.
- Gain a dhampir specific power when they
T he inherent resonance unlocks something within
drink blood - this is based on the resonance of
them that is both more and less that typical
the mortal they drink from.
- Damage that would be aggravated to a mortal
Unless otherwise stated, dhampirs follow the same is converted to unhalved superficial.
rules as a vampire in all other cases. - Can always recognise another dhampir on
Blood of the Dhampir
T he blood of a dhampir is a strange mix - at once
both resonance rich blood and enriching vitae. I t
doesn?t taste or feel like any other blood out there,
and to even the most blood bagged dulled palette is
notable as something extraordinary. Unfortunately
for the few dhampirs that exist, enough of their
unlucky kin have fallen to the fangs of the dead for
the secret to get out and even receive a small amount
balanced this way allows them to temporarily ignore
of T remere documentation.
one of the traditional banes of their species - fire.
L ike the blood of a revenant, the blood of a dhampir T he dhampir makes a Rouse check and for the rest of
is especially nourishing and is not subject to mortal the scene becomes immune to fire damage. T his does
slake penalties, furthermore it comes from a pool, so not cover their clothes or belongings - only their flesh
rather than causing damage to them physically, it is
lost on a one for one basis in the same way as vitae.
Melancholy: Earth - W hen the dhampir is under the
Rumour has it that if a vampire drains and kills a
influence of melancholic blood, their connection to the
dhampir, that they can temporarily take on some of
healing earth is amplified. W hile they maintain this
their state and walk in the sunlight without issue, as
resonance they can make a Rouse Check to
well as other possible mimicry of the living. One
automatically heal one superficial health level per
source has stated that it?s an essential part of the
turn for the rest of the scene. T hey can also heal all
route to Golconda. Alchemists prize it as it has the
Aggravated health damage if they bury themselves
potential for all disciplines and resonance types all in
within the earth while they rest for the day and spill
one dose- like vampiric type O-negative blood.
a Rouse Checks worth of vitae on the soil.

Phlegmatic: Water - T he original Slavic legends of

the dhampirs stated that they possessed ?a slippery,
Dhampir Power s
jelly-like body and had no bones?. T he existence of
W hen a dhampir feeds on mortal blood, rather than this power might lend credence to the theory of a
temporarily gaining a discipline as a T hin Blood cyclical gehenna and of the existence of dhampirs and
would, they instead gain a unique Power based on T hin Bloods back in the dark ages. W hen infused by
the resonance of their victim. Dhampirs are closely phlegmatic blood, the dhampir can make a Rouse
aligned to elemental interpretations of the blood. Check to make their body as flexible as water. W hile
they maintain a solid looking form, they?re able to
Choler ic: Fire - T he fiery passion of choleric blood squeeze through any crack no wider than a
brings up wild emotions in mortals, but for the centimeter. T his also gives them + 2 dice to escape
dhampir that has feasted on this blood, being any grapple attempt.
Null: Dead blood and that which is free from
resonance allows the dhampir to blend in easier with
their ?more dead?cousins. Any scans that would
reveal them as a vampire can now detect this - this
works for helping them blend in with true vampires
and register properly with disciplines, appearing
dead on medical tests or triggering an SI device.
Unfortunately for the dhampir, this resonance does
not require a Rouse Check and is considered a
passive ability.

Sanguine: Air - Stories of a vampire appearing at

the bedroom window, despite it not being on the
ground floor have always existed. By attuning their
blood to the element of air, the dhampir can become
one with it. Upon making a Rouse check, the
Dhampir gains the power of flight for the rest of the
scene. T heir speed is roughly the same as their
running speed, although carrying weighty objects
reduces it to walking speed. Either pulling an
unwilling target off the ground, or being dragged
down require a contest of Strength + Athletics.

Animal: At the cost of one Rouse check and a turn

of inaction, the Dhampir can assume the shape of
the animal it drained and killed while gaining this
Resonance. T his gives them the shape, physical
attributes, native skills and weaponry of that beast -
they can revert back to mortal form at any time.
T his otherwise follows the same rules as the
Protean power: Shapechange


any people write off the Thin Bloods as weak and
picking through the scraps that the kindred leave
behind. While this surely accounts for some of the
duskborn, others have taken matters into their own
hands and banded together. By looking to the only other
creatures in the world that understand what they?re going
through, they?ve moved beyond the meager lot that had been
set aside for them and pushed forward, Thin Bloods are the
next stage in vampiric evolution, and them being able to twist
their blood to strange new ways has only served to give them
something extra. Many Thin Bloods feel they don?t need to
hide in the shadows in the same way, that if they rely on their
own talents and band together then they can achieve
anything they want. They may be looked down upon by some
vampires, but that doesn?t mean they can?t run rings around

- Fame! I?m gonna live your coterie this has taken on a ----- Taking One for the Team
forever! The followers of life of its own as your minds The bond between you and your
Coetus Pascens gain their become one. Your coterie will coterie has developed to the
power from the focus they not only always know where you point where you share
receive from others - without the are, but are able to hear any everything - literally. Any time
attention, they?d be nothing. You thought you want them too - this you are damaged, you can
gain (--) dots in Fame, however communication is only one way instead choose to automatically
this tied to your group, and their unless both members have this transfer this to your teammate
public fuck ups will reflect on merit. Once per session you can instead. They need to be willing
you all. even bond so closely that you and be either in your line of
can grant the Teamwork bonus sight or are within a few meters
-- True Talent Working as a when not present. of you. This can be divided up
team means each and every as you see fit and covers both
member needs to be able to pull ---- Legions Of Fans Your Health and Willpower damage.
their weight and build the rest of reputation has spread far and Any nullifying effects you have
the group up. As well as being a wide and given you a devout such as Fortitude are still
core member of the team, following of adoring fans. You applied before it is shared,
you?re recognised as having gain (----) dots to share between however the recipient takes
some real talent to back it up. Herd and Fame representing damage as they normally would
You gain a Speciality how well known you are to the - if you have Vampiric resilience
(Teamwork) in either masses. As well as this, you and they do not, then they still
Performance or Leadership and can rustle up a quick diversion take a gunshot as aggravated
when being assisted in this skill in more or less any location - by damage. They cannot share
by your coterie you are making a Manipulation + damage with you unless they
incapable of Messy Criticals or Leadership roll (Difficulty have this merit.
Bestial Failures. dependant on location and
population), you can ensure
--- In Perfect Harmony It?s your mob gets in the way and
common that those who spend frustrates those that might track
enough time with each other you or otherwise try to catch up
find themselves finishing each with you.
other?s sentences, for you and


t?s not just the Anarchs that want to dismantle the
Camarilla or tear down self important vampires who
keep an iron grip on all they see. In fact the Anarchs are
just as likely to be a target for those who want to restore
some balance to the world - or reserve a bit of that power from
themselves. The recruits of The Levellers and those that
answer to the orchestrators come from all walks of life - the
only commonality between them is that they all have Thin
Blood and the will to strike at power.
Occupying a part of the World of Darkness that is more akin
to espionage or targeted terrorism, the organisation answers
to the hidden orchestrators. While many claim to know
someone that has met them, information is always vague
about their motives and identity - thankfully the same can?t
be said for the quality of their intel or the efficacy of the
powers they?ve spread. Will this group spell the end for the
elders of the world?Unlikely, but if they keep going as they

- The Devil in the Detail The because as the old saying goes; a liability, and what you do with
Levellers live and die by their you can?t make an omelette this information is up to you -
ability to identify the pawns of without breaking a few eggs. needless to say, many would pay
others, and you?ve been taught More than anything. this is dearly for this level of access. If
some of the key methods that certainly true in the clandestine the phone is lost, a new one can
have proved reliable to the group war that you?re waging. You are be sent out to you in time for the
so far. You gain +3 dice to any very much bought in with the start of the next story.
roll that would help you identify agenda of the group, and as such
blood bonds and ghouls. you gain a conviction that helps
mitigate stains when following the ----- The Grand Plan You?ve
orders of The Levellers. So risen through the ranks enough to
-- Repurposed Assets The bought into this are you however now be considered an
disruptive tactics taken by The that you gain stains if you ever orchestrator. This gives you
Levellers are not just to make a betray them or their members. access to packs of Thin Bloods
dent in their enemies, but to build all over the planet that are keen
up what they control as well - the to learn the tricks of The
more assets they maintain, the ---- The Red Phone You've Levellers and strike a blow at the
more they can take the fight to proven to be a reliable asset to establishment. This gives you the
those who would destroy them. the organisation and have been equivalent of a (-----) dot Mawla
You?ve already had some rewarded with a rare treat - a group, made up of Thin Bloods.
success and have requisitioned a phone on which you can be These vampires are angry and
number of assets that you?ve put safely contacted by your handler. keen to damage those that have
to good use. You gain (---) dots to By registering interest on a wronged them, and while they
split among Resources, common website you receive a might be somewhat overly keen,
Retainers and Haven. Of course, call from a withheld number there are a lot of them to fill the
these did not always belong to within minutes, and while the ranks. The ranks replenish
you, and while the original owner voice is heavily modulated, you themselves once every other
is out of the picture, others might know with whom it is you speak. story - however you have to be
decide to follow up on what This contact acts as a (----) dot extra careful to ensure the fallout
happened. Mawla and is an expert in doesn?t work it?s way back to you
espionage and terrorist - orchestrators are very much in
techniques as well as being able demand by the Archon task force,
--- Operation: Omelette More of to supply you basic details on
a joke nickname than anything and they?re very good at cracking
your targets or current mission. the weak willed...
official, this name came about This phone is both a blessing and


A llegedly, when Joseph Pander first made his demand that

the Sabbat Caitiff be recognised as a clan, and that they
be afforded the same respect as the Tzimisce and the
Lasombra, it was considered a joke. The vampires that
were gathered there to negotiate the truce that would end the
third civil war thought he was trying to lighten the mood - the
idea that the clanless could be a force to be reckoned with and
a valid group just hadn?t occurred to them, so that when the
idea was broached, the only sane response was laughter - after
all, it was a pretty good joke at what was otherwise a very
serious occasion.
Years later they would come to realise - although never admit
- quite how wrong they were. Not only was Joseph deadly
serious, but his vision for what the clanless could bring was to
become an important and driving force behind the modern
Sabbat, and eventually his message would spread far and wide,
bringing a sense of unity to those with no binding ties.

- Witness Me It?s not unusual for needs fulfilling, everyone knows sixth sense that you used to be
a Pander to be given an almost you can get it done? one of them and reneged on your
unwinnable task or suicide blood - you now add your bane
mission - the typical logic being --- Emancipated Once, you were severity as a penalty to all social
that enough muscle is thrown at a fully fledged member of a clan, rolls against members of your old
the problem, eventually it will go and felt the familiar urges of the clan.
away. You?ve been fortunate founder flash through your blood.
enough to have been handed one Perhaps it was because of a ---- Pull at the Loose Threads
or more of those missions and sense of solidarity with the The blood of the clans reeks of
come out the other side present Panders, or a wish to free the taint of their founders, and
and correct. You?ve learned how yourself from machinations of the you can sense their influence on
to put what you learned from antediluvians, or even just their pawns with every encounter.
these experiences into practice - something personal to you. This also means you know how
you gain a speciality in Whatever the reason, you to turn the curse against them
Intimidation (Jaded) and Politics decided to give this all up and and bring the weaknesses of their
(Being played) - you?ve seen far become one of the clanless. blood to the fore. You gain +1
worse and know when you?re Regardless of which side of the dice to any pool that would
being recruited for the shit jobs. sect war you?ve ended up on, benefit from knowing the banes
you?re now a fully fledged Pander and weaknesses of the clans, but
-- Grunt Work You have a - but with a history. you can also draw this out of
reputation for getting the job You can still raise your old clan another vampire by winning a
done, whatever the job. Having disciplines for their rating x5 in contest of Manipulation +
pulled almost every task possible experience points, with all others Subterfuge Vs Composure +
out of the hat for you sect-mates, remaining at the standard Caitiff Resolve (Unswayable mind and
you?ve earned their respect in rate of x6. the Blood Potency resistance
more ways than one - as well as If this is selected at character bonus also add to this pool). A
being able to ignore the effects of creation, your initial discipline win by the Pander brings forth a
the ?Suspect?flaw within your dots must go towards your Clan Compulsion in their victim -
sect, you also gain two points of original clan ones.You then select however if the user receives a
sect status to represent your 2 disciplines to be able to buy Total or Bestial Failure, they gain
achievements. The downside is without needing to taste a the Clan Compulsion of their
your reputation precedes you - practitioner's blood. In addition to intended target instead.
when a less than appealing task this, your old clan have a sort of

----- The King Is Dead/Viva la

Revolución Despite what he
may hope, Joseph Pander cannot
live forever, and as such he?s
begun grooming a number of
others as possible replacements
for him - even if he decides it?s
just so he can step aside and let
the heat die down for a decade or
two. You are one of those chosen
few, and he?s whispered and
hinted that you?re the next in line.
Until Joseph steps down you get
a Mawla of (-----) dots and a
Sabbat or Anarch status of (--)
dots. Joseph also trusts and
confides in you, giving you
access to sensitive information
you would otherwise be unable to
get access to. In addition,
someone has made overtures to
you about ?removing?Joseph - if
you were to do this they have
promised great rewards, and
you?d still be able to ascend to
your position as his replacement -
assuming the other proteges
don?t make a push for the
position themselves.


A s the eldest living Caitiff, the Stoneman has the longest

streak of clanless that can claim to descend from him,
and while this might be considered a bloodline by some
vampires, each of them still suffer no bane and develop
their own random spread of disciplines. It is said that the
Stoneman has mastered almost every discipline out there, so
perhaps this is part of where this legendary flexibility comes
The real identity of history of the Stoneman is unknown, and
he doesn?t really feel the need to share or expand upon that.
Whatever he was or is now, he?s proud of what he has achieved
and the breadth to which his lineage has spread. To the
Stoneman, all the Caitiff are his kin, regardless of where they
trace their roots back to.

- Ancestor Worship While the discipline without ever needing to ----- The Coming Flood You?ve
average neonate hasn?t heard the taste the blood of one who knows been hand selected by the
legends of the Stoneman, almost it, and what?s more the first level Stoneman as being important to
every Caitiff has even when is easy to develop - it only costs whatever plan he is hatching.
they?ve found themselves cut off 5xp. All other levels are While you may not get to see him
from society. As someone who purchased at the standard Caitiff face to face very often, he always
can trace their blood back to him, cost. knows when you need him and is
you enjoy a certain amount of happy to act as a mentor to you
fame because of that connection. ---- Bloody Cocktail You once while his plans come together -
You gain +1 status for all Caitiff, managed to attend one of the that is assuming you?ll follow his
and can also gain +1 dice in Stoneman's infamous gatherings, plans when ready. You gain (-----)
social combat with members of and like many of the guests, took dots in Mawla and access to his
the 13 clans, when dropping his home a keepsake of the night in formidable array of allies. Once
name would benefit you. the form of a cocktail of blood per story you can also gain
that was mixed one by one of the access to (----) dots of any
-- Will of Stone The blood attending Weirdlings. You believe background the Storyteller deems
flowing through your veins broke that it contains a sample of the appropriate, but only if the
away from the 13 long before Stoneman?s own Vitae, but Stoneman believes it will benefit
recorded history began, as such whatever is in it certainly packs a his goals.
you find it easier to resist the punch. If you take a drop and mix
desires of their descendants. You it with a Rouse Check?s worth of
gain +1 dice to resist any fresh vitae from a vampire with a
Dominate or Presence attempts Clan, the resulting cocktail allows
against you from non Caitiff, and you to boost your Blood Potency
in addition treat all blood bonds by +1 for a scene. If you were to
as if they were one bond strength drink the entire flask at once,
lower - the Blood Bond still starts your blood potency will increase
at 3 drinks however. by +5 for the rest of the night.
Neither situation is limited by your
--- Rich Blood The blood of the generational limits, and the flask
first Caitiff flows in your veins, itself doesn?t appear to lose its
and with it limitless potential. You potency.
have the capacity to develop any



T he literal children of the final generations, the dhampirs

are something that should not exist. Life should not
spring from the loins of the dead, and the twisted mess
that is the dhampir is proof of that. Unable to properly
fit in with either humans or vampires, they are forced to
survive at the fringes of society and fend for themselves in a
hostile world.
These Jonah?s bring chaos and death wherever they go,
however there are those out there that would harness that
power and who see the dhampir as a sign from the gods - the
end times are coming, and the half breeds are it?s heralds.
How much truth there is in the matter is up for debate, and
while the gehenna fever of the past few decades has calmed
down somewhat, plenty of cults have risen up to take their
place in vampire society.

- An Eye for Trouble Life has the future, and the destruction more potent set of believers),
been hard and full of surprises - that will follow in the wake of your Resources or Influence - assets
always one step away from kind. While you don?t receive your followers make available to
calamity. You?ve adjusted well - visions from it pulsing in your you. Unfortunately as the visible
the ones that didn?t never made it veins, those that drink from you front if this death cult, there are
to the other side - ensuring are assaulted by apocalyptic no shortage of people who stop
you?ve always got one on the visions and of the destruction of at nothing to remove you and shit
door and the other on whomever all - anyone that even tastes the it down - you gain a (-) dot
you?re with to watch for signs of blood must succeed at a Stamina Adversary for as long as you
malice. You gain specialties in + Composure roll (Difficulty 3 + 1 maintain the relationship.
both Insight (Suspicious for each Point of hunger slaked
Behaviour) and Awareness (Exit or Rouse check made by the
dhampir) or else be assaulted by ----- The Crescent Mark You
strategies). were born with a strange
visions of destruction for the rest
of the scene - resulting in -2 dice birthmark in the shape of a
-- Life on the Road You?ve spent penalty to all pools. crescent somewhere on your
so long moving from place to body, something that you were
place and doing everything at always aware of, but never
short notice that this sort of thing ---- The Messiah When you were thought anything more of. What?s
is second nature to you now. If first discovered, you had no idea interesting is that when you?ve
you?re ever out on the road, you what they wanted with you or met others of your kind, it?s not
can turn more or less any what this whole Gehenna thing unheard of for them to have the
location into a good bolt hole - was about. Now you?ve been a same marking. Now, as you grow
You can add the Postern merit to part of the cult for a while into your condition you can sense
any temporary haven (exceptions however, you?ve come to revel in it has greater importance and that
may exist) as you always have the attention it brings and the it will come to define you and
one eye on an escape route. You gifts they shower on you. You?re your whole existence. What the
may also add +1 dice to your seen by your followers as a sort effects of this mark and what it
hunting pool to represent the tips of sign from the Gods, and you're means is up to you and the
you?ve picked up when constantly put forth as a figurehead for storyteller, however this will never
hunting in adverse situations. those that truly lead the cult. You be small in how far it reaches -
gain (---) dots in Mawla to even a standard birth mark could
represent the cabal that run this be misinterpreted as a sign of the
--- Blood of the Kassandra Your apocalyptic cult, as well as (---)
blood is rich with the promise of end times.
dots to be split between Mawla (a



ennel masters, groundskeepers and lords of the manor,
the Bratovitches have long served the clan as brutes and
beast masters. They are noted among the other families
as among the most savage and bestial of the four, a
reputation they?ve taken no steps to dispel. The scions of the
Bratovich branch often keep to themselves and maintain vast
estates away from the prying eyes of the rest of humanity - all
the better to give free reign to the beasts and monsters they
breed - but also to ensure their masters can come and rest in a
haven where their exacting standards of hospitality can be
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet
for the first time provides the player with a Retainer (-),
representing the revenant. These revenants are ghouls and
built as a Weak Mortal. They always have access to both their
family Disciplines at Level 1.
Disciplines: Animalism, Potence

- Nourishing Blood While a menagerie managers of the Old a clear breach of the
revenant?s vitae is nowhere near Clan, there isn?t a Bratovich out masquerade. These creatures
as potent as the Kindred, drinking there that doesn?t maintain a are rare, violent and quite insane
it can be just as sustaining. When stock of prime hunting hounds. If - meaning only the most trusted
you feed from your revenant, they you?re ever assaulted within your and prestigious branches of the
are not subject to the Human haven, these savage beasts will Bratovich family are entrusted
slake penalty of your Blood attack and defend you against with their guardianship. You can
Potency. Feeding from them any opponent. These count as a call for the release of this beast
never risks a Blood Bond. The number of hounds (other -assuming it survives and the
revenant is still harmed by your appropriate animals can be fallout was managed, it is still
feeding like a human would be. substituted) equal to the number available to be used - but each
of opponents, with each beast time it gets out into the wild it will
-- Private Retreat: The having the first level of Potence. not want to return to its captivity
Bratovichs?are responsible for They will attack anyone that their and must be captured again.
maintaining many of the masters do not introduce them to,
monstrosities that the old clan so there is potential for collateral The Vozhd has the following
have created, which has led to damage if not properly controlled. stats:
them requiring a lot of space and
privacy from the rest of the world. ---- Hunting Party The Bratovich Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity
While your haven is not close to love a good hunt - be it for foxes, 3, Stamina 4; Charisma 0,
the city and might require extra deer, bear or postal workers. Manipulation 0, Composure 2;
travel time, you gain (--) dots in They rarely need much of an Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 4
the Haven merit, as well as any excuse and are master trackers.
two additional Haven merits. Once per story you can call them
Unfortunately your haven has a to join you on a wild hunt for your Secondary Attributes: Health
number of elements that would choice of prey. This counts as 15, Willpower 6
make it clearly a masquerade (----) dots in Allies to be used for
breach, and occasionally other this task. Skills: Awareness 4, Athletics 3,
members will pass through and Brawl 5, Stealth 1, Survival 4;
expect offers of hospitality. ----- Unleash the Vozhd Not a Intimidation 5
thing you be used lightly, the
--- Release the Hounds As the Vozhd is either the pinnacle or Disciplines: Animalism 1,
personal groundskeepers and nadir of Tzimisce creativity - and Potence 1

Special: Vozhd suffer damage as

would a vampire - with
aggravated damage coming from
Fire, the teeth of vampires and
other specific sources. They also
recover 1 Superficial Health per
turn. They are more or less
lobotomised, so Dominate and
Presence have no effect on them.

Natural Weapons: A Vozhd is a

mass of claws and teeth that
count as a +3 piercing weapon.
Due to having many limbs, they
gain +2 dice to all grapple
contests, as well as not suffering
penalties for fighting multiple


n direct contradiction to the Bratovich, the Grimaldi are
the human face that is presented to the world. They?re
the advocates and influencers, the representatives and
lobbyists that go out into the world to do what they can
to make it a more suitable place for their masters. They
maintain a respectable facade and have a very workmanlike
approach to life - it?s a job that needs doing and they?re the
ones to do it. In recent years, certain members of the familiar
have begun to wonder what they need with the Tzimisce that
control them, and why they?re settling for such a one sided
relationship. They hold a lot of power in their hands, and it?s
power that could be turned against any target they wish - the
main thing holding them back is the web of blood bonds that
saturate the family. It?s not that they?re scared of a little
collateral damage, more that it?s impossible to know who they
could trust with their plan to break away and forge their own
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet
for the first time provides the player with a Retainer (-),
representing the revenant. These revenants are ghouls and
built as a Weak Mortal. They always have access to both their
family Disciplines at Level 1.
Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude.

- Nourishing Blood While a Switzerland when it comes to the for Background dots is now
revenant?s vitae is nowhere near Sects - and even more so since reduced to 2xp per dot.
as potent as the Kindred, drinking they?ve started putting out
it can be just as sustaining. When overtures of defection. While you ----- Decree Nisi The family have
you feed from your revenant, they may not know all the reasons been looking for a way out for a
are not subject to the Human why your revenants know these long time, and have finally found
slake penalty of your Blood people, you find yourself able to the ways and means to do so
Potency. Feeding from them easily arrange meetings with with as little collateral damage to
never risks a Blood Bond. The groups on either side of the sect themselves as possible. Either
revenant is still harmed by your war and have them held at a you are one of the benefactors of
feeding like a human would be. neutral location. Of course, if this betrayal, or else you?ve
these meetings and negotiations become aware of the conspiracy
-- The Lobbyist The Grimaldi were to ever go very badly. it and find yourself in a position to
know the right people and have would take the Grimaldi a long end it once and for all. Whatever
the ears of lots of important time to rebuild that good will - side of the fence you start on, this
figures. They have more fingers assuming they survive the report gives you a phenomenal amount
in more pies than Sweeny Todd - to the elders of the Sabbat of leverage in your hands as the
which gives them a lot of Grimaldi are the primary interface
leverage when needed. You can ---- The Consultant Your between the Sabbat and the rest
add +1 dice to all Project Launch Grimaldi is wise beyond their of the mortal world. While their
rolls, as well as having one less years and can always be trusted destruction wouldn?t cripple them,
dice in opposing pools any Goal for sound advice or for getting it would provide a chance to
roll. Failures on these rolls should you face to face with the right strike a blow that they would
experience very creative results person. You can always trust that struggle to recover from. What
due to potential political fallout. any advice you get from you do with this knowledge and
discussions with this retainer will the revenants that you would
--- The Broker While they aren't be based on good principals and control after is up to you.
exactly neutral, the Grimaldi still with your best interests in mind.
like to think of themselves as In addition, the Experience cost



R umoured to be the first of the Revenant families, they?re

at the very least the most long-surviving. This family of
scholars can trace their roots back as far as the earliest
days of Constantinople and even now have ties to the
city and the things it has created - indeed one of the cities
most famous children is descended from the Obertus -
although whether Vykos would feel much kinship is anyone?s
guess these days. For time out of mind the Obertus have acted
as scholars and research assistants to the Tzimisce, and
between the members of the family and their extensive
libraries, there are enough scraps of Noddist lore and esoteric
secrets that to keep even the most ardent scholar busy and
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet
for the first time provides the player with a Retainer (-),
representing the revenant. These revenants are ghouls and
built as a Weak Mortal. They always have access to both their
family Disciplines at Level 1.
Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate.

- Nourishing Blood While a detailed and accurate knowledge. of a naive elder that went into
revenant?s vitae is nowhere near Once per session, you can ask torpor in one the Obertus estates.
as potent as the Kindred, drinking them to research any historical While the results have been a
it can be just as sustaining. When detail - this results in you being long time coming, the Obertus
you feed from your revenant, they able to ask a question of the are nothing if not patient. Finally,
are not subject to the Human Storyteller and get a truthful their diligence has paid off and
slake penalty of your Blood answer if it relates to kindred given them something? else.
Potency. Feeding from them history. You have somehow stumbled
never risks a Blood Bond. The across this secret and are in a
revenant is still harmed by your ---- The Mnemosyne The position to capitalise on it - do
feeding like a human would be. Obertus are pathological in their you sell them out for prestige,
need to document and memorise use the more potent revenants
-- Remnants of the Imperial everything possible from history, for your own benefit or see what
Library The Obertus may have and their blood bears the fruit of changes their blood might have
fled Constantinople and the this obsession. For every point of on you when you consume
Library may have been sacked, Hunger you slake from a single enough? The effects of this
but many of it?s sacred texts revenant, you gain 2 dice that change can be particularly broad
made their way out of the city, can be used during Memoriam. In and potent, and should be
and much more has since been addition, you can enter the decided between the player and
added to it. When at the haven of memory of the revenant and Storyteller.
these revenants, you gain the learn from their vast life - if you
Library merit. Due to the size of do this you do not gain the dice
this library, this covers any and all bonus from slaking, but can gain
subjects. dice to use based on other
criteria as normal.
--- Memory of the Eldest Very
few creatures have existed for as ----- Blood of the Dracon In
long as the Obertus, and in what has to be one of the worlds
between those that were actually best kept secrets, the Obertus
there and the extensive records have been experimenting with
taken, they have a wealth of their bloodline as well the blood



L ong thought dead by the majority of the Tzimisce and

revenant families, the Oprichniki were not so much in
hiding as they were fewer in number and busy serving
other masters. Aligned to the elders of the clan in the
Oradea league, the family largely avoided being linked with
the Sabbat - and hence the other families. Acting as servants,
spies and envoys to the human world, the Oprichniki
descended from the task forces of Ivan the Terrible and have
generally maintained their ancestral homeland in Russia.
With the Old Clan proper making overtures into the rest of
the world due to the loss of its elders, it?s likely that the
Oprichniki will have a larger role in bringing the clan into the
real world.
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet
for the first time provides the player with a Retainer (-),
representing the revenant. These revenants are ghouls and
built as a Weak Mortal. They always have access to both their
family Disciplines at Level 1.
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate.

- Nourishing Blood While a statement needs to be made. be haunted by the ghosts of their
revenant?s vitae is nowhere near This group of gunmen count as a past sins - of which there are
as potent as the Kindred, drinking (---) dot group of Allies that can many. One of your revenants
it can be just as sustaining. When be called upon once per story made the mistake of crossing you
you feed from your revenant, they and are happy with what they do. or the family and was in turn
are not subject to the Human They will show up, open fire for murdered by his kin - resulting in
slake penalty of your Blood as long as it is safe before them returning to haunt their
Potency. Feeding from them leaving the scene and it?s murderers. By your retainers
never risks a Blood Bond. The attendant chaos. They are careful sacrificing one of their extended
revenant is still harmed by your to cover their tracks so won?t be family, you can gain control of
feeding like a human would be. discoverable by mundane means. them when they return as a
Wraith (See Spectres on page
-- Disappearing Act: Having ---- Resident Oligarch The 377 of the core book) with all the
acted as enforcers and secret family has a long history in attendant power sets. They are
police for longer than anyone Russia, with them only leaving now bound by oaths of loyalty to
remembers, the Oprichniki have the country in any sizable number you and their family
developed a real nack for getting in recent years. Invariably they
rid of a body without a trace - be drift towards people of power,
it alive or dead. As long as you and in this case they have
can get them to the body, your recruited one of the wealthy
retainer can ensure it is removed power players and brought them
and that no traces of a struggle or under your sway. You have (-----
foul play are left for investigators -) dots to spread among
to find. Not a word of your crimes Resources and Influence, but this
will be spoken of by the clean-up power comes solely from this
crew. person - if they?re lost or
compromised, then so is this
--- Gunmen of the Apocalypse advantage.
Normally subtle, the Oprichniki
aren?t above an occasional ----- Haunted Last Words The
dramatic show of force when a Oprichniki have long claimed to



T he Zantosa started off as the Szantovich?s, but eventually changed

their name to keep up with the times and allow them to maintain
their lifestyle. Like the Grimaldi, the Zantosa are the Tzimisce?s
link to the social side of humanity. Unlike their politically aligned
cousins however, the Zantosa pursue their hedonistic tendencies with
wild abandon; they ensure that they have their finger on the pulse of
modern society and know all the right people and attend all the right
parties - which has led them have a reputation for overindulging and
excess, a reputation well deserved considering their revenant condition
allows them to push themselves far beyond what they should otherwise
be able to survive.
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet for the
first time provides the player with a Retainer (-), representing the
revenant. These revenants are ghouls and built as a Weak Mortal. They
always have access to both their family Disciplines at Level 1.
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet for the
first time provides the player with a Retainer (-), representing the
revenant. These revenants are ghouls and built as a Weak Mortal. They
always have access to both their family Disciplines at Level 1.
Disciplines: Auspex, Presence.

- Nourishing Blood While a and their almost legendary released and records of your
revenant?s vitae is nowhere near reputation for debauchery and ?indiscretions?removed from the
as potent as the Kindred, drinking boundary pushing . This system. This can be a costly
it can be just as sustaining. When reputation brings them into process and will normally require
you feed from your revenant, they contact with an eclectic mix of the Zantosa asking for favours to
are not subject to the Human people from all walks of life - help them maintain their network
slake penalty of your Blood albeit invariably slanted towards after the event.
Potency. Feeding from them the more seedy aspects of it.
never risks a Blood Bond. The These people can get you access ----- The Perfect Drug The
revenant is still harmed by your to almost anything given the right Zantosa are nothing if not
feeding like a human would be. amount of time - you gain +3 dots dedicated to their craft, with
of Contacts, and once per story barely a drug left in the world that
-- All The Best Parties The you can ask for something well they?ve not sampled/abused.
bread and butter of the Zantosa outside of their normal realm of While they might languish in a
is the party circuit, and their expertise as your retainers reach drugged out stupor from the
broad mix of acquaintances out to their extended group of effects, it does give their blood
ensure that they always get an friends. some interesting qualities when
invite - after all is it really a party ingested. Zantosa blood you
without a Zantosa being ---- Get Out of Jail Free Card ingest now always counts as
responsible for some crazy shit? Sometimes even the Zantosa go Acute Sanguine or Phlegmatic
You gain +3 dice to cover up any too far - be it accidentally resonance. It carries with it a
crime that happens at a party, as poisoning the punch at the Miss unique Dyscrasia of its own - not
well as being able to attend a Chattanooga gala , plugging the only are you immune to all drugs
Zantosa hosted party once per swimming pool into the mains, or and toxins, but your blood is
story. Here you will have the blindfolding the school bus driver more intoxicating - your blood will
opportunity to mingle with many that one time? If you ever find now complete the bond in two
well connected people. yourself on the wrong side of the steps rather than three. This
authorities, your retainer's dyscrasia lasts until you next feed
extended family can quickly pull or reach Hunger 5 as normal.
--- Inherent Vice Anyone that?s
some strings to have you
anyone knows of the Zantosa



T he Rossellinis are the most recent family to achieve

revenant status and it?s likely unknown outside of a few
people that the change has even taken place. While the
Giovanni family are on their way to achieving it as well
due to centuries worth of ghouling and selective breeding, the
Rosselinis have achieved this unholy state through
experimentation and dark pacts - rumour has it that Augustus
himself presided over the ritual with the family elders.
Callous, cruel and capable of impressive necromantic arts, the
Rosselini are poised for a prime position in the newly formed
Unless stated otherwise, purchasing any level of this loresheet
for the first time provides the player with a Retainer (-),
representing the revenant. These revenants are ghouls and
built as a Weak Mortal. They always have access to both their
family Disciplines at Level 1.
Disciplines: Fortitude, Oblivion

- Nourishing Blood While a in the name of mastering the ----- A Fate Worse Than Death
revenant?s vitae is nowhere near dead. These techniques are just Considered masters in the art of
as potent as the Kindred, drinking as useful on the living - especially soul stealing, the Rossellini have
it can be just as sustaining. When when they can strip the soul from amassed veritable armies of the
you feed from your revenant, they a creature and return it as well. If dead that they can control with
are not subject to the Human you ever need to get information ease. The revenant side of the
slake penalty of your Blood out of a person, you can turn family often work as custodians
Potency. Feeding from them them over to the Rossellini for an of these spirits and perform
never risks a Blood Bond. The evening of soothing torture. This sordid and brutal ceremonies to
revenant is still harmed by your adds 5 dice to any Intimidation keep them subservient and pliant
feeding like a human would be. rolls made to extract information, for their vampire masters. Every
however it grants a stain due to now and again, these spirits need
-- Under Pain Of Death how pleasant this act is to the to be let out to play so they don?t
Accustomed as they are to pain, Beast?s sensibilities. grow overly bestial during their
abuse and torure, the Rossellini custody - once per story you can
are somewhat inured to the ---- Ceremonial Consorts The have your retainers unleash a
suffering that people will inflict in Rossellini family is well known swarm of the dead to terrorise
an attempt to draw information among the Hecata as being and assault your enemies. While
out of another. Every depravity is especially well attuned to this always needs planning, the
likely not as bad as what they Necromancy and the summoning results are impressive. The
themselves have seen or of souls - even if their style often player should work together with
performed, and they know that un-nerves onlookers due to it?s the Storyteller to work out the
worse would await them on the brutality and lack of boundaries. appropriate threat level of each
other side were they to break. Still, one can?t argue with results, release - they can and will vary in
Your Rossellini revenants will and with a Rossellini revenant in strength. If more or less the same
never bow to outside pressure to your retinue, you can benefit from amount of ghosts do not return to
spill your secrets under any their skill. As long as the revenant their pens after the release, the
circumstances. is with you and is involved in revenants will have to answer to
preparing a Ceremony, the senior vampires within the
Difficulty of the roll to activate it is Hecata as to how they plan on
--- Rendition: Not all styles of restocking the reserves quickly -
necromancy are the same, and reduced by 1. If more than one
Ritual Assistant is present, the which might mean they are
the house style of the Rossellini drafted in at short notice to fill the
has always tended towards the Ritual pool increases by one die
for every two Ritual Assistants gap themselves...
brutal, painful and twisted. No
taboo is too sacred to be broken present after the first.
A book for the
This book contains:
 New groups, factions, and types of Thin bloods,
including Alchemy formulae and techniques, as
well as a new strain — the Reavers
 An exploration of Caitiff and Panders, and the
groups they form for protection
 A close look at the Revenant families, including
rules and loresheets for using them
 Rules and details for playing Dhampirs
 New Predator Types, Amalgams, merits & flaws
 Loresheets made specifically for Thin bloods
and Caitiff

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