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The Kindred Wheelchair homebrew has been created The Lore By Night Podcast Guy, host,
creator and producer of the 'Lore By Night' podcast, a weekly podcast that discusses World of
Darkness lore in an engaging and entertaining manner without getting bogged down in the

At the time of writing this supplement, no income has been generated from the Lore By Night
podcast or any other associated material that he has created relating to the World of Darkness
brand. However, he does have a Ko-fi page that people can use to tip him, if they should feel so
inclined (thank you in advance for your generosity). This link, along with links to the various
places that you can listen to The Lore By Night podcast and follow his social profiles is listed
directly below.

The Lore By Night Podcast Guy is autistic and has grown up with, and lived alongside, people
with various visible and non-visible disabilities and learning differences. Many of these are
wheelchair users. He encourages and promotes the acceptance of neurodiversity and

He is pro-LGTBQ+ and is anti-racist. This extends onto his Discord server (see above link),
where users are welcome to use whatever pronouns they wish and are encouraged to provide
image/GIF descriptions for those who are visually impaired, amongst other rules.

He is also working closely with a select few members of the server on transcript notes for those
who are deaf or are hard of hearing.

Despite creating his helpful podcasts and his constant support to the Vampire: The Masquerade
community, he felt that he wanted to give more back to them, hence the creation of this

Special Thanks
This idea would not have been possible had it not been for the creation of the famous Combat
Wheelchair, created by Sara Thompson ( She is a
freelance writer for table-top role-playing games, focusing on positive disability and chronic
illness representation and content in games.

She has worked for established game companies such as RTalsorianGames on The Witcher,
Cyberpunk RED and Paizo on Starfinder. Disabled herself, Sara also works as a disability
advocate in the TTRPG community and also as a sensitivity reader.

She is also the founder of disabled streaming community Heroes Without Limits
( /

The work she has done for the TTRPG community is incredibly inspiring and The Lore By
Night Podcast would like to thank Sara for her work and the effort she has put into the creation
of her material, educating those wanting to learn and fighting ableism in all its forms.

The Lore By Night Podcast Guy would also like to thank the following (in no particular order)
for helping him with the proofreading and editing of this supplement:

Jersh/Josh/Strange Adventures Cass

Michael Nason Aurora Sanguine
Donna Sisco Archon Bun
Steffie De Vaan Fae The Pagan
Katriel Paige Xayan (Kloe the Kiasyd)
Lady Dark Scarlet
Momma Lore By Night, Wielder of The Mighty Red Pen

Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB, and are used
with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit

All other original material is copyright 2021 by The Lore By Night Podcast Guy.


Design 1
Special Thanks & Disclaimer 2
Moonlight & Blood Ties 6
Introduction 12
Queries 12
A Note From The Author 13
The Chair 16
Speciality: Kindred Wheelchair 16
Portability & Versatility 16
An Extension of One's Self 17
The Chair's Anatomy 17
Attacking 17
Durability 18
Obtaining The Wheelchair 19
Upgrades 19
Powers & Loresheet 22
New Blood Sorcery 22
Loresheet 24

By The Lore By Night Podcast Guy
Luminescence bled, diffusing on the shallow puddle. Two Eventually, I was stable. I was not comfortable, even
bodies intertwined, almost as one in a deceptive embrace. when he handed me my wooden cane. “Thanks.” I
To the uninitiated, unstrung kine, this man and I were two panted.
lovers, embraced in a sloppy kiss. In a former life, I would

have loved to have tasted every aspect of that man, to have “No sweat…” he replied, clearly cautious of me. His face
my oh so wicked way with him. melted into one of gross panic followed by worried

pointing, towards to my right shoulder. As usual, it was
But as his eyes fluttered to the back of his head and life my shoulder joint that popped out of place when I
faded from his body, I lacked the strength to hold him. I reached for something.
failed to gently prop him down as I was taught to. Just

holding him caused me to ache. His useless frame hit the I interrupted his whimpering by sliding it back into
ground like the pathetic slab of meat he was. I had my way place, physically moving it with my hand, using the gifts
with him and I tasted his vitae, but I was just as sore as of my blood. I looked directly at him.
always. I had overstayed my welcome.

“Surely you know what I am?” I asked.
I was unsure what I hit, but I tripped, almost landing face-

first into the damp cobbled path. Through gritted fangs, I “A...Fiend?” He uttered quietly.
snarled loudly as a horrendous pain flared from my knees. I

was sure I broke something again, but that wasn’t the time That was indeed a nickname for what I was, but it was
to try and ascertain the damage. Yet again, I struggled to all too clear that was what he meant, given the
move without being in agony. Frustrated and injured, I circumstance. I raised an eyebrow at him, to ignite some
attempted to crawl to my cane, in an attempt to pull myself response from him.
up somehow without dislocating my shoulders once more.

“Uh...a Sa-mee-”
“Hey.” A young male voice called, one that sounded close to

me and had a local black patois, “You need a hand?” “Tzimisce [which I pronounced as Shi-me-say]. Yes.” He

took a step back. “Oh please.” I spat, limping towards
I hissed reluctantly, watching the slim frame bend over him, “I’m hardly in any state right now to turn you into
towards me. "Do not pull me," I ordered, seeing him grab my some coat hanger.”
stick. "Let me pull myself up."

“No-no, tha' wasn’t what it.” He continued. “Just never
He responded with an affirmative grunt as our cold dead seen one before. Though’ you lo’ were fighting a war or
hands met. He tensed as I struggled to my feet making very some’in. Not the French, know.”
careful and arguably awkward movements. I focused on that

and not whatever uncomfortable faces my infantile Cainite I snorted out a laugh, the convulsion in my chest made
support made. It paled in comparison to whatever was me aware that I indeed had one, wincing at the pain.“You
shunting and dislocating in my upper body. alrigh’?” He went, approaching me, his eyes noticing the
body behind me for the first time.

“No…” I said, debating whether to tell him. “Is there When he was satisfied I was not going to fall apart, he
somewhere we can talk where it’s not” quickly hopped into the driver’s seat as I began crafting

my bones back into place and moulding my shins as if I
“Need to deal with that?” He asked, now referring to the was playing with some grotesque putty, trying to
body. position where everything was meant to go.

“No.” I snapped. “He had one drink too many. He slipped “If it makes you feel any better, I am not enjoying this
and fell. May we leave?” either,” I strained, “This isn’t painless.”

“Uh, yeah. I mean, if you don’t mind taking a lift with me? “Sorry.” He replied, in a way that sounded he was
Gotta car just round the corner from ‘ere.” fighting the urge to throw up. The noises I was making

were not pleasant, to say the least. “Just...never ‘eard it
I sighed, mentally preparing myself for more physical before,” he added.
discomfort, “Where are you headed?”

“Good. Usually, it means someone is doing it to you.”
“Out of here.” He chuckled.

He started the ignition, before hastily speeding out of
“Very well.” I decided, slowly walking out of the alley. this corner of the city, driving a bit too quickly for my

I stumbled slightly, losing balance in my left leg. He caught

me and I yelled. His gentle grab with his large rough hands “ better now?” He soon asked after a few
felt like he just punched me. moments of the squelching and snapping of bone and

flesh ceased.
“Shit, I’m-” He started.

“Far from it.” I chortled.
“Don’t.” I grimaced, holding onto him. “Just...get me out of

here.” “Can’t you heal yourself? You know, with the blood?”

Hovering around me like a moth to a flame, he led me to a “I have EDS.”

blue beat-up car, one that I immediately assumed was

second hand. It was almost as scruffy as the Cainite, and he “EDS?” He parroted, briefly turning his young round
looked like a messy college student. He wore a large baggy head towards me.
hoodie that just engulfed his frame, ripped grey jeans that

revealed more than they covered, and his trainers were filthy “Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.” I clarified with a nonchalant
and weathered. Our differences were as clear as night and sigh. “Rare inherited conditions that affect connective
day. tissue. Things that provide support in skin, tendons,

ligaments, blood vessels, internal organs and bones.”
Despite my demand for him to back off, he loitered around

the passenger seat as I painfully sunk into the car, and put I could sense the bewilderment from him and I didn’t
on my seatbelt. He took my cane and laid it across the back- even have to look at him. “I have overly flexible joints.
seat. Bones break easier, things pop out and dislocate and my
skin tears like paper.”

“Shiiiit.” He went. “The Embrace did that to you?” “That’s not-”

“No, you-” I bit my tongue. “I was born with this.” “That’s exactly what you meant.” I bit, looking into his

dark eyes for a few seconds. I turned away, pointing out
“Course not, sorry. This is all new to me still.” the window. “You see the kine? I can say with confidence

that 1 out of 4, maybe 1 out of 5 of those people has some
“I couldn’t tell…” I muttered quietly, mostly to myself. sort of disability. Could be physical. Could be

neurological, but we’re there, no different from anyone
“How are you not dead?” He jested. else. Chances are that you fed on someone who has some

form of disability. It would be fantastical to think
“We’re both dead.” otherwise.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He stuttered then. “I-I mean, “Never really thought about it before, to be honest.”
aren’t you lot with the Sabbat? Why would-”

“I’m not surprised.” I scoffed. “We do all the same things
He stopped suddenly, likely because he realised he was you do, but some of us do those things differently. You
digging himself into a deeper hole. Whilst I didn't take may see a therapist, to help you cope with depression, for
offence, I felt myself straining not to correct him. I was too example. I saw a...a…”
tired for it. Though weakened, I resigned myself to watching

him squirm. I was, after all, entitled to a bit of fun. I stumbled, English failing me at the most inconvenient

We stopped as we approached traffic. To our left were

groups of people on the pavement being assaulted by the “Physiotherapist?” He said, eventually.
rain. Tiny wet bullets pounded against their bodies. The rain

was relentless, evident by the loud hammering on the roof, “Yes, a physiotherapist,” I repeated haphazardly. “I had
reminding me of the sound the oil drums made by my physio to try and help me feel more comfortable and not
former Pack mates as they’d kick them across the abandoned in agony for most of the day. therapist was an
factories. Reminiscing on the few happy memories I had Ancilla that saw me as his little experiment. Dr Benjamin
there, I stared out the window forgetting about the Cainite Barker was his name.”
in the driver’s seat for a minute.

I paused as the traffic began to move again. The Cainite
“Does it really surprise you that I’m disabled?” I asked, barely driver said nothing.
turning my head to the driver.

“He was American, briefly living in France, trying to find
“A little.” He answered with a pained swallow. “More his purpose or some nonsense like that. Said he’d never
surprised that being embraced didn’t fix you.” encountered someone like me, a ‘specimen’ like me.

That’s what he called me. He promised that if I kept
I snorted a short laugh. “Not everyone wants to be ‘fixed’ so turning up he would find a way to make all my problems
that they appear to be more ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ in go away.”

“That when he embraced you?” He asked slowly.

“No. I refused to turn up to a few ‘sessions’ because of the “Hold on, hear me out.” He insisted, making no effort to
pain I was in and he took umbrage to it. That’s when I found hide his smile. “A few nights ago, my sire, well - adoptive
out he was a vampire and he embraced me, there and then. sire actually, was visited by these folks who’re working
Found out where I lived and turned me into a vampire, just on something that I think could help ya.”
as I was in a lot of pain. Dragged me to Paris, dumped me

with a Sabbat Pack who were meant to kill me. Instead, they I turned to face him, intrigued. “Go on…”
just tortured me, broke my mobility scooter, pushed me

around, and discarded me, like some broken toy, leaving me “They supposed have made this fancy wheelchair for
for dead. As far as they're concerned, I faced my Final Death. Kindred. They just need the money to mass-produce it,
I never belonged with the Sword of Caine. And I know what or something.”
you’re thinking, that I was a moron to trust my sire,

one’s perfect. I tried everything. Pain killers, marijuana, “How’s it any different from a regular wheelchair?” I
acupuncture, morphine. Nothing worked. I just wanted to inquired.
stop hurting for one fucking hour. I believed my sire for a

while. Some of my problems did go away...for a time. He did “Honestly, not a fuckin’ clue. I was made to leave to run
help...but the ‘doctor’ could not fix me. To him, I was a errands. But, I know it’s being made by some Tremere, so
failure.” it has to be pretty special, right?”

I realised then I had been shouting, as the dead nothingness “You almost sold it to me until you said Tremere.” I
that followed my tirade seemed louder than before, as did sneered with disgust.
the rain that continued to punch the body of the car.

“Ok, fair point, but aren’t you a little curious?”
“Hey.” He said quietly. “You ain’t a failure. You survived

your bastard of a sire, your shitty pack ma’es, travelled to “Curiosity got me in this mess.”
England and lived to tell the tale in this shitheap. You’re a

hero. You being here is proof of that. Don’t think many “Things will be different this time though.” He said with
other people would do what you did, what you do. I know I a proud smile. “I’ll be there with you.”
couldn’t, which was why I was surprised that you didn’t

want to be ‘better’, you know? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have “You?”

placed my standards on you.”

“Wha'?” He chuckled. “I’m being serious!”
I held together my composure like poor tape, trying not to

shed a tear in front of the Cainite. “That’s the nicest thing “I know, that’s what puzzles me,” I admitted. “I don’t
any Kindred has said to me since my embrace. Thank you.” even know your name, and yet you’re being far too

“No sweat.” He went with a smile. “Hey listen...I think I may

be able to help you out a bi'.” “Oh, right. Ryan Willows, Caitiff.” He greeted. “You?”

“It’s alright, you’ve done quite enough.” I went, trying to

hide my smile. “Could you take me-”

“Olivier...Clan Tzimisce.” I followed, not familiar with the
formal exchange. “You hadn’t answered my question.”

“Well, Kindred gotta work together sometimes.” He shrugged.

“You seem like the intelligent sorta guy who can turn folks into
furniture, and I got the looks and muscle. We’ll probably make
a good team.”

I stared at his enthusiastic face with riveting confusion. “Are

you asking me to form a...Pack with you?”

“Well, ‘coterie’ is what we folks in the Camarilla call it, but

yeah. You let me take you to these Tremere to get you fitted
out. If they try any funny stuff, I’ll fuck ‘em up...or my sire will
if we both die.”

I could not help but laugh at that. He joined in until I began to

feel bruised. Not because of any dislocations or anything
relating to my condition. Just the pleasant feeling of laughing
too hard.

I missed it.

"You really think I suffer because I use a wheelchair?"
-Amber Thompson, challenging the Sheriff of Edinburgh

Designed by Kindred for Kindred, this Wheelchair has been

intuitively designed for the modern vampire. Whether it is
On the surface, it may appear the wheelchair comes with
to help them partake in the backstabbing politics with the
features that make it unfair for a starting character to have.
Camarilla or cause mayhem with the Anarchs, this chair has
In actuality, it possesses these features because it is designed
been made for you. Created by the wheelchair-using
to enable a disabled coterie member to do the same things
Tremere, Taylor Thompson & her twin sister Amber, and
abled vampires can do.
distributed by their global network of disabled consultant
ghouls and diverse vampires that make up The Thompson “But the chair can fly!”
Twin Enterprise, the patented “Kindred Wheelchair” If you were intending to have your characters remain on
provides high-grade comfort and exceptional efficiency. ground floors the whole time, yes that is unfair. But if the
coterie intends on going up and down stairs, that is not, for
The Kindred Wheelchair is tailored to each vampire to more abled characters can easily walk up and downstairs.
ensure optimum comfort for the user. It manages also to be Those using the wheelchair are not always able to do this.
lustrously fashionable, whilst maintaining an And whilst many facilities in our modern world do
affordable price, making it the ideal mobility vehicle for the accommodate wheelchair users, most Storytellers (STs) do
discerning Cainite. The design takes its influences from not consider including such features in their games.
various wheelchair sports designs, most notably, basketball
and rugby wheelchairs meaning, it can sustain high impact. Furthermore, certain Disciplines allow the Kindred to take
The wheelchair is also a manual standing wheelchair, which flight such as the Thaumaturgy power ‘Movement of The
uses a gas-spring assisted elevation system allowing the user Mind’ and the ‘Flight’ Discipline, both of which can be
to stand up at an 85-degree angle from a seated position. found in older/Legacy editions of Vampire: The
Masquerade (VtM).
Combined with the supernatural properties of Kindred
vitae and Tremere knowledge, The Kindred Wheelchair For more information, see "Traversing Stairs" (page 22)
may also be used as a weapon, providing the vampire with a
means of physical defence and attack, putting them on an
equal playing field with everyone else.


“But it can be used as a weapon!” A Note From the Author

Again, unless you wish to remove everyone’s physical I shall reiterate that The Kindred Wheelchair is not meant for
weapons and characters tackling or driving cars into each disabled characters to be ‘better’ than more able-bodied ones. Inspired
other, this is perfectly fair. No one in their right mind by other systems that have their own battle wheelchairs (homebrew
would do this, would they? No, they would not. In order or otherwise), The Kindred Wheelchair was created to present the
not to leave the wheelchair-using Kindred at an immediate same opportunities for everyone. If you have any issues with disabled
disadvantage, The Kindred Wheelchair may be used as a people having fun and enjoying VtM playing characters that are
weapon. more like themselves, loving the game in more ways than they could
before, then it may well be helpful for you to look at the views that
For more information, see "Attacking" (page 17) you have about those with disabilities. There is nothing wrong with
being disabled and there is certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

“Disabled characters have never been in

Inclusivity is something that has always been strongly encouraged
Vampire: The Masquerade!”
within the World of Darkness games, and this certainly true with the
This is false.
most popular game, Vampire: The Masquerade. Open any of the
The Ventrue Primogen of New York City, Addison
books and find vampires of all colours, creeds and races who define
Payne (introduced in the visual novel ‘Vampire: The
themselves using many pronouns. This isn’t some 'Millennial
Masquerade - Shadows of New York’) is a wheelchair
Invasion'. This has been the case for 30 years (at the time of writing).
user who communicates through his servant.
Andrew Emory (introduced in ‘Clanbook Lasombra:
One of the most popular canonical characters is Sascha Vykos of
Revised Edition’) is a Lasombra who uses the tendrils
Clan Tzimisce, who is one of the vilest and twisted individuals to
called forth with Obtenebration/Oblivion to carry
exist in the game, and fans young and old love them for it. Sascha
himself, as he is disabled.
has identified themselves as both male and female throughout the
game’s history. Currently (as of the writing of this homebrew) Sascha
“Why would a vampire need a wheelchair? is a non-binary character. Should that change, I know the fans of the
Vampires can heal with their blood!" game will support their decision.
Not if the character requires a wheelchair before the
embrace or lacks body parts completely. It is not stated in
As encouraging as it is to see the diversity and celebration of all these
V5 (Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition) that Kindred different elements throughout the years with varying degrees of
can regrow body parts. Previous editions and STs are very success, there is one thing that has, for the most part, been
inconsistent with this rule also. remarkably absent from the game’s setting: disability. With this
homebrew, I wanted to challenge that mindset and encourage a
Furthermore, and most importantly of all, most disabled better representation of disability in these games, both physical and
people, whether they are a wheelchair user or not, do not neurological, so everyone can play characters that represent
want to be ‘fixed’. themselves.

The Kindred Wheelchair

In addition to The Kindred Wheelchair supplement, a Loresheet has been created to

encourage this positivity during sessions for those who may not want to use The Kindred
Wheelchair, but want to tackle this issue in a different and healthy manner.

If you don’t like this homebrew supplement, then DO NOT USE IT. It is meant for those
who wish to see themselves in VtM being the total badasses they are. Hopefully, that is
reflected positively within this product.

"We're not strong? Fuck you. I can bench press pricks like you easily. Dickhead."
-Taylor Thompson, challenging the Baron of Bristol

Specialty: Kindred Wheelchair

The Kindred Wheelchair was designed by The Thompson Note:
Twins (Taylor & Amber) to be easy to maintain and Some disabled people can use their legs for a short
upgrade. In case of any accidents or damages sustained period of time with and without assistance (some may
through combat, you may not easily be able to get hold of need a walking stick/crutches etc). Some have mobility
the twins (if your chronicle is based in the UK) or their issues where they can't support their weight standing
many consultants scattered across the world. unaided. Others have chronic pain, a chronic illness, or
Therefore, characters that use The Kindred Wheelchair other disabilities (such as Restricted Growth,
gain a Craft Specialty in ‘Kindred Wheelchair’ for repairs, sometimes known as Dwarfism) and may use
and a Melee Specialty in ‘Kindred Wheelchair’, in addition to wheelchairs to prevent more pain and fatigue.
any selected during character creation.

Portability & Versatility With each upgrade, the difficulty to pick up the chair
(determined by a Strength check) is increased by 1 (the
One of the best features of The Kindred Wheelchair is its
first upgrade is a difficulty of 4). A complete failure
portability. It is easy to fold away in the back of any vehicle,
means you are unable to lift up the chair, whilst more
should the space provided in the seating area not easily
failures than successes mean you will need assistance.
accommodate a wheelchair (such as most five-seated cars,
Your coterie and/or ghouls may be able to help (page
two-seated cars etc.).
122 of the V5 core book).
When folded up, the wheelchair is easy to carry. Serving as a
blend between manual, standing, and sports wheelchairs, The
Kindred Wheelchair weighs 40lbs/20kg (pounds/kilograms).
This is the wheelchair's Base Weight, meaning that all
Kindred can carry it with ease. Further attachments will add
to the weight and may cause the chair to be more
inconvenient to carry around and be more cumbersome to

The Chair

An Extension One's Self Slanted Wheels

These wheels provide easy passage over various different
Part of the creation process of The Kindred Wheelchair terrain types, as alas the world over, road and pavements are
involves the casting of a unique Ritual only taught to The never constantly smooth. The wheels bend slightly upwards
Thompson Twins’ most trusted of associates (see Become and inwards, which serves the purpose of dispersing weight
One With The Chair (page 23). evenly and giving the user good control.

When performing disciplines that alter one's appearance or Whilst not recommended for the Camarilla Kindred, purely on
affect the power, endurance, or other aspects of the aesthetic looks, upgrades are available to the wheels (see
Kindred's nature (such as Obfuscate, Protean, Fortitude, Upgrades (page 19).
etc.), the wheelchair is considered an extension of the user.
The duration of the discipline's power on the wheelchair is Pockets
the same as the stated duration in the power's description, Four pockets can be found on the frame of the wheelchair that
or until it is ended by the player. can be used to store handguns, mobile/cellphones etc. The
risky vampire could even store a blood bag for a short period.
Should the Kindred succumb to Final Death, the chair will After all, no one would suspect anything wrong with that. It be
begin to rust and decay at the same rate that the Kindred could part of a medical condition…
turns to ash. It cannot be used by any other Kindred, except
the one it was created for. Seat Levers
On the underside of both adjustable armrests are two levers
Blood Sorcery Rituals/Wards & Oblivion Ceremonies can that lift and tilt the seat, which allows the user to stand and
be cast on the chair, but only 1 Ritual or Ceremony can be face their adversary. It can also be used to make getting in and
placed on it at one time. out of the chair easier if the character does not have the upper
body strength to pull themselves into a standing position

The Chair's Anatomy straight from the sitting position.

Each wheelchair comes with a pair of tailor-made leather Seatbelts

gloves, to provide the user with some protection from To prevent the Kindred being knocked out of the chair during
friction from the chair’s push rims, and a bag for the combat, seatbelts are provided at the waist, shins and knees.
Cainite to store things, useful for the organised (and These belts are similar in design to modern car seatbelts.
disorganised) Kindred! Putting on or undoing all the belts takes one turn.

It has been mentioned numerous times that the chair is a

strange blend between modern sports wheelchairs and
The Kindred Wheelchair can be used as a Melee Weapon and
modern manual standing wheelchairs, but what does that
deals Superficial Damage with a damage value of +2. This may
mean with regards to the wheelchair's appearance?
involve striking them with a tyre, running straight at them
or rolling over a downed opponent. Should the attack roll
4 elements make up the chair’s basic structure:
be a critical success on a standing individual, you will knock
the target over and deal one additional point of superficial
damage. This includes other Kindred Wheelchair users.

If attacking with the wheelchair is accompanied by the use

of Celerity (more speed = more force) increase the damage
value by 1.

The Kindred Wheelchair

Durability Alternatively, if you are not able to reach them and/or

Fashioned around sports wheelchairs, The Kindred they are not easy to get to, you may attempt to fix the
Wheelchair can take quite the beating before it needs to chair yourself with an Intelligence + Craft roll, with the
be repaired by a representative of The Thompson Twin difficulty depending on how damaged the chair is. For
Enterprise (or yourself). It has also been strengthened by every person willing to help you, decrease the difficulty
unique polymers created by the Tremere to withstand by 1 and the time taken to fix it (which is specified by the
angry Kindred with the likes of Potence and Protean at ST), which will also depend upon the amount of damage
their disposal. that has been sustained.

This does not mean it is indestructible. There are a few Using these systems for damage causes immediate
ways players and STs can handle this in their games, problems. As the chair is truly an aspect of the Kindred,
providing they have their players permission to do so: do both chair and vampire take damage simultaneously?
Does one get hit first? Does all damage go directly to the
As the wheelchair is considered to be an extension of Kindred?
the Kindred, you may wish to have an element of the
chair break when the user’s health is below half If there is confusion during a session of how to divide up
(rounded down). damage, here are some suggestions:
The chair may break if the user is hit with 4 critical
successes or 2 messy criticals. Anything else won’t You may decide that the wheelchair should have its
damage the wheelchair. This damage is only ‘healed’ own ‘health’ that matches the player character.
when it is repaired. Damage can be divided between player and
An attack with a critical success harms the chair wheelchair. The player always receives more damage
normally as a regular attack aimed at the Kindred, than the chair unless the wheelchair is specifically
halved down, with any bonuses from disciplines targeted.
With the player’s explicit permission, you may choose Characters using Aura of Decay (Cults of The Blood
to have the chair break at a dramatically appropriate Gods, pages 205-6) causes everything around the vampire
moment. to rot and decay. Does this include the chair, or is that
impervious? Perhaps one user’s chair degrades and
Again, make sure that the player(s) consent to another's doesn’t? The implications of this would imply
Any of these options before implementing them! the powers of the Shroud that Oblivion calls upon affects
the user differently. Is one Kindred more ‘dead’ than
If you choose to adopt one of these methods and the another? Did The Thompson Twins steal more of the
chair breaks, you will need someone from The character’s soul (see page 23), or was some of it lost
Thompson Twin Enterprise, who is considered to be a •• during the Ritual?
Contact for the player character, to repair the damage.
Storytellers & Players are encouraged to work together to
come up with interesting outcomes.

Alternatively, you may choose to ignore these suggestions

and never have to worry about The Kindred Wheelchair
breaking at all. It is not a required part for everyone to
have fun.

The Chair

Obtaining The Wheelchair A Reminder:

The Kindred Wheelchair is only available to Kindred and
Despite the use of the word ‘Advantage’, The Kindred
is obtained through The Thompson Twins or their
Wheelchair does not give a disabled character any leads
associates, who are either their Ghouls or other Kindred,
over the more abled ones. All it does is allow disabled
usually belonging to Clan Tremere (but not always).
Kindred to do the things an abled character can. No
one should not be punished for something they cannot
You must have a minimum of •• Resources. It is specifically
help, control, change. Being punished for being
designed for the needs of the wheelchair-using Kindred,
disabled is heartless.
who often fight with other Kindred and aggressive
mortals, and money only means so much to Kindred. Any
repairs and/or upgrades are paid in the same way.
The ST could also opt to forgo the payment system and The Kindred Wheelchair was first offered to members of
encourage roleplay, where the representative of The Camarilla domains, as they were the ones to be the most
Thompson Twin Enterprise exchanges the wheelchair for supportive of the patent. Despite the fact that its main
trivial or minor boons (page 315 of the V5 corebook). selling point is a blatant Masquerade breach, it is said that
it was the negotiation skills of Amber that managed to
Regardless of the method, the Kindred that wishes to use convince Elysiums around the word to start providing
the wheelchair must also supply the ingredients for the these wheelchairs to its Kindred. Whatever was agreed
ritual that thaumaturgically binds them to the chair (see upon by the parties involved, it says a lot about the
Become One With The Chair (page 23). negotiating skills of these ‘Neonates’.

This assumes that your character is non-disabled and has Soon after the launch of the chairs, ghouls of The
to acquire a chair later into the chronicle, but what if Thompson Twins began informing them that Kindred of
your Kindred is disabled from the beginning? Perhaps all sects were making unofficial modifications, inspiring
they were born with a disability or illness, or maybe part them to start working on official upgrades for wheelchair-
of their origin story includes an accident or injury? The using vampires. They also knew who to get to test these
solution is simple: speak to your ST and have them grant upgrades out first. When Taylor trialled her aggressive
it to you at character creation, or have them run a prelude upgrades in an Anarch domain, she knew they would be
so that character is able to ‘earn’ them. receptive to the upgrades industrial designs. What wasn’t
expected was that the Camarilla would be as well.
In any case, there is no cost for acquiring the wheelchair
during the character creation process. However, if you There are a variety of upgrades available to the user, to
wish to add upgrades to it during character creation, each suit the needs of the Kindred in question. They are
upgrade should be treated as an Advantage Trait (page 137 completely optional. The Kindred Wheelchair may only
of the V5 corebook). have 2 upgrades on it at any one time. This prevents it
from being too cumbersome to carry and being too
suspicious to the general public. A list of common
upgrades have been left below, but it is encouraged for
players and STs to come up with their own creative
upgrades. The ST may choose to rule out certain upgrade

The Kindred Wheelchair

Riot Plates THE Kneecaps

Fashioned to resemble traditional riot shields, these small “Ha, nice kneepads, dipshit!” a stranger mocks, pointing at
but heavy metal plates are attached to the frame of the the Kindred’s spiked kneepads. Little did they know that
wheelchair to better protect it and the user's lower body. when the wheelchair-using Kindred rams into the stranger,
Regular riot shields and/or similar does not count as a they REALLY hurt! Combined with certain Blood Sorcery
means of protection, for they do not take the wheelchair’s powers, they can be lethal weapons. Bloodied metal knee
shape and the user’s body into account. spikes will create unwanted attention, and whilst simple
System: Raises the difficulty of being hit by 1, but uses of some disciplines may remove some of these
increases the difficulty of any wheelchair-based problems, fresh blood is not always easy to clean...
movements by 2. System: Add +2 Superficial Damage when you ram into
someone whilst wearing THE Kneecaps.
Created by a Malkavian in Venice, a tiny button is fixed Suppression Tyres
onto one of the armrests (user’s choice) which, when Not all clans have access to Obfuscate, and not all those
depressed, causes an inflatable boat begins to expand, who have it are willing to teach it. Amber knew this, which
allowing the character to float on bodies of water. This is why she created a set of lighter tyres that she dubbed
method of transportation is preferred over Traversing ‘Sneaky Wheels’. These tyres absorb the sounds of the
Stairs, as a floating wheelchair is far more believable than terrain beneath them, making them ideal for taking your
a flying one. It may, however, cause people to ask time and sneaking up on the enemy.
questions, and The Thompson Twins would not want you System: Lowers the difficult to any Stealth roll by 1,
to answer them... but the Kindred cannot run. Moving quickly and silently
System: Takes 1 turn to complete. If pierced, the chair cannot be circumvented with the use of Traversing Stairs
may begin to sink. (see page 22) or the use of Celerity as both cause noise
(defeating the purpose of the tyres).

"We are shunned from our society because of the way we look, but rarely are we elected for the Embrace for our
appearances. We're chosen for our merits. You are worthy of the embrace. No one may remove that from you."
-Malcolm Ashburn of Clan Nosferatu counselling a fledgling of his Clan

New Blood Sorcery The user is taught this Blood Sorcery power upon
acquiring their chair, regardless of whether the Kindred
knows the discipline or not.
Some have attempted to learn of this magic outside of
Traversing Stairs the Twins’ consent by trying to force the associates to give
The unique magic of Taylor & Amber Thompson has caused up the secret, but none have succeeded so far. It’s said that
much speculation amongst modern Kindred Scholars in everyone who knows this secret is protected by a
recent years. It is a magic unique to them, and they share this Thaumaturgical barrier that causes an instant mind wipe
only with their associates. Some rumours speculate that The on the intruder if they attempt forcing this information
Thompson Twins gained unusual powers when they sold from the caster, making them useful to no one.
their souls to a demon, whilst others claim they’re members
of Clan Hecata who ensnare Wraiths to command the chairs. Whatever the truth may be, The Thompson Twins are
A few scholars have hypothesised that the Twins are Banu certainly Kindred to be wary of...
Haqim, given their obsessive demand for blood payments.
Others believe these Neonates are not as young as they Cost: Free
appear, despite their youthful, sweet appearances. System: The user thinks ‘Ascend’ or ‘Descend’, and the
chair will begin to produce a low hum as it levitates no
Clan Tremere has issued no statement upon the matter. more than 2 feet above the ground. By thinking in the
direction they would like to move, they can travel as
When designing the chair, the fight against the most desired. When the Kindred has reached their destination,
irritating of enemies for the wheelchair user, the flight of they must think the word ‘Land’. This power is required
stairs, was one of the first things that The Thompson Twins when using the Celerity powers Fleetness, Blink & Split
wanted to address. What they conjured was a unique Blood Second (pages 253-4 of the V5 corebook). The hum the
Sorcery power to allow the chair to move in the air with only wheelchair creates can be silenced with certain discipline
the mental command of the user. powers.
Duration: One scene or until intentionally ended.

Powers & Loresheet

Come Hither! It is assumed that the soul of the user is divided between
The Thompson Twins first tested the combating chair and Kindred, a technique they developed whilst
capabilities by angering rival Anarch gangs and having studying in The Middle Kingdom.
them fight each other, manipulating the outcome of the
conflict. As the Twins heckled from a safe distance, they Some say it is down to how they prepare the users blood,
noted that the wheelchair-using Kindred were the first to which is why they refuse to spill the beans. Ultimately, no
fall and suffer the most. Following this observation came one knows the truth, and The Twins prefer to keep it
two modifications to the wheelchairs; the seatbelts and a that way...
means of summoning the wheelchair to the Kindred if Ingredients: A phial containing the wheelchair user’s
they are knocked some distance away from the blood, three strands of their hair (doesn’t matter where it
wheelchair. Like Traversing Stairs, the Kindred is taught is taken from), a strip of clothing and a ring belonging to
this upon obtaining the chair. and worn by the user.
Cost: Free/Rouse Checks (see below) System: The wheelchair-using Kindred puts on the
System: If the distance between Kindred and wheelchair ring on a finger of their choice and is seated in their
is no more than 10 metres/33 feet (approx), the Kindred chair. The alchemist makes deep incisions in their own
can summon the chair to their location with a mental left palm with a blade while chanting the ancient
command ('Here', 'Come Hither' etc.). The chair travels at scriptures taught by The Thompson Twins. As they do
a casual pace, but if the Kindred wants the chair to move this, they dip the ring into their bloody palm and smear a
with haste (as if the wheelchair user were running) one circle of blood on the ground, around the wheelchair-
must perform One Rouse Check. This can be used in using Kindred. After 10 minutes, the circle will begin to
conjuncture with “Traversing Stairs”, but an additional glow an unpleasant purple. The alchemist will pluck the
rouse check must be made as more of the Kindred’s three strands of hair and add them to the phial of the
concentration is required. wheelchair user’s blood, still chanting. They will pour
Duration: One turn half the vitae on the user’s head, and a quarter on the
strip of clothing that has been previously placed on the
chair. With more ancient chanting, the Kindred is now
New Ritual one with the chair. As for the remaining blood, that now
belongs to The Thompson Twins’ files. What happens to
it now is none of your concern...
Duration: Permanent, or until Final Death of the
Level 5 wheelchair user (see An Extension Of One’s Self (page

Become One With The Chair

All Kindred who come to The Thompson Twins’ or their
associates requesting for The Kindred Wheelchair have
their chair magically connected to them so that their
blood treats the chair as an extension of their body. No
one is sure how the Twins developed this or how they
choose the individuals to teach this incantation to, but
most agree that some dark magic is at play.

The Kindred Wheelchair

Taylor & Amber Thompson

As the three Tremere Houses bicker and squabble over who has the most magical authority, The Thompson
Twins have worked independently from the Houses whilst recruiting members from them and the other
clans to develop and distribute their wheelchairs across the world. Where Taylor fails at subtly, Amber
succeeds in tactful negotiations.
The Twins have always worked together, bringing different things and their distinct takes on Blood
Sorcery to their global enterprise. Taylor, who has been a wheelchair user for most of her life, is the public
face of the company, promoting the wheelchairs to the opposing factions, often using aggressive language to
knockdown stubborn mindsets. Then there is her younger wheelchair-using sister Amber, who was
embraced by Taylor following a horrific accident. She is what the fledgelings would call ‘the brains of the
company’. Quiet, reserved, and a deep thinker, she showed great promise before, but the fall of London
halted such official progress. She took herself, her sister Taylor, and their magic away during this time.
Not much is known of The Thompson Twins beyond their public personas, but some who have worked
with them would tell you that there is more to them than meets the eye. Such disloyal associates no longer
exist. Few can guess what Taylor & Amber are planning behind the scenes and how they have managed to
stay hidden from the Jyhad and the Second Inquisition. Many within the Camarilla & Anarchs suspect there
will be a civil war within Clan Tremere soon…

• Abelist Disabler ••• Taylor’s Apprentice Once per story, if you ask her anything
You are fully committed to The Taylor Thompson, the loose about Blood Sorcery or Oblivion
Thompson Twins’ mission to cannon, has taken a shine to you, Ceremonies, she will answer it
change mindsets and educate how for you are not afraid to stand up honestly. She is by no means a
we should support those who are for any minority, acting as their dedicated scholar, but she knows more
disabled within society. When voice. When defending a than most. Amber also serves as a
calmly educating those around disadvantaged party, or someone three-dot Mawla but only regarding
you, you gain 2 additional dice to with any disability, you may add the occult. Any information she gives
any Persuasion roll. 3 die to any Intimidation roll. A you will be expected with something of
critical success causes the equal weight in return…
•• Delivery Pigeon opponent to immediately end
Taylor & Amber task you to their argument. A Bestial Failure ••••• Wheelchair Maker (Tremere
regularly deliver materials, both results in a Frenzy check. Taylor Only)
mundane and supernatural, for also serves as a four-dot Mawla, You are one of Twin's trusted
their various contacts. Whether but only for purposes of Tremere associates and can construct The
this is done because they see you dealings within the Anarchs. Kindred Wheelchair for disabled
as a trusted asset or because you Kindred. You can learn the Ritual
have pissed them off is down for •••• Amber’s Apprentice “Become One With The Chair” and
you to decide. Either way, they Amber Thompson, the calm & perform it, providing you can learn
will be watching you and they composed one, has taken an Level 5 Rituals. They've given you a
will reward/punish you interest in you. She respects your great responsibility. Grave things will
appropriately. desire to study and improve your happen if you tell anyone who is
arcane knowledge, not pressured unworthy how to cast the ritual. The
by anyone besides yourself. Twins are always watching.

“Abled does not mean enabled. Disabled does not mean less abled.”
-Khang Kijarro Nguyen

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