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“Reforma del Presente con Visión de Futuro”


Nombre: Perla Tavarez.

Maestra: Vanessa Diaz.

Asignatura: ING-100-018.

Tema: Unit5

Matricula: 1-21-0088.
Exercise 1.
Guess an activity from the vocabulary, write the
correct form of the verb in present continuous tense.
1.You do this in the gym lifting weights.
2.You do this in a swimming pool swimming.
3.You play this with a ball playing.
4.It is like running jogging.
5.You do this in the mountains climbing.
6.You do this when you are tired taking a break.
Exercise 2.
Complete the message. Use the present continuous
tense of the verbs given.
Hi everyone. Sharpa
Perbat cooking (cook) dinner. Smells
great, Parbat! Matteo and Sherpa
tensing checking (check) the ropes. And
here is Ben. It looks like
he writing (write) in his daily diary. He
never misses a day. And Dan?
What Doing (do)? Ah, typical Dan.
He Taking (take) a nap.
Exercise 3.
Write the names of more sports.
Play Basketball, volleyball, soccer, golf, baseball.
Go Climbing, swimming, tennis, running.
Exercise 4
Circle the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1.Skiing is expensive. It (is costing/costs) a lot of
2.I (am needing/need) a new soccer shirt.
3.The kids (are playing/ play) in the garden at the
4.I dont like team games. I (am preferring/prefer)
individual sports.
Exercise 5.
Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1.Ashira does not like (not like) to go
2.I Playing (play) golf right now. Can I
call you back?
3.I like rock climbing but my
Friend Hating (hate) it.
4.Frederick cant come. He Fixing the car (fix the car).
Exercise 6.
Complete the sentences with me too or me neither,
I hate to be indoors all the time.
Me too, but it looks dangerous.
I dont want to die.
Me too! That s why we use ropes.
I dont want to repeat English 1. Me neither.
I want to finish the university. Me too.

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