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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading


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Comparison and Contrast

An essay in which the similarities and differences between
two or more subjects are highlighted is known as a compare-
and-contrast essay. This is perfect for showing how related
concepts or things are differentiated and unified, particularly
if they are often confused or unfairly grouped together.

ACTIVITY 1. Fill in the appropriate transitional words used in comparing and

contrasting ideas.

in the same
likewise furthermore as well as besides

in contrast in truth while however but

1. Regular brisk walking does wonder for your overall heart health. _______ it
contributes to the betterment of your mental health.
2. I don’t think I’ll ever quit eating dark chocolates. ________ I exercise daily
and take great care of my teeth.
3. The number of college-educated people is on the rise ______ the number of
women in the engineering field.
4. Islam believers adhered that there is only one God in existence.
____________, Christianity believers do the same.
5. The average life expectancy is lesser than it was 20 years ago. ______studies
have shown that people are also sickly now.

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in the same
likewise furthermore as well as besides

in contrast in truth while however but

6. Both vegans and vegetarians avoid the consumption of meat. _________ the
former also avoids all animal products in all instances.

7. Everyone expects life to run smoothly all the time. ___________ it is filled with
unexpected series of events.

8. Same-sex marriage is on the rise now ___________ so is resistance to it.

9. People who play basketball are generally quite tall. _________, gymnasts and
jockeys are typically short.

10. Buddhists preach the concept of reincarnation and nirvana ______ Christians
strongly believe in the afterlife.

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ACTIVITY 2. Read both versions of the Legend of Banana. Then, compare and
contrast them by using the template below.

The Legend of Banana - Version A

In a small peaceful kingdom down south, a beautiful princess lives. Near the
kingdom’s castle is a small forest with beautiful flowers. The princess spends
her time there picking the most exquisite and rare that she can find. Although
she has her own piece of garden near the palace, the princess prefers visiting
the strange forest during siesta time to take a peaceful stroll and enjoy nature.

One day, she met a handsome man garbed in princely clothes. Although a
stranger, the beautiful princess fell in love at first sight at the handsome
gentleman. The stranger asked her name and introduced himself afterwards. He
said, “I am Prince Aging, and I live in a nearby kingdom, Your Majesty. If it is not
too much to ask, I would like to know thy name?”

The princess gave her hand for the prince to plant a kiss and gave her sweetest
smile and replied, “I am Mariang Maganda, a princess of this kingdom. Where is
this kingdom you are talking about, Prince Aging”. The prince replied sadly, “It
is deep in the forest where no human can enter.”

A friendship immediately grew. Everyday, the princess would wait for the prince
in the forest and they would spend long hours together. One day, the Prince
confesses his love for the Princess. The prince held her hand and said,” Oh,
Princess Mariang Maganda, I love you so much”. The princess replied with the
same emotion, “I love you too, my prince.” She was about to add that she has
been smitten by the prince since the first time they met when the tears on the
prince’s eyes dropped.

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The prince sadly bade her goodbye and started to leave. Confused, the
princess asked him, “But why are you so sad, my love?” The prince voiced out a
very sad reply, “I have to go now, my love. I have to go home before it’s too late.
If I don’t make it to our kingdom, I won’t be able to go home forever.” As he
turned his back, the princess shouted after him,” Are you going back to see me?
Will I see you tonight? I will wait in my garden for your return, my prince.” The
prince gave a nod and left hastily.

The prince came back before midnight. The happiness that the princess felt
upon seeing her prince was priceless. They hold each other tightly and look
into each other's eyes. They talked about many things and told each other
about their undying love. Time passed by so swiftly that the prince gave a start
when he realized that it was near daybreak.

He held the princess in his arms and told her that he was about to leave. The
princess touches his arms and holds his hands tightly, “Are you coming back?”
The prince replied gravely, “I don’t know, my love. But please, always remember
that you are the only woman I will ever love.”

The princess tried to stop him from leaving by holding his hand firmly. The
prince tried to let go of the hands that were grabbing him tightly when
suddenly he was gone! All that was left are the prince’s hands that she was
firmly holding. Frightened and shocked, she buried the two hands in her garden
and retired for the night full of sorrow. Days passed, the princess waited for her
prince charming to return. Then she noticed a strange plant in her garden. The
plant grew tall and bore fruits as she waited in vain. The fruits, to her surprise,
were very similar to the hands of the prince. It dawned on her that Prince Aging
is not coming back. The fruit was later on called Banana.

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The Legend of Banana - Version B

There once lived a couple by the sea. They had a beautiful daughter named
Juana. Under the loving care of his parents, Juana grew up with many suitors
and admirers. One of Juana’s suitors was a fellow named Aging. At first, Juana
and Aging were just friends but their friendship blossomed into love.

When Juana’s father knew about their love affair, he told Juana not to see
Aging again. In spite of this, the two lovers found ways to see each other again.
Early one evening, Juana’s father arrived from the field where he had been
working all day. To his surprise, he saw Aging by the window of the house. The
sight of Aging made the father angry. Quickly, he reached the window, and with
his sharp bolo, he struck Aging on the arm; down fell Aging’s arm. Then, Aging
rushed out of the house followed by Juana who was running after him while
crying and calling Aging’s name at the same time.

Juana was not able to find Aging. After she had comforted herself, she went
back to the house; took Aging’s hand, and buried it in the yard.

The next morning, the father went to the garden and noticed a strange plant.
She called her daughter Juana and asked what this strange plant was doing in
the garden. The plant had wide green leaves and yellow fruit shaped like
clustered fingers. He shouted in surprise and called Juana to come down.

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“What plant is this?” asked the father. “I’ve never seen a plant like this before,”
the father exclaimed. Upon seeing the plant, Juana remembered the arm she
buried the night before. The name of her beloved Aging kept lingering on her
mind. Then and there, Juana said, “This plant is Aging.” “It is the arm of Aging,”
she shouted.

From that time on, the plant with clustered fingers fruits came to be known as
Aging, which was later changed to SAGING.

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ACTIVITY 3. Read the biographies of the two most famous persons in the world.
Compare and contrast them using the Venn Diagram.

A. The Biography of Bill Gates:

Bill Gates , in full William Henry Gates III , (born October 28, 1955, Seattle,
Washington, U.S.), American computer programmer and entrepreneur who co-
founded Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest personal-computer software

Gates wrote his first software program at the age of 13. In high school, he
helped form a group of programmers who computerized their school’s payroll
system and founded Traf-O-Data, a company that sold traffic-counting systems
to local governments. In 1975 Gates, then a sophomore at Harvard University,
joined his hometown friend Paul G. Allen to develop software for the first
microcomputers. They began by adapting BASIC, a popular programming
language used on large computers, for use on microcomputers. With the
success of this project, Gates left Harvard during his junior year and, with Allen,
formed Microsoft. Gates’s sway over the infant microcomputer industry greatly
increased when Microsoft licensed an operating system called MS-DOS to
International Business Machines Corporation—then the world’s biggest
computer supplier and industry pacesetter—for use on its first microcomputer,
the IBM PC (personal computer). After the machine’s release in 1981, IBM
quickly set the technical standard for the PC industry, and MS-DOS likewise
pushed out competing operating systems. While Microsoft’s independence
strained relations with IBM, Gates deftly manipulated the larger company so
that it became permanently dependent on him for crucial software. Makers of
IBM-compatible PCs, or clones, also turned to Microsoft for their basic software.
By the start of the 1990s, he had become the PC industry’s ultimate kingmaker.

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Largely on the strength of Microsoft’s success, Gates amassed a huge paper

fortune as the company’s largest individual shareholder. He became a paper
billionaire in 1986, and within a decade his net worth had reached into the tens
of billions of dollars—making him by some estimates the world’s richest private
individual. With few interests beyond software and the potential of information
technology, Gates at first preferred to stay out of the public eye, handling civic
and philanthropic affairs indirectly through one of his foundations.
Nevertheless, as Microsoft’s power and reputation grew, and especially as it
attracted the attention of the U.S. Justice Department’s antitrust division, Gates,
with some reluctance, became a more public figure. Rivals (particularly in
competing companies in Silicon Valley) portrayed him as driven, duplicitous,
and determined to profit from virtually every electronic transaction in the world.
His supporters, on the other hand, celebrated his uncanny business acumen,
his flexibility, and his boundless appetite for finding new ways to make
computers and electronics more useful through software.

All of these qualities were evident in Gates’s nimble response to the sudden
public interest in the Internet. Beginning in 1995 and 1996, Gates feverishly
refocused Microsoft on the development of consumer and enterprise software
solutions for the Internet, developed the Windows CE operating system
platform for networking non-computer devices such as home televisions and
personal digital assistants, created the Microsoft Network to compete with
America Online and other Internet providers, and, through Gates’s company
Corbis, acquired the huge Bettmann photo archives and other collections for
use in electronic distribution.


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B. The Biography of Mark Zuckerberg:

Mark Zuckerberg , in full Mark Elliot Zuckerberg , (born May 14, 1984, White
Plains, New York, U.S.), an American computer programmer who is a co-founder
and CEO (2004– ) of Facebook, a social networking Web site.

After attending Phillips Exeter Academy, Zuckerberg enrolled at Harvard

University in 2002. On February 4, 2004, he launched
(renamed Facebook in 2005), a directory in which fellow Harvard students
entered their own information and photos into a template that he had devised.
Within two weeks half of the student body had signed up. Zuckerberg’s
roommates, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes helped him add features and
make the site available to other campuses across the country. Facebook quickly
became popular as registered users could create profiles, upload photos and
other media, and keep in touch with friends. Its difference from other social
networking sites, however, is its emphasis on real names (and e-mail
addresses), or “trusted connections.” It also laid particular emphasis on
networking, with information disseminated not only to each individual’s
network of friends but also to friends of friends—what Zuckerberg called the
“social graph.”

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In the summer of 2004, the trio moved their headquarters to Palo Alto,
California, where Zuckerberg talked venture capitalist Peter Thiel into giving
them seed money. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard to concentrate on the
fledgling company, of which he became CEO and president. In May 2005
Facebook received its first major infusion of venture capital ($12.7 million).
Four months later Facebook opened to registration by high-school students.
Meanwhile, foreign colleges and universities also began to sign up, and by
September 2006 anyone with an e-mail address could join a regional network
based on where he or she lived. About that time Zuckerberg turned down a $1
billion buyout offer from Yahoo!, but in 2007 Facebook struck a deal with
Microsoft in which the software company paid $240 million for a 1.6 percent
stake in Facebook; two years later Digital Sky Technologies purchased a 1.96
percent share for $200 million. In 2008 Zuckerberg’s net worth was estimated
at about $1.5 billion. After Facebook’s initial public offering (IPO) of stock in
2012, Zuckerberg’s net worth was estimated at more than $19 billion.


In what way are they similar? In what way are they different? Use the Venn
diagram to express your thoughts.

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading

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Performance Task 1. Prepare a short essay comparing and contrasting the role of
parents in the family. Please be guided by the matrix below.




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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading

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Your essay will be rated based on the following rubric:

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Performance Task 2. Oral Reading Fluency - READ ALOUD

Oral reading fluency means being able to read a text quickly, accurately, and with
expression. Recording and reading aloud is a good strategy for becoming a more fluent

Directions: To practice reading fluently:

1. Set a timer for 40 seconds;
2. Read the passage as quickly and accurately as possible;
3. Mark the last word you read when the timer goes off;
4. Practice more until you are able to read the entire passage for the whole 40
seconds, without missing a word.
5. Refer to your teacher for his/her modified instructions (if any) and for the
submission process.

To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,

In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock,
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock,
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
A dull, dark dock, a life-long lock,
A short, sharp shock, a big black block!
To sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison,
And awaiting the sensation
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!
-W.S. Gilbert, The Mikado
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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading

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