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Early political and military career

The Captaincy General of Guatemala became independent from Spain in

1821. It was at this time that Francisco Morazán began to take an active part in
politics. He worked in the Tegucigalpa city hall, where he served as secretary to
Mayor Narciso Mallol and as public defender in judicial cases in civil and criminal
matters, among other things. This allowed Morazán to acquire a great knowledge of
the structure and functioning of the public administration of the province. This also
allowed him to come into close contact with the problems of colonial society. 

On November 28, 1821, a note from General Agustín de Iturbide arrived in

Guatemala suggesting that the Kingdom of Guatemala, and the Viceroyalty of
Mexico, form a large empire under the Plan of Iguala and the Treaties of
Córdoba . 24 The Provisional Advisory Board stated that this was not an immediate
order to make such a determination, but rather an option; so it was necessary to
explore the will and listen to the opinion of the people of Central America.  25 With this
idea, open councils were held in different parts of the Kingdom, since the new form
of government had to be decided by the congress that would meet in 1822.

The issue of annexation to Mexico caused divisions within each of the

provinces since some cities were in favor of it and others against it. In Honduras, for
example, Comayagua ―through its governor José Tinoco de Contreras― ruled in
favor of annexation; but Tegucigalpa, the second most important city in the province,
opposed the idea of it. 24This caused Tinoco to take repressive actions against the
authorities of that city. Faced with this situation, an army of volunteers was organized
in Tegucigalpa in order to counter Tinoco's aggressiveness and defend his
Early political and military career
THE CAPTAINCY GENERAL of Guatemala became independent from Spain in
1821. It was at this time that Francisco Morazán
began to take an active part in politics. He worked in
the Tegucigalpa city hall, where he served as
secretary to Mayor Narciso Mallol and as public
defender in judicial cases in civil and criminal
matters, among other things. This allowed Morazán
to acquire a great knowledge of the structure and
functioning of the public administration of the
province. This also allowed him to come into close
contact with the problems of colonial society. 

ON NOVEMBER 28, 1821, a note from General Agustín de Iturbide arrived in

Guatemala suggesting that the Kingdom of
Guatemala, and the Viceroyalty of Mexico, form a
large empire under the Plan of Iguala and
the Treaties of Córdoba . 24 The Provisional Advisory
Board stated that this was not an immediate order to
make such a determination, but rather an option; so
it was necessary to explore the will and listen to the
opinion of the people of Central America. 25 With this
idea, open councils were held in different parts of
the Kingdom, since the new form of government had
to be decided by the congress that would meet in


HE ISSUE OF ANNEXATION to Mexico caused divisions within

each of the provinces since some cities were in favor of it and
others against it. In Honduras, for
example, Comayagua ―through its governor José Tinoco de
Contreras― ruled in favor of annexation; but Tegucigalpa, the second most
important city in the province, opposed the idea of it. 24This caused Tinoco to take
repressive actions against the authorities of that city. Faced with this situation, an
army of volunteers was organized in Tegucigalpa in order to counter Tinoco's
aggressiveness and defend his independence.

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