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Stars Without Number Character Sheet

Name Archie P. Puck Administer Pilot Work Hitpoints / Conditions Max: Attributes
Connect Program Biopsionics 3 (-2) | 4-7 (-1) | 8-13 (+0) | 14-17 (+1) | 18 (+2)
Background Technician Exert 0 Punch Metapsionics
STR 17 +1
Fix 1 Shoot Precognition
Heal Sneak 0 Telekinesis
(1D6 + Con) x Level Warriors: Additional +2 per level DEX 8 +0
Know 0 Stab Telepathy
Lead Survive Teleportation System Strain Permanent:
Class Expert 10 CON 10 +0
Notice Talk 0
Perform Trade
INT 14 +1
+3sp per lvl (Experts: +1 bonus non-combat) Cost: new value + 1 Max: +2 at lvl 3 | +3 at lvl 6 | +4 at lvl 9 Max = CON
Level 1 XP
Warrior = +Lvl | Other = +(Lvl ÷ 2) Saves WIS 11 +0
Base Atk Bonus ++0 Partial Warrior = +1 at lvl 1 & lvl 5
Skill Points
Physical Evasion Mental
Homeworld Lvl 2 = 3xp Lvl 7 = 39xp
Never been CHA +0
Lvl 3 = 6xp Lvl 8 = 54xp 9
Foci +1 Focus at lvl 2, lvl 5, lvl 7 & lvl 10 14 14 15
Employer Stallmark Lvl 4 = 12xp Lvl 9 = 72xp
Lvl 5 = 18xp Lvl 10 = 93xp Boosts: 1st: 1sp (lvl 1) | 2nd: 2sp (lvl 1)
DIPLOMAT: Talk +1. You speak all languages common to the sector and learn Lvl 16 - lvl - [Str | Con] 16 - lvl - [Dex | Int] 16 - lvl -[Wis | Cha] 3rd: 3sp (lvl 3) | 4th: 4sp (lvl 6) | 5th: 5sp (lvl 9)
Species You wouldn't know him Lvl 6 = 27xp Lvl 11+ = +24 new ones in a week (fluent in month). Reroll 1s on checks related to diplomacy.
Cybernetics / Innate Abilities
Weapons Range and Ammo Total Atk Bonus
SPECIALIST: +1 any non-combat, non-psychic skill. Roll Lvl
3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill. 1
Name Spear
+−1 1d6+2
Shock: 3/AC13 Lvl
Name Knife
+−1 1d4+1
Psionic Techniques +1 on new Psychic Skill Lvl
Shock: 2/AC15 Lvl
Readied Items Max Enc = STR ÷ 2

Name Primitive hide armor w/ shield AC


Name Primitive hide armor AC

13 Psionic Effort Effort: 1 + Highest Psychic Skill + Highest of Wis or Con Max:
Mods 0
Credits Debts
Name Unarmored w/ shield AC 500 credits
Stowed Equipment (Backpack) Max Enc = STR Notes to Remember Noteworthy Achievements
Spear 1
Primitive hide armor 1

Primitive shield 2

Knife 1
Backpack (TL0) 1

7 days rations 3

20m rope 2

Vehicle, Robot, and Drone Details Aliases / ID’s

Non-Encumbering Equipment
Contacts and Allies

Equipment in Storage Starship Details

Languages Known

Current Goals

Assets / Owned Property To get one of his many innovations

in greeting card design approved
by the short-sighted, unenlightened
board of directors.

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