HW Stretchgoals Descentintothedark v0.5

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The Deck of Many Presents


Descent into the Dark


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Writing and Game Design:Holly Conrad Front Cover Illustrator:Derek Murphy
Additional Writing: Andrea Bruce Cartographer:Hugo Solis
Editing:Andrea Bruce, Jordan Richer, TR Rowe, Interior Illustrators:Christina Kraus, Derek
Ricardo Evangelho Murphy, Frank Wade, Ilse Gort, Irina Nordsol,
Art Director:Leesha Hannigan Julia Metzger, Xander Brown, Holly Conrad

Graphic Designer:Rajaa Al-Subairi



Humblewood: Descent into the Dark is Copyright © 2020 Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. All rights reserved. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of
Hit Point Press Inc. in Canada, US and other countries. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material
or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express permission of Hit Point Press Inc. Reference to
other copyrighted material in no way constitues a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material.
Hit Point Press, The Deck of Many, Humblewood and its associated logos are trademarks of Hit Point Press Inc.
First Printing. Printed in Canada.
Descent into the Dark
This adventure is split into three parts. In Part 1: Trouble
INTRODUCTION in the Trunk Market, a child is attacked by hostile slimes.
In the dim roots of Alderheart, Lendarick Rootborn, a
Speaker Bita, aware that this is not an isolated event, asks the
small luma with red-tipped wings, tried to save too many
adventurers to investigate and, if possible, address the root
lives at the cost of his own. Lendarick, a talented mage, was
cause. Providing the party with a sample of the unusual slime,
a constant presence among the poorest of folk of Alderheart.
Bita proposes that Winnowing Reach and a renowned slime
He gained the trust of those who trusted the least and helped
researcher is the characters’ best bet.
those who thought they could never be helped. Lendarick had
Part 2: Stirring Up the Past leads the party to Gurt, a
a particular fascination with slimes and their use in potions
hedge who has established a slime emporium in the branches
and metamorphosis. Binding the slimes to his will, Lendarick
of the Reach. After a spot of tea, Gurt has an unexpected
gifted them with new abilities or transformed them so they
breakthrough and advises that an old friend, Sage, may have
could tidy up the roots of the Great Tree City.
some answers. Gurt fears that their old friend Lendarick may
Coming from the Underfall and growing up in terrible
be involved in this mess.
poverty, Lendarick wanted those who lived there now to have
In the roots of Alderheart, Part 3: Into the Heart of
better lives and feel safe. He wished for all to have beautiful,
Alderheart introduces the characters to Sage, who, once learn-
fungus-free homes filled with light, and any food and drink
ing of the party’s involvement with the slimes, accompanies
they could imagine. Motivated in part by the guilt of leaving
them to the Underfall and the last place she saw Lendarick. In
to study at the prestigious Avium, Lendarick’s wishes came
Lendarick’s old haunt, the party finds that Lendarick’s compas-
true, and the roots began to thrive because of his work. Those
sion has turned him into the brutish Slime King. In order to
who used the roots for crime and held corrupt positions
stop Alderheart’s slime plague, the party must dispatch the
of power started to leave, moving on or reconsidering their
slime sovereign.
crooked trade as it became less profitable. Lendarick believed
he was making a better life for those he had left behind. BACKGROUND
Unfortunately, in his efforts to help, Lendarick trifled with Alarming events involving slimes have been causing
powers that were too unknown and too strong. In controlling turmoil in Alderheart. Without a reliable explanation for the
the slimes with dark magic, he himself changed into something slime invasion, clues point to a missing community leader. The
“not-as-he-was.” These magics were beyond the Amaranthine adventurers are tasked with investigating the infestation.
and beyond the knowledge of the Avium. Lendarick refused
to eat and drink as the magics deepend his obsession with ADVENTURE HOOKS
the plight of others. Weakend, the slimes began to overpower Consider using the following adventure hooks to set up
Lendarick’s body and mind. The slimes that were tending the this adventure. Each hook presented here is aimed at one
roots began to attack innocent folk, consuming them or, worse, of the three pillars of play (Social Interaction, Combat, and
maiming them with acrid ooze. Crime returned to the roots, Exploration). Use whichever best suits the playgroup, or create
and Lendarick and his slimes disappeared to somewhere dark an original hook!
and forgotten. A Familiar Friend. The party comes across a small crowd
No one knows what happened to Lendarick. The rumors of children huddled together, obviously up to some sort
in the deepest tunnels of the roots suggest that at best he died of mischief. At the center of the crowd is a young jerbeen
and at worst he lurks in the dark depths, transformed into showing off his new slime friend. Thankfully the slime, large
something foul, full of slime and vengeance. enough for the small jerbeen to ride, is kind toward the kids,
Will Lendarick be rescued or be doomed to an eternal but where did it come from?
slumber among the roots of Alderheart? A Blobby Bounty. The party overhears a gaggle of Perch
Guards talking about rumors of increased slime sightings near
OVERVIEW the trunk market. One young guard is heard saying she’s going
Descent into the Dark is an adventure for four characters to attempt to claim the bounty for herself.
of 6th to 8th level that explores the almost lifeless hollows of A Messy Crime. Things have been taken from trunk market
Alderheart’s Underfall. stalls. The culprit leaves behind a trail of green sludge.
The story centers around the story of three friends—
Gurt, Sage, and Lendarick—and how one’s martyrdom can
lead to ruin.

Descent into the Dark 3

Part 1: Trouble in the Trunk Market
The adventure begins in the trunk market, a hub of commerce If the party pursues the fleeing cursed slime, they catch
within the Great Tree City of Alderheart. up easily. As soon as they reach the fleeing slime, three
more cursed slimes rise out of the branches to join the fight.
THE YOUNG ADMIRER After defeating the slimes and rescuing the strig child, the
The marketplace is filled with the cheeps, chirps, and party returns to find Speaker Bita freed from the slime and
chatter of birdfolk and humblefolk, all enjoying a sunny, late surrounded by Perch Guards, clutching an injured arm.
summer evening in the great bazare. The smell of roasting Regardless of her injuries, Bita applauds the party for rescuing
fires and juicy baked pies is thick in the air as folk are handed the young strig.
treats and strange concoctions from the colorful food stands. A If the party makes no attempt to aid the young strigand
small strig, barely out of the nest, trundles up to the party with instead goes to help the speaker, Speaker Bita is angry that the
curious yellow eyes. Holding a frozen treat in their talons, they players decided to help her and not the child.
stare at the party’s weapons and armor in awe as if they’d never Regardless of the outcome, Speaker Bita wants to get to the
seen anything so spectacular. council chambers as quickly as possible. Her mood depends
After a while, the young strig toddles off slowly toward on how the encounter was resolved. If the party made no effort
their father. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check to help the child, the speaker is furious and does not entertain
reveals that the child is walking toward what looks like an any small talk while hurrying to the council chambers. If the
iridescent puddle of black water. party rescued the child, she walks with her uninjured arm
A caustic smell starts to fill the area, causing the youngster around the young strig’s shoulder, keeping them calm and
to drop their treat on the walkway. A slimy tentacle reaches distracted from the surrounding chaos.
from a nearby branch and snatches up the confection, startling
the little owlet. Screeching, the young one runs for cover. As
the small birdfolk retreats, their tiny talon nicks a cursed
slime, making the slime erupt forth and engulf the strig.
A snow-white luma with a long, flashy tail and a gaggle of
other important-looking birdfolk race toward the commotion.
Speaker Bita and a few council members have arrived to assess
the threat. As they approach the captive strig, another cursed
slime bursts from a fissure in the wood, engulfing Speaker Bita
and stopping the other council members completely in their
tracks. Bystanding folk scatter, screaming in a panic, leaving
the party to face the creatures alone.


As the crowd flees, you see Speaker Bita struggling

to escape the grasp of a strange ooze. She gestures
wildly toward the young string being dragged away and
shouts, “Don’t worry about me; I can handle myself!
Save the child!”

The cursed slime that grabbed the young strig is carrying

the terrified child away at full speed and will be out of sight
very soon. Speaker Bita is brave and stubborn but will not last
long against the other cursed slime.
The party has to act fast. If unpursued, the cursed slime
carrying the child is out of view in three rounds, after which
it is difficult to track down. If Speaker Bita is left unaided,
a sticky slime arrives in two rounds and starts attacking
her as well.

4 Descent into the Dark

BAFFLING TIMBER SAP If the young strig was taken by the slimes,their mourning
Heading to the council chambers, the party’s attention is parents are found outside the chambers talking to some Perch
drawn to slime seeping out of the great Evertree. Speaker Bita Guards. Anyone hearing the scared and grieving parents would
has been conducting routine inspections of the trunk market be heartless to not offer assistance. The parents, Merle and
due to some rumors of a smuggling ring. During these inspec- Morris Mossbow, are two local strig who own a small book-
tions, she noticed a strange slime coating the walls and streets shop in the market. They beg anyone who listens to help bring
of Alderheart. Anything that could ooze through the trunk of their little owlet, Stoa, back.
the tree was cause for grave concern, but she didn’t expect to After being escorted from the chambers back to the
encounter violent slimes in the busy market. The Speaker asks market, the party can either rest for the night or head out
the party if they would be willing to help solve the renegade to Winnowing Reach. If the party lodges at an inn, in the
slime problem, promising to compensate them handsomely. night, their loggings are attacked by slime (see the “Inn
Since the party came to the aid of the City, each party Intrusion” section).
member is rewarded with a recall crystal. This small clear
crystal allows the holder to teleport back to the Alderheart INN INTRUSION
council chambers if they are in need of assistance or must get While two cursed slimes attack the bottom floor of the
out of a bind. inn, a party member wakes up with a sticky slime on their
face. Roll a die to determine which party member gets slimed.
Recall Crystal The slimed party member won’t be able to breathe and has to
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) make a DC 12 Strength check to get the slime off or suffer the
effects of being underwater until the slime is removed. The
As an action, you can use this small clear crystal to teleport
character can attempt the check at the start of each of its turns.
yourself back to the Alderheart council chambers.
If the slimes are dispatched, the innkeeper gives the party
Once used, this item cannot be used again until you finish
10 gp for saving the inn. If the party leaves before the slimes
a long rest.
are defeated, there is no reward.

The grand council chambers’ plaza is atop a stair-

case and woven into the boughs of Alderheart. The sun
filters through the branches and reflects off the large
domed roof of the intricately carved building. The plaza
is filled with many folk in ceremonial robes, talking in
hushed voices. Speaker Bita leads you through the plaza,
the outer chambers, and past two burly strig guards into
her private quarters.
The Speaker sits down.
“Ah yes,” Speaker Bita begins, using a delicately painted
claw to pull a viscous piece of slime off of the hem of her
robes, “this should do for a sample, no?” A nearby luma
quickly puts the specimen into a glass vial and corks it,
handing it to you for safekeeping.
“I need you to travel to Winnowing Reach and search
out Gurt Hollowfen, one of best slime researchers in the
Reach. Take this sample to them. Gurt should have an
idea as to why these slimes are so aggressive. I’d appre-
ciate it if you’d hurry, before the whole of Alderheart
is covered in this...mess. I’ve never seen these slimes
before, and they seem to be propagating faster than
we can stop them.”

Bita offers each party member 50 gp and a token

of favor. The token, a gold medal with the crest of
Alderheart, denotes that in exchange for a favor, the
aid of the council may be relied upon.

Descent into the Dark 5

Part 2: Stirring Up the Past
The road to Winnowing Reach is peaceful this time of year
as summer wanes and fall begins. Trees are only now turning
amber and gold at the tips, and the air is still warm. Merchants
with their pull-carts blurt out hearty hellos to fellow travellers.
Encounters on the trail can either be charming and easygoing
or frightening. Roll a d10 to determine the encounter.

Pleasant Encounter Chart

d10 Encounter
1 The party comes across a lemonade stand run by a mother mapach and her daughter.
2 On the road there’s a large patch of snow mysteriously covering the ground. Near it are two large sleds made of wood.
3 A doll that looks like a strig in armor is found on the road. There’s a tag on it that reads “Riffin Plush.”
4 There are two jerbeens fixing a wagon at the side of the road. A successful DC 12 Strength check repairs the wagon.
The jerbeen reward the party with two loaves of freshly baked bread.
5 A small stream runs by the path. A gallus family is having a boat race. Adults and children alike are running along
with the small ships made of leaves. If someone in the party has control water or similar elemental magic, they can
help one of them win the race.

Unpleasant Encounter Chart

d10 Encounter
6 A rainstorm hits, muddying the road and making it impossible to continue. The party must seek shelter for two
hours until the rain stops. Perhaps it’s time for an uncomfortable conversation?
7 Two vulpin are arguing on the road, their wagons clearly damaged from running into each other. With a DC 14
Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) check, the vulpin can be persuaded to continue on their way,
otherwise they start throwing fruit at each other from their carts until the party leaves.
8 A cursed slime, injured with a few arrows, comes out of the forest to attack the party.
9 Three sticky slimes are attacking a traveling jerbeen and her son. The mother cries out for help as the party finds
them. If saved, they thank their protectors with a bushel of apples.
10 The road is blocked by a cursed slime with an emberbat inside of it. The emberbat, although unable to move while
trapped inside the slime, is still dangerous. Once the slime is destroyed, the freed emberbat must also be defeated.

Just north of the inn is Gurt Hollowfen’s emporium. The

WELCOME TO SLIMETOWN emporium, an acorn-shaped structure with a round door, is
suspended between two large weeping willows.
Within Winnowing Reach, folk are bustling around
the Reach’s branches, busily carrying glass vats of slime GURT’S EMPORIUM
or warm food and pastriesw. Here in the swamp, the Inside of Gurt’s Emporium, patrons are greeted by a mish-
trees are droopy and the air is humid. Birdfolk and mash of vials, trinkets, and strange mapach contraptions. The
humblefolk are bartering on high-up canopy bridges, front of the shop is adorned with perfectly arranged bottles of
shouting loudly at each other in cheerful tones. It’s a shifting, colorful slime, while every corner of the back of the
lively trade town with a purpose, and it is obvious that emporium is cluttered with slime being distilled, boiled, and
slimes have touched every corner of life here. stored. The organized wares are all tagged with worn parch-
ment paper, characterizing the contents’ properties in long,
beautiful handwriting. The bottle’s contents can be identified
There’s a cozy inn with a sign announcing its name: The with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. Most
Wrangler’s Rest. Bright lights flicker in the window, and soft bottles hold common slime residue, but some of the labels
lute music spills out through the cracked front door. boast of more magical and potent slime rarities.

6 Descent into the Dark

Slime Potions Available mative properties of slime, and the cursed slimes sound like
Lendarick’s experiments.
Potion Effect As Lendarick became more and more distant because of the
Lesser draught of When consumed, the creature gains experiments, Gurt found themselves ready to move their shop
feather shine advantage on all Charisma checks for to Winnowing Reach, drawn by the potential profits of the
24 hours. slime-filled region. Gurt and Lendarick parted with no hard
Cream of ooze When applied, the cream causes a presti- feelings between them, but Gurt knew that their path was no
moisturizing digitation-like effect on the user, cleaning longer entwined with that of the reckless luma.
face serum any grime or dirt from the user’s face. Although they had not been in touch, Gurt had heard
shocking murmurs about Lendarick’s disappearance: Lendarick
Anti-boil cream Works like a standard healing potion, had been transformed by his work into something monstrous.
healing 2d4 + 2 hit points when applied. Gurt, while not surprised by the rumours, knew how the whis-
Talon tincture When applied, the creature gains advan- pers hurt Sage. Gurt believes Sage had feelings for Lendarick
tage on all Dexterity checks for 24 hours. and wanted the best for Lendarick despite his unhealthy obses-
Fur/feather/hair When applied to a creature’s feathers, sion with helping others. Eventually, even Sage lost faith that
dye (any color) fur, or hair, it is permanently dyed Lendarick would heal from his compulsion to sacrifice himself
and the creature gains +2 to Charisma for the benefit of others.
saving throws. With a successful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) or
Charisma (Intimidation) check, Gurt tells the party about
When the party enters the emporium, read: the experiments the trio had carried out on the slime. Some
of the research they conducted on the creatures was ethically
questionable. Toward the end of their time together, Lendarick
A trap door swings open and a green-tinted hedge was particularly keen on testing the use of animated slimes
pops out of the cellar, bellowing a joyful greeting. as cheap furnishings in the homes of those who couldn’t
“Welcome, welcome! Are you looking for some certain afford more.
slimes? We have all sorts of kinds! A slime for all times? At some point, Gurt gets somber and says:
Or just a friendly hello?” Gurt speaks quickly, tripping
on their words, and gets much too close to you. “Long “You will have to go to the roots of Alderheart, the
time guest or new to the area? Caught up in the hubbub Underfall. I think that’s where she might be. Find Sage,
or would you want some tea?” Gurt seems friendly and the gallus that looks like a storm cloud. She should
is curious about what you have to say. “I know! You look have some insight into whether Lendarick is behind the
like you’ve come a long way. I’ll make you a spot of tea cursed slimes. If you can find Lendarick, there may be a
and then see what ails you.” They wink. spark of him left. But it will be dangerous, and possibly
After chatting over some earthy dandelion root tea that
tastes a little off (it contains a touch of distilled slime), Gurt With a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check,
asks why the party is in the Reach. Gurt can be persuaded into disclosing what they believe
If shown the slime sample from Alderheart, Gurt’s eyes happened to Lendarick: Lendarick has become the fabled
go wide and sadness fills them. Gurt snatches up the vial and Slime King.
places it in a strange contraption with lenses and dials. They Gurt says they’ll know more about the slime sample in the
hum and haw over the sample. morning and recommends that the party find themselves a
While talkative, Gurt is a bit tight-beaked about their room at the nearby Wrangler’s Rest. Gurt also offers some of
knowledge of the unusual slimes, but if the party is up front their slime-infused dandelion root tea for the road.
about what Bita has tasked them to do, Gurt opens up. The At the GM’s discretion, being an empathic hedge, Gurt
party finds out Gurt was once great friends with a luma and could offer something that one of the party members desper-
a gallus: Lendarick and Sage. The three companions would ately needs. This something could be tied to a character’s
spend countless sleepless nights discussing slimes and their backstory or plot. What Gurt gifts the party member should
various applications. be within reason of what Gurt has available.
Gurt, still heartsick over their absent friends, becomes
strangely hopeful if the party mentions the slime attacks in
Alderheart. Lendarick had been fascinated with the transfor-

Descent into the Dark 7

CURSING A SLIME After the slime is defeated, Gurt encourages the party to
Just before leaving town, a flustered Gurt tracks down the make haste to the roots of Alderheart and Sage to find out
party. Gurt has distilled the slime and wishes to test a sample what happened to Lendarick. They advise the adventurers that
of the Alderheart slime on a normal slime. Gurt hypothesizes Sage spends most days with her mushroom cart, adding that
that the curse may be something an unaffected slime can she can probably help you find Lendarick. Gurt speculates that
contract through contact. Gurt requests that the party follow whatever the source of the curse is, destroying it should end
them back to their emporium. the curse and return the slimes back to normal.
Within the emporium, Gurt holds up a bottled slime that’s
large enough to contain the skull of a cerva. Gurt warns the As you get ready to leave Gurt and the emporium
group to stand back as they administer the cursed distilled full of goopy treasures, Gurt puts their head in their
slime to the bottled sticky slime. hands. From between their claws, you hear: “I didn’t
want to get Sage involved; she’s already lost so much
The bottled slime bubbles like a cauldron, boiling as because of this, but—” There is a painful pause. “Please.
if it were burning alive. Suddenly, the bottle bursts. The Her small cart is located just near the entrance to the
birdfolk skull shoots straight up, colors of red and black Underfall. When you find her, give her this.” Gurt
bursting from it. Bones begin to form and protrude reaches into their apron and pulls out a waxy, red-tipped
like spikes from a newly fabricated back. The cervan luma feather on a long chain. “She’ll need this if she
skull sitting atop the freshly assembled body gives wishes to try the ritual again.”
Gurt an evil look. It turns maliciously to you, clearly
ready to fight. Deflecting any questions about the ritual, Gurt bids fare-
well and suggests the party bring back a sample of any slime
they find in the roots. If the party ever returns with a one-of-
CURSED SLIME TIME a-kind slime specimen, Gurt rewards each member with one
The sticky slime has mutated into a cursed slime. With of the emporium’s signature potions: a special draught of slime
each round, the slime destroys something important to Gurt. curse cure, a potion that can remove any curse from the user.
Roll a d4 on the Destruction Chart to determine what is Before the party can run off, Gurt gives each a friendly,
destroyed. yet careful—hedges are prickly after all—hug goodbye. One
last time, Gurt offers the adventurers a mug of dandeli-
Destruction Chart on-slime-root tea to go, reassuring the party that it wouldn’t be
d4 Effect too much trouble at all.

1 Jar holding a sticky slime that joins the battle

2 A jug of black ichor that covers the floor, making it
difficult terrain
3 A flask that releases an acrid cloud that fills the
emporium; the released cloud has the same effect
as the gas created by the stinking cloud spell
4 A long test tube that breaks, its contents covering
the ground in a 20-foot radius and creating diffi-
cult terrain; additionally, the contents of the tube
cause all creatures within 20 feet of the broken test
tube to be knocked prone.

8 Descent into the Dark

Part 3: Into the Heart of Alderheart
The party, if they require assistance or are in a bind, may
use the recall crystal to return to the council chambers in
Motivated by the possibility of finding Lendarick, Sage
Alderheart. If they take the road, roll on the unpleasant
takes the gang to a seemingly abandoned district of the
encounters chart (see Part 2: Stirring Up the Past).
Underfall. It would be difficult for anyone who was not
THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM intimate with the twists and turns of the Underfall to navigate
Sage the Roostmother can be found outside the Underfall their way back to sunlight.
where she is trading edible and useful fungi from a ramshackle
wooden cart covered in moss. The gallus has a worn appear- This sector of the Underfall is devoid of life, and the
ance, and her eyes are tired under her incredibly fluffy feathers, streets have become petrified root tunnels. Sage stops at
but her spirit is joyful and happy. She talks in a whisper, barely a diverging passage. “Lendarick once brought me here
audible through her fluff, and she patiently repeats herself to share his progress. What I saw made me finally realize
whenever asked. that Lendarick was lost. His dreams of helping had
Sage is displeased if someone acts with an evil intent or become twisted fantasies. My dear friend had defiled the
steals, but she does not fight if approached with hostility. slimes with malicious magic, forcing them into uncon-
Aggression is met with a motherly huff of disapproval. Sage, senting servitude as unnecessary furnishings. If they felt
with a love for stories and tales, asks a lot of questions and pain, I...” Sage hesitates, lost in the upsetting memories.
frequently suggests a pint at the inn so she can hear more. Collecting her thoughts, Sage makes eye contact. “To
At any mention of slimes, Gurt, or Lendarick, Sage asks to get to his study, we will have to travel in a single file.”
join your party and show you around the roots.
If the party decides not to take Sage with them or not
trust her, she clumsily shadows the party and intervenes in Refer to figure 1.0 for a map of Lendarick’s Domain.
skirmishes. The main tunnel is a dark passage lined with glowing blue-
As a welcome companion or a tagalong, Sage talks about green slime. The party can take samples of this slime without
Lendarick and slimes. Sage confides that she is worried about much difficulty.
Lendarick and has prepared a ritual that requires one of his
feathers. The ritual allows her to attune with the spirit of the
slimes and the great tree Alderheart. Should it be needed,
the ritual could be used to bring Lendarick back from any
scourge that may have afflicted him. It is a complicated and
difficult ritual, but she believes it may be the only way to stop
the infected slimes from taking over the roots. For the magic
to work, they have to go deep into the Underfall, to where
Lendarick lost his way.
If the party presents Sage with the feather,read:

The ragged luma’s eyes light up. Sage takes the

feather in her talons, holds it to the light, and exclaims,
“Sweet Hanera! Where did you find this?” Sage pauses,
her head feathers fluffed out into a surprised halo.
“Gurt. Did Gurt give this to you?” With wet eyes, Sage
clutches the red-tipped luma feather to her chest and
continues, “I thought I’d lost every part of him. There’s
a chance. There’s a chance to bring him back now. I can’t
thank you enough.”

Descent into the Dark 9

lendaricks domain
fig. 1.0


The tunnel opens up into a room lined with enormous Continuing down the narrow tunnel past the slime prison,
glass containers. Stoppers fasten breathing tubes to the empty the party finds a cozy test room on the left. Inside the room
vessels. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check is a bed, chair, and chest fashioned out of animated slimes.
identifies slime residue on the insides of the large jugs. The green, pink, and blue glow of the furniture gives it an
At the end of the room, a smaller jar is occupied by an unearthly look. The walls of the room are caked in the same
orange slime that is quivering in fear and asking to be let out. bioluminescent slime found throughout Lendarick’s lodgings.
The orange ooze is Lendarick’s slime familiar. If the slime carried Stoa Mossbow away during the first
If the party gets within 5 feet of the sentient familiar’s jar, slime attack in Alderheart,the young strig is found sitting
the familiar bursts out and excitedly latches onto the shoe of comfortably on the bed made of slime. The slimes have not
the closest adventurer. Upon inspection, inside the familiar is harmed Stoa. In fact, Stoa made friends with a purple slime
a very small jerbeen skull with runes carved into it. As long as familiar, and other slimes act kindly towards them. Stoa is
it remains alive, it is a loyal companion to the party. The slime very curious and asks the party a million questions about who
does not speak Common but can gesture and wave with its they are, their past, and their favorite foods.
tentacles. If Stoa is in the cozy test room,the slimes remain furni-
ture because, irrespective of the tortures they have been
subjected to, the slimes are still kind toward young folk. Stoa
continues with the party for the rest of the adventure but hides
during fights. Slimes do not attack Stoa.

10 Descent into the Dark

If Stoa was rescued in Alderheart and a party member Searching the room further, a scribe’s kit, ink, and a small
touches the slime furniture, t he animated slime comes to life. copper ink pot worth 1 sp are found.
Freeing one animated slime reanimates the remaining two
animated slimes. All three slimes attack. Once defeated, all THE CATHEDRAL OF SLIME
that remains in the room is 5 gp and a pile of clothes where At the end of the main tunnel is a large open cavern
the slime chest used to be. Sage confirms the clothes are covered in glowing blue-and-green fungus, giving the petrified
Lendarick’s old robes. roots the appearance of an evening sky. At the center of the
cathedral is a phosphorescent pool surrounded by a rocky floor
LENDARICK’S STUDY that is slick with slime.
Farther into the tunnel, the opening for Lendarick’s study
is on the right wall. The study is lined with lanterns lit by
The Slime King stands in the middle of an illumi-
slime. Empty, used teacups sit on every flat surface available.
nated pool, roots arching over him like the high vaults
An old wooden desk sits on one side, littered with papers and
of a cathedral. Glowing spores float around the creature
drawings of slimes labelled with mysterious arcane writing.
as slime tendrils ooze into the Great Tree. “Lendarick!”
The desk drawers hold a quill, ink, parchment, and three vials
Sage yells loudly enough to surprise herself. The Slime
of unidentifiable slime. The vials contain what is left of one
King flinches at the name. Sage swings her head toward
of Lendarick’s botched experiments: transformative slime. If
her companions and pleads, “He just wanted to make
a character takes these as potions, roll on the Transformative
everything better! He still does. He made a mistake.
Slime table to determine their effect.
Don’t hurt him. He’s still there. I think I can bring him
Transformative Slime back. Please!”

d4 Effect
The Slime King reacts to the intrusion by beckoning two
1 The creature is polymorphed into a sticky slime slimesworn cultists to his side.
for 1 hour. If the party engages the Slime King,he and the
2 The creature is polymorphed into a bat for 1 hour. slimesworn cultists fight to the death (skip to “The Slime
3 Mushrooms grow from the creature’s head until it King’s Treasure” section).
takes a long rest.
4 The creature glows bioluminescent green in the
dark until it takes a long rest.

With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check,

Lendarick’s research journal can be found in a corner, hidden
under a slab of rock. The journal details his desire to improve
the lives of those in the roots and his love for the gallus Sage.
The newer journal entries write less about bettering lives and
love, and more about Lendarick’s experiments. Reading the
instructions on how to create transformative slime informs the
reader that “what remains of the experiment are found in the
three vials left in the desk drawer.” Lendarick’s last few entries
are barely legible, mere heavy ink scratches on the pages. The
last words that can be deciphered say “final transformation”
and “Slime King.”
If Sage is confronted with what Lendarick wrote about
his feelings for her,she blushes and behaves sheepish about it,
saying they were merely colleagues. With a successful DC 10
Wisdom (Insight) check, it is revealed that Sage is lying.
If asked about the Slime King,Sage gasps. Lendarick
had become obsessed with gaining an intimate understanding
of slimes, and the last time Sage saw Lendarick, he looked
extremely gaunt and the red in his feathers had faded. When
questioned, Lendarick responded he was fine and that his
sacrifice was for the greater good. Sage pleaded with Lendarick,
begging he leave the calcified root prison and step back into
the light. Lendarick never responded, choosing instead to
hunch over his work. Sage, not knowing what to do, left her
love behind.

Descent into the Dark 11

THE RITUAL owlet with hoots and kisses. Stoa holds up their new slime
If the party listens to Sage,she prepares for the ritual. friend and with large golden eyes asks their parents, “Can
If not aware of the feather Gurt gave the party, she says the I keep it?”
ritual most likely won’t work unless she has one of Lendarick’s If Lendarick dies and Sage is alive,Sage continues to
feathers. help the people of the roots, and she is now at peace knowing
The party must keep the cultists away from Sage and Lendarick is free. She opens up the slime tunnel as a shelter
Lendarick as she performs the ritual. for the poor. Sage begins research of her own, using slimes
Sage must maintain her concentration for 4 rounds, and, if for mundane uses, such as preserving food (skip to the “A
holding it, not let go of Lendarick’s feather for the duration. Speaker’s Thanks” section).
If the ritual is conducted without the feather or if the If Sage does not survive the ritual, she is remembered as
ritual fails, t he Slime King is destroyed and Lendarick’s spirit the hero of the Underfall. In her memory, folks keep a gallus
is freed in death (skip to “The Slime King’s Treasure” section). feather above their door to protect them from the evil of the
If the ritual is successful,read: roots. (skip to the “A Speaker’s Thanks” section).
If Lendarick and Sage are both alive,they return with
the party to the council chambers and Speaker Bita. Walking
In the dim cavern where the fungus serve as stars, with Lendarick through the roots draws a small crowd of curi-
the gallus holds up the mage’s feather and begins to ous birdfolk and humblefolk who whisper under their breath,
chant a prayer to Hanera. A warm light fills the cathe- amazed he’s returned. Lendarick was a legend within the roots,
dral-like chamber, flickering off the wet walls and the and his return is perceived as a sign of good fortune.
bulbous form of the Slime King. Speaker Bita is happy to see Lendarick again. His work,
As Sage’s chanting turns to soft singing, slime melts while dangerous, is worthy of acclaim, and she is happy that
away from the Slime King like a fast-burning candle. the slime threat has been dealt with. When Bita notices a
The ooze flows back into the ground through fissures in crowd has formed behind Lendarick, she steps up and speaks.
the hardened wood, revealing a small luma with tawny
feathers and black markings like a mask. “Too long have the roots been secondary to the trunk
Lendarick stands up, holding a worn cloth over himself. and boughs of this perch. Alderheart has shown us in
Slime and skulls litter the ground around his feet. “Sage, the past that we should honor all who live here, and that
you saved me...I never could have.” His voice is full of means the roots as well.”
anguish, but the gallus embraces him before he objects.
With the help of Lendarick and Sage, the roots become less
The ritual separates Lendarick from the slime that trans- dangerous and the council forgives Lendarick for his previous
formed him and returns him to his true form. actions, as his intent was always to help those in need. The
If the orange slime familiar is with the party,it happily party gains the friendship of the two birdfolk.
oozes its way over to Lendarick and curls around his feet.
Irrespective of how the Slime King situation is cleaned
up, with the slime threat addressed, the council expresses their
All that is left of the Slime King is the Slimeforged
thanks by replacing the party’s tokens of favor with tokens
Blade, a bone-forged greatsword.
of service. The face of the token of service is engraved with a
heart made out of roots. In the future, any reasonable help that
EPILOGUE a bearer of the token of service may need from the council is
If the party reunites Stoa with their parents,the granted without condition.
Mossbows ignore the party members and shower their little

12 Descent into the Dark


Animated, Slime Animated slimes can morph into common objects for
various use: tables, benches, etc. Some have used them to help
medium ooze neutral
furnish the homes of the poor. Some animated slimes have
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) gone rogue, acting as mundane pieces of furniture to lure prey
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) into their clutches.
Speed 15 ft.

17 (+3)
12 (+1)
15 (+2)
5 (−3))
13 (+1)
8 (−1) cursed Slime
medium ooze, neutral evil

Skills S
 tealth +5
Armor Class 8
Damage Immunitiesacid
Hit Points 27 (4d8 + 9)
Condition Immunitiesprone
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Challenge2 (450 XP) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 (+2) 6 (−2) 16 (+3) 2 (−4) 6 (−2) 1 (−5)
False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the
animated slime remains motionless, it is indistinguishable
from an ordinary object. Damage Immunitiesacid
Condition Immunitiesblinded, charmed, deafened,
Grappler. The animated slime has advantage on attack rolls
exhaustion, frightened, prone
against any creature grappled by it.
Sensesblindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Occasionally Adhesive (Object Form Only). The animated Perception 8
slime can use a bonus action to become sticky and adhere Languages—
to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature Challenge1/4 (50 XP)
adhered to the animated slime is also grappled by it
(escape DC 13). Ability checks made to escape this grap-
ple have disadvantage. The animated slime can become Amorphous. The cursed slime can move through a space
non-adhesive at any time. as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Shapechanger. The animated slime can use its action to Cursed. Any creature that touches the slime or hits it with
polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous a melee attack must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equip- throw or take 2 (1d4) psychic damage.
ment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to Spider Climb. The slime can climb difficult surfaces,
its true form if it dies. including vertically and upside down, without making an
ability check.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Actions
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage. Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) psychic damage.
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the slime
is in object form, the target is subjected to its Occasionally Reactions
Adhesive trait (if it is currently active). Slime Curse. The cursed slime picks a target at random
and uses a tentacle to splash a sticky, foul-smelling residue
on its victim. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw or have disadvantage on all saving throws
until the end of the cursed slime’s next turn.
Split. When a cursed slime that is Medium or larger and has
10 or more hit points is hit with slashing damage, it splits
into two new slimes. Each new slime has hit points equal to
half the original slime’s, rounded down. New slimes are one
size smaller than the previous size.

Descent into the Dark 13

Emberbat Echolocation.The emberbat can’t use its blindsight while
Ember Flame. The emberbat can create a flame from its
tiny beast unaligned
nose at will. It sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim

light for another 5 feet. This effect lasts until it is dismissed,
Armor Class 12 which the emberbat can do at any time. When lit, the flame
Hit Points 2 (1d4) also provides a small damage boost to the emberbat’s Bite
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (included in the attack).

Keen Hearing. The emberbat has advantage on Wisdom
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

15 (+2) 6 (−2) 16 (+3) 2 (−4) 6 (−2) 1 (−5) Actions

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Sensesblindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Hit: 1 piercing damage plus 1 fire damage.
Challenge0 (10 XP)

Slime Familiar
small ooze chaotic good

Armor Class 6
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft.


12 (+1) 3 (−4) 14 (+2) 6 (−2) 6 (−2) 18 (+4)

Damage Immunitiesbludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Condition Immunitiesblinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, prone
Sensesblindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 8
Challenge1/8 (25 XP)

Adorable Monstrosity. The slime has advantage on

Charisma (Performance) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Amorphous. The slime can move through a space as
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Cute. The slime is adorable. It can cast charm person once
per day without material components.
Mucus. When the slime is hit by a melee attack, the
attacker must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw
or their weapon becomes stuck in the slime. The weapon
can be wrenched out by using an action to make a DC 12
Strength (Athletics) check, freeing the weapon on a success.
All weapons stuck in the slime can be retrieved once the
slime is slain. This slime does not secrete a sticky residue
while moving.

Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

14 Descent into the Dark

Slime King
huge ooze, chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 172 (15d12 + 75)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 7 (−2)

SkillsPerception +6
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Challenge8 (3,900 XP))

Multiple Heads. The Slime King has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks and on saving throws against being
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and
knocked unconscious.
Wakeful. While the Slime King sleeps, at least one of its
heads is awake.
Watchful Skulls. The Slime King gets two extra reactions
that can be used only for opportunity attacks.

Multiattack. The Slime King makes three Bite attacks.
It can replace one of its Bite attacks with a Slimeforged
Blade attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Slimeforged Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) piercing damage. On
a hit, roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the target is also para-
lyzed until the end of its next turn.
Innate Spellcasting. The Slime King’s innate spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast
the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: a cid splash, prismatic spray, web
3/day each:blizzard, stinking cloud
1/day:chain lightning

Legendary Actions
 he Slime King can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action option can
be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
turn. The Slime King regains all spent legendary actions at
the start of its turn.
Bite. The Slime King makes a Bite attack.
Cantrip. The Slime King casts a cantrip.
Spread the Curse (Costs 2 Actions). The Slime King sends
out a spray of bone and slime. All enemies in a 20-foot
radius centered on the Slime King must make a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) piercing damage and
3 (1d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on
a success.

Descent into the Dark 15

Lendarick’s true form is a half-slime, half-luma monstros-
ity. A birdfolk skull adorns each of the Slime King’s shoulders,
making him look like a three-headed horror. The back of the

partially decomposed body is decorated with cerva horns,

swords, and other monstrous protrusions. The Slime King
carries a greatsword hewn from the bone of some massive
creature and infused with the powers of cursed slimes.

a a
The cultists are folk from the roots who passed and were
reanimated with slime magic woven into cloth. They can be

of any race. In an attempt to make them look less frightening,

Lendarick fashioned the magic cloth into robes, leaving only
their heads and claws exposed. The robes are painted with dark
slime in swirling patterns. The cultists are controlled by the
robes, and if the robes are engulfed in fire, the corpse crumples
to the floor.

a a
Slimesworn Cultist Sticky Slime
medium ooze, unaligned
medium ooze chaotic evil

Armor Class 6
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft.

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 3 (−4) 1 (−5) 1 (−5) 12 (+1) 3 (−4) 14 (+2) 1 (−5) 6 (−2) 1 (−5)

Damage Resistancesbludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Damage Immunitiespoison, psychic
Condition Immunitiesblinded, charmed, deafened, Condition Immunitiesblinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned exhaustion, frightened, prone
Sensesblindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Sensesblindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 5 Perception 8
Languages— Languages—
Challenge1 (200 XP) Challenge1/8 (25 XP)

Antimagic Susceptibility. The slimesworn cultist is inca-

Amorphous. The slime can move through a space as
pacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
by dispel magic, the slimesworn cultist must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC Mucus. When the slime is hit by a melee attack, the
or fall unconscious for 1 minute. attacker must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or
their weapon becomes stuck in the slime. The weapon can
Dead Accurate. If the slimesworn cultist is motionless, it
be wrenched out by using an action to make a Strength
looks merely like a dead mage.
(Athletics) check against the same DC, freeing the weapon
on a success. All weapons stuck in the slime can be
Actions retrieved once the slime is slain.
Multiattack. The slimesworn cultist makes two Slime Trail. The slime leaves a trail of ooze behind it that
melee attacks. remains tacky for up to 15 minutes. A creature that steps in
Fabric Tendrils. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach the ooze must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw
10 ft., one Medium or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is or become restrained. A creature may attempt the saving
grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target throw again at the end of each of its turns, ending the
is also restrained and must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution effect on a success.
saving throw at the start of each its turns or take 10 (3d6)
acid damage. Actions
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

16 Descent into the Dark


a a

a a
Bita is a bright gallus whose elegant white plumage resem- Gurt is a small, green-tinged hedge who owns Gurt’s
bles that of a peacock. As the Birdfolk Council’s Speaker, she Emporium, a small slime shop in Winnowing Reach. They
is always first to address those who have been granted an audi- wear a rough hide smock and a linen jumpsuit lined with
ence with the council. She takes her duties as the Speaker and pockets. Each pocket holds a different tool to extract or handle

a a
as a council member seriously. Despite her profound affection slime. Different sized vials and bottles are fastened to Gurt’s
for Humblewood and its citizens, she often comes off as severe belt and bandolier. Some of these glass containers are filled
and cold. Bita believes in doing what’s best for the folks of the with slime. Their dark eyes are covered in large goggles, caked
Wood, and sometimes this means making level-headed, tough in residue from countless slime explosions. Gurt is missing the
decisions. Bita uses the noble stat block, adjusted with the ring finger on their right paw. A big smile reveals two missing

racial traits of a bright gallus. teeth, and their voice is fairly deep for their small size.

Bita, the Council Speaker Gurt Hallowfen
( ),
medium humanoid birdfolk lawful good small humanoid (hedge), chaotic good

Armor Class 15 (breastplate) Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 9 (2d8) Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

SkillsDeception +5, Insight +5, Persuasion +5 Saving ThrowsDex +3, Cha +5

Sensespassive Perception 13 SkillsAcrobatics +3, Perception +5, Performance +7
LanguagesBirdfolk, Hedge; understands Auran but Sensespassive Perception 15
can’t speak it LanguagesBirdfolk, Hedge; can speak with beasts of any
Challenge1/8 (25 XP) size which represent spiders, insects, worms, or other bugs
Challenge2 (450 XP)
Glide. When falling at least 10 feet, Bita can spend a reac-
tion to fly up to her speed in one direction as she descends. Spellcasting. Gurt is a 7th-level spellcaster. Their spellcast-
She lands in an unoccupied space at the end of her move- ing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
ment and takes no falling damage. She cannot glide while attacks). They have the following bard spells prepared:
carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or shields (though Cantrips (at will):light, mage hand, mending
she can drop any held items as part of her reaction). 1st level (4 slots):comprehend languages, identify,
Wing Flap. As a bonus action, Bita can use her powerful unseen servant
feathered arms to propel herself upward up to half her 2nd level (3 slots):invisibility, shatter, suggestion
movement speed. Bita can use it in conjunction with a
3rd level (3 slots):dispel magic, glyph of warding, protec-
regular jump, but not while gliding.
tion from energy, remove curse
Actions 4th level (1 slot):polymorph
Taunt (2/Day). Gurt can use a bonus action on their turn
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
to target one creature within 30 feet of them. If the target
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
can hear Gurt, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma
Inspiring. Bita targets an ally that can see and hear her. The saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack
target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to their next rolls, and saving throws until the start of Gurt’s next turn.
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
Multiattack. Gurt makes two weapon attacks, one with
their rapier and one with their dagger.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) pierc-
ing damage.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Descent into the Dark 17

Lendarick Rootborn Lendarick is a powerful mage graduate of the Avium, and
his quest to save the poor of the roots caused him to change
( ),
small humanoid birdfolk chaotic good
into a horrible slime monster known as the Slime King. Before
his transformation, Lendarick was a Medium-sized luma with
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) silky, red-brown feathers and a black mask-like streak across
Hit Points 58 (13d6 + 13)
Speed 25 ft. his eyes. He wore robes of blue silk. Lendarick was commonly
seen scribbling in a beautifully bound notebook, and never
without a fresh cup of rose tea, taken with two sugars. Soft-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA spoken and good-natured, he was never a burden to others and
8 (−1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) always tried to help those less fortunate. Unfortunately, his
ambitions to help led to his transformation.
Saving ThrowsInt +7, Wis +4
SkillsArcana +7, History +7
Damage Resistancespoison
Sensespassive Perception 11
LanguagesAuran, Birdfolk, Jerbeen, Mapach, Vulpin
Challenge6 (2,300 XP)

Fated (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lendarick can

choose to reroll any attack, skill check, or saving throw.
Glide. When falling at least 10 feet, Lendarick can spend
a reaction to fly up to his speed in one direction as he
descends. He lands in an unoccupied space at the end of
his movement and takes no falling damage. He cannot
glide while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or
shields (though he can drop any held items as part of his
Resilience. Lendarick has advantage on saving throws
against poison.
Spellcasting. Lendarick is a 10th-level spellcaster. Their
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7
to hit with spell attacks). Lendarick has the following
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will):message, minor illusion, poison spray,
1st level (4 slots):detect magic, false life, fog cloud, mage
armor, silent image
2nd level (3 slots):acid arrow, alter self, gentle repose
3rd level (3 slots):stinking cloud, water breathing
4th level (3 slots):animate dead, polymorph
5th level (2 slots):conjure elemental, mislead
Wing Flap. As a bonus action, Lendarick can use his
powerful feathered arms to propel himself upward
up to half his movement speed. Lendarick can use
it in conjunction with a regular jump, but not
while gliding.

Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 − 1) bludgeoning damage.

Charming (3/Day). When a creature makes an
attack against Lendarick, the creature must
succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
target the next closest creature within range.
If multiple creatures are closest, the attacker
chooses. This feature does not work if there
are no other creatures within range.

18 Descent into the Dark

Merle and Morris Mossbow Glide. When falling at least 10 feet, Merle and Morris can
spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one direction

as they descend. They land in an unoccupied space at the
( ),
medium humanoid birdfolk chaotic good
end of their movement and take no falling damage. They
cannot glide while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or
Armor Class 10 shields (though they can drop any held items as part of their
Hit Points 4 (1d8) reaction).

Speed 30 ft. Patterned Feathers. Merle and Morris have advantage
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when they attempt to hide
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA in a forest.
Talons. Merle and Morris roll with advantage on Strength

12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
(Athletics) checks made to climb any surface their talons
could reasonably grip.
Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
LanguagesBirdfolk; understands Auran but can’t speak it Actions
Challenge0 (10 XP) Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.

Sage the Roostmother Glide. When falling at least 10 feet, Sage can spend a reaction
to fly up to her speed in one direction as she descends. She
lands in an unoccupied space at the end of her movement
( ),
medium humanoid birdfolk neutral good
and takes no falling damage. She cannot glide while carrying
heavy objects, heavy weapons, or shields (though she can
Armor Class 10 drop any held items as part of her reaction).
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Seedspeech. Sage can communicate simple ideas to
Speed 30 ft.
living plants and is able to interpret their responses in
simple language.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Wing Flap. As a bonus action, Sage can use her powerful
10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) feathered arms to propel herself upward up to half her move-
ment speed. Sage can use it in conjunction with a regular
jump, but not while gliding.
Sensespassive Perception 11
LanguagesBirdfolk, Jerbeen, Mapach; understands Auran Actions
but can’t speak it
Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Challenge0 (10 XP)
Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.

MERLE AND MORRIS MOSSBOW Sage has a habit of giving random objects to creatures
Merle and Morris are the proud strig parents of little Stoa. who seem sad. Here are some examples of items she keeps in
If anything were ever to happen to Stoa, they would be beside her robes.
themselves. d10 Item
SAGE THE ROOSTMOTHER 1 Teacup with a talon logo on it
Sage is a one-legged gallus with fluffy, white-grey feathers 2 Claw from a raptor
that look more like fur than feathers. She looks and acts like a
3 Ticket for one free hug (hand-written by Sage)
walking storm cloud but has a soft voice and a kind heart. Sage
wears soft linen rags most likely made from discarded pieces 4 Tiny cheese wheel
of clothing that once belonged to wealthy birdfolk. Each piece 5 Miniature bronze figure of an emberbat
looks carefully selected, as if it has a story to tell. A black luma
6 Thimble in the shape of a beak
feather on a chain can be spotted around her neck with a
successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. 7 Nice satchel of lavender
8 Tuft of feathers from a strig warrior
9 Green handkerchief with strawberries embroidered on it
10 A small brown bag of corn that says “seebies”

Descent into the Dark 19

The offspring of Merle and Morris Mossbow, Stoa is a
young strig who steps into trouble more often than their Stoa Mossbow
medium humanoid (birdfolk), neutral good
parents like. Though the wide-eyed Stoa may not know it
yet, they have the heart of an adventurer, and adventure has a
Armor Class 10
knack for finding them. Stoa carries a few shiny buttons and
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
a coin they found and keep for good luck. When asked about Speed 25 ft.
the objects, Stoa hides them away and denies their existence.

New Magic Items 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Sensespassive Perception 10
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

LanguagesBirdfolk; understands Auran but can’t speak it

Challenge0 (10 XP)
Weapon (greatsword), rare Glide. When falling at least 10 feet, Stoa can spend a
reaction to fly up to their speed in one direction as they
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with descend. They land in an unoccupied space at the end of
this magic weapon. their movement and take no falling damage. They cannot
Proficiency with a greatsword allows you to add your profi- glide while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or
ciency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. shields (though they can drop any held items as part of
their reaction).
On a successful hit, the sword has a chance of paralyzing
Patterned Feathers. Stoa has advantage on Dexterity
the victim. Roll a d20. If the roll is 15 or greater, the target is
(Stealth) checks when they attempt to hide in a forest.
paralyzed for 1 round.
Talons. Stoa rolls advantage on Strength (Athletics)
checks made to climb any surface their talons could
reasonably grip.

Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.

20 Descent into the Dark

The terms of the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a are as follows:


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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
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